Drop set after 60 years. Drop sets in bodybuilding: effective training for muscle growth

Drop sets Is the shortest path to the set muscle mass because it is a really easy, but at the same time very painful way to bring your muscles to the point of overwork that will provide muscle HYPERTROPHY.

From English, " drop"Means to throw or fold, and" set", As you already mean to install or configure, in bodybuilding, this is an alternative to the word" an approach". So, based on this, a drop set means an approach with a drop in weight. Let's take a closer look at this bodybuilding training method.

There have been many cases in my practice, and I myself have encountered such a problem as stagnation in gaining muscle mass ... You can eat right, exercise intensely, but the growth of mass will be slowed down, or even stopped altogether, and you will be marking time in about the same place. Of course, strength will grow, you will feel that there is progress, but only in increasing physical strength.

How to get off the ground in muscle building with drop sets?

The point is that while training according to standard training programs, your muscles get used not only to the weights, the exercises that you do in training, but also to how you perform the approach. For example, you do. The first sets you take a small weight to warm up, then gradually increase the weight and reduce the number of sets, making the last set with the maximum weight. Roughly speaking, the muscles are already prepared in advance for such a development of events. To really blow up the muscles of the legs or any other muscle group, whether it be biceps or chest, you need to resort to using drop sets in bodybuilding.

How does the principle of training using Drop-Sets work?

Performing any exercise, in our case squats with a barbell, in the last approach, do not 12 repetitions as usual, but do maximum amount times, then immediately discard 20-30% of the existing weight and perform the next set (without rest for the maximum number of repetitions). Then, if the weight permits, drop a couple more pancakes and do the third approach, giving all the best, again without rest.

There MUST NOT BE any breaks between these approaches! This is very important point otherwise the method loses its effectiveness. Put the barbell on a rack, drop a couple of pancakes and immediately start the approach, squatting the maximum number of times.

It will be generally good if you have a partner who can help you fold pancakes with each set. Thus, you will not rest at all, and the stress on the muscles will be great enough to cause additional muscle hypertrophy. What's the point? If you want to make your muscles grow, you need to perform each set to the limit, it is very painful, but without it you will not build muscle mass and will not get off the ground.

And by the way, do not even think about using, as this is not a magic pill that will contribute to weight gain. The use of anablics suggests even more, I would say, GREAT WORK not comparable to conventional, natural workouts. If a person cannot overcome muscle pain, give all your 100% in training, then you don't even need to think about farming.

Drop sets are different, you can perform them both in the last and in the first approach. For example, as he said, he trained his chest using a drop set at the beginning of the workout, that is, in the first approach he took the maximum or just enough heavy weight, did the approach, dropped a couple of pancakes, did the next approach, and so on three times. After such an explosive drop-set, my chest muscles simply refused, the stress was so great. Thus, "shocking" the muscles with such a load, he increased the total muscle mass quite well.

Drop sets can be done in any exercise, isolation or base. If you look at it, he also uses a similar method, and the result is obvious.


Drop sets should only be used if you want to build muscle. If you're doing endurance training, this method doesn't make any sense. If you want to enlarge strength endurance, or want to lose weight, you need to resort to using

Drop sets in bodybuilding are the most The best way muscle training. This method was developed by Henry Atkinson, editor of Body Culture magazine in 1947. A drop set is a special technique in which an approach in an exercise is performed to full muscle failure, and then the burden decreases in weight and a series of approaches is performed, but with smaller weights.

The main purpose of drop sets is to increase muscle size. They will not lead to an increase in strength, exactly, as well as to power and speed, but this method is ideal for building pure muscle mass.

How do drop sets work?

A drop set program should be included with every workout. But how does muscle growth happen? Let's say you are lifting a barbell, 100 kilograms. Five times you did it relatively easily, the sixth - already with difficulty, the seventh - barely, and the eighth you can not complete in any way, even if you break into a cake. The thing is that for each weight certain muscle fibers, and when we, having reached the limit, reduce the load, additional muscle fibers that were not previously involved in the work are turned on. All this leads to greater involvement of the muscle in the work process and thus, it increases in volume. Drop sets work well for "resurfacing" the muscles and act as one of the great types of isolation exercises.

Methods for conducting drop sets.

Drop-set program or what is a drop-set in training? We will focus on the most popular programs that are recommended for most athletes. I would like to remind you that drop sets in general have become so popular because Arnold Schwarzenegger actively used them in his training and recommended them in numerous interviews. Let's dwell on those that he most often used and those that are recommended by other equally eminent bodybuilders and bodybuilders.

Drop sets with a barbell. The basic idea is to use multiple lightweight barbell pancakes instead of one heavy weight for the purpose of a drop set. Let's say you bench press 50 kilograms using multiple pancakes. In this case, you gradually reach your limit, then drop one light pancake from the bar and continue to train further.

Drop sets on block simulators If it is difficult to train with a barbell, or there is no partner who would remove the pancakes from it, you can perform drop sets in block trainer... There it is enough just to rearrange the pin to the desired weight, so that nothing will distract you from performing the correct technique. The rate of change in weight increases the intensity of the approach.

Dumbbell Drop Sets It is especially convenient to perform drop sets with dumbbells, since you can simply not leave the rack with them and gradually, as you become tired, change the weight of the projectile. Here you need to pump up the biceps and deltoids, in this case, when using drop sets, they grow like balloons.

Compressed drop sets They represent a slight change in weight of 5-20%. This approach helps well when training small muscle groups, where significant changes in load can simply stop developing the muscle.

Wide drop sets Reverse the previous exercises. The mass of the projectile is reduced sharply, sometimes even by 30%, to increase the number of repetitions. This program is effective for training large muscle groups, chest, legs and back.

Drop set 50% An incredibly effective approach to muscle development. It is performed as follows: 6 repetitions are done with the maximum weight, then the weight is reduced by half and another 20 repetitions are performed. Allows you to effectively pump various muscle groups.

Powerful drop sets They were especially recommended by Larry Scott, the first Mr. Olympia. They had extremely developed deltas and arms. The essence of the exercise is that you do a small number of repetitions, for example, 6 with an extremely heavy weight, then drop the weight by 10-15% and do the same.

Ascending and descending drop sets Increasing drop sets are weight loss that can be increased in repetitions. With the maximum mass of the projectile, 6 repetitions are performed, then 25-30% are dropped and the exercise is repeated 10-12 more times. Then the weight is again reduced by 25-30% and another 10-12 repetitions are performed.

Decreasing drop sets are somewhat reminiscent of squeezed ones. The decrease in working weight is negligible, by about 5-10%, but with each drop set, the number of repetitions should increase.

Drop set for mass.

These drop sets are extremely effective in "shocking" a muscle and thus inducing hypertrophy. In addition, they can be used to overcome stagnation and plateau effects. But these drop sets are not recommended for endurance athletes. Then they cannot be performed, it will only get worse.

Drop sets should be practiced no more than 1-2 times a month for different muscle groups. If you exercise more often, you may end up so tired that you lose interest in training. In addition, this is too much stress for the muscles, and therefore periods of long rest and regular, not burdened with excesses, workouts are necessary.

By its nature, a drop set for bulk is very useful, but extremely tedious. You can't go too far, because you still can't trample on the laws of your own physiology, so you need to perform the exercises with intelligence and caution. How far can you go using drop sets?

Definitely, if you include them in your training program, muscle resurfacing will proceed at an accelerated pace. They are quite heavy and exhausting, and therefore it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for them. But at the same time, the effectiveness of drop sets has been proven by many years of practice by the best bodybuilders in the world, and therefore it makes sense to pay special attention to them.

When doing drop sets, do not forget about quality nutrition. You should eat a lot of protein, eat at least 4 times a day, and at the same time it would be nice to include in your diet sports nutrition... As a result, you will get off the ground and achieve excellent hypertrophy of all desired muscle groups.

Drop sets in bodybuilding are the most popular among professional athletes. Drop sets is a training with dropping weights. Translated from English "drop" - dropping, sets-sets. Execution will require certain skills and abilities from the athlete, we will talk about this further.

What is the essence of the drop sets method

First, let's figure out what drop sets are. The essence of the principle is that the athlete does 3-4 approaches / 6-10 repetitions (as much as possible with the last striker) of any strength exercise with maximum load. A "positive muscle failure" sets in, and it seems that it is impossible to continue the exercise. Without rest, in 2-3 seconds, the working weight of the projectile immediately decreases by 20-25% (the help of partners is required). Further, the exercise is performed already until absolute muscle failure.

Important! Dropsets in training should be dosed. Simply put, they are used for shocking training (for example, once a month) or for stagnation in muscle growth (also 1-2 times a month). V otherwise the athlete is at risk of stress, overtraining and long recovery.

The mechanism of action of drop sets on the body

Muscle failure is an illusion of ultimate muscle wasting. The truth is that after a failure occurs, a lot of energy is still stored in the muscle fibers. One has only to slightly lose the working weight, and new approaches will easily submit to you.

The fibers of the muscles are arranged in such a way that they cannot contract by 50%, but only at full power, or do not contract at all. Therefore, even in a muscle that is contracting at the limit of capacity, there is a certain percentage of "dormant" fibers. They simply "did not get the nerve impulses" that the brain sent to this zone. It is important to stick to the correct number of repetitions of 8-10. This is how the greatest muscle hypertrophy is achieved.

When talking about drop sets, the question arises: do they grow muscles faster? We answer: with this method of training, maximum stress and microscopic damage to the muscle is achieved. From this, reverse recovery processes are activated. It is they who make the muscle grow and increase in volume. Here is the answer to the question of what the drop-set is for: it is aimed at awakening the "dormant" reserve muscle fibers. This is subject to training according to this method 1-2 times a month for each muscle group, and only if you are already an experienced athlete, and not a beginner in the gym.

The main types of drop sets

There are several types of drop-set.

  • Classic - doing the exercise, then reducing the burden by about 20%, and continuing to work to failure.
  • Triple and quadruple - the beginning is the same, only in the triple, 3 approaches are performed with 2-fold weight loss, and in the quadruple, 4 approaches with 3 reductions between them.
  • The opposite - in this case, the burden does not decrease, as usual, but grows. The exercise is done 10-12 times (not to failure), 20% of the weight is added and repeated 8 more times. Then 20% is added again and the exercise ends with 4-6 repetitions.

  • Progression - the projectile is selected so that for 1 approach there is enough strength for 12 sub-exercises at a normal pace. Set 2 uses a reduced load, suitable for 8 times, then a second decrease in load to do 6 times and a set of 4 repetitions with a third drop of weight.
  • Sets are performed in turn without rest for the antagonist muscles, while the load decreases by 20-30% each time. For example: an athlete lifts a 25 kg barbell for biceps, without a break, he goes to French press... After that, the weight of the projectile is reduced by 7.5 kg, and the same style performs repetitions for triceps and biceps. After that, there is another decrease in the working weight by 7.5 kg, and the cycle repeats.

Additional types of drop sets

  • With the use of dumbbells. This method is most convenient around a dumbbell rack for quick load changes. 12-10-8 kg - change in severity level. Often used in arm and shoulder training.
  • On simulators. If you compare them with a barbell, then pulling out and strengthening the pin yourself, adjusting the load, is as easy as shelling pears. For example, this procedure in the training on legs can be carried out without even getting up from the simulator.
  • Compressed - intense and complex due to small loss of weight from 5 to 20%. They are used for small muscle groups in isolation exercises.
  • Wide. A large weight loss (25% or more) allows you to perform a large number of repetitions. Used for large groups muscles - legs, back, chest.
  • 50 %. "The method of halving." A projectile is selected with which it is realistic to do 6 repetitions, after the burden is reduced once by 2 times, and the final 20 repetitions are carried out.
  • Powerful drop sets for bulk. Favorite type of training for the first "Mr. Olympia" Larry Scott. A powerful weight is selected for 6 repetitions, which allows you to build muscle and not lose strength. Further, the level of burdening decreases by 10-15%, and is performed 6 more times, again a decrease by 10% and finishing 6 repetitions. In this case, you will need the help of a partner, since the exercise is very difficult and it is not a fact that you will be able to perform these 6 repetitions yourself every time.

  • With a change in grip and leg position. For example, the leg press exercise depends on the posture of the legs on the platform. When performing, the number of repetitions does not change, but only the position of the body. You can start with 12 repetitions with feet apart shoulder-width apart, then the weight decreases, and the legs rise even higher on the platform, leaving them apart. Through the loop, place your feet together on the bottom of the platform, and finish off with a hit. Also with the press of the bar to the chest, with each set, change the grip - narrower or wider.
  • Zero. Rest when weights are reduced is close to zero, and such training is unrealistic without helpers.
  • Rest-pause. You do not have to strain too much, since you are given 15 seconds to lose weight, which allows you to gain a lot of energy.

How to increase the effectiveness of training

In order for the drop set program to be as effective as possible for the athlete, the following rules should be adhered to:

  • Equipment. Prepare everything you need in advance. For barbells - pancakes 5-10 kg each, or 3-4 pairs of dumbbells laid out in a row on a rack.

  • Short rest. 0-15 sec even at powerful trainings... The shorter the better.
  • Limited number of reductions in working weight. You can do as many reductions in load as you like, but do not forget the concept of "diminishing returns". This means that there is a certain critical point in weight reduction, after reaching which further repetitions will be ineffective for the muscles. The optimal number of projectile weight reduction is 2 times, which corresponds to a triple set.
  • Maximum load. Simple repetitions of 6-12 times are not sufficient. It is important to achieve muscle failure. With the initial choice of light weights, training is no longer effective. It is important that when repeating 6 times, the seventh is impossible to make. This is denial.
  • Safety precautions. In order to prevent injury, you cannot apply the technique without outside help in cases where it is impossible to release the projectile without risks. For example, it is not recommended to use it in the bench press or squat.

Drop set for the growth of muscle mass for biceps

Let's take a look at how to properly perform drop sets for biceps. For example, consider the favorite way of training the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger with a barbell.

  1. Warm up with a low weight to warm up your muscles. This is usually an empty neck.
  2. Load 4 pancakes (5 kg each) on each side of the bar. The total weight will come out 60 kg.
  3. Work with this weight, doing 10-12 repetitions.
  4. Remove one pancake one by one on each side, so total weight will decrease by 15%.
  5. Work with a mass of 50 kg until the first failure, and again remove the pancake from both sides.
  6. Perform 40 kg lifts until you are completely tired.

In the example, weights are taken for strong experienced pitching. If you have not yet "grown" to such loads, take a small bar and undersized pancakes. Although, if you have not "grown" to such weights, then you do not need drop-sets)

Drop sets for different muscle groups

Your attention is a video that will show in detail the principles of execution for different muscle groups.

Hammer for biceps

Leg curl in the simulator

Back work

Finishing off the shoulders

With hundreds of intense training methods out there, using just one of the drop set techniques is enough to achieve significant gains in muscle mass. Apply various techniques, and you will definitely achieve impressive results. What do you think about the usefulness and effectiveness of the drop-set? Write your opinion in the comments below.

Video: Arnold Schwarzenegger on shotsets

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Date: 2014-09-18 Views: 17 678 Grade: 5.0 Dropsets are one of the bodybuilding techniques that are widely used for. From English, drop is translated as - to drop. In general, the name speaks for itself. So:

Drop-set, this is an approach in the process of which, there is a decrease in the weight of the weights.

That is, at the time of the approach, the discs are dropped from the barbell (if the weight is on the barbell). Hence the name drop set. For example, let's say you're doing 40kg for 10 reps. After the tenth repetition, you are no longer able to continue the approach. Then the assistants immediately drop 5 kg and already 30 kg on the bar. And you can do 4 to 6 more reps. Then another 5 kg are dropped. And you do another 5-8 reps with an empty bar. And all this happens without interruption within the framework of one approach. I think the point is clear. In general, drop sets are better and more correct to do with assistants. This will allow you to complete the approach without interruption. But if there are no assistants, then you can do it yourself. However, in this case, you will have to interrupt the approach in order to fold the discs yourself. And if this is an exercise or, then doing it yourself is very inconvenient. I think what drop sets are, you get the idea. Let's now find out why they are needed.

Why drop sets are needed

1. Increase in muscle mass

It's no secret that in order for your muscles to grow in volume, the load must be unusual. In other words, one that would shock the muscles. The more an athlete trains, the more difficult it is for him to shock his muscles. As the body becomes more and more trained and resistant to stress. And this is where drop sets will help give the muscles maximum load. After all, when you have completed 10 repetitions with a weight of 40 kg and cannot perform any more repetitions, this does not mean that you have no more strength left. This suggests that you no longer have 40 kg strength! But there is still a little strength left for less weight. And this small reserve of drop-sets helps to exhaust it to the end. And thereby shock your muscles.

2. Increase in strength endurance

If in total for the approach you perform 30 or more repetitions (I got up to 55), then you will additionally develop such images. Such endurance will come in handy as in Everyday life and in training. That is, your muscles will be able to perform power work for a longer time. The principle of action here is such that under such stresses, the muscles begin to deposit more glycogen and creatine phosphate. And the more glycogen there is in the muscles, the longer they can work.

3. Increase in strength

If the drop sets are performed with extreme weights and low reps, then this option develops muscle strength. For example, with a weight of 150 kg, you can only sit down once. You put 150 kg and squat for 1 rep. Immediately, the assistants drop 5 kg, and you squat one more repetition. But already with a weight of 140 kg. Then, 130, 120, 110 kg. In total, you did only 5 reps. But all repetitions with a weight that is pretty heavy for you. This approach will increase your strength.

1. Not suitable for beginners. More precisely, not that it does not fit, just for initial stage there is no need for drop sets. Yes, and you can get injured out of habit. Practice for half a year, and then you can already try. 2. If you are going to do a drop set, then do only one working approach. That is, we warmed up 1 - 2 approaches with light weight, then we did one drop set and that's it, the exercise is over. The fact is that such approaches exhaust your muscles to the limit. And there is simply no need for additional approaches. Exceptions can only be made for strength drop sets. And even then sometimes very experienced athletes. 3. It makes sense to do drop sets if your muscles are well rested before training. Here, after all, the task is to shock your muscles. And if they are tired, they will refuse to work before the load goes beyond the stressful (unusual) one. 4. Don't overdo it. You don't need to train on just one drop-set. Remember that the muscles after such loads. Therefore, alternate between drop sets and regular approaches in different workouts to give your muscles time to rest. 5. The more weight drops there are, the heavier the drop set. Personally, I use about 3 to 4 drops. I do not recommend using less than three. Since in this case, the drop set will no longer be very different from the usual approach. In general, drop sets are a good technique for gaining both strength and mass. Better to do them with the help of assistants. Then their effectiveness will be maximized. You can use drop sets in any exercise where you use additional weights. Each step (the number of dropped kg at one time) chooses for himself. We can say that this is a matter of taste. Good luck!

By the way, you can order yourself

We all want beautiful figure and a pumped-up body. Girls dream of elastic buttocks, and men want to have big hands and broad shoulders. Effective method weight training is a drop set - I will cover this topic in the article below.

The phrase is translated from English drop - to drop, set - to install, accept. This is in bodybuilding where as you exercise and build up fatigue, the weight decreases. An example of such a workout is shown in the video below.

Let me give you an example - you lift a barbell thirty kilograms for your biceps. After 10 repetitions, the muscles became tired and rejected. Put on the barbell, take a 20 kg projectile and continue lifting the biceps to the limit, after which you will feel how the muscles of your arms burn.

Types of sets

  • Normal - we do an approach, reduce the weight of the weights by 20-30% and continue to complete refusal.
  • Triple and quadruple - the load is reduced two and three times, respectively.
  • The reverse - in it, the weight of the bar does not decrease, as in a regular set, but increases. Do the exercise 12 times (not to failure), then add 20% for eight reps. And in the end, add another 20% to the mass and complete the training with the final approach of 4 to 6 repetitions.
  • Progressive - in the first movement, pick up the weight so that you have enough strength for 12 lifts, and do the normal set. On the second set, use an 8-rep load and train the triple. For the third time, select the mass of the projectile to perform 6 repetitions and do a quadruple set.
  • A drop set is a superset. Do exercises for the antagonist muscles one by one, without interruption, each time reducing the load by 20% -30%. For example, you lift a 25 kg barbell for biceps, without rest, go to the French press of the same bar. Next, reduce the weight of the training equipment by 7.5 kg and perform repetitions for biceps and triceps in the same style. Reduce the weight again by 7.5 kg and repeat the cycle.

Benefit and harm

Bodybuilders resort to this method if standard training no longer brings good results... or for 3-4 weeks or the working weight does not increase. And with the help of these techniques, athletes add variety to the training.

Using this method, the athlete will quickly increase the mass and size of the trained muscle groups. Such intense training can be used in both basic and isolation movements, at the beginning or at the end of a workout.

The disadvantage of this method is high overloads. This is an ordeal for the muscles and the nervous system. I do not recommend adding drop sets to your workout on a weekly basis, as this can lead to overtraining. It is enough to do them once a week, in one or two exercises for each muscle group. With such training, you need to monitor nutrition, follow a high-calorie diet, including in the diet as much protein as possible for quick muscle recovery.

Execution rules

  1. Try to conduct such training with minimal pauses. To quickly throw off the pancakes from the barbell, involve other athletes or prepare an additional equipment in advance.
  2. During execution, reduce the load at least 3 times - otherwise there will be no proper mass-gaining effect.
  3. Do not drop sets on more than one exercise per workout.
  4. You should not use this method more often than once every 2-3 weeks; after all, this is an extreme load on muscles, ligaments and nervous system... The body will need a longer recovery time, and doing it too often will lead to overtraining.

Examples for different days

I will give a few examples training complexes for different muscle groups.


We will perform a barbell curl for biceps, standing with a triple set. Let's say your working weight is 30kg for 12 reps. Prepare in advance a projectile of 22.5 and 15 kg, for the second and third parts of the set.

After twelve repetitions with 30 kg weights, without resting, we take a 22.5 kg shell and continue the exercise to failure. Then we use 15 kg and repeat this movement until the arms are able to lift the bar. Stop 1-2 lifts before complete failure and switch to less weight, due to this, you get more reps per cycle.

After one such circle, we rest for 3 to 5 minutes and perform the 2nd circle, if after that you feel that you still have strength you can try the 3rd circle. To calculate the load, use the built-in calculator on your phone.

On feet

Let's take a look at the leg press drop set. To do this, you need an assistant, or preferably two. Let's say your working weight in the exercise is 120 kg for 12 repetitions, you perform these repetitions, after which the assistants remove two 15 kg pancakes (30 kg in total) and you continue to bench press. When the muscles begin to fail a second time, the assistants remove a couple more fifteen kilogram pancakes, and the cycle repeats. If you still have strength, reduce the load again.

Repeat the complex 2-3 approaches depending on the sensations in the legs.

It is difficult to train large muscles with this method, since shortness of breath and rapidly increase. Therefore, it is difficult to apply such training in squats. These workouts are best suited for flexion and extension of the legs in the machine.

On the back

Let's look at a set using the example of a lower pulley pull on a simulator. You can train with an assistant or alone. We choose a working weight in this movement for 12 full repetitions, perform them, reduce the load by 20% and do traction to muscle failure, reduce the weight and repeat the cycle.

On shoulders

Let's take a look at the drops using a standing dumbbell press. You start with a working weight of 20 kg each. Get up near the rack with a set of dumbbells and perform the movement to failure. Then you change the shells to 16 kg, repeat again to failure, after which you use 12 kg weights.

How to increase efficiency?

By doing isolation exercises for small muscles and training on machines, the weight can be reduced more smoothly - by 10% at a time. V basic exercises such a slight decrease in the load will not allow you to repeat the movement, here you need to reduce the weight of the burden by 20-30% at a time.

Set with a load reduction of 50%. With this method, you can use two opposite repetition ranges. Each of them affects muscle fibers in different ways. It promotes the growth of muscle mass and the development of muscle strength and endurance at the same time. Select the load with which you can perform 6 lifts, do the approach. Reduce the amount of weight in half and do 20 more reps without resting.

Drop sets with changing exercises. I will give an example on chest training. First, there is a bench press 12 times with a working weight. Then, without resting, we take dumbbells in our hands and carry out 8-10 arm spreads to the sides, lying on a bench. Then we press the same dumbbells until we are completely exhausted. The use of different movements will maximize the use of all cells of the muscle tissue. After this approach, your muscles will simply burn.


Drop sets are suitable for experienced bodybuilders to diversify workouts, overcome stagnation in mass gain, etc. will allow you to burn excess fat faster and help in losing weight. and do not injure muscles and tendons with excessive loads. Exercise and be healthy.

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