What does it mean to get up without standing feet. Why do we get up on the wrong foot

If a person is not doing well, everything falls out of hand and nothing happens, they say that "he got up on the wrong foot." And it is not just words. Medicine has proven that in order for the day to go well, you need to stand up correctly. No wonder so many peoples have whole rituals, special complexes exercise, Salutations to the sun To feel cheerful, you do not have to jump out of bed at the first trumpet alarm. The transition from sleep to wakefulness should be unhurried.

What is sleep? This is a special state of the body, in which some processes slow down (metabolic, for example) and others (nervous) are enhanced.

It is believed that in a dream, the brain processes all the information that it received during the day, as if putting it on the shelves. There are changes in the work of the cardiovascular system, the volume of circulating blood decreases. The spine compresses somewhat. Upon awakening, all these systems must be prepared for the day's work. There are some very simple exercises for this.

Do not think about the unpleasant things that await you during the day. Why do not dawn tune yourself to bad things? In the morning you need to recharge yourself with joy. If it is possible to wake up to pleasant, good music - arrange for yourself.

To activate cardiovascular system lying on your back and putting your hands on your stomach, take a few deep breaths and exhales, straining your stomach, very much protruding the abdominal wall when you inhale and pulling it in as much as possible when you exhale. Thus, you use a natural pump to disperse the blood from the abdominal cavity, in which it has stagnated. Intense breathing ventilates the lungs. Take 10-15 of these breaths. Those who find it difficult to do the exercise with outstretched legs may bend them slightly.

Roll over onto your left side, pulling your knees up to your chin, lay right hand on the right hypochondrium and take 5 to 15 breaths. With this exercise you will clear the biliary tract, it is very useful for those who have "tight" intestines.

In the morning, it is also necessary to stretch the spine: stretch the right hand forward, pull the right heel away from you, do the same with the left side. Then, with both hands, stretch forward, and with your heels away from you.

If time permits, in the knee-elbow position, arch and arch your back (like a cat), touching the bed with your chest.

After this little exercise, sit on your bed for a while. It is good if you take the first step on a massage mat or in massage shoes. After walking in them for 10-15 minutes, you will massage the feet onto which all organs are projected.

If you have any kind of illness, some peculiarities appear in the morning awakening. For people with hypertension, morning is the most difficult time, and statistics, unfortunately, confirm that the largest number of disasters with hypertensive patients (crises, strokes, sudden death) occurs between 6 and 11 am. Therefore, a hypertensive person still needs to take medicine in bed and lie down for a while. And so that there is no unnecessary load in the morning, the necessary must be prepared in the evening - from breakfast, which you just need to warm up, to a suit that you put on without standing in front of the closet for half an hour, nervous from the wealth of choice and lack of time. Morning bustle can add a lot of troubles, provoke illness, so it must be minimized. Going out into the street, it is very good for everyone (especially those with hypertension) to walk 1 - 2 stops on foot, to “capture” the air (of course, if it is not a product of the polluted city center).

Now about how to get up correctly for people suffering from osteochondrosis, especially the cervical and thoracic spine, those who have discomfort, dizziness, nausea in the morning. You have to sleep without a pillow, on a bed of medium hardness. You can do anything breathing exercises, which were mentioned above, after that you should get up very carefully. First, lower your legs out of bed and lie down for a while. Then sit down and, with open eyes, make 5-10 turns of the head to the right and to the left with very soft movements and tilt it back and forth the same number of times. After that, get up, stand a little and start your day.

Approximately the same ritual should be in patients with hypotension (decreased blood pressure). It is necessary not to make sudden movements because with a sharp movement, especially when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position, there is noise in the ears, it darkens in the eyes, up to a semi-fainting state.

Or maybe get up on the wrong foot in the morning ...
And do the opposite.
And it's better not to brew coffee in the morning ...
And take and eat a huge sandwich.

To dress is not what was laid out in the evening ...
And instead of a shower ... take a bath.
And it's fun to slide down the railing ...
At the same time, loudly - hum loudly.

Put the slippers somewhere else ...
And when leaving the key, do not close the lock.
And just slam the door loudly ...
Shake up your day a little.

And do everything as usual ...
Try to take everything ...

In the morning I got up on the wrong foot
And the whole day is down the drain.
Dear friend help me
Give me a foreign car.

What if you don't want to, so forget
I was joking, and that's all.
I'm tired of everyone so much
My head is full of dregs.

I just want to sometimes
Fool around a bit.
Laughter will take away sadness and pain,
Do not judge me harshly friend.

I'm on the wrong foot today
I got up early in the morning
And he prayed: "Help,
I'm already tired
And from the devilish enmity,
And from bitter tears.
I know you will have mercy
Help, Christ. "
And then I walked all day
in His grace -
He gives me a lot of strength
His Spirit!

Perhaps I’m on the right foot in the hour before dawn
With which cherries throw their fog
On my shoulders .. and embarrassment at times
Such a red-cheeked man overcomes me.

You say mousetraps, cheese ..
So maybe this is not new at all,
When smart, carnivorous and harsh
The world is watching us, the pampered ones

And maybe I don't believe in magic
I want so much .. but I don’t believe in anything ..
Oh yes. Sorry. offer cheerleading,
And here I dispersed and I'm deeply measuring))

The starting point is the starting point,
The path begins with the thought of it.
Night - the water reflected a month in the pond,
I drank it with a ladle.

I'll cross the point of return in myself,
Having made the first step, deciding to start the path.
With mud - the month in the pond was smelly,
The step that has passed, I cannot return back.

Taking a step, we will overstep something,
Or can we, we step into something.
And if in life you wander through a swamp,
Maybe pull that step into the quagmire.

The bending point is a sharp angle,
Life can prick her to the point of blood ...

Starting point, starting point,
The moment we start to count.
The moment when something suddenly became different,
To start something new.

The starting point for life is birth,
The moment when people come into the world to live.
There is no repetition of a point in time
We cannot change the past.

The starting point is always a transition,
Qualitatively new in the world of things.
There is something in it, or someone will start,
The world changes forever in her.

The starting point is always change,
There is this point in the final in everything.
If there is a beginning, an end ...

We are looking for a fulcrum for the body,
To start we were able to move.
So that it, having pushed off, could
Take the first step at the beginning of the path.

We are looking for a fulcrum for souls,
So that they can stand here,
So that they, pushing off the Earth,
The gates have gone through death into Eternity.

The fulcrum, the point of reference in it,
The fulcrum does not allow to fall.
We need a fulcrum for takeoff
In it, pushing off, we will begin the flight.

A fulcrum is needed to be straight,
We could stand firmly on Earth.
To prevent the wind here ...

Get up on the wrong foot stand on the wrong side of the left Spread. More often owls. last time. Being in a bad mood, irritated state for no reason. With noun with meaning faces: friend, father ... got up from his left foot.

Luzgina probably got up today with her left leg, because she was sitting at the table gloomy and angry. (K. Stanyukovich.)

“What's the matter with you, father? She asked, laughing. "Did you get up on your left foot or did you have bad dreams?" (M. Sholokhov.)

(?) In Europe and the Middle East, since ancient times, it was believed that Right side Is good and the left one is bad. Therefore, getting up after sleeping with the left leg foreshadowed failure.

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M .: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

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