Back exercises in pairs. Exercises to strengthen back muscles

In our spine, under the influence of a modern inactive lifestyle and our own internal degenerative-dystrophic processes, undesirable changes occur over time. They lead to the fact that the magnificent given to him by nature (support, motor, shock absorption and protective) begin to slowly be lost. He is no longer able to withstand the stress, flexibility is lost, old diseases progress and new ones arise, leading to serious catastrophic consequences, in the form of disability and the inability of some body organs to cope with their functions. The first symptom of the disease is this. Frightened, we immediately run to the doctor, forgetting that there is another natural remedy - exercises for the spine.

Spine exercises relieve pain

Movement is life

Everyone should attach this statement over their computer, work table, machine tool, conveyor belt, in the car - in any workplace where you spend most of your life.

To keep your spine as healthy as possible, remember a few important rules:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the health of the spine in the same way as for any other organ, and besides, this organ is one of the most important for a person.
  2. The mobility of the spine is due to the ability to move in all three axial directions - and this function can only be maintained with the help of daily exercises.
  3. The system of exercises for back pain should be built in strict accordance with the localization of the pathology in the spine and the diagnosis that the doctor will give you
  4. Physical exercises should be combined with the use of protective restorative agents for the tissues of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs (calcium, mineral and vitamin complexes) and proper nutrition- this will double the effect of exercise

The rules for doing exercises for pain in the spine!

Before starting them, remember:

  1. While exercising, watch your feelings, do not exercise through force. If the pain intensifies, the activity should be stopped immediately and a doctor should be consulted.
  2. Start with simpler exercises, gradually progress to more complex ones and increase the range of motion, but keep the pace slow
  3. For each period of the disease with a different nature of pain, you need various exercises: for acute pain, simple, non-forceful techniques are recommended, for chronic pain during the recovery period and during remission - complicated, with heavy loads
  4. During gymnastics, especially at the very beginning or with a deeper amplitude, a slight crunch can be heard in the vertebrae. This should not be scary - crunching speaks of unblocking of the stiff joints of the spine and is a positive sign.

Lumbar and Upper Back Exercises

The exercises below for pain in the lower back, sacrum, upper thoracic spine are quite simple and, in general, do not require much effort, so almost everything can be performed even with acute pain.

The complex includes 10 gymnastic techniques. They are performed 10 - 12 times.

Warm-up - used to warm up the muscles of the lower back and pelvis. Prepares for following exercises.
Exercise for pain in the spine 1 Promotes the flexibility of the spine, restores the rotational mobility of the vertebrae along the axis of the spine.
Exercise for pain in the spine No. 2 It is considered classic: develops the flexibility of the spine relative to the horizontal plane.
Exercise for pain in the spine No. 3 From the series of static gymnastics. This includes all exercises in which the load is not created by movement, but muscle tension.
Spine Pain Exercise # 4 Attention! In case of acute pain, it is better not to perform, since the exercise is strength. An excellent technique for all muscle groups from the upper thoracic region to the shoulder girdle. Simultaneously swing the abdomen. Perfectly helps with lumbar hernias, it is recommended to perform it during the recovery and remission period. Exercise for pain in the spine No. 5 To strengthen not only shoulder girdle, but also the scapular regions and the cervical region.
Spine Pain Exercise # 6 Strengthens the sacral and abdominal muscles.
Spine Pain Exercise # 7

Reception for training the press and back muscles.

Spine Pain Exercise # 8 This exercise not only strengthens the abdominal muscles, but also the thoracic and shoulder girdle muscles. Not recommended for acute humeral-scapular periatritis.
Spine Pain Exercise # 9 Rest and relax all muscles.
Spine Pain Exercise # 10

Exercise for cervical pain

For the cervical spine, a warm-up is needed taking into account its features:

  • This is the most vulnerable, narrow part, the cervical vertebrae are not designed for heavy loads, but their motor ability is high
  • Across cervical spine important vessels and nerves pass, therefore, in the presence of late stage osteochondrosis or, exercises should be performed with extreme caution, slowly, avoiding full rotation of the head - this is dangerous!

The neck warm-up should be with head turns in all directions, but this should be done consistently. For example:

  1. We tilt our head to the left shoulder, return it to a straight position, then tilt it to the right
  2. We lower our head forward, pulling out the chest with our chin, raise it, then tilt it back

These are the most simple exercises... More complex ones:

  1. Lowering the head, pressing the chin to the chest, we roll our head from one shoulder to the other. The last few turns we make deeper, helping with the hand and looking behind the back
  2. Press your right palm to your head, holding your right elbow with your left hand. We turn our head to the left and slowly return to starting position resisting right hand... We repeat the same, changing hands, in right side
  3. Putting your head on your right shoulder, press it on top with your right hand, slowly return it to an upright position, resisting with your palm. We repeat the same with the left shoulder and left arm.
    Each technique is done 10 times.

More details about neck gymnastics with pain in it - in the video below, in its second half. In the first part - exercises for the lower back and upper back. Some are a little tricky, so get started in remission by first mastering the simple exercises presented in this article.

Strengthening the muscles of the back at home is useful in order to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. To keep your back healthy and beautiful, you need to exercise regularly (or at least periodically), and it is better to arrange for yourself full sports training few times a week. What exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back should be done and how to do it correctly?

Strengthening the spine has a beneficial effect on overall well-being, stimulates metabolic processes, and also improves the emotional state of a person, increasing his self-esteem. Gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the back along with improving the aesthetics of the body is quite powerful weapon in the prevention and treatment of most diseases of the spine.

Before class physiotherapy exercises to strengthen the spine at home, read the contraindications and make sure they are absent:

  • Severe pain;
  • Bleeding
  • Exacerbated chronic disease;
  • Spine injury;
  • Kidney or cardiovascular disease;
  • Pregnancy.

In case of inept performance of exercises to strengthen the back at home instead of relief painful sensations on the contrary, their strengthening can occur.

This is why it is important to stick to general principles gymnastics for the spine:

  • Gradual: start calmly, take your time to do the entire volume of exercises at once, increase the intensity of the loads gently.
  • Smoothness: Avoid, jerking, high jumps, sharp lunges, twists.
  • Aim: make sure that it is the weakened muscles that are involved, and the excessively tense ones gradually relax on the contrary.
  • Frequency of classes: Exercise 3-4 times a week for 2 sets with a break for rest in between. Slowly increase the repetition of each exercise from 2 to 10 times.
  • Quality: try to follow the instructions as clearly as possible so as not to harm yourself. Better to do less, but better.
  • Correct breathing: all back exercises are performed on inhalation and end on exhalation.
  • Consistency: make exercise a habit, because if you do it systematically, it will surely relieve pain attacks and will prevent them from occurring.
  • Control: if pain in the back increases or if a headache, general weakness or nausea occurs, you should immediately stop exercising and consult a doctor.
  • Convenience and hygiene: clothes should be made of natural fabrics, lightweight, comfortable, breathable and elastic so as not to impede movement. The training room should be well ventilated and spacious.

Special gymnastics will eliminate painful spasms, strengthen muscular system, will help to straighten the vertebra or intervertebral disc, normalizes blood circulation and improves the condition of the whole body.

How to strengthen your back muscles at home?

Physical exercises to strengthen the back are best done under the supervision of a professional trainer in the gym, and if you are concerned about pain in the back, all the more you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe individual exercise therapy to strengthen the muscles of the back. But the modern pace of life does not always allow us to carve out time for this, so it is sometimes easier to do them at home.

Strengthening exercises for the spine usually affect only two of the seven major muscles of the back, namely the lats and rhomboids. This is quite enough, since the rest do not play a big role in maintaining an upright position of the body and, accordingly, getting rid of lower back pain.

Preparation for training the spinal muscles

Exercising to strengthen the muscles of the back must necessarily begin with a warm-up. It will take 5 minutes, but the risk of stretching is thus significantly reduced. Stand straight with feet hip-width apart. Perform each item for about half a minute.

  1. Inhale air through your belly through your mouth - hold your breath for a couple of seconds - exhale all the air through your nose;
  2. Rotational movements with the shoulders, first together, then alternately;
  3. Stretch your neck muscles by tilting your head up and down and side to side;
  4. Swing your arms up and back alternately;
  5. Raise your hands up in the "lock", bend first to the right, then to the left;
  6. Rotate your hips (imagine twisting a hoop);
  7. Bend down, touching your legs with your hands, then straighten up, bending back a little;
  8. Walk in place, raising your knees high, help yourself with your hands;
  9. Running in place;
  10. Finally, take a deep breath and exhale completely.
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A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

  1. Standing, pull up on your toes, pull your arms up and pull your stomach in strongly. Now slowly bend forward, grab your ankles with your hands, trying to "fold" more tightly. Then slowly unbend, taking the starting position.
  2. Stand straight with your feet together and cross your arms over your chest (palms on your shoulders). Bend forward, arching well, then straighten again. Then stretch your arms forward, bend low forward and slowly straighten, then fold your arms crosswise again on your shoulders.
  3. Feet shoulder-width apart, from a "standing" position, back as straight as possible, keep your body straight, hands free "at the seams". Do a squat, back, to the original. Then bend forward, swing your arms back wide, make a deep arch and extend your arms straight out in front of you. Then take the starting position.
  4. Spread your legs wide to the sides, bend low forward, arms down. Swing your arms so that they can lead them further behind you. Next, you need to stretch your arms forward and tilt so that you touch the floor as far in front of you as possible.
  5. Get on your knees with your arms extended in front of you. Bend forward and downward until your hands are on the floor. With a jerk, spread your arms apart, swinging them in different directions, and return to the starting position by pushing your hands off the floor.
  6. "Walking" with your hands: being on all fours, without moving your legs, move your hands to the left and back. To the right is the same.
  7. Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms straight far forward. As you rise, bend back, placing your palms behind the back of your head. When returning to the starting position, stretch your arms forward.
  8. Lying on your stomach, connect bent arms under the forehead. Bend your forearms to the maximum. Pull the "socks" and slowly lift your legs off the floor, do alternate swings up and down and slowly lower them back to the floor.
  9. Roll over onto your back and bend your knees, spreading them hip-width apart and pressing your feet firmly to the floor. Hands lie relaxed along the body. Raising your pelvis high from the floor, lift your hips up, fix this position for a few seconds and slowly lower yourself back to the floor.
  10. Sit down on the mat and bring your feet together. Bending your right leg closer with the knee to your stomach and moving your arms up and back, make forward movements without changing your position bent leg... After leaning deeply forward, try to reach with your hands to the left toe. Repeat the exercise in a mirror image. At the end of the session, repeat the warm-up.

Exercises to strengthen the spine are best done in the morning or in the evening before bedtime.

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Disease prevention

Along with doing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine, it is advisable to follow useful tips to be sure to avoid injury. Get in the habit of always keeping your back straight, this will support muscle tone well.

Correct posture

If you work a lot while sitting, try to take breaks every hour. Make a mini: squat, do bends, if possible, walk a little. Do not pay attention if they look at you askance, think about what is more important to you: the opinion of colleagues or a healthy back?

If you have to stand in relative immobility for a long time, then to reduce the load on the spine, place one leg on a low step or some kind of support and alternate legs. When lifting heavy objects, bend your legs slightly at the knees, the back remains straight. This will reduce the load on lumbar.

The back is considered one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, therefore, after 30 years, many are faced with painful sensations in the back, stiffness and stiffness of muscle tissues, which can ultimately lead to serious pathologies. To relieve the load on the spine, you must regularly do back exercises at home. This will not only get rid of painful sensations (if any), but also improve well-being and general state... In order for therapeutic gymnastics to go in favor, and not harm, before starting training, you need to consult a specialist and undergo a spinal examination.

With the development of the Internet, more and more people are leading a low-mobility lifestyle, working in sitting position all day long. But to keep your body in good shape, you need to regularly play sports and perform special gymnastic exercises. And since the spine is the basis of the entire human body, then first of all it is necessary to strengthen it.

The main purpose of back exercises is as follows:

  • elimination of discomfort and pain in the spine, which often occur against the background of various pathologies, for example, scoliosis;
  • increased plasticity and flexibility of the body;
  • gain therapeutic effect in the treatment of various diseases, as well as the prevention of their recurrence.

Depending on the goal that the person pursues, the set of exercises for the back can be divided into two main categories:

  • strengthening exercises designed to strengthen the muscle frame. Such exercises are used not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also for preventive purposes (with their help, the development of serious complications can be prevented);
  • stretching exercises back muscles ... As a rule, stretching exercises are prescribed for the treatment of a curved spine, osteochondrosis, and other diseases.

On a note! Regardless of the type, the desired therapeutic effect can only be achieved if all movements are performed correctly. Otherwise, if you ignore the advice of doctors, you can harm your body even more.

Features of gymnastics at home

There are basic principles that must be adhered to when performing gymnastic exercises for the back. These include:

  • a gradual increase in the load on the body... All exercises should be performed with extreme caution, and the number of repetitions and exercises itself should be increased gradually;
  • avoid sudden movements when performing an exercise... Sudden twisting, lunging or jumping can hurt the spine;
  • concentrate all your attention on the muscles that are used during the movements(weakened muscle fibers should be involved as much as possible, and overly stressed - on the contrary);
  • do not overload your body with grueling workouts... It is enough to do the exercises 3-4 times a week;

    Exercise "Swimmer"

  • rely not on the number of exercises performed, but on their quality... All movements must clearly comply with the instructions. This will increase the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises;
  • don't forget about breathing... Muscles require a sufficient amount of oxygen during physical activity, so if you do not breathe properly during exercise, the muscle and cartilage tissues will not be nourished properly. Start the exercise with an inhalation and end with an exhalation;

  • consistency is the key to success, and in order to permanently get rid of unpleasant sensations in the back, gymnastics must be carried out systematically;
  • if, while performing an exercise, you suddenly have a headache, nausea or general weakness of the body, stop the exercise immediately and consult a doctor;

  • all movements must be performed in comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics... Do not forget that a T-shirt, trousers or jacket should not hinder your movements and make breathing difficult.

On a note! Regular exercise for the back will improve blood circulation in this area, accelerate the regeneration of affected tissues, eliminate discomfort and strengthen the muscle frame. In addition, such gymnastics has a positive effect on the entire body, improving its condition.

Fitballs and medballs for fitness

Getting started training

If you want to know in more detail how it is done and also consider practical advice, you can read an article about this on our portal.

To avoid serious injury, all spine and back exercises are recommended to be performed under the supervision of a specialist. In extreme cases, such control is needed only for the first time, and then gymnastics can be carried out at home. Usually, therapeutic exercises they activate only the rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscles, but this is enough, because only these two muscles are responsible for supporting the body in an upright position.

Warm up

All exercises, regardless of the area being trained or the degree of training, should begin with a warm-up. Only if the muscles are well warmed can injuries be avoided. To do this, it is enough to allocate 5-10 minutes of time. The starting position for warm-up is standing up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart.

Each warm-up element must be performed at least 5 times:

It is advisable to repeat the entire warm-up complex again in order to properly warm up the muscles. Many experts recommend running in place during warm-up. Only then can you start your main workout.

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A set of exercises

For therapeutic exercises, you will need a foam mattress used during yoga classes or a soft carpet. As in the case of the warm-up, these exercises are recommended to be performed at least 5 times. The duration of the workout is 20-30 minutes. This is enough to fully work out all muscle groups of the back. Below is the step-by-step instruction, observing which, you can strengthen the muscles of the back and spine.

Table. Physiotherapy for the back at home.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Lie on the floor with your stomach down. Then raise your legs and head at the same time. Having lingered at the top point, slowly lower your head and legs down.

Roll over onto your back and, bending your knees, place your hands on the floor with your palms. Slowly raise your pelvis, and then just as slowly lower.

In a prone position with your stomach down, rest your palms on the floor, keeping them in front. Then lift up upper part body and gently lower it. At the top point, you need to linger for a few seconds.

Keeping your legs straight, tilt your body forward and touch your hands to the floor. In this case, the upper half of the body and arms should be on the same line, forming a right angle with the legs. In this position, stretch your back muscles as much as possible, and after 5-10 seconds return to the starting position.

The exercise is called the plank. To perform it, you need to rest your elbows and toes on the floor, while straightening your body. In this position, you need to freeze for 30 seconds. In this case, not only the muscles of the back are activated, but also the legs, arms, shoulders, and also the press.

Final exercise medical complex for the back - the posture of the embryo. To do this, sit on your knees and press your head as close to the floor as possible, and stretch your arms in front of you. In this position, you can stretch your back muscles well and take the load off them.

On a note! All of the above exercises are aimed at correcting posture and spine. It is especially important to fulfill them for those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Contraindications for implementation

Despite the large number of advantages of regularly performing exercises for the back and spine, they have their own contraindications, which must be taken into account before gymnastics:

If the therapeutic exercises are performed incorrectly, then instead of relieving back pain or strengthening the muscle corset you can provoke a deterioration... Therefore, if you doubt the correctness of the implementation, then be sure to consult with a specialist.

How to improve your posture

Orthopedic chair

If you have sedentary work, for example, you work as a programmer, it is recommended to take regular breaks (preferably every hour) in order to prevent various diseases of the spine. Do a little exercise for your back: walk a little around the room, make bends in different directions, squat and turn your head... This will improve blood circulation in the spine.

While standing for a long time, put one leg on a small hill (stand or step), and then change legs. Such manipulations allow you to unload the spine, which, if you stand for a long time in relative immobility, experiences increased stress. You also need to properly approach weight lifting. Watch your body: when lifting a heavy object, your back should remain constantly straight, and your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. This will prevent various injuries to the lumbar spine.

If you want to know in more detail the ways and methods of dealing with stoop in adults, as well as consider alternative options, you can read an article about this on our portal.

It is also recommended to sleep in a certain position so as not to burden the lower back. First of all, to improve your posture, you should lie on your back, placing a small pillow under your feet (just under your knees). At the same time, doctors do not recommend sleeping on your stomach or on your side, since this negatively affects the health of the lumbar spine.

Video - How to strengthen your back muscles at home

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The expression "carrying everything on your back" very accurately demonstrates the importance of this muscle group... The main part of all static and dynamic load falls on the back: from maintaining the body in an upright position to bending, turning the body and supporting during squats.

Sedentary lifestyle, obesity, neglect physical activity leads to the fact that the spine is deformed, there are back pain.

A balanced set of exercises for the back will strengthen the muscle corset, improve posture: at the same time, it can be performed both at home and in gym... A systematic approach to training will allow you to achieve muscle gain: enough to basic exercises add weights.

Back muscle anatomy

A brief excursion into the anatomy of the back muscles will help to figure out how to correctly swing the back from the point of view of technique at home without the supervision of a trainer.

The main muscles of the back and their function:

  • Latissimus muscles- the largest part of the back. The muscles originate under the shoulder and extend down to the lumbar region. Their task is to lead back and lower the shoulders;
  • Trapezoidal- occupies a triangular zone in back area neck and upper back. Responsible for bringing the scapula closer to the spine, raising and lowering it, as well as tilting the head;
  • Small and large rhomboid muscle originates in the median edge of the scapula and is responsible for its movement up and back, towards the spinal column;
  • Large and small round muscles(the posterior and lower edge of the scapula and the upper / middle part of the scapula), as well as the subscapularis muscle, are responsible for the rotation of the shoulder joint outward, horizontal abduction, extension;
  • Back extenders- powerful longus muscle going along spinal column in the lumbar region. Consists of three parts: longest, spinous and vertebral-costal. The role of this muscle is to extend the spine with bilateral contraction, and tilt to a certain side with unilateral contraction. The extensors are also involved in keeping the trunk upright and in balance.

Small muscles of the back, such as the anterior dentate or supraspinatus, as well as deep muscles back, we will not touch on in detail: to build a competent training, it is enough to know the mechanics of the above muscles.

Exercises for back muscles

The first muscle that is emphasized in training is the broadest muscle of the back: thanks to the exercise on this part of the body, the silhouette becomes V-shaped, acquires a masculine outline. The most best exercise for this zone - pull-ups on the horizontal bar wide grip: it uses the outer areas latissimus.

Optimal if you have a home Swedish wall with a horizontal bar or crossbar. If pull-ups (especially with a wide grip) cannot be performed, you can perform other exercises:

  • : the body is relaxed, the main task- stretch the spine as much as possible, relieving tension from the clamped roots between the vertebral discs;
  • Pull-ups with support(can be thrown over the crossbar elastic band so that the legs can be resting on the loop). It is necessary to focus on the negative phase of the repetition: using the ladder, you need to repeat the pull-ups and lower the body as slowly as possible, hovering in one position for a couple of seconds.

It is advisable to have the simplest at home sport equipment: dumbbells (at best, a barbell), a stable bench or chair. It can be used to perform many exercises from the arsenal of professional athletes.

Warm up

The basic exercise for stretching the spine at home is stretching... It does not require special training and reduces pain in various diseases of the spine.

Execution technique:

  • We lie with our stomach down on a flat surface;
  • Leaning on the wrists of straightened arms, bend the back as deeply as possible.

The exercise "Kitty" technique:

  • You need to get on all fours, resting on your hands;
  • The back bends down as much as possible and bends up.

The exercise "Hedgehog": you need to sit on a moderately hard surface (thick carpet, yoga mat), wrap your arms around your knees and swing on your back, stretching each vertebra. This exercise is contraindicated for inflammatory diseases spine, inadequate training of the muscles of the core and overweight.

Body slopes:

  • starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart;
  • when bending forward, hands need to touch the floor (with sufficient training, you can wrap your arms around your legs, hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting position).

How to pump up your lower back

A set of exercises for strengthening the lower back at home includes exercises for the motor and corsetary lumbar muscles:

  • 1 exercise: we lie on the floor, we fix our legs (you can put them under the sofa), we stretch our arms forward and, bending in the lower back, raise the body up;
  • 2 exercise"Boat" starting position is the same, but we raise both legs and arms at the same time, pressing our hips to the floor;
  • Exercise 3: the starting position is the same, we rest our chin on the floor, hold on to the support with our hands and slightly raise our straight legs up.

By doing these simple exercises you can not only strengthen, but also achieve inflated lumbar muscles, which will be a good help for performing more difficult exercises, for example, deadlift.

Lumbar flexion

An exercise like hyperextension excellently strengthens the extensor muscles of the back, as well as the buttocks and hamstrings. This exercise it is recommended to perform regularly both for experienced athletes and beginners who are trying to tighten a weak muscle frame.

Traditionally, the lumbar curls are performed on a special machine called the "Roman chair". However, if desired, hyperextension is easily performed at home without an exercise machine.

There are two variations in the performance of deflections:

  • On a horizontal surface: we need a sturdy, stable bench, two chairs piled together, or a resilient sofa. Starting position: lying on a support, belly down, hips hang freely, legs rest on the floor, feet are fixed. The body lift is performed until the body is extended in a straight line with the legs. In the process of performing this exercise, it is necessary to concentrate on the work of the lower back, relieving the load from the buttocks and hips;
  • On fitball... The lower abdomen and thighs are pressed against the ball, the legs are located shoulder-width apart (the emphasis is carried out due to the adhesion of the toes of the shoes to the floor surface), the hands must be locked into the lock and fixed at the back of the head. Firmly pressing your hips against the ball, you must slowly lower the body down, slightly rounding your back and then return to its original position.

Lumbar crunches

An exercise such as the lumbar crunch has many variations. Daily activity in the vertebral motor segments prevents the vertebrae from "jamming".

The most obvious twist is the standing sideways swing. The initial position of the legs is shoulder-width apart, hands rest on the hips. We make the maximum possible clockwise rotation of the torso, starting with a 90-degree turn. We perform 15-20 rotations clockwise and 15-20 counterclockwise. As the mobility of the lumbar spine develops, the amplitude should increase to the physiological norm - 170 degrees in both directions.

"Lying crunches" - the second variation of twists in the lumbar spine:

  • Starting position - "lying on your back" on a horizontal surface;
  • We bend the left leg at the knee, and, holding it with the opposite hand (if the leg is left, then with the right hand, and vice versa), we turn the leg to the right side, using the lumbar motor region;
  • Upper body: upper back, shoulders, head, firmly pressed to the floor, movement is carried out only by the "working" leg and lower back;
  • Repeat twisting for right leg.

Twisting is contraindicated in herniated discs: they put a heavy load on the lumbar spine - it is in this area, just above the pelvis, that the hernias are located.

How to build shoulders at home

To pump up shoulder muscles don't need expensive sport equipment: You can achieve rounded embossed shoulders at home. The simplest exercise that does not require any adaptations is reverse grip push-ups:

  • Starting position as in regular push-ups from the floor;
  • We turn our hands so that the fingertips connected together are directed towards each other;
  • We perform 15-20 repetitions (if preparation allows, more is possible).

One of the hardest exercises that effectively pumps the shoulders is handstand push-ups:

  • To begin with, the exercise is performed with support on the wall;
  • We become our face in the wall, put our hands on the floor and throw our legs up on the wall (if it is not possible to stand up against the wall with our backs and put our feet on the wall, going over in small steps);
  • The fingers point to the sides. The arms are slowly bent at the elbows, and return to their original position.

If you can't do the exercise, you can make it easier: just do a handstand (without push-ups), push-ups slightly bent in the lower back and bend your knees.

Elastic Band Exercise:

  • We stand with our feet in the middle of the tape, grab the 2 ends with our hands and spread our arms to the sides, without bending them at the elbows;
  • We stand in the same position, pull the tape forward with our hands.

The technique of exercises on the shoulders requires increased attention: any inaccurate movement can damage this complex system of tendons, bones and muscles.

How to pump wings at home

The so-called "wings" are nothing more than the outer parts of the latissimus dorsi muscle.

A set of exercises for this muscle group will include:

  • Wide grip pull-ups Is the best exercise. Using most of the muscles in the upper body, it gives the main load to the "wings". You can also ask your partner to move your legs about 45 degrees: in this case, the load on the wings will be even greater;
  • Wiring with dumbbells while standing: feet shoulder-width apart, the body moves forward at a right angle, arms with dumbbells spread apart. The arms do not bend at the elbow: in this case, we take the load off the target area.
  • Dumbbell Leads with Bench Focus... We take a dumbbell in left hand... Leaning on the bench with the knee of the right leg and the right hand, we position our stomach parallel to the bench. The arm with the load must be bent at the elbow and raise the dumbbell, slightly winding it behind the back, the movement is similar to working with a hand saw. The hand with the dumbbell is as relaxed as possible, we try to perform the movement with our back.

Exercises on the simulator, with dumbbells and a barbell

After several months of properly doing spinal exercises at home, you will certainly want to increase the load. You can diversify the standard set of training elements using special simulators in the gym.

Approximate training complex (you can alternate):

  • Deadlift / T-bar Row;
  • Thrust top block behind the head / bent-over barbell row;
  • Exercises for the back with dumbbells: pulling to the belt, pulling dumbbells in the slope;
  • Pull-ups (direct, reverse or wide grip, you can even add weights).

Training rules in the gym:

  • The back is a complex of large muscles to give them good load, you must perform at least 8 repetitions in the approach. The weight must be appropriate;
  • Do not use such a technique as "cheating". This is fraught with back injuries.

Doing exercises for different muscles back regularly, you can achieve a stunning effect, even exercising at home. Remember: the main thing is not the weight of the weights, but the muscle tension.

We present to your attention a set of exercises for the back, which will help to strengthen the muscles and eliminate the appearance of pain in this part of the body. The complex includes 7 simple, but very effective exercise for the back and lower back, which will reduce pain in this area, and are also very useful for the prevention of those who practice a sedentary lifestyle.

Before starting to perform a set of exercises, you need to warm up. The warm-up should be 3-5 minutes, like in physical education classes at school.

First, the legs are stretched (raising the leg with a bend at the knee, wide lunges), then move on to the torso (tilts in all directions and rotations), then warm up the arms (rotations in the shoulder, elbow and hand), the final stage - warm-up the neck (tilts and rotations ).

For clarity, we suggest that you perform the exercises described in the infographics.

ATTENTION! If you feel pain while doing the exercises, then you do not need to do this exercise, so that this does not lead to negative consequences... Pain does not mean that you are close to the cause of pain!

Exercise 1

Eliminates pain in the lumbar region and strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Place a sports mat on the floor. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back, put your hands along the body, legs together. Raise your leg to a height of 10-15 cm from the floor and fix it in the maximum position until you feel tired. After a short break, do the exercise with the other leg. Perform 5 lifts with each leg.

Exercise 2

Develops flexibility of the spine and also relieves back pain.

Lying on the floor, bring your knees together, then tilt them to the right, touching the floor, and your head to the left. Then vice versa: knees to the left and head to the right. Wherein upper arm is retracted in the direction in which the head turns. Perform 5 turns in each direction.

Exercise # 3

Performs therapeutic and prophylactic back massage, and also increases the flexibility of the spine.

In a prone position, bend your knee and grab it with your arms, pulling strongly towards you to touch your chest. Lock your leg in the maximum position until you feel tired. Then do the exercise with the other leg, doing 5 repetitions on each leg.
You can also do the exercise with two legs at the same time - 5 times.

Exercise 4

Strengthens muscles abdominal and back.

Lie on your stomach with your hands in front of you at chest level. Bending your knees, lift them 10-15 cm from the floor. Leaning on your hands, lift your upper body as much as possible. Try to keep your knees and pelvic area on the floor. Fix the position of the body in the maximum position for a few seconds. After that, return to the original position. 5 repetitions of the exercise will be sufficient.

Exercise 5

Strengthens the back muscles.

Get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor. First, bend your back down for a few seconds, and then up as much as possible. The exercise is performed in two blocks: the first - the deflections are done without stopping, the second - fixing for a few seconds in the maximum position, at the top and bottom points. The first block is performed for a minute, the second should include 5 repetitions.

Exercise 6

Strengthens the muscles of the lower back and back.

Remain in the same position as after the previous exercise. Raise your leg and straighten it parallel to the floor, while keeping your neck and back straight. Fix in this position for a couple of seconds and do the same with the other leg. The exercise should include 5 reps for each leg.

Exercise 7

Relieves stress on overstrained back muscles.

Stand up straight, legs together, straighten, straighten your shoulders. Rise up on your toes, slightly lifting your heels off the floor, try to relax your back muscles. Lock in this position until you get tired. The exercise is performed in 5 sets.

After completing the entire set of exercises, you need to become straight, legs slightly apart, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. As you inhale, gently rise up on your toes, while raising your arms above your head, hold this position for a couple of seconds and then exhale smoothly down to the starting position. Do 5 reps. This is a relaxing and calming exercise that will help tone the body after a set of exercises.

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