Protein matrix is ​​the composition of protein in one scoop. Protein Matrix - a long-acting protein product

Syntrax Matrix 5.0 Protein is essential for replenishing protein deficiencies in sports. With a traditional diet, it is difficult to obtain the recommended 1.5-2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight for fitness, therefore powder supplements are used. "Matrix" is distinguished by its bright taste, contains not only whey, but also egg white, and is sold at an affordable price. This is a new generation supplement, easily soluble in water without a special shaker, and convenient for everyday use.

Before us is a complex protein supplement. It consists of:

  • Peptide fractions;
  • Milk and whey protein;
  • Egg albumin;
  • Casein proteins

The time of assimilation of different proteins differs, therefore complex supplements are more convenient for those who want to constantly have a certain supply of amino acids to replenish the protein deficiency.

Glutamine peptide fractions are fast and easy to digest and work well when you need to replenish your amino acid supply immediately.

Egg albumin is considered the most complete protein, it is absorbed a little slower than whey, but contains a complete set of amino acids.

Whey protein is considered the benchmark for sports supplements. It is complete in composition and is quickly absorbed. Quality whey is free of fat and sugar, and is not a source of lactose.

Milk protein has been added to the formula to slightly slow down absorption. The most "long-playing" protein here is casein. Thanks to him, a portion of "Matrix" is a complete meal.

Budget cost. Sintrax saves on plastic cans and labels. Protein is packaged in zipper bags with a scoop included. This allows us to offer a high-quality protein product at a price 20% cheaper than other manufacturers. Syntrax Matrix 5.0 is good for meal replacement or supplemental nutrition.

The ability to flexibly vary the reception time. The complex contains proteins with different absorption rates, so you can drink this protein both in the morning, upon waking up, and in the evening, before bedtime, as well as instead of a snack, and after training.

The complete composition includes all amino acids and only 5 g of milk protein lactose carbohydrates per 100 g of powder. This is a negligible amount, it can be neglected if we are not talking about competition drying.

Protein comes in a variety of flavors. From the classic Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate, to the new Peanut Butter, Cookies, and Fruity, this supplement will suit all occasions.

How to take Matrix 5.0 from Syntrax

One serving of powder contains 32 g of substance. You need to dilute this in 200 ml of water or milk, or juice, if you need additional carbohydrates. The shake is taken in the morning before breakfast, after training and before bed, this will provide approximately 90 g of protein per day. This amount will supplement a typical diet with up to 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Does it make sense to drink more protein? Some sources claim that only 30 g of protein is absorbed at a time, others are not so radical in their statements, and believe that everything is absorbed, the only question is the speed of digestion.

Protein is not taken in "courses" or periods. While a person is exercising in the gym and needs additional protein, he can drink a protein supplement. Actually, there is no problem with its use and those who do not exercise in the gym, but for some reason cannot get all the necessary protein from food.

Judging by the reviews of athletes, this is one of the most delicious proteins. People especially like “milk chocolate” and “mint biscuits”. These two flavors are in the absolute "top" of favorites. Someone claims that the cocktail on the water is not as thick as, for example, from Quest or other American brands, but this is due to the lack of guar gum in large quantities. People like the "Matrix" for an inexpensive price, good taste, and a rich amino acid composition.

There have been no reports of disruption of the digestive system from this protein. People report good taste and lack of problems. There is a separate category of reviews from performing athletes. Those who remove the protein on the stage eyeliner do not face any problems with the "fill". Anyway, any protein contains sweeteners that retain water. This must be considered if the goal is to perform in bodybuilding.

In addition to cocktails, Syntrax Matrix 5.0 lets you make casseroles, pancakes, cookies and even protein cakes. It can replace flour in diet baked goods, mix well with other ingredients, and add flavor to food.

Syntrax Matrix 5.0 Protein is a beneficial solution for both professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

  • 23 g PROTEIN
  • 1.5 g FAT
  • 0 g ASPARTAM

PROBLEM: Poor quality protein blends contain fat-stimulating maltodextrin, taste terrible, require a blender to mix properly, and only contain one fast-acting protein. No doubt most of these products are cheap, but who wants to gag on a mixture that is uncomfortable and useless day after day?

SOLUTION: Matrix® Protein Blends. Competently developed over the years, Matrix blends solve the problems that are currently inherent in all low-grade protein powders. Most importantly, we have completely refrained from using cheap, low-grade protein sources such as denatured sodium and calcium caseinate. We knew to be the best, we should only use the highest quality protein sources such as UF Whey Protein, UF Milk Protein, Unaltered Egg Albumin and Glutamine Peptides. The cost is much higher, but the benefits are significant. These proteins not only taste great, but they have an unrivaled ability to improve overall body health, as well as promote tissue growth and vital bodily processes.

We knew we needed to do even more to make the highest quality product in the industry. We decided we would stop at nothing but the tastiest protein powder on the market. After countless trials, we have achieved several delicious flavors that are pure ecstasy when consumed.

Rounding out the problem solving is that Syntrax Matrix is ​​instant dissolving, so every scoop will dissolve perfectly into your favorite beverage. No more clumps or blenders to pollute your kitchen: with the Matrix, you only need a spoon!

Sintrax Matrix is ​​a blend of the highest quality protein concentrates in the industry.

The matrix contains a combination of three different high quality proteins: whey protein, micellar casein and egg albumin (egg white).

Indeed, there are several high quality protein sources such as egg, casein and whey, however, none of them are perfect in all aspects. All of these protein sources are the same in terms of overall health and muscle growth, but each has its own specific physiological strengths and weaknesses. For example, egg white is considered the gold standard for protein sources. Not only does it excellently support lean muscle growth and recovery, it also contains many growth factors and micronutrients. The downside is that it is very expensive. On the other hand, whey protein has been shown to be the most rapidly metabolized protein source with excellent immunostimulatory properties. Casein has been shown to be a protein source that is metabolized more slowly, making it exceptional for providing muscle tissue with amino acids over an extended period of time. Thus, there are many benefits to eating even one protein source, so ultimately it is best to consume multiple high-quality protein sources in order to minimize the disadvantages and maximize the benefits of each.

Because the blend contains proteins that metabolize both quickly and slowly, it is an ideal protein source for any time of day. Some people will consume a fast-acting protein source such as whey protein after exercise and a slow-acting protein source such as casein before bed. Because the Matrix® blend contains slow (casein), medium (egg) and fast (whey) proteins, it is ideal for any situation. She is able to quickly "fill up" dry muscle mass with amino acids, as well as provide the body with the same nutrients over a long period of time.

Yes! The amino acid profile in Syntrax Matrix is ​​the best protein blend on the market. In addition, because it provides the unique benefits of three different protein concentrates, this blend offers the very best opportunity for improving overall health and wellness from optimizing lean muscle mass and body fat to providing ideal antioxidant status to support normal kidney and immune function.

My review will be of interest to people who monitor the state of the body, especially weight and muscles.

Unfortunately, the importance of protein in the body is not taken as seriously as it should be. Protein is essential for muscles and can be obtained primarily from meat and dairy products. But not everyone likes low-fat cottage cheese or boiled meat in its pure form, those who lose weight, as a rule, do not eat enough protein, which is why muscles suffer during weight loss, preventing fat from leaving.

To fix this problem by increasing your daily protein intake in a tasty and healthy way, good and smart people have come up with protein shakes.

I chose Matrix in a sports nutrition store, tempted by the high amount of protein and the low price ( 1200 rubles for a large 907 gram can). And she was not mistaken.

1. Besides chocolate, there are other flavors to choose from.

2.High nutritional value for 1 serving (31 grams of powder):

Caloric content - 120 kcal. Proteins - 23 grams, fats - 2 grams, carbohydrates - 3 grams.

Personally, I believe this is a mega-protein product with the lowest levels of unhealthy fats and unhealthy carbohydrates. In addition, it contains contains vitamins and amino acids.

3. I realized on myself that the cocktail in its nutritional value replaces 1 meal... At the expense of protein, I always I feel full for the next 2-3 hours.

5. Dimensional spoon included.

By means of simple arithmetic calculations, I have deduced the formula that 1 portion of the cocktail in terms of protein content is equal to 1 liter of cow's milk!

The daily protein requirement is at least 60 grams. This means that with one serving of a delicious chocolate cocktail, you get a third (!) Of the daily requirement.

So, to lose weight, you simply replace 2 meals with a cocktail with a total calorie content of 240 kcal. And if you just slightly adjust the rest of the meals (steamed, boiled, stew without fat, complex carbohydrates, lots of water, fresh vegetables), then you will be guaranteed to lose weight.

How do I do it? But like this

I add cottage cheese, banana to the cocktail, it turns out a very nutritious and low-calorie mixture.

P Problem: Standard protein, which is of poor quality, contains fat-clumping maltodextrin, a terrible taste, requires a blender to mix completely, and contains only one type of fast-digesting protein. Without a doubt, most of the standard proteins are cheap, but who wants to gag on such uncomfortable and unhealthy protein day after day?

Solution: Matrix 2.0! After spending years developing the Matrix 2.0 formula, we have created a protein that solves all the problems of standard proteins. Most importantly, we have completely moved away from cheap protein sources such as denatured sodium and calcium caseinate. We know to be better we must only use high quality undenatured protein sources such as UF Whey Protein, UF Milk Protein, Undenatured Egg White and Glutamine Peptides. The cost is much higher, but the result is worth it. The mixture of these proteins not only tastes great, but also has unattainable health and metabolic benefits, especially when building new muscle mass.

Having made the absolute best protein on the market, we knew we had to do something else. We decided that we would not rest until we had created the absolute best protein flavor on the market. After many trials, we came up with several flavors that literally induce ecstasy when consumed.

To complete the solution to the problem, we made it so that Matrix 2.0 completely dissolves in your favorite drink, without leaving lumps. No more clumps or blenders to add to your dishwashing work. With Matrix 2.0, you only need a spoon!


1. What is Matrix 2.0?

Matrix 2.0 is a high quality protein blend.

2. What makes Matrix 2.0 stand out from the competition?

Any other economical protein on the sports nutrition market is just whey protein. Matrix 2.0 is more expensive, but contains a combination of three different high quality proteins such as whey protein, micellar casein and egg protein (white egg protein).

3. Why do you need a mixture of different types of protein instead of one type of protein?

In fact, there are several high quality protein sources such as eggs, casein and whey, and as always, none of them are that good alone. All of these protein sources affect the body and muscle growth, but each has its own weaknesses and benefits. For example, egg protein is the gold standard for protein sources. It not only perfectly supports the growth of muscle mass, but also contains a lot of nutrients and trace elements. The downside to egg protein is that it is expensive. Whey Protein Isolate has been shown to be the fastest-absorbing protein source and has excellent immune system support. Casein has been shown to be a slow-digesting protein source that provides superior amino acid supply to muscle tissue over a long period of time. Thus, even though each of these proteins has its own benefits, the best solution is to consume multiple high quality protein sources at the same time to reduce deficiencies and maximize the benefits of each protein source.

4. When is the best time to use Matrix 2.0?

Since Matrix 2.0 contains both fast-absorbing and slow-digesting protein sources, it is ideal for use at any time of the day. Some use it as a fast-digesting whey protein right after a workout, and some use it as a slow-digesting casein protein before bed. Due to the fact that Matrix 2.0 contains slow (casein), medium (egg) and fast (whey) proteins, it is ideal for any situation. It can quickly supply your muscles with essential amino acids, as well as provide your body with a supply of nutrients for a long period of time.

5. The composition of amino acids found in Matrix 2.0 is the best on the market!

Moreover, since it contains three types of different isolates, it is good for building lean muscle mass, reducing body fat, has antioxidant properties, increases the body's immunity, etc.

Mixes easily and easily with a spoon

Includes anabolic and anti-catabolic proteins

Contains micellar casein, whey and egg proteins

Tastes delicious even when mixed in water

Contains Glutamine Peptides

You can buy Matrix 2.0 in our sports nutrition store.

Composition of Matrix 2.0, composition of nutrients per serving (1 scoop - 30 g) of product **:

  • Calories - 110, incl. calories from fat - 15
  • Total Fat - 1.5 g, incl. saturated fat - 1 gr.
  • Cholesterol - 40 mg
  • Sodium - 30 mg
  • Potassium - 200 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates - 2 gr., Incl. dietary fiber - 0 gr., sugar - 2 gr.
  • Protein - 23 gr.
  • Calcium - 15%
  • Phosphorus - 10%
  • Magnesium - 6%

Percent Daily Values ​​for Vitamins and Minerals, based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Ingredients**: protein blend (ultrafiltered and undenatured whey protein concentrate derived from milk, ultrafiltered and undenatured milk protein concentrate, including micellar casein, undenatured egg white, hydrolyzed wheat gluten - a source of glutamine peptides), natural and artificial flavors, soybean citric acid K, sucralose.

How to take Matrix 2.0, recommendations for use: mix one scoop of Matrix 2.0 with 240 ml. water or milk. For those who need a reduced amount of protein, mix half of one scoop with 120 ml. water or milk. When you mix with milk, you add more calories. Take Matrix 2.0 two to three times daily to meet your protein needs. Remember, the best time to take protein is in the morning after getting up, after strenuous physical activity such as weight training and right before bed. We guarantee that Matrix 2.0 is spoonable and tastes great. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. The product should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. Stop taking this product if you feel abnormalities in your health.

Servings Per Container: Matrix 2.0 907 grams - 30.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnant and lactating women, persons under 18 years of age. Before use, consult a doctor.

Note: is not a medicine.

Storage conditions: store away from direct sunlight, in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children.

Best before date: look at the packaging.

Manufacturer: SIO3 Inc., 4711 Nash Road, Suite A Scott City, Missouri 64780, Tel. 866-333-7403 ext. 802.

* Description provided by the product manufacturer.

** The composition of nutrients and ingredients, as well as the weight of one serving and the weight of the product itself, may vary slightly depending on the taste of the product.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Matrix 5.0 is a popular multi-component protein blend from the American company Syntrax. The packaging of the product is a laminated bag with a reusable flexible zipper-fastener that allows you to preserve the usefulness of the mixture during the entire period of use. Protein is commercially available in chocolate, vanilla, mint, strawberry, and Peanut Butter flavors.

Calorie content of Syntrax Matrix 5.0 protein

The calorie content of Syntrax Matrix 5.0 protein is 393 kcal per 100 grams of dry product.

Protein Composition Syntrax Matrix 5.0

Used for production: ultrafiltered and undenatured whey protein concentrate, ultrafiltered and undenatured milk protein concentrate, including micellar casein, undenatured, hydrolyzed wheat gluten, natural and artificial flavors, soy, sodium chloride,.

The package contains about 76 servings. The product is not a medicine.

Syntrax Matrix 5.0 Protein in Sports

As the product contains three different isolates, it is ideal for building lean muscle mass, reducing body fat, has antioxidant properties and boosts the athlete's immunity (calorizator). Thanks to the use of this product, a positive nitrogen balance and a stable level of insulin in the blood are provided, which is very important for the recovery and growth of muscles in the body.

Syntrax Matrix 5.0 protein preparation method

For the convenience of measuring portions, the package contains a special measuring spoon (about 30-32 grams of the mixture). To prepare one cocktail, stir in a glass or a measuring spoon of the mixture. It is important to understand that the higher the fat content of the milk, the more high-calorie the cocktail (calorizer) will turn out to be. You can take protein up to 2-3 times a day: immediately after waking up, at the end of intense workouts and immediately before bedtime, not forgetting to "fit" the intake of the cocktail into your daily calorie content.

Contraindications to the use of Syntrax Matrix 5.0 protein

Individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy and lactation, persons under 18 years of age. Before use, consult a doctor.

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