Classes at home without exercise equipment. How to build back muscles at home without exercise equipment


Stand under a high bar. Grab the bar with a straight grip. The wider the grip, the greater the load on the back muscles. Strain your back and bring your shoulder blades together. Bend slightly in the lower back. Pull your body to the bar, trying to touch it with your chin. For the movement to be correct, do not pull your chin to the bar, try to pull your elbows to the body. This exercise works great for your back and shoulder muscles.

Grab the crossbar narrow reverse grip... Do pull-ups. Try not to swing the body, the movement should be strictly vertical. Grasping the bar in this way, you work out biceps in addition to the back muscles.

Get into a supine position. Arms shoulder-width apart, body and legs extended in a straight line. If you allow physical training, place your feet on the edge of a bench or chair. This will make the exercise more difficult to complete. To dramatically increase the size of your chest muscles, do plyometric push-ups, such as cotton push-ups or offset push-ups.

Get into a prone position. Slowly lower your body, bending your elbows, until your chest touches the floor, then push your body up and jump with your arms so that the body moves to the side and the legs remain in place. Perform the push-up again and return to the previous position in the jump. The combination of slow and explosive loads results in significant muscle, this can be difficult to achieve even with the most modern simulators.

Do reverse push-ups to work your triceps. Take a rest on outstretched arms on the edge of a stable bench. The legs are stretched out in front of you and rest on the floor with your heels. The body is straight. Bend your arms slowly in elbow joints and lower the body until 2-3 cm remains between the buttocks and the floor. Straighten your arms and return to the previous position. To complicate the exercise and increase the load on the triceps, place your feet on any elevation. For example, try doing reverse push-ups between two benches.

You don't need weights to work your abs and core muscles. These muscle groups are stabilizing muscles and respond best to moderate exercise at a moderate pace. The best exercises are regular curls and hanging leg raises.

Grasp the bar with a straight grip shoulder-width apart. Raise your straight legs as high as possible. When lifting your legs, do not swing or swing your legs to facilitate execution due to inertia. At correct execution rises, the body must remain stationary, in otherwise the core muscles will not be involved.

Replace deadlift with a King's barbell. Stand up straight with your lower back slightly arched. Shift your weight onto the leg you are exercising. Bend the knee of your free leg to at least right angle and take it back. Turn the foot of the supporting leg slightly inward to better maintain balance. Hands are freely lowered down. Bend your supporting leg slightly at the knee to tighten your buttocks. Slowly bend forward so that your hands are below the knees, then bend your supporting leg at the knee until you touch the floor. Do not lean on the floor, you just need to fix the touch. Straightening, perform movements in reverse order: First straighten the knee, then lift the body. Repeat.

Perform back lunges with a towel to engage your quads. Stand facing any support. Throw a towel over it. Keep the towel taut and keep your arms fully extended. Bend one leg slightly and lift the other off the floor. This is the starting position. Bend your supporting leg and take your pelvis back. Lower until you touch your free leg with your knee on the floor. After touching, return to the starting position.

Replace the one-legged squat. Stand on the edge of the bench with one foot, the other freely lowered. Keep your lower back straight, do not round. Squat on one leg, move your free leg straight forward. Stretch your arms in front of your chest, they help maintain balance. Lower the pelvis, as if trying to sit on a chair, the heel of the supporting leg does not come off the bench. Do not straighten the knee of the supporting leg completely, it should slightly spring. It is ideal to perform 50-70 squats on each leg in 1 set.

Contrary to popular belief, exercising at home can also be very beneficial and effective. They are suitable for those people who do not plan to gain a lot of muscle, but just want to pump up.

Bodyweight home workouts for men

Many people believe that muscle building can only be done with sports equipment... At the same time, using your own weight can be no less effective. This requires correct program workouts at home for men. But you must understand that in this case, you will not be able to gain a lot of muscle mass. But keeping yourself in shape will be perfect. Also deal with own weight makes sense for novice athletes who do not yet have muscles.

Bodyweight training is also perfect for girls. However, if you are a seasoned athlete on a business trip, you can stay in shape with a home workout program for men with body weight. The presented set of exercises is aimed at developing all the muscles in the body. It will help you not only maintain muscle tone, but also burn fat, which is very important for girls.

  1. Push ups. This movement allows you to actively develop the muscles of the upper body. When it is performed, triceps, chest muscles, stabilizers are involved in the work. As well as the front deltas. First, you need to increase the number of repetitions, and then you have to find a way to apply the weights. With this, you can help, say, a backpack with a load.
  2. Push-ups between chairs. The movement allows you to strengthen the triceps and for this there is no need to use a special sport equipment... Just put two chairs (bedside tables) next to each other and do the movement. It is important to choose items that are as stable as possible.
  3. Push-ups with an incline. The movement is carried out similarly to the classic push-ups, but the legs must be placed on an elevation. As a result, the main load will fall on the muscles of the chest.
  4. Pull-ups. Excellent movement that allows you to work out the lats of the back in a quality manner. When you can do 12 repetitions, you should start using weights.
  5. Pull-ups, reverse grip. The technique is similar to the previous exercise, but it is necessary to use a reverse grip when the palms are directed towards you. The movement promotes the development of the biceps.
  6. Hyperextension. With this movement, you will be able to strengthen the muscles of the lower back, buttocks, and thighs. For its implementation are used special simulators but you can use a bed at home. The body should hang over the edge of the bed at waist level and you will need an assistant to support your legs and prevent falls.
  7. Squats. If you are working with your own weight, then you should go down as low as possible. The quadriceps and muscles of the buttocks are actively involved in the movement.
  8. Lunges. Great exercise for the muscles of the legs. To complicate it, use dumbbells.
  9. Calf Raises. It develops the calf muscles and dumbbells or another type of weights should be used to complicate things.

# 1 Weight Training Program for Men

If you decide to train at home, then you must adhere to the same bodybuilding principles that are used in the gym. First of all, you need a home workout program for men, which you need to follow in the future. We will consider an example of such a program below. At home, in the presence of sports equipment (you should have dumbbells, and even better additionally a barbell), you can train almost as effectively as in the gym.

Of course, you will need time to see the results of your classes, however, training in gym cannot bear immediate fruit. Novice athletes should work on all muscle groups in each lesson for several months. Then you need to split the body into several groups, which should be trained on a separate day. Let's take an example of a home workout program for men.

1st day of training - muscles of arms, back and chest are pumped

  • Push-ups - Do 2 sets with 10 to 12 reps each.
  • Push-ups between supports - Do 4 sets each with 15 to 18 reps.
  • One-arm push-ups - Do 3 sets each with 8 to 12 reps.
  • Push-ups, wide arms - Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps each.
  • Push-ups, Narrow Arms - Do 2 sets of 6 to 10 reps each.
2nd day of training - muscles of the legs are pumped
  • Squats - Do 4 sets with 10 to 12 reps each.
  • Lunges - Perform 3 sets, each with 10 to 12 reps.
  • Standing Calf Raises - Do 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps each.
3rd day of training - the muscles of the abdomen are pumped
  • Lying Leg Raises - Do 4 sets with 20 reps each.
  • Lying Body Raises - Do 4 sets with 20 to 30 reps each.

Weight training program # 2 for men

As an example, we will give another complex that can be effective not only for beginner athletes.

1st day of training

On this day, we are working on the biceps. Select the weight of the dumbbells so that you can perform the specified number of sets and reps. At the same time, the last repetitions should be given to you with difficulty.

  • Biceps Curls - Do 5 to 7 sets, each with 20 to 25 reps.
  • Hammers - Perform 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 25 repetitions.
2nd day of training

This is a day of work on the muscles of the chest and we will actively work on all three sections of this group. All movements must be performed at a slow pace.

  • Push-ups - Do 5 to 7 sets, each with 15 to 35 reps.
  • Incline push-ups - Do 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 30 reps.
  • Bench Push-Up - Do 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 30 reps.
3rd day of training

After the first two training days you need to rest throughout the day. The third training day is dedicated to muscle work. shoulder girdle or deltas. Through the use of three exercises, you will be able to effectively work out all divisions of the deltas.

  • Seated Dumbbell Press - Perform 5 to 6 sets, each with 20 to 25 reps.
  • Dumbbell Extension - Perform 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 25 reps.
  • Front Dumbbell Raises - Perform 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 25 reps.
4th day of training

Now you have to work on your back muscles and pull-ups will become the main movement.

  • Pull-ups - Do 5 to 8 sets for failure.
  • Dumbbell Rows - Do 3 to 5 sets with 15 to 20 reps each.
  • Shrugs - Perform 4 to 7 sets, each with 20 to 25 reps.
5th day of training

Again, after two days of classes, we give the body a day of rest and proceed to the development of triceps.

  • Push-ups, Narrow Arms - Do 5 to 7 sets, each with 15 to 25 reps.
  • Bench Reverse Push-Ups - Do 4 to 5 sets, each with 20 to 50 reps.
  • Dumbbell Behind-the-Head Extensions - Perform 3 to 5 sets, each with 15 to 20 reps.
6th day of training

This is the final day training program aimed at developing the muscles of the legs. After that, you rest for a day, and the program is repeated from the beginning.

  • Weighted Squats - Do 5 to 6 sets, each with 20 to 25 reps.
  • Dumbbell Rows with Straight Legs - Do 4 to 5 sets with 15 to 20 reps each.
For more informative information on workouts at home for men, see here:

There are many ways to get your body in shape quickly and effectively without resorting to the services of a specialist or going to the gym. If you yourself do not know how to build your legs at home, you should consult with a trainer who will select the necessary exercises.

Individually selected complex simple exercises for thin legs or for weight loss that do not require additional equipment, will allow you to quickly pump up your legs or lose excess weight at home.

Important! Any sports training should start with a warm-up. It allows you to pre-heat the muscle tissue and increase its blood supply. Muscles become more elastic.


You can quickly build your legs using various squat variations. Increasing the number of repetitions with each workout and reaching 100 squats, it is recommended to perform them with weights.

To do this, you can use dumbbells or a barbell. To pump up your legs at home, you can adapt as additional weight plastic containers of various volumes, filled with sand or water.

It is important to follow the rules of execution. The body must be kept straight, the back straight. When squatting, the thighs should be parallel to the floor. You can not squat to push your knees beyond the location of the socks.


Lunges with legs forward, backward and to the side work out all the muscles of the legs perfectly. When performing, the step is made as wide as possible. The heel of the leg, when lunging forward or backward, should be in line with the knee of the other leg bent to the floor. To return to the starting position, the leg in front is straightened with force.

For weight when performing lunges, it is more convenient to use dumbbells. They are held in hands lowered at their sides. The load is determined individually, usually 2-3 approaches are done, 15-20 times for each leg.

Swing your legs

Full muscle pumping should include leg swings. Standing, take the leg back as high as possible, to the side. In a lying position on your side or on all fours, swing your legs up, to the side, alternately changing legs. At home, you can increase the load by stretching a circle of elastic tape while abducting the leg.

The intensity and duration of the sessions depends on whether you want to pump up your legs or lose weight. You should review your diet and balance your diet. Exercising your legs at home is just as effective as exercising in the gym. Although to achieve desired result may take longer.

5 groups of exercises, which are proof that improving the body does not depend on the gym, and which will help to competently create a workout program at home, both for men (weight gain) and for girls (weight loss).

How did it all begin, how did you start playing sports?

Thousands of stories, someone found good coach, some friends in the gym, and mine started at home alone with my thoughts.

What to do if funds, time or a large number of people in the gym do not allow?

The answer is simple, training at home or outdoors is an opportunity, not an obstacle ... Someone will say that it is still possible to lose weight at home, but there is no way to gain weight. This is a clear misconception, and you will understand why after reading this article.

I present five groups of exercises, which are proof that improving the body does not depend on the gym, and which will help to competently create a workout program at home, both for men (weight gain) and for girls (weight loss).

5 exercise groups for a smart home workout program

1. Running and squatting. The strength is in the foundation, and the foundation is your feet

Let's start simple, with what everyone can do. Go outside and run a couple of kilometers in 5-10 minutes- it looks not difficult. The point is stability and system, if you do such jogging every day, then your health will improve significantly, and this is already enough to maintain a slight tone in the body. Further more, increase the time, 20 minutes, 30 minutes.

It is important not to rush, the most great achievements are developed over the years of practice, and not in one month. Trust me, this is the key to success, not giving up.

Is it raining outside or minus 30 degrees? Want to gain weight, not lose weight? Then time for squats... It is enough to do a complex of five approaches 10-20 times, depending on your capabilities.

Do you like to set global goals for yourself? Then increase your running time or number of squats, and in 1-2 years you will be able to run a marathon, and this is an excellent result.

To help you track your mileage, the free Nike Running + program, which is available on most smartphones, comes in handy.

A lot of squat repetitions won't make you big quads, then you should complicate the exercise.

  • Stand with your back to a chair and put one leg on it,
  • move your body slightly forward,
  • this will make it possible to do very powerful lunges and jumps on one leg, which increases the power load.

So when you work out at home, your quads will feel like hard work, just as much as iron.

2. Pull-ups, hyperextensions and deadlifts. The back and forearms will open the way to other muscle groups

There is a playground with a horizontal bar and parallel bars in almost every yard. Pull-up- this is standard exercise which employs latissimus back. Exercising constantly on the horizontal bar you will get a strong and beautiful back for years to come. A typical workout consists of 4-5 sets, as many times as you feel comfortable with.

Can't pull up, but dream of learning? Then start with a low horizontal bar or parallel bars, simulate pull-ups by helping yourself with your legs. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, absolutely the same can be used in training at home, using an ordinary stick, for example, from a mop, and two chairs with backs.

More advanced ones can buy a home horizontal bar in the doorway, its price is in the range of 1-2 thousand rubles.

Second important exercise this group will hyperextension... What is it like? This is an exercise for the muscles of the lower back... You can do it at home in a simplified form, lying on the floor, lifting your chest and head off the floor. By doing this steadily, you will forget about lower back pain and improve your health.

A free application is available on smartphones today called "Just 6 weeks" , which will allow you to systematically control the number of pull-ups and set goals in the exercises. If you already pull up at least 7-10 times, then in 6 weeks according to the program, following the application, you can achieve 20 pull-ups.

Maybe this is an exaggeration, you should not rush, but you will feel the convenience in use right away.

3. Push-ups. The classics remain forever, the strength is in your chest

Push ups Is a well-known classic exercise for the muscles of the chest. There is nothing to surprise with here.

In the usual floor variation, the emphasis is on the mid-pectoralis.

You can also focus on upper part pectorals and deltas, throwing the legs on a hill, for example, a chair or bed, and vice versa, for the lower chest.

Plus change the distance between the position of the hands, narrow grip more allows you to work on the triceps, and very wide on the deltoid muscles.

In the application "Just 6 weeks" , you can set a goal - 100 push-ups in 6 weeks, the program itself will calculate the number of repetitions in approaches, this is quite convenient, but more as an addition.

In addition to simple push-ups, the training program should include push-ups on the uneven bars if on the street and at home - back push-ups from a bench, chair, or bed.

These exercises concentrate work on the triceps, the volume of which is 2/3 of the total volume of the arm. If you want to big hands then forget about biceps, as triceps will give you what you need.

Looking to gain muscle mass? Then you should gradually complicate push-ups, making explosive jumps with your hands on chairs or books, and for large deltas you can do push-ups in a handstand against the wall.

4. Press. Strong abdominal muscles are the key to healthy digestion

Muscle abdominal Is a separate story. Work those muscles various exercises can be infinitely long, but let's focus on the basic ones.

Enough to do standard crunches in several approaches, and classic corner for static on uneven bars or at home between chairs.

I have already mentioned the "Just 6 weeks" app several times, the press is no exception, there is also an opportunity to calculate the number of repetitions in the set of crunches.

The main thing is to avoid performing on a hard floor, try to protect your lower back.

In 6 weeks, he proposes to achieve a result of 200 twists, which will be a lot. Calories will burn decently, but when gaining muscle mass, it is better not to strive for such results.

The secret of the twisting technique lies in the name itself, you need to twist, that is, completely contract the abdominal muscle, like a roll... This technique will help you avoid injury and achieve results more efficiently.

In addition, you can include in your home workout routine all types of planks... This is a static load that will allow you to work out the deepest areas of the abdominal press. It is quite simple to do classic variation - facing the floor with an emphasis on the elbows.

5. Biceps. Your hands are the pursuit of excellence

An exercise that will save your biceps if it is not possible to go to the gym, it is performed similarly to the pull-ups described earlier, only with a reverse grip and pull to the forehead from the uneven bars or a crossbar between two chairs (sticks).

Also, the biceps can be worked out statically, leaning against the wall and various openings.

It should be noted that the biceps are not just indicated last. These muscles are also used in other exercises, for example, pull-ups, so they do not require such concentration.

Even when gaining weight in a weighted gym, any professional will tell you that the main thing is basic exercises.

Unfortunately, there are not so many options for working on biceps at home, the most optimal is still buy dumbbells... No possibility? It is not necessary to look for the most expensive in the nearest sporting goods store; it is enough to look at used ones on any resource, it is inexpensive.

In conclusion, we note that it would be foolish to deny the ability to achieve results in maintaining shape in any direction, working outside the gym.

If you are looking to lose weight, burning calories with high repetitions is the most affordable option.

In another case, when gaining mass, there are a great many exercises with advanced variations that replace to some extent resistance training.

Don't forget about nutrition... Adhere to stability, and the result will not keep you waiting, good luck and success in sports results!published. If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the specialists and readers of our project .

P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption - together we are changing the world! © econet

How to build muscle at home - this question is of interest to both men and women who have decided to achieve their goal. A beautiful, contoured and pumped-up body is the result of hard work, systematic training, purposeful struggle and adherence to certain rules. We will cover these issues in detail in our article.

What Happens to Muscles During Exercise

Muscles undergo significant changes from the moment you start training until they are obtained. visible result... The average time taken to make progress depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and on the duration of each phase in which the muscles are located. Naturally, every athlete wants to quickly and correctly pump up at home in a week, but full development takes years.

Preparatory phase

Lasts approximately two to four months. At this time, the body is being rebuilt, as it is experiencing serious stress. The energy supply system of the muscles is changing, now they consume more energy, because of this, a significant amount of ATP and glycogen accumulates in them. Nervous system provides a more streamlined and coordinated work of muscles, the osteo-ligamentous apparatus adapts to new conditions, the metabolism is carried out in a new way, the volume of blood vessels is significantly increased.

During this period, it is very important for an athlete not to strive to build muscles as quickly as possible at home without or using exercise equipment, but to monitor correct technique, use light weights for as long as possible. Muscle growth will be noticeable only at the second stage, the first is necessary for "laying the foundation" for further successful development.


This phase lasts for more than two years, at this stage the muscle fibers begin to increase, and in a couple of years a person realizes his own potential, that is, the muscles reach their maximum size. With proper loads, the body weight of an average man during this time increases by 20 kg.


Further development muscles for 1-2 years occurs due to the division of fibers, this is achieved by working with light weight during high-volume training. During this period, it is possible to increase muscle mass by another 10 kg. Then comes the final stage.

System adaptation

The work of a bodybuilder is aimed at improving the efficiency of those body systems that inhibit muscle growth, expanding their own capabilities.

Is it possible to pump up at home without exercise equipment

How to properly swing at home from scratch, and is it possible - this question is of interest to many. The answer cannot be unambiguous, it all depends on the aspirations and motivation of the athlete. Yes, it is undoubtedly possible to train at home and build muscle without equipment, but it is much more difficult and inconvenient than in the gym.

Beginner mistakes

For beginners who want to quickly and correctly pump up their arm muscles at home, it is better to familiarize themselves with the main mistakes that beginner athletes make in the pursuit of success. This will save them many frustrations.

High expectations

Unfortunately, our understanding of ideal figure arise, looking at the pumped up uncles from glossy magazines who call to become the same. A muscular body requires at least five years of fruitful work, and not several months of lazy "communication" with the barbell.

I want to have voluminous muscles!

To properly train and build muscle at home, you need to understand that the main objective- it's not muscles and body, but getting pleasure from the process itself, the ability to feel muscles and their work. Well, success in this case will not be long in coming!


You can cancel a lesson for any reason: it's raining outside, friends are calling for beer, a bad mood, but you can only pump and build muscle mass at home if you follow the routine and schedule of classes.

Essential Requirements for Muscle Growth

The first step to start swinging is a home workout program for men or women. Training should be progressive, that is, stimulating growth.

The second factor affecting a positive result is good nutrition, that is sports diet guaranteeing growth. Compliance with these requirements is the key to success.

Exercises without simulators for beginners

Consider where and how to properly start training at home from scratch. To do this, there is no need at all to spend money on a purchase. additional funds, because we always have our own "inventory" at hand - body weight.

At first, we perform following exercises:

  • push-ups, reverse push-ups, headstand push-ups and other varieties of this exercise;
  • pull-ups and other variations;
  • curl biceps;
  • triceps exercises using your weight;
  • lunges;
  • squats, bulgarian squats, pistol;
  • Romanian cravings on the foot;
  • flexion of the legs from a prone position.

Best exercise without iron

Every beginner athlete who wants to start swinging from scratch at home and become a jock must master 10 basic exercises that can be performed in a hotel, at home, in nature or in another convenient place.


Trains 85% of the muscles in the body. Starting position- feet shoulder-width apart with slightly unfolded toes. When the back remains straight, and the buttocks are pulled back. The heels are pressed into the ground, and the knees are brought forward and outward. For extra balance, you can put your hands forward.

Other variations are sumo squats - with legs wide apart and squats on one leg.

Push ups

Triceps, chest, back and shoulders are being worked out.

Other types of exercise: wide or narrow setting hands, with the legs resting on a chair or wall.

We use a chair, bed or coffee table as a support. Do not forget to keep your head straight, the spine should be in correct position... Triceps work and pectoral muscles.

Wall squats

Develops endurance, works out the quadriceps. The back is close to the wall, we sit on the "virtual" chair so that the angle between the hips and the wall is 90 degrees. We keep this position for at least 60 seconds.


An exercise that combines a jump and a push-up. From a standing position, squat down, bounce with our legs, as in push-ups, perform the reverse sequence of actions.


This is a very effective exercise that will help you build a beautiful, sculpted body at home. The emphasis is lying, we keep the weight on the forearms and socks, we draw in the stomach and remain in this position for at least 90 seconds.

It is performed like the previous one, but the body rests on one hand.


Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, raise them, as well as your head and legs, hold yourself in this position for some time.


We lie on our back, hands behind the head, legs bent at the knees. Raise the knee and at the same time strain, try to touch the left knee with the right elbow, then vice versa.

We follow a straight back and straightened shoulders, try not to sway when transferring body weight from one leg to another.

Increased load

Recruitment program muscle mass at home, it must necessarily provide for the progression of loads. It is needed to stimulate muscle growth and is performed not only at home, but also in the gym. For this purpose, we use dumbbells with a step of 2 kg, barbells and pancakes with the same step, racks, complex, block trainers and benches that adjust to the desired angle of inclination.

Let's take a closer look at how to pump up at home, and where to start training? This requires a little time and knowledge of the exercises.

The purchased inventory will help to make the pumping of the body in the rocking chair at home more effective:

  1. Dumbbells with the ability to change the weight. The heaviest one must weigh at least 32 kg.
  2. Karimat is a fitness mat. Needed for doing abdominal exercises.
  3. Horizontal bar. Now you can buy a removable one or equip a stationary one in the doorway.
  4. Bars. They are attached to the wall at home.
  5. Elastic bands with varying degrees of elasticity.

What to replace?

What to do to properly pump body muscles at home if not all necessary tools?

Undoubtedly, in every apartment or house there are chairs with high backs- having strengthened them, you can use them as beams. Exercises on calf muscles can be done using stairs or high threshold. Putting our legs under the bed, we do abdominal lifts, crunches, exercises on the back muscles. As free weights you can use any convenient items: plastic bottles filled with water or sand, pipe trim. For weighted squats, we use a heavy backpack.

It is strongly not recommended to use electronics or pets as cargo. Well, and in order to effectively build muscles at home, do not forget to draw up a program or use a developed set of exercises.

A set of exercises for all muscle groups with equipment

A schedule of exercise and muscle building at home for men or women can be discussed with a trainer. The following is a program that runs three days a week.


The exercise

Number of repetitions, execution conditions

Warm up

Twisting from a prone position

4 sets of 15 reps, the number of repetitions increases over time

Hyperextension on the bench

4 sets of 15 reps

Wide grip pull-ups to the chest

Dumbbell Row

Reverse middle grip pull-ups

Lifting dumbbells for biceps in a standing position



Pumping the muscles of the legs at home for men is carried out in the following way:

  1. Weighted squats. In our hands we take an object weighing at least 30 kg, we perform squats until they wear out. We rest for one minute.
  2. Jumping rope. We jump at an average pace for 3 minutes. We rest for one minute.
  3. Jogging. We organize a run of at least 3 kilometers. We rest for a few minutes.
  4. Squats on one leg. We perform at the end of each workout.

After every 3-4 workouts, we gradually increase the load.

Basic hand exercises

To properly at home for a man, you need to use effective exercise aimed at training specific muscles. The next training develops biceps shoulder, triceps, deltoid and trapezius muscles.

Standing dumbbell lift

We straighten, legs are shoulder-width apart, bend them slightly at the knees, take dumbbells and press our elbows to the body, direct our palms inward. The front of the projectile disk touches the thigh line, then we lift the weight to the shoulders as we exhale and slowly unfold the palms, directing their back to the face. We hold the dumbbells at shoulder level for a few seconds and return to their original position.

Professionals will tell you how to properly start swinging to the mass at home with dumbbells, therefore, if you have doubts about the correctness of the exercise, you can contact them.

Seated dumbbell lift

This is another way to make a pumped-up embossed body in a home rocking chair. The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one, but in this case the sitting position is engaged. To do this, you can use a comfortable chair, stool or bench.


Starting position - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulders, knee joints slightly bent. The arms are bent at the elbows, palms with dumbbells are pressed to the body. The elbows do not move, we smoothly lower the dumbbells without changing the position of the palms, and immediately return them along the same trajectory.

It is very easy to make a beautiful figure and pumped muscles at home if you use the most famous dumbbell exercise. Standing right hand rises with the projectile up, the left falls or is located at the waist. On exhalation, the arm with the load bends, and the head gradually descends, all other zones are motionless. In the same way, a two-handed press is performed using one apparatus.

We learned how to quickly pump up a guy at home, but what should girls do? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Workout for girls

How to pump up the muscles of a girl's body at home is also a topical question that women ask themselves. In addition, most of them have problems with fatty deposits on the abdomen and sides.

To achieve positive result, it is important to observe the following recommendations:

  1. Allocate at least an hour daily sports activities, while using a variety of equipment: dumbbells, rope, elastic band, hula-hoop, expander, weights.
  2. Pay attention to pumping all parts of the body, gradually increasing the load.
  3. Use a variety of exercises, constantly change them so that the body does not have time to get used to it.

Well, of course, how to do sports at home correctly depends on your personal mood, so during training it is better to turn on energetic music that will set the right pace and improve your mood.

Nutrition rules

Getting pumped up with full-body exercises at home is not possible with progressive training alone. Great importance plays in this fight proper nutrition, and success is 70% dependent on it.

  • you need to eat 5-8 times a day, breakfast is mandatory;
  • drink 1.5-3 liters of water daily;
  • per kilogram of body weight, the body needs: 2 g of protein, 0.5 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates;
  • give up mayonnaise, ketchup, sugar and other useless foods.

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It is preferable to eat the following foods:

  • fish;
  • meat;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • legumes;
  • porridge;
  • durum pasta;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • wholemeal bread.

Important conditions

There are many ways to build up at home, but a training program for a month, according to the recommendations of experts, should be developed accordingly and include the following areas:

  1. Power training- for muscle growth.
  2. Cardio - to burn fat.

Well, quality food is necessary to achieve relief beautiful figure.

And, of course, the main rule that should be followed by all those who are interested in how to quickly pump up body muscles at home is to eliminate all distractions during training. Neither phones nor what is happening around should distract you from the goal. For a successful result, you need to concentrate and complete the exercises with full dedication!


In this form - a set of exercises for home workouts for beginners.

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