The back of the hand. Erythema of the skin of the extensor surface of the joints of the extremities Typical places of spreading the extensor surface of the extremities hairy

We all actively move: walk, walk, run, jump, rise and fall. Without a developed muscular apparatus, all these movements will be very difficult. The main part of the work falls on the flexor and extensor muscles.

They are constantly opposing antagonists. Their counteraction is inherent in the nerve centers that control their activity. The centers of movement located in the brain of the head give out signals. They go to motoneurons, nerve cells located in the brain of the back, and then along the longest processes to the desired muscles.

The centers that send signals to antagonists are located in radically different states. When the flexor control center is stimulated, the extensor analog relaxes.

The flexors and extensors work by straining. They move the whole body or some of its elements, doing dynamic work when running, walking or lifting objects. Static work is performed while maintaining a particular pose, holding the subject.

Both activities can be performed by the same musculature.

When they contract, they act like levers on the bones. Each joint is moved by muscle mass attached to the sides. Which muscle is the flexor and which is the extensor depends on the situation.

When the arm is bent, the 2-headed muscle of the shoulder contracts, and the 3-head muscle relaxes. Typically, extensor extensors are located at the back and flexors are located in front of the joint. Only in the ankle and knee joint are they attached in the reverse order.

There are also abductors that are outside the joint and take away one or another part of the body, and adductors that are inside and, conversely, lead. Muscles that lie transversely or obliquely relative to the vertical are rotated (instep - outward, pronators - inward).

Each movement is performed by a separate muscle group. Those of them that move in the same direction are synergists, on the contrary, they are antagonists. All groups work in concert, contracting and relaxing at the right time.

For the start of each muscle variety, nerve signals are responsible, coming at a speed of two dozen impulses per second. Each of them has its own number of nerve endings. For example, there are a lot of them in the eyes, but few in the thigh. The connections of the cerebral cortex with muscle groups are also uneven. The sizes of the zones do not depend on the mass of the destination tissue, but on the complexity and subtlety of the resulting movements.

Each muscle receives brain impulses on one nerve, on the other - the regulation of nutrition.

All this is consistent with the regulation of her blood supply. The finest control of the activity of the muscles is carried out by adjusting the tension it develops. In this case, either the number of fibers working in the muscle changes, or the frequency of nerve impulses approaching them. The end result is that all contractions are smooth and consistent.

Human shoulder structure

There are two types of muscles in this group:

  • actually, the shoulder muscles, going from the deltoid to the elbow;
  • muscles of the forearm, starting from the elbow and including all the muscles to the edge of the fingers.

Human flexors are located in the front and include the muscles:

  • biceps;
  • coracohumeral;
  • shoulder;

The extensors at the back include:

  • elbow;
  • triceps.

Arm flexors

The flexors of the arms are distributed according to the zones. They answer:

  • shoulder - behind the forearm;
  • biceps - behind the shoulder and elbow joints, rotations and turns;
  • coracohumeral - for flexion and rotation in the same joints.

The flexors of the hand are located below.

Arm extensors

The extensors of the arm include triceps, also called triceps brachial muscles and consisting of the heads:

  • lateral;
  • medial;
  • long.

Triceps, extending the arms at the elbow and shoulder, forearm, also lead them to the body. The elbow muscles help him to extend the limb at the elbow. All flexors and extensors of the arm work in sync.

Muscles and their functions

The functionality of muscle groups is very diverse - especially in the hands with which we actively work. The shoulder joint works by musculature extending to the shoulder from the bones of the shoulder girdle. Accuracy of finger movements is ensured by the extensor and flexor muscles of the wrist, as well as by the metacarpus and forearm. Tendons connect them to the bones.

The muscles in the legs are larger and stronger, which is reasonable since they take the most weight. The gastrocnemius muscles are most developed. It is located on the back of the lower leg and works when running and walking:

  • bends at the knee;
  • lifts the heel;
  • unfolds the foot.

The muscles of the buttocks attach to the bones of the thigh and pelvis and anchor the hip joint, helping the person maintain an upright position. The musculature of the back takes on the same, as well as many other functions. It runs along the spine and attaches to the processes that are directed backward. They also provide the back bending of the body.

The muscle mass that runs from the skull to the bones of the body supports the head. The pectoral muscles help you breathe and move. Among the many functions of the abdominal musculature, bends with torso bends in all directions.

The head has muscles for facial expressions and chewing. The first group is extremely developed in humans and is responsible for the expression of emotions. The second group controls the movements of the jaw.

Forearm muscle structure

In the forearm, the muscles are divided into back and front. Each group has layers on the surface and in the depth.

Front group

The main muscle group, including the flexors and extensors, located in the front, includes several muscles. The elbow carpal flexor works in the cyst and elbow. Its beam analogue works in a similar way, penetrating the forearm as well. The round pronator is smaller than the previous two, but repeats their function.

The superficial digital flexor assists in flexion of the elbow, hands and phalanges in the middle. In the palm of the hand, the longus muscle controls this part of the arm, and also helps it bend at the elbow.

The deep layer includes:

  • on the thumb, bending it, as well as the phalanx of the nail;
  • deep digital flexor, working with the extreme phalanges and the hand;
  • square pronator - for the forearm.

Back group

In the rear group, the surface layer includes:

  • extensors of the wrist (long, short and ulnar);
  • digital extensors;
  • brachioradialis muscle.

The latter works in the elbow and forearm.

The deep layer includes:

  • extensors, short and;
  • abductor longus muscle;
  • index finger extensor;
  • The hand includes not only the extensor and flexor of the wrist, but also the muscles that work with the fingers:

    • diverting;
    • opposing;
    • moving;
    • bending;
    • extensor.

    In this case, the arms move due to a huge number of muscles that make up a complex complex (and not just flexors and extensors).

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  • Rice. 1. The relationship of the articular ends of the bones forming the elbow joint is normal (a ...

News about Rheumatoid nodules on the extensor surface of the elbow

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  • Part 1: Physical education of children of the first year of life G. E. Egorov, G. P. Belokhvostova. V. I. Basakova, T. N. Zaitseva Novokuznetsk city medical and physical dispensary, Department of physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy and balneology of Novokuznetsk GIDUV. General principles of physical

Discussion Rheumatoid nodules on the extensor surface of the elbow joint

  • Hello! Within 3 months the elbow joint hurts. I started to get sick after a lot of physical exertion. He worked as a sledgehammer. There is no tumor. X-rays of the joint and cervical vertebrae were done - everything is in order. The orthopedic doctor diagnosed "tennis elbow". Appointed by Artron, Movalis. procedures with a magnet - UV

When massaging the hand, the massaged shoulder is taken 15-20 ° from the body and 60-70 ° forward, the forearm is bent at the elbow joint at an obtuse angle, the hand is at shoulder level.

The massage is carried out in the following order: first, fingers, hand, wrist joint are massaged separately, then the forearm, elbow joint, shoulder and, finally, the shoulder joint. In the area of ​​the hand, only stroking and rubbing are used, in the area of ​​the forearm and shoulder - stroking, kneading, tapping and patting.

Stroking is performed in the direction from the hand to the armpit (Fig. 105, 106), taking into account the course of the lymphatic vessels and the location of the lymph nodes.

Rice. 105. Flexion surface of the hand. The direction of the movements of the hand of the massager and the location of the most important muscles. 1 - muscles of the thumb tubercle; 2 - muscle of the tubercle of the little finger; 3 - a group of muscles that bend the hand and fingers and turn the hand with the palm down; 4 - tendons of these muscles, going to the palm; 5 - a group of muscles that extend the hand and fingers and turn the hand with the palm up; 6 - biceps brachii; 7 - groove at the inner edge of the biceps muscle, along which the brachial artery, veins and nerves of the hand pass; 8 - the inner abdomen of the triceps muscle; 9 - the outer abdomen of the same muscle; 10 - tendon of the broad back muscle; 11 - deltoid muscle.

Rice. 106. The extensor surface of the hand. The direction of the movements of the hand of the massager and the location of the most important muscles. 1 - muscles that extend the hand and fingers; 2 - a group of flexors of the hand and fingers; 3 - triceps muscle; 4 - deltoid muscle.

The brush is massaged (stroking and rubbing the phalanges of the fingers) with circular (transverse) movements of the thumb pads on the back and index or middle fingers on the palmar side. The lateral surface of the phalanges is massaged longitudinally from the nails of the phalanx to the base. The soft parts of the palm are kneaded with the thumb and little finger. Finish the massage of the hand with flexion and extension of the fingers.

When massaging the wrist joint produce circular stroking from the hand throughout the forearm, while the patient's hand is transferred to the position of either pronation or supination.

The forearm massage starts from the wrist joint on the palmar side. Stroking, kneading, again stroking and tapping are performed. The massager, supporting the patient's elbow edge with his left hand, covers the group of instep supports with his right hand and leads the hand, as indicated in Fig. 108. The thumb of the massager first slides along the ulna, and the rest - along the groove between the flexors and extensors. The thumb and the rest of the fingers converge under the outer condyle of the shoulder (Fig. 109).

Rice. 108. Stroking the forearm extensors group (beginning of reception).

Rice. 109. Stroking the group of the extensors of the forearm (continued reception).

After stroking, they move on to rubbing the lateral surfaces of the radial-carpal joint along the articular line, which lies between the styloid processes of the ulna and radius. In some diseases of the joint, due to the presence of exudate on this line, swelling usually appears. Rubbing is performed with small circular movements of the thumbs, trying to penetrate from both lateral surfaces into the depth of the joint bag.

After the extensor massage, they proceed to the flexor massage. At the same time, the second hand massages. The massaging thumb slides along the palmar surface of the forearm along the radius (Fig. 110), and the rest of the fingers along the ulna; at the inner condyle, the thumb converges with the rest.

Rice. 110. Stroking the forearm flexor group.

Elbow joint massage begins with circular strokes of the forearm, joints, biceps and triceps muscles. After stroking, they move on to circular rubbing of the back surface of the joint with both thumbs (Fig. 111), starting from the lateral surfaces, ending with massage with passive movements. In this case, the massaging one hand grasps the humerus above the elbow, and the other - the lower third of the forearm.

Rice. 111. Massage of the elbow joint.

Shoulder massage consists of massage the flexor area (mainly the biceps muscle), extensors (mainly the triceps muscle) and the deltoid muscle. First, the area of ​​the extensors is massaged, and then the flexors. From here, rubbing is directed upward along the edges of the triceps tendon and back. After that, they move on to rubbing the anterior surface of the joint. To do this, the patient's forearm is bent at an angle of 90 °, thereby relaxing the biceps tendon. From the outside, the thumb is inserted under this tendon and the joint bag is rubbed.

When massaging the triceps muscle, the massager's left hand grasps the muscle at the place of its attachment to the olecranon, from here, heading up, the massaging thumb slides along the outer groove of the biceps muscle, and then along the outer edge of the deltoid. At the same time, the remaining fingers are moved along the inner groove of the biceps muscle, and then the deltoid. All fingers meet in the armpit (Fig. 112).

Rice. 112. Stroking the shoulder extensors.

Massage of the biceps begins below the elbow joint and carry it towards the armpit. The massager's right palm fits snugly against the surface of the biceps muscle. The massaging thumb slides along the outer brachial groove and the anterior edge of the deltoid muscle towards the armpit; the rest of the fingers are massaged along the inner groove of the biceps muscle. There are fingers with a thumb in the armpit.

Massage of the deltoid muscle in persons with underdeveloped muscles is carried out with one hand over the entire surface of the muscle. In this case, the thumb of the right hand is moved along the outer edge of the muscle, and the rest along the inner process, where they converge (when massaging the right hand). If the deltoid muscle is well developed, correspondingly passing in the middle of the tendon plate, it is divided into two halves, each of which is massaged separately.

Shoulder joint massage is performed with three positions of the hand of the massager: massage begins with stroking and kneading the deltoid muscle, then proceeds to rubbing the front of the articular bag, for this the massager puts the patient's hand behind the back, which makes the bag of the joint accessible. The massager stands behind the patient and rubs the articular capsule in a circular motion, which protrudes forward under the pressure of the head of the humerus.

In the future, they move on to massage the back surface of the articular bag, for this the massaged person puts his hand on his opposite shoulder, after which the lower part of the joint bag is massaged. For this, the patient puts the massaged hand on the shoulder of the massager. The latter, with the tips of four fingers of both hands, fixes the head of the shoulder so that the fingers of one hand enter between the fingers of the other, and the thumbs penetrate into the armpit. Circular rubbing is performed with thumbs along the surface of the armpit. The lymph nodes are not massaged.

After that, with the free hanging of the hand with the middle and ring fingers, rub the intertubercular shoulder groove, stroke the joint area, deltoid muscle, massage the articulations of the clavicle with the sternum and finish massage of the shoulder joint with passive and active movements.

The back of the hand

Three lines run along the dorsum of the hand (Fig. 36): dorsal-radial, dorsal-ulnar, dorsal-median. The distance from the proximal fold of the wrist joint to the process of the ulna, determined by the method of proportional measurement, is equal to 12 proportional segments; from the process of the ulna to the level of the axillary fold - 9 segments.

Dorsal ray line of the hand

It starts from the radial edge of the terminal phalanx of the second finger, retreating 0.3 cm outward from the root of the nail, then goes along the radial edge of this finger, passes between the I-II metacarpal bones, crosses the fold of the carpal joint and, rising along the radial edge of the forearm, reaches the outer end of the ulnar fold, from where it passes to the shoulder, and, following the outer-posterior surface of the shoulder, ends at the bi-nao point located between the posterior edge of the deltoid and the outer edge of the triceps muscle. There are 14 points on this line.

1. Shang-yang(1 GI, 1 Di, 1 LI) is located at the radial edge of the terminal phalanx of the second toe, 0.3 cm outward from the root of the nail.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the intrinsic palmar digital artery and the intrinsic palmar digital nerve (from the median nerve).

Indications: first aid, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, toothache, stomatitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, hearing loss, tinnitus.

2. Er-jiang(2 GI, 2 Di, 2 LI) is located at the radial edge of the base of the first phalanx of the II finger.

Indications: inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, toothache, brachialgia, contracture of the flexors of the hands and fingers.

3. San-jian(3 GI, 3 Di, 3 LI) is located at the radial edge of the second metacarpal bone, somewhat posterior to its head (when the injection is made, the hand should be in a bent position).

Topographic anatomy: branches of the dorsal digital artery and from the superficial branch of the radial nerve.

Indications: inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, toothache, brachialgia, contracture of the flexors of the hand and fingers, bowel disease.

4. He-gu(4 GI, 4 Di, 4 LI) is located between the I and II metacarpal bones closer to the radial edge of the II metacarpal bone, at the apex of the eminence that occurs when pressing the I finger; one of the most important points in terms of effectiveness and frequency of use.

Topographic anatomy: dorsal interosseous muscle (innervation - ulnar nerve), branches of the radial artery and radial nerve (superficial branch).

Indications: movement disorders in the upper limbs, increased muscle tone; diseases of the mouth, nose, pharynx, tonsils, bronchi; allergic vasomotor rhinitis, bronchial asthma; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; asthenic state. Exposure to this point causes a tonic, desensitizing, tonic effect on the body and analgesic effect for pains of various localization, in particular, postoperative; can be used for anesthesia.

5. Yai-si(5 GI, 5 Di, 5 LI) is located at the level of the fold of the wrist joint between the scaphoid and radius bones, in the depression that occurs during dorsal extension of the hand, between the tendons of the long and short extensors of the 1st finger.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the radial artery and radial nerve (superficial branch), deep in the scaphoid bone, on which the radial artery lies.

Indications: paresis of the upper extremities, headache, deafness, tinnitus, tonsillitis, toothache, diseases of the wrist joint.

6. Pian-li(6GI, 6 Di, 6 LI) is located 3 proportional segments above the proximal fold of the wrist joint.

Topographic anatomy: a branch of the radial artery, branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm (from the radial nerve) and the external cutaneous nerve of the forearm.

Injection depth ~ 1 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: paresis of the upper limbs, headache, deafness.

7. Wen-liu(7GI, 7 Di, 7 LI) is located 6 proportional segments above the fold of the wrist joint.

Topographic anatomy: the distal lower end of the abdomen of the short radial extensor of the hand (innervation is a deep branch of the radial nerve), branches of the radial artery, posterior cutaneous and lateral cutaneous nerves of the forearm.

The injection depth is 1 cm; moxibustion 5-30 min.

Indications: violation of the motor and sensory function of the upper limbs, diseases of the oral cavity, nasopharynx.

8. Xia-lian(8GI, 8Di, 8 LI) is located 8 proportional segments above the fold of the carpal joint.

9. Shang-lian(9GI, 9 Di, 9 LI) is located at the radial edge of the radius, 3 proportional segments below the ulnar crease.

Topographic anatomy: short radial extensor of the hand (innervation is a deep branch of the radial nerve), branches of the radial artery, posterior cutaneous and lateral cutaneous nerves of the forearm.

The injection depth is 1-1.5 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: pleurisy, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, mastitis, hemiplegia.

10. Show-san-li(10 GI, 10 Di, 10 LI) is located in 2 proportional segments below the ulnar fold, between the muscles of the long radial extensor of the hand and the brachioradialis.

Topographic anatomy: short and long radial extensors of the hand (innervation is a deep branch of the radial nerve), branches of the radial artery, posterior cutaneous and lateral cutaneous nerves of the forearm.

Injection depth ~ 1.5 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: general strengthening effect, bowel diseases, stomatitis, mastitis, paresis of the upper extremities and pain in the forearm and hand.

11. Qu-chi(11 GI, 11 Di, 11 LI) is located at the outer end of the ulnar fold, on the flexor side of the humeral joint (when the elbow is flexed, a depression is felt here).

Topographic anatomy: long radial extensor of the hand (innervation is a deep branch of the radial nerve), branches of the radial artery, posterior and lateral cutaneous nerves of the forearm.

Injection depth 1.5-2.5 cm; moxibustion 10-30 min.

Indications: general strengthening effect, neurasthenia, sensory and movement disorders in the upper extremities, intercostal neuralgia, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, tonsillitis.

12. Zhou-liao(12GI, 12Di, 12 LI) is located 1 proportional segment above the ulnar fold, at the outer edge of the triceps brachii muscle, above the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

Topographic anatomy: brachioradial muscle (innervation - radial nerve), branches of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the shoulder.

The injection depth is 1-1.5 cm; moxibustion 5-10 min.

Indications: motor and sensory disorders of the upper limbs, diseases of the shoulder and elbow joints.

13. Show-u-li(13 GI, 13 Di, 13 LI) is located 3 proportional segments above the ulnar fold at the lateral edge of the triceps brachii.

Topographic anatomy: triceps brachii muscle (innervation - radial nerve), branches of the brachial artery, posterior and lateral lower cutaneous nerves of the shoulder (from the radial nerve), on the bone lies the radial nerve with a deep brachial artery.

Acupuncture contraindicated, moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: sensory and movement disorders in the upper extremities, arthritis of the shoulder joint, lymphadenitis of the cervical glands.

14. Bi-nao(14 GI, 14 Di, 14 LI) is located 7 proportional segments above the ulnar fold, at the insertion of the deltoid muscle.

Topographic anatomy: triceps brachii (innervation - radial nerve), branches of the brachial artery and lateral superior cutaneous nerve of the shoulder (from the axillary nerve).

The injection depth is 1 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: sensory and movement disorders in the upper extremities, brachialgia, myositis, arthritis of the shoulder joints, lymphadenitis of the cervical glands.

Conclusion... The points located on this line are used for motor and sensory disorders of the upper limbs, diseases of the intestines, respiratory organs, for a general strengthening effect on the body. The main, most important, points are the following: 1) shan-yang, 4) he-gu, 10) show-san-li, 11) qui-chi.

Dorsal-ulnar line of the hand

It starts from the terminal phalanx of the V finger, 0.3 cm outward from the root of the nail, runs along the ulnar edge of the hand, forearm and ends in the ulnar groove, between the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the olecranon. There are 8 points on this line.

1. Shao-tse(1IG, 1 Du, 1 SI) is located at the level of the nail bed of the terminal phalanx of the V finger, 0.3 cm outward from the root of the nail.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the own palmar digital artery (from the ulnar artery), the own palmar digital nerve (from the ulnar nerve).

Injection depth ~ 0.3 cm; moxibustion 3-5 min.

Indications: ambulance for fainting, heart disease - pain, tachycardia, headache, hypogalactia.

2. Qian-gu(1IG, 2Du, 2 SI) is located at the ulnar edge of the base of the phalanx of the V finger.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the own dorsal digital arteries and nerve (from the ulnar arteries and nerve). Injection depth ~ 0.3 cm; moxibustion 3 min. Indications: tinnitus, mastitis, hypogalactia.

3. Hou-si(3IG, 3Du, 3SI) is located posterior to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone at the ulnar edge.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the ulnar arteries and nerve. Injection depth 0.5 cm; moxibustion 5-10 min.

Indications: spastic paralysis of the upper limb, seizures, keratitis, tonsillitis.

4. Wan-gu(4 IG, 4 Du, 4 SI) is located in the cavity between the V metacarpal and triangular bones.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the ulnar arteries and nerve. Injection depth ~ 1 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min. Indications: spastic paralysis of the upper limb, seizures, keratitis, tonsillitis.

5. Yang-gu(5IG, 5Du, 5 SI) is located in the cavity between the styloid process of the ulna and the triangular bone (to detect it, you need to bend the arm at the elbow and dorsiflex the hand).

Topographic anatomy: branches of the ulnar arteries and nerve. Injection depth ~ 0.5 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: damage to the ulnar nerve, dizziness, tinnitus, stomatitis.

6. Yang-lao(6IG, 6Du, 6 SI) is located 1 proportional segment above the head of the ulna, at the ulnar edge of the ulnar extensor tendon.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the ulnar artery, ulnar nerve and medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm.

Injection depth ~ 1 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: violation of the sensory and motor function of the upper limb, conjunctivitis, myopia.

7. Chzhi-cheng(7IG, 7Du, 7 SI) is located at the ulnar edge of the ulnar extensor of the hand, 5 proportional segments above the wrist joint.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the posterior interosseous artery, posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm, radial nerve and medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm (from the brachial plexus).

Injection depth ~ 1 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: neurasthenia, dizziness, headache, impaired sensory and motor function of the upper limb.

8. Xiao-hai(8IG, 8Du, 8 SI) is located in the ulnar groove between the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the olecranon.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the inferior circumferential artery of the ulnar side (from the brachial artery), medial cutaneous nerves of the shoulder and forearm. The ulnar nerve lies on the bone.

Injection depth ~ 0.5 cm; moxibustion 5 min.

Indications: contracture of the shoulder muscles, impaired sensory and motor function of the upper limbs, damage to the ulnar nerve, hearing loss.

Conclusion... The points of this line are often used in medical practice, especially with paresis and paralysis of the upper limb and with lesions of the ulnar nerve. The main ones are the following: 3) hou-si, 8) xiao-hai.

Dorsal-median line of the hand

This line begins on the dorsum of the terminal phalanx of the IV finger, 0.3 cm outward from the root of the nail, runs between the IV and V metacarpals; at the head of the IV metacarpal bone, it turns to the middle of the wrist joint, crosses it and then goes along the radial edge of the common extensor of the fingers, along the outer surface of the shoulder, along the outer edge of the deltoid muscle, where it ends downward and posteriorly from the greater tubercle of the humerus at the level of the axillary fold ... There are 13 points on this line.

1. Guan-chun(1 TR, 1 3E, 1 TH) is located 0.3 cm outward from the root of the nail of the IV finger.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the intrinsic palmar digital artery and the intrinsic palmar digital nerve (from the ulnar nerve).

Injection depth ~ 0.3 cm; moxibustion 3 min.

Indications: ambulance, headache, loss of appetite, dyspepsia in children.

2. E-men(2TR, 2 3E, 2TH) is located between the bases of the proximal phalanges of the IV and V fingers.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the dorsal digital artery and the dorsal digital nerve (from the ulnar nerve).

Injection depth ~ 0.3 cm; moxibustion 3 min.

Indications: ambulance, headache, tinnitus, loss of appetite, dyspepsia in children, pain in the joints of the arm.

3. Chzhun-chu(3 TR, 3 3E, 3 TH) is located posterior to the head of the IV metacarpal bone at its ulnar edge.

Topographic anatomy: interosseous muscle (innervation - ulnar nerve), branches of the dorsal metacarpal artery and dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve.

Injection depth ~ 1 cm; moxibustion 5-10 min.

Indications: headache, tinnitus, stiffness in the joints of the hand.

4. Yang-chi(4 TR, 4 3E, 4 TH) is located at the level of the middle of the wrist joint, at the ulnar edge of the common extensor tendon of the fingers.

Topographic anatomy: branches of the dorsal network of the wrist, the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm (from the radial nerve) and the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve.

Injection depth ~ 1 cm; moxibustion 3 min.

Indications: arthritis of the wrist joint, motor and sensory disorders in the area of ​​the hand of the central and peripheral nature, intermittent fever.

5. Wai-guan[wai - outer (5TR, 5 3E, 5 TH)] is located 2 proportional segments above the carpal fold between the tendons of the common extensor of the fingers and the extensor of the V finger (very important point).

The injection depth is 1.5-2 cm; moxibustion 10-30 min.

Indications: diseases of the joints of the upper extremities, motor and sensory disorders of the central and peripheral nature, asthenic condition, insomnia.

6. Zhi-go(6TR, 6 3E, 6 TH) is located 3 proportional segments above the carpal crease between the radius and ulna.

Topographic anatomy: the extensor of the fingers (innervation is the radial nerve), branches of the posterior interosseous artery and the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm.

Injection depth 1.5 cm; moxibustion 5-10 min.

Indications: pain in the arm of various nature, brachialgia, plexalgia, intercostal neuralgia, habitual constipation, vomiting.

7. Hui-tsong(7 TR, 7 3E, 7 TH) is located 1 cm outward from the chzhi-go point (to the elbow side), between the extensor tendons of the V finger and the ulnar extensor of the hand.

Topographic anatomy: extensor of the little finger (innervation - radial nerve), branches of the posterior interosseous artery, posterior (from the radial nerve) and medial (from the brachial plexus) cutaneous nerves of the forearm.

Injection depth ~ 1 cm; moxibustion 5-20 seconds.

Indications: motor and sensory disturbances in the upper limbs, toothache, hearing loss.

8. San-yan-lo(8 TR, 8 3E, 8 TH) is located 4 proportional segments above the carpal crease between the ulna and radius.

Topographic anatomy: the extensor of the fingers (innervation is the radial nerve), branches of the posterior interosseous artery and the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm.

Injection depth ~ 1 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: hearing loss, toothache, sensory and movement disorders in the upper limbs.

9. Sy-doo(9 TR, 9 3E, 9 TH) is located 5 proportional segments above the carpal crease between the ulna and radius.

Topographic anatomy: the extensor of the fingers (innervation is the radial nerve), branches of the posterior interosseous artery and the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm.

Injection depth ~ 1.5-2 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: sensory and movement disorders in the upper limbs, hearing loss, toothache.

10. Tien Jing(10 TR, 10 3E, 10 TH) is located 1 proportional segment above the ulnar fold.

Injection depth ~ 1.5 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: hearing loss, eye diseases, laryngitis, bronchitis, lymphadenitis of the cervical glands.

11. Qing-leng-yuan(11 TR, 11 3E, 11 TH) is located 1 proportional segment above the ulnar fold, in the middle of the triceps muscle.

Topographic anatomy: tendon of the triceps brachii muscle (innervation is the radial nerve), branches of the articular network of the elbow, the posterior cutaneous nerve of the shoulder (from the radial nerve) and the medial cutaneous nerve of the shoulder (from the brachial plexus).

The injection depth is 1-1.5 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min.

Indications: sensory and movement disorders in the shoulder area, arthritis of the shoulder joint.

12. Xiao-le(12 TR, 12 3E, 12 TH) is located 5 proportional segments above the ulnar fold in the middle of the three heads of the muscle.

Topographic anatomy: triceps brachii muscle (innervation - radial nerve), branches of the deep artery of the shoulder, posterior lower and lateral cutaneous nerves of the shoulder (from the radial nerve).

Injection depth ~ 1.5 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min. Indications: motor and sensory disturbances in the upper limbs, headaches, pain in the neck and shoulder region.

13. Nao-hui(13 TR, 13 3E, 13 TH) is located at the level of the armpit, at the lower edge of the deltoid muscle. Topographic anatomy: triceps brachii muscle (innervation - radial nerve), branches of the posterior artery, bending around the humerus (from axillary artery), lateral superior cutaneous nerve of the shoulder (from axillary nerve) and intercostal nerve. Deep in the bone lies the axillary nerve.

The injection depth is 1.5-2 cm; moxibustion 5-20 min. Indications: motor and sensory disorders in the upper limbs, arthritis of the shoulder joint, pain in the cervico-occipital region.

Shi-hsuan(H) is located at the tips of the palmar surface of the terminal phalanges of all fingers (the pricks are very painful; the prick is quick, superficial).

Topographic anatomy: branches of the own palmar digital arteries and own palmar digital nerves (for I, II, III fingers from the median nerve, for IV - from the median and ulnar nerves, for V - from the ulnar nerve). Injection depth ~ 0.3 cm; moxibustion 10 min. Indications: providing ambulance for fainting, collapse, loss of consciousness; hysterical seizures.

Conclusion... The points located on this line are mainly used for diseases of the joints and muscles of the upper extremities, motor and sensory disorders of the central and peripheral nature, neuroses, sleep disorders; points located in the distal parts of the hand and fingers - for providing ambulance with loss of consciousness, fainting. The most important of these points are 5) wai-guan, 6) chzhi-gu.

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