Types of barbell exercises. Most Effective Barbell Exercises

If you, like most modern men, are constantly busy and do not have a lot of free time, then, for sure, you are interested in making the exercises in the gym as efficient as possible with the minimum of time. In this case, you should pay attention to the most useful exercises with a barbell and put them at the heart of your workouts.

By using personal trainer and competitive athlete Tom Wright, who squats from 220 kg and bench press 170 kg, we have put together a set of 7 exercises that can provide fast and impressive results in building strength and muscle mass.

“When it comes to training, barbell training is the best option. Building strength requires doing basic multi-joint exercises that engage different muscle groups and stimulate the thousands of nerves that are responsible for our strength performance, ”says Wright.

According to the athlete, since such exercises actively stimulate the central nervous system and require a lot of effort, they must always be performed at the beginning of a workout. Typically, you should choose 2 exercises for the lower body, such as the squat and deadlift, and the same number for the upper body, such as the bench press and bent over row.

Alternatively, you can complex training the whole body, pumping first its upper and then the lower part. This will allow you to get more work done in a shorter amount of time and will also increase your heart rate, making your weight loss training even more effective.

According to Wright, you need to start with a moderate weight and then increase it every week.

So let's go directly to the list.

Bench press

Execution technique: to accept starting position, lie on a bench, put your feet on the floor and hold the barbell on outstretched arms at chest level. Press your shoulders against the bench, tighten your glutes, bend your arms and lower the bar to your chest, and then lift it back up.

Target muscles: chest, triceps, front deltas

The simultaneous engagement of the chest, shoulder and triceps muscles makes this basic exercise, along with deadlifts and squats, one of the best tests of strength. Here you can give much more load to the triceps than in push-ups on the uneven bars or extension of the arms in a crossover.

The bench press also uses the muscles in your upper back. Make sure that the shoulder blades remain stationary and are pressed against the bench. This kind of tension will keep you in stable position when working with large weights... It is to strengthen this position that sometimes powerlifters even raise their hips from the bench in order to press the shoulder blades into it even more.

Eliminate muscle imbalances

If you have strong muscles chest, but weak shoulder stabilizers, it will be difficult for you to lift heavy weight in the bench press. In such situation excellent option one-handed dumbbell press will become for you, since this exercise requires a lot of control in shoulder joint as well as a strong core to balance the weight. If you have an imbalance in the development of muscles, then devote to eliminating it 1 day a week, and then it will quickly become a thing of the past.

Additional exercises

The best complementary exercises to the bench press are the bar or bench press. narrow grip that work the same muscles, but from a different angle. Once you can do 10 reps with your own body weight without breaking the technique, start adding weights to the belt or hold a dumbbell between your legs.

Bent-over barbell row

Execution technique: Grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip, bend your knees slightly and bend over so that your torso is at a 45 ° angle to the floor. Pull the bar towards you, touching it to your belly, and then slowly lower it back. If the upper body moves during the exercise, then you have chosen too heavy weight.

Target muscles: biceps, lats, core

You should spend as much time on your back workout as on your chest. The main exercise here is the bent-over barbell row, since it is effective method develop upper body strength and add volume to the back. It requires not only significant tractive effort, but also the ability to steadily hold bent position This strengthens the erector spine, which is part of the core.

Watch the position of the shoulder blades

If you want to lift heavy weights and effectively train all target muscles, you must pay special attention to the starting position. As you begin the bent-over row, tense your shoulder blades and pull them back and down, and extend your chest so that your elbows can move freely along your sides. You can also try a partial grip ( thumbs on top of the neck), which will allow you to more actively use latissimus back.

Common mistakes

“Firstly, many lifters pull the weights, using mostly the biceps, not the lats,” says Wright. - Secondly, choosing too heavy a weight, which leads to a violation of technique and a decrease in the range of motion. Performing reps too quickly can also hinder progress. Remember that for a muscle to grow, it needs to be in tension for about 40 seconds. "

Bottom grip

Once you get the hang of doing the movements correctly, you can start experimenting with different variations of the exercise. For example, if you want to pump up your big lats and strengthen your lower back, try using a bottom grip with a narrow hand. It also allows you to engage your biceps more actively. By the way, the bent over row is more effective for building the lats than the row. top block to the chest.

Do one-handed dumbbell rows

"This is my favorite side-by-side exercise for the bent-over row," says Wright. - Take a dumbbell in one hand, put the other on the bench and spread your legs wide. Pull the dumbbell back and up so that it moves in a curved path towards the bottom chest... This exercise allows for greater range of motion and is great for developing your core and obliques. "


Execution technique: Spread your feet shoulder-width apart and grab the bar so that your hands are with outside parties legs. Keeping your back straight, push your pelvis forward and lift the barbell. Lower the bar slowly, although once you start lifting heavy weights, you can drop it to the floor at the end of the last repetition.

Target muscles: for all muscle groups of the body

Deadlift- the best exercise for developing strength. It will lift more weight than any other barbell exercise and work all the muscles in the back chain.

More about the technique

Although at first glance, the deadlift may seem simple exercise, many mistakes are made during its execution. “Poor form will fail most average athletes and can lead to serious injury,” Wright says. - When lifting weights, take your shoulders back, put your chest forward, and bring your shoulder blades together. This creates tension in the back, which prevents the lower back from rounding or pushing the pelvis forward too early. Also, tighten your glutes and push off the floor with your heels. "


Even if you are a beginner athlete, you will progress quickly and will soon reach 100 kg in working weight. And then the question about correct technique will become especially important. If you have her limp, then do deadlifts in power frame by setting the bar at a height of about 30cm from the floor. This way you will develop strength in a shorter range of motion. Once you are doing each rep correctly, you can increase the speed of the barbell lift.

To improve speed performance, swing with a heavy kettlebell. This will help strengthen your glutes and thighs, which will have a positive effect on your deadlift results.

Barbell Shoulder Squats

Execution technique: Place the barbell on the racks and stand under it so that the bar is on your shoulders. Take 2 large steps back and spread your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes slightly outward. Keeping your back straight, lower yourself into a squat as if you were sitting in a chair until your hips are below the knees. Stand with your heels pushing off the floor.

Target muscles

"Whether you like it or not, strength will always be determined by the results in the squat," Wright says. "The reason for this is the fact that this exercise engages both the lower and upper body at the same time."

Avoid incomplete repetitions

You've probably seen people in gyms put huge weights on the bar and do partial reps. In fact, they are wasting their time. For the squat to be correct, the hips must be lowered to at least knee level. If you do partial reps, then the muscles will not receive the proper stimulus to grow. Warm up for 5-10 minutes before squatting to move at full amplitude with proper depth, improve performance, and avoid injury.

Benefits for all parts of the body

Although squats are primarily leg exercises, the upper body is also involved and plays more and more. important role when increasing the working weight. “An easy way to make sure you're doing it right is to make sure your back is straight and your chest is facing forward,” says Wright. You can also lower the bar just below your shoulders and push your elbows forward to reduce stress on your legs and core. You will be surprised at how the nature of the exercise will change. "

Do Bulgarian split squats

Power imbalance between left and right sides the body is likely to result in poor technique and, ultimately, injury. To avoid such negative consequences, do one-sided exercises. “After the classic squat, move on to the Bulgarian split squat,” Wright advises. - Holding the dumbbells in your hands, take one leg back and put it on the bench. Lower into the squat, keeping the shin of your front leg upright. The exercise develops the leg muscles as well as balance, which will help you with the shoulder squat. "

Army press barbell standing

Execution technique: Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, place the barbell on your upper chest, with your arms slightly wider than your shoulders. Tighten your abs gluteal muscles and quads. Raise the barbell over your head, pause, and then lower it back down. You may find yourself lifting more weight if you grip the bar with an open grip (thumbs on top of the bar).

Target muscles: shoulders, triceps

The military press requires strength and balance, as well as good shoulder mobility. Exercise strengthens deltoid muscles and back muscles, which have a positive effect on bench press results.

The center of gravity

To handle as heavy a weight as possible, lift the bar straight overhead. “The center of gravity should go over the head, upper part spine, hip and ankle, says Wright. - Keep them in line by contracting the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. It will also allow you to gain about 10% of your working weight. "

Press from behind the head

To do the military press properly, you must be able to pull in your shoulder blades and extend your arms so that your elbows are directly under the bar. To develop this ability, try the overhead press. This variation will work better on the rear delts and back, however you need to reduce the weight by about 30% and use a slightly wider grip.

T-bar press

The shoulder joints are quite vulnerable because they are very mobile and include a group of small stabilizing muscles called the rotator cuff. “To strengthen them, after army press do the t-bar press, Wright advises. To do this, rest one end of the bar in the corner of the room, and take the other in your hand and unbend it over your head. Remember to keep your abdominal muscles tense. "

Barbell lunges

Execution technique: Place the barbell on your shoulders, stand up straight, pull in your shoulder blades and contract your core muscles. Make big step forward and lower the torso until both legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and then, pushing off with the front leg, return to the starting position.

Target muscles: quads, glutes, hamstrings

“The lunges have many variations and can target all muscle groups in the lower body,” says Wright. "This is one of the most overlooked exercises for developing athletic ability."

Tension in the torso

Although the lunges are primarily aimed at the lower body, in fact, the load also falls on the entire torso. The more you tense your torso muscles, the more stable your position will be. Try to suck in your abdominal muscles as much as possible and pull your shoulders back before lunging. Shallow lunges will put more stress on the quads, and deep lunges on the hips and glutes. If the lower leg protrudes forward, then the emphasis is on the front of the leg, if not, then on the back chain.

Reverse lunges to make progress

Reverse lunges have many benefits, including improving balance and coordination. “If regular lunges are difficult for you, it may be due to stiffness in the hip flexors or ankles, so reverse lunges can be a real salvation for you,” says Wright.

The benefits of long lunges

“To develop strength and speed, I do long lunges and push off the floor with my heels, flexing my glutes,” says Wright. - Without stopping in the upper phase of the exercise, I immediately move on to the next lunge. It's more like running in slow motion. This approach helps maintain core tension and build strength and power. "

Taking a barbell to the chest

Execution technique: Place the barbell on the floor and grab the bar with your arms shoulder-width apart. Pushing off the floor with your heels, start lifting the barbell, and when it is at knee level, jerk (using the momentum of movement) take it to your chest. Pause and then lower the barbell to its original position.

Target muscles: whole body

The exercise is aimed at developing power and speed. “Barbells have been used by athletes for years to improve performance,” says Wright. "It allows you to develop the whole body, because it combines deadlift and lifting from the chest."

Warm up

It is necessary to perform the lifting of the bar on the chest at the beginning of the workout, but this does not mean that you should immediately throw 80 kg on the bar and go all out. “Be sure to warm up properly,” Wright advises. - Special attention give your shoulders and lats. Mobility in the hips is key point because when lifting the bar with an explosive force, you must quickly push the pelvis forward. "

Taking on the chest from the hang

If you do not aim to pump up your legs, then you can perform a hang-up lift (when in the initial position, the bar is held in the lowered hands at hip level, and not on the floor). This variation of the exercise improves grip strength, which in turn will have a positive effect on results in other exercises. The Hanging Catch is ideal for when you want to focus exclusively on your upper body, Wright says.

Squats with a press of dumbbells up and jumping to jumping on a box (curbstone)

“I like to do these two exercises right after lifting the barbell,” says Wright. "Box jumps will improve speed and strength, and squats with upward dumbbell presses allow you to simultaneously work your lower and upper body."

Barbell training program

Please note: before starting classes, it is imperative to do a warm-up for the muscles, ligaments and joints, then several warm-up approaches with light weight, it is possible with an empty bar for 15-20 repetitions, and only then proceed to the main scheme.

For each exercise, we choose such a weight on the bar so that you can complete all approaches with the specified number of repetitions without reaching failure.

Once a week for all muscle groups

  • Squats - 4 x 8-12 repetitions
  • Deadlift on straight legs - 4 x 8-12 reps
  • Close Grip Press - 4 x 8-12
  • Row of the bar to the belt in the slope - 4 x 8-12
  • Army Press - 4 x 8-12
  • Shrugs - 4 x 8-12
  • Curl biceps - 4 x 8-12
  • French press- 3 x 8-12
  • Torso bends - 3 x 8-12
  • Turns of the torso with a barbell on the shoulders - 3 x 8-12


Rules for organizing home workouts. What is needed for this. What exercises can you do with a barbell?

To pull up physical fitness and develop a beautiful body, it is not at all necessary to go to gym... All that is required of you is to have a bar on hand, pancakes (the more the better) and a bench (you can without it). At first glance, it may seem that training with a barbell outside the gym limits the possibilities and allows you to pump only a few muscle groups. But this is not the case. Everything is possible at home. The main thing is that you must know what, how and why to do it.

When doing barbell exercises at home, be careful and try not to expose the body to great stress. Frequent workouts wear down the muscles and prevent them from recovering. The body needs reserves, and it is forced to take them from its own muscles. As a result, instead of gaining mass, you get a decrease in the total volume.

Barbell training should not take more than 1-1.5 hours... Ideal number of workouts - 3-4 times a week... At the same time, try to eat right and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Fundamental rules

Before getting started, remember a few rules:

  • Don't overload yourself. Frequent exercise, and even with a lot of weight, not only deplete the body, but also increase the risk of injury. So plan your workout with adequate rest in mind. If you did not have time to recover, then it is better to postpone the lesson.
  • Remember that self-discipline is the key to success when training at home. You should not only draw up a training plan, but also strictly follow it. You can choose the classic version - three times a week with a selection of exercises for different muscle groups.
  • Pay attention to nutrition and rest.
  • Observe the technique clearly. When training at home, this moment is especially important, because there is no one to tell the rules for performing the exercise. V otherwise there is a high risk of injury and being left without sports for a long time.
  • Raise the load level gradually. For example, you can start with 8-10 reps and 2-3 sets.

Exercises and their features

Below we will consider best exercises with a barbell, available to perform at home:

Of course, we have only listed some of the exercises that you can use at home. Do not forget about lifting the bar for biceps, raising hands with pancakes and a number of other movements.


If you want to have a beautiful body, as well as a barbell with the necessary set of pancakes, you can safely draw up a training program and do it at home. The main thing is to strictly follow the technique, do not overload the body, eat right and rest.

The barbell is a sacred object of every weightlifter, bodybuilder and powerlifter, with which you can pump absolutely any muscle in our body.

In this article, we will analyze the basic exercises with a barbell, curved (E-Z) bar, which are easy to perform at home. Videos will be added to the most technically difficult videos, viewing of which is mandatory for personal safety. And also at the end there will be a set of exercises with a barbell for 3 for.

The most effective exercise with a barbell

Bench press

Basic exercise. Works on the pectoral muscle, triceps and deltas. The bench press can be performed at different inclinations of the bench for distribution to the upper, middle or lower chest, but we will only consider the horizontal position. Also added a video on the correct technique.

To do the bench press at home you will need horizontal bench or 2 sturdy chairs that can support your weight and the barbell.

  1. Lie on a bench, slightly bending in the lower back. The upper back and pelvis are pressed tightly against the bench;
  2. Take a barbell with a closed grip about 20 cm wider from the shoulders. The narrower the grip - the load goes more to the triceps;
  3. Lower the barbell to your chest and squeeze to the starting position. If lowering to the chest does not work due to any physical features, then lower it to where it is possible (the lower the barbell goes down, the more the pectoral muscle will stretch).

Technique video

There is a little trick here. If the goal is to maximally load the pectoral muscle and minimize the load on other muscle groups, then you need to remove the bend in the lower back as much as possible; when lifting, you should not straighten your arm to the end, do not squeeze it to the limit by about 15 cm.

Bench press with a narrow grip

It is the triceps that works very well.

The grip width should be approximately 30cm between the palms. During execution, the elbows should fall along the torso.

A very famous exercise in bodybuilding. It is an isolating exercise for the triceps.

Perform both lying and sitting, both with a straight bar and E-Z shaped. During the execution of the recumbent version, the bar is lowered to the parietal part of the head, and in the standing version, it drops to the back of the head.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. Lie on a bench, put your hands in such a way that the bar is at the level of the chin.
  2. We fix the elbows in one position, shoulder motionless.
  3. Slowly lower the barbell almost to touching the head and then squeeze it sharply into the opposite position.

In the standing option: we hold the bar over the head, the elbows are also not mobile and we lower the bar to the back of the head.

Lifting the bar for biceps

Is an accentuated exercise in biceps shoulder. Performed while standing. Grip shoulder width apart. We press the elbows to the body and leave them motionless throughout the entire exercise. Raise your arms to the maximum, hold them in this position for 1.5-2 seconds and strain your biceps as much as possible.

For greater isolation of this muscle, and in order to exclude cheating, you can press your back and elbows against the wall, and perform the exercise E-Z shaped... In this way, the biceps will be pumped most efficiently.

Reverse Grip Barbell Curl

Mandatory for execution. It works brachialis muscle... It helps to increase the total volume of the arms, also, when working out this muscle, it begins to grow and, as it were, pushes the biceps to the top, which gives it the appearance of large volumes.

It is performed in the same way as classic biceps, only a grip from oneself.


The basic exercise, works out a very large number of muscles, the main ones are the quadriceps and biceps of the legs, the broadest muscles and the upper back, the forearms.

The deadlift is not recommended for beginners because of their danger of getting a spinal injury, or if performed, then with a small weight and be extremely careful. Be sure to watch the video on the technique. Avoid curvature of the spine.

Consider only classic way execution:

  1. Feet shoulder width apart. The grip is closed, slightly wider than the shoulders. The gaze is directed as far upward as possible.
  2. Bend over in such a way that the bar was exactly under the shoulders. Start lifting the bar with just one leg effort, when it reaches the knee, then you need to start straightening. At the peak point, flatten your shoulder blades.
  3. We lower the bar in the same sequence as we raised it.

Technique videos to reduce the risk of injury

Bent-over barbell row

An effective exercise for working out the back. Enter almost every set of exercises. In this deadlift, weight is not so important, it is worth focusing on the execution technique.

Take a barbell slightly wider than your shoulders, bend a little at the knees, for ease of execution, bend in the lower back. At the beginning of the exercise, the shoulders should be lowered, and the shoulder blades should be as far apart as possible, the upper back should be relaxed. Pull the barbell to the stomach, while at the extreme point, the shoulders should be turned back, and the shoulder blades should be brought together.

Barbell Shrug

Accentuated with the elaboration of the trapezoid. If your training regimen includes a deadlift, then shrugs are not necessary, since the deadlift works perfectly on the trapezoid.

Take a barbell, at about shoulder level, and start raising and lowering it with just your shoulders. You can do Roundabout Circulation shoulders, this will load the trapezium more, but accordingly, the execution becomes more difficult, also with this option, there are chances to injure the ligaments.

Bench press sitting or standing

The best exercise for the deltoid muscles, also, with a wide grip, affects the upper chest, great for workouts at home. In the standing option, the load is on the spine. You can lower the barbell on your chest or behind your head.

Consider a standing option with a wide grip lowering to the chest:

  1. Take the barbell over your head.
  2. Lower the barbell to your chest and squeeze it to the starting position.

Be sure to keep your back straight, you can even lean against the wall,

Chin pull

Aimed at the deltas and slightly touches the trapezoid. Fits well with barbell exercises at home. The most optimal grip is slightly narrower than shoulder width.

The technique is quite simple: take a barbell, stand upright and raise it to neck level.

Back Squat

It is basic.

Squats are a very effective exercise, but also a traumatic exercise, in the provided video all the nuances in the technique are told.

It involves not only the legs, but also the back, buttocks and abdomen. It is a general strengthening exercise and is good for rehabilitation after many injuries.

  1. Put the barbell on the trapezoid.
  2. Strain your stomach without bending your spine, start squatting, taking your buttocks back.
  3. Having lowered to the point where your hips are parallel to the floor, begin to stand up.

Squat Technique Videos for Beginners


It is basic. Pumps the buttocks and thighs.

  1. We put the barbell on the shoulders and hold it with our hands.
  2. We take a wide step with our left foot, and with the other we kneel.
  3. We get up and bring right leg to the left, as if we just walk.
  4. We repeat this with our feet on a turn. That is, first we step with the left, then with the right.

3 Day Barbell Split

The most optimal set of workouts at home will be 3 times a week with such a distribution as chest-biceps, back-triceps (after the dead, it is advisable to do a couple of approaches on the horizontal bar), shoulders-legs. Be sure to give your body 1 day rest between workouts.

Before starting a workout, do a warm-up, abdominal exercises and hyperesthesia.

Since training takes place at home, you can choose music for yourself, watch a motivating video, classes will be more fun. It is advisable to perform each exercise near the mirror, this will make it possible to see the mistakes. Remember to breathe properly. Be sure to increase the amount of protein consumed, this will significantly increase muscle volume.

Basic barbell exercises are polyarticular exercises used in strength training to gain muscle mass. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders, a barbell press lying on a straight bench, a barbell press standing over your head, deadlift and a barbell bent-over row are considered basic. Studies show that when they are done, the body produces the most testosterone¹.

These five exercises make up. It should be noted that other multi-joint exercises can be repeated and supplemented. basic exercises... For example, the platform leg press can replace the squat, and the seated block deadlift can replace the bent over barbell deadlift. The only exception is the deadlift - it cannot be replaced.

The main advantage of basic exercises is that, when performed correctly, they involve all muscle groups in the work - including the abs and arms. However, improper technique can seriously harm the athlete. Since multijoint exercises are performed with a barbell and other free weights, there is a risk of getting sports injury joints.

Mass Gaining Exercises

Pros of Basic Exercises for Muscle Growth

The main benefit of basic exercises is the simultaneous growth of muscle and fat burning. The reason is that basic exercises require an increased expenditure from the body. nutrients... During strength training, it is actively used, and after the end of the training, recovery processes are launched that burn fat.

With regular training using basic exercises, metabolism gradually increases, leading to an increase in appetite - which, again, is necessary for gaining muscle mass, since without additional calories, muscles simply will not grow. This is especially important for naturally thin ectomorphs who have problems with weight gain.

Building an athletic physique

Technically correct execution basic exercises have a positive effect on the symmetry of muscle development. As a result of training basic program not just a pumped-up, but a powerful and athletic physique is formed. In addition, basic exercises have a positive effect on the connection between the brain and muscles.

Most beginners are unable to exert willpower on a specific muscle (let alone consciously engage that muscle during training), which indicates a weak neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles. Performing heavy basic exercises can improve this connection, increasing the effectiveness of the training.

Cons of basic exercises

The main disadvantage of basic exercises is that they really require perfect knowledge of the correct technique. Doing these exercises with a lot of weight significantly increases the risk of injury even with the smallest mistakes - which is why it is best to learn the correct technique for these exercises with a personal trainer.

In addition, many beginners tend to progress too quickly, unnecessarily increasing their working weight and doing more frequent power training than their body needs. It must be remembered that basic workout must be performed. Otherwise, chronic overtraining will result.


The most important for gaining muscle mass are multi-joint core exercises, which increase testosterone and other hormone levels through complex effects on the body and central nervous system. Five of these exercises are allocated to the basic group - deadlift, squats, bench press, standing barbell press and deadlift.

There are also several options here: in which the position of the supporting leg is constant until the end of the approach, alternate lunges - forward and backward, as well as the farmer's gait. You can change exercises depending on how you get used to the load.

3. Deadlift or dead thrust

The exercise involves performing traction on straight legs, in case of discomfort, you can perform Romanian cravings- option with bent knees.

4. Deadlift

A more difficult option for the development of the muscles of the back and legs. When doing the deadlift, it is important to keep an eye on the lower back, which in no case should be rounded.

5. Sumo squats

A variant in which the adductor muscles of the thigh are more involved. Another variety of this exercise are.

6. Press the bar vertically (standing or sitting)

To stabilize the body, it is best to do the exercise while sitting. The classic version is a grip slightly wider than shoulder width.

7. Barbell Row to the Chin

It is best to do the deadlift with your palms close to the center of the bar. When performing the exercise, you must not swing, the bar should slide along the body .

8. Frontal lifts of the bar in front of you

It is performed while standing, holding the bar with both hands shoulder-width apart, it is important to keep the elbows slightly bent. Raise the barbell to eye level.

9. Press the bar with a wide grip

It is performed on a hill, preferably on a special bench with special racks.

10. Press with a narrow grip

Exercise develops more than the middle pectoral muscles but also triceps. Important press your elbows as close to your torso as possible .

11.T-bar row with one or two hands

The bar is positioned diagonally, holding one edge with both hands, the other edge touching the floor. The deadlift is performed in an incline. You can also pull on each hand.

12. Row of the bar in an incline to the belt

Performed with slightly bent knees, holding the bar with a medium grip.

The second name is goodmoning. Bends are performed with a straight back, with the knees slightly bent. The exercise involves not only the back muscles, but also the buttocks and hamstrings.

14. Medium Grip Barbell Curl

You can also perform the option with a wide grip while sitting, or in a concentrated manner, resting your back against the wall.

15. French press

It is performed lying on your back. For the convenience of working with the bar, place your palms shoulder-width apart.

Barbell training program for 3 days

Having chosen a three-day training regimen, you will have to combine in one training day several muscle groups... As an example, the program is designed for three days.

Barbell Exercises at Home for Men

First day- training of the muscles of the chest, triceps and anterior delta.

  1. Bench press with a wide grip 3-4 x 8-12.
  2. Press with a narrow grip 3-4 x 8-12.
  3. 3-4 x 8-12.
  4. French press 3-4 x 8-12.
  5. Extension of the arms with the bar from behind the head 3-4 x 8-12.
  6. Frontal lifts of the bar 3-4 x 8-12.
  7. 3-4 x 15-20.
  • 1. Bench press with a wide grip

  • 2. Press with a narrow grip

  • 4. French press

  • 5. Extension of the arms with the bar from behind the head

  • 6. Front-end boom lifts

  • 7. Twisting

Second day- training the muscles of the back, biceps and back delta.

  1. Wide grip bar row for rear delta 3-4 x 8-12.
  2. T-bar neck with two hands 3-4 x 8-12.
  3. Row of the bar in an incline to the belt 3-4 x 8-12.
  4. Bending the arms with a barbell with a wide grip while sitting 3-4 x 8-12.
  5. Curl of the arms with a reverse medium grip 3-4 x 8-12.
  6. Twists 3-4 x 15-20.

  • 1. Wide grip bent over bar for rear delta

  • 2.T-bar row with two hands

  • 3. Row of the bar in an incline to the belt

  • 4. Seated wide-grip barbell curl

  • 5. Curl of the arms with a reverse medium grip

  • 6. Twisting

Third day- training of leg muscles, middle delta.

  1. Barbell Squats 3-4 x 8-12.
  2. Barbell lunges 3-4 x 8-12.
  3. Deadlift 3-4 x 8-12.
  4. 3-4 x 20-25.
  5. Press the bar from behind the head (standing or sitting) 3-4 x 8-12.
  6. Pull of the bar to the chin 3-4 x 8-12.
  7. Twists 3-4 x 15-20.

  • 2. Barbell lunges

  • 3. Deadlift

  • 4. Calf Raises

  • 5. Press the bar from behind the head

  • 6. Rod pull to the chin

  • 7. Twisting

A set of exercises with a barbell for girls

A plan is presented for the girls circuit training with a barbell and own weight... Exercises should be performed for 15-20 repetitions, each exercise is performed one after the other without rest. Do three to four laps per workout. The program is designed for three days a week. Before starting a workout, you should warm up - perform jumps or others for 5-7 minutes.

Day 1.

  1. Plie squats.
  2. Scissor lunges.
  3. Push-ups from the floor or a hill.
  4. Seated barbell press.
  5. Chin pull.
  6. Abs: lifting legs lying down + bike.

  • 1. Plie squats

  • 2. Lunges scissors

  • 4. Push-ups from the hill

  • 5. Bench press sitting

  • 6. Traction to the chin

  • 7. Raising the legs lying

  • 7. + Bicycle

Day 2.

  1. Medium stance squats.
  2. Deadlift.
  3. Row of the bar to the belt.
  4. Frontal lifts of the bar in front of you.
  5. Seated barbell press with medium grip.
  6. Abs: repeat day 1.

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