Why the swing of the press hurts your back. How to treat low back pain

About how to pump up the press, did not think, probably, only the hopelessly lazy. All the rest have listened to a lot of advice, professional and not so much. on how to properly pump the press in order to remove the annoying belly.

No wonder - a beautiful, toned abs instantly transforms your overall look and the way your clothes sit on you. But what if instead of the press? Once you started to remove your stomach forever, did several approaches on the simulator - the press is not yet felt, and the back is already falling off from the pain. Let's say right off the bat - it doesn't have to be that way.

Back pain indicates that something is not going according to plan and it is unforgivable negligence to continue tormenting my back, ignoring its “distress signals”.

Why does my back hurt when I work my abs?

There may be several reasons:

  • an error in the technique of performing an exercise for the press;
  • the back is too weak and not trained;
  • you have a back problem (a chronic disease of the spine, such as osteochondrosis).

Most often, back pain occurs due to improper abdominal exercises.

What can I do?

You can try to find out the cause of your back pain by elimination method, i.e., accordingly:

  • check and, if necessary, correct the technique of performing abdominal exercises;
  • add back strengthening and back relaxation exercises to your workouts;
  • replace exercises for the press with others, in which the muscles of the back do not experience stress (lifting the legs in the hang, squats with a straight back);
  • suspect a back problem and go to the doctor.

How to pump the press correctly?

So, the first thing to check to figure out the cause of your back pain is to make sure you are pumping your abs correctly.

Check if you are following these simple rules:

  • the lower back is pressed to the floor - you should try not to tear the lower back throughout the entire exercise on the press, this is very important, since it is in this position that the muscles of the press are maximally involved in the work, and the muscles of the back are relaxed;
  • concentrate on the atom in order to lift the body precisely with the abdominal muscles, and not at the expense of the back muscle or jerk;
  • at the moment of tension, pull in your stomach a little so that the main load falls on the abdominal muscles;
  • Be sure to take 10-20 minutes to stretch your abdominal and lower back muscles after completing your abs. These can be bends to the feet, pull-ups and backbends. Stretching relaxes the muscles and reduces the intensity of the oncoming soreness.

What exercises will help strengthen your back?

If you decide to try to relieve pain by strengthening your back muscles, honor and praise you. You are not looking for ways to retreat, which means that excellent results await you in sports.

Will help strengthen your back:

  • exercise "plank": on the elbows, lateral (on one arm), on straightened arms. The support is lying, the body is straightened, the pelvis is slightly raised or at shoulder level, but in no case does it hang. Hold this position for 1 to 5 minutes. By the way, the bar perfectly strengthens not only the back muscles, but also the muscles of the abs, legs, buttocks and arms.
  • bends with and without weights - here it is also important to ensure that the back remains straight during the bend and, most importantly, do not overdo it with weight, otherwise you will only make it worse. If you've never done a back exercise, start lightly.
  • alternating arms and legs lying on your stomach is a very good static exercise to strengthen your back muscles. Lie on your stomach and alternately raise: right arm and left leg, left arm and right leg. Do not bend your leg, so the exercise will work exactly those muscles that we need, namely the back and buttocks.
  • tilts with a fixed pelvis - use a special simulator, fix your legs and pelvis, lower the torso down and lift it up, straightening the body, without jerking, in a smooth movement with effort.

Hanging knee lifts do not load the lower back, but they lift the stomach perfectly

Alternative ab exercises

There is another, simpler way to reduce back pain when you swing the press - to replace exercises with alternative exercises that give similar results, but much less stress on the lower back and back muscles.

  • hanging legs on the bar (bent or straight);
  • squats with a straight back - static exercises, you need to sit down for 7-10 minutes as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair, take your pelvis back as much as possible, arms - forward, back straight;
  • the bar on the arms, on the elbows and the side, which we have already written about above;
  • lifting straight and / or bent legs in a prone position (while doing the exercise, put your hands under the lower back);
  • corner - lean on straightened arms, sitting on the floor, raise your bent legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, alternately bring to the body and straighten one or both legs. At the same time, try to fix the case.

Lying leg raises are another way to build abs without loading your lower back.

How to pump up the press in two weeks - advice is given by the guest of the program "Everything will be good" - Sergey Konyushok (issue 533 of 02/23/2015).

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Often, after the swing of the press or during this process, pain occurs in the spine. Some argue that pumping these muscles is harmful to the lower back - the vertebrae wear out.

Others are ready to make any sacrifices for the sake of acquiring attractive "cubes". As a result, the question arises: why does your back hurt when you work your abs?

Mistakes in the performance of training sessions are the most likely cause of these pains. Especially if you do it yourself at home, without the supervision of a coach. The loaded vertebrae must have time to recover from the load.

The reason why your back hurts when you swing your abs is because of mistakes:

  1. Untrained back muscles.
  2. Non-targeted are loaded.

Exercising in the gym, you must not forget about strengthening the back muscles, if they are weak, painful sensations in the back, as well as slouching are provided. As a result, you can get injured before pumping anything up.

During classes, it is necessary to control the load. It will be correct not to throw the body forward sharply, not to bend strongly, but to raise the body gradually, while tearing the lower back from the floor last.

Bending too much while exercising can cause injury. The complaint, when I shake the press, the lower back hurts, will not arise if you swing it on an incline bench, and train your back on the "Roman chair".

Injuries, diseases of the spine as a cause of pain

Diseases of the spine, injuries, cause swelling of the muscles, and as a result, pain in the back, which limits its activity, range of motion. If you swing, not paying attention to the pain, you can aggravate the development of the disease.

It is worth stopping classes, finding out the origin of pain, and this may:

  • Called by stretching.
  • Occur due to curvature of the spine.
  • The presence of a hernia.

If the lower back hurts when you swing the press, and the pain spreads throughout the body, this can be caused by stretching the muscles due to a weak muscle corset, not an effective warm-up before training.

Pain in the lower back can be caused by arthrosis, displacement of the vertebrae. In such cases, you should gradually strengthen your back.

You should also determine the cause of the pain by consulting a doctor using MRI, CT,. He will help you choose the right set of physical exercises, tell you how to work your abs if your back hurts.

Having such a pathology as curvature, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles, doing physiotherapy exercises with great care and limiting the amplitude of the swing.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the curvature, sometimes it is more advisable to strengthen the back, and then load the abdomen, since an increase in the load can cause a disc rupture, a hernia.

A set of exercises

When choosing exercises for training, you need to take into account the pain response to them. You cannot overcome pain, classes must correspond to the state of the body at the moment. When strengthening the press, you should not load it with power complexes.

You can start your workout with gentle ones for a sore back:

  1. Bending can be done by slightly bending your knees, which will relieve stress on your back by reducing deflection.
  2. Performing other standard complexes, you should do them without taking your lower back off the floor.
  3. Using isometric exercises - pulling in and fixing the abdominal muscles eliminates back pain. By fixing the tension in the abdomen until fatigue appears, you can also pump up well.


Often people have a question: how to pump the press with a hernia of the spine? A hernia is a deformation of the spinal disc. Living disk tissue requires nutrition, metabolic processes.

If this is violated, then prolonged vertical loads can cause a breakthrough of the membrane by the pulp of the nucleus, that is, a hernia.

Inflammation occurs, accompanied by pain. Over time, the pain goes away, but there is limited joint mobility.

Exercises for the press with a hernia are not contraindicated, correctly selected will help to reduce the load on the vertebrae.

When performing them, you should follow some rules:

  • Everything must be done very smoothly, avoiding sudden movements.
  • If discomfort appears in the affected vertebra, stop doing this exercise.
  • Avoid overloading the muscles, they can be loaded in doses.
  • Do not twist.

Consider how to pump the press with. First, it is worth paying attention to the preparatory phase. Classic moves won't do.

All exercises should be aimed at tightening the abdomen with the help of exposure, the entire spine.

Conclusion from the above: it is possible to pump the press with a hernia of the spine, but with the strengthening of various muscles.

Pain in the neck

As you know, the neck is the weak link in the entire spine. Many who spend most of their time in a sitting position slouch when walking, thinking of pumping up, feel pain in their neck. Why does this happen, why does the neck hurt when you pump these muscles?

The neck can hurt when mistakes are made. For example, some people pull their heads with their hands, trying to touch the chest.

Naturally, this is a pain in the neck. The head should only be held with the fingers, leaving some space between the chest and head.

Answering the question why, when you swing the press, your neck hurts, you can give a simple advice - you need to do a warm-up before class:

  1. Make six head bends.
  2. Slowly make six head turns.
  3. Shake your head six times without throwing it back too much.

After each of the warm-up exercises, stretch your head to the ceiling. You can not overload the body with training, especially when the pain becomes prolonged.

It is useful to do for yourself, warming up the muscles, and after training, make relaxing movements.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a physician (neurologist, therapist). Please see your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Many of us work out our abs, especially in the run-up to summer. But sometimes playing sports turns into problems. Many people have a question, why does your back hurt when you pump the press? The problem can arise as a result of many complications, illnesses, but sometimes simply from the fact that a person performs a particular task incorrectly.


Possible causes of pain

There are a lot of reasons for pain, ranging from violation of the rules for performing the exercise and ending with problems with the musculoskeletal system. To understand how to cope with pain and whether it makes sense to treat it, let's look at the problems in more detail.

Violation of technique

A common cause, as all ab exercises have a strong effect on the lower back. If you are a non-professional doctor, it is not recommended to do the exercises without the supervision of a specialist. Otherwise, the lower back after swinging the press will experience severe pain.

It is also worth considering for all girls that the spinal discs for their functioning must receive normal nutrition, especially after receiving stress. If you follow a strict diet and heavily load your body, then the vertebrae can fall out or pinch a nearby nerve. It is not enough to swing the press, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the back. Otherwise, you can earn a stoop and pain syndrome, which will not allow you to continue to pump the press.

Sprains and deformities of the spine

Back pain sometimes occurs not due to improper exercise technique. Sometimes pain occurs due to the presence of injuries and bruises. Low back pain is a defensive reaction that prevents the development of the disease. If, in spite of everything, pump the press, this will only lead to the progression of the disease. That is why you need to stop your attempts to pump up the press and go to a doctor's consultation.

Pain syndrome can be caused by factors:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Curvature of the spine.
  • Stretching.
  • Intervertebral hernia.

When the ligaments are stretched, pain from the lower back goes up the spinal column. The pain increases when you try to bend or turn. A curvature of the spine causes back pain when trying to exercise. Weak abdominal muscles can compromise posture and deform the spinal column. It is necessary under the close supervision of a specialist to perform the exercises and observe the execution technique.


Osteochondrosis can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, many in the struggle not only for a good figure, but also for the health of the spine begin to work hard and pump the press. But a chronic load on the spine can also cause the development of osteochondrosis, which one day, under the right conditions, will result in an acute phase. And the person will feel the strongest pain that will not give him rest.

When the press is swinging, a strong load falls on the discs in the lumbar region. Over time, they lose elasticity, so the processes of the vertebrae become thick, depreciation between the vertebrae is lost. In order not to start the development of osteochondrosis, one must carefully approach any physical activity, especially those that put pressure on the spine.

In addition to all of the above ailments, pain during ab exercises can be caused by a displacement of the vertebrae, arthrosis, or a fracture of the spine in the past. All poorly diagnosed illnesses and poorly treated injuries can go unnoticed for a long time. But if one day you give your body an unusual load, then all the sores will open up, which will cause pain syndrome.


Nobody asks how to pump the abs if there are no problems with weight, and the stomach is flat and beautiful. Therefore, many novice athletes are weighed down by excess weight - a large round belly that they carry in front of them. Ninety percent of patients with sciatica are overweight, and this is what contributes to the occurrence of intense pain syndrome.

Therefore, if you have excess weight - not five or three kilograms, but more than ten, you need to play sports very carefully. But you should completely forget about swinging the press until the weight returns to normal in order to fully engage.

Do I need treatment?

Therapy is needed when pain occurs with the progression of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints. First you need to carry out ultrasound diagnostics of the lumbosacral region. It is this method that allows you to determine if there is a problem and identify the method of therapy.

In most cases, it is enough:

  • Take anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve existing inflammation.
  • Anesthetic should be taken if there is pain.
  • When walking, playing sports, to maintain the physiological state of the lower back, it is necessary to wear orthopedic belts of medium hardness.

If you start the disease and do not engage in therapy, then sooner or later this can lead to hospitalization of a person. And this can happen with exacerbation of radiculitis and intervertebral hernia.

How to do it correctly?

It is important to remember that only a specialist can answer the question and explain how to do sports correctly. It is the doctor and trainer who will be able to draw up a plan of classes and training with an optimal level of stress and alternating stress and rest.

If you are overweight, before you start pumping the press and applying power loads, you need to start with a diet and good nutrition. You can't starve or use newfangled mono-diets. The body does not receive all the necessary trace elements, vitamins, cartilage and joints wear out, which does not contribute to the normal functioning of the intervertebral discs and the entire spinal column.

Also, twice a year, you need to take special drugs that replenish the joints with elastic substances. These drugs include chondroitin and glucosamine. The drugs are prescribed only by a doctor after a thorough examination.

  1. You need to start carefully - first, small loads, which need to be correctly increased over time.
  2. If pain occurs, the exercise must be discontinued.
  3. At first, the press needs to be pumped on a fitball. This will reduce the stress on the lower back.

The following video will tell you how to pump the press without causing discomfort and pain in the back and neck.

Exercises for the press and back

This workout includes a set of abdominal and back exercises. It consists of some subtle and challenging exercises that target all the muscles in the body. It requires a minimum of time, since it includes only 6 exercises. This workout is ideal for those who cannot afford long-term sports but want a tough and strenuous workout. Some of the movements require good physical fitness. If any exercise for weight loss causes you pain or discomfort, do it for less than the specified time, or skip it.

Precautionary measures
See your doctor before starting this program, especially if you have health problems, illnesses, injuries, etc. If you find it painful or uncomfortable to perform certain movements, you can change or facilitate them. You can pre-learn ab exercises online or using video.

Necessary equipment
Exercise ball, small barbell or heavy dumbbell, checkmate.

How to do
Warm up your muscles with a few light cardio exercises before your main workout.
Do 3 sets of each of the exercises below, resting 20 to 30 seconds in between.
Do not force the amplitude and amount of movement; the body must adapt to the exercise.
When performing a set of exercises for the press and back, do not make sudden movements.
Each rep should take 4-6 seconds.

Bridge with a raised leg

Take a position lying on your back, bend your knees. Push off the floor, assuming a "bridge" pose, support your body weight on your arms and legs. Extend one leg up (do not pinch your thigh) and slowly lower your leg to the side. In this case, the body must remain motionless. Use your abs to support your body in this position, do not hold your breath. Do 12 reps, then do the same with the other leg extended.

Pivot balancing

Starting position - lying on your side. Push off the floor so that your body is supported only by your right hand and legs pressed together. Straighten your left arm and balance for one moment, then lower your left arm to the floor and rotate your torso towards it, without moving the rest of your body. Tighten your abs and freeze in this position for 2 seconds. Return to starting position. Do 12 reps, then do the same on the other side. A modification of this exercise is to do it with your knees on the floor.

Ball roller

Get on your knees and place your hands on the ball, keeping them parallel. Slowly roll the ball forward with your hands until your ribcage touches the floor. Then, still slowly roll the ball towards you, with the help of your hands and the tension of the abdominal muscles, returning to the starting position. Do not stop moving while you return the ball to its original position. Repeat 12 times.


Take a supine position with your lower back pressed to the floor. Place your hands under your head, with your elbows extended to the side. Bend your right knee and bring it closer to your ribcage so that it touches the opposite elbow. Begin to move slowly, as if you were pressing a pedal, with the opposite elbow touching the opposite knee. Keep your abs tense without sticking out and do not hold your breath. Do 12 reps, each with a movement to the right and left.

Barbell Exercise

Holding a dumbbell or barbell in front of your thighs, spread your legs hip-width apart and tighten your abs. Bend over, the weight should be close to your feet. Then lower it down to the middle of your lower leg (or wherever it suits you). Keep your legs straight, but not pinched. Rise to the starting position (the press should still be tense). Repeat 12 times.

Back stretching

Take a prone position, hands are behind your back, with your hands, grasp your head slightly. Lift your upper body off the ground a few centimeters, keeping your head and neck in line. To increase the load, lift your legs off the ground, keeping them straight (the knees should not be brought together), freeze in this position for 2 to 4 counts, and then lower them. Do 12 reps.

10. Twisting
Starting position. Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet flat on the floor, arms along your torso.
Traffic. Perform a deadlift in a supine position (see Exercise 8), lifting your head and shoulders off the floor (Fig. 47). Try to touch your ankles as you complete the movement. Fix the movement for 1-2 seconds, relax and inhale. Two sets of 25 reps.

Advice. The neck and head should be in a fixed position when lifting (imagine that you have an apple squeezed between your chin and chest).
Attention! This exercise provides for a small range of motion (shoulders and head should not be more than 10-20 cm off the floor). In addition, the main load should lie not on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but on the abdominal press.

11. Deflection in the prone position
Starting position. Lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows (Fig. 48).

Traffic. Leaning on bent arms, slowly lift your torso (fig. 49). Fix the movement at the top point for 20-40 seconds.

Attention! You should feel a stretch in your abdominal muscles, but not back pain. If you feel any discomfort in your lower back, stop the exercise immediately.

12. Wall Squat
Starting position. Stand up, lean your back against the wall; legs - at a distance of 30-60 cm from the wall. Straighten up and rest your head and shoulders against the wall. Pay attention to the position of your legs: when you perform the movement, your knees and ankles should be in the same vertical line.
Traffic. Without changing the position of the upper body, begin to slowly slide down, as if about to sit down (Fig. 50). Move as far as you can stand, and then do the deadlift (see Exercise 8). Lock the position for 15 seconds and straighten your legs. Do 10 reps (if you feel your legs start to shake, move down only halfway).

Advice. Do not pull your tailbone off the wall during the entire exercise.
Attention! After this exercise, stretch your back, calves, and thighs (see Exercises 1 and 2).
Target. Perform a deadlift and maintain the correct posture, feeling the load on the lower abdomen.

13. Bends to the side
Starting position. Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent for balance. Place your left hand on the crown of your head (fig. 51). Pull your shoulders back and look straight ahead.

Traffic. Bend over to the right side until you feel a stretch in the muscles on the left side of your torso (Fig. 52). The movement takes place in one plane, the lower part of the body is motionless. Returning to the starting position, suck in your abdominals and exhale forcefully. Do 10 reps.

Attention! After this exercise, do abdominal contraction with diaphragmatic breathing and stretch the lateral abdominal muscles (Exercises 4 and 5).

Starting position. Legs are spread wider than shoulder-width apart, knees and toes are turned at an angle of 90 °, arms are extended forward for balance.
Traffic. Transfer your weight to your heels and begin squatting, shifting your center of gravity back and bending not only your knees, but also your hip joint (Fig. 53). Don't bend your back. Returning to the starting position, suck in your abdominals and exhale.

Modification. If for some reason you cannot do this exercise without support (for example, due to loss of balance), grasp both handles of the open door with your hands (Fig. 54). Try to return to this exercise without emphasis after three weeks.

Starting position. Legs hip-width apart, toes and knees parallel, arms extended forward for balance.
Traffic. Transfer your weight to your heels and begin squatting, shifting your center of gravity back and bending not only your knees, but also your hip joint (Fig. 55). Don't bend your back. Returning to the starting position, suck in your abdominals and exhale.

Modification. If for any reason you cannot do this exercise without support (for example, due to loss of balance), grasp the windowsill (fig. 56). Try to return to this exercise without emphasis after three weeks.

Attention! After this exercise, stretch the back, calves, and thighs (see exercises 1 and 2).

16. Flexion and extension of the knees while sitting and lying on the back

Starting position for step 1. Sit in a chair with your back straight.
Movement in stage 1. Raise your left leg 2-3 cm from the floor and straighten it (fig. 57). (While straightening the knee, pull in your abdominals and exhale.) Lock the position for 3-5 seconds, then slowly bend the knee and return to the starting position. Keep your foot on the floor until the end of the set. Do this exercise 10-25 times and repeat for the right leg.
Starting position for step 2. Lie on the floor with your feet together, knees bent and remain in contact at all times.
Movement in Step 2. Raise your left leg and straighten it (while pulling in your abdominals and exhaling). Bend it back, but do not place it on the floor (fig. 58). Do this exercise 10-25 times and repeat for the right leg.

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