Subject shouts in the senior group. Distribution of outdoor switchgear complexes by months in the senior group

V kindergarten much attention is paid to strengthening the health of young pupils. Physical development babies is one of the central directions of this work. The age of 4-5 years is called the age of grace. It is easy for children gymnastic exercises, they have good coordination, the muscles are actively developing. A properly developed ORU complex for the middle group increases the body's performance, forms beautiful posture, creates a cheerful mood.

Benefits of General Development Exercise

First, let's figure out the concepts. General developmental exercises (ORU) are understood as simple movements available for practitioners, which are performed for the purpose of warm-up or recovery. In kindergarten, it is an integral part of a routine that is reproduced from day to day.

Complexes of outdoor educational institutions for physical education provide:

  • teach children to discipline;
  • create good mood, raise the tone;
  • form the musculoskeletal system;
  • develop physical qualities(agility, flexibility, endurance, etc.);
  • teach coordination of movements, train balance;
  • activate physiological functions (respiration, cardiac activity, blood circulation);
  • develop both large and fine motor skills(while doing exercises with objects);
  • teach children to follow the instructions of adults, as well as quickly navigate in space.

Compilation of the complex

Gymnastics always starts with an introduction. The body prepares itself for subsequent loads (1-2 minutes). The water part includes:

  • drill exercises (turns to the sides and in a circle), rebuilding (in circles or in several columns);
  • walking (one after another or in pairs, on toes or on heels, with high knees, with different hand positions);
  • running (in a circle, bouncing, scattering).

The OSU complex itself in middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard, consists of 4-5 exercises, which are repeated by the children 5-6 times. First, children stretch their neck, shoulders and arms. This stage helps to straighten the spine, open chest... Then exercises for the trunk and back are performed. It can be all kinds of inclinations, turns, pelvic rotation. At the end of the complex, exercises are done that strengthen abdominal Press, the muscles of the legs, as well as the arch of the foot.

The final part includes either running or jumping. Calm walking helps to restore pulse and even breathing.

Building children

The teacher tries to create an ORU in the children when performing a complex. Morning exercises in the middle group are more lively if the teacher uses a variety of construction methods.

At this age, children are able to build in a circle. This is most appropriate if most of the exercises will be done while lying or sitting. After all, babies still do not know how to keep the required distance.

However, they gradually mastered the formations of 3-4 links, in a column of 2-3 people. The unexpected order arouses the interest of the pupils and attracts their attention. If objects are involved in the ORU complex of exercises, an adult can arrange them in the hall in a checkerboard or other order. Children are encouraged to choose their own seat next to the allowance.

Distribution of items

The use of flags, balls, skipping ropes, sultans, hoops, gymnastic sticks, ribbons, cubes, stuffed bags, rattles helps to diversify gymnastics. Before performing the ORU complex for the middle group with objects, the teacher lays out the manuals on the floor, and the children take places next to them. Another option is also possible, when the children themselves take the objects.

It is convenient to place hoops and sticks along the walls in several pieces in one place. The balls can lie on special shelves or inside hoops. Small items are placed on chairs. This procedure gives the children the opportunity to quickly pick up the benefits and return them to their place in an orderly manner.

Teaching methods

At the beginning of the year, the teacher guides the actions of the children in the same way as in the younger group. The exercise is demonstrated to an adult before performing it. The explanations are attached to a familiar image (we wave our hands like birds). Then the children and the teacher make movements, and the counting is not carried out.

Gradually the tasks become more complicated. The attention of children is drawn not to the emotional components (we will stretch like a kitten), but not the technique of execution (we stand on tiptoes, keep the back straight, try to reach the ceiling with our palms). Great importance has a competent, beautiful display of the exercise being learned. All actions are immediately commented, the concepts of "left" and "right" are actively introduced.

The ORU complex for the middle group is carried out by children in concert, at the expense. The teacher gives the command "Start!", Makes 2-3 movements together with everyone, and then directs the actions verbally. If necessary, counting alternates with explanations ("bent over, straightened, one-two"). You can turn on rhythmic music that will set the pace. The exercise ends on command. If the movement is well studied, you can do with verbal instructions, without showing, or shift this task to one of the children.

Outdoor switchgear complexes for the middle group without items

Children of the fifth year of life are actively mastering role-playing games. Charging is perceived by them with greater joy if it has a certain plot. Preschoolers go on a little adventure, transform into birds and bunnies, jump over puddles. At the same time, the imagination and the emotional sphere develops.

Below is a set of outdoor switchgears for the middle group without items, which can be carried out in the fall:

  1. "The trees are rustling." Spread your legs a little, raise your arms, take them to the right, then to the left. Accompany actions with the sound "sh-sh-sh-sh".
  2. "Migratory birds". Hands rise and fall smoothly over the sides.
  3. "Look how many leaves are around!" Put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Turns to the sides.
  4. "Collecting apples". Reach up, picking an imaginary fruit, then sit down and put it in the basket.
  5. "Bunnies rejoice in the golden autumn." Rhythmic jumps on two legs, depict hare ears with your hands.

In winter, another complex will be appropriate:

  1. "We catch snowflakes". Children stand with their hands down. On command, you need to raise them to the ceiling through the sides, make a clap, return to and. P.
  2. "Cold". The legs are slightly apart, the arms are extended to the sides. Children slap their hips.
  3. "There are snowdrifts all around." Get on your knees, hands on the belt. Make turns left and right.
  4. "I'm frozen". Sit down, stretch your legs forward, put your hands behind your back. At the command, bend your legs at the knees, pull your hands to your chest and straighten them again.
  5. "Getting warm". Children jump on two legs, actively waving their arms.

The spring ORU complex for the middle group will help children turn into beautiful flowers. It includes following exercises:

  1. "The flower is blooming." Put your feet apart, hands on your shoulders. Then raise them to an imaginary sun, wiggle all your fingers.
  2. "The butterfly has arrived." I. p. - standing, hands are freely lowered down. Bend forward, spread your arms to the sides like wings.
  3. "A breeze blew." Children put their hands on the belt, bend to the sides.
  4. "Flowers are growing." I. p. - squat down. On command, stand up, stretch up.
  5. "The rain has gone." Rapid bounces ("downpours") that gradually slow down.

The kids really like to incarnate in various animals. To do this, all together you can go to the village:

  1. "Cow". Stand up straight. Breathe in the air while lifting your shoulders. With an exhalation, stretch out: "moo-oo-oo".
  2. "Cat". round your back, lower your head, say: "sh-sh-sh". Then arch your back, look up and meow.
  3. "The pig is rolling in the mud." Lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head. Roll onto your stomach and back.
  4. "Dog". Squat, spreading your knees to the sides and placing your hands in front of you on the floor.
  5. "Horse". Perform jumps, accompanying them with clatter.

Ball complexes

The use of bright objects increases the interest of kids in physical education. The ball is the most common equipment available in all kindergartens. That is why it is often used when carrying out ORU complexes for the middle group with objects.

This is how it might look fun exercise with the ball "Kolobok":

  1. "Grandma is looking for flour." Turns the head left and right, the ball behind the back.
  2. "Kneading the dough." Put the ball on the floor. Perform inclinations to it, showing with your hands how the dough is kneaded.
  3. "They baked a bun". The kids are holding the ball in outstretched hands. Torso turns are performed.
  4. "The gingerbread man is running away." Children roll the ball in a circle, first with their right and then with their left foot.
  5. "We caught a bun." Children squeeze the ball between their knees and jump.

With the same item, you can go on a journey through an imaginary jungle. The corresponding complex includes the following exercises:

  1. Hide the coconut. Children stand holding the ball in their lowered hands. According to the count, they raise their hands, put the ball behind their heads, stretch up again, and, finally, return to the SP.
  2. "A monkey swinging on a vine." The children raise their hands with the ball, tilting them left and right.
  3. "The monkey collects coconuts." Press the ball to your chest, sit down, lower it to the floor, rise to your feet. Then do the squat again, picking up the ball and returning to and. P.
  4. "The monkey drinks coconut milk." Children lie on their stomachs, holding the ball in outstretched hands in front of them. On command, they raise the projectile upward, lifting the chest from the floor and bending in the back.
  5. "The monkey is playing." Sit down, rest your hands on the floor behind. Clamp the ball between the feet. Bending your knees, pull it to your chest.

Complexes using a gymnastic stick

This apparatus is new to children, so they need to be taught the correct grips. The gymnastic stick can be held horizontally by grasping the middle of the stick. To direct her "nose" down, it is enough to straighten the index finger. You can also place the stick on your shoulder, supporting it with your hand from below.

Below is a set of outdoor educational institutions for children of the middle group "Frog":

  1. "The frog is stretching." Children stand holding a stick in their lowered hands. At the command of the teacher, they lift it up, with their eyes they find an imaginary "sun".
  2. "The frog looks around." The stick is pulled over the shoulders. Children turn to the sides.
  3. "We catch mosquitoes". The children stand, holding a stick in the chest area. On command, you need to bend down, touch the legs with the projectile and say "am". Then return to I. p.
  4. "Hiding from the heron". Children stand, hands with a stick down. You need to sit down, stretching your arms forward, then rise.
  5. "The frog rejoices." Jumping over a stick with turns.

Children will also like the "Flight by plane" complex. It includes the following exercises:

  • "Let's start the engine." The stick is held vertically in the right hand. Children draw large circles in front of them, saying "d-d-d". Then the hands change.
  • "We disperse the clouds." The children take a stick in both hands, stretch them in front of them and make turns from side to side.
  • "We look down." The child puts a stick on the floor with one end, and holds on to the other. Intercepting the projectile with his hands, he moves to the floor with up to 4 counts. Then the reverse movement is performed.
  • "We saw the boat." Children lie on their backs, legs are tucked to the chest, the stick is brought under the knees. Swinging back and forth is performed, imitating the movements of a sailing boat.
  • "The plane is gaining altitude." Children jump up, raising a stick over their heads.

Open circuit complex with a rope in the middle group

In kindergarten, children are introduced to the rope at the age of three. Toddlers try to jump or step over a projectile held by adults. In the middle group, children are taught to independently rotate the rope and jump over it in any convenient way.

An unusual scenario of the ORU complex will help to make the training interesting. In the middle group with a rope, you can play bunnies. To do this, offer the children the following exercises:

  • "Bunnies examines a rope." Fold the projectile in four, hold it in front of you. We raise our hands forward, then to the ceiling, again forward and down. We follow the movement with our eyes.
  • "Hares are pulling the rope." Children hold a projectile in front of their chest. First straightens to the right right hand, the left one bends at the same time. Then the movement is performed in the other direction.
  • "The rope has fallen." Children hold the projectile in their hands extended forward. On command, they bend down, put the rope on the floor, straighten up. Then they again bend as low as possible to the floor, raise the projectile, return to and. P.
  • "Bunnies swing." The children sit on the floor, their legs are straight. The rope must be folded in half, hooked onto the feet and pulled. Swinging from side to side is performed.
  • "Hares are jumping." Children try to rotate the rope and jump over it, first at a slow pace, and then faster.

Complex with cubes

Preschoolers are happy to participate in role-playing games. Distribute 2 cubes to each of the children for the next morning exercise. The ORU "Builders" complex is described in detail below:

  • "Building a skyscraper". Children stand upright, hands with cubes are freely lowered. On command, they raise them above their heads, hit the cube on the cube and lower them again.
  • "Drive in a nail." I. p. The same. The children spread their arms to the sides as wide as possible, and then connect in front of the chest, knocking the cube against the cube.
  • "Brickwork". Children lean to the floor, build a tower of blocks, then straighten up. Repeating the exercise, you need to raise objects, stand up straight, arms outstretched in front of you.
  • "Fixing the floor". Children do squats. Squatting down, they knock the cubes on the floor.
  • "Builders are warming up". Jumping around the cubes in different directions.

Complex with a hoop

This subject is new for pupils of the middle group, and therefore attractive. With it, you can play drivers by doing the following exercises:

  • "We get into the car." The child stands inside the hoop, holding it in lowered hands. On command, the projectile is raised above the head, then lowered.
  • "Steering wheel". The hoop is held in outstretched arms, twisting movements to the left and right are performed.
  • "Over the bumps". Sit in a hoop in Turkish style, put your hands behind your back. Perform side bends.
  • "Let's get out of the car." The hoop is placed on the floor. The child holds it on top with one hand. You need to sit down and go through the projectile, first in one direction and then in the other direction.
  • "The legs are tired." Jumping sideways from the hoop in different directions, which alternate with walking inside the projectile.

ORU complexes for the middle group should not only strengthen the muscles and health of the children, but also raise their spirits. This is how the love of physical education, the desire to lead active image life. All this will be useful for children already in adulthood.

By the age of 4, the intensive development of brain function continues, memory improves, and imagination develops. The child can already create an image of objects based on a verbal description, reproduce it in play, drawing, movement. This allows you to make more demands on organization of morning exercises.

The complex consists of 5-6 exercises, repeated 5-6 times. To perform the exercises, children are built in a circle (then you can build randomly). Walking is more and more used, walking in pairs, holding hands, walking in a circle, holding hands.

The duration of the run is up to 10 seconds and can be carried out with various tasks: with a change of direction (after the first and the last), scattering, on toes.

The set of exercises for children 3-4 years old mainly includes imitation exercises and exercises with aids (rattles, flags, balls, cubes).

Starting positions for the legs when performing the exercises: feet parallel, feet shoulder-width apart, slightly apart.

Starting positions for the arms: arms below, bent at the elbows at the chest, behind the back. At this age, exercises are used from an initial position sitting on chairs, on the floor, lying on your back.

ORU are given in the following sequence:

    1. for muscles shoulder girdle and hands
    1. for torso I.p. standing
    1. for legs (except for jumping)
    1. exercises for the shoulder girdle or torso (I. p. sitting)
    1. exercises for the trunk (I. p. lying on the back)
    1. for legs (jumps or bounces)

In the event that squats or half-squats are included in the complex, exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle are performed after them. After jumping, a fast run is given (10 sec). The morning gymnastics ends with walking with breathing exercises for relaxation, a game of low mobility.

Physical activity in walking, running, exercising can be adjusted by observing outward signs fatigue of children (shortness of breath, pallor or redness of the face, impaired coordination).

The main methods of conducting morning exercises in the younger group are the teacher's showing with an explanation of the exercises and the simultaneous implementation by children, instructions for drill exercises by age, visual reference points.


Subject complex "Chicken"

I. Walking and running one after another (2p for 10 seconds), walking on toes. Formation in a circle.


    1. "Chickens flap their wings." I. p. legs slightly apart, arms below. Raise your arms to the sides, wave them, say "ko-ko", lower them. D-6 times.
    1. "Chickens drink water." I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Lean forward, take your hands back, straighten up. D-6 times.
    1. "Chickens peck grains" I. p. legs slightly apart, arms below. Sit down, tap your knees, stand up. D-6 times.
    1. "Chickens are looking for a worm." I. p. sitting, legs apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward, stretch your arms forward, look for a worm, straighten up. D-6 times.
    1. "Strong wings". I. p. legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands to the sides, wave with the whole arm and hand - large wings, lower. D-6 times.
    1. "Chickens are having fun" I. p. legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping in place on 2 legs alternating with walking. D - 2 times 6 times.

III. Rebuilding from a circle. Running fast. Play exercise"Let's find a chicken" (the teacher hides the toy in advance and invites the children to find it),

Artistic word

Subject complex "Musical toys"

I. Walking and running in a column one by one after the teacher - he is a locomotive. 12 times. Formation in a circle.


    1. "Rattles". I. p. legs slightly apart, arms below. Clench your hands into fists, raise them up, shake them, lower them behind your back. D-6 times.
    1. "Drum". I. p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands down behind the back. Bend over, tap your knees with your index fingers, say boom boom, straighten up. D-6 times.
    1. "Pipe". I. p. legs slightly apart, arms below. Get up on your toes, bring your hands to your mouth, say "doo-doo-doo", stand on your full feet, lower your hands. D-6 times.
    1. "Harmonic". I. p. kneeling, hands on the belt. spread your arms to the sides, "play the accordion, tra - la-la", put your hands on your belt. D-6 times.
    1. "Piano". I. p. sitting, legs apart, hands down. Bend over, stretch your arms forward, "play with your fingers on the piano", straighten up, lower your hands down. D-6 times.
    1. "Everyone's having fun." I. p. legs slightly apart, arms down. 2-3 springs and 6-8 bouncing, alternating with walking in place.

III. Rebuilding from a circle. A quick run for the teacher.

Breathing exercise"Inflate the balloon"

Artistic word

Exercise: To independently compose plot complexes "Winter", "Bunnies", "Flowers", "Summer", "Butterflies", "Geese", "Airplane".

Subject complex ORU "Airplane"

I... Introductory. Walking, walking with an additional step, walking, running, changing lane in a circle pace, dosage ??. Toe walking (hands -?), Heel walking (hands -?)


    1. "Airplane". I. p. legs slightly apart, arms down. Hands to the sides - "the wings of the plane", return to the IP - "the plane flew away." D-6 times.
    1. "The plane chooses the landing site." I. p. legs apart, arms to the sides. tilting forward, turning the head to one side or the other, I. p. - D-6 times.
    1. Landings. I. p. legs slightly apart, hands behind the back. Hands to the sides, sit down - "sank to the ground", return to I. p. Later, say "sat down" - D-6 times.
    1. "The pilots are resting." I. p. lying on your back. Turn on your side, stomach, other side, and again on your back. breathing is arbitrary. D-6 times (3 times in each direction).
    1. "Pilots have fun." I. p. legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Slightly bend and straighten your legs ("springs"), then go to bouncing. D-2-3 times 6-8 bouncing, alternating with walking.

III. Final part. Running fast (time? With the transition to slow, walking). Breathing exercise "Let's play the pipe."

Artistic word


View the complex and replace the questions with the correct answers.

Morning gymnastics complex

forII junior group with flags

I. Walking in a column one at a time, running high raising your knees (like horses). Walking and running alternate. D-2 times

II. OSU with flags.

    1. "Above the checkbox." I. p. legs slightly apart, flags at the bottom. Flags across the side up, wave, lower, say down. - D-6 times.
    1. Wave below. I. p. legs apart, arms with flags to the sides. tilt forward, wave from side to side, return to I. p. breathing is arbitrary. D-6 times
    1. "Above the leg and the flag." I. p. legs slightly apart, flags lowered. Raise the checkbox and bent leg, return to I. p. Alternation of movement of legs and arms. Breathing is arbitrary. D-6 times.
    1. "Through the sides" I. p. kneeling, the flags are lowered down. Raise across the side, wave down. D-6 times.
    1. Show the flag. I. p. sitting, legs apart, flags down. Flags forward, tilt, say "here," lower flags. D-6 times.
    1. "Bouncing". I. p. legs slightly apart, flags down. 6-8 bouncing and shaking flags. D-2 times. Breathing is arbitrary.

III... Game exercise "Sparrows and a cat". The sparrows are in the house outside the line, and the cat in the center of the room sits on a chair. Sparrows scatter all over the room, and at the signal of the teacher "Cat!" sparrows run away, trying to quickly get into their house. Walking in a column one by one after a cunning cat.

Artistic word


    1. Make up a complex of morning exercises with handkerchiefs, rattles, without objects.
    1. Record the final part of the morning exercises in 2 versions.

Morning gymnastics game complex for junior group II

I. A game of medium mobility "Along a flat path". Children stand in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the text that the teacher says:

On a flat path

On a flat path

Our legs are marching.

One-two, one-two

By the pebbles, by the pebbles

Into the pit - boo.

Children walk, and on the words "on the stones, on the stones", they jump on two legs, moving forward, and on the words "into the hole - bang" they squat down. “We got out of the hole,” says the teacher, and the children rise D - 2-3 times.

II. Game exercise "Bees". Running scatteringly, raising your arms to the sides and shaking them, say "zhu-zhu-zhu". D-2 times.

III. Sedentary game "Bubble"

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№1 "BIRDS" junior gr.
I.P .: main stance.
Exercise: raise your arms to the sides and lower.
Repetition: 4-6 times
I.P .: main stance.
Exercise: sit down, tap your knees several times with your fingers. Straighten up and raise your arms up.
Repetition: 4-6 times
I.P .: basic stance, hands on the belt.
Fulfillment: make a spring.
Repetition: 4-6 times

Walking behind the teacher.
Within: 25-30 sec.

Repetition: 3-4 times
I.P .: o. with., hands with cones below.
Exercise: raise your arms forward to show the bumps and hide them behind your back
Repetition: 4-6 times
2. "Squirrel plays with cones"
I.P .: o. with., hands down.
Fulfillment: sit down, put the cones on the floor, straighten up, then sit down, take the cones.
Repetition: 4-6 times at a fast pace.
3. "PUSSY"
I.P .: sitting, legs rest freely on the floor, hands on knees.
Execution: raise your arms to the sides - up, stretch, lower your arms.
Repetition: 4 times
I.P .: lying on his back, arms along the body.
Exercise: raise your arms and legs up, touch the feet with the bumps and lower them to the floor.
Repetition: 4-6 times
5. "Squirrels have fun"
Jumps in place.
Walking behind the teacher. Within: 20-25 sec.
No. 3 "ON THE POLYANKA" junior gr.

Fulfillment: squat down, show with your hands which tree is small. Gradually straightening, raise your hands up. "This is what a big Christmas tree has grown."
Repetition: 3-4 times
I.P .: legs slightly apart, arms (branches) raised up.
Execution: body bends to the right (left) side.
Repetition: 4-6 times

I.P .: sitting, legs freely on the floor, back straight, hands on knees.

Repetition: 4-6 times

4. "SLIP"

Jumps in place.

Walking in place.

Within: 25-30 sec.

5. Exercise to restore breathing.

No. 4 "PLAY-KA"

1. "KNOCK"

I.P .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.

Execution: join hands without bending at the elbows, hit the cube on the cube, spread apart.

Repetition: 4-6 times

2. "SHOW"

I.P .: lying on his stomach, arms bent, pull the cubes to the shoulders.

Fulfillment: straighten your arms forward "showed", returned to and. n. "hid"

Repetition: 4-6 times

3. "Dwarfs and Giants"

I.P .: standing, cubes are omitted.

Execution: sit down, touch the floor with cubes, straighten up, raise your arms up (do a full squat)

Repetition: 4-6 times

4. "SLIP"

Within: 15-20 sec.

№5 "TRAIN" junior gr.


I.P .: legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows at waist height, fingers clenched into a fist.

Exercise: bend your arms back and forth. "CHU-CHU-CHU"

Repetition: 4-6 times


I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands down.

Execution: squat down, knock on the knees. "KNOCK-KNOCK"

Repetition: 4-6 times


The "train" went off imitating a dial tone. Slow at first, then faster, then slows down again

Within: 15-20 sec.



1. "SHOW"

I.P .: O.S.

Fulfillment: sit down, put the rattle on the floor, straighten up, show your hands. Sit down, take a rattle, show "HERE".

Repetition: 4-6 times


I.P .: sitting, legs free on the floor.

Fulfillment: raise the rattle up, shake and lower.

Repetition: 2-3 times with each hand.

3. "HIDE"

I.P .: lying on his stomach, hands with a rattle at the chin.

Exercise: Stretch your arms forward, show the rattle and hide it against your chest.

Repetition: 4-6 times

4. "LET'S FLY"

Execution: free dance.

Within: 15-20 sec.




I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands down.

Exercise: raise your arms to the sides and lower

Repetition: 4-6 times


I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands down.

Execution: sit down, lower your head slightly down. We straightened up and flew to another flower.

Repetition: 4-6 times


I.P .: basic stance, arms to the sides.

Execution: make a spring

Repetition: 4-6 times


Running after the teacher

Within: 15-20 sec.

5. "BUTTERFLIES smell flowers"

Exercise to restore breathing.


1. I. P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down.

Execution: raise your hands up, stretch, return to and. P.

Repeat: 4-6 times

2. I. P.: sitting, legs apart, ball in hands.

Exercise: lean forward, put the ball between your legs, straighten, show straight arms.

Repeat: 4-6 times

3. I. P.: lying on your back, the ball over your head in your hands.

Execution: raise your arms up, arms forward, touch the feet with the ball, return to and. P.

Repeat: 4-6 times

4. "LET'S FLY"

Execution: free dance.


No. 9 (without items) junior gr.


Walking in an arbitrary direction, running slowly, walking in place, turning to an adult.

1. "SUN"

I. p.: Legs slightly apart, arms down, hanging along

Execution: raise your arms up, stretch, lower your arms.

Repeat: 4 times.

2. "TUK-TUK"

I. p.: Legs wider than shoulders, arms below

Exercise: bend forward, tap your knees with your palms.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: Legs slightly apart, arms below

Fulfillment: to squat down, put your hands on your knees.

"Children hid"

Repeat: 4-5 times.

4. "LET'S FLY"

Execution: free dance.



Walking in an arbitrary direction; easy running; walking in place; turn to an adult; come up to him.

1. "HOURS"

I. p.: Standing near the chair, legs slightly apart, arms lowered, hanging along the body.

Exercise: swinging the arms back and forth "tick-tock"

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: Sitting on a chair, legs parallel, hands on knees.

Fulfillment: bend forward, bend your arms slightly at the elbows; head turns left and right - "looking out the window"; straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.

3. "BALL"

I. p.: Arbitrary.

Execution: jumps in place.

4. "SLIP"

Jumps on two legs in place.

Within: 15-20 sec.


№ 11 "WE ARE PETRUSHKI" junior gr.


Walking in an arbitrary direction; on the spot, turn to an adult.


I. p.: Legs slightly apart, arms lowered, hanging along the body.

Execution: raise your arms forward, slap, lower.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: Legs wider than shoulders, arms below.

Fulfillment: bend forward, spread your arms to the sides, straighten up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.


I. p.: Arbitrary.

Exercise: soft, springy half-squats in place.

Repeat: 6-8 times, alternating with walking.

4. "LET'S FLY"

Execution: free dance.

5. Walking in an arbitrary direction, in place

№ 12 "WE-BABIES" (with a rattle)


I. p.: Legs "in a narrow path", hands with a rattle below.

Exercise: raise your arms through the sides up; shake the rattle and lower it down through the sides. Lowering your hands, say: "Ding-ding-ding".

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: Legs wide apart, hands with a rattle at the chest

Exercise: turn to the side, arms straight; shake like a rattle, say: "Ding-dong"; return to and. n. The same in the other direction.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.

3. "BALL"

I. p.: Lying on his back, rattle behind his head.

Fulfillment: transfer your hands to your stomach, bend your legs at the knees - “become round like a ball”, return to and. n. Breathing in an arbitrary rhythm.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: Standing, rattle below.

Execution: 6-8 jumps with simultaneous shaking with a rattle.

Repeat: 3 times, alternating with walking

№13 "ZIMUSHKA-WINTER" junior gr.


I. p.: Feet shoulder-width apart, arms below.

Exercise: bends to the sides, arms up.

Repeat: 5-6 times.


Fulfillment: sit down; depict the rolling of the cutters; straighten up.

Repeat: 5-6 times.


I. p.: Lying on your back, hands free.

Exercise: roll over onto your stomach, turn onto your back.

Repeat: 5-6 times.


I. p.: Optional, hands in front of the chest.

Execution: jumping in place.

Repeat: 8-10 times, alternating with walking.

No. 14 "BUILDERS" (with a cube)


I. p.: Standing, legs parallel, hands with a cube behind the back.

Execution: arms to the sides; then remove your hands behind your back and transfer the cube to your other hand; hands to the sides again; then put your hands behind your back.

Repeat: 6 times.

I. p.: Standing, legs parallel, hands with a cube lowered down

Execution: tilt; put the cube on the floor between your legs; straighten up; hands are down; hang; the cube remains on the floor; incline; take a cube; straighten up.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p.: Lying on your back, arms with a cube behind your head, legs straight.

Execution: flip on the stomach without the help of arms and legs, flip on the back

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: Standing, legs parallel, cube on the floor, hands on the belt.

Exercise: 6-8 jumps in place near the cube, alternating with walking.

Repeat: 3 times.

№ 15 "WALK" junior gr.

1. "PALTS"

I. p.: Legs slightly apart, arms below.

Exercise: hands forward, palms up; say: "Here"; give up.

Repeat: 5 times.


I. p.: Feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back.

Fulfillment: forward bend; hands on your knees (teach to straighten your legs); say: "Here"; straighten up.

Repeat: 4 times.

3. "BIKE"

I. p.: Lying on your back, arms and legs straightened.

Fulfillment: flexion and extension of the knees - “ride a bike”, lower your legs.

Repeat: 2-3 times, alternating with breathing exercises.


I. p.: Legs slightly apart, arms below.

Exercise: Walk, raising your knees high, swinging your arms.



Exercise: raise your arms through the sides up; shake the sultan

Repeat: 5 times.

2. "WINGS"

I. p.: Legs wide apart, hands with a sultan lowered down

Fulfillment: forward bend; straight arms to the sides "wings"; straighten up;

Repeat: 4 times.

I. p.: Lying on his back, arms along the body, a sultan in a water hand.

Fulfillment: on the word "beetles" quickly bend and unbend the legs raised up; on the word "sleep" - lower your arms and legs.

Repeat: 5-10 seconds 3 times.

4. "FORGE"

I. p.: Legs "narrow path", hands with a sultan below.

Fulfillment: 8-10 jumps, "grasshoppers", alternating with walking.

Repeat: 3 times.

№ 17 "POSKAKUSHKI" (with a rope closed in a circle)

The rope lies on the floor, the children stand with their faces in a circle, their toes are at the rope.


I. p. Main stand, rope in hands;

Execution: 1 - lift the rope up all together, 2 - and. P.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p. wide stand, rope on the shoulders behind the head, hold the rope with your hands;

Execution: 1 - bend down, 2 - and. P.

Repeat: 3 times.

3. "LET'S GO"

I. p. Sitting on the floor with feet in a circle, rope on the knees, grip from above; Exercise: walking on the buttocks in and out of the circle "chug-chukh-chukh"

Repeat: 1 time.


I. p. The same;

Execution: 1 - hide the rope under the knees, 2 - and. P.

Repeat: 4 times.


I. p. Sitting on the floor, lace on the ankle, hands in support at the side;

Exercise: 1 - raise your legs with a rope up, 2 - and. P.

Repeat: 3 times.

No. 18 "TOYS" (with a hoop)


I. p. Wide stand, hoop pressed to the chest;

Fulfillment: 1 - pull the hoop forward, look through the "window", 2 - and. P.

Repeat: 4 times.

2. "HOURS"

I. p. The same;

Execution: 1 - tilt to the right "tick", 2 - and. p. "so", tilt to the left "tick", 4 - and. P.

Repeat: 4 times.

I. p. Wide stance, hoop around the neck, arms to the sides;

Execution: 1 - bend forward, the hoop hangs on the neck, 2 - and. P.

Repeat: 3 times.

4. "KU-KU"

I. p. Main stand, the hoop is on the floor, grip from above;

Fulfillment: 1 - sit down, look into the hoop - "Ku-ku", 2 - and. P.

Repeat: 4 times.

5. "SKIRT"

I. p. Sitting in the hoop, legs crossed, grip on the hoop from the side;

Fulfillment: turn the hoop around you, without letting go

Repeat: 5 sec.

6. "PYRAMID" I. p. The same; Execution: 1 - lift the hoop up, 2 - and. p. “put the ring on the pyramid” Repeat: 3 times.

№ 19 "WE ARE THE BEAST" (without items)


Walking around the hall, one after another, hands are pressed to the body, hands to the sides,

waddling from foot to foot, depicting "ducklings". (2 circles)


Walking around the hall, one after another, stretching out his arms forward, creeping step, turning his head to the sides, depicting a "panther". (1 circle)


I.P .: standing, legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, raised up, fingers to the sides.

Exercise: Alternate straightening of the arms up. Whirl around.

Repeat: (4-6 times.)

4. "BIRDS"

Running in a circle, one after another, on toes, swing your arms up and down the "wings". (2 circles)

I.P .: standing, feet together, hands below, hands to the sides.

Implementation: Imitation of pecking grains on the right (left).

Repeat: (4-5 times.)

6. "STAR"

I.P .: Lying on your back, arms to the sides, legs to the sides.

Execution: 1- bring your arms to the body, close your legs, 2 - and. P.

Methodology for teaching children preschool age physical exercise(ORU).

General developmental exercises occupy a significant place in common system physical education children of preschool age and are necessary for the timely development of the body, conscious control of movements, are a means for healing, strengthening the body.

General developmental exercises have a number of peculiarities: they are precisely dosed, and can be used in various variants and combinations. This provides a selective effect on certain muscle groups and on certain body systems.

Most of the exercises are simple in structure. They consist of elements that can be carried out separately. There is no such dynamism, unity, as in the main movements, where each phase is directly related to the other. Switchgears are used on physical education, in morning gymnastics, in physical exercises, at children's parties.

Movements become more perfect when they are performed to the accompaniment of music. Music affects the emotions of children, creates a certain mood in them, affects the expressiveness of children's movements.

All general educational exercises can be carried out without objects or using various objects and equipment: gymnastic sticks, balls, skipping ropes, hoops, gymnastic benches, wall bars, chairs.

The positions of the body, arms, legs before starting the exercise are called initial positions. They are essential for performing the exercise, the stability of the body, the load on individual muscle groups, the amplitude of movement, and its clarity depend on them.

In general developmental exercises for preschoolers, starting positions for the trunk are used - standing, sitting, lying on all fours, in a squat and various starting positions for the legs and arms.

ORU - specially designed movements for the arms, legs, torso, neck and other parts of the body that can be performed with different muscle tension, different speed, amplitude, in different rhythm and tempo. They develop the child's motor, mental qualities, prepare him for mastering complex actions, develop muscle strength, speed muscle contractions, joint mobility, form the correct posture.

In exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle, the following are usually performed:

  1. raising and lowering straight arms forward, up, to the sides, simultaneously, alternately, sequentially;
  2. flexion and extension of the arms at different rates, in different starting positions;
  3. circular motion hands at different rates, in the front and side planes, alternately, sequentially and simultaneously;
  4. turns of the hands in and out from the position of the hand forward, up, to the sides, back;
  5. swings and jerking movements.
  6. tilts, turns, circular movements of the head;
  7. turns of the head and body to the right, left;
  8. tilting the head and body forward, tilting to the sides with different positions of the arms - from different starting positions;
  9. circular movements of the body lying on the stomach, on the back;
  10. raising and lowering the body lying on the stomach, on the back;
  11. flexion and extension of the trunk in the lying position, in the support kneeling;
  12. relaxation of the muscles of the body from a sitting position, lying down.
  13. raising and lowering the legs, from the starting positions sitting, standing, lying;
  14. bending and straightening the legs;
  15. swing legs forward, backward, to the sides with support and without support by hands;
  16. squats and half-squats, springy movements in the squat;
  17. circular movements of the feet from different starting positions;
  18. holding the legs in various positions.

Exercises for the trunk:

Exercises for the legs:

The methodology for conducting exercises includes: organizing children (building them to perform exercises), preparing, distributing manuals and directly methods and techniques for teaching children to move.

Younger preschool age.

Organization of children for general developmental exercises has a significant educational value. Children learn to quickly respond to instructions, commands from the teacher, to navigate in space; there is a psychological disposition to perform tasks.

The teacher needs to conveniently position each child so that he can clearly see the implementation of the movements by the teacher. All this takes about 15-30 seconds, otherwise the attention of the children is scattered.

To perform general developmental exercises, it is easier for babies to stand in a circle (it is enough to turn to the center while walking one after another, hold hands and connect the first and last child). For children to better understand the words "big circle", you need to make a circle on the floor with a long rope in advance. Toddlers can stand in a free formation.

Distribution and collection of benefits must also be carried out very quickly. In the younger groups, rattles, flags, ribbons, handkerchiefs, sultans, rings, cubes, medium-sized balls, chairs are used.

The teacher prepares the manuals in advance: he puts them on the floor in a circle or on each chair. Sometimes the teacher distributes the items himself. The balls can be rolled out of the net immediately or rolled to each.

Small objects should not be multi-colored (one or two colors are enough), otherwise children begin to be distracted, to consider what a friend has. The two-color manuals are also useful as spatial reference points: they help to teach children to distinguish between the right and left sides. The color of the object should be saturated, bright (red flags are not used in physical education and morning exercises).

Kids are taught to use the manuals: they show where the objects are, how to take them, hold them. This takes place at the beginning of the year when the benefit is first paid. In the future, a brief indication, a reminder is enough.

Methods and techniques of teaching. In working with children, the complex application of visual, verbal and practical methods and techniques of teaching is especially pronounced. Children need a consistent role model. Verbal methods and techniques in working with young children are aimed at enhancing the action of the show, achieving brightness, convincingness of the image, and creating a joyful mood in it.

All exercises are learned by babies only in the process of repeated repetition. Each exercise is repeated in its entirety, unchanged.

At first, the teacher calls the exercise, then checks the readiness of the children, invites them to accept the necessary initial position, while often resorting to figurative comparisons: "spread your legs a little, put them so that you get a flat path." Then the exercise is shown, simultaneously explained by the teacher and immediately performed by the children. The proposed image should be familiar to children. The teacher needs to strive for maximum expressiveness.

This encourages children to better convey the nature of the movement.

A distinctive feature of the explanation is that it is holistic: “Sit down, knock the flags on the floor, straighten up”. At the same time, no explanation is given on how to hold arms, legs, back. The teacher must remember that the baby sometimes does not understand the general instructions, therefore, each child should be consulted more often.

Visual reference points, which are the objects in the group room, help to perform the movements correctly. It is given in a playful, entertaining way. “Turn around, look where the bear is sitting. Mishenka came to study with us. Now turn to me, ”says the teacher. Number of landmarks different types should be limited, as children are quickly distracted.

The teacher will often give directions as the exercises are done. They activate children, are important for the development of spatial orientations, prepare them for conscious independent performance of movements. Not all orders are understood by every child, sometimes you need to help him accept correct position, in which the kid can easily cope with the task.

The instructions during the exercises also serve to develop a sense of rhythm and pace in children, help to start and end exercises at the same time. Exercise counting and musical accompaniment are not given in the younger groups.

The educator uses judgment for each exercise. For the most part, it is individual and positive, regardless of how the child performed the movement. The characteristic moments of movement are emphasized, often in a figurative form. Thus, the assessment contributes to the consolidation of correct motor representations: "Well, Lena jumps easily like a ball!" Sometimes the assessment is given to the child even before the movement is completed: "Now Igor will also raise his hands up and look at them." The teacher reminds the child how to do the exercise correctly. General and individual assessment is given immediately in the course of the exercises.

Middle preschool age.

Organization of children. With preschool children, work continues on the development of spatial orientations, speed of reaction, and the ability to move. It must be remembered that children need to create a joyful, cheerful mood. A varied, sometimes unexpected order of construction brings revitalization, mobilizes attention, therefore, unchanging forms of exercise that are repeated from day to day should be avoided.

In the middle group, along with a free formation in a circle, a formation in a column of two, three, four is introduced, or the children rearrange themselves in links, sometimes a free formation is used for pre-arranged objects.

The main one is the construction in three columns or three links.

With free construction, the manuals are prepared in advance. They are folded in different ways: in a checkerboard pattern, along intersecting lines or in parallel. At the signal, each child takes a place at any allowance. With the introduction of a new construction option, it is advisable to train children in this in one or two sessions in a row.

In the middle group, children help the teacher prepare aids and put them back in place. Their number and location are determined in advance. The following manuals are recommended for working with children of the fifth year of life: flags, ribbons, sultans, cubes, balls, bags, sticks, pins, chairs.

Small objects, as in the younger group, are placed on chairs; hoops, sticks, balls are placed several pieces in different places in the hall; hoops, sticks - on stands or laid out on the floor along the wall; balls - on shelves in recesses or on the floor in hoops, several pieces in each. This arrangement allows you to quickly and orderly pick up and put things back in place.

Methods and techniques of teaching. At the beginning school year the method of teaching general developmental exercises is the same as in the younger group. Gradually, the learning process changes: an attitude towards a more conscious and independent execution movements, and in connection with this, the nature of some methods and techniques changes.

Before learning any exercise, the teacher calls it, then shows how to correctly perform the movements. Sometimes the child shows the exercise as a reward. The requirements for showing movements by the teacher are becoming more complicated. If in the younger group in imitation exercises the main attention was paid to the emotional disclosure of the image, then in the middle group the children begin to form an analytical perception of the technique of movements. Therefore, when teaching a new exercise, the demonstration of movement must be performed technically competently, in full force, expressively, without stopping, rhythmically, with a clear starting position. This helps to create a holistic visual image, forms the correct motor representations, fosters a sense of the beauty of movements.

The teacher gives the demonstration of the exercise without explanation 1-2 times, then with a slowdown of individual parts of the exercise and an appropriate explanation. In this case, it is important to indicate in words the direction of individual parts of the body. For example, moving your hand to the side with the ball, say "left", "right". The combination of movements and words makes the spatial representations of children more distinct and conscious. Children 4-5 years old can correctly perform only the basic elements of the exercise, and they need to be explained. The teacher shows the details of the technique, but does not note in the explanation and assessment of the movements. It is necessary to check the accuracy of the starting position in children, remind them that the exercise must be started and finished at the same time. The exercise is accompanied by short instruction commands. During exhalation, in some exercises, children can pronounce a few words with the teacher. This helps the conscious mastery of the movement. At the end of the exercise, the teacher gives a short positive assessment: "Well done, they kept their back well, straight, squatted low." This assessment helps to reinforce the requirements for the exercise technique and creates positive emotions.

When the children are familiar with the exercises, their in-depth learning is carried out. In this case, the combination of teaching methods and techniques is schematically as follows: the exercise is called, followed by a demonstration with a simultaneous explanation, an order to accept the starting position and its verification in children, a command to start the exercise, instructions during the exercise ("Sit down - get up!") and instructions for the quality of performance ("Sit down, spread your knees", "straight arms", etc.).

Depending on how the exercise is learned by the children, it is possible different options methods of carrying out: the main parts of the exercise are explained or those that do not work for most children; given short description movements without showing or just its name. Later, the children are given a new task: to remember the order, the way of doing the exercise; an installation is preliminarily given - to notice and remember the sequence of movements. You can ask one or two children how to do the exercise. Of course, these techniques are complex, but effective for the formation of motor skills, so they can usually be used at the end of the school year.

Self-fulfillment of the exercises is accompanied at first by verbal instructions from the educator. Separate words for mastering spatial orientations are spoken by children, then this exercise is performed at the expense of the teacher. In the middle group, it is possible to introduce musical accompaniment for general developmental exercises, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of the movements.

Senior preschool age.

Organization of children. At the beginning of the year, the older group uses basically the same constructions as the middle group. New is the construction in several circles in the manuals, the construction in a checkerboard pattern. The formation in one circle is used for exercises with balls, skipping ropes.

The complication of constructions lies not only in their diversity, but also in the requirement for accuracy, speed of execution of each instruction. The role of the word is increasing: instructions, orders, commands are used more; fewer subject landmarks.

Preparation and distribution of benefits. Children of older preschool age prepare most of the benefits themselves in advance and actively help the teacher in the classroom process. A variety of aids are used: flags, ribbons, cubes, large cubes, jump ropes, skittles, sandbags, small, medium, large, volleyball balls, stuffed balls, ropes, short and long sticks, slats, large and small hoops, wall bars, gymnastic bench.

Children are more often given those benefits that require collective exercise: gymnastic benches, large hoops, stuffed balls... Check boxes are used less often.

As in the middle group, a variety of methods of distributing and collecting benefits are practiced, mainly given to those that require less time. Work continues on fostering a careful, careful attitude to benefits, encouraging independence and initiative, and rendering assistance to comrades.

Methods and techniques of teaching. The main attention in teaching older preschoolers is aimed at fostering conscious perception and performing exercises, at forming clarity when performing the most essential elements of movement.

Many exercises that were carried out in the middle group are repeated, or new combinations are made from known elements.

In cases where the exercise is performed by children uncertainly or is given in a new combination, it is advisable to show and explain it. Taking into account the motor experience of children, the demonstration can be carried out simultaneously with the explanation. Individual parts of the exercise that are well known to children are not explained, but only named, more complex elements are revealed in more detail.

You can invite children to recall exercises that are well known to them and briefly describe the order in which they are performed. Usually only one person answers, but during the year all children are called to account. This further contributes to the development of motor representations in preschoolers, teaches them to analyze movements. Children perform simple, familiar exercises independently on command, order.

From time to time they return to showing well-known exercises, since the accuracy and precision of each element is necessary to improve the movement.

Thus, as the movements are mastered, it is advisable to vary the combination of visual and verbal teaching methods, to demonstrate the demonstration of the entire exercise without showing; setting on the mental reproduction of the exercise and its description by children and again showing the entire exercise with an explanation of individual aspects.

The demonstration of exercises, their repetition by children is carried out at a clear pace and rhythm. Therefore, the teacher and children pronouncing words that help to comprehend spatial orientations is given only at the first stage of training. In the future, the exercises are performed accompanied by music or counting. Children need to be reminded to start and finish the exercise all at the same time. Commands are used ("get ready, start", etc.).

During the repetition of the exercises, the teacher, as in the middle group, passes between the rows of children, making brief individual instructions, helps individual children.

Evaluation of children's performance of movements should be brief, specific, indicating some errors ("Spread your knees wider! Well done, now your back is straight"), with an assessment in the course of each exercise or immediately after completion. As well as in others age groups, avoid negative assessments of a general nature.

Outdoor switchgear complexes for preschool children.

Complex 1.

1. "Woke up, stretched out"

I. p. - o.s. head down, hands behind the head, elbows down.

1-2 - hands up - outward, raise your head, bend - deep breath;

3-4 - I. p. - exhale.

2. "Skater"

I. p. - o.s., hands behind the back.

1-2 - half-squat on the left leg, right leg back to the right;

3-4 - i.p .;

5-8 - the same on the other leg.

3. "Mower"

I. p. - leg stand apart, left arm to the side, right in front of the chest.

1 - turn of the body to the right;

2 - i.p .;

3 - turn of the body to the left with a change in the position of the hands;

4 - I. p.

4. "The plane is turning"

1-2 - tilt of the body to the left;

3-4 - tilt of the body to the right.

5. "With a rope"

I. p. - o.s., arms bent at the elbows. For each count, jumps in two, making rotations with the arms from the elbow.

6. "At the parade." Walking in place with wide arm movements.

Complex 2.

1. I. p. - o.s.

1 - hands forward;

2 - arms to the sides;

3 - hands forward;

4 - I. p.

2. I. p. - o.s., hands up.

1 - sit down, clasp your knees with your hands;

2 - stand up; i.p.

3. I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the belt.

1 - tilt of the body to the left;

2 - i.p .;

3 - tilt of the body to the right;

4 - I. p.

4. I. p. - o.s., arms to the sides.

1 - raise left leg, bend your knees, and clap your hands under it;

2 - i.p .;

3-4 - the same with the right leg.

5. I. p. - stand feet apart, hands on the head.

1 - turn the body to the left, arms up - outward;

2 - i.p .;

3-4 - the same to the right.

Complex 3

1 ... i.p. - o.s., hands forward.

1-2 - hands behind your head, stand on your toes;

3-4 - I. p.

2. I. p. - o.s.

1 - sit down, arms forward;

2 - I. p.

3. I. p. - stand feet apart, arms to the sides.

1 - forward bend with a clap under the left leg;

2 - i.p .;

3-4 - the same under the right leg.

4. I. p. - stand feet apart, hands behind the back.

1 - tilt of the body to the left;

2 - i.p .;

3-4 - the same to the right.

5. I. p. - o.s., hands on the belt.

1 - jump legs apart;

Legend: I. p. - starting position
in ip - return to starting position
B - 1- execution against the account
P - _ times - number of repetitions
Here you can download these ORU complexes with exercise schemes
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Or download all complexes without schemes

Complex number 1 with cubes
(each child will need two cubes to do the exercises)

1. I. p. standing, legs slightly spaced cubes in both hands, hands down. B - 1-3 raise your hands up, knock the cube on the cube; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
2. I. p. standing, legs slightly spaced cubes in both hands, hands down. B - 1-3 stretch your arms forward, spreading your arms to the sides, knock the cube on the cube; 4- in I. p. P - 6 times.
3. I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- lean to the left; 2- - lean to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without lining.
4. I. p. standing, legs slightly spaced cubes in both hands, hands down. B - 1-3 sit down, knock with cubes on the floor; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing, feet together, cubes in both hands, arms down. B - jumping in place. P - 6-8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex No. 2 with a stuffed bag
(each child will need one 200g bag to do the exercises)

1. I. p. kneeling, bag in two hands, hands down. B - 1 - hands forward - up; 2 - in I. p. P - 5 times.
2. I. p. kneeling, bag in two hands, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2- tilt to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without stopping.
3. I. p. sitting, legs apart, the bag is held with two hands, hands are pressed to the chest. B - 1- bend forward, put the bag at the feet; 2- straighten up, hide your hands behind your back; 3- bend forward, take the bag; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
4. I. p. lying on his stomach, legs and arms extended, the bag is held with two hands. B - 1-3 raise your arms and chest up; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing, feet together, hands on the belt, a pouch on the floor. Jumping around the pouch. P - 2 times in one direction, 2 times in the other.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 3 with a gymnastic stick
(each child will need a gymnastic stick to do the exercises)

1. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, stick in both hands, arms down. B - 1 - hands forward - up; 2- in I. p. P - 5 times.
2. I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1-2 tilt to the left; 3-4 in ip the same in the other direction. P - 3 times in each direction.
3. I. p. kneeling, stick in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1 - turn of the body to the left; 2- turn the torso to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without stopping.
4. I. p. lying on your back, stick in both hands, legs extended, arms straight behind the head. B - 1-3 sit down, bend forward, stretch your arms forward; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing, feet together, hands on the belt, the stick lies on the floor. B - 1-4 jumps near his stick. P - 6-8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 4 with flags
(to complete the exercises, each child will need 2 flags)

1. I. p. standing, feet together, a flag in each hand, one hand is raised up, the other is lowered down. B - 1 - 2 change the position of the hands. - 5 times.
2. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, in each hand a flag, arms extended forward, B - 1- spread arms to the sides back; 2- in I. p. P - 5 times.
3. I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, a flag in each hand, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2- tilt to the right; P - 3-4 times in each direction without stopping.
4. I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, a flag in each hand, arms to the sides. B - 1- bend forward, take your hands back; 2- in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing, 8 jumps in place, performing cross movements with arms above the head

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 5 with a pigtail
(to perform the exercises, each child will need 1 pigtail, rope 50 cm.)

1. I. p. standing, sitting on his heels, the pigtail in both hands, stretched, arms down. B - 1- stretch your arms forward, up; 2- in I. p. P - 5 times.
2. I. p. kneeling, the pigtail in both hands taut, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt of the body to the left; 2- tilt of the body to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without stopping.
3. I. p. sitting, legs extended forward, pigtail in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1-2 bend forward, stretching your arms to your toes; 3-4 in I. p .; P - 6 times.
4. I. p. lying on your back, legs straight, together, pigtail in both hands, arms straight behind the head. B - 1- 2 raise arms and legs up; 3-4 in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing, feet together, the pigtail lies on the floor. B - jumping near your pigtail. P - 8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 6 with a sultan
(to complete the exercises, each child will need 2 sultans: a ring with ribbons)

1. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart. sultans in both hands, hands are hidden behind the back. B - 1-2 hands through the sides forward, show the sultans; 3 - arms to the sides; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
2. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, sultans in both hands, hands hidden behind the back. B - 1 - 2 raise your hands up, wave the sultans over your head; 3-4 in I. p. P - 5 times.
3. I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, sultans in both hands, arms raised up. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2- tilt to the right. P - 3 times in each direction without stopping.
4. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, sultans in both hands, hands down. B - 1-3 sit down slightly, bend forward, knock on the knees with the sultans; 4- in and. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing, feet together, sultans in both hands, arms raised up. perform 8 jumps in place, swinging sultans over your head.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 7 with a hoop
(each child will need 1 hoop to do the exercises)

1. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, the hoop is held with two hands, hands are down P - 5 times.
2. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms extended forward, hold the hoop like a steering wheel. B - twisting movements of the hands in one direction and the other. P - 5 times in each direction.
3. I. p. sitting, legs apart, the hoop is held with two hands, hands are pressed to the chest. B - 1- bend forward, put the hoop between the legs; 2- straighten up, put your hands behind your back; 3- lean forward, take the hoop; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
4. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, the hoop is held with two hands, hands are lowered down. B - 1-2 sit down, look out the window; 3-4 in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. Tsoya in a hoop, legs together, hands on the belt. B - jumping on two legs around oneself. P - 6-8 times.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 8 on the gymnastic bench
(to do the exercises, you will need 1 hymn.bench 2 m long for 4-5 children)

1. I. p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, feet together, hands on knees. B - 1- 2 raise your arms forward, up; 3- 4 in I. p. P - 5 times.
2. I. p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, legs extended forward, arms raised up. B - 1- bend forward, stretch your arms along your legs; 2- in ip; P - 5 times.
3. I. p. sitting on a gymnastic bench, legs extended forward, arms resting on the bench from behind. B - 1 - raise your legs up; 2- in I. p. P - 5 times.
4. I. p. standing in front of gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. B - 1- sit on the bench; 2- in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing behind a gymnastic bench, hands on the belt. B - jumping on two legs near the bench. P - 8 jumps.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 9 without items "Clapperboards"

1. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. B - 1- 2 raise your hands up; 2- in I. p. P - 6 times.
2. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. B - 1- 2 raise your hands through the sides forward, clap your hands; 3-4 hands through the sides back, clap your hands. P - 3 times in front and behind.
3. I. p. sitting on the floor, legs slightly apart, arms raised up. B - 1- 2 bend forward, slap your knees with your palms; 3-4 i.p. P - 5 times.
4. I. p. lying on your back, legs together, arms extended along the body. B - 1- 2 bend your knees, lift up, slap your hands on your hips; 3-4 in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing, feet together. P - 8-10 jumps with claps.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 10 without objects in motion
(children walk around the hall doing exercises at the expense of)

1. The position of the hands: one at the top, the other at the bottom. B - 1- change the position of the hands; 2 - the same. P - 4 swings with each hand.
2. Hand position: hands to the sides. B - 1- hug yourself in a wide movement; 2- in I. p. P - 5 times.
3. Hand position: hands on the belt. B - 1 - turn of the body to the right; 2- turn the body to the left without stopping. P - 3 turns in each direction.
4. Hand position: hands on the knees; the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body is tilted forward. B - "goose step". P - 8 steps.
5. Perform jumps, combining with active hand swings. P - 8-10 jumps. the hall.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 11 with a ball
(each child will need 1 ball to do the exercises)

1. I. p. standing, feet together, ball in both hands, arms down. B - 1- 2 bring your arms forward upward; 3-4 hands forward, down. P - 5 times.
2. I. p. kneeling, ball in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1- tilt to the left; 2 in ip; 3- tilt to the right; 4- in I. p. P - 3 times in each direction.
3. I. p. sitting between the heels, the ball in both hands, hands down. B - 1 - kneel down, stretch your arms forward; 2 in I. p. P - 5 times.
4. I. p. lying on your back, legs straight, ball in both hands, hands behind the head. B - 1-2 bend your knees, lift up, pull your arms to your legs 5-8 v.p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing, feet together, hands on the belt, ball on the floor. B - 1-4 jumps around the ball. P - 2 times to the left, 2 times to the right.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Set number 12 with rattles
(each child will need 2 rattles to do the exercises)

1. I. p. kneeling, rattles in both hands, hands behind the back. B - 1-3 raise your hands up, shake the rattles three times; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
2. I. p. sitting, legs moved apart, rattles in both hands, hidden behind the back. B - 1-3 bend forward, knock with rattles on the toes of your feet; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
3. I. p. lying on your back, legs straight, rattles in both hands, arms along the body. B - 1- 3 raise your legs and arms up, rattle with rattles, swing your legs; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
4. I. p. lying on his stomach, legs straight, rattles in both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1- 3 raise the chest and arms up, rattle with rattles; 4- in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. while standing, perform 10 jumps in place by rattling rattles.

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 13 with handkerchiefs
(to perform the exercises, each child will need 1 handkerchief 40x40 cm)

1. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, hold the scarf by the ends with both hands, hands down. B - 1-2 hands forward; 3-4 in I. p. P - 5 times. "That's what a handkerchief"
2. I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the scarf by the ends with both hands, arms extended forward. B - 1-2 turn to the left; 3-4 in I. p. The same to the right. P - 4 times in each direction. "We'll show everyone"
3. I. p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the scarf by the ends with both hands, hands down. B - 1-2 bending forward, swinging arms from side to side; 3-4 raise your hands up, stretch on your toes. P - 5 times. "Wash, dry"
4. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, the handkerchief is held by the ends with two hands, hands are lowered down. B - 1- sit down, bend your arms at the elbows "hide"; 2 - in I. p. P - 5 times.
5. I. p. standing, feet together, handkerchief in one hand, perform 8 jumps in place, swinging the handkerchief. "fun"

General developmental exercises for children 3-4 years old II younger group
Complex number 14 without items "Yolochka"

1. I. p. slightly sit down "little Christmas tree", hands below. B - 1-2 with a springy movement to straighten up "the herringbone is growing"; 3-4 raise your hands up "this is how it has grown." P - 5 times.
2. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, hands down, slightly laid to the sides "fluffy herringbone". В- 1-2 turns to the left; 3-4 turn to the right "that's what a beautiful Christmas tree". P - 3 times in each direction.
3. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms raised up. B - 1-2 tilt to the left; 3-4 tilt to the right. "The breeze rocks the tree." P - 3 times in each direction.
4. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows. B - 1-4 jumps in place. "The bunny galloped to jump by the Christmas tree." P - 6-8 times.
5. I. p. standing, legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows. B - 1-2 sit down; 3-4 straighten up. "The bunny hid under the Christmas tree." B - 5 times.

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