Veselovskoye reservoir. Veselovskoye reservoir (Rostov region)

It's done! Finally, I waited for my first trip to the ice! All week I gathered, negotiated, and waited, waited, waited. From the very beginning, it was decided to go to the Veselovskoye reservoir, and no other options were even considered. On the first ice there you can find a commercial perch, weighing per kilogram, but you need to know where to look. Because I am not good at catching perch or catching other predatory fish - I went with more experienced comrades.

So, getting up at 4 am (you can’t name it in the morning), quick packing and on the road. leaving Rostov, I find that at a temperature of -11 it is pouring rain, immediately freezing on the ground. I don’t drive hard, I stop by in Bataysk. There, a trinity in the form of David, Dron and Andryukha Gnezdilov is already waiting for me. They accompany me to the Red Garden, where I whip my car and move to the Niva. It's almost 6 am on the clock. We move forward. At the same time, Valera and Andrey were moving out of Rostov777. Prem. The track is not slippery yet, but we still do not drive. Let's go as we can. There are a lot of trucks on the side of the M4. They spend the night and wait for good weather for the campaign. The Volgodonsk highway is almost empty. On the track, out of the whole variety of makes and models of cars, there are mainly Niva and other products of domestic all-terrain vehicle construction. Campaign at this hour all the rod on the first winter fishing season. On the way, I called my friends, who drove off in the UAZ. He speaks already in Veselovsky. In some places, the crossings are such that the UAZ barely made it there. Hmm, but Valerych is ours on the Chevrolet Lanos. Will it pass? Well, at least we will send him to Rybnadzor. There is an entrance in any weather. We meet with Valera in Veseloe. Let's describe the situation. He says that a bunch of cars are rushing to Cossack, so he is with us

Let's go further. Cossack, and flooded the primer. The first line ... Valera slips, the second one is also too tough for him. Then we get out to the ice. We went out, chatted, decided to go further along the coast. We unfold prem. Here is the third one. Depth - knee-deep. There was only one car before us. We slip through, and Valerych... niasilil We drove another 200 meters, while Valera is trying to get out there. We look - and there the primer is completely littered with snow. Even Niva will not pass. We go to Valera, we pull him out with a cable. We say that you don’t shag your grandmother and the lane to the water and don’t even think about other entrances. if che - we will call up the campaign.

Valera is going home, we'll go on ahead. And then - you will not pass on the dirt road. Traces of a single car lead to the field. Well, we are on them. Yes, and in some places Nivka buzzed so well in an attempt to get out of the snowdrifts. Another 15 minutes of driving and a storm (and it was shaking worse than any ship's pitching) and we were there. next to it is another Niva. No one else. We get ready, get dressed and go to the ice. The ice pick showed that the ice was 7-10 cm. Last year, we went out on the first ice when the thickness was only 4 cm. So you can walk without fear.
Didn't go far. And half a dozen to storm the coastal edge. And there is silence. David grabbed a couple of small perches and that's it. That's where it all ended. Further searches were also unsuccessful. Valera came up with Andryukha. Grit - where they landed, the people sit mostly smoking bamboo. Only a couple of people managed to get medium-sized kokuny. The rest are silent. They drilled around us, and with nothing they went closer to the big water. We decide to move away from the big water, to one promising place. Another 15 minutes drive - and we are in a new place in the same beams. There are more people here - 20-30 people, but there are no heaps. All are scattered around. Let's get started. Buried - silence. We have breakfast in 20 minutes. While eating a meal, we observe how a dude snatches a pike perch by 2 kilograms on the vents. A small perch, but he got caught.

After lunch we split up. David and I continue further along the coast, Dron and Andryukha Gnezdilov remain to drill the nearby area. I'm sitting over one of the holes in the locker, I'm catching. And then a sharp, sonorous rumble sweeps right under me. Not a crack, but a rumble. I already have a soul in the heels of Ulsha. In an instant, I run back about 10 meters. More experienced comrades quilt, they say - like the ice is getting stronger, and the sound is quite healthy. For a long time I got used to this sound, then I even began to like it. During breakfast, roll, we also stand, chatting. 5 people per 4 square meters. There is already a distinct crack and a triangle of cracks 1 * 1 * 1 meter in size has formed. 3 people jumped right away, 2 more - remained standing where they stood and gryat - like this is normal ... The ice is getting stronger! Campaign when someone thread fails - they will also say that this is normal and the ice is getting stronger.

In general, when we went a little closer to the shore, first David, and then I snatched a couple of perches from one hole. Perch in leeches. From yesterday to today, the pressure jumped by more than 10 mm Hg. and the campaign perch stands and does not move. To catch him - you need to bring the balancer to him right under the muzzle. Thus, it does not make much sense to linger in one place, and David and I walk along the coast. I have 2 more bass. David has more. And such festivities continue right up to the county itself. Perch is not large - up to 300 grams. The last half hour has been completely silent.

And now about the weather:
On Thursday, December 17, there was a strong snowstorm and at -10 a real hail was falling from the sky (diameter up to 3 mm). Stormy wind, the M4 highway has become. State of emergency in the north of the region. More than 1,000 km of trails were closed by evening. (M4 "Don" from Krasnodar to Voronezh and smaller ones). We already thought that fishing was covered with a copper basin, because. weather forecasters promised the normalization of the weather only by Sunday. On Friday, contrary to all forecasts, there was quiet frosty weather with partly cloudy weather. That's what you need! In the evening, however, it started to rain. This is when it rains, and freezes immediately when you touch the ground or other objects. Saturday morning was the same crap, but there was no heavy ice on the roads. When we arrived at Veselovskoye, there was a slight wind. With this, fishing was quite comfortable. By lunchtime the wind had completely died down, but after a short respite it blew with new force, again turning into a storm. Then hail again rained down from the sky, a heavy snow drifted across the ice. But even in such conditions it is possible to catch. Then 2 people from Rostov call me - they say it's raining, and the city turns into a skating rink before our eyes. Everything is freezing, from roads to trees and wires. This rain came to us with an hour and a half delay. And in such a rain, there was no question of any comfortable fishing. Wet and disgusting. And this is at a temperature somewhere -5. We began to pack up, go ashore and hit the road. While driving on dirt roads, I call Valera. It turns out that he had already left for an hour and is now not far from the Volgodonsk highway. We are still current on Veselovsky. In Kazachy - an incomprehensible picture. On the primer is 9-ka or 8-ka. We go around it off-road. We leave to the right, and on the left we see a crowd of 3-4 people and next to them a person lies on the snow. They didn't stop, they moved on. Looks like someone got drunk or something. But why is he lying here, in Kazachy, and not on the shore? Unclear. Nevermind.

For 20-30 kilometers the road was still tolerable. The drone periodically checked the brakes. After 20 km, thick snow began to fall (it looks like it was wet). And by the time we left for the Volgodonsk highway, it was already raining and noticeably warmer. That is, the rain was no longer freezing. During this time, Valera called and said that before his eyes, 2 cars flew off the track. Slippery says sho pipets. Their speed is 30-40 kilometers. The drone near Usman once again slowed down, and concluded that it was time to move to 2 bridges. The road is really like glass. We leave on the highway. The flow rate is about 50 km/h. There are very few daredevils who dare to overtake. We see how they are trying to pull out the seven that flew into the oncoming lane and flew away behind it. Well, quietly peacefully prem with the whole stream. They drove for a long time, but they remained intact. Next - M4. M4 turned out to be broken, and on the road - snow dirty slush. The highway was opened and an endless wall of cars drove south. We dig in, we move on. Red Garden. At the junction on the rise there are 3 trucks. Grinding ice. One printed some kind of UAZ. We go further already through the wilds, where one can only dream of a sand machine. the wagon is standing on a rum spot and polishing the ice. Further on, on one bridge across some kind of ditch - the 99th is pulled out of the curb in the oncoming lane. Well, at least it didn't fly far. Upon arrival at the transfer base, I find a layer of ice of 4-5 mm on my iron horse. I take at least a glass for a long time, and on the way to the house. On an empty stretch of road I try the brakes. The non-studded rear axle skids almost immediately. That is, to drive hard for no reason. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. And so, at a speed of 50-60 km / h on an empty road, slowing down to 30 with approaching cars, I got to the house safe and sound

Well, what about fishing? The result was 5-6 perches with me. Caught in three holes. David was the best. His quantity reached 15-20 pieces. But small ones. He pulled out a maximum of 6 pieces from the hole. One of us could not get away from zero today. But still - the fish did not sadden this trip in any way ... the first long-awaited trip to the ice this season!

Photo report

Pissing for warmth

Already stuck so stuck


Hanging pear, you can not eat. Big!

Landscape. In an attempt to capture the ground.

My first kokun today

Tamara and I go together

Anton Pustovit aka Nog

The Veselovskoye reservoir, built on the Manych River, a tributary of the Don, is a very popular place for fishing not only among residents of Rostov, but also other regions of southern Russia.

In addition, this reservoir is of great interest to fishermen from Ukraine. Moreover, in terms of accessibility for Ukrainian fishermen from the eastern regions, it can compete with fishing on the lower Volga and Akhtuba.

What is being caught?

If we consider catching predatory fish, then pike perch will come first. It is the opportunity to catch pike perch that attracts fans of jig fishing at the Veselovsky reservoir. The second most popular fish is perch. Moreover, in terms of dynamism, perch fishing can easily be in the first place. And if you take into account that the perch on this reservoir is quite large, then the interest in catching it is growing from year to year.

Naturally, there are also pike in the reservoir. But one gets the impression that the pike is losing to zander and perch in the competition for hunting grounds and food resources. Pike are most often caught as by-catch. And you can catch quite a large fish.

Of the peaceful fish, the most attractive is the local ram, which is a kind of roach. Moreover, this fish is quite large, striking in its strength and perseverance. It is caught both in open water and from ice.

Local bream is also a desirable trophy for many. Moreover, the bream here is quite large, which in principle is typical for large reservoirs. Together with bream, large carp can also be caught. Moreover, both bream and crucian carp are caught both in open water and from ice. Although crucian is not always caught actively.

Fishing methods on the Veselovsky reservoir

In open water, this is mainly fishing from boats. The coastline of the reservoir is heavily indented with various branches and bays. Pike perch and perch should be looked for when moving around the pond. The main way to catch a predator is spinning. Moreover, this is not the case when microjig will be relevant. Of course, if you want to practice catching small perch, then very small baits and heads with a minimum weight will do. But if there is a normal fish, then why do it?

Perch often stay on underwater plateaus with barnacle colonies at the bottom. Depths in these places can reach up to 3-5 meters. In addition to jig fishing, perch responds well to spinners and wobblers.

As for pike perch, jig fishing on this reservoir is unrivaled. But the first thing you need to do is find the fish. For such large bodies of water, an echo sounder and a navigator will be very useful. Pike perch quite often keeps in the same places. Although many anglers who fish at the Veselovsky reservoir believe that the local pike perch is not tied to a specific place and migrates after flocks of forage white fish.

White fish (roach, bream, silver bream) and crucian carp are also caught from boats on the Veselovsky reservoir. And they use different methods. Peaceful fish are caught both on float gear and onboard fishing rods. Everything happens in the traditional way. One point feeds from a boat, a buoy is set up.

The bream sticks to deeper places. It must be said that in this reservoir the riverbed on which the reservoir is built is not very pronounced. But there are quite enough underwater pits, flooded ravines, where bream mainly spins. The roach (ram) stays on flat plateaus and is somewhat easier to find.

In winter, ram and perch are perfectly caught on the reservoir. Things are somewhat worse with bream, pike perch and crucian carp. Finding a ram is much easier than finding and feeding a flock of bream or bream. Occasionally comes across a large carp. White fish are caught in a stationary way, often using tents. It can be quite uncomfortable to catch on the reservoir without a tent because of the wind and snow.

Catching zander is more like running fishing, using spinners and balancers. And here it is more important to find the fish. Pike perch migrates over long distances in winter and can be observed in a variety of places. A fairly large pike perch comes across and not only on artificial baits, but also on vents.

The Rostov Region has a temperate continental climate, which changes into a dry zone in the south. Winter lasts only 3-4 months, and it begins to warm up already in early March. Water resources make up only a small part of the territory of the region. But on the other hand, one of the largest rivers in the European part of Russia flows here.

Briefly about the reservoir

In the Rostov region on the Manych River (aka Western Manych) in 1941, the Veselovskoye reservoir was formed. This is a fairly large body of water. Its area is 283 square kilometers. The reservoir is located 65 kilometers southeast of Rostov-on-Don. It extends from the village of Vesely to Manychstroy. The average depth of the Veselovsky reservoir is about 4 meters.

Initially, the reservoir was flooded for irrigation, fish farming, navigation and electricity generation. Now the hydroelectric power station, located on the Veselovsky reservoir, has been dismantled. And it was closed in 1975. The artificial reservoir itself is still used for small cargo volumes of local shipping.

An increase in the flow of ships is not possible. The main reason is that the reservoir is not deep enough. This problem is especially acute during dry periods, when water has to be transferred from the Kuban through special channels.

Coastline features

On the Veselovsky reservoir, due to its size, waves rise during strong winds. They hit the shores and undermine them. Over time, the land line of the reservoir became quite steep. The edges often crumble, making them somewhat dangerous for tourists. To prevent a large-scale sinking of land into the water, shrubs were planted along the edges of the shore to strengthen the soil.

Flora and fauna

This reservoir is a place of long stops for migratory birds during their migration. In the thickets of reeds along the banks of the Veselovsky reservoir, wild ducks, as well as herons and swans often nest. Of the aquatic mammals, the muskrat settled.
Around the reservoir, various types of plants grow in various ravines. Including medicinal herbs. Such as thyme, sage and motherwort. On the shores you can often meet people who collect them.

Fishing at the Veselovsky reservoir

A good road leads to the reservoir. Due to its convenient location, the reservoir has become a favorite place for fishermen and hunters. There are about 30 different types of fish here. Including rare protected specimens. Such as the Koktebel katran, salvinia and vallisneria. Of the more familiar species, there are catfish, pikes, sterlets and silver carps.

The area near the dam is considered the most fishy place. However, it is forbidden to fish here, although some violate this instruction. But still, law-abiding fishermen do not despair and find a place for themselves on the northern shore of the reservoir. It is good because there are differences in depths, which guarantee a good catch almost one hundred percent. In such small pools, large predators, such as pike perch, are found.

Also, various backwaters, small bays and channels, thickets of reeds are considered fishing places. It is best to fish from the shore with a long spinning rod or from a boat. Moreover, it is better to use water transport without a motor, since algae and grass will constantly be stuffed into it.

spring fishing

In the spring, quite large pike are caught on the shallows. The weight of one copy can reach up to 7-8 kilograms. She is caught from the bottom. Also, the Veselovskoye reservoir (Rostov region) is famous for its well-fed perches.

Fish are caught with a variety of baits. From bread and breadcrumbs for carp and roach to worms for catfish and maggots for rams. Fishermen say that a good bite is observed near the village of Vesely and Stepnoy Kurgan.

Winter fishing at the Veselovsky reservoir

No less popular and interesting is winter fishing. At this time of the year, mainly ram and perch are taken out from under the ice. Also caught bream or crucian carp. The latter is best tracked in places with warmer water. For example, where streams flow into the reservoir. And in the first days after the ice has risen, you can catch a fish called white bream with a regular fishing rod with a float.

It is worth remembering that in winter the Veselovskoye reservoir does not please with pleasant weather. Strong strong winds rise here. Therefore, in order not to get frostbite, some fishermen fish from tents that protect them from gusts of wind.

Fishing base "Zakurgannaya"

There are many recreation centers on the banks of the Veselovsky reservoir. One of them is a fishing one called "Zakurgannaya". It is located near the village of Stepnoy Kurgan, 150 kilometers from Rostov-on-Don.

The base offers a good rest on the water and landscaped area. Due to its location on the very shore of the reservoir, "Zakurgannaya" allows you to enjoy the sunrise and sunset over the waves of the Veselovsky reservoir every day. The most popular leisure activity here, of course, is fishing. A boat is available for rent.

There are several accommodation options at this base. For example, accommodation in your own tent on the territory of the base will cost about 100 rubles per person per day. And the use of a room in the house will cost from 500 rubles.

You can get to the fishing base by turning off to the village of Vesely. After it, along the main road there will be the settlement of Stepnoy Kurgan, before which you will need to turn left, then, after driving about 500 m, again to the left. And already there, after 300 m, there will be an exit to a dirt road leading through the steppe to the reservoir.

Recreation center "Merry Manych"

Another base with a funny name "Vesely Manych" (Veselovsky reservoir) is located in the village of Vesely. Up to 45 people can be accommodated on its territory at the same time. You can choose from one of five two-story houses with a capacity of up to four people. There is also one luxury house and a hotel. In addition, three swimming pools, an equipped beach and a sauna have been built at the base.

For the best organization of fishing, a boat is available for rent (double or quadruple), and you can also use the services of a huntsman. It is worth noting that check-in on weekdays (from Monday to Thursday) will cost less than on weekends or holidays.

Getting to the base "Merry Manych" is quite simple. You need to leave Rostov-on-Don along the M4 highway to the south, at 30 km turn to the village of Vesely. And already moving around the settlement itself, do not miss the turn to the village of Solyony.

Tourist base "Centurion"

Similar services with "Merry Manych" are provided by the tourist base "Centurion". It is also located in the village of Vesely on the banks of the Veselovsky reservoir. The base provides fishing equipment for rent, as well as motor and non-motor boats. In any weather, fishing can be organized under the guidance of an experienced huntsman.

Veselovskoye reservoir will appeal to all categories of vacationers. There is a place for lovers of fishing, and for those who like to sunbathe on the beach or take a steam bath. And excellent views and equipped pavilions of local recreation centers are perfect for those who just want to sit on the beach with a good book in their hands. And, most importantly, everyone will take away great memories from the reservoir and will definitely leave a piece of their soul.

I spent several days on the banks of the Kanevsky reservoir, visiting friends. Meeting with your college friends, water, sun, beautiful places. Fishing was not particularly in my plans, so this is more of a photo report of the trip. But, a few near-fishing notes can be given.

We all came from different cities and even countries to the city on the banks of the Dnieper, the Kanev reservoir. Two of my friends live here, so to speak, the host of our event. 😉

We loaded our things onto a fairly impressive duralumin boat, the Kazanka, and set off on our four-day voyage.

This is really a “sea” created by man in central Ukraine. Yes, these expanses are in no way inferior to many large sea bays where I happened to fish.

To the opposite coast at least 4-5 km. We fly there on a motor, with a breeze.

Beautiful shores. It's not so crowded here, because. There is no access from this side. Only those who have a boat with a motor rest here. I love when it's not crowded.

We moor, drop anchor, disembark ourselves, bring things ashore, and begin to prepare the camp. Someone digs in a table and benches, someone puts up our large and comfortable tent. The organization of the camp smoothly turns into rest. Nice to chat with friends.

We spend time by the fire, over vodka and barbecue, with dear friends. Time flies by quickly. Here is the sunset.

In the morning we decide to go for a little ride around the water area. We take pictures of the views, maybe we’ll go fishing a little, we took a spinning rod ...

The sun is rising.

We move away from our coast to the opposite. Yesterday we saw extensive sandbars with rare algae there. Those areas seemed promising to me.

I was somewhat embarrassed that perch did not peck at such interesting places. And turntables and poppers and small wobblers - nothing aroused the interest of the predator. And there were no signs that he was driving small things on the shallows. Well, well ... Someone already collapsed in a slumber at the bottom of the boat. I persisted a little, but soon I also gave up. We return to the camp.

The next day we also sail on a short voyage along the picturesque banks of the reservoir.

High sandy cliffs, with stony ledges-blocks, gave way to wooded areas, pine forests and birch forests.

Passing under the motor along the coast, we meet rare yachts and fishing boats. The fishermen are clearly jigging on the coastal edges. We'll try something like that tomorrow morning.

Only a few buildings were seen along the coast. Some small solitary house near the water.

Well, the “poor hut” on the cliff ... A whole castle. Someone is clearly a supporter of remote residences, since he climbed into this wilderness.

The next morning I go out to the shallows with spinning. Between me and the edge, 10 meters of clear water, then - a strip of algae 3-4m, and there is a dump. In front of the grass, on a small revolver Mepps Aglia No. 0, I catch a small chub. Yes, I'm letting go. We need something more solid.

I move along the coast. There are rock outcrops on a high sandy cliff. There is an area where there is not much algae.

I also fish this area for small turntables. And here, the perch has got. Not big, but quite a decent size.

But there are no more bites. The sun rises the clock shows the eighth hour. Apparently, I found the very end of the exit of the zander flock to the sandbank. We sit in the boat and stand on the dump. Here we are already catching jig baits - narrow-bodied Manns Predator 2.5 vibrotails of white color, on a jig head weighing 12g. As a result, three more zanders. True, these are already a little smaller than the first, taken on the shallows ...

Well, well, we caught some fish. Enough. We will think about a marching ear, a little closer to the evening.

On a tree, right in the middle of our camp, we saw a whole family of huge stag beetles. Handsome.

And it's really beautiful here.

I liked the rest very much. But, we have to go. We burn garbage.

We ship things. And we're heading back.

Istra reservoir

The Istra reservoir is one of the largest reservoirs in the Moscow region. Built by 1935 on the Istra River; located on the map of the Istra region, which occupies part of the territory of the north-west of the Moscow region.

It has a shape elongated to 22 km in length, and a relatively small (up to 2 km) width. Depths in the fairway reach 23 m. It is a source (at a maximum level of 183 million cubic meters) of Moscow's water supply. Previously, this reservoir near Moscow was used for navigation, the length of the route was 36 km.

The nature of the basin of the Istra reservoir

The entire territory of the Istra reservoir is of a rugged type, replete with many hills covered with alternating fields and mixed forests. The shores of the reservoir are winding, numerous bays cut into them on the site of flooded small rivers, which have long been chosen by fishing enthusiasts.

Among the aquatic inhabitants in the reservoir, fish species traditional for the region predominate. In the catches of amateur fishermen, roach and bleak most often predominate, the number of which in the reservoir is significant. There are, of course, the ubiquitous "minke whales" - perches - inhabitants of coastal zones and more respectable "brothers" who have chosen deep places. With diligence, you can catch bream and similar in shape, but smaller bream. Fans of spinning fishing in the Istra region often bring prey in the form of pikes, zanders.

There are many springs in the coastal strip of water of the reservoir. This eliminates oxygen starvation of fish in winter; the reservoir has never been observed to die.

Fishing in the Moscow region on the Istra reservoir

Fishing on the Istra reservoir "savage" or stop at one of the fishing bases. Among the latter, the most famous, visited by anglers:

  • "Istra", which is located right on the shore of the reservoir, near the bay near the Yakimansky state farm;
  • "Nudol", named after the flooded river, on the banks of which (near the settlement of Radiontsevo) it is located;
  • "Pyatnitsky reach", located, as the name suggests, near the village of Pyatnitsa;
  • "Lopotovo", "assigned" to itself the name of the village, a kilometer from which it is located.

Fishermen who come to the reservoir use various tackle: in summer - float rods, spinning rods, donks, mugs; in winter - spinners, mormyshkas. The most famous and promising fishing spots:

  • the area of ​​the islet "Uyutny", near the village of Chernushki, immediately after the exit from the bay existing there; here, and this is confirmed by reports of fishing on the Istra reservoir, on mugs, spinning pecks in the morning pike perch, which lives among the stumps of a flattened forest flooded next to the riverbed. Istra;
  • a bay in the area of ​​the Nudol river flowing into the reservoir; in it, with circles, with winter baubles, good perches are caught from a boat; if you swim deeper into the bay, you can find roach, scavenger;
  • Timofeevsky and Lopatinsky reach, formed in a reservoir opposite the village of Pyatnitsa; in these places, different fish bite on any gear.

Winter fishing on the Istra reservoir

The most "cool" place for winter fishing on the reservoir is the bay and the bed of the Katysh River, which flows into the reservoir from the right side. The local deep places have been attracting Moscow and local fishermen for many years.

They catch roach, small-sized perches, usually located along the riverbed. According to reports on fishing in the Istra reservoir, the most active biting is observed here at the end of the winter period, when the water level artificially drops in the reservoir and, as a result, an insignificant current appears in the Katysh River. The latter brings fresh water, which attracts fish.

Rest on the Istra reservoir

Rest on this reservoir is one of the best in the Moscow region. There is beautiful nature around the Istra reservoir, the reservoir itself is picturesque, located in a clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Moscow Region. Many private dachas and cottages have been built along its banks; here are the best rest houses in the Moscow region, boarding houses, bases and rest houses on the Istra reservoir. Their territories, for the most part, are not sensitive; you can always (for example, for a fee) go to them, relax, go fishing.

Recreation centers on the Istra reservoir

Most of the recreation centers on the reservoir were built along the riverbed. Istra: in the area of ​​​​the village of Lamishino there are 10 of them (Energy, TsNIIS, Neptune-1, Volna, Physicist, Furniture Maker, Glebovka, MAI, Istra, Apogee), Lopotovo settlements - 7 (Orion, Maple, Surf, Romantic, Cape Zeleny, Neptun- 2, Rosinka). There are bases, boarding houses on the Istra reservoir, built on the banks of the gulf of the river. Katysh (near the villages of Koltyshevo (1), Loginovo (1)), r. Nudol (near the villages of Ivanovskoye (3), Lyshchevo (1)), r. Ramenka (near the village of Rozhdestveno (1), Yakunino (2)), r. Katyshka (near the villages of Polezhayki (2), Lopotovo (1), Trusovo (3), between Sokolovo and Polezhayki (3)) and others.

B/o "Forget-Me-Not"

The recreation center (web address is located near the city of Solnechnogorsk, 35 km from the Moscow Ring Road. It occupies 7 hectares of the coastal territory of the Istra reservoir; age-old spruces and pines grow around it.

Year-round hosts two Guest (Big and Small) spacious two-story houses. They are designed to receive guests for 12 ... 30 people. The houses have separate rooms, halls, saunas, small pools, billiards. You can stay in a hotel (28 beds), in guest rooms at the bar (12 people). In summer, guests are welcomed by wooden summer houses.

For swimming there is a private equipped beach on the Istra reservoir. There is a boat station with boat rental, comfortable gazebos, next to which there are barbecue facilities.

Ecology of the Istra reservoir

On the map of the Moscow Region, the Istra reservoir stands out among others not only for its beauty, picturesqueness, and the preference of Muscovites when choosing vacation spots, but also for its fairly clean water and the surrounding nature. This is, first of all, the result of its status as a repository of strategic water reserves for the capital and the entire region.

The ecology of the reservoir "suffers" mainly from the influx of tourists - their constantly growing number and the products of their stay, remaining in large quantities in the areas adjacent to the reservoir. Especially if all this is not removed on time, but gets into the water, which ultimately causes a decrease in oxygen in the water, algae bloom.

Another problem of the Istra reservoir is the aggressive development of the banks. In addition to the fact that most of them are being built with violations, the facilities are not equipped with the necessary treatment facilities, sewerage, and most of the sewage is discharged into the reservoir.

How to get to the Istra reservoir

There are many routes to the reservoir. It all depends on the place where you are going to relax, go fishing.

Travel to the recreation area near the village of Trusovo

The place is closest to the capital, it can be reached by your car, public transport. The first is done along the Pyatnitsky highway, which starts from the Moscow Ring Road (between Volokolamsky and Leningradsky). The road is beautiful, passes through the forest. But it has one lane, which affects the speed of movement.

Moving from the Moscow Ring Road, they cross the concrete ring at the traffic light (road A107), follow further straight to the village. Sokolovo. After it, they turn left (the angle of rotation is obtuse) and after 1 km there is a parking lot where they leave the car. To the beach you need to go down a little to the right.

Travel to the recreation area near the village of Lyshchevo

This zone is one of the cleanest on the Istra reservoir and is located in the valley of the river. Nudoli. They get to it along the Volokolamsk highway. First, they reach the city of Istra and follow it through Moskovskaya, Pervomaiskaya and Sovetskaya streets. At the end, they run into a T-shaped intersection and turn right from Volokolamka, onto Buzharovo. They cross it, move further through Sinevo, Nikitskoye, pass the turns to Rodiontsevo, Lyshchevo, and on the road with asphalt they reach the place. More precisely, to the fence enclosing it, for which you can climb through numerous holes. It is no more than 10 m to the water, so it is easy to observe the car left at the fence.

You can go further. At the end you will find a dead end, a parking lot, a checkpoint of the former children's room. The passage to the territory is free, which is used by many fishermen, tourists and just vacationers. Their number is much less than in other places of the reservoir.

Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region are very rich in water bodies, where you can go fishing and relax. Fishing in Novosibirsk can take place on more than 400 rivers, the largest and most famous of which is the Ob.

The Ob reservoir, often called the Ob Sea, is very popular with experienced and novice fishermen. Vessels come to fish from all over the country, and every year the number of fishermen is growing rapidly. The abundance of different types of fish in the reservoir has attracted fishermen for many years.

But the Novosibirsk region is not only famous for its rivers, there are more than 2,500 lakes in it, where you can spend time with benefit and enjoy fishing. The largest lakes in Novosibirsk are Chany, Sartlan and Ubinskoye. You can also choose a tourist base for yourself, and if you wish, you can even get out to a paid reservoir.

About 430 rivers flow in Novosibirsk, the average length of which is much more than 10 kilometers. If you take a calculator in one hand and a map in the other, then the total length of the rivers flowing in the Novosibirsk region will be about 12 km. Most of the large rivers belong to the Ob River basin, these are the Inya River, Shegarka, Berd and many others.

Almost the entire remaining half is included in the Irtysh river basin, the largest rivers are Tara, Om, Uy and many others. The largest river in Novosibirsk is the Ob. The largest body of water in the region, the Novosibirsk reservoir, is located on this river. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is about 1070 km². In addition, there are more than 3.5 thousand small lakes on its territory.

Fishing in the Novosibirsk region is very popular among all fishermen. The good news is that there are enough places for fishing with a float rod and spinning rods for everyone, and some manage to take a promising place even for fishing on a feeder from the shore.

The Ob River divides Novosibirsk into two halves. Fishermen are pleased with the presence of such a river in the region, because for the most part fishing in Novosibirsk takes place on the Ob River, thanks to its wealth of fish resources and excellent conditions. Spinning fishing is especially popular among fishermen.

The Novosibirsk Reservoir is also a popular place for fishing. And if we take into account the presence of medium-sized lakes and small rivers on its territory, then there is expanse for spinners even from neighboring regions, who carefully analyze maps of reservoirs. If you expect to catch trophy fish, then within the city of Ob you will not have to count on a trophy, here the weight of the caught fish rarely exceeds 1 kg.

In search of trophy fish, you have to go outside the city. The key to successful fishing in Novosibirsk is the right choice of fishing spot. Catching a pike weighing more than 2 kilograms is not at all difficult, the main thing is to find it. Some fishermen manage to find fish weighing more than 10 kilograms, but they say that you need to find a place and then properly position the boat along the Ob River.

I will not bore you with long conversations about promising and fishing places in Novosibirsk. Fish is caught everywhere, the main thing is to find it, choose the right bait, tackle and bait, and then it remains only to fish it out. Let's take a closer look at the places where fishing in Novosibirsk will be successful:

  • Summer fishing in Novosibirsk will be best of all on the dam section of the Ob;
  • You can try fishing luck on the ground from the dam site to the Komsomolsky bridge;
  • Fishing will be promising starting from the mouth of the river Inya;
  • You can look for fish at the mouth of the river Inya;
  • I have repeatedly caught large fish in the Bugrinsky beach area;
  • You can try your luck on the Ob River, under the new bridge, you have repeatedly had to fish there from a boat with a float rod, you got test bream and there was a small ide in the by-catch;
  • It is worth paying special attention to the area of ​​treatment facilities at the thermal power plant located on the Ob River;
  • I recommend that you get to the village of Mochishche and pay attention to the tributaries of the Ob;
  • The best place for fishing in Novosibirsk is the reservoir of the same name;
  • A lot of fish is found in Berdsky Bay;
  • Near the village of Shaitik there is Lake Chany, in which there are a lot of fish;
  • No less fishing stocks of Lake Sartlan;
  • Particular attention should be paid to the Chulym and Kargat rivers (if there is a license, then even commercial fishing with nets is allowed on them);
  • Fishing with a float rod is allowed on Lake Yarkul;
  • An excellent place for fishing can be a lake called Good.

Novosibirsk fishing differs from fishing in the Moscow region not by many factors, there are still a lot of fish of various types, and the presence of many places for paid and free fishing. Well, there is certainly a difference in geographical location, but this is not so important.

Caught on January 25, 2017 at Instrumental. We arrived at the reservoir at about 10 am, and left at lunchtime, at about 2 o'clock. The fish was caught only for active play with mormyshka. They tried to leave the mormyshka at the bottom, there were bites, but not a single effective cutting. Black mormyshkas showed themselves best. Caught at a depth of about 4 meters.

Fishing in Novosibirsk on the Krasny Yar River. Caught mainly on balancers. The place was chosen not far from the red ravine, right after the descent from the mountain. We hit the ice at about 11 o'clock, because when entering from the shore, a friend got his feet wet and had to return to the car. Immediately near the shore, several holes were drilled, where they caught a couple of dozen perches, the size of a pack of cigarettes, and went on to look further.

We walked around the pond a bit, made a couple of dozen holes, but didn’t catch anything and it was decided to go to the old holes. Better a trifle than nothing. It was decided to put up a tent in a promising place, as the weather was not very good. I hooked a crucian and pecked a pike, a large perch came across. The reservoir left at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Fishing in Novosibirsk on the Bugrinsky bridge. It was my first fishing in this area, I decided to try spinning, by the way, I caught it on 09/08/2016. The fishing place was chosen for a reason, this is the most promising place near my house. I fished in wading boots, as there was no boat. The weather was good, and there was only 1 pike from the catch, weighing about 150 grams (which I then released) and one annoying exit.

The Ob river was chosen as a place for fishing. Tashara. Fishing date: 09/09/2016. After a little consultation with our comrades, we decided to go to catch a predator near Tashara. It is interesting that until about 10 am we did not see even a small bite, constantly moving along the river, we finally caught the first pike. The entire catch is shown in the photo, the fishing depth is about 4 meters.

In the Rostov region.

The normal retaining level (NSL) is more than 7 m. The total volume of the reservoir at the NSL is 1 billion m 3, the useful volume is 190 million m 3, the area of ​​the water table at the NSL is 238 km 2, the length of the reservoir is 98 km, the maximum width is 7 km, the average depth is 4.3 m. Veselovskoye - the 3rd reservoir of the Rostov region in terms of full and useful volume after the Tsimlyansky and Proletarsky reservoirs.

The Veselovsky reservoir extends from the northwest of the village. Vesyologo (Veselov hydroelectric complex) to the southeast to the village. Manychstroy (Proletarian waterworks). Upstream is the Proletarian reservoir.

The coastline, about 500 km long, is indented by numerous bays, at the mouths of which there are many small islands. The northwestern shore is steep, more than 10 m high in the dam area, the eastern shore is 1−5 m high; the height of the southern coast as a whole is no more than 1–3 m. In the lower part of the reservoir, in shallow water and islands, there is a wide (up to 1 km) strip of reeds, stretches are abundantly developed. In some places, the banks of the reservoir are reinforced with plantings of white acacia. Meadow-saline vegetation is found on the lower banks. On lands suitable for crops, wheat, barley, corn, sunflower, perennial grasses are grown. Rice systems have been established on the north coast and in the eastern part of the south coast.

The hydrographic network is poorly developed. From the north, the catchment is limited by the Salo-Manych ridge with tributaries and gullies, from the south - by the spurs of the Stavropol plateau and the Azov-Manych watershed. At present, the water resources of the Veselovsky reservoir are made up of local runoff water, Don water, which began to enter the Veselovsky reservoir in 1956 through the Donskoy main canal, return water from adjacent irrigated lands, groundwater and groundwater, discharges from the overlying Proletarsky reservoir, melted and ground water. Additional sources of power for the reservoir are Big Yegorlyk and Sredny Yegorlyk.

The reservoir was formed in 1941, carries out long-term flow regulation, and is also used for irrigation of agricultural land, fisheries, water transport and energy.

The water in the reservoir is highly mineralized.

In the composition of aquatic vegetation: reed, tuber reeds, cattails - narrow-leaved and broad-leaved, reeds - lake and coastal, pondweed - curly, pierced-leaved, comb and small, zannicheliya petiolate, hornwort, rezuha, solonchak aster, amphibian buckwheat, lesser duckweed, enthoromorpha, cladophorpha and others. In the process of desalination of the reservoir, its depth more than doubled, vast areas of solonchak and meadow solonchak soils were covered with water. With a change in water salinity, depth and bottom soils in the first years of desalination, hara, urut, and pondweeds completely disappeared. Later, these plants appeared in shallow ravines with a higher level of mineralization than in the reservoir. The most resistant to changes in conditions was reed, which only moved to the coast, forming coastal borders and thickets in new shallow waters. The mineralization of water in the reservoir depends on a number of factors, among which the most significant is the supply of (intermittent) water to the river. Egorlyk along the Nevinnomyssky Canal from the river. Kuban; dissolution of salts contained in the soils of flooded lands (and their area, like the area of ​​the reservoir surface, varies significantly); interaction with highly mineralized groundwater (depending, in turn, on several variables). This complex process is not well understood.

87 species were found in the composition of the phytoplankton of the reservoir.

The ichthyofauna of the Veselovsky reservoir currently includes 47 species of fish. The main commercial value are bream, ram, pike perch and white bream.

Reed thickets and stretches on the reservoir are the main habitat for lake frogs, toads, marsh turtles, common and water snakes. Of the birds, nesting great grebe, gray-cheeked grebe, coot, moorhen, gray goose, mallard, red-headed and red-nosed pochards, marsh harrier, herons of six species, two species of bittern, loaf, spoonbill, herring gull, terns - river, small and white-cheeked; gray crow, warblers - thrush-like, Indian, reed, thin-billed; nightingale cricket, whiskered tit, bluethroat, reed bunting. Wild boar, American mink, raccoon dog, water vole and pasyuk live in reed beds along the coast, as well as on low islands; in winter, light polecat, stone marten, and fox are observed here.

Deep water area is a resting place for anseriformes during autumn migrations.

Several high islands (more than 2 m above the water level and an area of ​​up to 100 hectares or more), covered with cereal herbs and used for grazing or growing crops (barley, wheat, alfalfa), during the migration period serve as a place for mass recreation and feeding of geese and ducks.

On the islands of medium height (below 2 m), small in area, covered with meadow-steppe vegetation, with a wide reed frame, geese and ducks nest; in reeds - small colonies of herons, marsh harrier, gray crow.

The water areas and coastal areas of the Veselovsky and Ust-Manychsky reservoirs are included in the list of wetlands of international importance as meeting the criteria 1c and 3a of the Ramsar Convention (for a breakdown of the criteria, see the article Convention on Wetlands).

On the banks of the Veselovsky reservoir are the villages of Vesyoliy, Karakashev, Khirny, Russian, and Stepnoy Kurgan.
