"My jolly jingle ball!" - sports entertainment in kindergarten. Sports Festival "Jolly Ball" Jolly Balls Festival in Dhow

From 01.10.2019, Rospotrebnadzor, on the eve of the epidemic season of influenza, organized the work of the All-Russian hotline for the prevention of influenza and ARVI.

Specialists of Rospotrebnadzor in the Nizhny Novgorod region call the unified consulting center of Rospotrebnadzor - 8 800 555 49 43 (free call) will advise everyone on various issues related to influenza prevention.

The service specialists will tell you where you can get vaccinated, how to properly prepare for vaccination, whether it is possible to combine the flu shot with other vaccinations, how to use masks and other preventive measures, etc.

Consultations are held in accordance with the working hours on weekdays from 8:30 to 17:15, Fri - from 8:30 to 16:00.

Flu myths and facts. Expand


A distinctive feature of influenza is a temperature of 38.5 - 39.0 ° C from the first hours of the illness. If yours is not, it is most likely an infection caused by a different virus.


In the early days of the disease, the nose is often stuffy, which is associated with intoxication of the body and swelling of infected tissues, but there is no runny nose. Only on day 3-4 can a classic runny nose appear, the cause of which is not a virus, but bacteria that have taken advantage of the temporary weakening of your immunity.


The myth that the infection spreads faster - 180 km / h has not been scientifically proven. The results of the work were published in the journal PLOS ONE.


At temperatures around zero, the virus persists for up to a month. That is why the peak incidence occurs during the thaw. But ordinary soap kills the virus, drying and temperatures above 70 C also act on the influenza virus.


Scientists have found that banknotes are an excellent breeding ground for infection. The influenza virus persists on them for up to 2 weeks. Therefore, money in some countries is printed on paper with antiseptic properties. In Japan, money is washed at 200 degrees in a special washing machine.


If a breastfeeding woman has the flu, the baby should not be weaned. Antibodies from breast milk are passed on to the baby during breastfeeding. Therefore, the baby does not get the flu while feeding.


After all, a normal or slightly elevated body temperature is heaven for a virus. In case of satisfactory health, it is recommended for adults to take antipyretic drugs only at temperatures above 39 C, for children - 38.5 ° C.


With a combination of a viral infection and acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of aspirin and some other drugs, a serious condition can develop - Reye's syndrome.


This animal is ill with both swine and bird flu, as well as all types of "human" flu. Several different viruses, once in such an "incubator", can exchange signs, mutate. As a result, bird flu can become contagious when transmitted from person to person.


V last years the Internet is so firmly established in daily life that biologists began to predict the upcoming flu epidemic and the speed of its spread in the world by the number of requests for influenza from users of the worldwide network.


The flu is very dangerous. Flu can be fatal, especially in young children and the elderly. In addition, the disease can leave behind various complications. Most often, the flu has a detrimental effect on cardiovascular system, reducing life expectancy by several years.

The ironic saying "without treatment, the flu lasts a week, and with treatment, seven days" contains a grain of truth. But only not if the treatment is started on time. Timely treatment will not only shorten the duration of the disease, but also reduce the likelihood of complications.


Antibiotics work only on bacteria. Viruses have nothing to do with bacteria, therefore, it is useless to treat viral diseases with antibiotics, including influenza. Sometimes, against the background of a weakened immunity, a secondary bacterial infection can join a viral infection. And only in such a situation a doctor (and only a doctor!) Can prescribe a course of antibiotics.


Vitamin prophylaxis is of a general strengthening nature and does not directly affect the virus. The optimal solution would be comprehensive prophylaxis, which includes hardening, immunostimulating drugs, vaccinations and, of course, vitamins.


The risk of getting the flu after vaccination remains, but is significantly reduced. On average, vaccination provides 80-90% protection.


No vaccine causes the typical disease. In the process of vaccination, either a weakened virus or parts of it is introduced into the body. The virus in the vaccine cannot cause disease, but it can stimulate the body to make antibodies. Therefore, when a "wild" virus enters the body, it does not take time to develop antibodies - they are already there after vaccination. The antibodies bind to the virus and thus prevent cell infection and virus multiplication. Thanks to this, the disease is prevented even before it begins. Modern vaccines are easily tolerated and there are no symptoms of the disease after vaccination. Only a few people may develop redness at the vaccine site or mild fever. These are perhaps the most unpleasant consequences of the vaccine administration.


The World Health Organization is constantly researching the movement of viruses around the world and, based on this research, makes proposals to vaccine developers. Even if the prognosis is not 100% correct, the vaccine still works, since most influenza viruses have common antibodies.


Optimal time for vaccination against influenza is the autumn period - from September to November. It is best to vaccinate 2-3 weeks before the onset of the alleged epidemic. If, for some reason, the vaccination was not carried out on time, then it can be done after the start of the epidemic, and only vaccines with non-living viruses can be used. However, if the vaccine was given when the person was already infected with the influenza virus, but clinical manifestations have not yet begun, then the vaccination may not be effective.

Themed day scenario

v kindergarten:

"Day of the ball"

The script was


Iqualification category

E. N. Kuznetsova

MDOU "Kindergarten number 6"

Yaroslavl, February 2017
Carrying out a thematic day in kindergarten:

"Day of the ball"

Relevance: An important place in the system physical education children before school age take action with the ball. The ball is a projectile that requires dexterity and increased attention. Correctly selected ball exercises can contribute to the development of such psychological qualities as attentiveness, initiative, dedication. Of particular interest is the use of the game method and exercises from the arsenal sports games in the system of physical education of older preschoolers. Activities based on the use of elements of sports games and exercises contribute significantly to an increase in the level physical fitness, physical and mental development, cause increased interest in classes motor activity in preschoolers. Therefore, work with the ball takes one of the main places in physical culture and health-improving work with children.

This scenario of a thematic day in kindergarten provides for the study different types sports and a variety of activities with a ball in accordance with interests and needs, taking into account the age of children, their characteristics, state of health.


continue to work to improve the health of children, to form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. To foster the desire to be healthy, to fulfill simple rules respect for your health.


To develop psychophysical qualities in various forms of motor activity;

To improve motor skills and skills of children;

Instill a love of sports, a desire to play sports;

To develop in children an interest in knowledge about their body, a desire to take care of their health.

Scenario progress

Educator:"Hello children! Today we have a very fun day, which is dedicated to our well-known and beloved subject. And what is this subject, you will find out if you can guess my riddle. "

People beat him with their hands
Head and feet
They roll with a club on the grass,
They throw in the net and the ring,

And it doesn't hurt at all.
It hits the forehead, don't cry.
It is called ...
Children: Ball!

1. One minute of entry per day.

Good morning! Let's say hello to each other. To do this, I will take a ball, go up to one of you and pass the ball, sing a name and a greeting. Misha, good morning! Now Misha takes the ball and goes to the one with whom he will greet ... and so on. Well done!

2. Morning meeting of children with a ball-manual "Mood", to which the child sticks his mood.

3. Plane ball "Find a pair"

Target: consolidate knowledge of ball sports.

Material for the game: Pictures with sports, pictures with various balls.

4. Outdoor game "Ball in a circle"

Target. Improve the skill of repelling the ball, teach how to navigate in space, develop gaze fixation, and activate the tracking function of the eye.

Move. Children squat on the floor in a circle. The teacher (adult) gives one of the participants in the game a ball-gingerbread man (eyes, nose, mouth are drawn or glued on it) and reads a poem:

Gingerbread man, Gingerbread man,

You have a ruddy side.

Roll on the floor

And to Katyusha (children) smile!

At the request of the teacher (adult) ("Marina, roll the ball to Egor"), the girl rolls the ball with both hands to the named participant. The one, having received the ball, rolls it to another child, who was named, etc.

Rules: the ball must be pushed harder so that it rolls to another participant in the game, as well as serve the ball that has rolled out of the circle.

Dosage: each child rolls the ball 2-3 times.

5. Morning exercises with a ball.

Complex morning exercises(with a ball)

1. I.P .: O.S. ball in hand. 1-2 - rise on toes, the ball behind the head, take the elbows back, head straight - inhale; 3-4 - I.P. - exhale. Repeat 10 times.
2. I.P .: legs apart, ball in bent arms... 1-2 - turn to the right (left), taking the right (left) hand with the ball on the palm to the side; 3-4 - I.P. Do not bend your legs. Repeat 5 times.
3. I.P .: O.S. toss the ball up, sit down, slap your knees with your palms, catch the ball - I.P. Squat on your toes, knees to the sides, back straight. Repeat 8-10 times.
4. I.P .: legs are wider than shoulders, the ball is in the hands. 1-3 - tilt to the right (left) leg, without bending the knees, roll the ball around the leg; 4 - I.P. Repeat 4 times.
5. I.P .: lying on your back, the ball in your hands above your head. Roll the ball around you from side to side. Legs, arms straight - pause. Repeat 5-6 times.
6. I.P .: sitting, the ball is on the floor at the side of the lower leg, hands are resting behind. 1-2 - raise straight legs, roll the ball in one direction; 3-4 - I.P. The same, in the other direction. Do not lower your head. Repeat 4-6 times.
7. I.P .: lying on his stomach, the ball is sandwiched between the feet of straight legs, hands rest on the elbows. Bend and straighten your legs without releasing the ball. After 3-5 movements - pause. Repeat 4-6 times.
8. I.P .: O.S. left leg on the ball. 8 jumps with advancing around on right leg rolling the ball with the left - pause. Turn around. The same, back, changing legs. Repeat 5 times.
9. Repetition of the first exercise.

6. Preparing for meals.

Ball game "Find and be silent"

Target: Development of orientation in space

Children sit on chairs. The teacher asks them to find the balls hidden in the group with their eyes. The one who finds it must go up to the teacher, quietly say in his ear where he saw the ball, and step back to his place, and the game will continue until all the children find the ball.

7. Operating time (collection for hygiene procedures)

The teacher rolls the ball with the words "Ball, collect the children, call them to wash their hands as soon as possible."

8. GCD - Reading fiction.

Target: develop in children the ability to understand, evaluate actions and feelings through reading fiction.


  • To develop in children the ability to listen to a work of art, to evaluate the behavior of heroes.
  • Develop the ability to answer questions, maintain a conversation.
  • Be able to express your point of view.
  • To create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in the ball in the process of acquaintance with the fairy tale.

"The Tale of the Ball and Vovka"

Lyubov Ushakova

9. Physical education. "My ball"

Merry friend, my ball,

(4 jumps on toes, hands on the belt.)

Everywhere, everywhere he is with me.

(Two strokes with the left and right hand- like hitting the ball.)

One, two, three, four, five.

(5 jumps on toes, hands on the belt.)

It's good to play the ball.

(Again, two strokes - "blows".)

10. GCD - Manual labor. "Ball"

Software content:

  • Development of constructive activity.
    To consolidate the acquired skills in working with paper, glue;
  • Develop artistic taste, creative initiative;
  • Foster the desire to bring joy by making balls with your own hands;

Material: colored paper of A-5 format, glue, napkins, brushes, oilcloths.

Game with manufactured balls.

Educator: Imagine that it is cold and snowy winter now, and our balls are turning into snowballs. They can be thrown into the team of your opponents. The main thing: you can't go over the line. We have one minute, during which you will throw "snowballs", and then we will count them. On whose territory there are fewer "snowballs", that team won. Does everyone understand the task? Then let's get started.

You will need a whistle, because in the heat of battle, children simply won't hear you.

Educator. Let's count the snowballs for each team.

A count is made and the winner is announced.

11. Lesson on physical culture(according to the plan of the physical education instructor), the use of the ball in an outdoor game.

12. Walk.

1. Game of low mobility "Find the ball"

Target: improve the transfer of the ball, develop speed of movement, ingenuity.

The players stand in a circle, close to each other, facing the center of the circle. In the center of the circle is the driver. All children keep their hands behind their backs. One of them is given a medium-sized ball. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver needs to guess who has the ball. Turning now to one, now to another child, he says: "Hands!" On this requirement, the player must immediately stretch both hands forward. The one who has the ball or dropped the ball becomes the driver.

2. D / and with the ball "Who was who or what was what"

Target: activation of the vocabulary and expansion of knowledge about the environment.

The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child, the child answers and returns the ball to the teacher.

Sample questions: who or what was the earlier chicken (egg), horse (foal), frog (tadpole), butterfly (caterpillar), shoes (leather), shirt (cloth), fish (eggs), cabinet (board), bread (flour), bicycle (iron), sweater (wool), etc.?

3. Bouncing the ball.

Target: throwing in the ball with the right and left hand. Individual work with Ksyusha, Polina, Vlad.

4. Outdoor games "Catch with the ball", "Hunters and ducks"

Target: to bring up in children the desire to participate in outdoor games, to show initiative. Develop psychophysical qualities: speed, endurance.

Dinner. Preparation for sleep. Dream.


Health path. Gymnastics after sleep with balls.

Gymnastics complex after daytime sleep may include a ball exercise. It is performed while standing near the bed. Stand up straight. Bend over and grab the ball. Raise your arms with the ball up, creating a kind of arch. Bend the ball alternately to the left and right side... Repeat in each direction 5 times. Remember to stretch properly after exercising. Shake lightly with your hands and feet. All exercises, which include gymnastics after sleep in a preschool educational institution, can be accompanied by the teacher's claps or performed to music familiar to children.

Riddles about the ball.

Made from rubber.
Bought in the store
Jumps loudly
In the hands of a child! .. (Ball)

Rubber belly!
The belly of a watermelon.
They beat him not crying.
Day - daylight he jumps ... (Ball)

Fidget has a boy.
Round sides.
If you hit it, it doesn't cry
And everything jumps higher ... (Ball)

Who is there jumping down the track
Jump, jump, somersault
And hid in a corner ... (Ball)

Voiced, loud and jumpy
Flies away already behind the clouds
And for the joy of the kids
Ringing loudly in the yard ... (Ball)

I am round like a globe of the earth
Everyone is chasing me.
They beat with their feet, hands,
And I run away - jumping ... (Ball)

You recognize the Circus!
He dashed off trampling.
Jumped loudly at the guys -
Rolled into the palisade.
And now from the palisade
You need to get the poor man ... (Ball)

Guess who he is?
If you hit him with your hand
He doesn't cry at all
Only jumps higher ... (Ball)

They beat me, and I jump,
Kick, I'm flying rejoicing!
Kids playing football
And scores into the goal,
Round like a globe of the earth
You will not get bored with me ... (Ball)

Lightweight, sonorous and resilient,
Round like a bun.
It's nice with him at your leisure.

Plays with pleasure
Both the girl and the boy are with him.
Everyone will guess right away-
Well, of course, this is ... (Ball)

I'm tired of rolling -
Help me stop.
I tried, but I could not.
I have no arms or legs
No back of the head, no face
No beginning, no end ... (Ball)

People beat him with their hands
Head and feet
They roll with a club on the grass,
They throw in the net and the ring,
A free bird flies up
And it doesn't hurt at all.
It hits the forehead, don't cry.
Called ... (Ball)

They beat him, but he is not angry,
He's having more fun ... (Ball)

Round, smooth, no corners,
Ready to ride all day? .. (Ball)

He flies like an arrow sometimes,
Maybe just jump gallop
Associated with every game
My jolly round ... (Ball)

Round, soft, striped.
All the guys like him.
Can he ride for a long time
And do not get tired at all.
You will throw him on the floor -
He will jump high.
It is never boring with him.
We want to play it ... (Ball)

Not offended, but inflated,
They lead him across the field.
And they will hit - at all
Can't keep up with ... (Ball)

Lightweight, sonorous and resilient,
Round like a bun.
It's nice with him at your leisure.
He, like a bunny, jumped, but gallop.
Plays with pleasure
Both the girl and the boy are with him.
Everyone will immediately guess -
Well, of course it's ... (Ball)

I can jump and roll
And if they do, I’ll fly.
Laughing faces all around:
Everyone is happy about the round ... (Ball)

I jump, and I am silent.
I will not cry out.
I don't even need a doctor.
Guess who I am? .. (Ball)

Articulation gymnastics

The mouth is closed, the tip of the tongue rests with tension on one or the other cheek, so that "balls" are inflated under the cheek (T. Shott)

The ball is big and thick-sided,

puffs out the ball of the cheek.

Do not burst with resentment

that the sides are beats all the time.

The player is training, -

substitute the unbroken side.

Poems about the ball.

I am round, like a bun.
I have a firm side.
Very cheerful and jumpy,
I can fly to the clouds!
Life is certainly not easy -
Constantly hitting the sides
But I'm not afraid of blows
I remain in strong shape
Don't let me lie
I can and run away
Without movement - at least cry!

Have you guessed? It's a ball!

N. Rodivilina

Along the paths of the garden, gallop
A stubborn ball ran
And a merry crowd
I called the guys all behind me.
Blue-red sides
You will touch it lightly, -
He touches the ground
And in the hands is not given. E. Erato

The ball is jumping, jumping and jumping,
The ball jumps to the doorstep.
Rides ten times in a row
From the palm and back.

G. Kuznets

I take the ball in my hands,
Do you want to play?
Into a fun game
Who will catch him.
I throw, you catch
Throw, I will catch
Only a ball for some reason
Always running away.
Wants to jump and jump
Hide somewhere
Now under the table, now under the sofa,
It will dive into bed.

M. Piyudunen

My jolly jingle ball
Where did you rush to gallop?
Red, yellow, blue,
Can't keep up with you!
I clapped my hand at you.
You galloped and stomped loudly.
You are fifteen times in a row
Jumped to the corner and back.
And then you rolled
And I didn’t come back.
Rolled into the garden
Came to the gate
Rolled up under the gate
I ran to the turn.
There I got hit by a wheel.
Burst, slammed, that's all!


An outdoor game "Lay out the balls -" vitamins "

Game actions: Children collect from a basket with colored balls, only yellow balls "vitamins" into hoops of the corresponding color.

Today is Marina's birthday in our group. Let's congratulate her on her birthday, today our congratulations will be unusual, in the form of a game.

Ball game "Salute"

Target: Creating a positive mood, bringing children together.

Development of hand-eye coordination.

Move. Children take balls of different colors and sit freely in the group.

An adult says with children:

These are not crackers:

Cannons fired.

People dance and sing.

There is a festive fireworks in the sky!

(children throw up balls and catch them).

At the signal of an adult: "The fireworks are over!" children stop throwing balls up.

Rules: you can only throw the ball up after the command "Firework".

Dosage: 3-4 times.

Independent games for children.

Cleaning of toys.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the ball: “A ball has climbed into the corner, we will hide the toys there”. Children put things in order in the group.

Evening walk: independent games of children with a ball.

"The Tale of the Ball and Vovka"

Lyubov Ushakova

Once upon a time there was a ball. Round, shiny, bright: with red-blue sides and golden stripes in the middle. The ball took the most honorable place among toys. In a thin, silk net, he calmly hung on a hook, towering over them, and cars of various brands, and even tin soldiers, envied him.
Once upon a time there was Vovka, the owner of this ball. The same round, ruddy, with big blue eyes. Vovka really liked his ball. He admired him: sometimes he gently took him out of the net, stroked his lacquered, cool sides, pressed his chubby cheeks against him and put him back in place, showing off over the toys. He took care of him: he never even hit with his palm, let alone kicked.

The ball never hit the floor, and did not fly up, and did not know the joy of being hammered into the goal, bringing the boys a happy goal!

Once Vovka carefully carried the ball out into the yard and did not have time to recover, when a gang of boys flew in and knocked out of his hands, a beautiful, shiny, red-blue ball! The ball flew, rolled, rang under the blows of arms and legs. The ball came to life! He himself bumped into childish hands, flew high to the sun and rushed swiftly across the green lawn. Vovka rushed to defend the ball with all his might, stopped its impetuous run, saved it from arms and legs, which were thrashed and kicked. Firmly embracing the ball with both hands, he took it home. He carefully wiped it off with a rag and hung it in a place of honor.

Once Vovka's mother went to the sea and took Vovka with her. Vovka did not want to part with his shiny, red-blue ball and took it with him. There he put the ball on the sand, and he ran to swim. And the ball suddenly rolled along the sand to the water, into the blue waves, sparkling in the sun with its bright sides. Vovka rushed to catch up, but the ball was already jumping over the waves, moving away and away into the boundless blue, towards the horizon, towards the sun! Vovka ran after him for a long, long time, then looked desperately at the trail, until his shiny, red-blue ball disappeared there, far off the horizon.
Vovka cried inconsolably. He could not understand in any way why the ball left him, because he loved him so much, the shore, saved him from the arms and legs, which were thrashed and kicked.

The event is designed for children of primary and secondary school age (grades 1-6). Teams are formed from children different ages... In this event, outdoor games alternate with intellectual ones, the change of activity allows you to involve all children in the game process.




Centre additional education children

the city of Dimitrovgrad

My cheerful ringing BALL

for junior and middle children

school age

7 - 12 years old (grades 1-6)

year 2014 Game "My jolly jingle ball"

Location: p \ to "Vita"

The date of the: 21.11.14

Time spending: 40 minutes

Participants of the sports event:children of primary and secondary school age

Inventory: pins, gymnastic hoops, football balls, gymnastic, hot air balloon s, ping-pong balls, pencils, baskets, toy stands, whistle, stopwatch.

Target:- development and strengthening of the health of students.


Promotion and popularization of sports and healthy way life;

Development of the child's personality based on the mastery of physical culture;

Fostering a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, patriotism, mutual assistance, creative thinking;

Attracting children to physical education as the most effective and accessible form of sport.

Game progress: Greetings. Children are divided into teams, come up with a name and motto.

Warm-up competition Name as many sports as possible where the ball is used. The team that named the last sport wins.

Ball hockey competitionThe teams take turns hitting the ball into the goal (skittles at a short distance). The team with the most goals wins.

Ping-pong competitionTaking turns, holding a spoon in outstretched hands, you need to transfer one ping-pong ball. Whoever fills the basket faster is the winner.

Relay competitionThe player jumps on gymnastic ball to the mark, then the ball is passed to the next player. The first team to complete the relay wins.

Competition "Basketball"Each team has balls and a basket at a distance of 20 meters. The players take turns throwing the ball into the basket. The team with the most hits wins.

Competition "Crossword"The teams guess the crossword "sports"

Competition with balloons.

1. The player draws out a piece of paper with the name of the body part written on the back.

2. The players who draw out the same sheets form pairs.

3. The pair should run the distance to the mark and return to the start by holding balloon the specified body part.

The first team to complete the relay wins.

Sniper competitionAt a distance of 20 meters, stands are installed on which soft toys lie. The team players take turns selling it. The first team to knock down the toy wins.

Contest "Pass - sit down"Each team soccer ball... The guys stand in a line at the back of each other's head, the captain - on the contrary, after 5 meters. At the signal, the captain throws the ball to the first player in the line, he returns it and crouches. The captain passes the ball to the next, etc. to the last player on the team. After that, all players should become. The team that took starting position wins first.

Competition "Race for the Leader"The players write down the answers to the riddles. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Appendix 1 Crossword "Sports"

Crossword "Sports"


2. Sports equipment for playing tennis (racket)

5. Handball game (handball)

6. This competition can be equestrian or aquatic. (Polo)

8. Game of ball through the net, can be beach (volleyball)

9. Kick assigned for violation of the rules (free kick)

10. Tennis court (court)


1. Departure of the ball out of bounds (out-of-bounds)

3. "Gate" in basketball (ring)

4. Kind of a standard kick in football (corner)

7.Sports equipment dividing the field in volleyball (net)

Appendix 2 Riddles about sports.

In this sport, players
All are agile and tall.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly
So this is ...

Sports leisure "Red, yellow, blue, don't rush after you!"

Elena I. Kameneva
Material description: Methodical development intended for educators, physical education instructors, parents. There are selected games, relay races, exercises with a ball, suitable for carrying out in a group of different ages.
Target: creating positive emotions in children, attracting children to actively participate in ball games.
Tasks: introduce children to ball games; strengthen different groups muscles when exercising with a ball, develop agility and an eye when rolling the ball. Strengthen the ability to act on a signal; develop dexterity, endurance, speed of reaction.
To foster the ability to hear and execute commands, foster friendliness, a sense of mutual assistance and team spirit.

Leisure course:

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle:
Lightweight, sonorous and resilient,
Round like a bun.
It's nice with him at your leisure.
He, like a bunny, jumped and bounced.
Plays with pleasure
Both the girl and the boy are with him.
Everyone will guess right away-
Well, of course it is. (ball)
Educator: Today we will play with balls for the whole lesson!
And now we take balls in our hands and perform exercises with them.

Game exercises with a ball.
Column walking one at a time with a ball in hand
Walking on toes, raise your hands with the ball up
Running with the ball in hand
OSU with a ball.
1. I. p.: Feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in both hands below; lift the ball forward, up, look at it, lower it forward and down, return to its original position;
2. I. p.: Feet shoulder-width apart, take the ball to the side, to the other, return to its original position;
3. I. p.: Sitting on your heels, the ball in both hands in front of you; rise to a stance on your knees, the ball up, return to its original position;
4. I. p.: Sitting, legs apart, the ball in front of you. Raise the ball up, bend over, touch the floor with the ball as far as possible, straighten up, return to its original position;
5. I. p.: Standing, feet together. Jumping in place, the ball in the hands at the chest.

Educator:"Summer's bright rays

Decorated the balls
I give them to you willingly
Get to work.
Collect them guys. "

Game "Collect balls by color".
Balls of different colors in the basket. You need to arrange them in buckets of the same color.

Educator: My jolly jingle ball
Where have you set off to gallop?
Blue, red, blue -
Can't keep up with you.

Relay "Swap the ball".
Run with big ball to the basket, where the little one lies. Swap balls. The next player changes the small ball to the big one.

Educator: Our funny ball
Can't lie like that.
He asks the kids
Play with him.

Pass the ball game.
The first child passes the ball over his head back to himself to the next participant and so on until the end of the team, the last with the ball runs and stands in front.

Educator: One, two, three - push the ball to me
Three, two, one - let's play with him.

Exercise "Roll the ball to each other"
Children sit in pairs opposite each other, legs apart, roll balls to each other.

Educator: On sports ground
The funny ball called us,
For everyone to make friends with him
And he became stronger and stronger.

Game "Sharpshooter".
You need to throw the ball into a container of a certain color.

Educator: Voiced, loud and jumpy
Flies away already behind the clouds
And for the joy of the kids
Rides loudly in the yard. (Ball)

Medium Mobility Game "My Ball"
Children line up in a circle and pass a large ball to each other in a circle, the teacher pronounces the words:
You roll, funny ball,
Fast - fast from hand to hand,
Who is staying with
He jumps himself!
The child who has the ball in his hands goes to the center of the circle and jumps on two legs, the rest of the children clap their hands.

Educator:“I see you love to play.
Well, how to dance? "

Ball dance.

Educator: The ball played with us,
But suddenly he got tired of jumping!
But we don't say goodbye to him,
We will also meet with him.
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