Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: recommendations for exercises, contraindications for implementation. Evminov's board, exercise plank

Today we offer an article on the topic: "Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: recommendations for exercises, contraindications for implementation." We tried to describe everything clearly and in detail. If you have any questions, ask at the end of the article.

There are ailments, the formation of which patients do not suspect for many years.
This situation persists until the day when the patient does not begin to worry about certain symptoms, the main of which is pain. One of the diseases that does not manifest itself for the time being is cervical osteochondrosis, which occurs in many people, regardless of their age and gender. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is complex and includes exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis.

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Symptoms of the disease

At the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms are of a short-term nature, they do not particularly disturb the patient, arising, disappearing periodically after a few days. But, with advanced osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, as well as in the case when the disease becomes chronic, it is impossible to endure the pain or wait it out, but it is fraught with consequences. Very often the symptoms are so pronounced that they do not allow the patient to live and work in peace.

As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe further treatment.

With thoracic, cervical osteochondrosis of the spine, the following characteristic symptoms appear:

  • aching or constant unbearable pain in the neck or thoracic spine, which spreads to the back of the head, to the region of the heart, shoulder girdle, eyes, ears;
  • stiffness, difficulty in movement of the upper limbs, hands;
  • with cervical osteochondrosis in the morning hours, there is a tension of the cervical muscles;
  • often occur with cervical osteochondrosis of the spine; dizziness, darkening in the eyes;
  • unpleasant tinnitus;
  • with thoracic, cervical osteochondrosis of the spine, pain in the heart may appear.

Physiotherapy exercises for cervical osteochondrosis are carried out in comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics in a ventilated room. Some exercises will require a special mat. Since, performing exercise therapy exercises with cervical osteochondrosis, patients often have difficulty breathing, such exercises must be alternated with breathing exercises.

The load should be increased gradually. When performing remedial gymnastics, be sure to control your pulse. If, while performing the exercises, suddenly there are malfunctions in the work of the heart, we immediately stop classes, immediately consult a doctor.
If physical education with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine causes pain, we change the exercise therapy to classes aimed at relaxing or stretching the muscles.

If severe pain appears during exercise therapy, the exercises are temporarily stopped. The program of classes and a set of therapeutic exercises are selected by the attending physician for each patient individually, taking into account the stage, form of the disease, the general condition of the body, and its age category.

Effects from exercise therapy

Exercise therapy is an integral method in the treatment of osteochondrosis of any part of the spine - for thoracic, cervical, lumbar.

With cervical osteochondrosis of the spine, exercise therapy contributes to:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • strengthening the muscle corset;
  • elimination of low mobility of the vertebrae;
  • increased range of motion;
  • restoring nerves and reducing pain.

Exercise rules

Before starting physical therapy, patients with osteochondrosis of the spine should know certain rules, observing which you can get the maximum effect in the treatment of the disease:

  1. with an exacerbation of the disease, physical education is not carried out, since pain may increase, complications develop;
  2. when carrying out exercise therapy, it is imperative to monitor posture, this will prevent spinal injury;
  3. Exercise therapy should not cause pain and discomfort. At the first manifestations of these symptoms, exercise stops, and the patient should see a doctor;
  4. perform exercise therapy movements smoothly, without sudden movements. Careless, sudden movements can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, the occurrence of pain.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: morning hours

Exercise # 1. Alternate pressure with palms on the temples, forehead, crown, occipital part. Produce pressure for a few seconds. This, at first glance, simple exercise normalizes blood supply and helps against dizziness with osteochondrosis of the spine.

Exercise number 2. With an effort we lower the chin down to the sternum. We do it slowly and, as it were, with effort.

Exercise number 3. Slowly, with maximum amplitude, we perform head turns to the right and left.

Exercise number 4. Slowly, with maximum amplitude, we turn the head to the right and left from the “chin down” position.

Exercise number 5. We throw our head back as much as possible - with our ear we try to touch the shoulder.

This treatment complex must be done in the morning, as it kneads the stiff muscles after sleep, performing all the exercises slowly. What you should not do is circular head movements, as they can injure the cervical vertebrae.

Remedial gymnastics in the daytime or evening

The following exercises require more effort and load, more space and space, and therefore it is better to carry them out in the daytime or in the evening, but not before bedtime.

Exercise # 1. Starting position - lying on the floor, legs extended. We put one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. We take a small breath and at the same time tighten the abdominal muscles. We hold the tension for a few seconds, we relax.

Exercise number 2. Starting position - lying on your back, limbs - legs and arms extended. We bend our legs at the knees, pulling them to the chin, while raising our head.

Exercise number 3. The same starting position, but raise the shoulders and head.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine stimulates and normalizes blood circulation in the head and neck, eliminates headaches and dizziness, improves metabolism in the neck and head, improves the access of nutrients and oxygen, slows down degenerative processes.


Like any other therapy, exercise therapy has contraindications. Classes do not begin with an exacerbation of the disease, which is accompanied by fever and severe pain.

A contraindication to the beginning of exercise therapy can be any acute condition - influenza or acute respiratory infections.

If difficulties are observed during physical education while standing - dizziness, tinnitus, loss of orientation, gymnastics can be performed while sitting on a chair, observing a slow pace. Vestibular disorders are corrected over time, and exercise therapy will become easier and without side effects.

An important point - exercise therapy must be performed in combination with proper breathing, regular massage and rubbing in warming ointments. Experienced experts recommend taking additional sedatives, vitamins, especially group B. These additional funds have a beneficial effect on the state of the autonomic nervous system and improve the blood supply to cartilage and tissues.

The best methods of preventing exacerbation and recurrence of the disease are - sleep on an orthopedic pillow, mattress, contrast shower, preferably taken daily, constant walks in the fresh air, swimming.

Exercise therapy in combination with a healthy lifestyle, the correct organization of the workplace is the key to preventing severe consequences of the disease.

  • Indications and contraindications for exercise therapy
  • Gymnastics effect
  • Lumbar complex
  • General recommendations

One of the most effective methods of treating osteochondrosis is physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy). Its goals are to maintain the mobility of the spine and relieve stress from the intervertebral joints. This is achieved by strengthening the back and neck muscles. Regular exercises for osteochondrosis is an effective method of getting rid of the most unpleasant symptoms: radicular pain with pinching of nerves, dizziness and numbness of the hands with damage to the cervical spine, stiffness when bending, turning the head, etc.

Photo: during classes, all movements must be performed strictly according to the instructions

Indications and contraindications for exercise therapy in osteochondrosis

Correctly selected physical activity will help significantly alleviate the course of osteochondrosis, especially when there is a high risk of vertebral fusion due to the destruction of the intervertebral discs. All patients can and should engage in physiotherapy exercises, with the exception of those to whom it is directly contraindicated.

What are the contraindications to exercise therapy:

  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis,
  • early recovery period after spinal surgery,
  • neurological diseases with impaired coordination of movements,
  • diseases of the vestibular apparatus,
  • any acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases with impaired well-being,
  • high blood pressure,
  • cardiac arrhythmias,
  • severe myopia and increased intraocular pressure.

Also, you should not engage in exercise therapy on an empty stomach, immediately after eating and after severe physical fatigue.

Not every patient tolerates the load of the entire gymnastic complex equally well. If, when performing an exercise, there is a sharp pain, dizziness, nausea and other unpleasant sensations, it should be discarded.

Gymnastics effect

Many people feel the positive effect of treatment with physical activity after the first sessions, if the complex is selected correctly. But still, not everyone gets a quick result, since much depends on the course, form and stage of the disease. Therefore, if relief does not come immediately, it is imperative to continue training and, possibly, adjust their plan. If, after exercise, your health progressively worsens, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

What effects can be achieved by systematic exercise in osteochondrosis of the spine?

  • Strengthening and increasing the plasticity of the muscles that support the spine, which prevents the development of its deformities.
  • Improvement of lymph and blood circulation in the affected area, as a result - improvement of metabolism and acceleration of recovery processes.
  • Reducing pain, returning the spine to a normal range of motion.
  • Posture correction.
  • Unloading the spine and joints by reducing the patient's body weight (if there is excess weight).

For the best effect, it is recommended to alternate static exercise therapy exercises (that is, those associated with maintaining a stationary body position) and dynamic (mobile), as well as periods of load and rest. During a pause to stretch the muscles, you can hang on the horizontal bar: grab the bar with your hands and hang a little so that your feet do not touch the floor.

Visual pictures will help you perform the complex correctly

Complex for the cervical and thoracic regions

For the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic regions, you can do any of the exercises listed below, the main thing is that they are not uncomfortable for you. It is not necessary to perform the entire gymnastic complex at once, you can alternate: today some exercises, tomorrow others.

Static (isometric, strength) exercises

Static exercises are performed at a very slow pace with a minimum range of motion, but with maximum muscle tension. When they are performed, the appearance of moderate pain sensations at the time of muscle tension is normal. As a load, your own body weight is usually sufficient, but sometimes dumbbells or other weights can be used.

    In a standing position, bring your arms to the sides, palms forward. As you inhale, bend your elbows and pull them back with effort, trying to connect the shoulder blades. Hold the pose for as long as you can. Relax as you exhale. Repeat 5 times.

    The starting position is sitting. While inhaling slowly, turn your head as far to the left as possible. Tighten your neck muscles. As you exhale, relax your muscles and turn your head to face forward. Turn to the other side. After that, while inhaling, slowly tilt your head back, trying to touch the back of your back. Tighten your neck muscles. As you exhale, return your head to its original position. Bend forward and left and right. Repeat the exercise 2 times.

    Lying on your stomach with the help of muscles, lift the upper part of the body off the floor, tilt your head forward to touch your chin with your chest, press your hands on the back of the head, creating resistance, and strongly tighten the neck muscles. After that, putting up resistance with your hands, raise your head and try to throw it back as much as possible. Then press your hands on your forehead and, overcoming resistance, try to tilt your head forward. Hold each pose for at least 5 seconds.

Dynamic (isotonic) exercises

In the process of executing data physical. exercises for osteochondrosis, muscle contractions at a fast pace alternate with relaxation, the pulse and respiratory rate become more frequent.

    In the initial standing position, perform rotational movements with your hands (in the shoulders) back and forth with maximum amplitude. Repeat 10 rotations in each direction.

    Standing or sitting, extend your right arm to the side. Without turning in the lower back, turn your head and shoulder girdle to the right and look at your hand. Move to the other side. Repeat 5-7 times.

    The starting position is lying on your stomach. As you inhale, bend over and lift the upper body up as high as possible. Keep your arms straight, raised above your head.

Lumbar and lumbosacral training

With the defeat of both the lumbar and sacral spine, the greatest benefit is brought by gymnastic stretching exercises, which must be done slowly and carefully.

Static exercises

    Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Lean forward slowly and try to reach your toes with your hands. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds. After that, spread your legs to the sides and make bends alternately to the left and right legs. Repeat 5 times forward and 3 times left and right.

    Kneeling and resting on the floor with your hands, while inhaling, slowly bend your lower back up. Hold the pose for 5 seconds, then bend down and also fix the position for 5 seconds. Do 10 reps.

    From a standing position, bend forward and wrap your hands around your shins. Try to pull your torso as close to your legs as possible. Hold the pose for 5 seconds.

Dynamic exercises

    Lying on your back, bend your elbows and your knees. Holding your lower back with your hands, while inhaling, lift your hips off the floor, trying to raise them as high as possible. As you exhale, lie on the floor. Repeat 10 times.

    Lying on your stomach, rest your toes and palms of your bent elbows on the floor. As you inhale, lift your upper body, trying to straighten your arms, while exhaling, lie down on the floor. Repeat 10 times.

    While standing, place your straight leg on the back of the chair so that the angle of elevation is approximately 90 degrees or slightly more. As you inhale, bend over to your leg, trying to reach your toes with your hands, as you exhale, straighten up. Repeat the exercise for each leg 5-10 times.

To date, many different videos on therapeutic gymnastics have been recorded:

Any of the above-described therapeutic complex of exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine does not require special equipment or a gym - it can be performed at home. It is enough to prepare:

  • comfortable sportswear,
  • non-slip exercise mat on the floor,
  • a chair with a back or a large gymnastic ball.

It is very good if you have a horizontal bar or wall bars at home.

You should start exercise therapy no earlier than 2 hours after eating. Ventilate the room before starting exercise. Increase the load gradually, performing in the first days one approach, and later, with good tolerance, 3-5. In the early days, do not exercise for more than 20 minutes, especially if you often need rest. Increase the exercise time gradually, up to a maximum of 45 minutes. And most importantly, first coordinate your training complex for the spine with your doctor, who will weigh all the pros and cons. And strictly adhere to his recommendations!

Headache, frequent dizziness, visual and hearing impairments, discomfort in the neck and shoulder blades are signs of osteochondrosis developing in the cervical spine. This serious illness affects people of all ages and reduces their quality of life.

Its treatment requires an integrated approach: medications can only relieve symptoms, while massage, acupuncture, and exercise have a healing effect. The latter are considered the easiest path to wellness, because they can be done at home, without the help of specialists.

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: the expected effect

Physical exercises for osteochondrosis, performed at moments of exacerbation, are designed to relax the muscles and thereby relieve pain and other unpleasant syndromes. When the peak of the disease has passed, another complex is selected, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the shoulder and cervical regions, which reduces the pressure on the intervertebral discs and reduces the likelihood of relapses.
Therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis requires a minimum of time (10-20 minutes a day), but at the same time it gives tangible results:

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • strengthens joints and muscles;
  • increases the mobility of the vertebrae;
  • relieves pain, helps to restore nerve endings;
  • makes movement more free.

Physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine does not require much time, effort, a gym or training equipment. By doing simple movements at home, you will improve vision, hearing and memory, and increase the effectiveness of mental work.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis: rules for implementation

The exercises can be done at home: they give a quick and lasting effect. The most important thing is to choose the right set of classes and adhere to some simple recommendations of doctors. Here are 10 of the most relevant ones:

For the prevention and treatment of OSTEOCHONDROSIS, our regular reader uses the increasingly popular method of NON-SURGICAL treatment recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedists. Having carefully reviewed it, we decided to offer it to your attention.

  • infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • tumors of any origin;
  • the threat of bleeding;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • severe myopia.

Talk to your doctor to make sure you are benefiting from your activity and to find the optimal exercise program.

8 exercises for cervical osteochondrosis: a basic course

The neck is distinguished by more mobile vertebrae than other parts of the spine. To reduce the risk of developing her diseases, it is necessary to exercise at home. Exercise for cervical osteochondrosis is an integral element of treatment, without which it is difficult to achieve positive dynamics.

  1. Stand straight, make a corset for the neck with your hands. The thumbs should be in front, under the lower jaw, the rest - behind - under the back of the head. Slowly tilt in different directions, lingering for a couple of seconds at the extreme points. Gradually lower your arms lower and lower, continuing to bend.
  2. Stand with your back to the table and rest your hands on it. Lean back, throwing your head back, and linger for a couple of seconds. Then sit down and lower your head. Such exercises for cervical osteochondrosis are a great way to relieve pain. Alternating stretching and relaxation eliminates shoulder and chest fatigue.
  1. Place a hardback book on top of your head. Get it stable and stay in this posture for five minutes: your muscles will remember the position with the correct posture. Then press on your head with your hands and increase the impact for 20 minutes, then release.
  2. Stand up straight, place your palm on your forehead and apply pressure. Your neck should move in the opposite direction (forward). Fight with resistance for 20 seconds, then release. Keep your hand on your forehead and place the other hand on the back of your neck. Throw your head back, helping her with both hands, linger at the extreme point for 5 seconds. Such gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis relieves fatigue and pain.
  3. Place your hand on the back of your head and push. Move your head in the opposite direction, "fighting" the resistance. Continue for 20 seconds, then gently tilt your head forward to stretch the muscles.
  4. Place your hand on the side of your head and apply resistance for 20 seconds. Then tilt your head to the opposite side, helping her with your hand (place your other hand on the neck). Stretch your muscles in this way for 5 seconds.
  5. Turn your head, resisting your hand, similar to the previous exercises. Then move on to a five-second relaxation.
  6. Place your palms on your temples, fingers up. Pull the skin up for 5 seconds, do a few repetitions.

The above charging for cervical osteochondrosis does not require much time and effort. It can be done during breaks at work, especially if you spend a lot of time at the computer. Exercise can help relieve pain and fatigue.
Physiotherapy exercises for cervical osteochondrosis can be performed using additional equipment, for example, with a stick, a fitness ball and other devices. Their use allows you to achieve a more pronounced result from classes. There are different training methods: their own complexes were developed by Dr. Bubnovsky, Gitt, Butrimova, etc.

Therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis is an important step towards recovery. Work with your doctor to find effective exercises that you can do at home and at work, and do them at least four times a week. Very soon, you will notice that your neck hurts less, even after a busy day at the computer or a long car ride as a driver.


  • Have all the remedies been tried and nothing helped?
  • Are you in constant pain?
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited good health!

Get tested for joint diseases

Sit on the floor with your forehead to your knees. What arises in this case?

Tension under the knees

Back pain

There is no sensation

Do you feel painful sensations when you touch different areas of the spine?

Do you have frequent headaches?

Try to turn your head as far as possible to the right and then to the left. What are your feelings?

The head easily turns both left and right with a fairly large amplitude

Discomfort is felt when turning, but the face when turning is at shoulder level

The head turns normally in one direction, and discomfort is felt in the other.

It is difficult to turn the head to one or both sides and the face does not reach shoulder level

Do you have the correct posture when sitting on the chair?

Yes, my posture is perfect

When I forget, I can not sit up straight, but I try to take care of myself

I don't always sit straight

Try to look at yourself from the back, or ask to take a photo of you from the back

Your shoulders (shoulder blades) are level

Your shoulders (shoulder blades) are not on the same level

Do you have a plane

No flat feet

Flat feet 1-2 degrees

Flat feet 3-4 degrees

Back problem test

You should be concerned about your back and joints

proven natural remedy

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is an effective method of therapeutic and prophylactic effects aimed at improving blood supply, relieving the inflammatory process and symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis. Gymnastics with cervical osteochondrosis is constantly necessary for a person suffering from this disease. An active lifestyle will help strengthen the spinal muscles, which in turn will stop the development of dysfunction of the spine and relieve the patient from pain.

Indications and contraindications for the appointment of gymnastics for therapeutic purposes

The main indications for therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine include:

  • pain with a vertebrogenic cause;
  • any clinical manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • high risk of developing damage to the intervertebral discs, which can lead to fusion of the vertebrae together.
  • Experts believe that direct contraindications to neck exercises with osteochondrosis are:
  • the acute phase of the course of the disease;
  • early postoperative period after surgical interventions on the cervical spine;
  • chronic diseases of neurological origin; characterized by severe coordination disorder;
  • diseases of the organs of the vestibular apparatus;
  • acute illness or exacerbation of a chronic illness;
  • high levels of blood pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias);
  • severe myopia, development of glaucoma.

With a diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis, exercises should be started no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. If, during therapeutic exercises with cervical osteochondrosis, the patient suddenly feels a sharp pain, nausea or dizziness, it is necessary to stop performing the exercise and sit down to rest.

The positive effects of therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis gives an effect quickly enough. In some patients, positive changes become noticeable immediately after the first few days of exercise for cervical osteochondrosis. The speed of the appearance of a positive effect depends on the form and stage of the course of the disease, and if the improvement in the state of the cut is not noticeable, it is necessary to adjust the training plan, but be sure to continue them and the result will certainly appear.

But this happens only if the course of exercise therapy is correctly selected for cervical osteochondrosis. With an incorrectly selected physical training plan, a sharp deterioration can occur. In order to choose a set of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis, it is imperative to contact a competent specialist.

Gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis brings the following positive effects:

  • The dorsal muscles that support the spinal column are strengthened and become more plastic, this prevents deformation of the spinal column from developing.
  • In the cervical spine, blood and lymph flow improves, as a result of which metabolism is accelerated and the speed of recovery processes increases.
  • Decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process.
  • Reducing the severity of pain.
  • Restoration of range of motion in the spine.
  • Reducing pressure on the roots of the spinal nerves.
  • Getting the right posture.
  • Weight loss with regular exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis causes a decrease in the load on the spine and large joints (if the patient has problems with being overweight).

To achieve the best effect, experts recommend alternating static and dynamic types of load and obligatory minutes of rest between the performance of individual exercises. On the Internet, you can find a large number of videos of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis.

Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis does not require large cash infusions, special gymnastic equipment or going to the gym, it is enough to have sportswear, a mat that will not slide on the floor, a chair with a high back, or (preferably) a fitness ball. In order for exercise with cervical osteochondrosis to bring a positive effect, it is necessary:

  1. Do not just download a video of gymnastics from the Internet for cervical osteochondrosis, but be sure to consult a doctor before starting classes.
  2. The first lesson should last no longer than 20-25 minutes and each exercise during it has only one approach, subsequently the duration of the exercise itself with osteochondrosis of the neck and the number of approaches can be gradually increased.
  3. The first few sessions must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist until the patient learns how to do gymnastics correctly, and only then can the exercises continue at home.
  4. It is necessary not to forget that in the phase of an acute process, it is absolutely impossible to engage in gymnastics.
  5. All movements performed with cervical osteochondrosis of gymnastics should be very slow, gentle, smooth.
  6. You can not perform head movements in a circle or sharply throw your head in the direction of the back.
  7. It is possible to perform traction exercises or use traction devices only under the supervision of a doctor; self-stretching of the cervical spine can lead to serious injury, even a video of gymnastics with cervical osteochondrosis cannot give an idea of ​​how to properly perform traction.
  8. Any of the exercises should not cause even the slightest pain.

Complex for the cervicothoracic variant of osteochondrosis

The set of exercises for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis includes static and dynamic exercises that are designed specifically for those suffering from this disease. If you cannot figure out how to correctly perform the movements on your own, you can watch a video of exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis. It is not necessary to complete the whole complex in the first lesson, you can do just a couple of exercises, but the main thing is not to forget about the alternation of static load and dynamic movements for the spine.

Static gymnastics

Performing these exercises requires special slowness and smoothness, the amplitude should be minimal, and the load on the muscles should be opposite to the maximum. At the first lessons, the appearance of mild painful sensations is possible (in this case, the exercise must be stopped). Subsequently, it may be necessary to increase the load, for which dumbbells of different weights can be used.

  1. Starting position (IP) - standing, arms are spread apart, palms are directed forward. Inhaling, bend and pull back your arms, try to achieve a connection of the shoulder blades. As long as possible, you need to linger in the adopted position, relax during exhalation (5-6 repetitions at a time).
  2. SP - sit on the floor with your back straight. On a slow inhale, turn your head to the side until you feel tension in the muscles, while exhaling, turn back. Then do the same in the other direction (1-2 reps).
  3. IP - as in the previous exercise, perform a slow tilt of the head to one shoulder, then to the other. Straighten and bend back and forth.
  4. IP - lie on your stomach, palms on the back of your head. While inhaling, try to raise the chest with the help of muscles, tilt your head and try to touch your chest with your chin. Try to raise your head, under the pressure exerted by your hands. (3-4 reps).

The figure shows additional exercises for pain in the upper back.

Dynamic gymnastics

Dynamic gymnastics for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is performed at a fast pace, while it is necessary to alternate the performance of movements with periods of relaxation. Indicators of the correct speed can be considered an increase in respiratory movements and heart rate. A video of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis can be found on the Internet, viewing it will help to make gymnastics correct and save you from the main mistakes in performing the complex, which are found in almost all practitioners.

  1. IP - while standing, rotate hands 5-12 times forward and the same amount back. The range of motion is maximum.
  2. IP - as in the previous exercise, quickly raise your shoulders, first alternately, then both at once (repeat 5-12 times).
  3. IP - while sitting, stretch your hand to the side, try to look at the palm without turning in the lower back (turning only with your head). Return to the IP and run in the other direction (repeat 5 to 12 times).
  4. IP - lie on your stomach, inhaling to raise the chest as high as possible from the floor, stretch your arms up, exhaling, lie on the floor (repeat 5-12 times).

In addition to basic exercises, you can use yoga for cervical osteochondrosis, it will help relax and strengthen the muscles, as well as stretch the cervical spine.

For those whose work is associated with a long stay in one position (mainly sitting), a good prevention of the development of dysfunctions of the spinal column will be charging for cervical osteochondrosis. It must be performed for several minutes after every hour and a half of sedentary work. Such exercises include turning and tilting the head, raising and lowering the shoulders, circular movements of the head and shoulders.

Who does not have osteochondrosis of the spine? It feels like everyone has it. In general, according to the statistics of the WHO: 80% of people have various disorders of two systems - the support and motor systems. And what is sad is that the bulk of the sufferers are of working age: from 29 to 49 years old. That is, the majority of the population is diagnosed with certain pathologies of the spine and joints, and this is data only for Russia.

Back pain is felt by many people at different times in life. When the treatment of these pains has brought a successful outcome, most patients return to their normal course of life and continue their professional activities. In some, the disease takes on a chronic form, leading to a decrease in working capacity, and in some even to its termination.

The widespread prevalence of back pain is the scourge of our century. And, perhaps, one of the most common pathologies with the manifestation of back pain is osteochondrosis.

With the disease, osteochondrosis affects the intervertebral cartilage and discs. The metabolism is disturbed in them. This causes the development of changes in the bone and muscular systems of the spine. But not only this is dangerous osteochondrosis.

Dystrophic changes in the spine can lead to pathological changes in the internal organs, since the relationship between the health of the spine and the internal organs of a person has been proven. Working with our spine, we heal the entire body. For this reason, it makes sense to take exercise therapy seriously for osteochondrosis, because many doctors say: physical methods are the most basic therapy for osteochondrosis.

The mechanism of development of osteochondrosis

The spine has 33-35 vertebrae, between them there are elastic discs. They give the spine firmness and flexibility. Each such disc contains a nucleus, surrounded by a fibrous ring, and covered above and below by cartilage.

With osteochondrosis, blood circulation in the spine itself and metabolism in it suffer. The elastic discs that are between the vertebrae begin to dry out, their elasticity and strength are lost, and their height decreases. Gradually, the annulus fibrosus loses its ability to hold the loaded spine, its protrusion occurs. It happens that the annulus fibrosus breaks, and this leads to an intervertebral hernia.

Due to such violations, the mobility of the entire spinal column may suffer and its curvature may occur.

A favorable environment for spinal health is an active and sporty lifestyle with moderate stress, and without overexertion.

In our age of computerization, a person's lifestyle is mainly sedentary. Prevention and treatment of problems with the spine is physiotherapy exercises (LFK), which improves the trophism of the discs between the vertebrae, because of this, the mobility of the joints improves; blood saturation of the entire spine also improves, the muscular apparatus of the back is strengthened, the destruction of the bone components of the spine slows down.

Especially exercise therapy for osteochondrosis is useful for people with predisposing factors:

  1. Elderly age.
  2. People who are constantly in a non-standard body position.
  3. People with weak muscles and ligaments.
  4. Who has flat feet and clubfoot.
  5. With pre-existing vertebral injuries.

Osteochondrosis of the spine has different localization and is subdivided into osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, thoracic and lumbosacral regions.

General principles of exercise therapy for any osteochondrosis

  1. Physical education should take place in a well-ventilated room, an excellent option is outside.
  2. Classes are held only during the period of remission of the disease (when there are no symptoms).
  3. Clothes for exercise therapy classes are supposed to be wide, not restricting movement and breathable.
  4. All movements are smooth, the amplitude and number of repetitions gradually increase.
  5. If painful sensations begin, you should immediately stop exercising.
  6. Preceding classes and ending blood pressure and heart rate measurements. When these figures differ from normal, the load should be reduced.
  7. It is advisable to listen to your breathing throughout the entire session, this will increase efficiency. All stretching exercises are performed on exhalation.
  8. It is very important to gradually increase the load and the number of repetitions, this will reduce the risk of injury and prevent overwork.
  9. It is important to do the exercises regularly, so you can achieve an early result.
  10. Before starting independent studies, you must consult with your doctor and agree on a set of exercises with him.

It should be remembered that exercise therapy is not performed when signs of exacerbation begin: pain. After a complex exercise therapy, they can intensify and cause inconvenience.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the upper (cervical) spine

The cervical segment of the spine is intensely saturated with blood vessels that feed the brain. Therefore, to a greater extent, manifestations of osteochondrosis cause poor blood supply to the head.

There are some neurological syndromes in osteochondrosis:

  1. Shoulder-scapular periarthritis syndrome.

In this case, the shoulder joint, shoulder and neck are affected the most. Often, patients develop neurogenic limitation of the movement of the shoulder joint, it protects the axillary nerve from irritation. That is, it is manifested by pain in the back, arm, inability to act with the hand from the sore side due to terrible pain.

  1. Radicular syndrome (cervicobrachial sciatica).

The roots of the spinal nerves are compressed, because the intervertebral foramen decrease, since the height of the intervertebral discs also decreases.

Symptoms: Intense pain, worsening with head movement. The neck muscles are tense.

  1. Cardiac syndrome.

It is similar to angina pectoris, as there are pains in the region of the heart, but without changes in the heart itself. Other manifestations: tachycardia and extrasystole due to irritation of the roots of the spinal nerves.

  1. Vertebral artery syndrome.

Characterized by headaches, dizziness with staggering and loss of balance, nausea, vomiting; vision deteriorates, "flies" appear in front of the eyes; pain and impaired sensitivity occur in the pharynx, hard palate, tongue, accompanied by a hoarse voice, or it may disappear altogether. It also manifests itself as pain or burning sensation on the back of the neck and in the occipital region.

Disorders of sleep and memory, mood swings and anxiety, irritability, resentment, weakness, lethargy and a feeling of heaviness in the head are characteristic.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis should cover both medicinal and physical treatments.

One of the physical methods for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis is therapeutic exercises.

Exercise therapy complex for cervical osteochondrosis

During exposure to the cervical spine, it is important not to overload the neck muscles, so we use the exercise therapy complex with the participation of other muscle groups.
The complex uses both rest and switching of actions. The exercise therapy complex has a preparatory, main and final part.
Preparatory - this is a warm-up, we disperse the blood. The main one is exercises directly for the neck, the final one is relaxation and distraction.

Lying on your back exercises

  1. I.P. - lie on your back, legs straight, arms along the body. Raise and hold your head in this position for 3-7 seconds. Repeat 1-3 times.
  2. Hands at the shoulders: circular movements with the elbows in one direction and the other 4 times, repeat 2-4 times.
  3. Hands along the torso, legs bent at the knee joints. Walking lying down - 30 seconds. Repeat 2-4 times.
  4. Hands extended to the ceiling, alternately pull your arms to the ceiling, lifting the shoulder blade from the floor. Repeat 6-8 times.
  5. Hands along the body, take your hands up through the sides - inhale, pull the knee to your chest - exhale without lifting your head from the floor. Repeat 4-6 times.
  6. Hands along the body - press the back of the head on the floor, hold for 4 counts. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.
  7. Raise your head off the floor, turning it slightly to the right (at the level of the middle of the collarbone) and hold it in this position for 4 counts, lower it, relax. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times, then the same way in the opposite direction.
  8. Hands on the belt. Bend your legs at the knee joints - inhale, straighten with relaxation - exhale. Repeat 4-6 times.
  9. Hands along the torso. Bring the shoulder blades together, pressing them to the floor, hold this position for 4 counts. Relax. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

Exercise therapy, lying on the right side

  1. The right hand is extended, the right ear lies on it, raise the right hand along with the head, hold the position for 4 counts, lower and relax. Repeat 2-4 times.
  2. The left hand rests on the floor in front of the chest, the left leg makes swinging movements back and forth. Repeat 6-8 times.
  3. Left hand along the body, raise the left hand up-inhale, lower-exhale. Repeat 2-4 times.
  4. Left hand on the hip. Pulling both knees to the chest as you exhale, straighten your legs as you inhale. Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Perform the same exercises while lying on your left side.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis, lying on the stomach

  1. Head resting on the forehead, hands on the back of the head, elbows parallel to the floor. Raise your head with your hands off the floor, hold this position for 4 counts, lower and relax. Repeat 2-4 times.
  2. Head resting on the chin, palms under the chin. At times, stretch your arms forward, two - spread to the sides, three - stretch forward, four - starting position. Repeat 2-4 times.
  3. The arms are extended forward. Swimming style "crawl", repeat 4-8 times.
  4. Palms under the chin, palm rest on the forehead. Alternately reaching out with the heel of the buttocks. Repeat 4-8 times.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis in the "sitting" position

All exercises are performed slowly until pain is felt.

  1. Press with the right palm on the right knee, keep 4 counts. The other hand is the same. Then with both hands the same way. Repeat with each hand 4-6 times.
  2. Pull the right shoulder to the right ear, then the left shoulder to the left ear. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.
  3. Pull both shoulders to the ears, repeat 4-6 times.
  4. Circular movements first with the right shoulder, then with the left, then with two. Repeat 8 times in each direction.
  5. Stretch out the right leg, rest on the heel. Press with your heel on the floor, keep 4 counts. Then with the other leg, repeat with each leg 2-4 times.
  6. "Bicycle" while sitting.
  7. Hands to the sides - inhale, hugged the shoulders - exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
  8. We sit on the right side of the chair:
    1. - Hand up and down,
    2. - "sawing wood" - hand back and forth,
    3. - hand up - we describe circles clockwise and counterclockwise,
    4. - raise your hand up and lower and shake.
  9. We sit on the left side of the chair - we repeat the same exercises.
  10. We sit straight - hands up - inhale, exhale clasped our knees.

Lifestyle with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

In order to live fully and without pain, and the periods of remission were long, and exacerbations were worried less often, it is necessary to follow the general principles of exercise therapy, which were written above.

It is important to remember that it is better not to do circular rotational movements of the head, this can lead to injury to the neck.

Prevention of the development of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

  • Regular visits to the orthopedist from early school age. Correct spinal curvature and posture disorders as needed.
  • Go in for sports, primarily swimming, to form a muscle corset.
  • Eat foods that bring calcium and magnesium into the body (fish and seafood, spinach, beans, nuts, seeds, peas, wholemeal bread, dairy products, cheeses).
  • Avoid the accumulation of excess weight.
  • You cannot hang bags on your shoulder, it is advisable to wear backpacks.

Exercise therapy for chest osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is less common than other types of disease - cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis due to the least mobility and the greatest protection due to muscles and ribs.

Signs of breast osteochondrosis:

  1. chest pain, aggravated at night, with a long stay in one position of the body, with hypothermia, with bending to the side and turning, with great physical exertion;
  2. interscapular pain when the right or left arm rises;
  3. pain worsens with deep breathing;
  4. pain between the ribs while walking;
  5. a feeling of squeezing in the chest and back.

Pain during an exacerbation of the disease can last for several weeks.

There are additional symptoms of chest osteochondrosis:

- individual areas of the skin become numb;

- cold feet, sometimes burning and itching;

- skin peels off, nails break;

- pain in the pharynx and esophagus;

- the digestive organs do not work well.

Thoracic osteochondrosis has two symptoms - dorsago and dorsalgia.

Dorsago is a sharp, sharp pain in the chest. Occurs after monotonous work in the same position. When an attack occurs, it becomes difficult to breathe, and if the upper body rotates, the pain increases.

Dorsalgia - not severe pain in the area of ​​the affected intervertebral discs, begins gradually and lasts up to 2-3 weeks. The sensations of pain intensify when breathing deeply, at night and there may be a lack of air. It passes after a short walk.

Causes of breast osteochondrosis:

- computer work;

- frequent driving of a car;

- received injuries of the spine;

- weak back muscles;

- scoliosis and other posture disorders.

What is the danger of chest osteochondrosis

If the treatment is not timely and incorrect, then osteochondrosis of the thoracic region can cause the following diseases:

- protrusion and hernia of the thoracic spine;

- compression of the spinal cord;

- problems with the heart, intestines, liver, kidneys and pancreas;

- disorders in the duodenum, intestinal motility, gallbladder dyskinesia;

- intercostal neuralgia - compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves.

What can be confused with osteochondrosis of the chest

Due to the variety of symptoms, it is easy to confuse it with the following diseases:

- angina pectoris, heart attack. Difference: after taking heart medications, chest pains do not go away, the patient's cardiogram is normal;

- appendicitis, cholecystitis, renal colic;

- gastritis, ulcers, colitis;

- pathology of the mammary glands;

- pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs is distinguished from osteochondrosis by cough, shortness of breath and fever.

Prevention of chest osteochondrosis

- lie down for 40-50 minutes during the day - relieves the load from the spine;

- change the position every 2 hours, get up from the chair, do 2-4 tilts in different directions, stretch, straighten your shoulders if the work is sedentary;

- it is advisable to do water sports: swimming, diving, water aerobics;

- try not to overcool, keep your back warm;

- regularly do exercise therapy exercises.

The value of exercise therapy for chest osteochondrosis

Exercise therapy is an effective way to form a strong muscle corset, thanks to this, in the future, relapses of the disease can be avoided. It is possible to increase the mobility of the thoracic spine, increase the range of motion in the joints: both in the intervertebral and in the costal-vertebrates;

ensure proper deep breathing; develop and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle; to strengthen the muscles of the back, restore physiological curves and form the correct posture, thereby reducing the load on the spine and intervertebral discs; eliminate the stiffness of the deep muscles of the back; strengthen the respiratory muscles; improve ventilation of the lungs; prevent possible complications.

Exercise therapy affects the improvement of pulmonary ventilation - this is very important for patients who are afraid to take a deep breath, since a deep breath provokes severe back pain. The presence of such a connection forces patients to gradually reduce the depth of entry, hypoventilation (insufficient ventilation) of the lower parts of the lungs is obtained, which can provoke the development of pneumonia and a number of other pulmonary pathologies.

Exercise therapy has an extremely positive effect on the course of the disease. To prevent undesirable consequences, you should follow the general principles of classes, which are described above.

The complex of therapeutic exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis

  1. IP - lying on your back with legs bent at the knees. Press your legs to your chest with your hands, pull towards yourself, slightly tearing off the lower back, tighten the abdominal muscles. Fix the position for 5 seconds. Slowly return to the IP. Repeat 2 times.
  2. IP - arms are extended behind the head, legs are straightened. Stretch the left arm and right leg stretching the spine, fix it for a few seconds. The same with the other hand. The pace is slow. Repeat 3 times on each side.
  3. IP - lying on his stomach, arms to the sides. Raise your head and arms. Maintain the state of muscle tension for 3 seconds. Relax with your head and arms down. Repeat 5 times.
  4. IP - lying on your back. Raise your hands behind your head, stretch. Raise your legs and try to touch the floor behind your head with your socks. Do not bend the legs at the knee joints. Remain in this position for 2 seconds. Calmly lower your legs to the floor, arms along your torso.
  5. IP - lying on the right side, legs bent at the knees. Take your left leg up. Fix, SP. The same with the other leg, lying on the left side. Repeat 4 times with each leg. The pace is slow. Try to get your thigh to the maximum. Do the exercise with muscle tension.
  6. IP - standing on all fours. Raise your head, bend over, inhale, lower your head, round your back, feel the tension of the muscles of the back and chest, exhale. The pace is slow. Repeat 5 times.
  7. IP - kneeling, hands below. Hands up - inhale. With a forward movement, lower and take your arms back to the limit, slightly bend forward and sit on your heels - exhale, PI. Average pace. Repeat 3 times.
  8. IP - standing on all fours. Raise your head up and gently bend the spine, PI. Slowly lower the head to the chest and arch the spine. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Most often, due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure and functional load, the lumbar spine is affected.

Neurological manifestations of lumbosacral osteochondrosis: pain of a different nature in the lower back and lower extremities. The pain occurs as a result of irritation of the roots of the spinal nerves. Edema appears around the affected area of ​​the root, which increases the pain, the surrounding muscle tissue is involved in the painful process. A muscle spasm occurs, which presses on the affected root, a vicious circle is obtained. To stop this, it is necessary to act on the muscular system, prevent or reduce spasm of the deep muscles of the back, and strengthen the muscle corset.

For this, it is necessary to conduct physical therapy classes, self-massage, and behave correctly in everyday life.

In case of severe pain in the lumbar spine and in the lower extremities, a gentle exercise therapy complex is recommended (in lightened positions).

The tasks of exercise therapy during this period:

- stretching and relaxation of pathologically tense back muscles;

- increased blood and lymph circulation in the lumbar spine.

When doing the exercises, you should follow the general principles of training, which are described above.

Complex of therapeutic exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis

Sparing regime.

Lying on your back

  1. Hands along the torso, legs together. Raise your arms up - inhale, lower - exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.
  2. Circular rotations of the feet 4-6 times in each direction. Replays 2.
  3. Alternate pulling of the knees to the chest. 6-8 times.
  4. Alternate abduction to the side of the right arm - right leg, left arm - left leg. 4-6 times.
  5. Hands in the "lock" behind the head. Raising your head, pull the toes towards you. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Hands along the torso. Raise your arms up, at the same time pull the toes of your feet away from you - inhale, return to the IP - exhale. Repeat 8 times.
  7. Bend your legs at the knees, put them shoulder-width apart. Get the left foot with the right knee, then the right foot with the left knee. Repeat 4-6 times.
  8. Imitation of riding a "bicycle". 5 circles in each direction.
  9. Put your hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath in with your stomach, then exhale slowly. Repeat 3-4 times.
  10. Left arm along the body, right at the top. Alternate change of hand position. Repeat 10-12 times.
  11. Feet shoulder width apart, arms spread apart. With your right hand, reach the left hand, return to the SP, then with your left hand, reach the right hand. Repeat 6-8 times.
  12. Alternately pulling the knees to the chest with the help of the hands. 6-8 hands.
  13. Bend and straighten the feet while simultaneously squeezing and unclenching the fingers. 10 times.

Exercise therapy, lying on its side

  1. On the left side... Swinging movements of the arm and leg up. 4-6 times.
  2. Pulling the knee to the chest. 6-8 times.
  3. Swinging movements of the leg back and forth. 6-8 times.

On the right side repeat all the exercises that were done on the left side.

Exercises on all fours

  1. Alternate abduction of straight arms to the sides. 10-12 times.
  2. alternate swinging movements with a straight leg back. 8-10 times.
  3. Alternately pulling the right knee to the left arm then the left to the right arm. 6-8 times.
  4. Pull your left knee to your chest, take your leg back, sliding your toe on the floor and sitting down on your right heel. Then perform this exercise with your right foot. 6-8 times.
  5. Alternate swinging motion with a straight leg up and back and the opposite arm up. Then repeat with the other arm and leg. 6-8 times.
  6. “Stepping over” with the hands to the right and to the left, the legs remain in place. 5 times in each direction.
  7. Sit on your heels without taking your hands off the floor (at a slow pace). 6-8 times.
  8. The transition to a sitting position on the right, and then on the left buttock, without taking your hands off the floor. 6-8 times.
  9. Rest your straight arms on the floor, raise your head. Lowering your head to your chest (without bending your arms), arch your back (especially in the belt), then bend. Perform slowly, 8-10 times.

Training mode

(in addition to the exercises of the gentle training regimen).

With insignificant pain sensations and outside the stage of exacerbation, therapeutic gymnastics according to the training regimen is recommended.

- complete the formation of the muscle corset;

- to normalize the range of motion in the joints of the lower extremities;

- strictly dosed exercises related to movements in the lumbar spine.

Lying on your back.

  1. Starting position - the legs are bent at the hip and knee joints, the legs rest on the support. Hands in the "lock" behind the head. Raising the head and shoulders off the floor. 6-8 times.
  2. I.p. - the shins rest on the support, a heavy ball is clamped between the feet. Move the ball to the right and to the left. 6-8 times.
  3. The shins rest on the support, there is a heavy ball between the feet. Pulling the knees to the chin, lifting the head off the floor. 6-8 times.
  4. The legs are bent at the hip joints, the legs rest on the support. Hands along the body, in the hands of dumbbells. The transition from the "lying" position to the "sitting" position. 6-8 times.
  5. Hands with dumbbells are moved to the left side, knees bend to the right, and vice versa. 6-8 times.
  6. The legs are bent at the knees, the ball is clamped between the feet, dumbbells are held in the hands. Take a balanced sitting position. 6-8 times.

Lying on my stomach

  1. The arms are extended forward. Raise your head and shoulders, take your left hand back - to the side, with a turn of the body to the left. Repeat the same with your right hand.
  2. Taking straight arms back, lifting the upper body, raise the legs, bent at the knees. 6-8 times.
  3. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs in the knee joints. 15-20 times.

During exercise, you need to monitor your heart rate. In order for the intensity of the load to be optimal, the pulse should not exceed 120-140 beats per minute. The heart rate is measured at the beginning and at the end of the session.

Rules of conduct in everyday life with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

To prevent osteochondrosis from exacerbating, it is necessary to avoid physical actions and positions of the back, leading to a sharp contraction of the muscles of the lower back.

The lying position reduces the load on the lumbar spine (reduces the pressure inside the disc by 50%), but sitting with such osteochondrosis is important as little as possible. In a standing position, it is necessary to change posture more often and transfer the load from one leg to the other.

You should also avoid a long semi-inclined position of the body - in this position, the discs experience maximum load. To do this, we straighten every quarter of an hour, make several movements in the lower back and very smoothly several turns of the body, as well as a few bends back and forth (3-5 minutes; without tension and effort).

When walking, it is important to avoid sudden movements and steps. It is better to ride while standing in transport.

When sedentary work, the patient needs to monitor his posture and control it by volitional effort - to straighten his back, do not forget about regular straightening and smooth bends.

It is important for drivers to consider how to position their seat for maximum lumbar support. It is imperative that a 5-minute respite is required after 2-3 hours of constant driving, during which they warm up.

Standing work requires optimizing the workplace to avoid leaning towards it. To do this, you can increase, for example, the height of the table, lengthen the mop. If you need to reach down, it is important do not bend over, but squat with a straight back.

What to do when there is not enough time for exercise therapy?

The complexes compiled above allow, if performed correctly, to guaranteed to improve the condition and prevent complications of osteochondrosis. Naturally, this requires a certain amount of time. In addition, most often, osteochondrosis is present in all parts of the spine at once. In a hospital, exercise therapy is performed only for the most affected department. However, it is quite logical that the entire spine should be treated.

If all these complexes are performed, then here the patient will have the formation of a muscle corset, and - attention - a bonus: a tightening of the figure will appear. For people with a sedentary lifestyle, additional stress on the body does not need to be invented.
Although these complexes will not replace the gym (of course, there will not be muscle relief), deep muscles will be strengthened, which is very important for the healthy work of not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the internal organs.

When there is no time for a full complex, but it is necessary to work out to improve the condition, a feeling of lightness in the spine, a five-minute exercise therapy complex is offered, consisting of the most important exercises.


All exercises are performed while sitting, preferably in front of a mirror to control your body, head straight, chin parallel to the floor; hands on the belt, knees together, emphasis on the feet.

  1. Slow turns of the head to the right and left, with a delay in the final positions on exhalation. On inhalation - return to the starting position - head straight, chin parallel to the floor. Repeat 3-4 times.
  2. Slow inclinations of the head to the right and left shoulder (do not raise the shoulders!) With a delay in the final positions on exhalation. On inspiration - to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Slowly tilting the head down, reach with the chin towards the chest (teeth are closed, the mouth does not open), stretch as low as possible on exhalation. Return to I.P. - inhale. Do not throw your head back! Repeat 3-4 times.
  4. Slowly pull your chin towards the middle of the right collarbone, then straight and towards the middle of the left collarbone. Repeat 4 times.
  5. Slowly tilt your head down and with your chin "draw" a semicircle from one shoulder to the other and back (teeth are closed, the mouth does not open). Repeat 4 times.
  6. Stretch your head up, hold for a few seconds and relax your neck. Repeat 2-3 times.
  7. Rest your fists on your chin and press them for a few seconds on your fists. Repeat 2-3 times.
  8. Exercise for counter resistance: hands in the "lock", place on the forehead. Press with palms on the forehead and forehead on the palms, hold for a few seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
  9. Also with palms on the back of the head.
  10. Likewise, putting your palm on the side of your head. Tilting the head to the side, showing resistance with the hand.
  11. Also, palm on the temple area. Turning the head to the side, showing resistance with the hand.
  12. I.P. - the arms are bent at the elbows, the palm is placed on the palm, at the level of the chin. Reach for the palms alternately with the forehead, chin, right ear, left ear. Repeat 1 time.


  1. I.P. - sitting, arms along the body. Raising your arms up - inhale, lowering your arms - exhale. Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. I.P. - the same. Raising and lowering the shoulders with tension. Repeat 4-6 times.
  3. Sitting, palms to shoulders. Circular movements in the shoulder joints. 5 times in each direction.
  4. Sitting, palms to shoulders, elbows to the sides. Bring your elbows in front of you, tilt your head forward, round your back - exhale; take your elbows back, bend in the thoracic region, head straight - inhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
  5. Standing, arms along the body. Tilt the torso to the right, sliding the palm down the leg as you exhale. Then the other way. Repeat 2-4 times in each direction. This exercise can be done while sitting.


  1. I.P. - lying on his stomach. The arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to the body, the legs are straight. Raise the upper body on straight arms, look to the right - to the left with a turn of the head. Return to ip, relax. Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. The arms are extended forward, the legs are straight. "Crawl" with hands, with raising the body. Repeat 4-6 times.
  3. I.P. - too, "Brass" with his hands. Repeat with each hand 4-6 times.
  4. Brushes under the chin, crawling "on bellies", alternately pull the knee to the elbow. Repeat 4-6 times in each direction.
  5. The same, legs are straight. Alternate lifting of the legs up, the toe "looks" to the floor. Repeat 4-6 times with each leg.
  6. The arms and legs are straightened. At the same time, raise straight arms and legs up, linger for a few seconds, lower and relax. Repeat 3-4 times.

Adaptive physical education specialist Ekaterina Shishulina

Hundreds of scientific papers and publications, dozens of innovative devices and modern pharmacological agents - almost all methods remain powerless in the face of such an enemy as.

This disease is based on dystrophic damage to the joints and intervertebral discs, as a result of which fibrous tissue forms in place of the cartilage.

Until now, doctors cannot find effective remedies to combat this problem. Powerful, popular and advances in oriental medicine - all this only allows you to eliminate the symptoms and temporarily slow down the development of the disease.

In turn, various author's techniques are gaining more and more popularity. From the monitor screens, Dr. Bubnovsky and Shishonin promise us a complete cure in the shortest possible time. Is this so, and what exercises can you do with osteochondrosis? We will try to answer these and other questions.

Going back a few decades ago, let us recall the works of Professor Mogendovich, who was the first to scientifically substantiate the effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The work was based on the muscular-reflex theory, that is, all the muscles of our body, in one way or another, are connected with the nervous system.

Performing specific exercises, the flow of impulses in the direction of the brain (from proprioceptors) increases, as a result of which there is a local improvement in the neuro-humoral innervation (this stimulates recovery and trophic processes).

So, exercise therapy is a method of treatment based on the performance of various physical exercises. Please note that various types of gymnastics, exercise therapy and others are all part of such a field of knowledge as kinesitherapy (that is, movement therapy).

Exercise therapy is the implementation of special exercises

What is the use of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis:

  • reduces pain;
  • strengthens the back muscles with osteochondrosis;
  • improves blood circulation in the affected area;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • reduces pathological impulses.

Today, physical therapy for osteochondrosis is one of the most important methods of conservative treatment. The advantages are that the exercises can be done at home, no investment is required, and after 2 weeks the patient's condition improves.

With osteochondrosis, the following types of exercise therapy are shown:

  • neck gymnastics with osteochondrosis;
  • exercises for the lumbar spine;
  • Exercise therapy for the thoracic region;
  • copyright techniques;
  • fitball gymnastics;
  • breathing exercises.

Now there are more than 100 different sets of exercises, but not all of them are effective.

Features of gymnastics for the back with osteochondrosis:

  • it is forbidden to perform exercise therapy in the acute period of the disease;
  • if pain occurs, you should stop exercising;
  • before performing the complex, it is necessary to warm up the affected area;
  • it is enough to spend 20 minutes against osteochondrosis 2-3 times a day;
  • the course is from 21 to 100 days.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis: which exercises for the spine are the most effective

Despite the abundance of various exercises, not all of them can be called effective. We recommend performing special exercises for the spine with osteochondrosis, which was developed by rehabilitation doctors, orthopedists, and physiotherapists.

Unfortunately, all these exercises do not guarantee complete recovery, but only eliminate the influence of provoking factors, as a result of which the disease goes into an inactive phase.

Advice! It is better to do the exercises 3-5 days after the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis

Exercise therapy complex for cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Exercise 1. Sit on a chair (back straightened) and put your palm to your forehead, while you need to apply pressure to tighten the neck muscles (for 5 seconds). The exercise is performed in a similar way when placing the palm on the back of the head;
  • Exercise 2. Now a palm is applied to the temple area (right, and then left). In this case, resistance should also be resisted, while the body remains stationary. This exercise improves cerebral circulation in osteochondrosis;
  • Exercise 3. Place your palm on your chin and perform resistance (at least 10 times for 7 seconds);
  • Exercise 4. Make smooth turns left and right up to the maximum level (5 times).

How to perform these and other exercises correctly - see the video:

Exercise therapy for chest osteochondrosis

A set of exercises for chest osteochondrosis:

  • Exercise 1. Lie in a horizontal position and try to reach your chest with your chin, while it is necessary to bend your legs at the ankle joint (stop at the top point for 5 seconds);
  • Exercise 2. The lying position is maintained, while you must bend your legs at the knee joints and grab the ankles.

    In this position, you need to bend in the back, lingering for 3-5 seconds in the upper segment;

  • Exercise 3. Take the starting position on your stomach with your arms outstretched. Try to bend over by lifting your arms and legs for a few seconds.

Exercise therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis

Exercises for back muscles with lumbar osteochondrosis:

  • Exercise 1. Take a standing position and try to reach with your right hand as high as possible, then repeat the exercise with your left hand;
  • Exercise 2. Perform rotational movements of the hips, first to the right, and then to the left;
  • Exercise 3. Now let's move on to the forward bends. As you rise, try to straighten your back back.

You can find more exercises for the lumbar spine in the video:

Best author's techniques

Over the years, some specialists have formed their own approaches to the treatment of osteochondrosis. The recommendations of Dr. Bubnovsky and Shishonin, gymnastics for osteochondrosis according to Norbekov are very popular among patients.

Practicing doctors are skeptical about such approaches, but patients respond positively to these methods, so we could not bypass them.

Bubnovsky's technique

Gymnastics Bubnovsky (with hernias, protrusions and osteochondrosis):

  • Exercise 1. This will require an expander, which is fixed in front of the patient. It is necessary to take a sitting position with legs extended forward. Straighten your back and smoothly pull towards yourself;
  • Exercise 2. Now take a standing position (feet shoulder width apart). This control will require an expander or a bottle of water (3-5 L). Bend 45 degrees and pull the expander or bottle to the belt.

Competent exercise technique is the basis of a specialist's treatment complexes.
For clarity, we recommend watching the video with Dr. Bubnovsky:

Shishonin's method

No less popular are the exercises of Dr. Shishonin, thanks to which a large number of patients got to their feet.

Popular Shishonin exercises for osteochondrosis:

  • Metronome. You should take the PI while standing, then tilt your head towards one shoulder and stay in this position for 15-20 seconds, then return to the starting position and do the exercise in the direction of the other shoulder;
  • Fakir. In a standing position, abduct your arms to the sides (bent at the elbows), bringing them above your head. For each set, a turn to the side is performed. Also in the complex of Dr. Shishonin should be noted exercises with a gymnastic stick, "spring", "goose" and "heron".

Prevention of osteochondrosis - everyone should know this

Massages, medicines and physical education are reliable helpers in the treatment of osteochondrosis.
But, nevertheless, what rules should patients follow in order to forget about this disease for a long time:

  • Hygiene of posture and movement. Limit the stress on the spine by taking correct postures in everyday life and at work;
  • Protection. It is necessary to minimize the influence of provoking factors (hypothermia, drafts, etc.);
  • Sport. Exercise for the prevention of osteochondrosis allows you to strengthen the muscles of the back and reduce the risk of exacerbation of osteochondrosis;
  • Nutrition. Establish a meal plan and eat exceptionally healthy foods;
  • Recreation. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Remember that movement is life, but not all movement benefits our health.

Treat your treatment responsibly and stay healthy!

Specially designed sets of exercises for osteochondrosis help to effectively fight degenerative changes in the spine. Regular gymnastics increases the nutrition of the intervertebral discs, eliminates stiffness of movements and improves overall well-being.

What are the sets of exercises for osteochondrosis

Exercise complexes for osteochondrosis help to effectively fight the pathological processes that occur during the thinning of cartilage tissue. The destruction of the intervertebral discs and the displacement of individual segments brings terrible discomfort. There is pain and stiffness of movement. To improve the functional state of the spine, it is necessary to regularly perform special therapeutic gymnastic complexes. They contribute to increased blood flow, respectively, the nutrition of the tissues of the intervertebral disc improves, the destruction processes stop.

Osteochondrosis is a complex of dystrophic disorders that affect articular cartilage and intervertebral discs

With osteochondrosis, pain is often present, every movement brings discomfort. The gymnastic complex solves this problem. Over time, pain is eliminated, the vertebrae become more mobile. This is due to the stimulation of the processes of restoration of the cartilaginous layer, which is impossible when the back is in a motionless state.

Contraindications and side effects

If you do any exercises incorrectly, then pain may increase. The main contraindications are as follows:

  • postoperative period;
  • osteochondrosis in the stage of exacerbation;
  • serious lesions of the central nervous system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • colds with high fever;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • heart disease, accompanied by rhythm disturbances.
  • Preparatory stage

    To prepare for the implementation of the exercise therapy complex, it is necessary to take into account the following rules:

  • start the complex with a warm-up;
  • start exercising only 1.5–2 hours after eating;
  • the complex should be performed only in the absence of pain.
  • Before you start exercising, you need to prepare comfortable clothes that will not hinder your movements. In this case, it is worth giving preference to natural fabrics through which the skin can breathe.

    Gymnastics for the cervical spine

    For the prevention of such a pathology as cervical osteochondrosis, and for stretching the muscles of the collar zone, the following gymnastic complex is provided. When performing it, do not jerk to avoid injury. The number of repetitions is from 10 to 20. It should be understood that the cervical vertebrae are very fragile.

  • Stand up straight, look forward. Then tilt your head back a little. The jaw and chin remain motionless. You should linger in the pose for 3-5 seconds.
  • Stand up straight. Tilt your head, try to reach your shoulder with your auricle, helping yourself with one hand and putting pressure on your head with your fingers. The other palm should be behind your back or may simply be lowered. Hold for a few seconds in this position, then do the same, but in the opposite direction.
  • Stand up straight and tilt your head forward. Try to keep the chin up to the collarbone. Hold for 5 seconds.
  • Stand up straight and tilt your head first forward and then back. It is recommended to stay at each point for a few seconds. Then you need to turn your head to the right, then to the left. At the same time, the body does not move.
  • Exercise therapy for the cervical spine should be performed smoothly and carefully

    Relaxation exercises are helpful for pinching the cervical spine. In addition, they should be performed with exacerbation of osteochondrosis. You need to sit on your knees, buttocks are located on the heels. In this case, you should place your head on your elbows, as if wrapping your hands around it. The neck hangs down freely. The body is relaxed. It is recommended to stay in this position for at least 1-2 minutes.

    The pinching position of the cervical spine eliminates the clamp

    Joint gymnastics

    This technique was developed to combat cervical osteochondrosis. Exercise includes relaxation and tension. You should start with rotational movements of the head. This should be done slowly and smoothly. When moving your head back, you should not throw it back strongly.

    A slight crunch may be felt during execution. Do not be afraid of such a phenomenon if it is not accompanied by pain.

    Then you should perform 10 times the same simple movement: tilt your head forward and return it to its original position. Then do the same just backwards. The number of repetitions is 20. Then you need to combine both movements into one. Repeat the same to the right and left.

    Joint gymnastics for the neck - video

    Isometric Cervical Exercises

    Isometric exercises are best done while standing. It will be more convenient this way. The essence of the complex lies in the long-term preservation of the position of the head, at which the muscles begin to be actively involved.

  • It is necessary to alternately bend and unbend the neck, tilting the head back and forth. At the same time, it is important to feel the work of the muscles and to maintain a stationary state in each position for 10 seconds. 3 repetitions are enough.
  • You should try to reach your ear to the shoulder, delaying 10 counts. Then the same must be done in the opposite direction. Only 3 times.
  • Standing straight, rotate your head to the left, then to the right, lingering at the extreme point for 10-15 counts.
  • Standing upright, you should try to make a movement with your neck, imagining diving under water. That is, the head should make a wave-like movement down and forward. This action is very effective for working out the cervical spine. Only 5 times.
  • You should try to move your head forward, placing your palm on your forehead to fix the position. You need to linger for a couple of counts, then the same must be done back.
  • The next exercise is very simple. It is necessary to draw the neck into the shoulders, then, on the contrary, lengthen it. At each extreme point, you must linger for 10 counts.
  • Isometric exercises are aimed at maintaining the position of the neck at one point.

    Isometric exercises - video

    Complex for the study of the cervicothoracic region

    Exercises for the cervical and thoracic vertebrae allow you to work out two areas at the same time.

  • Lie on your back. Place a small roller or rolled-up blanket (you can also use a large towel or small blanket) under the chest. Then take a deep breath and raise your hands up and behind your head. Remain in this position for half a minute.
  • Lie on one side and put a roller under it. Both arms are straight. One looks up (perpendicular to the body), the other is located under the head. Then you need to inhale. Then you should connect both hands above the head. The arms remain straight.
  • Get a chair. Sit on it so that your back does not touch the back. Stretch your arms forward. While inhaling, raise them and stretch your neck up, bending the thoracic region.
  • Exercises for the cervicothoracic region help improve the mobility of the vertebrae

    Lumbar work

    The Lumbar Complex includes exercises to strengthen muscles and relieve tension from the lower back. You need to start with stretching. To do this, you need to alternately put your feet on the bench, straightening your knee, and reach for your lower leg with your hands. Then you can proceed to the complex.

  • Take a knee-elbow position. Slowly bend the spine and then, on the contrary, bend, feeling a stretch. Then, from the same position, it is necessary to alternately pull the left leg and right arm. Then vice versa.
  • Lie on your back. It is necessary to put your palms under your head, and bend the lower limbs at the knees. Slowly raise and then lower the pelvic region.
  • Lie on your stomach. Rest your elbows on the floor and, bending your back, raise the body, remaining in this position.
  • Exercises for back pain with osteochondrosis eliminate discomfort

    Working out the lower back - video

    Complex for the thoracic region

    The complex for the thoracic region can be used in the acute period to relieve pain. You need to start by stretching your muscles. To do this, it is recommended to press the body against the wall and reach with your hands as high as possible without standing on your toes. Do not take your heels off the floor.

    Main complex:

  • Sit on a hard surface. Place bent arms on the back of the head. It is necessary to slowly bend the spine, taking your elbows back a little. Stay in this position should be 10-15 seconds.
  • Sit on a chair and place your hands on your hips. Bring the shoulder blades together and then relax the muscles. Hands on your hips.
  • Stand against the wall. Press your hands to the surface as well. Pull them up and slide down smoothly. The total number of repetitions is 15.
  • Sit on the mat and stretch your legs. The back is straight. Reach with your hands to your socks, rounding the spine. Then straighten up again.
  • All of the above steps must be repeated in several approaches.

    Thoracic Exercises Strengthen Back Muscles

    Exercises for the thoracic region - video

    Respiratory gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

    To eliminate pain in the thoracic region with osteochondrosis, it is recommended to include breathing exercises. Their principle is to help improve blood supply and oxygenation of the spine, which is possible with a stationary body position.

    The most popular and effective exercise is the cat pose:

  • Take a kneeling position and rest your hands on the floor.
  • Exhale sharply through the mouth.
  • Draw air quickly through your nose.
  • Take a deep breath again. The stomach needs to be tightened and the breath should be held while arching the back.
  • Stay in the pose for 7-10 counts. Only 3 repetitions.
  • Cat pose works great for the thoracic region

    Additional complexes and methods of treatment of the thoracic spine

    Swimming is very beneficial for the thoracic spine. When the hands overcome the obstacle created by water, then at this moment the rectus muscles of the back are actively worked out. With regular swimming, you can relieve tightness in the thoracic spine.

    Plank exercise is extremely effective. It is not easy to do as it requires stamina. You need to stand on your toes and put your hands on the floor. Palms at shoulder distance, legs straight. The body should not sag. You should stay in this position as long as possible.

    The plank perfectly strengthens the muscles of the upper back and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spine

    Exercises on the Evminov board help to stretch the spine and effectively remove all clamps. To do this, the complex must be performed both on the back and on the stomach.

  • Press the spine to the board and grab the handles of the simulator.
  • Slowly turn the socks to the right, then to the left. Legs are straight. A total of 20 times in each direction.
  • Then, in turn, pull each leg to the chest, bending at the knee.
  • Change position and lie on your stomach.
  • Alternately tear off the right and then the left leg from the board, feeling how the muscles of the back are straining and stretching.
  • Exercises on the Evminov board are very effective for back diseases

    Exercises on the Evminov board - video

    Improvement of the lower back

    To strengthen the lumbosacral region, it is necessary to perform a complex that helps to suspend degenerative processes in the cartilaginous tissue of the spine.

  • Lie on your back. Put your hands along the body. Then pull one or the other leg to the chest. A total of 20 times with each limb.
  • Exercise scissors. To do this, you should remain in the same position and, raising your legs, cross them, leaving them in the air. Only 15 times. The movement of the legs resembles a scissor, which is why it bears that name.
  • Lying on your back, alternately raise one or the other leg, while describing them in circles clockwise for 20 seconds. A total of 5 repetitions for each limb. When performing the action, you need to make sure that your back is pressed to the floor.
  • Lie on your stomach and place your palms on the back of your head. Bending the spine, tear the upper half of the body off the floor. The total number is 20 times.
  • A set of exercises for the lumbosacral region helps to develop the lower back

    Exercises for the lower back zone - video

    Yoga for osteochondrosis

    Yoga for osteochondrosis of the spine gives very good results with regular performance of individual poses. However, it should be remembered that not all exercises are equally useful in this case. There is the following complex especially for the spine:

  • Twisting. It is necessary to sit on the mat, stretch one leg forward. Bend the other at the knee and step over the thigh of the limb extended forward. Then you should turn the body in the opposite direction from the bent leg, resting on it with your elbow, and stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. Then the same thing only in the other direction.

    Twisting the spine is very effective for the cervical and thoracic back.

  • Pose of a triangle. Stand straight, feet at a distance of about a meter, the toe of the right foot looks to the side, and the left forward. Stretch your arms to the sides and bend over, resting your palm on your right leg. The knees are straight. In this case, you can feel how the side is stretched. Then linger for half a minute and do the same in the other direction.

    The triangle pose helps to relieve pinching in the lumbar spine

  • Inverted Plank Pose. It is necessary to rest your palms on the floor, placing them next to the hips. Then bend over so that the socks are on the surface of the rug. The legs are straight. Stay in this position for 20 seconds. The head is slightly thrown back.

    Inverted Plank Pose is used to improve spine health and correct posture.

  • Care should be taken for problems with the cervical spine. It is not recommended to perform exercises in which you need to throw your head back strongly or focus on the crown, as fragile vertebrae can be injured. All stretching exercises work for the neck.

    Yoga for the spine - video

    Exercising in water is always effective, as the muscles are subject to additional stress. Small but effective complex:

  • Stand up straight. Feet shoulder width apart. Squat smoothly in the water and then rise to the starting position. Only 15 times.
  • Grab the side of the pool and lie on your stomach, keeping your feet afloat. Alternately try to raise one or the other leg 15 times each.
  • Take the ball in your hands and slowly immerse it in the water, overcoming resistance. In this case, you should feel how the collar zone is straining. You don't need to bend your legs. It is enough just to slightly tilt the upper part of the case. Only 20 times.
  • Water Back Exercise Promotes Deep Muscle Development

    Spine pool - video

    Stick exercises

    Stick exercises are very effective in combating osteochondrosis. To do this, you need to perform a simple complex:

  • Take a stick in straight arms. Rotate it over your head. You should do a half turn in each direction, crossing your arms. The movements are smooth. A total of 10 times in each direction.
  • Place the stick so that when bending the body you can lean on it with your hands. The upper body is parallel to the floor. Slowly round the back, then, on the contrary, arch it.
  • Place the stick at the back, it should be gripped with both hands so that the distance between them is at least half a meter. Then bend over, arching your back. Take the stick back a little. Perform at least 10 times.
  • Back Pole Exercise Helps Strengthen Your Spine

    Exercises with a stick for the back - video

    Morning exercises should not be intense. The next complex perfectly stretches the spine and works out each of its sections.

  • Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides, then raise them above your head. Repeat the action 10 times.
  • Hands spread apart, as in the previous paragraph. Raise the knee of one leg and touch the opposite arm with the elbow. Then the same thing, just the opposite.
  • Squat without lifting your heels off the floor. When straightening the legs, the arms go up. When squatting, the hands should be lowered.
  • Place your palms on your shoulders and rotate your elbows clockwise in circles. Then in the opposite direction.
  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Bend over, trying to reach with the right hand to the left toe. Do not bend your knees. The same should be done in the opposite direction.
  • Morning exercises for the back helps to wake up and restore the mobility of each vertebra

    Morning exercises for the back - video

    Running and exercise with fitball

    An additional way to improve the health of the spinal column is jogging. It is most effective to do this in the morning. You need to start small, not overworking. You need to switch to running smoothly, from a fast step. On the first day, 5 minutes is enough. Then the time should be gradually increased.

    Ball exercises for osteochondrosis help get rid of pain

    Exercises with fitball for the back - video

    Exercises on the horizontal bar and the use of simulators

    With osteochondrosis, it is very useful to give preference to exercises on the horizontal bar. To do this, you need to hang on it as often as possible. As a result, each vertebra is stretched, all pinching is eliminated and blood flow is increased. You need to hang for at least 2 minutes a day. With weak arm muscles, it is very difficult to maintain balance for a long time. Therefore, it is good to use a low horizontal bar, in which your feet will reach the floor. In this case, the effect will be slightly lower. You can swing your legs while hanging on the horizontal bar. It also stretches the spine effectively.

    Back trainers work all muscles

    Exercises for osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky

    Dr. Bubnovsky recommends his effective exercises for osteochondrosis. You need to get on all fours. Then you should pull the right elbow to the left knee, lifting the limbs off the floor, and vice versa. In each direction, you need to do at least 15-20 times. It all depends on the level of physical fitness. From the same position, it is necessary to alternately straighten the legs and take them back. The main support is the hands that rest on the floor. Exercise should be done 3 times a day for best results.

    Bubnovsky back exercises help get rid of pain

    Gymnastics Bubnovsky for pain in the neck and back - video

    What exercises should not be done, possible consequences

    In the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, all exercises that involve throwing the head back and focusing on the parietal zone should be performed with caution. In this case, the vessels may be pinched and the pain will intensify. It is also necessary to abandon all exercises that involve sudden movements. It should be remembered that the cervical vertebrae are very sensitive to any load.

    Complications after exercise therapy are extremely rare. With improper exercise or excessive exertion, pain in different parts of the spine can be felt. This is especially true in the cervical area. The discomfort is accompanied by stiffness. In addition, with sudden movements, the vertebrae can be dislocated, which will lead to acute pain.

    Expert opinion

    Most doctors recommend exercise therapy for osteochondrosis as the main method of treating diseases of the spine. At the same time, exercises are often combined with the use of drugs that relieve inflammation and improve the shock-absorbing functions of the intervertebral segments. However, doctors advise to refrain from exercise therapy in the presence of acute, shooting pain.

    Back diseases such as require serious attention. Muscle development, posture straightening in conjunction with drug, analgesic therapy - this complex of targeted measures is widely used in the fight for the health of the spine. The meaning of directly therapeutic gymnastics is in its individuality, clearly developed loads, having a common goal - recovery. Among the mass of tested and successfully applied methods, it is important to find your own, the most effective and suitable for a specific unique case of the disease. A set of exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine must be approved or prescribed by your doctor.

    Useful properties of gymnastics for osteochondrosis

    Physical activity during the treatment of osteochondrosis is prescribed at a certain period of the course of the disease, since there is a stage at which bed rest is prescribed, and it is practically immobilization. When the rest period ends, the stage of increasing activity begins, and in strict accordance with the patient's well-being, his age characteristics, the presence of chronic diseases and the ability to carry out certain exercises. The essence of health-improving physical education for osteochondrosis is, firstly, in the need to relieve pain attacks, and secondly, in strengthening the muscles of a certain part of the spine. The latter is especially important because of some time of immobility, which was necessary to suppress the further development of pathology and to stop the painful focus.

    Osteochondrosis is a complex of dystrophic disorders that affect the articular cartilage and intervertebral discs of the spine.

    Physical education for osteochondrosis is built from simple exercises, which are based on the basic, daily, regular and natural movements of a healthy person. Doing them, the body not only "remembers" the usual way of life, but there is a consolidation of the need for physical activity, which is a necessity in case of successful cure of osteochondrosis.

    Stretching, bending, toning of individual muscle groups, in some cases, power loads and other trainings help to activate blood flow in the required direction, strengthen the adhesion of tendons to the bone frame, form a muscle base that can withstand the volume of loads necessary for the usual life. Thus, it becomes possible to weaken drug therapy, thereby shifting the emphasis towards the formation of the healing process in a natural way.

    During the exercise of physiotherapy exercises, the normalization of blood flow, the alignment of metabolism, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the intervertebral discs are noted. At the same time, the intervertebral space expands, a skeleton of muscles grows, which, in turn, helps to reduce the load on the corresponding department.

    Indications, contraindications and side effects of physiotherapy exercises

    The simplicity of the exercises and their strict dosage does not mean that in case of osteochondrosis, loads are mandatory. In some cases, there are contraindications. For example, if there are signs of an exacerbation of the disease. In this case, a return to previous methods without the use of physical education will be required.

    It is important to pay attention to the dynamics of well-being: a feeling of nausea, vomiting, a sudden aggravation of pain in the back, neck, dizziness should be a signal to stop exercising. Compliance with elementary approaches to physical activity matters. So, you should not start them both with an empty stomach, and immediately after eating, as well as in a state of severe physical fatigue.

    Acute pain in any of the vertebral regions is a signal to stop exercising in physiotherapy exercises

    The main indication for exercise therapy in osteochondrosis is the need to restore and develop the joints of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. If the latter are worn out, then there is a danger of vertebrae fusion, which is fraught with limitation of mobility and other related systemic disorders. In this case, a concomitant indicator will be incessant pain. Therefore, it is important to use the painful area of ​​the spinal column in a certain way with well-chosen trainings in order to prevent a negative scenario of the course of the disease.

    Therapeutic exercise is prescribed in the absence of obvious contraindications, which include:

    • worsening of the course of any disease;
    • a recently performed operation, the recovery period after which has not expired;
    • neurological deviations associated with difficulties in coordinating movements;
    • pathology of the vestibular apparatus;
    • any chronic diseases in an exacerbated form;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • Heart arythmy;
    • ophthalmic contraindications - high intraocular pressure, myopia with a high degree of diopters,.

    Any recorded pathology is the basis for a serious adjustment of the entire complex, suspension of its implementation, or even abandonment of it altogether. But even if the identified contraindications are not found, the patient with osteochondrosis must necessarily monitor his health, listen to the response of his body. Incorrect or improper execution of at least part of the movements leads to complications of the course of the disease: sharp pains, constant discomfort, sleep disturbances, physical activity, decreased vitality.

    Preparation for exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine

    The simplicity of the initial stage of the use of gymnastics does not mean that you can immediately start it, dreaming of bringing yourself back into shape as quickly as possible. Each complex requires its own preparation. It should be noted that the load will increase, albeit with some pauses and rest breaks. In order for the effect of charging to be extremely positive, the muscle fibers of the back need to be warmed up and thus prepared for work.

    • take a warm shower. It will simultaneously relieve tension in muscle groups and tone the relaxed ones. Thus, the systemic readiness of the body for gymnastics will increase;
    • do a light back massage. Has a similar effect. Moreover, the muscles on which the massage movements are emphasized are already included in the work;
    • do a warm-up "warm-up". Light springy walking in different variations - full foot, toes, heels, outer edge of the foot - all this will help to enrich the involved organs and systems with oxygen.

    Preparation for exercise therapy - photo gallery

    Taking a shower before class contributes to the systemic preparation of the body for gymnastics
    Massage helps to tone the back muscles Walking as a preparation for a lesson is used in various forms - on toes, heels, on a full foot

    Physical exercises for osteochondrosis: a technique and stages

    The method of performing therapeutic physical trainings is usually divided into several stages. Their number varies depending on the complexity and duration of the recommended activities. Each previous stage is at the same time preparatory for the next one. The last stage is final. Their sequence is determined by the need to use the groups of the back muscles in a certain order in accordance with medical indications.

    Alternating tension and relaxation of various muscle groups of the back and abdomen, change of load points, the use of simple gymnastic equipment (for example, a stick), the use of different initial body positions, connection to the active work of the limbs, rhythm in accordance with the recommended respiratory system - this is the general characteristic of the therapeutic system. physical education for osteochondrosis.

    Physical culture therapy of osteochondrosis of various segments of the spinal column differs in the degree of load, direction of movement, distribution of tone. This allows you to influence the painful areas in different directions and stimulate them to heal themselves. Thus, combinations of therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics have been developed for each of the vertebral regions subject to osteochondrosis changes.

    Video: exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine

    Neck gymnastics

    Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis require care and caution. The connection between the base of the skull and the first cervical vertebra is very mobile and subject to strong loads. Therefore, sudden head movements should be avoided. Also, when performing cervical gymnastics, it is recommended to hold the head with your hand for better fixation of the working muscles and in order to prevent injury during charging.

    In particular, when pinching nerves and preventing it, the following exercises are recommended:

    • the body is upright. Press your head with your chin to your chest and gently lift it up and take it back as much as possible. Repeat several times after a minute pause;
    • the position is the same. Fasten the brushes in a lock behind the head and produce pressing forces on the back of the head, generating an active work of the neck to keep the head in its original position. You should start with several approaches, gradually increasing both the pressure force and the number of exercises over 10-14 days.

    Since the cervical spine is susceptible to specific pathologies due to the functions of holding the head assigned to it, static postures, prolonged stay in uncomfortable and even harmful conditions have a negative effect on the state of the cervical vertebrae. To prevent cervical osteochondrosis, special elements of health-improving gymnastics have been developed.

    Neck pain can also come as a surprise and cause difficulty in normal activities, sleep disturbances, and even lifestyle changes. In acute pain, complete immobility (if possible) of the cervical spine is most often prescribed, for which even special fixing collars are used. Cervical exercises prescribed by the doctor after drug therapy will help relieve residual pain, relieve the department from muscle spasms and restore the former freedom to the vertebrae. To relieve discomfort in the cervical spine, the so-called isometric exercises are recommended:

    1. We put our hand on the temple, we begin to apply pressure with it, as if we want to tilt our head, but at the same time we strain the lateral muscles of the neck, thereby providing resistance.
    2. We linger in this position a little, then gradually weaken the pressure with our hand and remove it.
    3. We repeat the same on the opposite side with the other hand, trying to provide pressure symmetrical in strength.

    Joint gymnastics is used to normalize the position of the cervical vertebrae relative to each other and to the axis of the spinal column.

    Six exercises to prevent cervical osteochondrosis - photo gallery

    For the prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is recommended to tilt your head forward while applying pressure with your palm The head must be smoothly turned in each direction as much as possible With osteochondrosis, it is useful to raise the shoulders and hold them in this position for up to 10 seconds Massaging the neck at the junction with the head will improve the condition To relieve neck pain, you need to tilt your head to the side, applying pressure with your palm A useful exercise in case of illness is to tilt your head to your chest, touching it with your chin

    Video: exercises for the cervical spine

    Gymnastics for the cervicothoracic region

    The cervical and thoracic regions are closely related to each other and pain often "flows" between them. To relieve discomfort, the charging elements for the cervical spine discussed above are used, and exercises for the shoulders are also added. They help to develop the upper vertebral joints, which are closest to the cervical, and those, in turn, are also involved in the work.

    1. In a straight vertical position of the body, straighten the upper limbs to the sides at shoulder level. Do your hands, working with the shoulder joints, moving forward in a circle, then repeat in the opposite direction.
    2. In a comfortable upright position of the torso (standing or sitting on a bench), raise your shoulders with your arms relaxed down. In this case, at the top point, the shoulder joints should be fixed for a few seconds, gently relaxed, lowering down.
    3. The body of the body is in an upright position, take the hands behind the back at the same time, strive to connect them at the elbow bends and hands. Bring back slowly.
    4. In the vertical position of the body, put the palms on the shoulder joints, connect the elbows in front of you, return them back.

    Thoracic gymnastics

    A feature of exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is their simplicity. It is enough to make several approaches under the supervision of a specialist and you can easily repeat them at home. So, have proven themselves well:

    • chair exercises. They are suitable for different stages of the disease, excluding acute pain. The mobility of the vertebrae is developed, their consistency with the corresponding muscle groups. To do this, you need to choose a chair with a straight and strong back. Clasp your hands into a lock on the back of your head and, sitting on a chair, bend your back to the back, touching it. This exercise involves in the work exactly that part of the spinal column that bends. You can add a specific breathing sequence - when deflecting, inhale, return back - exhale. This will help to connect the lungs to the recovery work;
    • roller exercises. A small diameter roller is used as a gymnastic apparatus. It is located under the thoracic spine in a supine position. Back bends are performed, the upper part of the body is lifted, while the roller should be moved along the axis, providing various points of application of the load on the vertebrae. You can add the breathing sequence described in the previous paragraph;
    • exercise with a towel. You will need a long narrow towel, which should be wrapped around the chest in the lower part, clamp the ends in your hands. Inhale, then contract the chest as you exhale. After that, while inhaling, release the compression and while exhaling, tighten the grip again. Such training allows you to achieve an additional effect of strengthening the intercostal space in coordinated action with the muscles of the back in the thoracic region.

    Working out at home, you can choose any convenient time for gymnastics, determine the frequency of repetitions, independently break the complex into parts feasible for performing and exercise self-control over their implementation.

    Respiratory gymnastics requires separate consideration. Many training complexes for the treatment of osteochondrosis are tied to proper breathing. The systemic interconnection and interdependence of organs dictates the need to monitor the consistency of movements, the magnitude of the load, and the number of repetitions. Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova contributes to the renewal of cartilage tissue, alignment of the spinal column and the prevention of osteochondrosis. Exercise should be regular and lengthy.

    Swimming helps to cope with the manifestations of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. This type of physical education is known for reducing the load on the back with excellent opportunities to increase the work performed by other parts of the body. However, here you should also follow the recommendations of a specialist.

    Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova with osteochondrosis of the spine - photo gallery

    Exercise "Palms": we take short, rhythmic, noisy breaths with our nose, while making grasping movements, that is, clenching our palms into fists, as if grabbing something Exercise "Chains": taking a breath, we sharply push our fists down, without straining our shoulders, straighten our arms to the end, as if trying to reach the floor with them Exercise "Pump (inflating the tire)": we make a slight downward bend while inhaling, trying to reach the floor with our hands without touching it Exercise "Turning the head": we perform a turn of the head to the right, while taking a short, noisy breath through the nose. Then, without stopping the head in the middle of the movement, we do the same in the other direction. Exercise "Ears": we make a slight tilt of the head to the right side simultaneously with exhalation through the nose. We repeat the same to the left. Exercise "Pendulum head (back and forth)": lower your head down, looking at the floor, take a sharp short breath. We raise our head up, throwing it back a little, directing our gaze to the ceiling. Exhales with your mouth, between breaths Exercise "Rolls": bend the right leg and put it on the toe, maintaining balance, but not leaning. Slightly squat on the left leg, while inhaling through the nose Exercise "Steps": raise the left leg, bent at the knee, to the level of the abdomen, straighten from the knee, pulling the toe, while squatting on the right leg

    Video: how to improve your posture using the pool

    Evminov's board, exercise plank

    In an acute period, when the pain has intensified, but it allows physical activities to be carried out, a simple exercise "plank" is used. It consists in keeping your back straight, like a plank, in an emphasis on 4 points on the floor. You need to be in the most even position for a minute, then take a break and take a few more approaches.

    Plank Exercise - Versatile Full Body Workout

    Another interesting method of dealing with osteochondrosis is the use of a gymnastic apparatus - Evminov's prophylactic. It is an inclined sturdy board, which is installed at an angle and fixed, for example, on a Swedish wall. What matters is the angle of inclination of the projectile, the location of the stop or grip using a special handle on the board. The exercises are performed in various positions. The need for training at a dispensary is determined by the attending physician.

    Video: Evminov's board, a set of exercises for the spine

    Gymnastics for the lumbar and lumbosacral regions

    The lumbar region is distinguished by massive vertebrae, the displacement of which, like other pathologies, can be reflected by severe systemic pain and influence on other nearby, vital organs. Therefore, in order to reduce the load and in order to combat pain syndrome, exercises are often performed lying on the floor or on a couch. The lumbosacral region in osteochondrosis requires fixation and stable fixation. After all, the bulk of the body lies on it, so the task is to minimize the consequences of constant loads. To level the pressure every second, which is exerted by the upper part of the body on the lower vertebrae, a complex designed specifically to relieve tension is used. Repeat each exercise ten to fifteen times.

    1. Stand on straight legs, feet hip-width apart, hands at the waist. Make smooth inclinations with the body forward, then also smoothly return to the original one, and then tilt back and back. Watch your spine to keep it straight.
    2. Reproduce the position of the body as in the previous paragraph. Make smooth inclinations in each direction with a smooth return to the original.
    3. Lie with your stomach up, bend your legs at the knees. Pull the elbow of one hand (for example, right) to the knee of the opposite leg (left). Repeat for each arm and leg.
    4. Lie with your stomach up. Perform "stretching" - to stretch the upper limbs and body, if possible, in the same plane.

    Exercise therapy to strengthen the muscles of the back with osteochondrosis

    Muscles play a special role in the entire recovery process of the spine. They serve as a support if the bone frame fails, provide the distribution of physical work between different parts of the body, and supply the adjacent organ systems with increased blood flow. Strengthening the muscles responsible for the work of the main axis of the body is a work that requires regularity and responsibility in its implementation. The main part of the exercises is aimed at alternately using a variety of muscle complexes for the purpose.

    Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back consist in their alternate tension and relaxation using a variety of body positions, for example, sitting, lying down

    Yoga for osteochondrosis

    Yoga lovers are rarely susceptible to manifestations of osteochondrosis, but the approaches that have been developed by this popular area are useful in the treatment of back diseases. In particular, a specific effect is exerted on the cervical spine when performing the following yoga exercise:

    1. Sit on a chair straight, look in front of you, tilt your head to your chest, straighten up.
    2. Make a head tilt back in the same position and back.

    You can do yoga for the neck even at work, sitting on a chair.

    For other parts of the spine, the following are useful:

    Morning exercises and its benefits for the spine

    In addition to improving overall tone, exercises performed in the morning have a number of benefits for a well-rested back overnight. Morning trainings will help you tune in to a working mood for the whole body and will have a healing effect on the muscles of the back and vertebrae:

    • exercise "Palm". Legs are hip-width apart, reach up with your hands, turn your palms towards each other. Such rhythmically done "stretching" tone the rectus muscles of the back, stretch the spinal column, increasing the distance between the discs, which promotes free blood flow and metabolism;
    • exercise "Boat". It is performed in two variations depending on the level of physical fitness. If the fitness of the body allows, then from a prone position, raise straight arms and straight legs in front of you at the same time, as if forming the outline of a boat swaying on the waves. If there is not enough strength for full execution, it is enough to raise only the upper part of the body, tearing it off the floor;
    • stretching exercise. Sitting on the floor, straighten one leg forward, bend the other with your knee to the side. Perform inclinations to a straightened leg, then switch to the other leg, mirroring the position of the body from left to right.

    Running and its benefits for back health

    Is it possible to run with osteochondrosis is a question that should be asked to the doctor even by the most experienced runners. People who cannot imagine life without the usual and therefore necessary jogging may well replace it with more gentle types of medical and physical work in case of serious health problems.

    Before starting jogging, you need to consult a doctor

    Patients who have not practiced this type of physical activity on a daily basis in their life can begin to perform such exercises as directed by a doctor. You can start by jogging in place or doing light exercise on a treadmill that simulates leisurely, short-distance runs. Such trainings help to activate practically all the main systems and groups of organs in an active mode, which is shown when the healing process is completed or if the symptoms of osteochondrosis have just begun to appear. In the latter case, running will serve as a preventive measure.

    Of course, we are not talking about team games, tournaments and difficult gymnastic somersaults. Many patients like exercises with the ball as a common exercise therapy projectile because of its springy softness, light recoil when pressed and pleasant sensations of relaxation with the whole body on large projectiles. Ball exercises are varied and are mainly aimed at relaxing the back muscles, stretching, as well as focusing on certain areas.

    Relaxation on a fitball is a favorite exercise for many.

    Exercises on the horizontal bar: benefit or harm to the back

    Undoubtedly, the horizontal bar is one of the most effective equipment for stretching. Classes on it allow you to develop endurance, dexterity, coordination. Such training has an exceptional impact on the spinal column and related systems. And this statement is true with a healthy back and, in general, for an organism that is distinguished by training and hardening.

    But such exercises can be useful for the treatment of osteochondrosis. For example, such an elementary exercise as hanging on a horizontal bar, lovingly called by the people "sausage", has a beneficial effect on all parts of the spine and nearby muscles. Several approaches for a minute a day will already give an incentive for the further work of the back, which has reached a new level of its state. An ordinary horizontal bar can be built at home - set a strong bar at the height of outstretched arms in a convenient place in the room.

    It must be borne in mind that even the simplest pull-up on the horizontal bar, not to mention the more complex ones, should be coordinated with the attending physician.

    Bubnovsky exercises

    The author's technique of Dr. Bubnovsky is aimed, first of all, at combating pain in the back. It is based on regrouping, alternating tension and relaxation of certain parts of the musculature, a change in posture and the methodology of performing movements.

    1. Relaxation of the spinal muscles with emphasis on 4 points. Exercise to relax the spinal muscles prepares the body for the session
    2. Back arch in the same position. Inhaling, back in an upward arc, exhaling - downward. It is important not to make sudden movements when bending.
    3. Stretching step in the same position. Sitting on one leg, straighten the other behind your back. Pull the bent leg forward, swing forward with straight arms. Change the legs in the arrangement, as when walking. The sequence of changing limbs provides an even load
    4. Pumping in the same position with an emphasis on 4 points. Keep your back parallel to the floor, move your body back and forth. The pumping exercise is aimed at fixing and strengthening the muscles of the lower back
    5. Lumbar stretch in the same position. With the help of only one hand, bring the body closer to the floor and back. Then touch the heels with the pelvis. Come back. It is necessary to pay attention to the increased work of the muscles of the lower back when stretching the lower back.
    6. Stretching the abdominal muscles while lying on the floor with your back down. The legs are bent at the knees, hands should be placed behind the back of the head. Make movements, like building up the press, while striving to touch your knees with your elbows, press your head to your chest. To enhance the effect of the exercise, stretching the abdomen, a compress with ice under the lower back is allowed
    7. Raising the pelvis in the same position on the floor. The upper limbs are along the body, the lower ones are straightened. Make movements like a half-bridge, raising the lumbar region as high as possible from the floor. Raising the pelvis allows you to include additional muscle groups in the work

    Video: Dr. Bubnovsky, for pain in the neck and back

    The use of simulators for osteochondrosis of the spine

    Modern simulators differ in a huge variety, while many of them are complex with a sufficient degree of compactness. This allows them to be used at home. Nevertheless, the approaches to exercising on simulators in the presence of known back problems should be strictly verified and dosed according to medical indications. Strength techniques, the use of weights, rigid fixation of the body position and many other useful in certain areas of the capabilities of simulators can play against in the case of diagnosed pathologies of the spinal column. Therefore, the self-designation of such exercises as exercise therapy is fraught with irreparable consequences and is unacceptable.

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