T-bar back. Standing T-Bar Row

The bent-over T bar deadlift will help you work your back muscles in a comprehensive manner. In the presented exercise, it is quite easy to control its correct implementation. Thanks to this, the athlete has the opportunity to train with a lot of weight, located on the T-bar, without any risk of injury.

This exercise is most often used by men, since thanks to it it is possible to quickly form the correct silhouette. Women use it much less often, as exercise leads to weight gain. There are no special requirements for the equipment used for conducting classes.

What muscles are affected by the workout

The greatest stress during movements using the T-bar will fall on the target muscles, which are supposed to work well, that is, the lats. The correct technique allows you to perfectly work out the area that is located between the shoulder blades. Due to this, the spine is perfectly strengthened. Thanks to static movements, the abs and buttocks are worked out.

In a workout that involves pulling the barbell to the waist, several large muscle groups are involved at the same time. This provides an excellent opportunity to get an excellent load, helping to achieve the desired positive results.

Regardless of which simulator you choose, or washes the barbell, it should be understood that the principle of muscle work will still be the same. In order to fully understand the technique, one should initially consider one of the simplest options, which involves the use of a conventional barbell. After you thoroughly master the execution of movements with the use of a barbell, the simulator will not be difficult for you.

Features of the exercise

Now you should proceed directly to the technique itself. Before starting the exercise, you need to stand up and prepare:

  1. Before doing an exercise such as deadlift in the gym, you should initially take the starting position by setting a barbell weight suitable for your level. The other end of the inventory should remain empty and should be pressed against the corner as much as possible. Also, if possible, the most convenient option is to ask another athlete from the gym to fix with the feet. If a handle is attached to the bar, it should be placed on the bar fairly close to the pancakes.
  2. Next, you need to put the barbell between your legs, make a slight tilt, but make sure that your back is straight. Legs need to be slightly bent at the knees before exercising, as this reduces the load on the joints and reduces the risk of injury. You need to grip the bar as tightly as possible. If you want to work out the abdominal muscles in parallel, then you should tighten the press.
  3. The body must be raised so that the pancakes rise to the top. The main effort should be on the back muscles. It is important that the knees are bent and this must be given special attention. The fact is that this is the only way to maintain the correct deflection in the lower back, and this is what contributes to the fastest achievement of the desired result.

Correct execution technique

The exercise technique includes the following points:

  • As you exhale, you need to pull the barbell closer to you. The elbows are needed close to the body. Place at a sufficiently close distance to the body. You should try a little to stop at the highest point as long as you can. You do not need to overdo it, it is important to monitor your own capabilities.
  • As you inhale, you will need to lower the bar rather smoothly to its original position. During this time, you need to feel a gentle stretch in the spinal muscles.

You need to perform the above movement an average of 10 times. After a break for one minute, it will take one or two more approaches for maximum results. You should take into account the level of your fitness. Since this exercise belongs to the basic ones, it is necessary to start performing it at the very beginning of classes. Thanks to this, an excellent effect can be achieved.

The nuances of performing the T-bar deadlift in an incline on a special simulator

If you prefer to exercise on a simulator or thanks to a special handle, you should pay special attention to the technical side of the issue, since the width of the grip that is used plays an important role. The narrower the grip, the greater the range of motion will be.

Then the biceps will work hard enough. If you choose a wider grip, the arm muscles will still work less, but the amplitude will also be noticeably reduced. It is important to choose the most optimal option, that is, the golden mean. Alternating both is also a great option. Then the desired effect will come much faster.

To perform an exercise such as the T-bar deadlift is not only as effective as possible, but also safe, certain nuances should be taken into account, including:

  • In no case should you start your workout by taking an extremely large weights. A huge number of athletes suffer various injuries due to the use of weights in training that do not match their capabilities.
  • An important role in achieving excellent results is played by the fact that you need to carefully monitor that it is the back muscles, and not the biceps, that work. You need to work them out, right? And there are tons of other exercises for the biceps. The imagination can help in this matter.
  • When lowering the barbell, it is forbidden to fully extend the elbows. There is a high probability of injury.
  • The technique involves training in an incline, but at the same time pay attention to maintaining the back in an even position. The curve of the back can have a negative effect on the spine, as it will be overloaded.
  • In training, the speed of execution deserves special attention. You need to try to adhere to an acceptable pace.
  • It is important to avoid jerking movements.
  • Try to follow the execution technique. In the event that you are tired, it is better to take a short break and rest a little. After that, you can continue the approach. As everyone knows, it is much better and more effective to perform several exercises correctly than to engage in incorrect and ineffective technique for an hour. In this case, you are simply wasting your time. Therefore, in case of fatigue, it is better not to do the exercise at all than to neglect the technique.
  • The T-bar deadlift can be done with less effort using one little trick. To do this, you need to take pancakes that have a small diameter. Due to the use of massive pancakes, not only will the amplitude of your movements significantly decrease, which will be inconvenient for athletes, but also will not allow you to take the barbell as conveniently as possible. If possible, it is best to use small but rather heavy pancakes. It is much more convenient to install several small pancakes on the bar than one huge one.

Conclusions and conclusions

The bent-over barbell row is a great basic exercise that will help you pump your back muscles perfectly. Since athletes are not required to have serious physical training, and special equipment from the gym, this technique has gained immense popularity among athletes who have completely different levels of training.

Despite this, it is important not only to achieve results, but also to preserve your health. For this reason, the likelihood of injury should be avoided. You need to monitor the weight with which you are going to train, as it must necessarily correspond to your preparation and fitness. In no case should you take a lot of weight if you are a beginner in this matter. It is best to start small and gradually build up the weights. Excessive weight is often the cause of muscle sprains and tears, which in no case should be allowed.

You also need to pay attention to the grip width. It should be as optimal as possible. This is the only way you can fully work out the back muscles. The way out of this situation can be, as described earlier, the alternate use of a narrow and wide grip. It is very important not to drop your arms completely when you are at the bottom.

Because of this, a huge load is imposed not on the muscles, but on the elbow joints. The consequences can be dire. Indeed, in a hospital bed, when you are limited from the gym for a long period, you will not be able to achieve absolutely any results.

Therefore, it is better to take a moderate weight and follow the correct technique, while taking into account the warnings, only in this way you can slowly but surely walk towards your goal. It is quite enough for athletes to master and thoroughly work out the correct technique, after which they can rejoice at the excellent results obtained, which definitely will not linger.

We recommend that you, in combination with this exercise, also do a vertical pull to the chest. This exercise perfectly pumps the back deltoid muscles.

The craving for the physical beauty of one's own body is inherent, probably, to every person. However, not everyone wants to spend time and effort to achieve the desired result.

Physical beauty depends a lot on a number of exercises, one of which is the T-bar deadlift.

Bent over row

What muscles work during exercise?

  1. The latissimus dorsi is the main working muscle involved in this exercise.
  2. Back delta, biceps - additional muscles.

Exercise belongs to basic exercises.

Briefly about the main

During the exercise, the latissimus dorsi muscle is actively involved. Exercise serves mostly for definition, as well as the "striping" of the back.

The T-bar row is the safest back exercise to maximize your mid-back. It is worth noting that while performing the exercise, you should not take special care of the stability of the body.

The exercise is used to reveal new details on the muscle mass of the back. So, we can say that the exercise is used to achieve a clear separation between the muscles of the back. The latter phenomenon is called definition.

Like any physical exercise, pulling the T-bar to the back requires a careful approach from the athlete and therefore it is worth familiarizing yourself with the correct execution of the exercise - his technique. Exercise puts stress on the back muscles, and therefore you need to be especially careful.

Correct steps:

  • First, you should lie on the bench with your chest, and then take an upward tilt of the body. Next, rest your feet on special stands or the floor.
  • Grasp the handles on the machine or the T-bar bar. In the latter case, the grip should be neutral, that is, the tilt of the arms to each other (palms are located as close as possible on the bar). The arms should be fully extended in the starting position, and the weight should "hang" on the arms.
  • Then you need to inhale and hold your breath, then pull the barbell to the chest. Watch the position of the elbows during the exercise: they should move parallel to each other strictly up and down.
  • Try to raise your elbows above the level of your back as much as you can.
  • The muscles of the back at its highest point should strain as much as possible. After that, exhale, gently lower the T-bar.

In order to reduce the occurrence of errors during the execution of this exercise, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the general recommendations of professional bodybuilders.

The following tips will definitely come in handy:

  • During the exercise, the torso should not come off the bench. The movement is carried out in the shoulder as well as the elbow joints. Regarding the rest of the body, they should be in a stationary position. Thus, the chest should be firmly pressed against the back of the bench, the feet pressed against the stand or the floor.
  • The barbell should be pulled with the efforts of the muscles of the back and shoulders. It is not recommended to include biceps in the work. Adhering to this recommendation, the effect will be as it should.
  • It is recommended to lift the load as high as possible, bringing the blades as close to each other as possible. It should be noted that by bringing the shoulder blades together as close as possible, you enable your lats to contract. Diamond-shaped and medium trapezoids will also work well.
  • Before doing the exercise, you should make sure that your hands are in the correct position. Thus, before each repetition of the row, one should watch that the arms are fully extended. The load, in turn, must not touch the floor surface. If the deadlift begins with your arms bent at the elbow joint, you tighten your biceps, and then connect to work when lifting the bar.
  • To obtain the maximum contraction of the back muscles, it is necessary to hold a delay for a few seconds.
  • In the event that the simulator has two handles, perform the exercise by grabbing them with a grip from above, with your palms facing the bench. In this way, the elbows will diverge to the sides, and the load will be distributed to the muscles of the upper back, as well as to the middle. Thanks to this, the following muscles will be more efficiently worked out: the upper part of the lats, the back deltas, the rhomboid and middle trapeziums.

The pull of the T-bar is performed to maximize the work of the back muscles. It is worth noting that it is the exercise under consideration, in conjunction with the pull of an ordinary barbell in the slope, that gives an effective growth of the broadest muscles of the back, an increase in their size and thickness in a relatively short period of time.

Some subtleties

This exercise is intended for all categories of athletes. It will be best if you use the exercise at the very beginning of your back muscle workout. First, it is advisable to perform a T-bar pull, and then proceed to vertical and horizontal pulls.

To achieve the desired effect as soon as possible, you need to perform 2-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions. This exercise is the safest of all exercises for the back muscles. It makes it possible for the athlete to strain to the maximum without the risk of injury.

Lying T-Bar Row

The pull of the T-bar is performed in a special simulator, which consists of a bench for supporting the body, as well as the T-bar itself, attached to the base.

The T-bar row in the slope is rightfully recognized as one of the best basic exercises for high-quality workout of the lats of the back. This type of deadlift is quite versatile and therefore suitable for both beginners and more experienced athletes.

Muscles that take part in the exercise:

  • Trapezius muscles (middle, bottom)
  • Rhomboid muscles
  • Latissimus muscles
  • Large and small round muscles
  • Infraspinatus muscle
  • Posterior deltoid muscles
  • Brachialis, brachyradialis
  • Pectoralis major muscle
  • Biceps
  • Triceps


  • Development of traction force and muscle mass of the back muscles
  • Muscle thickening
  • High-quality workout of the middle of the back
  • Correction of muscle asymmetry
  • Can be done for low back problems

Exercise technique:


Before starting the exercise, equip the simulator with the required weight. After that, take the correct position, sitting on top, while your chest should be firmly pressed against the simulator. Grasp the handles and lift the bar off the rack, holding it with outstretched arms.


Inhale, and as you exhale, begin to pull the arms towards your chest, while bringing your shoulder blades together. After reaching the top point, take a short pause of 1 second. Inhale and return the bar to its original position. Repeat the specified number of times.

Alternative exercises:

In addition to the classic version, there are also alternative exercises:

  • Row of two dumbbells on a bench at an upward angle

  • Avoid lifting your chest from the support pad during the exercise.
  • Do not make any movements with your legs.
  • Bring your shoulder blades and squeeze your back at the highest point
  • When performing the movement, your arms should be close to the body.
  • You should not lower your head down too much
  • Direct your gaze forward
  • Do not chase heavy weights - it will compress your chest and make it difficult to breathe, why unnecessary discomfort?
  • Number of approaches 3 - 5, reps 8 - 12

Many bodybuilding studies indicate that this exercise is among the TOP 5 best exercises for developing the back. If you consider other exercises, then the advantage can be safely given to the Barbell Row in the slope.

The T-bar row is designed to work your large back muscles. The movement is similar in mechanics to the barbell pull to the belt, however, the correctness of the exercise is somewhat easier to control here. Thanks to this, the athlete can work with more significant weights, avoiding the risk of injury. T-bar deadlift is undemanding to equipment. It can be done both in a special simulator and with a conventional barbell.

The main load during movement falls on the latissimus dorsi muscles. Trapeziums, large round, rhomboid muscles, spinal extensors and posterior deltas work. The deadlift works well in the area between the shoulder blades. In addition, the biceps are involved, and the static load goes to the press, muscles of the forearms and hips.

Distribution of the load during the exercise.

Bent-over T-bar rows develop several large muscle groups at once. This allows you to get a good load and shape a nice and wide back.

Correct execution

It can be performed both on a special simulator and using a conventional barbell, from one end of which the pancakes are removed.

There are many types of deadlift machines. Some of them allow you to do the exercise while lying down. The advantage of this embodiment is that the static load is removed from the legs. But there is also a significant disadvantage - lying down it is impossible to achieve a deflection in the lower back, due to which the maximum contraction of the lats of the back is achieved.

There are also simulators where you stand with your feet on a special platform and pull up the bar with the handle attached. Such a simulator is very good, the main thing is to take a comfortable position in it, in accordance with your height and degree of flexibility.

There are trainers with a chest rest, handles for different grips, and other equipment. The principle of muscle work is the same everywhere. To understand the technique, consider the simplest option - with a conventional barbell. Having understood the mechanics of movement with a barbell, it will be as easy as shelling pears to cope with the simulator.

The technique of performing a deadlift with a barbell with special handles.

So, to begin with, take the starting position:

  1. Place the required number of pancakes on one end of the bar. Press the other end into a corner or ask your partner to fix it with your foot. If a special handle is available, attach it to the fretboard closer to the pancakes. If not, it's okay - the bar is taken with both hands near the pancakes. One brush is placed in front, the other behind. After the approach, change hands. Alternatively, you can place the fingers of one hand on top.
  2. Place the barbell between your legs, bend over with a straight back, bending your knees. Grab the bar as tight as possible, tighten your abs. Raise the body so that the pancakes are lifted off the floor. The movement should be performed at the expense of the back muscles. Bent knees are there so that you can keep your lower back flexed. The barbell should not be lifted at the expense of the legs.

Traction execution:

  1. As you exhale, due to the work of the back muscles, pull the barbell towards you. At the same time, the elbows move close to the body. Hold for a second at the top point, bringing the shoulder blades together and achieving peak muscle contraction.
  2. While inhaling, gently lower the bar to its original position, while you should feel a stretch in the back muscles. The elbows at the lowest point do not fully unbend, the pancakes remain in weight.

In the absence of handles, the bar can be held with your hands.

Perform the described movement 8-12 times. Rest for 1 minute and do another 1-2 sets. The deadlift is a basic exercise and should be done at the start of your workout.

If you are doing a row in a machine or with a special handle, the width of the grip you use has a certain value. The narrower the grip, the more the amplitude of the movement is obtained, but the more the biceps are included in the work. The wider the grip, the less the hand muscles are involved, but the range of motion is reduced. It is recommended to alternate the grips for a comprehensive back workout.

To keep your T-bar thrust completely safe and as efficient as possible, read these tips:

  • Do not start your workout with too much weight. Many athletes are injured due to the fact that they choose prohibitive weight.
  • Make sure that the movement of the bar is carried out by the work of the muscles of the back, and not with the help of the biceps. During training, mentally imagine how the muscles of the back are tense at the top and how they are stretched at the bottom.
  • At the lowest point, do not extend your elbows to the end.
  • The movement should be performed in an incline, but with a perfectly flat back and natural deflection in the lower back. A crooked back while pulling can cause serious injury to the lower spine. In order to get into the correct position, take your pelvis back, tighten your abs and bend your knees.
  • Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible, this will make it easier to control the movement of your arms.
  • Stick to a certain pace: slowly lower the barbell and quickly raise it up. Avoid jerking, all your movements should have the same amplitude and be smooth.
  • Monitor compliance with the technique. If you are tired, then take a break, take a break and continue the approach.

The T-bar row will be easier to do if you use smaller pancakes. Large pancakes not only reduce the range of motion, interfering with you, but also prevent you from comfortably grasping the barbell. Use small, heavy pancakes whenever possible. From a convenience standpoint, it's better to hang several small pancakes than one healthy one.

Bent-over T-bar rows are a great basic exercise for building your back muscles. Due to the fact that the deadlift does not require complex equipment and serious physical training, it is popular among athletes of all levels. Learn the correct technique for this exercise and enjoy the great results!

Fortunately, there are plenty of back exercises to symmetrically develop your muscles and tailor your exercises to your fitness level. There is always an alternative: for those who do not pull themselves up with their own weight and are not yet ready to work with free weights, structures and simulators come to the rescue, which improve the stability of the position and provide for an understandable and comfortable execution technique for everyone. One of the most effective methods of strengthening the muscles of the back is the pull of the T-bar, which is performed in the slope, as well as in support on a special simulator.

T Bar Row Benefits and Features

  • The multi-joint exercise allows you to qualitatively load and select a certain working weight that the athlete needs at this stage. It does this by adding barbell pancakes, weighing from 2.5 to 25 kg.
  • This leg platform design with a secured bar and handles allows for a pulling motion identical to that of a barbell or dumbbell to a belt. Unlike free weights, the T-bar requires less force to hold the equipment.
  • The option in an emphasis is safer, since the position of the back is stabilized by a special structure, the likelihood of rounding the spine and, accordingly, getting injured is reduced.
  • The t-bar row is not a simple exercise, but it significantly improves the stability of the weight and reduces the effort required to hold the starting position.
  • With the help of the T-bar in combination with other exercises, you can develop a powerful back.

What muscles work when pulling the T-bar

As with any exercise, there are the main target muscles, as well as subsidiary, which are in static tension and aimed at maintaining the position of the body, in this case, these are the muscles of the abdomen and lower back.

Main muscles:

  • Latissimus dorsi muscle.
  • Large round muscle.
  • - middle part.
  • The infraspinatus muscle.

Bent-over T-Bar Row Technique

Option 1

  1. Place pancakes of the required weight on the bar before assuming the starting position.
  2. Place your feet on a special platform.
  3. Bend your knees, keeping your back straight, grab the horizontal handles with two palms with an overhead grip and assume a stable 45-degree tilt position, keeping tension in your abdominal and lower back muscles.
  4. Exhaling without a jerk, pull the T-bar towards your ribcage, drawing your elbows closer to your torso.
  5. As you inhale, gently lower the bar, straightening your arms at the elbows.
  6. Maintain your spine position, do not sway or round your back.
  7. At the end of the exercise, sit down and lower the bar down.

Option 2

You can also run the option reverse grip, that is, grasp the handles from below. This will transfer most of the load to the biceps of the shoulder. In the upper range of motion, the load will be concentrated in the upper part of the trapezoid, and not in the middle.

Option 3

Most T-bar designs have parallel handles for neutral grip, which is convenient for holding a large load weight and is comfortable for many because of its morphology. Also, such a grip reduces the load on the brachioradial muscles.

Neutral grip

T-bar deadlift technique with emphasis

This design implies a special support for the abdomen. There are 2 pairs of handles here: horizontal - provide a wide grip and develop the back in width, parallel handles - provide a narrow neutral grip for developing the thickness of the back muscles.

  1. Place your feet on the platform and place your stomach on a support.
  2. Grab the necessary handles with straight hands and select the desired grip, as in the previous options.
  3. Exhale and pull the bar towards your chest.
  4. As you inhale, return downward, straightening your elbows completely.

A plus this option is that it requires less effort to maintain the position, but minus the fact that when working with a large weight, the chest is compressed and breathing worsens.

Which is the best to do - a T-bar row or a barbell row in an incline

You can't pick one best exercise for a lifetime, or say which exercise is best. There is only a difference in the features and anatomy of the exercise. The main difference between the T-bar deadlift and the barbell is that, thanks to the T-bar design, it is easier to maintain the position of the body than to work with free weights.

The barbell row implies instability, due to which more muscle fibers are involved in the exercise, for the same reasons, working with free weights will always be more difficult than training in machines. The T-bar row is a good option in preparation for barbell work. Alternatively, the barbell pull would be appropriate to combine with a wide-grip T-bar row.

This multi-joint exercise can be done to build muscle mass. Thus, it is worth picking up the working weight for 10-12 repetitions of 4 sets. On the day of the back, one of the options for pulling the T-bar should be included, evenly distributing the load on all parts of the back, changing the position of the hands, grip and, in fact, the weights itself.


Introduce a variety of T-bar row designs into your training. Start mastering the exercise technique in an emphasis, smoothly prepare the muscles for the load, making it easier at the initial stage to hold the position. Then move on to performing bent-over rows, the main thing is to increase the load gradually, preparing for the working weight. Observe the correct technique, do not chase heavy weight, this will not increase the mass faster, but you can get an injury elementary.

Exercise T-bar deadlift in video format

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