Miracle back roller. Miracle roller: healthy back and thin waist in five minutes

I want to remind you of how a simple towel will remove your stomach and straighten your back.
This body shaping method will take you only 5 minutes a day!

We covered this method in detail in the post.

The Japanese method of losing weight with a towel is already widely known all over the world, because the book by Dr. Fukutsuji, describing it in detail, has sold 6 million copies. It is based on - japanese roller slimming and one single stretching exercise.
The Fukutsuji method is based on the theory of gradual divergence of the pelvic and hypochondriac bones. The reasons for this may be different, and as a result - a violation of posture, stoop, compression of the spine and, as a result, a thickening of the waist and even a decrease in height. "Stopped down" - they say among the people.
With age, people really become lower, the chest becomes sunken, the shoulders "go" forward, the lower edge of the ribs moves apart, visually expanding the waist and changing its regular contours. The body becomes visually fuller, swollen.

Fukutsuji came up with an exercise that returns the bones of the pelvis, spine and hypochondrium to their place through the competent use of their own weight. To do this, you need to lie for 5 minutes a day, placing a thick roller made of an ordinary terry towel under the lower back.

It may seem that all that has been said applies only to the elderly, while in the young, everything is still in place and the pelvis has not yet gone anywhere, at least in the bones. But this is not the case. Not correct position skeletal bones are formed at the youngest, and sometimes even at a young age. A person moves less and less, from childhood "sits down" on the computer, during the educational process spends a lot of time sitting, and with growing up the situation is aggravated sedentary work... As a result, already at a young age, a persistent discrepancy of the bones of the hypochondrium and pelvis, kyphosis and other postural disorders can form, making the figure far from perfect.

Description methods

The equipment for Fukutsuji classes is simple and affordable - it is an ordinary terry towel, tightly rolled into a roll and tied tightly with twine, ribbon or whatever. Its length should correspond to the width of the body or be slightly wider.
There are also special ready-made rollers-simulators, but home-made, firstly, it works no worse, and secondly, it makes it possible to adjust its volume.

You will also need a flat surface with good but comfortable stiffness. This could be a rug, a foam pad for fitness, or just a thin blanket laid on the floor. You cannot do the exercise on the sofa or bed, it will be too soft.

The technique is obscenely simple.

In addition, by slightly changing the exercise, you can "lift" your chest, straighten your posture and even add a couple of centimeters to your height. Place a roller under your chest to make it taller. To better "draw" the waist, the roller should be placed under the beginning of the ribs.

  • Lie on a hard surface, placing a roller under the lower back - exactly under the navel, relax. Legs are spread apart to the width of the shoulders and connect thumbs.
  • We stretch our arms up (back), try to align them as much as possible, put them on the floor with our palms, and connect the little fingers - stretch the hypochondrium and tighten the ribs.
  • The head does not tilt back, but, rather, on the contrary, stretches with the top of the head in the opposite direction from the body, and the chin, as it were, rests on the chest, does not shrink, but simply lies softly.
  • And we lie there for 5 minutes, we don’t strain our body, we breathe evenly, we think about good things, we meditate with our eyes closed.
  • Then we move the roller to the area of ​​the lower edge of the ribs and repeat the whole procedure from the beginning - we lie down, pull, meditate, after 5 minutes a day we get a more pronounced waist line.
  • Then we move the roller to the projection area of ​​the chest and repeat the procedure again - we lie down, pull, meditate, after 5 minutes a day we will achieve a higher position of the chest.

Perhaps lying for the right time in this position may seem difficult at first. You can start with 2-3 minutes and then work up to the obligatory five. It will be easier over time, do not give up, even if at the beginning the sensations are unpleasant. We are, of course, not talking about pathological complications from classes, which we will dwell on below.

The main condition for the result is regularity. That is, this easy exercise Fukutsuji advises doing every day.

However, the Fukutsuji method and other weight loss methods cannot be compared with each other. This can be called the Japanese way of improving posture, reducing the waist, increasing height, but not losing weight.

because getting rid of excess fat does not happen!

If we mean by losing weight slim stomach and getting rid of extra pounds and body fat, then practice is not aimed at this. But thanks to her, the waist becomes thinner by several centimeters, and the figure becomes slimmer. Imagine a plump plasticine man. If this plastic mass is softened to elasticity and the figure is stretched, our little man will become much thinner. At the same time, it is made from the same amount of plasticine as before, which means that its weight has not changed. This is approximately how the Fukutsuji practice for weight loss works.

The waist becomes narrower, the chest rises, the back straightens. Fat from of this exercise does not go anywhere, but we all know how much success motivates. Perhaps that is why nutritional correction almost always becomes a continuation of the above-described result, active image life, and then a change of wardrobe!

The Fukutsuji Method is the perfect complement to a comprehensive body work that includes a healthy diet, physical activity and meditation practice. Works well with exercise.

So, the method proposed by the Japanese is nothing more than a kind of stretching static exercise, designed to relieve us of posture defects and relax "tightness". This is what gives such a striking effect.
Actually, japanese weight loss with a towel is not weight loss in the usual sense, but normalization of the skeleton in the lumbar and hip regions with a concomitant decrease in volume.

The external effect is the result of the formation of the correct position of the bones of the skeleton. Thanks to this, posture is corrected, they fall into place internal organs, ribs and pelvic bones return to their original state. The muscles are stretched, gradually folding the back into a hump, are removed muscle spasms, constriction in the area cervical, shoulder girdle, trapezoid. The thoracic spine is straightened, the chest visually rises. Breathing becomes even, not shallow, the lungs are well ventilated.

It's hard to believe, but what prevents you from checking it !?

The Fukutsuji method, or the Japanese way of losing weight, is widely covered on the net. More interesting videos on this topic:

Back cushion for the spine in recent times is gaining popularity among people who prefer healthy way life. And there is nothing strange in this, because such a device allows you to improve the condition of the muscular corset of the back, eliminate in the spine and relieve tension from this zone. The roller was invented in antiquity and is still placed under the back or neck during sleep, introduced into the training process, and used for weight loss. The miraculous back roller helps to cope with initial forms, maintain the natural curve of the lower back, improve sleep, and eliminate discomfort in the shoulder girdle and neck area.

There are several types of rollers that are used today to improve the condition of the spine and back muscles:

  • orthopedic roller, the main purpose of which is to relieve tension from the muscle structures of the neck, shoulders and lower back;
  • gym roller used for fitness;
  • homemade towel roll.

Modern commercial rollers are distinguished by their quality and hypoallergenic properties. In many ways, their effectiveness and safety depends on the filler present inside the device. Depending on the type and characteristics of the filler, the following types of massage rollers for the back are distinguished:

  • a roller with polyurethane foam filling, which quickly takes the required shape and does not accumulate dust with mites inside;
  • a roller with polyester, which allows you to form the necessary shape and height of the device, as well as having a budgetary cost;
  • shell with buckwheat husk, the main advantage of which is the healing properties of the filler, as well as its rigidity and the so-called "memory effect";
  • a juniper cushion for the back, which has medicinal properties that strengthen the immune system, providing full rest and relaxation of tense muscles (a cushion for the back made of juniper aromatizes the air in the room, helps with hypertension, headaches and depressive conditions);
  • herbal back roller filled with lavender, aspen content.

Each back massager roller has its own positive and negative sides... Therefore, the choice always remains with the user himself, who chooses the device based on personal preferences and the purpose of the projectile.

The purpose of the back cushions

The back cushion for the spine is designed to relieve muscle tension and prevent the development of deformities spinal column... In addition, it perfectly helps to eliminate pain in different areas of the back, helps prevent and reduces the intensity of migraine pains. Among the main advantages of this device, it is necessary to highlight:

  • environmental friendliness and safety of roller materials;
    affordable cost;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • effectiveness and the ability to quickly achieve a therapeutic effect.

Gymnastics with the use of a roller is not aimed at treating pathologies of the spine and muscles, but at eliminating the main factors that provoke the appearance of pathological changes on their part. Regular back roller exercise can achieve several therapeutic effects at once:

  • strengthening the muscles of the back and the formation of correct posture;
  • elimination of discomfort along the spinal column;
  • reduction of pain syndrome provoked by disorders of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, its spinal section;
  • elimination of violations of the natural location of the support axis;
  • normalization of sleep and elimination of recurrent headaches;
  • help in the fight against excess body fat in the lower back and waist.

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Features of use and contraindications

Exercises using a roller under the back are not completely harmless, therefore, when performing them, a number of rules should be observed that will minimize the risks of causing time to human health:

  • it is forbidden to use the roller during periods of exacerbation of diseases, which are accompanied by the occurrence of an intense pain syndrome in the back;
  • if discomfort or discomfort appears in the area of ​​exposure, you should immediately stop exercising, and also pay attention to the diameter of the roller (it may be necessary to choose a smaller diameter of the projectile);
  • it is important to remember that when performing exercises, complications may arise, the signs of the development of which should be immediately informed to the doctor;
  • it is impossible to independently increase the duration of the exercises (each gymnastic exercise should not last more than five minutes);
  • results should be expected after the first lesson, but persistent therapeutic effect occurs only with regular use of the roller.

Do not forget that such a device for the back, like a roller, also has a number of contraindications for use, which include:

  • acute back pain;
  • hypertension 3 tbsp., which is accompanied by frequent hypertensive crises and cerebrovascular accidents;
  • fragility of the vertebrae;
  • the presence of or;
  • compression fractures in the spinal column and vertebral fractures;
  • pronounced;
  • acute respiratory infections and an increase in overall body temperature.

In the process of using the roller, sometimes unpleasant sensations or unwanted reactions may occur. In particular, sometimes after classes, patients complain of general malaise, nausea, occasional vomiting, darkening of the eyes and light-headedness. All these violations arise as a result of ignoring the rules for using the roller, not taking into account the presence of contraindications or other features of the human body.

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Back roller: how to lie on it?

All roller exercises at first glance may seem completely safe and easy to perform. But this is far from the case. Such classes require additional consultation from specialists, which will avoid their complications.
Today, there are several groups of the most popular exercises that allow you to normalize the condition of the spinal column and paravertebral muscles:

  • exercises for the back with a roller under the lower back, which is performed with raising the legs in an upright position;
  • gymnastic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back;
  • fixing the roller under the shoulder blades in a supine position with the legs bent at the knees to the sides;
  • the location of the roller under the neck with slow rotations of the head in different directions for five minutes.

The Japanese exercise for the back with a roller is also popular. The Japanese method with the use of a back roller helps in the treatment and rehabilitation of diseases of the spine, contributes to its alignment and normalization of posture. All Japanese exercises should be done while lying on your back. In this case, the roller should be under the lower back. For achievement maximum effect legs should be spread shoulder-width apart and close the thumbs, and arms should be extended along the head and connected with little fingers. In this position, you need to be no more than five minutes, and then slowly rise and rest.

With sciatica, osseochondrosis and curvature of the spine, an orthopedic pillow helps

How to make a do-it-yourself back roller?

The inability to purchase a special roller is not a reason to refuse training. These adaptations can always be made at home with the help of available tools. The simplest and affordable way to realize this - to make a roll for the back from a towel.
To make such a roll, you need to take a medium-sized towel and roll it into a tight roll with a diameter of about 8-10 cm. The finished roll should be tied with a rope or fixed in another way. If you need to make a roller bigger size, then a larger towel should be chosen. For more "advanced" users, you can put a tube inside (for example, the remainder of pipe repairs, or after using foil, etc.). This will add more volume to the roller and make it harder.

Exercising on a back towel roll is no different than exercising on a store-bought machine. Some patients note that lying on a back towel roll is much more comfortable, since it is able to quickly acquire a tedious shape and does not exert unnecessary pressure on the tissues. The duration of lying on the back towel roll should not exceed five minutes.

The back cushion is gaining popularity. But this is absolutely not an innovation. It was used in ancient times, putting it under the armpits, back, neck during periods of rest. You need to know how to lie on it correctly in order to get the maximum benefit and pleasure.


Fillers in rollers have great importance... Modern products are made with hypoallergenic fillers. They are as practical as possible and have medicinal properties.

Based practical application The PU foam roller is easy to clean. Husk and polyester do not tolerate moisture very well - such a roller needs additional pillowcases.

As for the shape, there are no differences, they have a standard shape and differ only in size: width and height.

What are the back cushions for?

The back cushion (as it will be described below) is considered a unique and versatile pillow. Poor sleep, fatigue after sleep, pain in the vertebral part of the back occur mainly due to uncomfortable (high) pillows.

They keep the thoracic spine in good shape, and the chin is relaxed. It is this position in a dream that is considered wrong. Pain occurs, migraines appear, osteochondrosis develops.

Benefits of using a roller:

How to lie on the posture correction roller

The back roller is also used for posture correction. When a person does not slouch, he looks slimmer. You need to know how to properly lie on it in order to achieve maximum results.

To begin with, the roller is located in the lumbar region. After doing the stretching exercise, he moves a few centimeters higher, located in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, which helps to raise the chest and correct posture.

Indications for roller exercise

A roller for the back, how to lie on it and do exercises, are told by experts. Specially developed gymnastics has a positive effect on the condition of the spine and strengthens the back muscles. To perform a set of exercises, you do not need any adaptations, and the effect is recognized as after applying physiotherapy or stretching the spine.

But it should be remembered that gymnastics is not aimed at curing serious problems of bones and discs, but at the functional normalization of the spine.

  1. Helps to strengthen posture.
  2. Pain syndrome decreases, discomfort in the back disappears.
  3. Superfluous leave body fat from the area lumbar.
  4. The elasticity of the muscles increases, they are strengthened.
  5. For strengthening the chest and straightening the posture (when moving the roller).
  6. Effective in violation of the natural position of the support axis.

The exercises are not completely harmless, therefore strict compliance with the rules of execution is necessary. The technique is not difficult, but it affects the spine. Failure to comply with recommendations or contraindications can aggravate the situation and lead to rather dangerous complications. It is not recommended to start gymnastics yourself, without examination by a specialist and its appointment.


As with other procedures and gymnastics, these classes have a number of contraindications.

These include:

A roller for the back: how to lie on it and perform a set of exercises, consult a specialist.

This is important as they can cause some negative reactions. Dizziness may appear headache, the appearance of acute back pain, darkening in the eyes, nausea, fainting.

They can arise as a result of several reasons:

  1. Violation of the rules for performing exercises.
  2. Individual characteristics of the organism.
  3. Unaccounted for contraindications.

When such syndromes appear, it is necessary to stop performing a set of exercises and rest for a few minutes. Then stand up carefully. Take pain reliever if necessary. After the symptoms disappear, do not exercise without specialized advice to identify the causes of discomfort and complications.

Japanese exercise for weight loss

The method was developed by the Japanese physician Fukutsuji. After many years of research, he came to the conclusion: a violation of natural processes and balance in the body causes an incorrect arrangement of the pelvic bones and ribs. All this leads to curvature of posture, bulging of the abdomen, back pain, etc.

The doctor has developed a method of static stretching, which is mainly aimed at restoring the full functioning of the spine, straightening the shoulders, and straightening the posture. Due to the fact that gymnastics is aimed at restoring normal blood circulation processes, it has another positive effect - it promotes weight loss, especially in the lumbar region.

With regular use, the correct position of the internal organs is also restored, the skin is tightened, the waist becomes slimmer, the body lines are correct. Exercise is best done in evening time perfect before bed. The body recovers well overnight, the muscles stop hurting.

With constant implementation, the following results are achieved:

  • the volume in the waist area decreases;
  • straighten your shoulders;
  • the pelvic bones are in the correct position;
  • the chest is tightened;
  • the spine is stretched.

Correct exercise technique:

  1. Exercise on a hard surface.
  2. Prepare the roller.
  3. Observe the sequence of actions: take the "sitting" position, the lower limbs should be straight, put the roller under the back in the navel area (this is important). Smoothly lie down on the roller, check if it is located correctly under the lower back (draw a conditional line down from the navel, if your finger touches the middle of the roller, it is located correctly).
  4. Lower limbs are located on the line of the shoulders, the thumbs are drawn together. They must be in contact with each other. The effect " clubfoot bear". In fact, it is not easy. If it does not work, secure your thumbs with some kind of device, for example, an elastic band.
  5. Place your hands with your palms to your face, connect your little fingers and gently bring your hands behind your head.
  6. The position is not very comfortable, but this is how the spine is stretched, and the pelvic bones, ribs are in the correct physiological position.
  7. The initial execution lasts about 3 minutes. Then the duration is increased to 7 minutes.

Examples of a set of exercises for stretching

Exercises aimed at stretching the muscles of the back:

A set of exercises: raising the tone

To improve the blood circulation in the pelvic area, eliminate pain, to increase the tone of internal organs it is recommended to do next exercise:

Remember to roll the roller very slowly. With fast rotational movements, it will not only not be beneficial, but can be harmful.

A set of exercises: relaxation and improvement of posture

For general relaxation and relaxation of the shoulders, relieving leg fatigue, normalizing blood flow and lymph movement a set of exercises has been developed:

How to use a roller for osteochondrosis

A roller for the back, its thickness for osteochondrosis of the neck and lower back is selected based on the distance from the body to the mattress. By measuring the distance, a suitable size is selected.

If the roller is made of a towel, it is rolled up to the required thickness and looks like an orthopedic one. With pain in lumbar region lie on it, putting it under the lower back and under the knees. To keep the lower back relaxed, the legs must be kept higher than the torso.

A bolster under the neck helps:

  • cessation of headaches;
  • provides good rest and good sleep;
  • prevents neck curvature;
  • stimulates the normalization of blood circulation in the head.

When the roller is located in the lumbar region:

  • muscles relax, fatigue is relieved;
  • the feeling of discomfort goes away;
  • relieves tension in the spine;
  • blood circulation processes are normalized.

The use of the roller should not be accompanied by any discomfort, it should not cause pain. V otherwise it is necessary to abandon this type of roller and choose a different size and required height.

A set of exercises for the back and spine require adherence to all techniques. Before starting to use gymnastics, you need to consult with a specialist to find out if there are any contraindications. Neglecting the technique of gymnastics can lead to the development of processes that will negatively affect the condition of the spine.

  1. Classes include daily execution, with a gradual increase in loads and training duration.
  2. After strengthening back muscles, the press is recommended to form a roller with a larger volume.
  3. During the implementation of the set of exercises, monitor the correctness of breathing: without overstraining, smoothly breathe in and out, they should be deep.
  4. After the end of gymnastics, it is strictly forbidden to sit down abruptly, not to get up, to carry out other exercises.
  5. You need to relax, relax your muscles, and smoothly roll onto your side. Lie down for a while. Perform smooth flexion, extension of the arms and legs.
  6. It is allowed to get up only after a 10-minute rest, while observing a certain sequence of actions: first, kneel down, linger for a few minutes. Then stretch out to full height.

You can make your own exercise roller. Take a towel, predominantly of a hard texture, as it is necessary for the roller to turn out to be hard.

Roll the towel tightly with rotating movements, tie it with a rope or secure with an elastic band. In order for the roller to be of maximum benefit, it is necessary to maintain the optimal dimensions. The width of the product should be the width of the back. The ideal height is 10 to 15 cm.

With osteochondrosis, a set of exercises is selected in order to eliminate pain symptoms, dizziness, numbness of the extremities, and improve blood supply. Depending on the localization of the problem, the doctor selects special complex gymnastics using a roller.

TO standard exercises for the back include the following:

  1. Take a sitting position on a hard surface. Ideally on the floor using a rug.
  2. Place a roller behind your back and slowly lower yourself onto it. The roller should be in the navel area. It is easy to check by drawing a conditional line from the navel downward.
  3. Legs are shoulder-width apart, toes brought together and heels apart.
  4. Raise your hands, place your palms to your face, connect the extreme fingers and put them on your head.
  5. Stay in this position for 3 to 7 minutes. The duration is gradually increasing.

Whichever position of the roller is chosen for the back or for the neck, how to lie on it and do the exercise, it is necessary to consult with specialists in order to get the maximum pleasure and effect.

Back cushion video

Japanese spine correction technique using a back roller:

Miracle roller for posture and back health:

A unique method for correcting posture, improving the back and improving the functioning of all internal organs is the method of the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. If you want to get rid of discomfort in the spine, noticeably improve posture, remove a few centimeters at the waist and even grow a little - Japanese method For you.

The undoubted fat advantage of the method is its availability - everyone has a towel and a floor in the house. Girls and boys are free of charge!

The Japanese Fukutsuji Method - How It Works

The network likes to call it the Japanese method of losing weight, but this is not entirely correct in our opinion. Dr. Fukutsuji directed his attention primarily to the correct position of the bones of the skeleton - he noticed that over time, many of the hypochondria and pelvic bones diverge, hence the visually blurry waist and saggy belly (do not forget about nutritional errors and insufficient physical activity). In addition, the clamps in the vertebrae take away from us several centimeters of growth.

That is, if we bring our spine into the initially correct position, slightly stretching it, we will automatically put the bones of the pelvis and hypochondria in place. They, in turn, will return the internal organs to their place, which will function more vigorously. As a side, but very pleasant effect, we have a narrowed waist and a toned belly.

  1. To all healthy people for easy maintenance of the back in a normal condition.
  2. For those people who experience discomfort, pain in different parts of the spine.
  3. Those who have poor posture, who slouch.
  4. For those who want to get rid of the belly and make the waist narrower.

To whom the method is contraindicated

If you have severe scoliosis, serious problems with hip joints and osteochondrosis, before starting classes, consult a specialist. Pregnant women also need to consult a doctor.

How to do

Basically, the Japanese method is a variant of static stretching. You are lying on a hard surface in a specific position. At first glance, it couldn't be easier.

  • Prepare the roller: roll the towel tightly with a roll, secure with strong thread or rope. You can use ready-made rollers - for example, wooden juniper. Some people wrap a rolling pin with a towel. It is important that you end up with a dense roll about 10 cm in diameter. When choosing the diameter of the roller, it is reasonable to focus on your feelings, you can start with a thinner one.
  • Sit on a flat, hard surface, the floor is ideal in this case.
  • Place the roller just behind your buttocks
  • Lie gently on your back while holding the roller. It should be located under the lower back across the body clearly under the navel. Checking the correct position is simple: from the navel on the sides, draw a vertical line with your fingers down to the towel.
  • Spread your legs about 25-30 cm apart and “nip” your feet so that your big toes touch each other.
  • Raise your outstretched arms and place them on the floor above your head, palms down.
  • The little fingers of the palms should also touch each other.
  • We lie for five minutes.
  • We get up very carefully, slowly, over the side. It is better not to jump up right away, to stand on all fours with an arched back.
  • Remember, your vertebrae have taken a new position and stretched out, take care of them! Don't lift weights for a couple of hours after doing the exercise.

The position is quite uncomfortable, if it is difficult to endure all five minutes at once - we lie as long as we can. Regular daily practice will bring the execution time to the required five minutes.

If you feel problems in your upper back, move the roller under your shoulder blades. By placing a roller under the beginning of the ribs, you can quickly achieve a narrower waist.

The main thing is to start and do it!

Try to do the exercise for a month, and the results will amaze you, we guarantee.

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