How can you stretch at home? Giving flexibility, or stretching exercises for those who work out at home

No workout is complete without stretching, which is aimed at improving the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. In addition, it helps to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system, improve the condition of the reproductive and excretory systems, and prepare a woman for future pregnancy and childbirth. Also, with the help of stretching, you can learn how to do twine. Home stretching for beginners takes only 10-15 minutes, but the result exceeds all expectations.

Choosing stretching exercises, everyone wonders how long it will take to see the first result. Each person will have a different answer, because it depends on different factors.

  • How many years.
  • Genetic flexibility.
  • Warm-up intensity.
  • Muscular coordination.
  • Initial physical fitness.
  • The correctness of the exercise.

Even the mood with which a person is engaged can influence. The lesson should begin with warming up, after which you can proceed to the lesson itself. The duration of the lesson should be chosen depending on the age and condition of the body. For example, children usually sit on the twine faster than adults, since their ligaments are much more elastic.

The most important thing in trying to improve or not need to try to master the program as much as possible, chasing quick results... It's best to do everything step by step, improving your result with each workout. In this case, injuries or severe sprains can be avoided, which will delay the cherished goal.

How to prepare physically?

Many people wonder how to do everything right in order to prevent injury. Since it is allowed to practice even at home, you should choose a complex suitable for your age and level of training. These can be video tutorials from stars or famous trainers who, in the process, give instructions and suggest how to perform this or that approach correctly. For example, it is very popular today.

To begin with, the body always needs to be well warmed up, it can be squats, push-ups, or everything mixed in an intense rhythm. At first, the effect of exercise may not be noticeable, since it will mainly consist in good coordination and improvement in the condition of muscle tissue. Preparatory stage before stretching should be as follows:

Joint warm-up in the form of circular movements 10-15 times in each direction. It should be directed from top to bottom, that is, it starts with cervical, and ends with the joints of the foot. In the process, do not forget to work out the shoulder girdle and lower back.

  • Jogging in the park or on a treadmill.
  • Jumping rope or cycling.

Best stretching exercises

There are many formulated stretching complexes available to help you achieve results. However, the most effective are those that mutually compensate for each other, develop different groups muscles. Here are some exercises that can help make your body more flexible and do splits faster, and can be incorporated into any workout or activity.

  • To increase the elasticity of the thigh at the back. For the starting position, you need to spread and kneel. At the same time, the body is in a straight position, hands at the seams, the head looks forward. One leg is straightened forward and placed on the heel, we pull the toe towards ourselves. The other leg maintains its position and remains level. The body drops to the leg, hands are directed forward, palms rest on the floor or on the thigh if you do not reach the floor. The head is pressed to the knee, and continues the body. It is very important to keep your shoulders level.
  • Stretching the front of the thigh. You should kneel down, take a wide step with one foot forward and lower your pelvis as far down as possible. The palms rest on the knee. The back is straight, the gaze is directed forward. Fix the position for a few minutes.
  • Bend to the side towards the leg. The starting position is to sit on the mat in, bring the feet together, the heels touch each other, the knees are turned in different directions. You can hold your legs with your hands, as it is important to keep your back straight. Alternately, one leg straightens to the side, while the other retains its starting position, at the same time, the body is tilted. The arm, from the side of the straightened leg, makes a semicircle above the head, helping the body to drop lower. In the process, it is important to maintain correct position back and lower back.

You can also do bends or take on some poses and that are also successful in stretching the muscles. The main thing is to observe technique and caution.

Stretching rules at home

Stretching at home is more difficult for several reasons. First of all, it is very difficult to force yourself to train regularly, without skipping certain approaches. Secondly, no one controls the correctness of each approach, which also affects the result. Therefore, for those who study at home, experts recommend the following:

  • Reinforce classes proper nutrition, try to eat more fruits, legumes, spinach, nuts and carrots. They help reduce the chances of developing joint inflammation and energize.
  • Observe the technique during the exercise and monitor your breathing. Inhalation and exhalation should be smooth, smooth, without delay or shortness of breath.
  • You need to stretch not locally, but comprehensively. Therefore, classes should be systematic and aimed at the even development of the whole organism.
  • It is better to train in the morning. One such activity can replace three hours of evening endeavor.
  • You can also give up salt for a short time in order to avoid fluid retention in the body, establish a daily regimen, get more sleep and exercise only in a good mood. Then the training results will not be long in coming.

Stretching exercises are undeservedly ignored by newly minted athletes who devote maximum energy and time to training aimed at development. muscle strength or weight gain. And in vain, since flexible muscles and elastic ligaments are needed not only by acrobats: knowing how to stretch at home, you can constantly maintain a high vitality.

Is stretching good for you?

Experienced athletes know: warmed up, well stretched muscles and ligaments significantly reduce the likelihood of injury in competition, and after class - help to cope with the problem of muscle stiffness. It is not in vain that it is recommended to train legs and arms by doing stretching exercises for people of all ages - both toddlers and the elderly.

Thanks to the simplest complex for stretching at home, you can achieve amazing results:

  1. strengthen muscle tissue and make it denser;
  2. improve blood circulation in the limbs;
  3. expand the range of motion;
  4. to give the gait lightness and grace;
  5. prevent injuries, and not only sports injuries.

Stretching at home

Basic stretching exercises are good because they can be done at home even every day, without using any special equipment. All you need is some free time and a desire to spend it with health benefits.

Information for beginners: stretching at home will be most effective if you warm up well before starting the lesson - jump rope, do 40-50 squats, work out on an exercise bike, treadmill or orbit track for a few minutes.

If there are no simulators at home, it does not matter, they can be replaced by jogging on the spot.

There are two types of stretching: a leg workout can be dynamic or static. Dynamic stretching is performed after a specific training cycle, is considered more traumatic and is not recommended for beginners. It includes complex techniques - swings, rolls from longitudinal twine to transverse and other types of loads that can damage the health of an unprepared person. Therefore, the initial complexes for stretching at home include only static exercises that do not involve sudden movements.

The basic principle of static leg stretching at home is smoothness and slowness of movement. While taking any position, you need to stay in it for several minutes until the muscles are fully stretched. Then it is fashionable to slowly change the position - to take a break or move on to a new exercise. Before you start stretching your legs, prepare a comfortable area for exercising - a spacious, flat surface. If you are exercising on the floor, use a pad or yoga mat.

Now is the time to learn how beginners train leg stretches at home.

Only static exercises are included in the entry-level selection, during which it is difficult to injure joints or damage tendons.

These are simple exercises aimed at strengthening the main working muscles lower limbs, teach you the basics of stretching your legs at home and prepare your muscles, ligaments and joints for more serious stress.

The complex belongs to the category of wellness and is recommended for people of any gender and age.

Stretching, or body flexibility, is one of the most important indicators of body health.

This characteristic is on the same level with strength and endurance, and it cannot be said that it is less important.

A flexible body includes good plasticity not only of tissue, but also of bones and joints.

Sports such as dance or gymnastics are impossible without good body flexibility.

However, any sport either begins or ends with stretching exercises. Therefore, they can be confidently called universal - no matter what kind of sport you do.

With a flexible body, you can achieve success much faster.

Stretching for beginners at home: benefits

Why is body stretching necessary? In our body, it is capable of performing several different functions at once.

First, stretching exercises will help maintain, and even strengthen, the health of your ligaments, muscles and joints. They will be more elastic, therefore, less prone to various sprains and other injuries.

A preliminary and final set of stretching exercises will not only avoid the appearance of various injuries, but also improve blood flow in the body. This is of particular importance after training - when the muscles are filled with lactic acid and other breakdown products, stretching helps to quickly remove them into the lymph flow, and subsequently from the body.

Stretching will help relieve muscle tension and hypertonicity.

As stated earlier, stretching helps improve blood flow inside the body. This has another very impressive advantage. Due to more effective work vessels, blood rushes through the body faster and more efficiently. This will help keep your heart healthy and supply all muscles and organs with plenty of blood, oxygen and nutrients.

Regular practice of stretching exercises will make your body slimmer, fit and attractive. They will help women achieve ideal figure, and in men, muscle relief will be better visible.

Flexibility is very important for maintaining body mobility. If you do not develop this parameter, then it will deteriorate. This is the way it is in nature. And over time, you may find that it will be difficult for you not only to stand on the bridge, but also simply to raise your leg to step over the fence. Therefore, stretching will be very useful for such elementary actions.

Body flexibility

Body flexibility is a resource that is lost with age. Children have much more flexible joints and tendons, and as they age, they begin to harden. Some movements become difficult to perform, while others are almost impossible.

Flexibility is an innate quality. For some it is better developed, for others it is worse. But one thing remains unchanged - if this skill is not regularly trained, then it begins to be "forgotten" by our body. Of course, genetics is important in this matter, but not as much as regular training.

The stress on the muscles gives it a signal, and it becomes stiff and not elastic. Stretching, on the other hand, allows her to relax and stretch. During stretching, the brain consciously signals that the muscle is already stretched enough to stop the load. This is expressed in a burning sensation and a pulling feeling. However, by allowing the muscle to spend some time in this position, its defenses are reduced, allowing it to stretch a little more. It is on this principle that training for the development of flexibility is built.

Several other factors affect the level of flexibility:

1. Time of day... Oddly enough, how you can stretch directly depends on the time of day. After sleep, the muscles are in a kind of "suspended animation", and will not allow you to do strong stretch... In the evening, on the contrary, the muscles have maximum stretching ability.

2. Temperature... Here physics comes into play. As you know, the higher the temperature of a substance, the greater the distance between its molecules. Accordingly, the higher your body temperature, the better your stretch will be.

3. Physical activity level... If you haven't done anything during the day, your muscles will not be much better than after sleeping. Therefore, be sure to do a little warm-up before stretching.

Stretching for beginners at home: types

There are several types of stretching that differ from each other in the way they are performed.

Passive... This stretch is suitable for beginners to do at home. Only for him you need a partner. The bottom line is that your partner will gradually move your body parts to the sides, achieving the maximum stretch of this or that part of the body. All you have to do is orientate your partner according to your feelings, as well as patience and willpower to withstand it.

Dynamic... This type is designed for more experienced athletes. Stretching is performed directly during training. There are many exercises that allow you to both load and stretch a muscle at the same time.

Static... This type is notable for its slowness and regularity of its execution. Muscle stretching occurs due to their static tension. The extreme position of the stretch is held for some time, then changes.

Some rules when doing stretching

Like any other exercise, stretching can be hazardous to your health. But of course, this will only be so if you are doing it too fanatically, or wrong. And if you do not want to be injured, then we strongly recommend that you follow these rules!

First, the stretch must be preceded by general warm-up... It is not necessary to run a cross - it is enough to do about 5 minutes simple exercises that you remember from physical education lessons. You need to thoroughly warm up your muscles before stretching them, otherwise you can hurt yourself.

You can only stretch that muscle group that was previously warmed up.

Any stretching exercise should not be painful. Only muscle tension and no pain.

Exercise should not be such that your body parts assume unnatural positions for them. That is, you do not need to try to bend the leg so that the knee begins to look back.

Each muscle should stretch for approximately 30-60 seconds. This will allow you to work it out more fully, and give an incentive to increase stretching.

When doing the exercises, you need to breathe deeply and evenly, which will ensure the necessary flow of oxygen to the muscles.

A set of exercises should be performed daily.

Stretching for beginners at home: exercises

Below, you will be given stretching exercises for beginners at home. With their help, you can improve general state your body, and achieve more flexible body.

Exercise # 1 - bending the knees to the chest. This exercise will allow you to stretch and relax your lower back. To do this, lie on your back and bring your knees up to your chest. With your hands, try to press even more against your chest so that you feel the stretch in the back.

Exercise number 2 - twisted posture. Sitting position, one leg straight, the other thrown over the top of the first. After that, begin to turn in the direction opposite to the thrown foot. With this exercise, the lower back is perfectly relaxed.

Exercise number 3 - "seal". Lie on your stomach and lift slightly on your arms upper part body. Without lifting your legs off the floor, try to bend back as much as possible. One more good exercise for the lower back.

Exercise # 4 - stretching shoulder girdle... Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Place your hands on the floor, placing them slightly behind your hips. The fingers should be facing back. Slowly move your arms back until you feel a sufficient stretch in the area. shoulder joints.

Exercise number 5 - stretching the arms. Get on all fours with your palms and fingers facing your knees. In this position, lean back slowly until you feel acceptable tension in your wrists.

Exercise # 6 - Stretching the wrists. This exercise is performed while standing. Put your hands down. Then, take one palm with the other, and pull it down slightly. Then switch hands.

Exercise # 7 - Stretching the shoulder joints. Raise your hands up, and take the palm of your right hand with your left. After that, pull back left hand so that it is bent elbow joint leaned on her head. Then switch hands.

Exercise # 8 - stretching pectoral muscles... Place your hands behind your back and take the other with the palm of one hand. After that, pull your arms back, while simultaneously pushing out your chest as much as possible.

Exercise number 9 - stretching the neck. Tilt your neck alternately to each side to stretch. A slight burden is allowed, in the form of pressure on the neck with the hands.

Exercise # 10 - Complex Stretching. From a standing position, bend forward and grab your calves with your hands so that you do not bend at the knees. Standing in this position, you can feel the simultaneous tension in the hips, back and buttocks.

Twine stretching

One of the best indicators of good human flexibility is twine. This position is not given to everyone, but, of course, everyone dreams of being able to do this. And this is by no means impossible, you just need to regularly perform following exercises.

Exercise number 1 - forward bends. Position - sitting, legs wide apart to the sides. From this position, bend forward, trying to touch the floor with your chest.

Exercise number 2 - stretching in the groin area. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them on the floor. The essence of this exercise is to sit as low as possible until painful sensation.

Exercise number 3 - lunges. Take a deep lunge with one leg forward, bending it at the knee. The squat should be as deep as possible to feel the tension in the groin muscles.

Exercise number 4 - plie squat. Legs are shoulder-width apart, knees slightly turned in different directions. From this position, squat as deep as possible so that you feel the muscle tension.

Exercise number 5 - sitting on the floor. Spread your legs in different directions as wide as possible. Grab your ankles with your hands, and bend as low as possible to the floor.

The twine stretch is slightly different from the rest of the exercises. If the previous complex was aimed at general strengthening capabilities of the body, the twine requires a more serious and diligent approach. But, despite the seeming difficulties, literally a couple of months, and you can freely show off your skills to your friends.

Even if you do not go in for sports professionally and do not go to fitness, sooner or later the thought that your body needs additional physical exercise which will improve the well-being and flexibility of the body. Simple exercises can also help boost your self-confidence.

How to stretch correctly at home is of interest to many, because not everyone has the time and money to go to the gym to work out with a professional trainer on simulators. O special complexes which will improve our health and prolong our life and which can be done in a comfortable environment for you, we will talk in this article. To give the body flexibility and tone the muscles, you need very little - your desire and 15-20 minutes a day of free time.

How is body stretching useful?

Exercise is very beneficial for health - this is an axiom. Regular stretching promotes the following changes in the human body:

Given the number and importance of the positives, it is not surprising that many people are interested in how to stretch properly at home.

For whom are stretching exercises contraindicated?

Despite all the positive aspects that are achieved through regular stretching, there is a category of people for whom such physical activity is contraindicated. You shouldn't stretch yourself at home if:

  • There is inflammation of the joints of the lower body.
  • There was an injury to the spine or hip, as well as cracks in the bones of the legs.
  • You are suffering from back pain.
  • You have increased blood pressure, thrombosis or other vascular diseases.
  • At the moment, you have a cold or are not feeling well for other reasons.

Important! Pregnancy is also a contraindication.

What do you need to keep in mind when doing the exercises?

If there are no contraindications for doing stretching exercises, then you should adhere to several important recommendations that are aimed at ensuring that you do not harm yourself. To stretch properly at home:

  1. Warm up your muscles and ligaments before stretching. Rub your body with your hands, do a set of squats, run in place, or dance to rhythmic music. You can swing your legs. Warming up should take you 5-10 minutes.
  2. Watch your breathing while doing the exercises themselves. Do not hold it back, try to breathe evenly.
  3. Don't overdo it while stretching. Consider your body condition and readiness for stress. You will not sit on the twine in one day. This will take weeks, if not months. Do all movements smoothly, without jerking. You should only feel tension in the ligaments, not pain.

Important! If you injure the ligaments, the scar tissue after healing will make them less elastic.

  1. Start with light exercise, gradually increasing the load.
  2. Exercise regularly, preferably daily, without taking long breaks, otherwise you will not achieve the result soon.

Important! When doing stretching exercises, pay attention to all muscle groups, not just focus on your lower torso. Then the whole body will be in good shape and you will be cheerful all day.

How to stretch your upper body at home?

Even if your goal is to do the splits, still pay attention to the whole body and start your physical activity with exercises for the back, neck, arms and chest.

Important! Stretching exercises are also called "stretching" (from the English "stretch", "stretch").

Neck exercises

So that you do not feel a stiff neck after hard working days, do these simple exercises to stretch correctly.

Exercise number 1

Commit circular motion head clockwise and back 2-3 times.

Exercise number 2:

  1. Lowering one shoulder, tilt your head to the other, and vice versa.
  2. Do the exercise slowly.
  3. When the ear is pressed against the shoulder, hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.

Exercise number 3:

  1. Connect your fingers and extend your arms in front of you.
  2. Now tilt your head forward and press your chin against your chest.
  3. Relax your shoulders, and stretch your arms forward as much as possible.

Exercises for arms and shoulders

The shoulders and arms also require your attention, as they carry a lot of stress during daytime events. To stretch properly at home in this part of your body, these exercises will do.

Exercise # 1:

  1. Clasp your fingers together and extend your arms forward to shoulder level.
  2. Now turn your palms so that they are facing up and forward.

Exercise number 2:

  1. Clasp your fingers together on outstretched arms above your head.
  2. Now slowly turn your palms up, then down.

Exercise number 3:

  1. Take the ends of the towel and hold it at your outstretched arms.
  2. Place your hands over your head and behind your back.
  3. Do not twist or bend your arms at the elbows.
  4. To increase the load, decrease the distance between your arms.
  5. You can fix the movement for 5-10 seconds exactly in the place where you will feel the maximum tension.

Exercise # 4:

  1. Holding the ends of the towel, raise straight arms above your head.
  2. Now move your left arm back and down, bending parallel right hand at the elbow at a right angle.
  3. Next, straighten your right hand and lower it one level with your left.
  4. Lower your arms down at the same time.
  5. Repeat the movement in the other direction.

Exercises for the lower back and spine

The spine is the backbone of our body, therefore, it is he who needs to be given special attention in order to stretch correctly at home and not damage anything.

Exercise # 1:

  1. Stand up and place your hands on your waist.
  2. Bring your elbows back as far as possible and bend.
  3. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Breathe evenly.

Exercise number 2:

Standing straight and putting your hands on your waist, twist your torso, alternately left and right.

Exercise number 3:

  1. Sit on your knees.
  2. Stretch your arms forward and place them on the floor.
  3. Arch your back as if trying to round the ridge.

Exercise # 4:

Exercise # 5:

  1. Place your right hand behind your back from above, and your left - from below.
  2. Clasp your fingers behind your back and lock yourself in this position for 5-10 seconds.

Exercise number 6:

  1. Put your palms together as for prayer, but behind your back.
  2. Now raise your arms to chest level.
  3. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Exercise number 7:

  1. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lean forward trying to place your palms on the floor.

Exercise number 8:

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Place your legs straight and together.
  3. Now tilt your body forward, trying to reach your knees with your forehead.

Exercise number 9:

  1. Sit in a chair.
  2. Without taking your feet off the floor, turn back.
  3. Grasp the back of the chair and hold this position for 5-10 seconds.
  4. Now turn the other way.
  5. Repeat 5 times on each side.

A set of exercises for stretching the legs

Before you try to sit on the split, you need to do a series of exercises to gradually stretch your legs.

Important! It should be remembered that such exercises must be done smoothly, avoiding jerks and strong pain sensations. This is the only way you will be able to stretch correctly.

Exercise # 1:

Exercise number 2:

  1. Lie on the floor.
  2. Bend your right leg and pull your knee towards your chest as much as possible.
  3. Freeze for a few seconds.
  4. Change your leg.
  5. Then pull up both legs and try to touch your knees to your forehead.

Exercise number 3:

  1. Take a chair and place your straight leg on its back.
  2. Bend forward as far as possible while keeping your back straight.
  3. In the farthest position, linger for 5-10 seconds.

Exercise # 4:

  1. Stand by a chair and grasp it with your right hand.
  2. With your left hand, grab your left ankle and lift your leg as high as possible.
  3. Freeze in the top position for 5 seconds.
  4. Change leg and repeat.

Exercise # 5:

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Lunge forward with one foot as far as possible, keeping the other leg straight behind.
  3. Spring in this position, first on one leg, then on the other.

Exercise number 6:

  1. Sit down and pull your heels as close as possible to your crotch. This is called the frog pose.
  2. Rest your elbows with inside knees and press until you feel strong tension or until your torso rests on your feet.

Exercise number 7:

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Place one leg straight forward, and bend the other and rest your foot on the inner thigh.
  3. Lean as deep as possible to your straight leg.
  4. In the maximum phase of the incline, linger for a few seconds.
  5. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

We sit on the twine correctly. A set of exercises for beginners

Once you have achieved noticeable success in the previous exercises, they are already given to you every day easily and naturally, you can think about how to stretch correctly at home in order to sit on the split.

Longitudinal twine

This is a pretty effective gymnastic skill. It is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve its implementation in 1-2 weeks. You need to set a goal and approach it every day. For this:

After you've done a few leg stretching exercises, you can start splitting.

Method number 1:

  1. Get on your knees and stretch your right leg forward, keeping it straight.
  2. Gradually, under the weight of your body, gently lower yourself down, without jerking.
  3. Place your palms on the floor and keep your balance.
  4. Move your leg forward until you feel a stretch in your groin.
  5. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
  6. The back should be straight.

Important! Do not try to sit lower, overcoming the pain. If you tear your ligaments, it will postpone your goal indefinitely.

  1. Take the starting position and change legs.
  2. Sink lower and lower every day until your feet are completely flat on the floor.

Method number 2

You can start a little differently:

  1. Direct left leg Extend fully from behind, knee touching the floor.
  2. Tilt the body forward.
  3. Place your hands on the floor for balance.
  4. The right leg is at first bent at the knee at a right angle, and then you begin to move it slowly forward, until it tightens in the groin. The foot rests on the heel.
  5. Stop and freeze in this pose for 10-20 seconds.
  6. Don't hold your breath.
  7. Over time, lower your pelvis as low as possible until you are completely seated on the floor.
  8. Do the same for the other leg.

Important! Even though you have reached desired result, do not stop practicing, otherwise you will lose this skill, and your efforts will be in vain.

Transverse twine

This type of twine is considered more difficult to perform. It represents legs completely apart from a sitting position.

Important! As for the longitudinal twine, before trying to sit in the cross, you need to warm up the muscles and carry out a set of exercises to stretch the legs.

At first, you can practice every other day, and after that, when the body gets used to the stress - every day. You need to be extremely patient and treat it philosophically, so as not to quickly “burn out” with the idea.

Method number 1:

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Spread your legs as wide as possible to the sides, and rest your hands on the floor.
  3. Tilt your torso as low as possible, staying in the lowest position for 10-15 seconds.
  4. The slope should be deeper each time.
  5. When the ligaments have stretched a little, you can proceed to the most transverse twine.

Method number 2:

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Place your feet parallel to each other.
  3. Next, leaning on the entire surface of the foot, spread your legs as far as possible to the sides until you feel comfortable.

Important! Pain sensations with this exercise are unacceptable. In extreme cases, only slight discomfort is possible.

  1. Try to sit as low as possible each time until you reach the perineum floor.
  2. When you sit on a side split, your groin and hips should be completely flat on the floor, your back should be straight, and your toes should look up.
  3. Remember to breathe evenly.

Important! If you managed to master the cross twine, do not forget to do this exercise periodically, otherwise flexibility will gradually be lost.

What to do if pain occurs after exercise?

Pain can occur if you overdo it while stretching and injured your ligaments. In such situations, you should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

If you approach the issue of stretching the muscles of the body seriously and correctly, then the result will be noticeable in a few days. The set of exercises selected in the article will help not only to strengthen and tone the muscles, sit on the twine and make the body more flexible, but will also add exponentially every day. good mood and cheerfulness.

Many people have heard about the benefits of stretching. Experts recommend doing it after exercise. In addition, in sports, it has developed into a separate direction known as stretching. And even those who do not play sports should stretch at least occasionally to keep the body in good shape and healthy. This is especially true for those who work for sedentary work and leads an inactive lifestyle. Consider why beginner stretching at home is needed, and what exercises it can include.

Stretching will also give you the following Benefits:

  • muscle elasticity, joint health;
  • minimizing the risk of injury;
  • relieving muscle tension after physical activity;
  • blood circulation will improve;
  • the body will become more flexible, posture - even;
  • it will become easier for you to maintain balance and control your body;
  • you will become more flexible and plastic, girls will gain gracefulness, become more sexy.

Stretching types

Stretching is divided into several types. They differ from each other in amplitude, duration of the session, as well as in the time of the exercise - before or after the main workouts. You can choose any type that you like, the main thing is regularity and efficiency. So, there are the following types of stretching:

  • Static... Very popular with athletes and yogis. Its essence is that, having stretched the muscles to the extreme position, you should stay in it for 20 seconds. It is recommended to perform the exercises in several approaches, but if the pain is unbearable, you do not need to endure it.
  • Dynamic... Dynamic stretching assumes that you will be in constant motion. One of the simplest examples of this is a forward and backward lunge with a constant change of legs. The effect can be enhanced if you increase the amplitude and distance between your legs. In fitness, this type of stretching is often interspersed with strength training.
  • Passive stretching. It is often done with a partner — mostly an instructor or trainer — who puts in a gradual effort. The passive partner should only inhale, exhale and relax.
  • Active stretching. A classic stretch in which you need to exert maximum effort to stretch the muscles. For example, you need to hold on to a support, raise one leg and intensify the action using your arm.
  • Ballistic stretching. This is a risky stretch that is not suitable for beginners and is often practiced by Japanese martial artists. Its essence is in fast, sharp and sweeping movements.

For beginners, static and dynamic stretching is suitable. You can also start with passive.

Stretching gymnastics for beginners requires adherence to certain rules, because you should get the maximum benefit and effectiveness from it, and not the opposite effect. The basic rule is that all movements should be performed smoothly, carefully and without jerking. Decide in advance which muscle group you will use and warm it up well to avoid injury.

At the beginning of the session, you need to pay as much attention to the muscles as possible in order to improve blood flow to their small fibers, which are very vulnerable.

  • If you plan to study at home, be sure to learn safety precautions to eliminate the risk of injury.
  • If your goal in stretching is to do the splits, work not only your legs, but also your back. If it is constantly flexed, the muscles will not be able to become elastic. Also note that when you stretch, you must not hold their breath, otherwise, the body will suffer from a lack of oxygen.
  • Muscles should be relaxed as much as possible during stretching. Also it is important to increase the training time and stretching amplitude each time. But this should be done gradually - mild pain is acceptable, but serious discomfort is contraindicated. You must learn to listen to your body and understand when to stop.
  • If you are in gym in groups or mastering video stretching lessons for beginners, you do not need to try by all means to reach the instructor's or your neighbor's on the mat. Each person has their own indicator of flexibility, and it also develops in different ways. Try to be better than you were yesterday, not better than someone else.
  • Severe pain is an alarming symptom. She says that the load is not yet on your shoulder, or that you are violating the execution technique.
  • Do not rush to start doing the twine stretch. This complex always designed to improve the plasticity of the whole body, and not just the legs, as many think.

Please note that stretching exercises have contraindications. These include hypertension, injuries and ruptures of tendons and muscles, diseases of the spine, arthritis and arthrosis, damage to the pelvic joints, as well as some problems in work of cardio-vascular system... If in doubt, consult your doctor first.

Stretching for beginners: an effective set of exercises

Stretching at home for beginners doesn't have to be too hard. It is better to start small, safe and comfortable for yourself, increasing the load in the future. Consider one of the options for simple home complexes.

Popular myths about stretching

Before you start stretching, you need to know as much about it as possible. There are many misconceptions about this type of activity. These include the following:

  • Myth 1. Stretching requires special inclinations. Perhaps this is relevant for professional athletes and gymnasts, but those who practice purely for themselves do not need any talents. It is enough to start doing the simplest stretching lessons for beginners, gradually increasing the load.
  • Myth 2. It is impossible to start stretching as an adult. Many people believe that stretching exercises should be started in childhood and are no longer available to adults. This is not true. Yes, children are indeed more flexible and mobile in terms of joint mobility - it is easier for them. However, in fact, you can start practicing at any age. Of course, you will not start splitting from scratch - you will have to try, again, starting with small loads.
  • Myth 3. Flexibility exercises always provoke pain. This is fundamentally wrong. The pain can be mild and pleasant. In no case should you stretch to serious discomfort - stop at a state of tension.
  • Myth 4. You can't lose weight from stretch marks. In fact, you can. Of course, it does not burn as many calories as cardio, but, as with any physical activity, energy expenditure is present. Accordingly, it contributes to weight loss.

1. Exercise for the back "Kitty"

Get on all fours. Smoothly bend your back up, then bend it down, too. Fix for a while in each end position.

2. Exercise for stretching the buttocks

Lie on your back. Bend one leg at the knee, pull the other to the chest, keeping it as straight as possible.

Another exercise for the buttocks is to sit on the floor, bend one leg, and try to lean forward towards the other leg.

3. Stretching the calf muscles

In a standing position, lunge with one leg and bend it at the knee. Pay attention to the feet are well pressed to the floor. Repeat the same for the other leg.

4. Exercise for the front of the thigh

In a standing position, bend one leg at the knee and pull it towards the buttock. Do the same for the other.

5. Exercises for stretching the chest

For chest use the following simple exercises:

  • Put your hands in a lock behind your back, lift them up in this position.
  • Stand up straight with your back straight. Raise your hands up in the lock, start reaching.

6. Stretching the lateral surface of the thigh

It is necessary to sit down, bend one leg at the knee, and take the other to the sides. Now tilt to the side. For the other side, we repeat the same steps.

7. Exercise on the press

Lie on your stomach with your hands on the floor. Raise the top of the case.

For a start, this complex will be enough. Over time, the load will become too easy for you, and then you can start doing more advanced stretching options, increasing the load and amplitude.

Stretching for beginners on video

The complex proposed above is just one of the options. There are many stretching exercises that are suitable for beginners. The beginner stretching video will help you learn more about this. Choose the most suitable complex for yourself, perform it regularly and observe safety precautions. Then soon you noticed that both your health and your figure are constantly changing for the better.

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