Kickboxing for girls - benefits and contraindications, techniques and strikes for beginners with a video. What is kickboxing? Features, History, Benefits and Interesting Facts Kickboxing Gives

Answering the question of what kickboxing is, it should be noted that such martial arts combine various details of the traditional English school of wrestling, representing a kind of "fusion" of two types of martial arts: karate and boxing. After some time, something from Thai boxing and taekwondo was also added to this type of wrestling. Describing kickboxing in short, it is often mentioned that this is the most unusual type of percussion martial arts, the norms of which do not prohibit kicks and punches, provided that gloves are used.

The history of kickboxing

This sports direction of martial arts does not have a very long history: kickboxing arose in the 60s on the crest of the wave of popularity of various eastern types of wrestling. At the same time, the American and Japanese schools of kickboxing can be distinguished. As for the Japanese tradition, it includes:

  • Full contact;
  • semi-contact (semi-contact);
  • easy contact;
  • kick-light.

American kickboxers have always preferred full contact only. In the United States, it was not customary to limit the intensity of each blow and, in addition, it was not forbidden to hit the enemy's head.

At the same time, the Japanese tradition of kickboxing has its origins in Muay Thai. A striking difference between Japanese kickboxing is that, in addition to the active use of punches, here you can also quite actively use your legs. There is nothing of the kind and practically should not be in ordinary boxing.

In general, it can be noted that kickboxing perfectly combines traditions and experience that have developed over the centuries both in the West and in the East.

Chuck Norris is called the progenitor of kickboxing. It was he who gave the name to this type of struggle.

A few words about Japanese kickboxing

In a country like Japan, a surge of interest in martial arts was observed in the mid-seventies. According to statistics from those times, there were about six thousand people in the country who practiced kickboxing. Large organizations were also created that united professional kickboxers from the country.

Japanese kickboxing had its own unique differences: in particular, each round lasted 2 minutes. At one time, Japanese and American wrestlers decided to unite, concluding a pact on the regular holding of international competitions. At the same time, Japanese athletes had to master American traditions to maintain uniform rules regarding wrestling.

What do you need for kickboxing classes?

First of all, in order to master this type of martial arts, you will need kickboxing equipment, consisting of a special kickboxing helmet, the so-called mouth guard (teeth protection) and boxing gloves. Men should also have a device that protects the groin area from violent blows. Kickboxing for girls also takes place. A girl who has decided to professionally engage in kickboxing will need to purchase a kind of corset - a cuirass. Some schools will also need special shin guards.

It is necessary to practice kickboxing under the guidance of an experienced trainer who has the appropriate qualifications.

How will kickboxing change you?

Many athletes who choose to devote themselves to kickboxing have strong and attractive bodies. This is due to the versatility of kickboxing.

Exercise will primarily strengthen your muscles. They will become significantly stronger than they were before. In order to increase muscle strength, you will have to work not only in tandem with a trainer, but also exercise with the help of all kinds of sports devices, which can be both dynamic and static. As a rule, the same shells are pillows, bags, shields and other sports equipment. In addition, the novice athlete will also have to gradually increase the load on the muscle mass, exercising with iron or on the horizontal bar.

Leg strength is of great importance in kickboxing. This is why it is also necessary to do exercises such as the barbell squat. This kickboxing session will provide you with sufficient leg strength to land serious kicks. In addition, the muscles in the legs will become nice and toned.

In addition to strength, kickboxing will also help you develop endurance, improve your coordination and improve the accuracy of all movements.

You will become much more flexible, because the complex of flexibility exercises is the most important part of training for this type of martial arts, in which you will need to kick, including those directed high enough.

Needless to say, there has been significant improvement in your motor skills either. This will happen due to the fact that during the classes you will be in constant motion.

Is kickboxing workouts suitable for weight loss?

In case you dream of losing weight and are thinking about starting kickboxing to get rid of excess weight, then you are on the right track. In any case, the exercises that will need to be performed in the course of training this type of martial arts will be the type of load that is right for you.

In any case, the exercises that will need to be performed during training, kickboxing will be a suitable type of martial arts.

Serious training includes the following activities:

  • working off strikes, which helps the body to intensively destroy excess calories, etc.

It is also impossible not to mention such a valuable property of this type of martial arts as the ability to help recover from certain diseases. For example, doing kickboxing, you can forget about such a disease as heart disease, etc.

How can you explain the impact of this direction of struggle on the human body? The reason is that kickboxing is a sporting form of martial arts. Thus, it does not have to involve sparring with an opponent in the ring. This martial art can simply be practiced in the space of a training room without causing any harm to people around or to yourself. And this will already be an excellent physical preparation for you.

Kickboxing(from the English "kick" - to kick and "boxing" - boxing), a sport based on martial arts: karate, taekwondo, Muay Thai (Thai boxing), wushu and English boxing. According to the rules of classic kickboxing, the fight is full-contact at all levels, more precisely: blows are delivered to the head and body both with hands and feet at full force. Boxing hand techniques and effective kicks, borrowed from martial arts, make kickboxing a balanced and universal system that requires special physical and psychological preparation from the athlete.

Kickboxers can become worthy rivals for representatives of any martial arts with striking technique thanks to boxing skills associated with working in the head and the ability to attack the enemy from long and medium.

The history of kickboxing

Initially kickboxing is a balanced cocktail of classic English boxing and karate. In this form, it originated in the mid-70s almost simultaneously in the United States and Western Europe. A little later, elements of techniques from Taekwon-Do and Muay Thai were added to kickboxing. Since then, kickboxing has become and to this day is the martial art that most successfully combined the centuries-old traditions and experience of the West and the East.

In antiquity, the most enlightened Greeks at that time studied a rather tough type of martial arts, in which both arms and legs were the beating tool, and the hands remained in some priority. If the hands were wrapped in leather belts with heavy metal pads, then the legs were not protected. In ancient Holland, at the time described in the novel about Thiele Ulenspiegel, it was not uncommon to invite your opponent to measure his strength "in a fair fight with hands and feet." Centuries passed, and prim aristocratic Englishmen gave birth to boxing, and from the beginning it was not forbidden to strike not only with his hands, but also with his legs and even his head. The fighters fought with their bare fists, and they used gloves only in training, so as not to mutilate their joints in vain. But gradually boxing was transformed and changed, it became not so bloody and cruel. A ring appeared (a platform for a fight), the number of rounds decreased (initially, their number exceeded or was equal to 30). And only in 1867, English boxing turned into the kind of martial arts that survived to modern boxing almost unchanged, when the Marquis of Queensberry made boxing gloves an obligatory attribute of a fight and introduced other rules, very similar to modern ones. Kicking was banned as dishonorable and has not been used since then. While in a more democratic France, martial arts such as savatt and chausson continued to exist, where kicks took their place of honor.

Karate, along with other trophies, was imported to America and Europe from defeated Japan after the Second Plague War, and at the beginning took root with varying success. Perhaps, a certain impetus for greater popularity and development was the appearance on European screens of films with the participation of Bruce lee and the growing fashion for everything oriental. And in the spring (in May) of 1974 by an American M. Andersen and a West Berlin German G. Brooker(Trouser-negom) organized and held the First European Karate Tournament of all styles and the first intercontinental meeting between Europe and the USA, with the participation of 88 athletes - holders of black belts. Around the same time, the English term "kickboxing" appeared, which can be translated as "boxing with kicks", since the advantage of boxing punches with hands over hand movements in karate was recognized.

In the period from 1974 to 1985, kickboxing began to develop rapidly in Europe and America. Tournaments and Championships were held in West Berlin, Los Angeles, Paris, Milan, London, Munich, Budapest, Harz and many other cities in Italy, Austria, Germany, England, Spain, America. Since 1985, women's kickboxing has also begun. Rapid growth and increasing popularity have given rise to their idols. Such as Benny "Jet" Urkides, Bill "Super Foot" Wallace, Dominik Valera, Don "Dragon" Wilson and the names Chuck Noris and Bruce lee became known all over the world.
"K-1." Kickboxing from Japanese promoters. A meeting K. Abidi and F. Bots.

In the Soviet Union, the first public organization of kickboxing was organized only in September 1989 in Kiev, and only in 1990 did the USSR State Sports Committee officially recognize kickboxing as a sport, create the All-Union Federation of kickboxing and join the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO), and so the same in ISKA and PKO. In the 90s, many world and European Championships and tournaments are already taking place in Portugal, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, the Baltic States, and Russia.

Today, there are many kickboxing federations in the world that promote both amateur and professional this type of martial arts to the masses. The most popular in the world and in Russia are WAKO, ISKA, AJAXA, WPKA, PKO. WAKO alone unites more than 50 Federations of different countries, all continents and it has achieved the inclusion of kickboxing in the number of Olympic sports. Today kickboxing is quite famous in wide circles and has a large number of fans and adherents. There are also world-class tournaments (Glory, KUNLUN FIGHT, W5), where the best fighters fight for the title of champion.

Videos about the history of kickboxing


Strike in the middle zone

Punch to the head

Kickboxing- combat sports that originated in the 1960s. It is subdivided into American kickboxing (full contact, full contact with low kick, seven-contact, light contact, kick-light), Japanese kickboxing (K-1 format), solo compositions (musical forms). In a broad sense, kickboxing is sometimes understood as various percussion martial arts, the rules of which allow punches and kicks with the use of boxing gloves in the outfit (Thai boxing, shoeboxing, wushu-sanshou, savat, etc.).


American kickboxing

The birthplace of the "American" branch of kickboxing is the United States. Here in the 1960s, in the wake of the popularity of oriental martial arts, full contact fights began to be practiced, where, unlike most of the rules of taekwondo and karate-shotokan then widespread, there were no restrictions on the power of blows, the referee did not stop the fight after the technical action (which reached the goal of the blow), there were punches to the head are allowed (for which equipment and equipment were borrowed from boxing - gloves). Initially, the new sport was called "full contact karate" (eng. full-contact karate, full contact karate). At the same time, the term "karate" was understood as any oriental single combat, whether it is actually karate, taekwondo or wushu. Soon, however, due to protests from the functionaries of traditional karate, the name had to be abandoned, adopting a new term - "kickboxing" As for "full contact", this name was retained for one of the sections of kickboxing. In 1974, the first professional kickboxing organization, PKA (Professional Karate Association), was founded, which actually became the birth date of kickboxing as an established sport.
American kickboxing spread very quickly to Europe. It was in Europe in 1976 that the oldest amateur kickboxing organization WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organizations) was founded.
Outstanding representatives of American kickboxing: Bill Wallace, Benny Urkides, Don Wilson, Maurice Smith, Dennis Alexio, Stan Longinidis, Marek Petrovsky, Jean-Yves Terriot, Rick Rufus, Anatoly Nosyrev.

Japanese kickboxing (K-1)

The origin of the "Japanese" branch of kickboxing is associated with the penetration of Thai boxing into Japan, which, despite the competition with karate-kyokushinkai, was able to occupy its very extensive niche, however, not in its pure form, but in a modified form. In fact, Japanese kickboxing is a remake of the rules of Muay Thai. Significant differences were the prohibition on elbow strikes (it was believed that the often cut elbows inflicted harm the entertainment, since the public prefers “clean” knockouts, rather than stopping fights due to injuries) and a different approach to scoring (a balanced assessment of punches and kicks as opposed to from Muay Thai where kicks are rated higher). In the 1970s, Japanese kickboxing was developed by three main organizations: AJKBA (All-Japan Kick-Boxing Association), WKBA (World Kick-Boxing Association) and the Kakutogi League. After a number of Japanese kickboxers became involved in crime in 1981, Japanese organizations fell into decay, losing their first role to the American WKA. Since the late 1980s, local kickboxing functioners began to appear again, and in 1993 the K-1 appeared, turning Japanese kickboxing into one of the most developed professional martial arts in the world.
Together with Thai boxing, Japanese kickboxing came to Europe, primarily to Holland, which became one of the world's main centers of kickboxing (it should be noted that out of 18 K-1 heavyweight grand prix, 15 were won by the Dutch).
Outstanding representatives of Japanese kickboxing: Toshio Fujiwara, Ramon Dekkers, Rob Kaman, Ivan Hippolit, Branko Tsikatic, Peter Arts, Ernesto Khost, Andy Hug, Remy Bonyasky, Sammy Schilt, Masato Kobayashi, Andy Sauver, Gevor Petrosyan, Badrosyan.


Kickboxing Sections

1. Light contact (Light contact)

A section of kickboxing in which strong, accented punches and kicks are prohibited. Due to these restrictions, the pace of the fight is higher than in full contact. Victory will be awarded to the athlete who demonstrates the best hand and foot technique and, accordingly, has delivered the most kicks and punches.

2. Semi-contact (Limited contact)

Section of kickboxing, which is characterized by the prohibition of strong kicks (except when the opponent unexpectedly went to kick). in this case, a knockout or knockdown (if any) is counted, but points are not counted. The fight is intermittent, since after a clean blow with a hand or foot, the referee stops the fight and awards points. Kicks are preferred, and jump kicks are rated the highest.

3. Full contact (Full contact)

The section of kickboxing, in which kicks and punches are applied without limitation of force, in full contact. Just like in boxing, knockdowns and knockouts are counted.

4. Full contact with low kick

The section of kickboxing in which it is allowed to kick the outside and inside of the thigh.

5. Solo compositions

The kickboxing section, in which competitions held to music, include three types. The compositions are performed in a "hard" style, in a "soft" style and with objects, including fragments of traditional complexes of formal exercises of martial arts. Compositions in the "hard" style reproduce the characteristic plasticity of "shadow boxing" of traditional martial arts, such as karate - do, taekwondo, etc. Compositions in the "soft" style are based on the technique of such oriental martial arts as wushu. Compositions with objects are performed as "shadow boxing" with any melee weapon - sword, knife, stick, nunchaka, sickle, mace, etc.

6. Oriental -

7. Thai kick -

8. Light with low -


Kicking - impulsive, explosive, ballistic, with a straight or curved trajectory, reciprocating movements of the kickboxer's legs, tightly reaching the opponent's body with the inner or outer part of the foot. The following types of kicks are used in a duel:

Back kick (back kick)- This blow is more often applied with the leg farthest from the opponent and with a turn. First, a 180 ° turn is made on the supporting (closest to the enemy) leg. In this case, it is necessary to see the target over the shoulder (right when hitting with the right foot). Further, the striking leg, unbending at the knee and reinforced by the push of the supporting leg and the movement of the pelvis in the direction of the target, strikes with the heel. The movement is similar to the kick of a kicking horse. This is a very powerful blow used to solve a wide variety of combat missions in the ring. After contact with the target, a further turn can be made, up to 360 °, in order to take the position of the combat stance. With a turn of the leg through 180 °, a percussion movement in a jump can be performed. This is a very nice and quick hit. The blow can be applied both to the head and to the torso of the opponent.

Jumping Kick (jump kicks)- Almost all punches (including punches) can be delivered while jumping. This gives them a certain originality. However, such strikes are rarely used. They are spectacular but ineffective. The only exception, perhaps, is the back kick. In addition, jumping strikes break the rhythm of the fight and take a lot of energy. Speaking of kicks, it should be noted that they are used extremely unevenly. The most often used are semicircular, reverse circular blows with a turn, chopping blows are used very rarely, and in many fights athletes do without them.

Crescent Kick (reverse side kick) The crescent kick is one of the easiest kicks to hit the upper level, which does not require a perfect split. This blow is applied with the outer or inner edge of the foot, depending on its direction (outer or inner). A blow can be delivered from both the front and the farthest from the opponent's leg. From the outside, this blow looks like a stretch for a longitudinal split, and despite the fact that it is not very beautiful, it is loved by many for its simplicity, strength and speed.

Low kick- a circular (as a rule) kick with the shin in the thigh or knee of the opponent. Such blows reduce the speed of the opponent's movement, and if performed well, injure the lower limbs, which leads to the termination of the fight. Among all types of circular punches or any similar blow, low-kick is not allowed in all kickboxing rules. But if it is used, then as a very effective knockout technique. This blow is very fast and very stable, which allows it to be included in any combination and start an attack with it. At the same time, sometimes they forget about this simple technique, not seeing all the variety of ways and moments for its application.

Round kick (roundhouse kick) (roundhouse kick)- The circular pivot is usually delivered to the head, which allows the use of the leg bending force. This execution makes it difficult to defend against this blow, since the leg can bypass the blocking hand. At the beginning of the strike, the upper part of the body turns around along the trajectory along which the strike will be struck, after which the supporting leg is rotated 90 ° (sometimes 180 °), the knee of the bent leg rises to the chest, and by extending the knee, a blow is delivered by raising the foot or lower leg. A blow can be applied to all levels, in which case the word "round" is not pronounced, but a prefix is ​​added (high-kick - from English "high" - "high", middle-kick - from English "middle" - "average" (in height), low-kick - from the English. "low" - "low." By the application technique it can be light, but fast ("click"), and it can be slower, but more powerful ("with a sweep") ...

Side kick (side kick)- At the beginning of the impact, the knee of the striking leg is brought to the level of the chest with its simultaneous bending at the knee joint. The blow is made by a twisting movement of the leg with its simultaneous extension in the knee joint. In this case, the pelvis, making a forward movement in the direction of the impact, strengthens and lengthens it, increasing the impulse coming from the push of the supporting leg. In the final position of the impact, the outer surface of the striking leg (thigh and lower leg) is turned up. The striking leg and torso must lie in the same vertical plane. The impact site for this blow can be the heel, sole, or "rib of the foot". This blow can be applied both to the head and to the torso, both from the leg farthest from the enemy, and from the near one. In the latter case, it is more often applied with the foot farthest from the opponent.

Ex-kick (overhead kick)- A blow with the heel from top to bottom, like an ax, is a fairly amplitude blow. It is not easy for them to knock out, but it is possible to confuse and scare the enemy. Spectators who come to see the show performed by professionals are delighted with this beautiful blow. This technique often misleads opponents. A leg that drops sharply from top to bottom is often poorly visible. With good execution, there is a chance to break your opponent's collarbone. The blow can be delivered with a turn, like a hook-kick, with the difference that the leg, upon completion of the blow, will move perpendicular to the ground, and not parallel. In this case, the blow can be delivered while jumping.

Front kick (direct hit)- In the kickboxing ring, it is quite difficult to punch the opponent with a direct kick or kick to the side (the reason for this is the rules prohibiting any blow to the lower abdomen, as well as the training of fighters who are able to both hit and receive such blows). You can of course deliver these blows to the head, but more often they are used to control the distance with your opponent, stopping the opponent's attacks and starting their attacks. The blow is applied with the heel or the ball of the foot. The direction can be upward, parallel to the ground or downward, in the latter case, usually a "kick" blow to the head is delivered.

Hook-kick (kick-hook)- It is performed with a movement that has a trajectory opposite to the circular impact. The striking leg is brought forward - up - to the side and then a blow is applied with the heel or the whole foot (like a slap in the face). The trajectory of the blow is similar to the trajectory of the backfist, with the only difference that it is applied with the foot. A blow is usually carried out from the front leg, for the purpose of reconnaissance. A reverse circular blow can also be delivered from the leg farthest from the enemy with a 360 ° turn. In kickboxing, it is known as the "spinner". In this case, the blow is very strong. The blow is made from the leg farthest from the opponent (right in this case) and with a clockwise turn. After striking the blow, the leg continues to move along the given trajectory, the 360 ​​° turn is completed, the athlete will again take the position of the usual fighting stance.

Sweeps (foot sweeps)

The sweeps used in kickboxing include: sweeping with the instep of the foot; hooking with the inside of the foot; a sweep performed with a 360 ° turn, that is, with the leg farthest from the enemy (a movement much similar to a reverse circular kick with a turn). A variety of combat missions are solved by means of sweeps: to deprive the enemy of balance, slow down the pace of battle, etc.


The basics in kickboxing are the same as in classic boxing: the stances, methods of movement, methods of defense and, of course, punches are the same, but kicks form the basis of actions. The basics of boxing with your hands are very important. Many novice kickboxers start to get carried away with kicks, especially outwardly spectacular ones, but this is exactly what should be avoided. Just think how vast and deep boxing technique is, since many pros devote their entire lives to perfecting it, while kickboxers also have to practice kicking! There is no time to practice spectacular but ineffective kicks.

Uppercut (Blow from below left) - This blow is more often applied to the torso. When it is applied, the body weight is transferred to the left (standing in front) leg, the body turns slightly to the left around the vertical axis, the hand is pulled back and down - a swing position is created. Further, the body turns to the right, around the vertical axis with a simultaneous push of the left leg. This blow is applied in an arc from the bottom up. Body weight can remain on the left leg, or it can be transferred to the right. On impact, the back of the hand is facing the enemy.

Uppercut (Blow from below right) - At the beginning of the impact, the body turns to the left or right around the axis with a simultaneous push from the support of the right leg standing behind. The right hand is slightly pulled back and down. Next, the right shoulder is brought forward and this blow is applied in an arc from bottom to top. Body weight is transferred to the forward left leg. At the moment of impact, movements in the elbow and shoulder joints should be blocked in order to give the impact sufficient rigidity. The blow can be applied to both the head and the torso.

Backfist (swinging right-handed punch)- However, in kickboxing there is one technique that is not in boxing. In case of surprise, this technique is able to knock out the enemy. And since it is prohibited in boxing, it requires careful work. While doing it, keep track of the distance. It often happens that the blow is received with the forearm, and not with the fist. And this is already prohibited by the kickboxing rules. When making this blow, it is necessary to make a sharp 360 ° turn around the axis passing through the forward left leg and shoulder of the left hand. In this case, the legs and pelvis make a turn more sharply and overtake the body, shoulders and the beating hand. This twisting gives the elastic deformation required for impact. The right arm makes a circular motion in a clockwise direction and can be more or less bent at the elbow. The blow is delivered with the back of the hand.

Jeb (Direct blow with the front, that is, the hand closest to the enemy)- With a push of the right leg and a turn of the body to the right (straight blow with the left hand), the left hand is sent with a throwing movement in a straight line to the target. In the final position of the blow, the body weight falls heavily on the left leg. Some swing can be carried out before the blow. To do this, the body turns to the left around the vertical axis, the left fist moves somewhat away from the target. Swing increases the power of the blow. The fist, when in contact with the target, can be reflected with the fingers down or to the right, which is equally correct and due to the personality of the athlete. The right arm protects the torso and head. This blow is one of the most commonly used kickboxing.

Punch (Direct strike with the hand farthest from the opponent)- With this blow, the right hand (straight blow with the right hand) is already in the swing position. However, the fist makes a longer movement to the target and, accordingly, this blow is used much less often than the jab. This is one of the most powerful punches. He often, in cases of a clean hit, leads to the termination of the fight. Performing this blow, the kickboxer turns the body around the vertical axis to the left with a simultaneous push of the right leg. Later, the right arm begins to unbend at the elbow joint with the continuation of the torso rotation and pushing away from the support with the leg. The right shoulder is brought forward. At the end of the impact, the GCT shifts to the front border of the support area and is projected in the area of ​​the foot of the forward left leg. When hitting directly with the right hand, it is very important to perform a fairly complete turn of the body to the left. This determines the length of the stroke. Some authors give such a reference point - a vertical drawn from the armpit of the right hand should pass through the knee of the supporting (left) leg. With this blow, the left hand insures the head and body from possible oncoming blows of the opponent. A movement is made along a trajectory going slightly from top to bottom, towards the target from the initial position of the fist. However, this opens the head for oncoming attacks by the enemy.

Swing (Side kick from long range)- Apply it from a combat stance with an almost unbent hand. From the left-sided stance, the initial movement for a strike begins with the right foot, transferring the body weight with a push to the left leg striding forward; simultaneously with the left hand slightly lowering it, they make an arcuate movement, starting from the bottom up and further horizontally to the target itself. This fighting movement of the arm is facilitated by turning the torso to the right. The punch is fixed on the target with the usual fist point, with the fingers turned outward. The right hand is left to belay the head, protecting it with an open palm from the opponent's oncoming blows.

Hook (Side kick left to the head)- Along with the right direct blow to the head, the left hook is one of the leaders in terms of the number of knockouts made through its application. Especially often it is applied on a forward jump, under the step of the opposite (right) leg or after a right direct blow to the head or trunk (we are talking about a blow from the hand closest to the opponent). To perform it, some swing is first done. To this end, the body must be slightly turned to the left around the vertical axis. Body weight is also transferred to this (left) leg. The impact movement, similar to those described above, begins with a turn of the body to the right with a simultaneous repulsion of the left leg from the support. However, here the blow is made in an arc going from left to right. With this blow, the hand can be more or less bent at the elbow joint, depending on the required trajectory characteristics.

Hook (Side kick right to the head)- It can be more or less long. This is determined by how bent the beating arm is at the elbow. With a long stroke, the angle between the shoulder and forearm is obtuse. The right hook (with the hand farthest from the opponent) is applied with a movement similar to the right direct hit, except for the trajectory of the hit. It is curvilinear. The blow goes in an arc from left to right (in rare cases, from right to left). Since with this variant of the shock movement, reactive forces arise, pushing the GCT even further to the left, in the direction of the target, a stable position is achieved by increasing the support area along the front (the legs are slightly wider than with a direct right strike).

Illegal punches

  1. Open glove strike
  2. Strike with the inner side of the glove
  3. Punch with the side of the fist (allowed in semi-contact fights)
  4. A blow with the lower or upper side of the fist (allowed in semi-contact fights)
  5. Punch with the inner side of the hand (allowed in semi-contact fights)
  6. Wrist strike. In addition, impacts and shocks from the forearms are also not permitted.

Kickboxing equipment

At the moment, kickboxing is a sport with clearly established rules, in which a mandatory item is the presence of protective equipment on the athlete. Before the start of the fight, the presence of protective equipment and suitability for use is checked by the referee. Let's take a closer look at what a fighter should wear:

In any section of amateur kickboxing, a protective helmet is required. In some cases, the use of a training helmet is allowed. A kickboxing helmet differs from a boxing helmet in enhanced protection of the top of the head, which is due to the presence of high kicks in the technical arsenal of kickboxing. The presence of a mouth guard is also checked.

Athletes must wear boxing gloves on their hands that comply with the rules of the kickboxing section - in the seven- and light-contact section, these should be special “non-hitting” gloves, in the full-contact, full-contact with low-kick, oriental, thai sections -Kick standard 10 oz boxing gloves are used.

Gloves must be worn on hands before entering the ring, hands must be taped with bandages of a certain length.

All fighters are checked for the presence of a protective inguinal concha; for girls, it is desirable to have a protective cuirass.

Athletes' shins must be protected with shin guards. This is a prerequisite for seven-, light-contacts and full-contact. Since the rules of the other sections of kickboxing allow kicks to the legs, the presence of protective shields on the shins is specially stipulated in the regulation on the holding of the competition.

Feet protected by closed heel feet. It is not allowed to use karate shin pads with a "tongue" foot for hand-to-hand combat. Feet must be worn on bare feet.

The presence of knitted knee pads, elbow pads, ankles of non-traumatic types is allowed.

If, when checking the protective equipment, the referee finds an absence or claims to the condition of any object, the referee requires replacement or replacement and allocates time for this, no more than one round. If after this time the fighter is not ready for the fight, he is disqualified.

Such high requirements for protective equipment are aimed at minimizing the risk of injury to an athlete during a fight and increasing the entertainment of fights conducted according to the rules of kickboxing.

Famous kickboxers

Vadim "The Beast" Shesternev, [Don "Dragon" Wilson] Jean-Claude Van Damme, Sammy Schilt, Alistair Overeem, Peter Arts, Badr Hari, Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipovich, Ernesto Host, Jerome Le Banner, Scott Edkins, Mike Zambidis , Ruslan Karaev, Olga Chemodanova "The distributor", Artur Kishenko, Gevorg Petrosyan, Andy Hug, Gary Daniels, Batu Hasikov. Igor Vovchanchin, Olivier Gruner. Svetlana Fadeeva, Vitaly Klichko, Fedor Emelianenko, Yura "Rasprayer" Korikov, Vladimir "Machine" Korikov, Alexander "Eagle" Uschapovsky, Artem "Machine" Baranov, Sergey "Sergo" Serebrov, Sergey "Zhilisty" Darbin , Nikita "Diputat" Rudenko, Igor "KMS" Anisimov.

Film kickboxing

Kickboxing in computer and video games

  • Street Fighter - Joe's character, champion of the underground kickboxing championship. Street Fighter II also features an additional character, Dee Jay, a kickboxer musician from Jamaica
  • Virtua Fighter 5 - character Brad Burns, Italian kickboxer and seducer
  • Sonic Battle - the character Rouge the Bat uses a lot of kickboxing techniques
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Kickboxing is a martial art that dates back to the 1960s. The sport is divided into American kickboxing, Japanese kickboxing, and solo compositions. If we consider the broad sense of the concept of this kind of sport, then under it we can understand various kinds of percussion martial arts, the rules of which include kicks and punches with the use of boxing gloves in sports equipment.

How did this sport originate? Let's start with American kickboxing. It is logical that the homeland of this branch is the United States. Back in the 1960s, a wave of popularity of martial arts took place in many countries. It was then that they began to practice full contact fights, in which, unlike the then very popular taekwondo and karate-shotokan, it was allowed to strike of any force. Also, after the implementation of any technical action, the referee did not stop the fight. Strikes to the head were allowed, both with hands and feet, so I had to borrow some items of equipment from boxing. Initially, this sport was called "full contact karate", and the term "karate" meant any kind of oriental martial arts - karate itself, wushu or taekwondo. Soon, the name was dropped and the battles received their modern name. In 1974, the first organization dedicated to the promotion of professional kickboxing was founded - the PKA (Professional Karate Association). The same year is considered the official date of birth of professional kickboxing. Later, American kickboxing entered Europe and the whole world. In 1976, an amateur organization called WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organizations) was founded in Europe.

The "Japanese" branch of kickboxing was formed at the time when Thai boxing penetrated into Japan, which, despite the popularity of karate-kyokushinkai, occupied a very extensive niche. In fact, Japanese kickboxing is a remake of Muay Thai. Two significant differences were: the ban on elbow strikes and a different scoring system. Back in the 1970s, three organizations were involved in the development of Japanese kickboxing: AJKBA, WKBA and the Kakutogi League. After a huge number of Japanese kickboxers were convicted of criminal gangs in 1981, most of all Japanese organizations fell into decay, and the development of this sport was continued by the American organization WKA. In 1993, K-1 appears, which turns this sport into one of the most developed professional martial arts in the world.

Kickboxing includes a number of sections with some differences.

Light contact. This section prohibits strong accented strikes, thanks to which the pace of the fight is greatly increased. Victory is awarded to the participant in the fight who showed the best technique and delivered the most kicks and punches.

Semi-contact. This section prohibits strong impacts. The fight has a kind of intermittent nature - after the athlete has carried out a clean blow, the referee stops the fight and points are awarded.

Full contact. Full contact - blows are delivered of any force. As in boxing, knockdowns and knockouts are counted.

Full contact with low kick. This section allows you to hit the inside and outside of the thigh.

Also, there are sections such as solo compositions, oriental, tie-kick, light with low and others.

I would like to end with some clarification. Kickboxing is:

A duel between two athletes is a fair sports fight in which you can use your fists and legs in accordance with strict rules;

True sport with the use of high technology with elements of thoughtful tactics, excellent organization conditions, as well as high volitional and moral qualities of all participants;

A modern sport that has arisen and is developing thanks to the achievements of sports science.

Kickboxing is not:

A wild chaotic fight;

The duel of gladiators, which was arranged at the behest of bloodthirsty spectators, without any observance, both sports and moral requirements;

One of some oriental religions or oriental martial arts based on philosophical teachings. Kickboxing does not even try to borrow any goal, technique, or philosophical and religious ideas and values ​​from martial arts.

Kickboxing includes several types of martial arts. This is karate, and taekwando, and wushu, plus boxing: Thai and English. From English "kickboxing" is translated as "fight with hands and feet", which is used in kickboxing. Here they fight with both hands and feet, both at medium and long distances. You can hit with full force in any part of the body. In kickboxing, you can fight without shoes, this is the classic version, or in special shoes, the French version. On the site you can find out more information about this type of wrestling.
Kickboxing is developing in several directions at once, and at the same time is included in some types of other activities, as their variety. For example, aerobics uses separate elements of kickboxing.
Women can also do kickboxing, by the way, they got access to kickboxing earlier than boxing. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is much more difficult for women to get injured here than in boxing. For them, there are a number of restrictions on strikes in the area of ​​the hull. Female kickboxing can include both full and partial contact, the latter being very similar to taekwando.
The main advantages of kickboxing from other types of martial arts are that different loads are used here, designed not only for the development of muscle mass, but also endurance, coordination of movements, speed, flexibility. In more detail about all the elements of kickboxing:
Muscular development. Trainings take place not only in pairs, but also without a pair. In this case, various equipment is used, which can be in a mobile and stationary state: pillows, makiwars, shields, moving targets, etc. This allows you to develop beautiful muscles. It is not for nothing that kickboxers are considered the most beautiful and fit athletes.
Development of endurance.
Practicing punches and kicks, squats, lunges, push-ups - this is not a complete list of those exercises that kickboxers have to perform, which makes it possible to train endurance.
Development of coordination.
Training with a speed punching bag helps to improve the accuracy of strikes and develop well coordination.
Two training modes: aerobic and anaerobic - are used simultaneously, no matter what kind of kickboxing you choose. Jumping rope is a cardio or anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise includes running. The increase in certain occupations is carried out depending on the tasks assigned to you.
Development of flexibility.
In kickboxing, flexibility exercises are also widely used, which make it possible to make kicks more accurate and of high quality.
Development of motor skills.
Active movement around the ring significantly improves motor skills. In kickboxing, the athlete is constantly on the move.
Thus, kickboxing is a multifaceted workout that can provide those lessons that can be useful in everyday life. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of stress resistance.

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