Deadlift (Romanian deadlift) with expander. Full Body Band Exercises Exercise Tips

Types of deadlift

Power loads occupy a key place in the training program of professionals. The most powerful of all strength exercises is considered to be the deadlift. The peculiarity of the deadlift is that when performing this exercise, the maximum number of muscles work.

There are several different options for how to perform a deadlift. On our website you can find descriptions of exercises such as,.

Today we will talk about the technique of performing deadlift with an expander.

What muscles are involved in the deadlift with an expander

We note right away that this exercise is designed for professionals and involves a fairly serious level of physical fitness. The target muscles being worked out are the lower back, the trapezium and muscles of the middle back, quadriceps, muscles of the thighs and buttocks, as well as the shoulder girdle are additionally involved.

Exercise technique

  1. When using short bands for deadlifts, simply slip both bands over the barbell bar and slide your feet through the resulting loops. If you prefer to work with a long expander, take care of a reliable base, which is suitable for heavy dumbbells or a rack.
  2. Position the barbell so that its bar is above your feet. Spread your feet hip-width apart and check that the expander is securely fixed with your feet. Bending at the torso, bend over and take the barbell with a medium grip (hands shoulder-width apart), bringing the shoulder blades together. It is also possible to use a pronated or mixed grip (with one palm up and the other down) for heavier weights.
  3. On an inhale, lower the barbell down until the bar touches your shins. In this case, it is necessary to control the deflection of the back in the lower back. The head should be held in a raised position, the chest slightly bends forward.
  4. When the bar reaches the shins, with a powerful movement, lift the barbell with the working weight back up, bringing the shoulder blades together.
  5. Do the number of repetitions you need according to your individual training plan.

Throw the expanders on the ends of the neck and put your feet through the resulting loops. The feet should be under the bar. Bending your torso, grab the bar with a medium grip. On an inhale, lower the barbell down until the bar touches your shins. Then, with a powerful movement, lift the barbell up, bringing the shoulder blades together.

Exercise rules

  1. Throw short expanders on the ends of the neck and put your feet through the resulting loops. If you are using long expanders, then attach them to heavy dumbbells, or to the bottom bar of the rack.
  2. Walk up to the bar so that your feet are under the bar. Feet hip-width apart. Make sure the expanders are in the middle of the foot. Bending your torso, grab the barbell with a medium grip (shoulder-width apart). Bring your shoulder blades together. As a rule, a pronated (palms down) or mixed grip (one palm up and the other down) is used for this exercise.
  3. On an inhale, lower the barbell down until the bar touches your shins. Then, with a powerful movement, lift the barbell up, bringing the shoulder blades together. The gaze is always directed forward, and the chest is raised. Maintain a slight arch in your lower back.
  4. Lower the bar to the floor by bending your hips and torso.

Reading time: 28 minutes

A tubular expander is a sports equipment for strengthening muscles, which is a wear-resistant latex rubber tube with two plastic handles. Exercises with an expander will not only add variety to your workouts, but will also be a great alternative to exercises with dumbbells.

So, what are the advantages and benefits of exercising with a tubular expander, and also how to choose the right sports equipment for yourself?

Tubular expander: general information and features

The tubular expander gives a power load to the muscles, which is created due to the resistance of the rubber. The resistance causes the muscles to contract, which stimulates the growth of bone and muscle tissue. Unlike the expander, it gives tension to the muscles throughout the entire range of motion, providing a more uniform and high-quality load. Resistance band training is safe and effective and is often recommended by physiotherapists for injury rehabilitation.

There are many different types of expander (carpal, chest, butterfly, figure eight, expander skier, elastic band), but it is the tubular expander that is convenient and versatile for loading all major muscle groups. This type of expander is equally effective for the muscles of the upper body (arms, shoulders, chest, back, abs) and for the lower body (buttocks, legs). You can use a tubular expander:

  • in strength training for muscle building
  • in toning workouts for body relief and increased muscle endurance
  • in cardio workouts to burn fat

The tubular expander is made of durable thin rubber, which is shaped like a tube. The length of the expander is 120-130 cm. Depending on the hardness of the rubber, tubular expanders have several levels of resistance, which give different degrees of load. The rigidity of the expander very often differs depending on the specific manufacturer, even with the same declared level of resistance.

A tubular expander is a lightweight, compact and inexpensive type of equipment that will become an indispensable sports attribute both at home and in the gym. One of the disadvantages of the expander is the fact that it is not able to provide such a level of load that dumbbells, barbells and simulators are capable of. If you are a serious bodybuilder, the band is unlikely to help you reach your big strength training goals.

10 advantages of a tubular expander

  1. The tubular expander is used to effectively train all the muscles of the upper and lower body. At the same time, you will perform exercises already familiar to you, which are also relevant when training with dumbbells. (e.g. bicep raises, shoulder presses, back rows, leg abductions, squats).
  2. The tubular expander is suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners: the load is easily adjusted by the level of resistance. In this case, you can use several expanders at the same time to increase the load.
  3. The expander can always be taken with you, it is very light and compact. If you are going on vacation, a business trip, or often move, then instead of dumbbells for training, it is quite possible to use a tubular expander. Such equipment does not take up much space in the apartment, unlike bulky simulators and free weights.
  4. The expander is a more gentle tool for joints and ligaments than dumbbells and a barbell, so it is suitable for older people and people with physical limitations. Some experts claim that the expander is one of the safest methods to increase bone strength and prevent osteoporosis. Also, with an expander, there is no risk of dropping a heavy projectile and injuring yourself.
  5. You can independently adjust the load of the expander: if you slightly reduce the length of the elastic band by wrapping it around your hands, then this creates a b about More resistance and more stress on the muscles.
  6. During exercises with the expander, those responsible for stabilizing the position of your body in space are actively working. This is a good prevention of diseases of the back and lower back.
  7. The tubular expander has no inertia, which forces you to follow a certain range of motion to overcome resistance. This helps to maintain the correct exercise technique, which means more efficient work on specific muscle groups.
  8. This is a very budget option for sports equipment, its cost does not exceed 300-400 rubles.
  9. There is a ready-made set of expanders of different resistance on sale, which will help you create a home mini-gym without heavy and bulky equipment. (Purchase links below).
  10. During some exercises, a tubular expander can be combined with dumbbells to increase the load and distribute it more evenly.

Cons of a tubular expander

  1. Dumbbells have a well-defined weight, while tubular expanders have a rather blurry load gradation (strong, medium, weak). When working with an expander, you will not be able to measure the exact efforts that you make to stretch it. You will have to rely on your feelings.
  2. With dumbbells, it is easier to regulate the load and monitor your progress by simply gradually increasing the weight of the inventory. In addition, the expander has a load limit, so it is not suitable for people who are used to exercising with large weights.
  3. A tubular expander can tear and stretch with frequent use, unlike dumbbells and barbells, which will last you a very long time.
  4. With an awkward movement, the elastic band can come off and hit hard or cause injury. So always practice with full concentration.

How to choose an expander and where to buy

Despite all the advantages of using an expander, it can not be found in every sports store. But you can always buy a tubular expander in online stores, where, as a rule, there is a large selection of expanders of various stiffness. The only downside to buying online is that you won't be able to visually verify the quality of the product and check the load. Please note that the rigidity of the expander may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer even with the same declared resistance.

What you should pay attention to when buying an expander:

  • Tube material. Choose an expander with durable thick rubber. Try stretching the rubber a few times and check for white streaks or imperfections on the surface.
  • Handles. Handles must be made of durable plastic, resistant to mechanical damage. Check that the handles have a rough, non-slip surface that provides improved grip during exercise.
  • Fastening. With strong tension, most often the expander breaks precisely at the point where the handles and the tube are attached. Ideally, choose an expander in which these parts are connected with a metal carabiner (found in expanders with interchangeable tubes).
  • Length. Check if you can perform exercises with an expander, where it needs to be pulled out as long as possible (e.g. shoulder press). Some expanders have such a hard rubber that even with great effort they are unable to stretch to the required length.
  • Additional rubber cover. The expander, in which the rubber tube is covered with a braid or a protective sleeve (casing), is more wear-resistant and reliable for long-term use. Such expanders usually cost more.

The resistance level of the expander is usually indicated in the product description and is determined by the color scheme. The color scheme option depends on the specific manufacturer, but most often the following gradation is provided:

  • yellow: very light load
  • red color: medium load
  • black color: very heavy load

Sometimes the level of resistance is applied to the handles with digital symbols: 1 - low resistance, 2 - medium resistance and 3 - strong resistance. In this case, the color of the rubber does not matter.

In order to increase the variability of exercises with a tubular expander, you need to consider where it can be fixed in the room. (for example, a wall, a door, a Swedish wall will do). You can use special wall mounts or door mount:

A tubular expander is one of the most affordable attributes on the sports equipment market. The cost of an expander is 300-400 rubles, the cost of a set of expanders is 800-1500 rubles. The largest selection of expanders is offered on aliexpress at a low price and with free shipping.

We offer you several options for tubular expanders on Aliexpress, which you can order right now. Expanders usually arrive within two to three weeks. We have selected several sellers with the most affordable prices and positive reviews. Be sure to read product reviews before buying.

Single expanders

Usually sellers on Aliexpress offer 5 resistance levels of expanders (from 5 kg to 15 kg). Each color corresponds to a certain hardness.

Expander sets

For training with a tubular expander it will be convenient and profitable to purchase a whole set of tubular expanders of different stiffness. This will allow you to train in a complex way, working out each muscle group as much as possible. The set usually includes 5 expanders of different hardness (from 4.5 to 13 kg), 2 handles, leg straps, a door holder, a bag.

30 exercises with a tubular expander

We offer you an excellent selection of exercises with a tubular expander for all muscle groups. Be sure to warm up before training with an expander, and after training, stretch all muscles.

If you plan to work over muscle growth, then perform each exercise 10-12 repetitions in 3-4 sets. Choose the resistance of the expander so that the last repetitions are performed at maximum effort. If you are planning to work over muscle strengthening and weight loss, then perform each exercise 16-20 times in 2-3 sets. The resistance of the expander can be taken as medium.

Exercises with an expander on the shoulders

Exercises with an expander for the pectoral muscles

1. Chest press with an expander

3. Breeding arms for chest muscles

Exercises with an expander for hands

1. Raising the arms for biceps

Exercises with an expander on the back

2. Pulling the expander with two hands

3. Thrust expander crosswise

4. Horizontal back row

5. Horizontal pull with wide arms

Exercises with an expander for the lower back

2. Raising the body to a sitting position

Glad to see you again, dear readers! Hundreds or even thousands of articles have already been written on various options for home workouts. And they are all different in some ways, and in some ways similar to each other.

The difference usually lies in the hardware used. Sometimes, in order to load all muscle groups, you have to use several types of sports equipment. For example, dumbbells, fitballs, weights and other exercise equipment. Surely, those involved have a question about whether there is a universal remedy with which you can pump all the muscles of your body. And I have a positive answer to it - a rubber expander.

Before I get into the basics of training with this tool, I want to show you just how versatile this product is. There is a wide variety of types of expanders.

To begin with, they can be classified into two types: spring and rubber. Already a further gradation includes such types as carpal, shoulder (thoracic), tubular (ring, figure eight and double figure eight, spider),.

Moreover, the spring expander does not include all subspecies, but only the carpal, shoulder and stick simulator. In addition, with the advent of modern materials such as latex, springs are becoming a relic of the past. In this regard, to the question - which expander is better rubber or spring? - you can answer that rubber, but with a small caveat. The leaders among hand simulators are still.

One article is not enough to talk about all the types. Therefore, today we will consider rubber expanders in all details.

Why is a rubber expander so good?

If you decide to work out at home and are now looking for training equipment, then I would advise you to purchase a rubber expander. To be more precise, then take a closer look at, in fact, these two species are identical.

They are good because they contain a large set of elastic tubes with gradation in load. This makes it easy to choose the necessary load depending on the degree of your fitness. The expander is made with handles, which makes it easy to handle.

If you want something simpler, then check out the rubber bands and loops. This is one of the most budget options, without any bells and whistles. By the way, loops can be used not only at home, but also in the gym. Combining them with simulators or barbells, you can get an unusual type of load from standard exercises.

Rubber expanders are also good because they have a different effect on muscles, unlike simulators. They allow you to keep the muscles in tension throughout the approach. This will lead to the involvement of more muscle fibers in the work. Also, the use of rubber will allow you to arbitrarily choose the load vector.

The expander has no inertia. This, firstly, will exclude cheating. Secondly, it will protect you from injury. And thirdly, as I said, it will allow you to constantly keep your muscles in tension. All these qualities make it an attractive simulator not only for men, but for women.

You can buy an expander in almost any sports store, for example, in a sports master. A large selection of exercise equipment is presented in the smartelastic online store. Another good set I took on Girbest.

How to train with an expander?

By turning on the fantasy, you can come up with a workout for almost any part of the body. But at the same time, you should follow a few simple rules.

  1. Any training is, first of all, a load on the muscles, but the ligaments and joints are also actively involved in the work. Therefore, before training, you need to do a warm-up, which can consist of swing and rotational movements of the head, arms, torso and legs. Just don't do everything at the same time.
  2. When exercising with the expander, hold it firmly to prevent it from slipping out of your hands.
  3. Often, due to the nature of the exercise, you have to clamp the expander with your feet or attach it to something. In this case, make sure the fastening is secure.
  4. When performing the exercise, the expander should always be taut, even in the starting position.
  5. The load must be chosen so that you can perform 10 to 15 repetitions with good technique.
  6. When training with an expander, keep the movements smooth in each exercise and linger for a few seconds at the point of maximum muscle contraction.

As you can see the rules are quite elementary. I suggest you start exercising.

Exercises with an expander

The training complex may look similar to the standard one. . On each day, one large muscle group is loaded (legs, chest, back) and one or two small ones (biceps, triceps, shoulders, abs, forearms).

Leg exercises

  • Squats with loops or tape. If you are using loops, then stand with your feet on one part, and put the other around your neck. When using ribbons, you can simply hold the free ends in your hands in a taut state. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

  • Lunges. In the case of training with an expander, it is much more convenient to first do one approach on one leg and then on the other. In this case, the expander should be clamped under the foot in front of the standing leg. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps on each leg.

  • Calf raises. Stand with your toes on one part of the expander, and throw the other, as with squats, behind your neck. Do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps.

Back exercises

  • Vertical pull. Analog . Exercise loads the latissimus dorsi. Fasten the middle of the expander from above, preferably on the ceiling. Stand or sit down from below and take the risers in your hands. In the starting position, the arms should be raised up, and the expander should be stretched. Pull your arms down by contracting your lats. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • . Fasten the middle of the expander to the feet. With a powerful movement, pull the handles to the stomach, while bringing the shoulder blades together. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • Breeding hands back. . But the shoulder girdle also receives a portion of the load. So with this exercise you will also pump the rear deltas. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

chest exercises

  • Expander press. It can be performed while standing, fixing the middle of the tape on a vertical plane at the level of the shoulder blades. You can also perform the exercise by simply holding the expander behind your back. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • Reduction of one hand. Having fixed the expander at the level of the shoulder blades, take the free end in a straightened hand. Stand sideways to the attachment point. With a smooth movement, overcoming the force of elasticity of the expander, bring your hand to a position in front of you. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps for each arm.

Hand exercises

  • . Secure the expander by pressing it with your feet to the floor. Pick up the free ends. Perform curls. The grip can be changed to pronated (palms down) or neutral (palms facing each other). Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

  • Standing triceps extension. The expander mount is the same. Hands from the elbow to the shoulder are directed upwards and pressed to the ears. With a smooth movement, extend both arms. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.

Delta exercises

  • Leading the arms to the sides. Having fixed the expander under your feet, move your arms to the sides, as in the photo. 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions will be enough.

  • Raise your arms in front of you. Exercise for the front delta. Do not raise your shoulders during the movement. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Press exercise

  • Body twists. The exercise works well on the oblique abdominal muscles. Having fixed the expander at the level of the shoulder blades and turning sideways to it, take the free ends in your hands. Perform turns, overcoming the resistance of the tape. Perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 rotations.

These exercises are enough to make a complete set of exercises. Well, all the cards are in your hands! But don't forget to watch the workout videos.
I say goodbye to you on this. Subscribe to updates. Ask your questions and repost on social networks.

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I thought that exercises with an expander are especially useful when you go on a business trip without being able to take dumbbells with you, and visiting a sports club on a trip is not very convenient. Well, or if you just like bodybuilding at home. Also, an expander can be useful if you need to warm up and inflate your muscles before the competition, but there is no way to pull dumbbells and a barbell backstage at the competition. I knew for a long time that this simple projectile should not be treated with disdain, that a good expander allows you to work out your muscles quite strongly, feel a real burning sensation and pumping.

But I could not even imagine that the expander itself can become a full-fledged alternative to free weight exercises or weight-block simulators!

In this case, as a projectile, you need to use a set of rubber ropes with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm, which combine excellent elasticity and high strength (I assure you, the impact in the event of a rupture of the expander is very painful).

It was these ropes that I introduced for training clients of my Biceps fitness club. Initially, some clients were outraged, asking that all exercises be performed only in “normal” machines or with free weights. Then they were asked to perform just a couple of sets with the correct technique, after which the muscles were worked out so strongly and deeply that the attitude towards this projectile changed radically.

The principle of working with the expander is very interesting: at the point of peak muscle contraction, the load also becomes peak, respectively, you work out the muscles with high quality, with concentration at the point where you usually already rest.

In view of these features of the "rubber", the technique for performing exercises must be strictly defined. When performing exercises with an expander, always pause for a second at the point of its maximum stretch. Such training contributes to a very high-quality, shocking study of the muscles. The day after your workout, you're sore all over, like you've never worked out. For my training, I use finger rubber ropes about 2-2.5 meters thick and about 2.5 meters long. The ends of the rope are tied in the form of loops that act as handles.

Such a projectile creates a load in the equivalent of 30-40 kilograms of a block simulator.
You can increase the load by adding together 2, 3 or even 4 of these expanders (such a load may be needed when working on the widest backs). The drop set is very effective when the exercise is performed without rest with four expanders, then without rest or with a short rest (up to 30 seconds) with three, two and finally with one! After such a dropset, my lats and mid-back just exploded and hurt for several days, while the pull of a 200 kg barbell to the belt for a long time did not surprise my back with almost anything.

I am not suggesting to completely abandon exercises with a barbell and dumbbells or use an expander instead of simulators and shells. However, by adding at least one exercise with an expander for each muscle group to your set of exercises, you will give yourself a good shake-up and get a powerful impetus to improve your muscles.

The rubber band is a great finishing tool at the end of a workout, you get an amazing pump and burn! The effect is doubled if you work with a partner who will help you with every rep, but only in the most difficult phase of the movement.

This training method looks like this: you linger at that stretching point of the expander, beyond which you no longer have enough strength to stretch it, then pause for one second trying to stretch the rubber even a millimeter, then your partner connects and slowly, smoothly helps you extend the movement literally more by 5-7 centimeters.

Literally two or three sets of fifteen of these double reps and the deltas are incredibly bloated and become unusually “striped”, which does not happen (to such a huge extent) after a drop set with a barbell or dumbbells!

Below you can familiarize yourself with the technique of some exercises with an expander.

1. Standing arm raises for the middle deltoid muscles

2) Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, in the hands of the loop (handle) of the expander;

2. Breeding arms while standing in an inclination for the rear deltoid muscles

1) Step on the expander or securely fasten it at the bottom to pull in the up and down direction;
2) Take a standing position in an inclination, feet shoulder-width apart, in the hands of the loop (handle) of the expander;
3) Swap the handles of the expander in places (cross the expanders) to work in the optimal trajectory for deltas;
4) Spread slightly bent arms to the sides, at the top point (at shoulder height) make a short pause;
5) Make sure that the arms are perpendicular to the torso throughout the entire range of motion.

3. Bringing the arm while standing to work out the muscles of the chest

1) Attach the band at chest height (for general chest training) to pull in a horizontal direction or simply step on it to work in an upward direction (in this variation you will work the top of the pectoral muscle);
2) Take a standing position, legs wider than shoulders, in the hands of the loop (handle) of the expander;
3) Holding one hand with the expander at the waist, follow the approach with the other hand;
4) Bring your hand outside-in slowly and under control by contracting the pectoral muscle;
5) The arm should be constantly slightly bent and fixed in the elbow joint;
6) Having achieved the maximum contraction of the pectoral muscle, pause for a second and smoothly return to the starting position.

4. Traction to the belt while standing to work out the muscles of the back

1) Fix the expander at the height of the belt or slightly lower, you can just stand on it (in this version you will work in a slope);
2) Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms straightened at waist level hold the loops (handles) of the expander, the expander is slightly stretched;
3) Slightly bending your knees and crouching to increase your balance, perform a pull with both hands to the belt, while bringing the shoulder blades together;
4) Pulling your hands to the belt as much as possible, feel how the back muscles contract;
5) Having achieved maximum muscle contraction, pause for a second and smoothly return to the starting position.

5. Standing curls for biceps training

1) Step on the expander or securely fasten it at the bottom to pull in the up and down direction;
2) Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, arms straightened down hold the loops (handles) of the expander, the expander is slightly stretched;
3) Slightly bending your knees and crouching to increase your balance, bend your arms at the elbows while supinating your hands;
4) Having maximally bent your arms at the elbows, but keeping the elbows pressed to the body, feel how the biceps of the hands contract;
5) Having achieved the maximum contraction of the biceps, pause for a second and smoothly return to the starting position.

6. Bent over arms for triceps

1) Fix the expander at the height of the belt or slightly lower, you can just stand on it (both options are performed in an inclination, just in the second option the inclination is done to the parallel of the body with the floor, and in the first option a half-inclination is enough);
2) Keeping your back straight and tense, bend forward slightly bending your knees, fix your arms bent at the elbows on the sides of the body;
3) Keeping the body and elbows still, fully straighten both arms until the maximum contraction of the triceps;
4) Having achieved muscle contraction, pause for a second and smoothly return to the starting position.

7. Tilts to work out the lower back and biceps of the thighs

1) Step on the expander or securely fasten it at the bottom to pull in the up and down direction;
2) Take a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, in the hands of the loop (handle) of the expander, the back is straight and tense, the shoulder blades are brought together;
3) In this starting position, the expander should be stretched as much as possible;
4) Keeping your legs and arms straight and without bending your back, bend forward, feeling your hamstrings stretch (if you have weak lower back muscles, keep your legs slightly bent at the knees);
5) Return to the starting position.

8. Squats to train quadriceps and gluteal muscles

1) Step on the expander, while holding your hands with the expander loops on your shoulders;
2) Take a standing position, while the expander should be as stretched as possible;
3) Keeping your back straight, move your pelvis back and sit down until your legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees;
4) Although your back is straight at the spine at all times, at the bottom you lean forward 45 degrees to maintain balance;
5) When squatting, rest on the heels of the legs, make sure that your knees remain strictly above the heels and do not move forward (otherwise the load on the knees will increase dramatically);
6) Return to the starting position.
