Correct push-ups on the fingers. Finger Pushups - Powerful Upper Body Workout

MaximK 25-08-2008 10:26

Hello to all,

I was interested in a rather narrow topic - push-ups on the fingers. Google issues a topic on your favorite forum (albeit on an unfamiliar thread):
Old topic:
Thoroughly rummaged in the Russian-language Internet. It turns out that the correct technique for placing the fingers during push-ups is when the first phalanges are almost perpendicular to the floor, and the fingers have a light circle (as if wrapping around the ball). In this case, contact with the floor is made precisely with the tips, and not with the pads of the fingers.
And here is such a bad moment, they periodically write about the harm of this exercise(in particular for the eyes) due to the fact that some acupuncture meridians pass close there. At the same time, no one describes the boundaries after which it can really be harmful (even approximately).
It is clear that with a fool you can break a horseradish. But what does the respected community think? Exactly how bad can push-ups be?
BTW We're not talking about padding - just push-ups.

Einherius 25-08-2008 10:33

Exactly how bad can push-ups be?

MaximK 25-08-2008 10:44

quote: Originally posted by Einherius:

All karateka do their whole life - and nothing ...

Well if so.
My eyesight is bad enough and that's why I thought about it. It is easier for people with perfect vision. "While the fat one dries, the thin one dies." =)

Ljosviking 25-08-2008 11:44

The meridians don't end at the pads. Direct stimulation of terminal points can take place if the person has long enough nails, which also rest on the floor.

Vision can also be affected if qi is retained in the hand, scattered and sent back (see below), as well as if, without solving this problem, you engage in direct stuffing of your fingertips (to strengthen which there are much more "humane" ways) ...

Tip: Try to start gently and slowly, perhaps standing with support on a wall, making sure that the brush itself takes a "domed" shape under the influence of thought-breath. As soon as it becomes habitual, you can go to the "ground" and continue in the same spirit. It is very important in this case the relative position of the bones of the forearm and metacarpus in the wrist joint: the wrist should be "open" and in no case "set".

The goal is to teach the hand to pass the effort along the fingers, and not inhibit it with unproductive tension, when most of the load goes to the joints and the consequences can be the most dire. If the force is transmitted continuously in the desired direction, the joints, on the contrary, open up. The same is true for the fist.

botanik 25-08-2008 11:57

MaximK 25-08-2008 12:51

quote: Originally posted by Ljosviking:

the wrist should be "open" and by no means "planted".

unfortunately I can’t take it - can I try to rephrase it?
quote: Originally posted by botanik:

Do you need this exercise for finger strikes or for grip strength? If the second, then push-ups on the fingers are not needed.

I do not plan to do blows. but I just wanted to train both flexors and extensors in a complex manner. hanging on the fingers, plasticine (paraffin), expanders - this does not raise questions. I thought, as opposed to try to practice and push-ups.

MaximK 25-08-2008 12:53

2 Ljosviking
It is still difficult for me to perceive such things as "passing the effort along the fingers"
Therefore, then decide to ask from the technique, so that you do not ditch the joints and turn them into hooves.

Ljosviking 25-08-2008 13:39

A colleague of botanik asked a reasonable question: what do you intend to develop?

Finger push-ups are needed to prepare for penetrating blows and partly to work out correct position wrists when performing them.

If you need grip and grip strength, there are other exercises. For example, you can lift / carry cans by grasping the rim of the neck with your fingertips, adding sand / pebbles / etc. to them as the skill develops.

An "open" wrist is when the hand is a natural extension of the forearm, ideal for both direct finger jabs and the most effective push / strike with the palm. This position is based on an internal sensation, but in general, the middle finger should almost coincide with the central axis of the forearm, and the hand should not be tense.
In other words, the wrist joint should be as open as possible.

A "set" wrist is when the hand is slightly extended with the lower part of the palm forward and downward (from the "open" position), while continuing to remain relaxed.

MaximK 25-08-2008 14:54

There are no really striking targets, tk. I have not been doing BI for a long time. Therefore, I cannot be so arrogant as to independently master the penetrating strokes with my fingers. Those. as I already said, it was the strengthening of the fingers that was interested and, if possible, all-round. Those. not only to develop grip and tenacity, for example for mountaineering, but also somewhat wider, the ability to withstand at least a static load, especially since push-ups on the fingers are widespread.
But as soon as you became interested in technology, it turned out that everything is not so simple. And IMHO, not everyone is loaded with this problem, but they are wrung out as necessary. In general, I decided to approach this thoroughly (a little maximalist) - hence the question arose.
Well, I do not pursue some kind of fabulous goals with this, i.e. no breaking walls, piercing everything and everything =).

MaximK 25-08-2008 14:58

2 Ljosviking
By the way, thank you very much for the description - quite understandable.

Kivar 25-08-2008 16:57

quote: Originally posted by MaximK:

There are no really striking targets, tk. I have not been doing BI for a long time.

Good luck!

Pit666 28-08-2008 12:04

quote: Originally posted by Kivar:

If you need strength and strength of hands, and not percussion qualities, then carefully read the topic to the end.
There is a photo of the results of classes for a month or three.
You will twist nails into knots and tear off beer corks easily
Good luck!

oh, thanks for the topic, haven't seen it before, ordered one))

Finger push-ups are especially popular among people who practice martial arts. They are useful not only for athletes, but also for those who, for example, write a lot or work at the computer, since the exercise develops the hands.

Why are finger push-ups useful?

Like any other type of push-up, this option helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the chest, back, neck and arms. The benefits of toe push-ups are as follows:

  1. They allow you to strengthen joints and develop grip tenacity, which is especially important for people involved in martial arts.
  2. With regular exercise, slouching and curvature of the spine can be dealt with.
  3. Helps get rid of salt deposits and reduce the risk of arthritis and bursitis.
  4. They help to improve metabolism and strengthen immunity.

Push-up technique on the fingers

It is important to initially tune in to the fact that you will not be able to perform this exercise perfectly right away. It is better to start push-ups from the knees, which will help to significantly reduce the load. Rest on your hands, and spread your fingers wider, like "spider legs". If they begin to bend inward, don't worry, this is normal. To get started, just try to stand on the plank for a while on your toes, keeping your balance and feeling the tension. If you feel pain, it is better to stop training right away and continue the next day. You will notice that every day it becomes easier to work out and you can already try push-ups. If your fingers become numb, then you need to restore blood circulation, for this, shake your hands and gently massage them. The result to be achieved is 3 sets of 30 times. After the muscles and ligaments are strengthened, you can try push-ups on four or three fingers. With regular exercise and correct execution exercises can be achieved aerobatics -

Who doesn't dream of becoming strong and dexterous, catching admiring glances on himself? You don't have to buy an annual fitness club membership to model an athletic figure. It is quite enough - at least for a start - exercises at home, this does not even require dumbbells. There are tremendous benefits to be gained from doing regular push-ups. The well-known exercise develops strength without injuring the joints. It also has a lot of varieties, so even an advanced athlete will not get bored during training.

Exercise efficiency

The modern culture of consumption is doing everything to convince people to pay for the opportunity to improve their physical condition. They take money for visiting, group lessons, instructor's advice and even for water in the gym. In fact, in order to get beautiful figure , you only need a little space and a little free time.

Why is a regular push-up useful?

  • Develops physical strength naturally, without damaging joints and ligaments.
  • Helps to build muscle mass (although there is an opinion that to get relief muscles, you need to swing in gym- it is not true).
  • Pumps a variety of muscles from the shoulder to the lower leg.
  • Trains endurance.

During execution, the body receives not only dynamic, but also isometric load. Iron lovers may argue that there is a press from the chest, why do exactly push-ups? Then, that they are much safer do not injure the rotator cuff and elbows. There is a natural healing of all body systems by increasing blood flow, which removes harmful decay products. Strength grows, coordination improves, well-being.

Classic push-up technique

Can this exercise be learned from scratch? Of course, there are special programs for this. You can start with wall push-ups, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and difficulty. Then classes are held in an incline, supported on a curbstone or table. Then you need to master the push-ups on the knees., then it's time to move on to the usual. More detailed step-by-step guides can be found online. If you are guided by them, then mastering push-ups will not be so difficult even for girls and retirees.

But when the physical form allows, you can immediately go to the classic version - push-ups from the floor. First you need to master correct stance: get on all fours, rest on the floor, placing your palms under shoulder joints... The feet can be wide or close.

  • Leaning on your toes, straighten your torso so that it is a straight line from heels to head.
  • The pelvis should not sag or protrude upward.
  • From starting position lower slowly until about 5 cm remains on the floor. Slowly straighten your arms.

These are the traditional push-ups, known to everyone since school. The wide stance makes the exercise much easier, therefore, it is permissible only for beginners. The elbows should be kept "soft" at the highest point so as not to injure the joints. You need to breathe evenly, exhalation is made on the rise, while lowering - inhale.

Types of exercise

In addition to the classic ones, there are push-ups on fists, on five fingers, three and even on one. But in order not to be injured, it is better to start with the usual option - on open palms. Only when it is perfectly worked out, you can start mastering others. Athletes who work out with own weight, number about two dozen types of push-ups. Here are just a few of them:

You can improve your technique in this exercise for years. Of great interest to amateurs is the option in which the support is not made on the palm, but on the knuckles. These push-ups have as benefits and disadvantages:

This option is not recommended for those with joint problems. Contraindications are also overweight, spinal diseases, impaired coordination, injuries in the shoulder area . Healthy people this type of exercise is not harmful.

But even at first, they should not do push-ups from the floor: it is recommended to lay a rug, or it will be very painful.

Fist push-up technique

Not very different from the classic one, only the emphasis is not on the open palm, but on the clenched fist. The weight of the body rests on the knuckles, which relieves the stress on the wrist. The clenched palms should be perpendicular to the body. It is better to put a sports mat, the pain will gradually decrease, the skin will become coarser, after a couple of weeks you can do the exercise right on the floor.

  • Inhale, lowering the body. Bend your arms at the elbows to 90 °, while the chest will be at a distance of several centimeters from the hands. The elbows should not "walk", they should be pressed against the body.
  • With the reverse movement, exhale. Push off the floor with the strength of the shoulder and chest.

The following muscles work during push-ups on the fists:

  • Muscles of the cortex, large and small pectorals, deltas, triceps.
  • Deep-seated chest muscles wide back, thighs, glutes, quads, calf muscles and even toes.

Experienced athletes recommend leaning on the index and middle fingers. What should be the training program? If you need to develop endurance, then in 3 approaches it is done maximum amount repetitions. For muscle growth weights are used, or you need to raise your legs on a support. In this case, there is no need to do more than 10-12 repetitions.

For pumping triceps and triceps shoulder muscle parallel fists work well. With a wide position of the arms, the chest will work. In this version thumbs turned inward, when moving down the elbows diverge to the sides.

Advanced options

More difficult level - push-ups on the fingers. How to do it correctly? Having adopted the classic stance, you need to lean on the fingers of a straight hand. If it doesn’t work right away, it’s better to act gradually. For example, lean on your knees, so the load on your hands will be less. Or do regular push-ups, but in the process, transfer the weight to the fingers, for which purpose raise the back of the palms. You can start simply with a fingerstand, gradually lengthening the time. Try again after a few days.

  • Push-ups on the fingers develop the ligaments, strengthen the forearms, and make the fingers very strong. This is especially important when practicing martial arts.

Cotton push-ups look impressive - this is a plyometric load. Go down from the usual starting position. During the rise, a jerk is made when the body rises into the air, a clap is made, then the hands are put in place. This option is suitable for enhanced pumping of the chest, triceps, shoulder muscles.

Only experienced athletes who have completely honed their technique and are ready for new heights can perform push-ups on one hand. This type of exercise develops the triceps, forearms and pectoral muscles. In this variation, the legs should be set wide to make it easier to maintain balance. One hand is wound behind the back. The torso position should be slightly turned away from the support.

When will classes be most effective, is it possible to train at night if there is no other time? There are different opinions on this matter. Some of the amateurs believe that there will be no harm from late workouts. On the contrary, they are useful because the recovery processes take place just during the night's rest.

Others argue that training too late disrupts natural biorhythms. Perhaps some people will really find it more difficult to fall asleep if classes end after 11 pm Then it is difficult to talk about good rest, and without it there is no growth. muscle mass... Most likely, an individual approach is required here. For some, late classes are not for the future, but for others, on the contrary, they allow you to better relax before going to bed.

How best to do push-ups - on fists or palms - depends on the goals of the workout. Athletes who are engaged oriental martial arts be sure to include push-ups on fists in their program. Others can use this variety for a change. It cannot be said unequivocally that push-ups on fists are better than the classic ones, because you should always start with the traditional version.

Most effective training necessarily includes different types exercise so that the body does not have time to fully adapt to the load. Habit is the enemy of growth. Only stress is in good sense- forces the body to adapt to new conditions, resulting in increased strength, endurance.

Attention, only TODAY!

It consists, firstly, in strengthening the joints and, secondly, in increasing the explosive strength of the muscles of the arms. There is no need to explain why it is necessary to strengthen the joints: even when practicing blows through the air, unprepared elbows can be injured; when working on paws and bags, fingers and wrists easily "fly out". For people who are still too early to "throw" the barbell from the rack, push-ups are the most suitable exercise.

Why do you need push-ups on fingers and fists

To strengthen the joints that are usually hitting, push up necessary on fists- we beat, as a rule, with them. Next stage - push-ups: five, four, three, two, one (big - for completely maniacs). If in a normal position it is impossible to lean on your fingers, then you can do push-ups from your knees... This drastically reduces efficiency, but Moscow was not built right away either. Strong fingers allow not only not to injure the hands, but also give a tenacious grip in the fight.

Sometimes one hears the opinion that during push-ups on the fists, the joint fluid is squeezed out of the bags, the joint " dries up", And if, after such a warm-up, you start to work intensively with your fingers, then in ten to fifteen years it will come around with sore bones. However, I have not yet heard of people who would clearly suffer from intense push-ups for many years. In addition, it is purely physiologically difficult to imagine where this fluid actually flows.

Hand positioning for push-ups

There are two ways to think about the position of the hands during the exercise.

On the one side, fist for push-ups should be placed in the position from which you hit.
With another
- you need to punch in the position in which you push up.

In other words, you need to personally find the optimal hand position for yourself and work like that. There are a variety of racks ( wide grip, folded arms, elbows out, and others), which are useful for working out different groups muscles. It is beautiful, it is useful and allows you to build a harmonious body, but if the task is to "hit hard, hit quickly, hit often", then hands should be placed as conveniently.

Since the trajectory of the hand during push-ups with the elbows pressed to the body is very similar to a blow gyaku-tsuki(direct hit back hand), then the opinion was expressed (however, it is already unknown by whom) that intense push-ups are the secret to hitting hard. To some extent, this is the case, but nevertheless, for practicing blows, it is more expedient to beat these same blows. A push ups- this is, whatever one may say, OFP. During such exercises, almost all muscle groups work. A plus interesting medical fact - the hands have the largest projection area on the cerebral cortex... In other words, by working with your hands, you actively stimulate the brain. And this is important, brains in Martial arts are far from the last thing.

Slow push-ups

Slow exercise builds endurance, which is primarily needed in the fight. Slow push-ups need to be continuous, smoothly flowing from the top point to the bottom. Fast paced execution trains "explosive" force, the force of impact. To practice it, you can do push-ups with or without pauses. That is, he sank, froze - and rose sharply. This is how a zero-amplitude throwing out of the hand is developed, a blow without a swing... To pause or not to pause at the bottom is your personal choice (well, or the choice of a trainer who gives the count of push-ups as he sees fit, and can "cheer" unnecessarily inhibiting).

Explosive push-ups

At one time I fell in love so much "Explosive" push-ups that he came up with his own exercise: down on his fists, pause, then sharply up - so as to break away from the surface and come out with support on his fingers. Then, on the fingers down and up again, at the moment the hand is lifted off the floor, the fist clenches again, and I land on my knuckles. And as many times as possible - either fist or fingers. Great push-ups. The grip became such that, although he did not bent coins, he left decent bruises on the wrists of the guys.

Push-ups are a training of the spirit

Push-ups are, among other things, a great workout of the spirit. You don't even have to do push-ups, but just stand on your fists all the way. He loves to use this trick in his seminars. Andrey Kochergin, the founder of koi-no-takinobori-ryu karate: whoever stays longer is the man. Other, not very physically prepared people show simply miracles of endurance, although they then fall almost unconscious.

You can do push-ups as you like. There are no laws, there are only principles - to push off the ground as many times as possible, keeping the position of the body as even as possible. For those who want to diversify this exercise, I offer several interesting methods outlined former coach the national kyokushinkai karate team of Ukraine Vitaly Kushnirik... They are good when there is no additional at hand sports equipment, and you have to improvise:

And yet, an important fact - after intense squeezes, it is useful to disperse the blood by working on bags or simply by performing a small "shadow boxing".

In this article we will talk about how to do push-ups on the fingers, what benefits these exercises have and for what purposes they can be used. We will also learn how preparation for this exercise in the field of self-defense will help us, how to do push-ups and what should be the training frequency. We will also look at the health benefits of these push-ups and where, in fact, to start.

Health benefits

To begin with, push-ups are useful for strengthening the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles, belt muscles (press and lumbar muscles), also during push-ups, the muscles of the back and neck are actively working. In our case, the muscles of the forearms, hands, fingers also work very actively, the corresponding ligaments and joints are strengthened.

Fight against osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine, joint diseases

The very specificity of push-ups, when you go down on your arms and touch the floor with your chest, while first stretching the muscles of the chest, the front beam deltoid muscles, triceps, muscles of the inner surface of the forearm and sternocleidomastoid muscle. At the same time, the muscles of the belt perform static work, keeping the body in a straightened position, and also work on statics gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quads and calf muscles... When lifting, the pectoral muscles contract, the front bundles of the deltoid muscles, triceps, interior latissimus... At the same time, the biceps, trapezius muscles are stretched, and a whole ensemble of muscles works on statics or, to one degree or another, participates in the pronation-supination cycle. In general, push-ups are a general exercise that involves almost all the muscles in your body, but the emphasis falls on the triceps, deltas, pecs, traps, forearms, and in our case, also the muscles and ligaments of the fingers, hands and forearms. The whole set of these useful properties significantly improves the condition of even those already affected by arthritis or bursitis of the joints, expels excess salts from the joints, and by strengthening the pectoral, dorsal and deltoid muscles, it contributes to the prevention and treatment of curvature of the spine and stoop.

Figure 1. Non-standard types of push-ups came to us mainly from oriental martial arts

So, push-ups are very beneficial for your physical form and health, but does not mean that it is worth doing them when you are unwell. If you have a fever, choking, or migraine, it is worth postponing exercise until you recover. Since a cold causes a rise in temperature, and with this, the load is not increased on the heart and kidneys. If you do push-ups in this state, then you will at least cause a pressure surge and migraine, and as a maximum - pain in the kidneys, a deterioration in general well-being and a slowdown in the healing process, arrhythmia and even fainting. So only exercise when you are healthy. However, if you have a state of slagging of the body, with a concomitant slowdown in metabolism and states of decreased immunity, then you need to do it even when you don’t want to. So you can relatively comfortably get out of this "state of cloaca" and again feel vigorous, healthy and strong.

Workout regimen

All day - for sedentary work

The training regimen should be chosen depending on the availability of free time, with a correction for the calorie intake and your mode of work and rest. If you work at home at the computer and you even need a constant physical shake-up, so that the muscles from idleness do not grow numb, do not grow decrepit. Then you can do 10-20 push-ups throughout the day, at 20-30 minute intervals. At first it will seem to you that this is not enough, but by the evening, and especially the next day, you will feel how wrong you are (even more fun the next third day).

Evening workout

Evening workout 3 times a week, suitable for a standard work day - 5 days a week, from 8 to 5. We came home from work, ate and in 1.5-2 hours you can start training. Unlike the previous example, you will do the same, only in this case everything will be concentrated, so to speak, in 1.5-2 hours of training. Do 10-12 approaches, 20-30 repetitions, if you are in good shape, you can increase the number of approaches and repetitions.

Weekend workouts

If you have no time at all, you can only train twice a week - on weekends, for example. To do this, set aside 2-3 hours of free time (if you only have an hour, that's not bad either). Do push-ups in 20 or 30 sets of 15-20 repetitions, if you fit faster than usual, then you can slightly increase the number of sets. At the same time, do not bend, you need to train again the next day, so save your strength for the next day. If the next time you feel pain in the muscles, you still need to exercise - after the warm-up, the pain will pass and the process will go. On the last day of training, try your best, because you have almost a whole week to recover. For example, if you had your last workout on Sunday, then on Monday and Tuesday you will feel pain and some swelling in the muscles, do not be afraid - this is a good pain, this means that the process of accumulating strength and strengthening the muscles has begun. Moreover, after 2-3 weeks of such training, you will feel that you have begun to recover faster and this is not enough for you. You will want to do more push-ups, even on weekdays.

Figure 2. After prolonged regular exercise, you will be able to do push-ups on one finger.

Well, this is possible, you can do push-ups in moderation and in a short time frame, but remember that 2 days before the planned two-day workout, you need to forget about all the loads and give the body a little rest and recover during this time. This is necessary even if you feel that you are full of energy, in fact, fatigue is insidious and is picked up imperceptibly, and imaginary cheerfulness can only mean that the body has restored, so to speak, the necessary supply of energy to survive this day, but the recovery processes have not yet gone through a full cycle. This is due to the fact that nature took care of our survival - the fact is that muscles cannot get tired in all layers at the same time. That is, when you do push-ups one day, you have one layer working in certain muscles - for example, the pectoral muscles. When one layer is exhausted, these cells are disconnected from work and begin to rest, more precisely, to restore the reserve of strength, intensively remove decay products, and renew themselves. Then the second, third layer turns on and so on. This I described the process in a very simplified way, so that you could understand the most important thing that you do not need to drive yourself out and naively believe that you have already rested, although you may be in the subcompensation phase (I also recommend reading The Theory of Stress by Hans Selye). Remember that it is rest that makes you stronger, and training is the whip that starts this process. If you hit too hard or too often - drive the horse, I think the hint is clear.

Flexible schedule

If your routine is chaotic and you can't plan your workouts accurately, then you need to use every opportunity to do push-ups. This training regime is also called intuitive. That is, you should feel that you not only have half an hour free, but that you have already recovered and that training will bring more use than harm. Do everything according to your well-being, so you will avoid kinks, for this you need to learn to listen to your body and trust it. You are unlikely to succeed right away - do not be discouraged, they only know how to do it professional athletes years spent in sports or rare nuggets. Please be patient and after a couple of months you will be able to scan your condition more or less confidently and make informed decisions.

Principles of push-ups

Same number of repetitions

Since this exercise is most often performed with its own weight, it makes no sense to do stepwise approaches, because the work goes mainly on strength endurance... Therefore, if you decide to do 20 repetitions, then stick to this norm. Let you do fewer sets, but do the push-up norm in the set. If you decide to use weighted push-ups to increase pure strength, then you can use sets with decreasing repetitions (after all, we get tired as we work out).

Correct technique

Figure 3. Three-finger push-ups

Do not cheat in your workout - you only deceive yourself. If you do not use correct technique, in particular, be fake (do not unbend your arms, do not push up until your chest touches the floor) - you do not include all the muscles of the groups in the work and you will not get the full return from your workouts. If you are already experienced with push-ups and are using the "wrong technique" to engage other muscles in the groups, then that is another matter. For the same purposes, you can use push-ups on one hand or claps for push-ups. In any case, first learn to do push-ups correctly, and only then experiment.

Growth of loads

As you develop, you will find it easier to overcome the previously established threshold for repetitions and approaches, that is, it will be easier to transfer the load. Therefore, either increase the number of repetitions or sets, or apply additional weight. You can also experiment with different types of push-ups. So, if you previously had a hard time doing 10 sets of push-ups on all fingers in 15 repetitions, and now you don't even get tired of such a training scheme, you can try push-ups 30 times or push-ups on four or three fingers.

Push-up technique

First difficulties

As you begin to do push-ups on your fingers, you will experience some difficulty until your joints, mice, and ligaments are strengthened. At first, you need to do push-ups on all fingers, put your fingers and emphasize, lying down and further like regular push-ups. If your fingers bend inward, do not worry, this is normal, they will not break and the joints will not bend, they will not be damaged, it just rests on elementary physics - curved objects can withstand a greater load than strictly straight ones (for example, slightly curved two-handed swords of Gothic knights almost never broke, unlike standard ones, correct shape). Gradually, as you become more prepared, you will be able to keep your fingers straighter and straighter. Then you can do push-ups without using thumbs. Moreover, after another short period of time you will be able to do push-ups on 4, 3, 2 and even one finger (but of course this is just the highest class)

So, when you start push-ups, place your fingers like a spider puts its legs, and assume a prone position. Do not be surprised if at first you cannot complete even one repetition, try again and again, if not again, then the next day. Usually in a week, almost everyone will be able to do one clean toe push-up.

Figure 4. Children intuitively put their fingers in push-ups so as to distribute the load on the fingers and hands as correctly as possible

Indirect strengthening of the fingers

You can also use push-ups on slightly raised palms to strengthen your fingers. To do this, take a prone position with support on your palms, but raise the base of your palms slightly above the ground. That is, we actually do push-ups with support on the part of the palm where we usually have corns. This requires some flexibility in the fingers, but this way we can painlessly prepare our fingers for push-ups.

We restore blood circulation

After push-ups on your fingers, you may feel some numbness in your fingers (sometimes very much, as if your fingers were frozen in the wild frost). It takes some time for blood circulation to recover and a slight muscle spasm to pass. But here's the bad luck, you have everything scheduled by the minute and it's time to take the next approach. In this case, we stand on our fists and do our own approach. This will help to quickly restore blood circulation in the hands and fingers, and the next approach can already be done again with support on the fingers. You can alternate this, and the effect will be double, because push-ups on the fists additionally strengthen the base of the hands, add to this the positive load on the fingers from the previous approach and you just get an iron grip.

Why is all this needed?

After reading the article, you are probably wondering about the advisability of push-ups on your fingers. This is necessary if you want not only to pump up the abs, chest and shoulder girdle, but also to strengthen the hands and fingers, to make the grip strong like that of professional wrestlers and weightlifters. A firm grip will allow you not only to impress the girls, but also to pacify the "hot" bullies, simply by squeezing their hand. Usually it is sobering, a person begins to think - “he has an iron grip, but what kind of blow does he have then? I'd rather not mess with him ... ". Moreover, thanks to strong and tenacious fingers, you will be able to grab clothes and scatter people in a scuffle, make grabs and strangleholds. So you can win without beating, so that later your offender, having received a hat, could not pretend to be an innocent victim, accusing you of beating.

Figure 5. In martial arts, push-ups on the fingers are used regularly

By training your fingers on push-ups, you can walk up to the bully and, grabbing him by the neck near the collarbone, painful hold sit on the floor. At the same time, the pain is so strong that the person does not even think about the counterattack, but twisting in pain, he clings to your hands and slowly sinks to the ground. At the same time, you did not beat anyone and the conflict was settled by itself.

Push-ups on your fingers will serve you well even in less extreme situations. For example, if you use the keyboard for a long time, trained fingers and hands will allow you to get less fatigue and type faster and more accurately. If you are a school teacher, your hand starts to ache and grow numb from a ballpoint pen and endless "scribbling" at the end of the day, these workouts will allow you to increase your endurance, and you will no longer get tired of this routine work. If you are doing athletics, for example, throwing a hammer, a disc or pushing a cannonball, then this will allow you not only to throw the projectile further, but also to avoid slipping and stalling the projectile, for example, when throwing a hammer on the last spinning circle, when the kinetic energy of the projectile is highest. If you are boxing - this will allow you to avoid injuries associated with the "twist" of the hand when hitting or "knocked out" of the fingers.

Regular toe push-ups can help you avoid arthrosis of the joints and relieve and even cure bursitis (joint diseases caused by hypothermia or regular injury). The fact is that push-ups on the fingers call out a very powerful flow of blood to the fingers and hands, so the body copes with the load. It has its powerful therapeutic effect- washing with blood and getting additional nutrients, your joints and ligaments are rejuvenated (strengthened and become more elastic). Inflammatory processes are arrested (although at first there may even be some exacerbation), the pains decrease or change their color, to a healthy one (this is already the pain of recovery, not degradation of the body).

Improving your mood - constantly doing push-ups on your fingers, you will feel more confident and your overall mood will be at a consistently good level. It’s even more pleasant when your friends begin to pay attention to your iron grip (it’s always nice). In addition, there are a lot of acupuncture points on the fingers and hands (pushing up, we still give ourselves acupressure, which is very useful), which will further contribute to your well-being and good health.


I hope this article will help you learn and love finger push-ups and subsequently improve your health and avoid a number of diseases, help you do your job easier, achieve better results in sports, pacify bullies and surprise your friends with an iron grip.


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