Two-time champion Mr. Universe. Mr universe

Mr. Olympia is the most significant international bodybuilding competition held under the auspices of International Federation bodybuilding (English International Federation of Bodybuilding, IFBB). The competition was organized by Joe and Ben Vader with ... ... Wikipedia

The Marvel Universe is a fictional, shared universe where most of the comic book stories published by Marvel Comics take place. The Marvel Universe actually exists in a multiverse, consisting of thousands of separate universes, which are all ... ... Wikipedia

The Marvel Universe is a fictional, shared universe where most of the comic book stories published by Marvel Comics take place. The Marvel Universe actually exists in a multiverse consisting of thousands of separate universes, which are all created ... ... Wikipedia

Batman Mr. Freeze: SubZero ... Wikipedia

KVM movie logos. From top to bottom:: Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, The First Avenger, The Avengers and unreleased films: Iron Man ... Wikipedia

Mr. Olympia is the most significant international bodybuilding bodybuilding competition held under the auspices of the International Federation of Bodybuilders (International Federaion of BodyBuilders, IFBB). The competition was organized by Joe Vader so that ... ... Wikipedia

Arnold performs under the pseudonyms "Austrian oak" and "Styrian oak". At the age of 19, he wins the Mister Europe contest; 4 times receives the title "Mr. Universe", and 7 times "Mr. Olympia". Contents 1 Arnold Schwarzenegger's place in ... ... Wikipedia

The style of this article is not encyclopedic or violates the norms of the Russian language. The article should be corrected according to the stylistic rules of Wikipedia. Arnold performs under the pseudonyms "Austrian oak" and "Styrian oak". At the age of 19 he wins ... ... Wikipedia

Frank Zane Frank Zane Personal Information Gender: Male ... Wikipedia


  • , Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Dobbins. The book of one of the most famous and successful people in the world - Arnold Schwerzenegger - will become an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to argue with nature and build their body brick by brick.…
  • The Classic Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, Arnold Schwarzenegger. What this book is about "The Classic Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding" is a unique manual written by a man whose name is known to the whole world. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who in 1967 became the youngest...

The first few months in Munich, I let myself be taken over by the nightlife and fun. But then I realized that I was losing concentration, and began to pull myself together. My goal was not entertainment, but the title of world champion in bodybuilding. If I wanted to get my 7 hours of sleep, then I had to be in bed by 11. There was always time for entertainment, and, one way or another, we were constantly having fun.

My boss turned out to be a bigger threat to my Mr. Universe prospects than any mug-waving in a pub. There were only a few weeks left before the start, and I still had not received a response on the application for participation in the competition. In the end, Albert called London, and they answered that nothing had come from me. Albert pinned Putziger to the wall, who admitted that he found my application in outgoing mail and threw it away. He was afraid that I might open up and move from England to America before he could make money from me. I would have been sunk if not for Albert's command of English and his desire to support me. He called London again and begged the organizers to consider my application, although the deadline had already been passed. They agreed. A few days before the competition, the papers arrived and I was added to the list of participants.

Other bodybuilders in Munich also rallied to my support. Putziger had to pay for my flight to London, of course. any success I had there would draw attention to his hall. But when word of the sabotage broke out, his rival Smolana "tipped his hat around" and collected 300 Deutsche Marks for my ticket. On September 23, 1966, I boarded a plane for London. I was 19 and it was my first flight. I was expecting to go by train, so I was just in ecstasy. I had the conviction that none of those with whom I went to school, did not reach such heights in life. I was sitting in the liner next to the businessmen, and it all happened thanks to bodybuilding.

The first Mr. Universe competition was held a year after my birth, in 1948. They were held in London every September. English-speaking participants predominated (as in general in bodybuilding), especially the Americans, who won probably 80% of the time. All the great bodybuilders, my youth idols, have won the Mr. Universe title: Steve Reeves, Reg Park, Bill Pearl, Jack Delinger, Tommy Sanson, Paul Winter. I remember looking at competition photos when I was a teenager. The winner stands on a pedestal, a cup in his hands, and everyone else stands below, on the stage. This pedestal is where my place is in the end, as I thought. The vision was very clear: I knew how it would look and how I would feel. It should have been like I was in heaven, but I didn't expect to win this year. I got a list of bodybuilders that I was going to fight in the amateur class, looked at their photos and thought, “Jesus Christ.” Their relief was better than mine. I wanted to get into the final six, because. felt that the numbers 2, 3 and 4 I can not get around. It seemed to me that they were too embossed, and I'm not quite in the trend. I was still on the long journey of building my ideal muscle mass; the idea was to create a raw volume, and only then carve a shape out of it, cut out something ideal.

They held the competition at the Victoria Palace Theatre, an old, ornate venue of marble and statues, a few blocks from Victoria Station. The main competitions were always preceded by a preparatory routine. In the morning there were qualifying matches, or technical rounds. Bodybuilders and judges gathered in the audience, reporters could also be there, but the public was not allowed. This was done in order to give the judges the opportunity to assess the development of the muscles and the relief of the contestants, to systematically compare each with the rest. You stand in a line with your back to the stage with all the other members of your category (mine was called "high amateurs"). Everyone has a number pinned on their posing trunks. The judge says, "Number 14 and number 8, please step forward, show your quads." The two come to the center of the stage and tense up in a standard pose that shows off the 4 muscles on the front of the thigh while the judges mark themselves. The results of these technical rounds influenced the decisions that were made later that day. Then, in the afternoon, of course, there was the final show: competitions with posing for each category and the final posing among the winners in their classes to determine the absolute champion among all amateurs and all professionals.

Compared to other competitions that I have seen, Mr. Universe has been the most commercially successful. Every seat at the Victoria Palace was sold out: more than 1,500 seats were occupied by bodybuilders cheering and cheering, and many more stuck outside hoping to squeeze in. The show itself was more of a circus than a competition. The stage was professionally lit with spotlights and they even brought in an entire orchestra to set the mood. The two-hour program included entertainment between rounds of competition, such as a bikini contest, acrobats and 2 troupes of women in swimsuits and fashionable shoes, who marched and posed, holding small barbells and other weights.

To my amazement, I discovered in the technical round that morning that I had overestimated my opponents. The top bodybuilders in the "tall amateur" category did have more definition, but when we were all together on stage, I still stood out from the crowd. The bottom line is that not all other athletes were really strong, especially those who trained mostly on machines. Years of training as a powerlifter and working with free weights gave me massive biceps, shoulders, back and hips. I just looked bigger and stronger than the rest.

By the time of the show, there was a rumor going around about a teenage monster that appeared out of nowhere, with an unpronounceable last name, who was fucking huge. So the crowd was especially noisy and enthusiastic when our group came out. I didn't win, but I was closer to winning than I or anyone else could have expected. By the time of the final posing, the competition was reduced to a duel between me and the American Chester Yorton, and the judges chose Chet. I admit that it was the right decision: although Chet was at least 20 pounds lighter than me, he was chiseled, with excellent proportions, and his posing was smoother and more polished than mine. In addition, he had a beautiful tan, and I looked like dough against him.

I was ecstatic that I suddenly became a finalist; it felt like a win. I was in the spotlight, so much so that people began to say: “In next year he will win." Bodybuilding magazines in English began to mention me, which was extremely important, because. I had to become famous in England and America in order to achieve my goal.

The dizziness of success lasted until I could calmly think. Then it hit me: Chet Yorton was on that pedestal, not me. He deserved this victory, and I made a serious mistake. What if I went to London with the hope of success? Would you have been better prepared? Would you have posed better? Would I win and be Mr. Universe by now? Instead, I underestimated my chances. I didn't like what I felt in that state. I was taught a lesson.

From that moment on, I never went to competitions just to compete. I went to win. Even though I didn't win every time, I still had that attitude. I became stubborn as a lamb. Having caught my thoughts before the competition, you might hear something like: “I deserve this pedestal, it is mine, the sea is knee-deep to me. Get out of the way, I'm on a trajectory to victory. Everyone aside and give me this cup.”

I imagined myself at the top of the podium, with a goblet in my hands. Everyone else will be downstairs. And I will look down.

After 3 months, back in London, I was laughing and fooling around on the carpet in the living room with a bunch of kids. It was the family of Wag and Diana Bennet, owners of two gyms that were at the center of the British bodybuilding scene. Vag was a judge on Mr. Universe and he invited me to stay with him and Diane at a house in the Forest Gate area for a few weeks of training. Although they had 6 children of their own, they took me under their wing and became like parents to me.

Veg immediately dotted the i's, saying that, in his opinion, I need to work hard. The first task on his list was my posing. I knew there was a big difference between successful and standard programs. The poses are like photographs, and the program is like a movie. To hypnotize and captivate the audience, it is necessary that the poses flow from one to another. What will you do between this pose and the next? How will the hands move? What will the face show? I never even imagined how difficult it all is. Vag showed me how to slow down and move like ballet; the value of posture, a straight back, keeping the head held high, not lowered.

This I could understand, but it was more difficult to absorb the idea of ​​posing to music. Vag turned on the dramatic theme from Exodus on his hi-fi and signaled me to begin my program. At first, I couldn't imagine anything more distracting or less cool. But, as time went on, I began to understand how I could make my movements more “choreographic” and ride the melody like a wave: a quiet moment for a concentrated, beautiful pose from the back, flowing into the “chest side” pose when the music gets louder , and then “boom!” - a magnificent pose "maximum muscularity" on a crescendo.

Diana focused on feeding my body with protein and improving my manners. It must have sometimes seemed to her that I was raised by wolves. I didn't know how to properly handle a knife and fork, I didn't understand that I needed help cleaning up after dinner. Diana picked up where my parents left off in my upbringing, Fredi Gerstl and Frau Matscher. One of the few times I pissed her off was when she saw me shoving a crowd of fans clearing my way after the competition. I only thought about one thing: “I won. Now I have to go to the party." But Diana grabbed me and said: “Arnold, don’t do this. These are the people who came to see YOU. They spent their money on it, and many of them came from afar. You can find a few minutes and give them your autograph." She chastised me about it and it changed my life. I never thought about fans, only competitors. But from that moment on, he always found time for them.

Even children were involved in the "Raising Arnold" project. There is probably no better way to learn English than living with a fun and happy family in London where no one understands German, where you sleep on the couch and have 6 little brothers and sisters. They treated me like a new giant puppy and loved teaching me new words.

A photo taken during this trip shows my first meeting with childhood idol Reg Park: he is tanned and relaxed in a tracksuit, and I look star-struck and pale in my posing trunks. I was in the presence of Hercules himself, the three-time Mr. Universe, the star whose photos hung on my wall, the man on whose template I designed my life plan. I could barely utter a word. All my knowledge of English flew out of my head in an instant.

Reg then lived in Johannesburg, where he had his own network of gyms, but returned to England several times a year on business. He was a friend of the Bennets and generously agreed to bring me up to speed. Veg and Diana felt that for me the best way perform well on Mr. Universe will become famous in the UK. Bodybuilders at the time achieved this by taking part in the exhibition cycles: promoters throughout the British Isles organized local events, and by agreeing to participate in them, you could earn some money and increase your popularity with the masses. Reg, when all this was happening, was on his way to an exhibition in Belfast, northern ireland and offered to take me along. Making a name for yourself in bodybuilding is a process very similar to politics. You travel from one city to another in the expectation that they will talk about you. be closer to common people– it worked, and the enthusiasm of the public, created by this, eventually helped me win Mr. Universe.

One evening, I stood backstage and watched Reg pose on stage for a crowd of several hundred cheering fans from the show. Then he went to the microphone and called me to the platform. He hosted the show while I showed off my strength: 275lb bicep curl and deadlift 500 pounds for 5 times. I ended up posing and got a standing ovation. I was about to step off the platform when I heard Reg say, "Arnold, come on like this." When I got to the microphone, he continued, "Say something to the people."

I replied: "No, no, no .."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't speak English well."

"Hey!" he said. "This is very good! Let's applaud a little. It's a very nerve-wracking moment for a guy who doesn't speak English to say that sentence." He started clapping, and then they all applauded.
Suddenly I felt, “God, this is great. They like what I said!”

Reg continued, "Tell them you love Ireland."

"I love Ireland!" Applause again. He says, “I remember you mentioned earlier that this is your first time in Ireland and you can't wait to get here. Right?"

“So tell them you couldn’t wait….”

"I couldn't wait..."

"...when will I get here"

“... when will I get here,” I repeated, and again applause. And for every sentence he asked me to repeat, I received a standing ovation.

If he'd told me the day before, "I'm going to yank you on stage and ask you to say a few words," I would have been scared to death. But here I was able to practice public speaking without pressure. I didn’t have to worry about how the audience would receive me, worry about what to say. There was no fear there, because the focus was on the body. I lifted weights, posed, and knew that I was received favorably. And the speech was just an addition.

After that, I studied Reg on many shows. The way he spoke was incredible. He could entertain people. He was sociable. He told stories. And he was Hercules! He was Mr. Universe! He understood wine, food, spoke French, Italian. He was one of those guys who acted in concert with the public. I watched him hold the microphone and I said to myself, “This is what you have to do. You can't just pose on stage like a robot and then leave without people ever knowing your identity. Reg Park is talking to them. He is the only bodybuilder I have seen who talks to people. That's why they love him. That's why he's Reg Park."

The other day, the most handsome man in the universe, 28-year-old Rostovite Eduard Krivenko, returned to Rostov. He received this title after in mid-November, representing Russia at a prestigious beauty contest, he won a resounding victory in the distant city of Panama City. There in Latin America, the competition "Mr. Model of the Universe" has been held for several years now.

This year the jury had a hard time: handsome men from 19 to 30 years old from more than three dozen countries, including Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, America, Miami, France and China came out on the podium. But luck smiled at our countryman.

What helped him become the best? What prizes did he bring with him and what kind of women does he prefer? Eduard spoke about this and many other things in a frank interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

They handed over the sacred medal that grants immortality!- Eduard, some five years ago you became "Mr. Russia", and now you are returning to native city with another win. Tell us how it all went... - We were very well received: we were shown the residence of the President of Panama. In fact, this is a separate territory - like the Vatican, with its own infrastructure and shopping centers. In addition, before the final release, we passed an interview with the jury, participated in a photo shoot in the water, on boats and abandoned factories.

The final itself took place on the stage: there were exits in swimming trunks and in national costume. You know, there were eight opponents that really made me nervous. Because, to be honest, I thought that in Latin America and Western countries, men do not look after themselves very much.

- As far as I know, you brought a costume weighing several tens of kilograms to the competition ...- Yes, it was the costume of the Russian hero Ilya Muromets. Its weight is 34 kilograms. And to transport it abroad, I had to work hard. The fact is that the entire costume and a one and a half meter sword were made of titanium. For the Panamanians, this is a semi-precious product. Therefore, in order to go to the competition, I had to break it down into parts: get 34 seals for each part and permission for the right to export from the capital administration.

They say you almost died...- When we were at the photo shoot, suddenly, literally in forty seconds, a hurricane rose. Participants of the beauty contest, which was held in Panama in parallel with ours, got into the epicenter. I dropped my bags and ran towards them. And suddenly the roof was blown off by the elements, which collapsed right on us - I covered the girl with myself and saved her. True, after that he could not get up for two days - he injured his back, it was difficult to breathe. I went on stage with five painkillers in my mouth: I clenched my teeth in pain and smiled. I was taught at the "Image Center": no matter how bad you feel, the viewer should not know about it.

- What was the most difficult?- In addition to the hurricane, many tests awaited me: the flight was difficult, adaptation - after all, nine hours difference! The jury and everyone around spoke mainly in Spanish: and this is nerves and an additional expenditure of energy. In addition, I was completely alone at the competition: when I had a free minute there, it was deep night in my homeland, the phone broke down again during the hurricane ... Well, and, accordingly, the competitive struggle throughout the week. I did everything to get there and become the best. I believe that the title is important not only for me, but also for other people: I want to serve them for the good.

- What did you get as a prize?- A ribbon and a medal, but not a simple one, but a sacred one. It is made of jade stone. It includes jade and jadeite (rocks composed of microscopic, intertwining crystals). He is considered the harbinger of all precious stones and symbolizes the five main virtues: mercy, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom! The name "jade" dates back to the conquest of Central and South America by the Spaniards. And it means, in the literal sense of the word, “lumbar stone”, since it was applied to the lower back for medicinal purposes in order to heal the patient! According to the Chinese, who have been using it for two thousand years, it is considered a stone that gives immortality and a high position in society! Before the competition I lost 11 kg...

- How do you manage to keep yourself in shape?- I have been preparing for this title for eight months. I got up at 8 am and ran exactly two kilometers. I was preparing in Rostov, as the local climate and the impulsiveness of fellow countrymen helped me. He studied with choreographers, actively taught Spanish. Every day I fell off my feet. During the training, I lost 11 kilograms. Before the competition, I weighed 107. In addition, I had my own diet.

- Tell...- Its essence is in separate nutrition: separately meat, fats, carbohydrates. It can be either chicken, or salad, or an apple. I never mix food and never gain weight. I eat six or seven times a day, and a maximum of nine. One more important point- you can not drink food, otherwise the stomach is stretched. Actually, 85 percent of the beauty of the body, skin, hair and complexion depends on your diet. If it is wrong, then you will not achieve anything in life.

- Interesting theory...- I used to conduct fitness and choreography trainings. And I can make any figure perfect, only it takes time. True, not everyone can withstand 18 weeks of a diet without salt, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, you can swim only four times a week, since water is also absorbed through the pores, and our task is to remove all unnecessary. Also, you need to have good stretch- The more flexible the joints, the longer you stay young. I have such a sign: if your cheeks are sunken, then you are well prepared for the competition.

- Eduard, tell me, what is your relationship with cosmetics?- I was surprised that everyone there is bathed in makeup, like in milk. But, in my opinion, the main thing is not how you get smeared, but who you feel on stage.

in the Rostov the region will pass twin competition

It will be held this Saturday at the House of Culture of Bataysk

This Saturday, November 24, in the city of Bataysk Rostov region there will be a twin competition. Like two peas in a pod, the little ones alike together with their mothers will gather at the Gagarin House of Culture at 16:00. This is how they celebrate Mother's Day.

We are holding this competition for the first time, - said the director of the cultural institution Tatyana Chelyakh, - but I have been nurturing its idea for a long time. We were looking for participants in schools and kindergartens. True, this time only three pairs of twins from one and a half to seven years old will participate. By the way, all girls. The rest could not: someone got sick, someone is busy.

The twins will have to participate in competitions: “ Business card”, “Costume Competition” from improvised materials and “Presentation”, where you will need to show a film about your family. The competition will last an hour and a half, and the chief jury will be the head of the local Department of Culture.

All winners will receive toys and diplomas.

In Bataysk, they hope that such a competition will eventually become a good tradition.

I dream of playing an elusive bandit in a movie! - Is the heart of the most beautiful man in the universe free?- You see, the more you get fame and grow in status, the more difficult it is to find that one. In truth, the more you know the female gender, the more insidious you seem to me. Sometimes a girl turns from an angel into a real demon during a quarrel, or a person whose life you want to change into better side, just walks away with a "thank you". Now my heart is not busy.

What helps you achieve your goals?- I have three higher education- on physical education, pedagogy and psychology. This year I entered Moscow State University. You know, back in my childhood, I realized that achieving something in life is a very difficult job. If you want to be successful, then you need to believe, fight against everything and everyone, pull out your victory with your teeth! You need motivation - without it you will not recognize your abilities! I knew that they were waiting for me in Russia! And that second place is a loss for me. I decided to achieve everything. I have something to strive for, there are many things that I have not done yet and still do not know how. My motto: "To be better than yesterday"!

How do you see yourself in 70 years?- So far I don’t see myself there, because I want to live here and now. So that in those distant years I could tell what I did in order to ...

- Well, at least tell us about your plans for the future...- As long as there is an opportunity, I will fight for Russia. Play for as long as your age allows and do your best to win. After my modeling career, I want and will live in America. Because I know that in Hollywood data like mine is valued. Many people say that I have good directing skills. By the way, there were offers to star in the film, but they did not suit me. In Russia, they pay little for such work. In general, I dream of playing the role of either a good guy or an elusive bandit in an action movie.

performance characteristics Height - 191.5 cm Weight - 98 kg Shoulders - 54 cm Chest - 114 cm Waist - 64 cm Hips - 102 cm

The beginning of such competitions was laid at the end of the 19th century, when on September 19, 1888 in the Belgian city of Spa the final of the first world review beauties. Out of 350 participants, 21 girls made it to the final, which took place in a private boarding house. At the same time, there was no talk of any show - a strict jury, consisting exclusively of men, evaluated the contestants behind closed doors. As a result, the first "world beauty" was recognized as 18-year-old Berta Sucare from Guadeloupe, who received a prize of 5,000 francs.

There are currently four most prestigious women's beauty shows in the world: Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss International and Miss Earth.

If we talk about male beauty, then, apart from absolutely freaky actions, the main shows of handsome men are the competitions of bodybuilders "Mr. Olympia" and "Mr. Universe".

Participants in the competition of bodybuilders "Mr. Olympia". 2011. Photo:

"Miss World"

The oldest of the Big Four beauty pageants was first held in 1951. The initiator of its establishment was advertising agent Eric Morley, hired by the British "Mecca Dance Hall" for the "promotion" of a network of nightclubs and dance pavilions. Morley suggested holding a beauty contest based on swimwear demonstrations common in summer resorts, as well as fashion shows. Initially, this event was called the "Beauty Festival", and journalists were the first to call it "Miss World".

Morley conceived the event as a one-time event, but his success forced him to change plans and announce his intention to repeat the competition. When in 1952 it became known that the Miss Universe pageant was being held in the United States, Morley hurried to secure the rights to the annual Miss World pageant. Since 1959, the final of the Miss World show has been broadcast on television and has attracted a huge audience around the world.

The winner of the very first competition was the representative of Sweden Kiki Hokkanson. Until 1987, the final of the competition was held only in London, but now the show takes place in different parts of the world.

In the history of the contest, there were two winners from Russia - in 1992, Miss World was recognized Julia Kurochkina, and in 2008 - Ksenia Sukhinova.

Xenia Sukhinova. 2008 Photo: / Rosengurtt

The title of "Miss World 2013" in the final, which was held in Indonesia, was won by a native of the United States, but now a citizen of the Philippines Megan Young, who became the first Filipina to win this competition.

Megan Young. year 2014. Photo: RIA Novosti / Kirill Kallinikov

"Miss Universe"

The history of this contest began with a scandal at the Miss America show. Recognized as "Miss America" ​​in 1951 Yolanda Betbese refused to pose in a Catalina swimsuit made by Pacific Mills, which was a major sponsor of the pageant.

Yolanda Betbese. 1950 Photo: / New York World-Telegram and the Sun staff photographer: DeMarsico, Dick, photographer

Sponsors, offended in the best of feelings, refused to continue to take part in the Miss America show and decided to establish two alternative contests at once: Miss USA for American women and Miss Universe for beauties from all over the world.

The first Miss Universe pageant was held in 1952. Among the 30 contestants who gathered in Long Beach, California, the 18-year-old Miss Finland was recognized as the best Armi Kuusela.

Armie Kuusela. 1952 Photo:

The Miss Universe show was the first of the Big Four to appear on television in 1955. The competition was held in the USA until 1971, then it also began to be held in various parts of the world. The rights to the competition passed several times from one company to another, and in 1996 they were bought out by an American billionaire Donald Trump.

The winner of the competition not only receives a lot of prizes and gifts, she has a large number of responsibilities for the whole year, including participation in various charity events around the world.

This was the reason for the refusal of the title "Miss Universe" of the first Russian winner of the contest Oksana Fedorova who won the title in 2002. After the refusal of the Russians, the title was transferred to the representative of Panama Justine Pasek. In 2005, Miss Universe became a native of Russia, now living in Canada, Natalia Glebova.

Oksana Fedorova and Khustina Pasek. Photo:

In November 2013, the final of the Miss Universe contest was held in Moscow. The winner was "Miss Venezuela - 2012" Maria Gabriela Isler. By the way, Maria Gabriela Isler is the seventh representative of Venezuela to win the Miss Universe contest.

Maria Gabriela Isler. year 2013. Photo:

"Miss International"

And in this case, the conflict around the existing one contributed to the establishment of a new competition. In 1960, the organizers of the Miss Universe pageant moved it from California's Long Beach to Miami.

For Long Beach, such a decision turned into financial losses, so it was decided to hold its own world beauty show called Miss International. Until 1967, the competition was held in Long Beach, then moved to Japan, in 1971 it was again held in Long Beach, after which it finally settled in Japan.

Unlike other "big four" contests, "Miss International" should not only be beautiful, but also create the image of the "Ambassador of Peace and Kindness", demonstrating responsiveness, goodwill, friendliness, intelligence, decision-making ability and loyalty to other countries. The final task for the participants in the fight for the crown is the presentation of a speech-belief in the need for peace on Earth, goodwill and awareness of these concepts.

The first winner of the competition in 1960 was a 21-year-old Colombian. Stella Marquez.

Russian women and representatives of the former USSR did not win the competition, but in 1962 an Australian won the title Tanya Workbench- born in China, the daughter of Russian emigrants.

The title of "Miss International - 2013" in the final of the competition held in Tokyo, was won by the representative of the Philippines Bea Rose Santiago.

Bea Rose Santiago. year 2013. Photo:

"Miss Earth"

The youngest of the Big Four contests was first held in 2001. It is held in the Philippines (with the exception of 2010, when the competition was held in Vietnam) and has a pronounced environmental focus. So, the participants need to present their own program to improve the environmental situation in the world. In addition, instead of the titles of vice-miss, the participants are awarded the titles of Miss Air, Miss Earth and Miss Fire.

Natalya Pereverzeva. year 2012. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

The first in the history of "Miss Earth" in 2001 was a Dane Katharina Swenson. The Russians did not manage to win in this competition, but in 2012 the performance of the representative of Russia made a lot of noise Natalia Pereverzeva, who in her speech called her own country, in particular, a "beggar" who cannot help the elderly and orphans, and "a huge artery from which a few "chosen" people pump out her wealth." Pereverzeva managed to become one of the eight finalists, but she did not get the main prizes.

In 2013, the winner of the Miss Earth title was Alice Enrich from Venezuela.

Alice Enrich. year 2013. Photo: / Nelsonenrihs - Own work

"Mr. Universe"

The first competition of men demonstrating to the public their strong and beautiful bodies, was held in Great Britain in 1948 under the auspices of the League of Health and Sports.

The very first "Mr. Universe" was an American John Grimek, two-time winner of the title "Mr. America". Since 1950, the Mr. Universe contest has been held by the British National Bodybuilders Association.

John Grimek. 1940s. Photo: BJ Alias

Since 1952, competitions have been held in two categories - "amateurs" and "professionals".

In 1967, the amateur competition was won by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who then won among professionals for three years in a row.

The first Russian owner of the title "Mr. Universe" among amateurs in 2000 was a native of Tatarstan Sergey Ogorodnikov. He won among professionals five years later. In 2009, another Russian became the winner among professionals Daniel Eraskin.

"Mr. Olympia"

The competition, held under the auspices of the International Bodybuilding Federation and considered the most prestigious among bodybuilders, was first held in 1965.

Its appearance is similar to the history of the emergence of women's beauty contests, when a new competition arises on the basis of an existing one.

Outstanding Bodybuilding Coach Joe Weider decided to help the winners of the Mister Universe contest continue training and earn money, for which he founded a new competition.

Warren Chaney and Joe Weider. 1980 Photo: / Warren Chaney Productions - Warren H. Chaney

The first Mr. Olympia tournament was held in New York on September 18, 1965 and ended with the victory of the Austrian Larry Scott. In the future, the competition was held both in the USA and in other countries, but since 1999 it has been almost constantly held in Las Vegas.

The circle of winners of the Mr. Olympia competition is quite narrow, most champions win several victories. In the 49 years of the Mr. Olympia competition, only 13 people have been able to win this title.

Arnold Schwarzenegger. 1977 Photo:

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a 7-time winner of the Mr. Olympia competition (1970-1975, 1980). However, two bodybuilders managed to surpass this achievement - the Americans Lee Haney And Ronnie Coleman eight wins each.

Contrary to numerous conversations and rumors, the Russians have never won the Mr. Olympia contest.

In 2013, a 34-year-old American became Mr. Olympia for the third time in a row. Phil Heath.

Andrey Shokin is the only Mister Universe in Samara, the city's most famous bodybuilder and fitness Instagram star. An indisputable authority among athletes in life calls himself a disabled person: because of his huge muscles, it is difficult for him to stand or sit for a long time, every workout is almost a faint, but without them it is already impossible. Andrei told the Big Village about how the dream of becoming Schwarzenegger began and where it led.

About school bullying and success in sports

The craving to become strong and be able to stand up for myself appeared because of my complexes: my classmates offended me, even the girls pulled me by the hair. I do not hide it and do not hush it up. I got acquainted with sports in the fifth grade, got into the wrestling section: three times a week I practiced in the gym and in the evenings at home. Worked out stretching and sat on the splits faster than anyone else. After six months of training, our coach, an active athlete, left us because of the competition. There was nowhere to go, the motivation was gone. Yes, and I got stronger, calmed down for a while, took a break. Then, on a tip from the guys from the yard, he went into athletics, I learned about acrobatics from other courtyards, tried it and realized - not mine.

In the 8th grade, I first saw a film with Schwarzenegger, it was "Terminator". I already got goosebumps from this image, I didn’t even see this in the pictures. Under this impression, I began to search gym: 1994, there were no rocking chairs - the only point in the area was in the electromechanical school, but access was only for adults, it was forbidden for schoolchildren to train there. I had to wait for my sixteenth birthday, and before that only horizontal bars on the street were available.

After the Chechen campaign, I could not get used to a peaceful environment for a long time and sport became my salvation.

The draft age approached: having heard enough of the front-line stories of a relative, a hero of the Second World War, I was eager to join the army. Barely 18, he dropped out while preparing for his diploma and left to serve.

Immediately ran into the second Chechen campaign. It makes no sense to talk a lot about it - everyone understands what it is and what happened there. After that, I could not get used to the peaceful environment for a long time: I drank for weeks, could not sleep at night, turned on loud music, because the silence was frightening.

Workplace Mister Universe

The only salvation was sports, the only way I could recover a little. I started as an amateur and just trained. Participation in competitions is a very expensive pleasure, I didn’t even think about it. But from school years, the dream remained to become Mr. Universe, like Arnold Schwarzenegger. It seemed completely unrealistic.

About the main goal and disappointment

After a couple of years, I finally began to earn better and could afford sports nutrition, then it just started to go on sale. I found a coach who believed in me, and in 2008 I began to perform. At my first tournament, held in Samara, I took fourth place: I got on stage for the first time, did not know the inner workings and just watched how other participants behaved. Ten days later I competed in Kazan, worked on my mistakes and unexpectedly won.

Summed up the make-up: instead of chocolate, he smeared with a brick shade, which was not listed there

The status of Mister Universe became more achievable. You can only get a title in an alternative bodybuilding federation. I trained a lot and went to the goal: I became the champion of the city, the region, the three-time champion of Russia.

He competed for the coveted title for the first time in 2011: he immediately got to the final, but failed to win - the competition is huge, athletes flocked from 26 countries. The next year, I prepared better, spent 250 thousand on it, but, ridiculously, let down the makeup: instead of chocolate, I smeared with a brick shade, which was not quoted there. According to forecasts, it was supposed to become at least the second, and as a result, it flew by.

The feeling of triumph from owning the title of Mr. Universe was short-lived for Andrey

Two years ago I started preparing again for international competitions. There was not enough money for travel and a hotel, I had to be content with the championship within the country. But I was lucky: there was a person who wanted to invest in my title: he paid for sports nutrition and a trip. I had only to focus on preparation, and I achieved my goal - I became Mr. Universe, like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

My triumph was short lived. I always thought that after receiving the title my life will turn upside down - I will become a star, the whole world will open to me. A friend who became Mr. Universe before me was invited to live and train in Canada right after the tournament. But everything was different with me: I did not become a Schwartz. Now I am the face of the domestic sports nutrition on Instagram - that's all that brought me the title, to which I have been going for so long. However, I do not regret anything, I fulfilled my dream. I continue my bodybuilding career as the only accessible way: moved to the official IFBB federation: there you can get a master of sports and light up on the covers of magazines.

About the fitness boom and coaching achievements

Now many gyms are opening in the country, including in Samara. When I worked at Alex Fitness, it was unbearable in the evening - people sit on top of each other there. The trend pleases, but with an abundance of willing competent coaches are not enough. Many guys know that you can make money on this: students, office workers study to be a “coach”, receive crusts for a month and go to work in a fitness club. There's a lot of turnover, people are raked in just like that. In the city, you can count on the fingers of good specialists who prepare for competitions. The rest are from among these, with express training. But we are working with the human body, here we need a very large amount of knowledge.

According to my methodology, I worked with a karate guy who weighed 60 kilograms: in six months he scored a “ten”, completed the master of sports and got a black belt

For most people, my image repels rather than attracts: I usually react negatively to my appearance, especially during the beach season. When a new person comes to the club, he is offered to choose a coach and is immediately told that there is Mr. Universe. But as a coach, I'm not very popular: they say that I'm too big and scary. Maybe the incoming office guys are not sure of themselves.

I became a coach at the same time I started professional career. According to his methodology, he worked with a karate guy who weighed 60 kilograms: he needed to gain weight and gain strength. In six months, he scored another ten, completed the master of sports and got a black belt in karate - he still thanks me. Since 2010 I have been working as a coach officially. I consider the athlete Pavel Fedorov to be my best student, now he has already become the champion of Russia in bodybuilding.

About the "chips" in food and expenses in stores

Bodybuilding is very expensive. A lot of money is spent on preparing for competitions - this is the time of a strict diet and special nutrition. Now you can eat more: if you wanted a bun, you ate a bun. However, strict diet I always stick to: rice, chicken, salads, no junk food shit. Also professional athletes supplements are needed - I drink glutamine, vitamins, amino acids and chondoprotectors so that the joints do not wear out.

Every day I spend about a thousand rubles on food

There is a period when nothing is impossible, but you want everything at once. In this case, I have a lot of my chips. For example, when you want something sweet, you buy butter at Auchan walnut and add three spoons to the rice boiled in water. Eat during the day, and cravings for sweets disappear completely. In any case, I go to the store every day and spend about a thousand rubles on food every day. On a typical day, I eat 6-7 times a day. We don’t eat normally one day - minus a kilogram. To gain it, you need strength, time, a lot of money - naturally, I get upset.

About falling in love with female calves

Girls I like are not thin and not fat, but athletic. My wife is one of those. I first saw her at work - she came to the gym where I coached. In appearance, an ordinary girl, chose another coach. She considered me windy: I ​​always joked and laughed out loud. It seemed to her that I was not serious about my work. Then we began to communicate, I still began to train her. In her, I was immediately attracted by her legs, I look - what healthy calves are. She turned out to be very efficient and quickly achieved results - she began to do push-ups on the uneven bars, to pull herself up.

In my wife, I was immediately attracted by her legs, I look - what healthy calves

On our relationship physical form does not affect. Last year, she became very ill, due to a hormonal failure, she was blown away. But as soon as she recovered, she immediately returned to her previous weight: she tries to eat with me in the same mode. I often call her at work, ask what she ate, control.

About the difficulties in the life of "jocks"

The girth of my biceps is 54 centimeters, no one else in Samara has more. At the same time, I always wanted to become even more. The IFBB in the category "100+" needs huge freaks: against their background, I'm slim.

In ordinary life, the life of giants is not sugar. For example, clothing is headache. During the three times that I was in Germany, I bought a full closet of clothes - you won't find my size in Samara. Now it has become a little easier: sportswear stores have begun to open, but again, sportswear. I got married without a jacket. I made a suit for the wedding to order: the tailor sewed trousers and a shirt for me, but the jacket was refused. He said that with such a huge difference in the volume of shoulders and waist, it is too difficult.

Clothes, of course - not the main thing. Because of big muscles It’s hard for me to stand or sit for a long time - fatigue quickly comes, everything becomes numb. My training is always on the verge of possibilities, leg training always takes place with ammonia, until the pulse is lost. Against this background, in ordinary life, everything always hurts me - for me this is a sign that the training was effective. I constantly feel overwhelmed and I can’t even bend over when I need to do something at home. In the hall - a superman, in ordinary life - a disabled person. But I'm used to it.

Andrei Shokin admits that he physically cannot stop training

You can't stop exercising. Once I already tried to quit, did not train for two weeks and immediately ended up in the hospital: it went dark in my eyes, I lost consciousness. Doctors arrived, checked my heart, said that my crazy loads should not be abandoned - my heart would immediately rise. I can’t quit sports, neither physically nor psychologically: if there is no training, I feel uncomfortable. Of course, now my loads are lighter than in 20 years. At 50, 80 years old, they will also be different - but peace is impossible, and I don’t want it.

About jerks and men

I used to shame skinny guys. But I try to develop spiritually, I study psychology, esotericism, and now I have more understanding and respect for other people. I am pleased when people are drawn to sports, but if not, let them live as they want.

Body positivity, fortunately, bypassed me

Nevertheless, men should be agitated for sports, they are the defenders of the Motherland. I myself fought and I am sure that a man must be strong. I always had a dream to open a kind of school where the boys would be prepared for the army. Running, pull-ups, push-ups - the same will come in handy for those who will not go to serve.

I am for the patriarchal ideal, in particular, I don’t understand guys with a knee-length fly or in denim jeans. No weaknesses: body positivity is an imposed fashion. Of course, I'm a little off topic, all this somehow bypassed me. But it seems to me that lazy people talk about this, and I can’t stand lazy people. I myself am a huge plowman and I demand this from others.
