Andrey Bobrovsky nutritionist advice on nutrition. Andrey Bobrovsky Excess weight - out of my head! Diet for the smart

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Andrey Bobrovsky
Excess weight - out of my head! Diet for the smart

©A.V. Bobrovsky, 2013

©LLC Publishing house AST, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

©The electronic version of the book was prepared by LitRes

Introduction. What makes us overeat? Who is to blame that we are getting fat?

Laboratory studies have shown that a person makes more than two hundred nutritional decisions every day. Breakfast or not? What to eat: cookies or a sandwich? Piece or whole? In the kitchen or in front of the TV?

Every time we go to the refrigerator at home or open a drawer at work that contains a chocolate bar, we make a decision regarding our food. Meanwhile, most of these daily two hundred decisions we cannot consciously explain.

Or else. Consciously, we remember the dangers of extra pounds and want to avoid gaining them. But there's nothing we can do about our food cravings...

Why it happens?

The short answer, literally in one phrase, is this: excess weight is out of your head! From the head - that is, from the abode of our thoughts, feelings, actions. Eating "sweets" is an easy way to please yourself. In addition, your completeness is beneficial primarily to yourself. And also to your friends and your enemies, your relatives and your loved ones, your subordinates and your superiors, and even the saleswoman Aunt Zoya from a nearby shop. And most importantly - to numerous transnational corporations in the food industry ... And this is only the beginning of the answer.

And the details are on the pages of the book you are holding in your hands. Here you will find a specific description of the obvious and hidden reasons for gaining excess weight.

However, there is good news! The levers that imperceptibly push you to gain extra pounds can be shifted in the other direction. To also imperceptibly lead to painless weight loss.

But first things first!

Chapter 1

Chips is the ability to sell one

potatoes for the price of a kilogram.

Harry Seacom

Insidious Marketing

Marketing is an activity aimed at identifying and satisfying a human need. The marketing process covers any commercial idea - from the study of the area of ​​​​impact on the consumer to the control of all the work done. Marketing drives the economy forward...

Thirty years ago, none of us would have eaten an unknown thing called "bioactive milk culture without taste with live bacteria." But today we've added a little fruit, sugar, flavors, and most importantly, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of innovation and marketing tricks, and our taste has changed! Now “delicate fruit yogurt” sounds to us like something quite pleasant and healthy. At least that's what we're told in the never-ending TV commercials...

"Look at the root!" - said Kozma Prutkov. The expansion of advertising of high-calorie, harmful products for harmony begins long before they enter the Russian market. Namely, at the moment when, in large offices on the top floors of foreign skyscrapers, the board of directors approves a decision to invest in food production in other countries.

Look at the chart 1
Source: The problem of obesity in the WHO European Region and strategies for its solution / Ed. Francesco Branca, Haik Nikogosian, Tim Lobstein.

Foreign investment in agricultural food production in Eastern Europe, 1990–1997 (in US$ million)

Note. Figures are provided for Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, Romania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Estonia. Data on alcohol and tobacco products are not included.

Obviously, foreign corporations were going to earn much more from non-alcoholic drinks and confectionery in Russia and Eastern Europe than from healthy food. And advertising junk food turned out to be a logical consequence of this intention.

Two beverage and fast food companies were among the fifteen official sponsors of the 2006 FIFA World Cup. One of them has been a sponsor since 1976 and the other since 1928! Moreover, a third of the income in the process of organizing the Olympic Games comes from commercial sponsorship. Its volume for the 2004 Summer Olympics was 1.4 billion US dollars!

Why do manufacturers invest millions in advertising their product? Because it brings them billions. And they are deeply indifferent to health, with which, in addition to money, people pay for their goods. The largest number of advertisements per broadcast hour is contained in Australian television programs; followed by the USA; in Europe, the highest rate is in England.

When was the last time you saw an advertisement for vegetables or fruits on television? In European countries, vegetables and fruits are most often advertised in Finland. It should be noted that this is a country with the lowest incidence of obesity among European countries.

Data from studies conducted in seven developed countries show that there is a directly proportional relationship between the prevalence of overweight and the intensity of advertising of high-calorie foods. And these studies even formed the basis of some bills relating to the protection of public health.

By the way, in Finland, in order to reduce the amount of milk fat sold and consumed and increase the amount of vegetables and fruits available, the government has proposed a new agricultural support mechanism that would help farmers switch from dairy to fruits and vegetables. And for particularly stubborn farmers, they made it easier for their dairy products to reach the Russian market!

Pyramid charts (in the mentioned WHO report) show the discrepancy between the amount of advertising for foods high in fat, sugar and salt and the diet recommended by public health.

Mercantile merchandising

The term "merchandising" comes from the English word merchant(merchant, shopkeeper), and this lexical unit has a connection with Latin Mercantile meaning "to sell at a profit". In Russian, the words “mercantile”, “mercantilism” live, denoting excessive prudence, self-interest.

This close linguistic connection becomes quite evident when one remembers that the main task of merchandising technology is to get the buyer to make an unplanned purchase, succumbing to impulse. A purchase that benefits primarily the product manufacturer or store owner. And most likely, unfavorable buyer.

Merchandising technology effectively uses our eyes, ears, and other senses to get us to buy a product.

Merchandising is the art of manipulating customers, and it takes into account many factors that influence a purchase:

1. Retail space layout: visitors should see the maximum number of shelves with goods on the way to the exit.

2. Lighting: fluorescent lamps that do not leave dark places, and sometimes fluorescent lamps - to give a number of products a particularly appetizing look.

3. Music background: quiet, slow music, which contributes to a longer stay of the buyer in the store.

4. Scents: as a rule, the smell of freshly baked bread or a grill is used - preferably in the middle and at the end of the store.

5. Room design, dress code and staff behavior- all this should make the buyer linger in the store.

It is believed that people in Western culture view the shelving the same way they read a page. First glance - in the upper left corner, and then - a wave-like movement from left to right and from top to bottom. Therefore, the best in terms of location are the top and next shelf.

Remember that these places are where the most profitable products for the store owner are located. Products with an expiring shelf life, as a rule, are also placed on the shelves closer to the buyer.

Another rather curious research result: the higher the class of a store or supermarket, the greater the difference between the size of the sales area allocated for fruits and vegetables, on the one hand, and for products hazardous to health, such as snacks and confectionery, on the other. . Naturally, this ratio is not in favor of vegetables and fruits!

In addition, the degree of usefulness of products promoted by supermarkets can be indicated by the use of price incentives in the form of special offers, such as “three for the price of two” or “buy one pack, get the second free”.

A recent review of supermarket chains' use of such specials found that they featured foods high in fat and sugar twice as often as fruit or vegetables.

Packaging labels: tricks have no limits

Both the label and the packaging provide opportunities for marketing activities. And here eye-catching images, cartoons, portraits of famous personalities and heroes of television programs, competitions, prizes, gifts, coupons, awards and other temptations come into play ... All this was invented in order to persuade us to buy a product.

The design of the label and product packaging is created solely for the purpose of increasing sales. Accordingly, important information about the composition of the product and the presence of a high content of fat or sugar in it is printed in small print that is difficult to read. The use of chemical flavor enhancers and dyes in the production of products significantly reduces consumer demand. But this fact is indicated in small print in a language that is not quite understandable to the average buyer.

Out of a hundred people who buy products, only a few pay attention to any information other than the expiration date on the labels, for example, the nutritional value of products. When assessing calories "by eye", most buyers underestimate the energy value with an error of 30%.

Recently, in order to meet the aspirations of consumers, inscriptions with a “halo of health” began to appear on the labels. But you need to beware of these tempting labels. People who ate "low-fat" muesli ate 20% more. Although low-fat muesli certainly contains less fat than regular muesli, but their calorie content is only 10% lower! And “low-fat” chocolate is eaten by overweight people 45% more than regular chocolate. These 45% are approximately 90 kcal.

If we're looking for excuses to overeat, the "low fat" or "low calorie" labels provide them. The average shopper is not overly concerned with reading labels. Instead, people, under the influence of advertising, come up with some idea about the “usefulness” of a particular product. For example, "bread is useful - they are low-calorie"; “yogurt is healthy - it is with bifidobacteria”; "soy is healthy - it has a "magical" set of healing properties." What follows from such inferences? Overconsumption of these foods. After all, in our opinion, they are useful. So, you can eat them with a clear conscience. Regardless of portion sizes.


How often do you eat in cafes and restaurants? Have you noticed how the portions offered to visitors increase from year to year?

One of the causes of the obesity epidemic in Russia is the policy of the food industry, according to which it does not matter if you eat a meal or not. The main thing is that you buy it!

We hope that by reflecting on the questions of our little quiz, you will carefully monitor the size of the portions you order and eat in the future!

So, the first question is about popcorn.

Fast food restaurants are following the same path. It is for the sake of consumer opinion that vegetarian or low-carb dishes appear on the McDonald's menu. Meanwhile, it was noted that those who ordered "healthy food" in fast food restaurants "rewarded" themselves with an additional purchase of cheese, mayonnaise, chips and cookies. This nullified the saved calories.

And now try to guess how large packages are beneficial for the manufacturer? Do you think that large packaging reduces the cost of production? This is not the main reason! The main trick is that the size of the package or bottle imposes on us the serving size. Large packaging makes a person eat or drink more!

The impact of large packaging is especially noticeable in grocery supermarkets. Here's where to turn around! In addition, large packages can be found at attractive prices. But studies have shown that up to 20% of foods bought in bulk are either spoiled or eaten as "excess calories." Here you have all the "savings" with a minus sign!

By the way, the conspiracy of marketers regarding large packages was first unraveled in Japan. And, taking care of the health of the nation, many manufacturers began to sell boxes of biscuits packed separately, by the piece. This, of course, helps control the amount eaten. "One package = one serving" - this is how the human psyche works!

Information for thought

Dozens of experiments have been carried out with products from large and small packages. It was found that when using large packages, people eat an average of 20-25% more. If it concerns pasta, then 150 kcal more is consumed from a large package, if sweets, then 264 kcal. Of course, buying a large package, you can save money, only it will cost about five kilograms of excess weight per year. From 1970 to 2010, the number of new extra-large packs increased 10-fold.

Diet for the smart: tested on yourself!

Olga from Vladivostok, who lost 81 kg, shares the secrets of her stunning success: “At first, going to the store was like visiting a museum or an exhibition with a careful study of all the “exhibits”. It was not the beautiful packaging that attracted attention, but a small label indicating the calorie content. I was pleased to discover that products of the same type have different energy values. So, in my diet appeared non-pastry, whole grain bread for 164 kcal (instead of 240-300) and cheese with the lowest percentage of fat content. the photo on the flyleaf of the book.)

The size of a bottle of Coca-Cola has grown from 150 ml to 2 liters over the past hundred years. A standard portion of french fries has tripled.

French fries

We only dream of control...

Every citizen must comply with individual safety measures, taking the food that enters his body very seriously!

In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that food packaging be marked with highly visible, colored labels that indicate the healthiness of the products. It was proposed to mark products dangerous for consumption in unlimited quantities in red - with a high content of fats, high calorie content, high salt concentration, etc. Foods that are healthy could be marked with a green sign and intermediate options could be marked with yellow.

Therefore, it is still not easy for us to receive information about products. It is necessary to carefully study the small text on the packages and be able to decipher the sometimes very sophisticated language of these “secret messages”. This is really important, because today our health, and sometimes life itself, directly depends on a sufficient amount of our knowledge about products. But the well-being of sellers and manufacturers is due to success in imposing this or that product on us.

Despite the apparent deterioration in public health, junk food manufacturers, advertising agencies and media companies are resisting the introduction of controls on food advertising.

In particular, the head of Europe's largest television conglomerate called for more "flexibility" with regard to advertising, arguing that restrictions on advertising during news and children's programs could threaten the very existence of these programs ...

What can be done in this situation? One of the WHO recommendations states: “Tax revenues on foods rich in saturated fats can be used to subsidize healthy food or health promotion programs.”

But who would you like to contact with this offer?

Information for thought

Saturated (bad) fats are fats containing saturated fatty acids. These fats remain solid at room temperature (eg lard, butter). They are found in animal products, including dairy.

These fats also increase blood cholesterol levels, which predisposes to heart attacks and strokes. And the problem for a person is precisely the content of saturated fatty acids in foods, and not cholesterol.

Bad fats include the so-called trans fats. They are obtained in the production of, for example, margarines, by partial hydrogenation of liquid oils. This production method produces plastic unsaturated fats that are solid or creamy at room temperature and last forever.

Trans fats are often added to baked goods, crackers, cookies, waffles, and chips to keep them from stale. Trans fats in the modern human diet are the main culprits in the modern epidemic of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Read labels carefully and avoid anything made with margarine and containing "partially hydrogenated" fats and oils. Manufacturers of environmentally friendly, dietary products must indicate on the packaging that there are no trans fats in the product.

In many European countries there is legislative control over product advertising. But not in Russia. Opposition to the mass “feeding” of the Russian population affects the interests of powerful international corporations. No wonder the report of the World Health Organization mentions the danger posed by modern marketing techniques.



20 years ago, the average popcorn sold at a movie theater contained 270 kilocalories.

QUESTION. How many kilocalories do you think are in this serving today?

520 630 820

It is clear that the time has come for decisive action. It's time, it's time to ring all the bells, involving power structures at all levels in solving the problem. For the price of the issue is the health and well-being of the nation.

In the meantime, nutrition is a matter of personal responsibility. Simply put: before you buy, read the label!

Information for thought

Studies have been made of isolated ethnic groups who, after centuries of active and modest living, have finally received the benefits of civilization. Within just one generation, they have become an overfed people with a sedentary lifestyle.

Famous examples are the Pima Indians, who live near the Gila River in Arizona, and the inhabitants of the Pacific island of Nauru. Photographs of Naurian islanders taken in 1896 are known.

At the time, the population of the island was generally thin. But since the introduction of Western-oriented lifestyles, obesity rates have skyrocketed and are now among the highest in the world.

Smart Diet and Calorie Density April 29th, 2013

The Doctor Bormental network, the No. 1 weight loss centers in Russia, has been successfully using the principles of a smart diet for more than 10 years. A smart diet is a combination of psychological support and the principles of rational nutrition without prohibitions on your favorite foods, which makes it possible to lose weight without the pangs of hunger.

The secret of the smart diet is that it looks at nutrition in terms of what you can and should eat - unlike other diets, where the word "no" prevails and there are various restrictions.

So, the main point of a smart diet is the lack of hunger. Smart Diet proposes to include in the diet such servings of food that are most optimal for you in terms of feeling full and the number of calories you need to lose weight from food. Of course, this is unusual and may even seem strange. But you can feel completely full, give up any restrictions and still lose weight! You just need to make some food substitutions in your diet.

Choosing the right products!

Hearty lunch... This phrase is well known to followers of the smart diet. How many calories are in a hearty meal? This is question number two! The main question is: what is more satisfying? What foods will fill you up and provide you with the nutrients you need? The point is, you can stay angry and hungry after a 400-calorie meal. And you can thoroughly get enough of lunch in the same 400 kcal! Think it won't taste good? Let's check and see in practice. The photos show two meals with the same amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In the first case, 400 calories is a cookie, a glass of sweet soda and a handful of peanuts. Such a "lunch" is unlikely to benefit and saturate the body.

What if dinner was a bowl of soup, a fresh vegetable salad, a slice of whole grain bread, a banana, and a glass of water? This option is already more like a full meal - and tasty and healthy! And - notice, the number of calories, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the proposed options is the same! And the portions of the second option cannot be called small. What is this magic?

In fact, there is nothing surprising in this. It's all about such a property of food as calorie density. High or low, it determines what portion of food and what food can be eaten in order to lose weight (or, if the result is achieved, not get better). A high calorie density makes even a small meal extremely calorie-dense, while a low calorie density makes it possible to increase the amount of food, but the number of calories will remain the same, if not less.

Thus, all you need to lose weight is to carefully study the calorie density of your favorite foods and focus on this property when compiling a daily diet.

Our client Svetlana admits: “Before, when I tried to lose weight, I allowed myself only small portions and felt hungry all the time. Smart Diet for me was just a revelation: now I don’t have to constantly limit myself, while remaining hungry - I just need to make a few minor substitutions. ”

About density - more

All food and liquids we consume, including water and alcohol, are a certain set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It also includes vitamins and minerals. It is this combination that determines how many calories are contained in a particular product, as well as its calorie density.

  • Fats are the most high-calorie, and their density is 9 calories per 1 gram of product.

  • Alcoholic drinks are in second place at 7 calories per gram.

  • Carbohydrates and proteins take the third place of honor - 4 calories.

  • Fiber - 2 calories.

  • Water - 0 calories.

By the way, fiber is also carbohydrates, but it contains only 2 calories, as it has a property that does not allow the body to be completely absorbed during processing. Well, the most harmless product in terms of calories is water: 0 calories!

That is why nutritionists around the world recommend drinking as much of this valuable liquid as possible in order to reduce the number of calories consumed. Yes, and dishes containing water: fruits, vegetable salads and soups (but not cream soups!) Can be consumed in sufficient quantities without trying to limit portions too much. So if your goal is to lose weight, then choose foods with as much water content as possible!

Fats, on the contrary, are simply "stuffed" with calories, that is, they have the highest calorie density. Therefore, the portion should be very small. Is it possible to eat enough with a meager amount? In fact of the matter! But it is not necessary to give up fats completely, and it is impossible! It is best to consume the so-called good fats, which will bring unequivocal benefits, despite the rather high calorie density.

You should not go to extremes and exclude everything that, in your opinion, interferes with instant weight loss. For proper functioning, our body needs all the elements: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. However, it is in our power to change their ratio, and, consequently, the calorie content, based on the desired level of product density.

Thus, a smart diet fundamentally changes your cravings and eating habits. This is not even a diet in its usual sense, but rather a new nutritional culture that allows you to achieve extraordinary results in the shortest possible time and without much difficulty and restrictions. All you need is to add low-calorie density foods to your daily diet and reduce the consumption of high-density foods as much as possible. And then your daily calorie intake will decrease significantly, and you will start to lose weight and at the same time you will feel full and satisfied.

Isn't it - it's simple! How to choose foods with low density and form new eating habits and preferences, I will tell you in the continuation of this article.

©A.V. Bobrovsky, 2013

©LLC Publishing house AST, 2013

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

©The electronic version of the book was prepared by Litres (

Introduction. What makes us overeat? Who is to blame that we are getting fat?

Laboratory studies have shown that a person makes more than two hundred nutritional decisions every day. Breakfast or not? What to eat: cookies or a sandwich? Piece or whole? In the kitchen or in front of the TV?

Every time we go to the refrigerator at home or open a drawer at work that contains a chocolate bar, we make a decision regarding our food. Meanwhile, most of these daily two hundred decisions we cannot consciously explain.

Or else. Consciously, we remember the dangers of extra pounds and want to avoid gaining them. But there's nothing we can do about our food cravings...

Why it happens?

The short answer, literally in one phrase, is this: excess weight is out of your head! From the head - that is, from the abode of our thoughts, feelings, actions. Eating "sweets" is an easy way to please yourself. In addition, your completeness is beneficial primarily to yourself. And also to your friends and your enemies, your relatives and your loved ones, your subordinates and your superiors, and even the saleswoman Aunt Zoya from a nearby shop. And most importantly - to numerous transnational corporations in the food industry ... And this is only the beginning of the answer.

And the details are on the pages of the book you are holding in your hands. Here you will find a specific description of the obvious and hidden reasons for gaining excess weight.

However, there is good news! The levers that imperceptibly push you to gain extra pounds can be shifted in the other direction. To also imperceptibly lead to painless weight loss.

Foreign investment in agricultural food production in Eastern Europe, 1990–1997 (in US$ million)

Note. Figures are provided for Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, Romania, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Estonia. Data on alcohol and tobacco products are not included.

Obviously, foreign corporations were going to earn much more from non-alcoholic drinks and confectionery in Russia and Eastern Europe than from healthy food. And advertising junk food turned out to be a logical consequence of this intention.

Two beverage and fast food companies were among the fifteen official sponsors of the 2006 FIFA World Cup. One of them has been a sponsor since 1976 and the other since 1928! Moreover, a third of the income in the process of organizing the Olympic Games comes from commercial sponsorship. Its volume for the 2004 Summer Olympics was 1.4 billion US dollars!

Why do manufacturers invest millions in advertising their product? Because it brings them billions. And they are deeply indifferent to health, with which, in addition to money, people pay for their goods. The largest number of advertisements per broadcast hour is contained in Australian television programs; followed by the USA; in Europe, the highest rate is in England.

When was the last time you saw an advertisement for vegetables or fruits on television? In European countries, vegetables and fruits are most often advertised in Finland. It should be noted that this is a country with the lowest incidence of obesity among European countries.

Data from studies conducted in seven developed countries show that there is a directly proportional relationship between the prevalence of overweight and the intensity of advertising of high-calorie foods. And these studies even formed the basis of some bills relating to the protection of public health.

By the way, in Finland, in order to reduce the amount of milk fat sold and consumed and increase the amount of vegetables and fruits available, the government has proposed a new agricultural support mechanism that would help farmers switch from dairy to fruits and vegetables. And for particularly stubborn farmers, they made it easier for their dairy products to reach the Russian market!

Pyramid charts (in the mentioned WHO report) show the discrepancy between the amount of advertising for foods high in fat, sugar and salt and the diet recommended by public health.

So, you need to make small changes to the four "food radii", which so far are stuffed with a lot of traps - a kind of "food mine" that makes us overeat. These are the four zones:

  • the apartment in which you live;
  • places of public catering that you often visit;
  • supermarkets where you usually buy groceries;
  • places where you relax on weekends or holidays.

food radius

I assure you right away that in public places your operation to “clear” food traps will be completely invisible to prying eyes!

Each "food radius" is dedicated to a separate chapter describing the techniques that you have to apply in your "food radius". And at the end of each chapter of the book there is a test that will help you evaluate how much your "food radii" bring you closer to harmony or vice versa - make you gain weight.

You may be wondering why these simple techniques have not yet been made available to the public, eager to lose weight? Yes, simply because it is too simple, too simple, incredibly simple! We are used to looking for a “panacea for obesity” in another diet with a beautiful name (they are full of media and the Internet every now and then) and put on frilly dietary experiments, gritting our teeth from hunger and earning a stomach ulcer. But it was not for nothing that Einstein said: “Everything ingenious is simple, and everything simple is brilliant!”

You will be amazed to find that small changes in your apartment, your favorite restaurants and your preferred supermarkets help you eat less and better every day!

food card

Let's start with a food map - your food navigator, which the experienced patients of the author of this book aptly called the "map of temptations and provocations."

You have to create a real geographical map of your "proximity with food." The map can be virtual - in your phone or navigator, or you can take a regular paper map. This food card will not be too extensive - a typical Russian gets more than 80% of all food within a five-minute walk from his home.

Mark your "food radius" on the map in the zone where you live: there should be several zones on the map that play a significant role in your nutrition. They determine three-quarters of what we and our families eat, which is why they deserve the most attention. After we transform these places or our behavior into them, we will lose weight automatically.

Making your own food card

For an initial acquaintance with the food card, open the Yandex Maps service at your place of residence on a computer monitor. Draw the routes of all your movements from day to day, overlaying them on top of each other ... Now look: what does your favorite weekly route look like - the "fattest" on the map? Most likely in the form of a line that connects your home and the places you eat and shop, and where you work.

The detail and scale of the map should be accurate to one house. If you use public transport, then the maps should reflect the path to the metro or bus stop.

Now sign the symbols by circling them:

  • D- house, apartment;
  • R- place of work, study;
  • P- grocery stores, cafes, restaurants;
  • W- the school or kindergarten where you take your children.

You can indicate other frequently visited places on the map, but only those where groceries and food are located within walking distance will matter. These establishments are very familiar to you.


Marina walks daily from home to the subway and from the subway to work. Marina has two food cards (one within the radius of the house, the other - within the radius of work), which indicate the most frequently visited grocery stores, cafes, restaurants.

Each person has their own food plan. The card of a woman who lives in Krasnoyarsk and travels 15 km to work every day from the left bank of the Yenisei to the right bank differs from the food card of a resident of Krasnodar, who only needs to cross the road to get to work.

The routes will be completely different for a working mother of many children and a housewife, for a young student and a mature lady, for residents of suburban cottages and high-rise buildings in the city center ... But regardless of the geographical size of the personal food card, it is there that more than 80% of our weekly calories are “stored” .

Nutrition advice is usually given globally, but we eat locally. We don't need to change the world immediately. We can start with changes closer to home. Everyone is able to do this - this does not require the willpower of the record holder of the project "I'm losing weight!" on the NTV channel.

All you need to lose weight is to change the behavior in the places indicated on the food map!

According to the book by Andrey Bobrovsky “Recipes for harmony. Easy solutions for every day to lose weight and stay slim: 600 recipes.
