How to work out in a fitness club. Fitness Exercises - Beginner Workouts

Everyone knows about the benefits of fitness. But how hard it is to start training. Or it also happens that after 2-3 lessons there is a desire to quit everything. And only the strongest in spirit and hardworking achieve success. Regular fitness training can help improve your health.

Slimming Fitness

Passive lifestyle, improper nutrition and lack of physical activity leads to a problem excess weight... Fitness will help you lose weight without harming your health. What do beginners need to know?

1. You need to do at least 3-4 times a week.

Fitness at home. Beautiful figure during the week

2. Intensive and long (at least an hour) training will cope with extra pounds.

3. In strength training do not change the load abruptly.

4. Be sure to get enough sleep and rest.

5. Shower and bath will relax tired muscles.

Fitness diet

A fitness diet does not in any way imply a hunger strike. Sports nutrition should contain proteins and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates will provide the body with the necessary energy, and proteins will give strength. You need to eat 1.5-2 hours before and after training. And if you did not manage to eat on time, you can drink a glass of milk half an hour before class.

Proper nutrition help you lose weight quickly. In such a diet, you need to adhere to one basic rule: the consumption of calories should be more than the amount eaten.

Why is fitness useful?

Much has been written about the well-known health benefits of fitness. New discoveries of scientists have proved to the world that other little-known sports activities have beneficial features.

1. Regular exercise will help improve your hearing.

2. Even creativity can wake up. You need to choose those exercises that do not require an intellectual load.

3. Fitness enhances sexual desire.

4. If you have bad habits, exercise will help you get rid of them.

5. Intense physical activity promotes rapid and deep sleep.

6. Scientists have proven that those who love fitness do not have intestinal problems, which cannot be said about those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

7. Fitness requires organization and discipline.

How to dress for a fitness club?

- Convenient sports uniform help you feel comfortable in class.

The price and brand of the suit do not matter.

You will need fingerless gloves for your stationary bike workouts. With them you will not "earn" calluses.

- Sneakers are better to look for in sports stores. A special line is produced for training.

Fitness exercises with music. Standing exercises

You will also need a sports bag for classes (you need to put things somewhere), a thermos or a bottle of water, a towel and hair ties.

How do I find a fitness trainer?

Regular exercise does not always help to achieve the desired effect. Good coach will select the optimal load for you, support you during classes, advise on any issue related to fitness.

Read online reviews of trainers.

At the reception, you can familiarize yourself with the achievements of the coaches: diplomas, certificates.

The first impression of the coach should be pleasant. After talking with him, you should have a desire to come to training again.

On the first free lesson, which is usually done for beginners, observe how the trainer conducts the lesson.

Types of group activities in the fitness club

Group classes are fun and easy, so many choose this type of workout.

8 key rules to get you started effective training in the hall without mistakes

At the very beginning, it is important for you to understand:
- The structure of any workout: warm-up, workout, cool-down;
- Training intensity: how many times a week to train and for how long;
- How to choose exercises, how many of them should be in one workout and how not to get confused in approaches and repetitions;
- How to understand the simulators;
- What to do if you need a result in a specific area: beautiful press, beautiful butt, narrow waist or want to lose weight "only in the legs."

The main thing to understand is: there are some general rules, which is important to adhere to in training at the start, but in general, each training program is individual and is built for you and your task, based on current training, health status, etc.

We answer frequently asked questions and provide rules, based on which you can start training and adjust them along the way for yourself or with the help of a trainer.

1. What should be the training structure?

Just remember:

Warm-up -> Workout -> Cool Down.

Warming up is important.

Warm up- This is about 10 minutes (in total) of full-body stretching and aerobic (moving) exercises at the very beginning of the workout.

Warm-up exercises:

- easy running on the track;
- jumping rope;
- light exercises for the muscles of the legs, arms and trunk (push-ups, squats, etc.);
- exercises to increase the flexibility of the arms, legs and spine (rotational movements, bending, etc.)

The warm-up stretches and tones the muscles, develops the ligaments and joints, prepares them for heavy loads. It speeds up metabolism, fills muscles with blood and increases cardiovascular activity.

Warming up prevents injury and improves training efficiency.

Cooling down is very important.

Cooling down also prevents injury and reduces muscle soreness after exercise.

During exercise, lactic acid builds up in the muscles. This is manifested by muscle pain (sore throat).

Cooling down helps to remove some of the lactic acid from the muscles. This means that the muscles will not hurt as much as if you hadn't done the hitch.

Cooling down can help lower your heart rate and "calm" your body after exercise.

Cool Down Exercises:

- light running, which gradually turns into walking;
- stretching exercises.

We will talk in more detail about the training itself below.

2. How many times a week to train?

Minimum 2 workouts. This is the minimum volume that will help you feel and see changes in your body.

It's minimum.

Optimally, this is 3-4 workouts per week. This will greatly speed up the result.

There are 6 major muscle groups you need to work on:

Cor (press)

In each workout, you can work out all muscle groups or divide the upper and lower groups for different training days.

When is it better to train all muscle groups on one day, and when to split the upper and lower groups on different training days?

If you haven't trained in the gym before- you must do whole body workouts (for all muscle groups) at every workout.

Better to take a break for 1-2 days between workouts.

This is a scientifically sound approach.

On the days between workouts, muscle protein is synthesized, muscles are restored, muscles are strengthened and built, and excess fat is burned.

This training format will be enough to get a noticeable result and feel an improvement in overall well-being in a couple of weeks.

It is necessary to switch to separate workouts when whole-body workouts stop giving a result visible in the mirror and you feel that this load is not enough for you, and muscles do not grow and excess fat is not burned (on average, this is a couple of months of training).

This means that the muscles need a lot of stress - either to exercise for longer or with more weight.

But within the framework of one workout, there may not be enough time to work out all muscle groups, or you will simply get tired of large weights all over the body.

With separate workouts, you train your upper and lower body muscles on separate days.

So you load the muscles more strongly than during training on the whole body, and again you begin to see the result.

If you decide to train 4 times a week, then you can plan your training like this:

Monday is low.
Tuesday is up.
Rest 1 day.
Thursday is low.
Friday is up.

And you still have 2 more days to recover well for the next workout.

3.How long should the workout last?

Optimum - 1–1.5 hours, maximum - 2 hours. If you can train longer, it means you have been "screwed up".

This is the time during which the metabolism accelerates and the processes of burning fat while losing weight are launched, and the muscles have enough load to begin to strengthen and gain weight.

4.How to choose exercises and how many there areshould be in one workout?

If you are doing whole-body workouts, then choose the exercises for the whole body.

If the workouts are up or down, then the exercises are up or down.

What kind of exercises?

* if you cannot perform the required number of repetitions of the exercise with own weight, for example, push up off the floor, then push up as much as you have strength. Over time, you will reach the required amount.

If you train on your own, just print this program and come to the gym with the sheets.

This way you will not get confused and confused about what to do, in what sequence.

If you train with a personal trainer, he will be with you throughout your workout.

He will make a program for you. He will tell you what exercises to do, how many approaches, repetitions, rest between exercises and approaches, and will control the execution technique to speed up your result.

5. How much rest between exercises and sets?

Huge scientific works are written on this topic.

But you can take this rest time as a basis.

To rest between sets in one exercise:

If you do 1-3 reps (at high weights) in one set: rest 3-5 minutes.
4-7 reps: 2-3 minutes
8-12 reps: 1-2 minutes
13 or more reps: 1 minute

To rest between different exercises:

TO next exercise you need to start rested.

This is usually 2-3 minutes. If you feel that you have not recovered yet, you can take a couple more minutes of break.

6.And how to determine the optimal weight forexercise?

Any exercise consists of a “warm-up” approach and “basic” approaches.

The warm-up approach is performed with the lowest weight, or with your own weight. Even professionals do this.

This approach is needed to stretch the muscles and prepare them for the load.

Typically, this is 16-20 reps.

After the warm-up, 3-4 basic approaches with a working weight follow.

As a result, each exercise is 4-5 sets. 1 warm-up and 3-4 main ones.

There are 2 simple criteria that will help you roughly determine your starting working weight:

1. The weight should be such that you can do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions of the exercise with the correct technique.
2. The last 2-3 reps should be difficult.

This means that the weight is appropriate.

How exactly do you define it?

Feels like.

Take the weight that you think you can perform 10-12 times with minimal effort (10-15-20 kg). And do 3 sets.

If on the first approach you realize that this weight is not enough, and you can do 2 more approaches without much effort, increase the weight, but not too much.

you shouldn't do many approaches and try to determine the final working weight in one workout.

Firstly, you get tired and the weight will be inaccurate, and secondly, you still need to have time to do exercises for other muscle groups.

Remember (or better write down) the weight with which you worked in this workout, and reduce or increase it in the next workout to the necessary criteria.

7. I do not quite understand what kind of simulators I need and how to work with them.

We could describe the simulators and show how they work, but it's boring. In practice, you will learn everything faster.

In the program that you could download here, we have selected exercises for our simulators.

If you train on your own without personal trainer, then come with her to the gym, approach any coach, point your finger at an exercise from the program and ask: "Where is this simulator and how to work with it?"

All trainers are charged with your result.

8.Get it. What if I just want a nice abs, a tight ass or "lose weight in the legs"?

All this is real.

Don't flatter yourself with pretty promises. Unfortunately, it is impossible to lose weight or gain or strengthen something only in a specific place.

This is how the body works. Yes. We are also indignant 🙂

"Beautiful abs" and "elastic butt" is a consequence of changes in the whole body.

Yes, you can put more stress on specific group muscles, and the result in a specific area will be more noticeable after changing the whole body.


1. Remember the structure of the workout

Warm-up -> Workout -> Cool Down

This will help prevent injury, reduce muscle soreness after exertion, and get results faster.

2. Train at least 2 times a week

Optimally - 3-4 times.

3. The workout lasts 1-1.5 hours

Maximum 2 hours. If it is more, it means “mess”. Less - you may not have time to start your metabolism and muscle underload.

4. Choose exercises depending on the level of training

If you are just starting out, full body workouts are for you.

If your performance slows down or stalls, separate your upper and lower body muscle workouts on different days to increase the intensity of your workouts.

Download the starter workout program.

5. The new exercise should be approached rested.

Typically, this is 2-3 minutes of rest between different exercises.

And 1-2 minutes between sets in one exercise.

6. Determine the optimal operating weight

To do this, start with the minimum weights (5-10 kg) and increase if this is not enough.

When working with your own weight, do as many reps as you have enough strength.

7. For any question, feel free to contact the coaches in the gym

8. The result in a specific area (abs, butt, legs, waist) will come immediately after changes in the whole body

Based on materials (

When exercising, nutrition is an important contributor to your achievement and results. Almost 70% of the success of a good figure falls on fitness nutrition. The energy that we spend during the day enters our body with food. It is important not to overeat, especially before training, and not to be hungry, as you will feel uncomfortable. As a result, you are likely to warm up poorly and not warm up your muscles enough for a good workout. You will now find out how to eat right before and after training.

  • It doesn't matter if you decide to lose weight or to strengthen and pump up muscles - fitness nutrition implies the presence of 1.5-2 liters of water in your diet per day. In no case should you drink from the tap, you can get sick. During sports activities drink 0.5-1 liters of water, depending on your weight and intensity, evenly throughout the entire session. The liquid is beneficial for the absorption of all nutrients. Dehydration of the body is bad, because during this time metabolic processes slow down and fat is burned more slowly.
  • 2-3 hours before physical activity, the fitness menu consists of 300-400 calories and includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can make hard rice or pasta with chicken fillet, fresh vegetable salad and green tea. Avoid kale and legumes - they can cause bloating.
  • 1-2 hours before exercise, your diet for weight loss or muscle building should not be high in calories. Such a meal should be light and airy. It is desirable not more than 15-200 Kcal so that you do not have heaviness in the stomach. A couple of wheat bread and 100-200 ml of milk will do just fine. A balanced diet with proteins and carbohydrates will prevent painful sensations in the muscles and throughout the workout, you will not experience hunger.
  • After completing all the exercises, for the first time 20-30 minutes in the body is formed " carbohydrate window". At this time, you need to eat protein and carbohydrate foods. Eliminate tea, candy, coffee, cocoa and fats, as these foods and components interfere with protein absorption for muscle tissue repair. It is allowed to eat the following food products during these 20-30 minutes (taking into account high intensity your disputes): protein drinks (protein), kefir, energy bars, yoghurts, etc. You can drink juice such as cranberry without sugar.
  • After 1 hour after fitness, it is recommended to eat proteins, complex carbohydrates. This combination of components will speed up your metabolism and assimilate everything. With this menu, the muscles will recover well, painlessly.

Fitness menu

Provide slim figure you will be allowed 5 meals a day. For girls, a menu of 1500-1600 calories per day is suitable. The ration is made for 7 days, it is an approximate one, and you can change it according to your taste.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal, grapefruit.
  • Second breakfast - Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Lunch - rice with chicken fillet.
  • Afternoon snack - juice, vegetable.
  • Dinner - steamed fish, fresh vegetable salad, 1 fruit (apple or orange).


  • Breakfast - oatmeal, a couple of egg whites, juice of your choice.
  • Second breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese, and low-fat sour cream, banana.
  • Lunch - buckwheat porridge with lean meat.
  • Afternoon snack - baked potatoes with yogurt.
  • Dinner - preferably boiled corn with chicken.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit and juice.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - low-fat cottage cheese with carrot juice.
  • Lunch - Chicken with durum pasta and green tea.
  • Afternoon snack - yogurt and 1 fruit of any kind.
  • Dinner for fitness lovers is the following: boiled fish with beans and vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast - scrambled eggs and muesli in milk, you can add fruit.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - buckwheat with vegetables.
  • Lunch - baked potatoes with vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack - cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and some fruit.
  • Dinner for women going in for sports is as follows: pita bread with chicken, vegetables.


  • Breakfast - make 2-3 eggs for yourself with herbs and milk of 0.5-1% fat.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - chop the banana into cottage cheese and eat the girls.
  • Lunch - steamed rice with fish and vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack - yogurt with apple.
  • Dinner - chicken with salad and a bite of corn will do.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit and a glass of kefir.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - taste the rice porridge with peach.
  • Lunch - buckwheat with lean meat or fish.
  • Afternoon snack - baked potatoes, peach yogurt, or to taste.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad with low-fat meat.


  • Breakfast - an omelet with herbs, a glass of low-fat milk.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream 5-10% and fruit.
  • Lunch - boiled fish with durum pasta, salad.
  • Afternoon snack - apple or grapefruit.
  • Dinner - salad with shrimps, vegetables, chicken, green tea.

Eliminate foods high in unhealthy fats and "simple" carbohydrates

  • Eliminate large consumption of oils: sunflower, olive, linseed - know when to stop.
  • You should not eat a variety of flour products that contain "fast" carbohydrates: white bread, rolls, pastries and cakes.
  • Don't drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Put aside high-fat milk drinks: cheese, fatty butter, full-fat cottage cheese, full-fat milk, condensed milk, butter.
  • Do not eat fried and smoked food - cooking options, choose others.
  • It is worth removing foods with an abundant presence of sugar: jam, sugar, honey, sweet lemonades, sweets, chocolate.

Eat right and you will have a great figure!

Today the overwhelming majority is ready to say yes to sports, although exactly half of this majority would like to do fitness at home. How to start fitness classes at home, what is needed for this and how to avoid the most common mistakes, our experts will tell you.

How to start practicing?

It is no secret that many of us regularly engage in fitness is hampered by banal laziness, thanks to which there are good reasons for "absenteeism" all the time. Someone does not have enough time, someone is too tired, someone is constantly in the wrong mood. In the opinion Alexey Vasilenko, the methodologist-teacher of the Federation of Fitness-Aerobics of Russia, the national master-trainer of the bodyART and deepwork programs, you should not think of where to start fitness classes at home, you just have to take it and do it, because there is never a convenient day, a convenient time, a suitable mood.

Get seductive shapes with from the world champion in fitness bikini Ekaterina Kraavina.

“A person either starts to study, or continues to lie on the couch and blame the circumstances,” says Alexey. - Someone is motivated by the reflection in the mirror, which they do not like. Someone is motivated by success in losing weight and appearance friends and girlfriends. Everyone has their own "irritant", you just need to formulate it, realize it and just keep it in mind. "

In the opinion Anna Lunegova, teacher of jivamukti yoga, coach of AnySports, to start classes you need to prioritize and realize what kind of life you want to live. “And then it’s likely that before you have time to look around, you find yourself in motion,” she says.

Why is it more convenient to do fitness at home?

Professionals believe that one of the advantages of practicing at home is the cost-effectiveness and availability of this type of training.

"For sports club need money, new clothes. Plus the time spent on the way back and forth, - emphasizes Alexey Vasilenko. - Outdoor in a megalopolis is also a controversial thing. During classes, we begin to breathe more actively, and what we breathe in the city center is definitely not enriched pure oxygen. At home, you can study at any convenient time, without being tied to the club's opening hours. Another positive point is that no one sees you at the moment of excessive effort. You can listen to any music or watch TV in parallel, even speak on the phone using a speakerphone. Besides, there are no people around who do better than you. "

What do you need to do fitness at home?

Professionals assure: the set of things necessary for starting home fitness classes is minimal. By by and large it includes the student's desire, the presence of a certain amount of time and a small space.

“If there is not enough space in the room, you can free it up,” advises Aleksey Vasilenko. - Or go out to train on the balcony. So that the quality of the workout does not decrease, instead of sports equipment walls and chairs can be used. " As for the duration of the lesson, then, according to him, in order to achieve any tangible progress physical form and losing weight, it is necessary that the workout lasts at least 15 to 30 minutes.

How to do fitness at home to lose weight?

One of mandatory conditions for weight loss, experts consider the regularity of the main activities, others - their combination with light morning exercises... According to Aleksey Vasilenko, a five-minute morning cardio workout helps to speed up the general metabolism in the morning, thanks to which the process of spending calories during the day is more dynamic, which will not fail to affect the process of losing weight.

“The best indicator of the result of physical activity while losing weight will be your condition,” says Anna Lunegova. "The body never cheats: you will immediately understand how it reacts to your suggestions." And of course, in order to lose weight, you need to do fitness at home regularly.

How to do fitness at home: on your own or using online workouts conducted by professionals?

According to Anna Lunegova, if you know your body well and are able to go from its states, then self-study fitness is quite acceptable. If you are just on the way to getting to know your physical capabilities and abilities, then professional teachers working online will help you create a system of exercises that suits you.

“For example, in yoga, professional teachers will help you quickly and less traumatically master positions that relax the body and remove blocks and clamps, which is very important with regular physical activity and for the process of losing weight, ”says Anna.

When choosing online lessons, the personality of the mentor is of no small importance. “The most important thing is the feeling that there is contact, since any information is transmitted through a specific person, his experience, aspirations,” says Anna. - You should be comfortable and comfortable with this person, despite the fact that the training will take place in an online format. You must trust your coach, his competence, otherwise your doubts can nullify all your efforts. "

Fitness classes at home are a great opportunity to stay in shape and significantly save time and money! And with high-quality online workouts, they can even turn into a miniature personal fitness club. Don't be shelved. Start your workouts now.

The question that especially worries novice athletes is at what time of day to conduct training so that they bring the maximum effect and benefit?

The well-known classification of people into owls and larks will help to take the first step towards understanding when it is best to do fitness. Choosing the time for training with an eye to this typology will help determine what time of day is right for you in order to conduct your training in a good mood and with the greatest efficiency.

Owls can stay up late and still be productive, but early morning for a very long time they cannot wake up and engage in any activity that requires concentration. If you are of this type, then the most suitable time for your workout will be the evening when you are full of energy and strength (from about 17:00 onwards), but morning classes will only be a burden.

It is common for larks to wake up in the early morning with good mood and full of strength. The best time for their training will be precisely the morning hours, starting at about 6:00. Evening classes can provoke insomnia in people of this type, as physical activity creates additional energy that can "ward off" sleep.

Daytime workouts (12:00 - 18:00) are suitable for most people, whatever their type. Owls at such a time are already quite vigorous, and larks are still far from a night's rest. In addition, classes held in the middle of the day will energize and increase performance until the evening.

It is not always possible to build a training regimen in accordance with your own biorhythms: the time of training for most people depends on several additional factors, including employment at work.

In this case, you will have to plan the time of the classes, taking into account the general recommendations:

  1. Exercise while you are at your peak physical activity... When you are full of energy, the efficiency of your workout is much higher, which brings you even closer to desired result... Therefore, if you feel energized and ready to exercise at 5 am or 11 pm - good health, but do not forget about the need for recovery.
  2. Your aim - effective training at the limit of strength? Choose a time when your body has enough glycogen stores: you can lift heavier weights, move faster, and jump higher. Glycogen levels depend on food intake - the more carbohydrates it contains, the higher the level of muscle glycogen filling. From this we can conclude that such a workout is best done throughout the day, starting in the late morning and ending in the early evening.
  3. If your top priority is burning fat, then morning is for you. Before your first meal, glycogen stores are low and you can force your body to burn more fat during exercise. The best choice there will be regular or relatively short interval cardio workouts. The main thing is to observe moderation and not try to set records. Intense long-term training combined with low glycogen levels can lead to poor overall well-being, fatigue and dizziness.

The advantages and disadvantages of training at different times

When choosing the best training hours for yourself - morning, afternoon or evening, you should learn about the benefits and risks of exercising at a particular time of day.

Morning workouts (06:00 - 10:00)

  • help to get involved in the working day;
  • increase metabolic rate for the rest of the day;
  • promote fat burning;
  • comfortable in terms of the duration of classes: it is enough to get up early to work out longer.
  • there is a high risk of injury, since the muscles in the morning are not sufficiently developed;
  • body temperature in the morning is below normal, blood circulation is slow, and therefore energy is consumed at a slower rate.

Afternoon training (12:00 - 17:00)

  • the body is ready for training of any degree of intensity: active blood circulation, body temperature within normal limits;
  • the body is full of strength and capable of any workout: relief, mass or fat burning.
  • not everyone can afford to train during working hours;
  • Lots of distractions in the middle of the day: phone calls, household chores, etc.

Evening training (18:00 - 22:00)

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