How to make a bicycle out of wood instructions. DIY velomobile: adult tricycle

Driving your own car is every child's dream. He will be especially glad that dad made a bicycle mobile for him with his own hands. Technology, master class, photo on how to make a children's velomobile, see further.

Such a car is easier to drive than a bicycle, it is intended for kids from 4 to 8 years old.

In this car design, used parts (pedals and gears of a bicycle, wheels from a stroller), as well as small home-made wooden units, aluminum tires 30 X 1 mm and 50 x 2 mm and aluminum pipes from ⌀ 10 mm are used.

Assembling the chassis and drive of the car

In our example, the chassis is universal so that it is possible to apply different bodies. It consists of five sleepers connecting two rails across, all made of wooden beams. A sprocket with pedals is attached to the central beam.

Two short beams are screwed on the side, under the three crossbars in the body. They are equipped with four bearings for the rear axle. At the front, the front axle is screwed onto the TRCC bolt for steering. Also installed are four bearings that hold the axles of the front wheels. Three slats are bolted to the side members to form the seats.

Velomobile body

All elements are pine planed blocks and plywood, assembled with screws and vinyl glue. After assembling the body, decorative elements from wood and aluminum linings are glued from the outside. After painting, the body is attached directly to the frame.

The design of the main units

To transfer rotation from the steering wheel, we decided to use a cord. The steering column, winding the cord, will control the steering beam. We wind two turns on the column, then through the lugs on the left and right side we fix the cord to the edges of the beam with screws.

The gear ratio of the driving sprocket to the driven sprocket is 2: 1. Sprockets, pedals and chains taken from a kid's bike Wheels taken from an old stroller. They are attached using retaining rings, which makes it possible to quickly replace them in the event of a sudden breakdown ..

DIY children's car

Assembling the car frame

1. Hacksaw mode bike frame. We retreat 7 cm from the center towards the saddle and 10 cm towards the attachment of the shield.
2 ... After you have completely sawed off the block with the sprocket and pedals, drill the beam to the specified angle of the seat tube. It is necessary to mark the part, so it will be visible at what angle to drill.

3 ... The shield holder allows you to thread a bolt with a diameter of 8 mm and fasten it to a wooden beam.
4 ... Assembling the car frame. Wooden parts assembled with screws ⌀ 4 x 40 mm. The wheel axles of the stroller are simply forcibly installed.

5 ... The front axle beam is secured with a 10 mm bolt using large washers and lubricated with grease. Behind, we put everything on the bearing, not forgetting about the chain.

6 ... The drive wheel drive depends on the type of sprocket you find. Pipes (preferably), choose from chrome-plated or galvanized steel.
7 ... Clamp the rear sprocket on the threaded rod between two wide washers with nuts. Remember to center the star.
8 ... Several coils of electrical tape provide a secure seal to the threaded rod and tube grease. The clamp will hold firmly during the mounting of the bearing.

Assembling the body of a children's car

9 ... Align both sprockets coaxially so that the chain is free of bends. Tighten the nuts so that there would be free play.
10 ... Create chain and sprocket protection.
11 ... Using the clamps, set the sidewalls of the body, secure with self-tapping screws. Cut the side pieces to size.

12 ... Screw on the instrument panel and secure the steering column. Adjust the steering wheel. Make a comfortable back. Glue and screw the back and front covers.

13 ... The dashboard "Sport" of the coupe is equipped with switches and a digital clock. Also, you need to install a warning sound signal... The backrest folds down, access to the trunk opens, you can store a toolbox.
14 ... Aluminum elements are added for decoration: the strips are glued and screwed on the sides to simulate the molding, and the radiator grill.

15 ... Other models can be made on the basis of one frame, for example, the "retro" version. The body is painted in dark red metallic and is decorated with a spare wheel.
16 ... The windshield is cut out of plexiglass (4 mm thick) and fastened with two brackets on rivets.

17 ... The bumper, fenders and footrests in this version are made of aluminum as it is easy to bend. Reflective plates function as rear lights.

Four-wheeled bicycle- not only a tool for teaching children to ride, but also a complete vehicle for adults. Let's learn a little more about him.

Four-wheel variants appeared almost immediately after. Known drawings from mid XIX century, where engineers tried to combine carriage technology with pedal drive. It is interesting to note that after half a century, the first cars also had their own "bicycle" versions, with one or two pairs of pedals.

Later, in Soviet times, the features of mass production excluded various non-standard bike layouts, and for us the hero of the article, along with, became exclusively a bike for young children and students.

Use of velomobiles

Bicycle designs with 4 wheels have a separate name - velomobile. Who needs such an exotic thing? Let's take a closer look:

  • Aged people- the velomobile does not require maintaining balance, it can stop at any moment, which, no doubt, will be very much to the liking of old people and sick people.
  • Couples- if the tandem can be called “ sports equipment", Then on four wheels and with two chairs you can relax, as many of us have a rest, renting a pedal catamaran at sea.
  • Adults with children- you can put one or two child seats, and the transport of children will be much safer.
  • Athletes- Several manufacturers are promoting their models for cross-country and trials. The velomobile is stable and has good grip on the softest soil.
  • Travelers- they often choose trikes (large tricycles), but there are also good home-made options with the placement of the driver reclining. Over long distances, the usual bike layout is far from ideal, but the free set of modules, the large volume of cargo, and just enough space for the four-wheel design are the ideal choice.

As you can see, despite the seeming exoticism, this type of bike not only deserves the right to exist, but can also seriously interest certain classes of riders.

Design features

Some knots are completely indistinguishable from other adult bikes. For example, the wheels and the braking system - the maximum that changes is the number of calipers or frames driven from one cable - there are two of them. Most often, the brakes remain only on the rear wheels and are also no different.

The drive rarely changes, these are pedals and a chain, often one, but sometimes two speed switches. The force is applied to the rear wheel shaft, which is already a difference.

The frame and steering wheel are seriously changing. It is clear that the frame is made for a specific model, taking into account many parameters. Some homemade products are two common bicycle frames welded with crossing pipes to which the seating position is attached and the transmission is mounted.

Very often a bicycle with 4 wheels is a two-seater. The crossing pipes are wide enough to accommodate two chairs at once. In this case, the drive mechanism can be different - both a common shaft with two pedal blocks, then combined by one chain, and separate drives for each rider. There are mechanisms and simpler - when only one person pedals, and the other simply remains a passenger.

Advantages and disadvantages

Four-wheeled bicycles are not so popular that it is so easy to drop in on their owners and ask about the pros and cons of the design. Let's look at the key factors that influence the transition to the “four-wheel friend”. Pros:

  • Highest stability of all bicycles currently available.
  • Convenient location of the rider.
  • Large loading capacity and volume for loading.
  • Interesting and unusual design.

The cons are also obvious:

  • The complexity of the design - the velomobile is difficult to assemble on your own and not easy to repair.
  • Less reliability - 4 wheels, a complex drive mechanism, additional steering elements, many welded joints - nodes that can break and are subject to increased stress much more than in a regular bike. Accordingly, the chance of breakage is much higher.
  • High price - few people decide to buy a ready-made trike or velomobile - the cost is high, and there is practically no mass production. Making your own hands will spend a lot of time and money on non-standard custom parts.
  • Dimensions - it is difficult to put such a bike on a balcony or uphill - you will have to work with transport as with a full-fledged car.

Order or manufacture

A small plan for those who decide to make a DIY 4-wheel bike.

  1. We start with the frame. We design it fully in a 3D editor or by hand, so that the manufacturer would understand what and how to cut and weld. Take into account the height of the rider, the required space, the size of the wheels that you plan to use. Do not forget about the mass and resistance of materials - the bike will be heavy, and the loads on it will be impressive.
  2. After the drawing, we go to the metalworking for the manufacture of the frame. If you can do it yourself, that's great, but usually finished drawing with explanations given to a specialized company or a familiar craftsman.
  3. On the finished frame, it remains to assemble the chassis - first we mount the axle shafts for the wheels.
  4. Then we install the rear sprocket, pedal assembly and tighten the chain.
  5. We mount brake system.
  6. Install.
  7. Add the seat, steering wheel, grips and protection elements.

Of course, all the nuances are learned only with practice, but the general "to-do list" will remain unchanged. Hopefully your DIY four wheel bike will be successful.


A four-wheeled bicycle is a rarity, but a rather interesting rarity. With all its drawbacks - price, weight, low reliability - such a bike is very convenient and can be used in many situations where a simple bike is completely inappropriate. The low prevalence of such layouts is a consequence of the high price and low demand, and many take on the manufacture of their own. It is worth noting that a homemade bike is sometimes better than any production model, and the owners are rightfully proud of them.

In addition to simplicity - the main advantage of a bicycle, this walking cycle carriage has advantages over its “progenitor”, the main of which are good stability in motion and at stops and comfortable, like in a car, driver's position.

The prototype was a velomobile published in some magazine. But its rather complex spatial frame, two-stage drive and steering made me think about how to simplify these nodes and make the car easier. I believe that the problem was solved and even obtained an inventor's certificate for the manufacture of an industrial design.

I offer readers a description and drawings of the improved velomobile.

This "reduction" of the prototype velomobile led, in fact, to the creation of a new car - only the layout remained from the previous one: two front steering wheels and one driving rear. Therefore, before proceeding to the description of the bicycle wheelchair units, it is worth noting those of them that have been affected by the most radical changes.

At first, the frame is lightened up to 4.5 kg - instead of spatial, it has become flat. Secondly, the two-stage drive with countershaft (reduction gear) is simplified to single-stage with an extended chain, which increases the efficiency of the transmission. Thirdly, the multi-speed hub of the drive wheel has been replaced with a single-speed one, and the need for a handbrake has disappeared. Fourth, the steering wheel from under the seat was moved to its usual place - to the column in front of the driver, which eliminated an extra step in the steering. Finally, fifth, The “chaise longue” seat has been replaced by a simpler, but stiffer, backrest tilted back, which provides better support when pressing the feet on the pedals, which is especially important when going uphill.

As a result of such alterations, the overall machine weight decreased to 20 kg(in the prototype it was 26 kg), providing practically the same consumer qualities as the prototype with a multi-speed drive.

Step-by-step construction of the velomobile

The frame of the velomobile consists of two longitudinal spars 1200 mm long, made of steel pipe with a diameter of 25 mm. In front, the side members converge, and here the pedal drive carriage body from an old folding bike is welded to them. At a distance of 420 mm from the carriage axis, a transverse beam, 640 mm long with pivot bushings at the ends, is welded to the side members from below. The traverse is made of a steel pipe with a diameter of 28 mm, the bushings are made of a pipe with a diameter of 18 mm. At the junction with the traverse, the spars have a slight bend and then run parallel to each other. Their ends are flattened in a vertical plane and equipped with tips from the rear fork of a road bike. At a distance of 395 mm from the axis of the tips between the side members, a spacer with an eyelet is welded in for attaching a mud fender.

A steering column with a length of 330 mm from a tube with a diameter of 28 mm is welded to the traverse in front. Its stability is provided by two curly kerchiefs.

The base (the distance between the axles of the wheels) of the cycle carriage, in comparison with the prototype, is slightly reduced (the turning radius has also decreased), and the track (the distance between the front wheels) is increased.

The chassis, wheel suspension and steering are pretty straightforward. The rear drive wheel, like a bicycle wheel, is attached to the ends of the side members forks. The suspension of the front steering wheels, although it differs from the usual bicycle one and is more like a car pivot, is also simple - the camber and toe angles are not adjustable.

The pins are loosely inserted into the bronze plain bearings (you can also use fluoroplastic ones) of the bushings at the ends of the traverse, tightened from above with castellated nuts and pinned through the holes drilled in the threaded ends of the pins. The pins have cube-shaped heads with 12 mm through side holes. The axles (pins) of the front steering wheels are fixed in these holes.

In the lower edge of the head of each kingpin, a groove and two diagonal blind threaded holes M4 are made. The ends of the pivoting levers are fixed in the grooves with two M4 screws each. Their other ends are pivotally connected to the flattened ends of the tie rods from a steel bar with a diameter of 7 mm. In the middle of the rod, an eye is welded for the articulated connection of the free end of the steering arm. The other end of the bipod is welded to the lower end of the steering shaft, made of a thin-walled steel tube with a diameter of 21 mm, in the upper part of which a longitudinal slot is made.

The shaft in bronze (or fluoroplastic) plain bearings is placed in steering column, a steering rack is inserted into it from above, and all the parts in the place of the slot are tightened with a clamp. Two more clamps on the same shaft at the top and bottom of the steering column prevent its longitudinal displacement.

The drive (transmission) is no different from the drive of a regular road bike, only the chain is slightly longer. Its tension is adjusted by moving the hub axle rear wheel in the grooves of the fork ends. When the chain is extended, it is enough to remove one or two links from it, so that the drag adjustment becomes possible again.

The seat of the bicycle wheelchair is ordinary - like a chair, only its back is tilted at a significant angle for a more comfortable fit for the driver. The basis of the seat is an arch made of a thin-walled steel tube with a diameter of 16 mm with four crossbars made of a steel U-shaped profile with dimensions of 55x10 mm. The seat and back cushions are attached to the Turechins. The pillows are simple: foam rubber is glued to the plywood base and covered with leatherette on top.

The position of the seat on the frame was chosen taking into account the optimal distribution of the load from the driver's weight to the wheels. It was also taken into account that the driver's seating height should provide him with the necessary visibility when driving in a traffic stream. Therefore, the seat is installed on two uprights-brackets made of the same profile as the cross members, only the size of the shelves is 15 mm. The brackets are pulled to the frame side members by a pair of brackets using four M5 bolts each. This mount allows you to move the seat (back or forth) if necessary to adjust the distance to the pedals according to the driver's height.

The simplification of the design of the cycle carriage, in comparison with the prototype, did not entail the final elimination of the previous elements that create (albeit insignificant) comfortable riding conditions. If desired, without changing the frame and steering, you can install a multi-speed drive, a fairing with a windshield and a roof and a seat headrest, thus turning the stroller back into a velomobile.

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  • He cannot stay in one place for a long time and constantly requires new sensations, try to channel his energy into a useful channel! Present your child velomobile!

    A fidget can feel like an adult if he has his own vehicle, but not with two wheels, like a bicycle, but with four, like an electric car! The Europeans called this type of transport velomobiles, and the Dutch even called them "da-caras".

    Children's velomobile is a miniature car, controlled by means of pedals. In other words, it is a muscle-driven vehicle that combines efficiency, simplicity and environmental friendliness.

    We invent a velomobile

    We construct a velomobile with our own hands

    The idea to create a children's velomobile does not arise by chance, because the bicycle and electric vehicles sold today are not without drawbacks. In addition, their cost is sometimes so high and not justified that it is easier to create such a "toy" for a child with your own hands. A modern children's car must necessarily be collapsible, similar to a real car, and also comfortable not only during operation, but also during storage.

    Children's velomobiles on sale, as a rule, have a non-separable design. Most of them represent an open frame equipped with a movable adjustable seat, a complex drive. The design is non-separable, and the machine itself is not able to overcome even the smallest obstacles. Ultimately, a full repair of such a toy is very expensive.

    When creating a velomobile with your own hands, you can get rid of all the shortcomings.

    Let's invent a children's velomobile!

    Manufacturing features:

    Advantages of a homemade children's velomobile

    The most important advantage is the ability to quickly mount and dismantle (make sure by watching the video). To quickly disassemble a mini-car, you just need to disconnect the leash located on the steering gear from the top of the V-shaped frame, and then turn it to an angle of exactly 45 degrees, push it out of the support located on the crossbar.

    Thanks to the chosen distance between the wheels, even in the folded position, they will not interfere with each other. "Fracturing" of a children's velomobile is carried out first around the vertical axis, and after that - around the horizontal one, with a slight downward shift.

    When assembling the machine, the two frame parts (front / rear) are connected in such a way that the pin fits perfectly into the rolling bearing. Next, you need to move the latch to the leash on the steering mechanism by turning the V-shaped frame away from the pin, and then disconnect it from the frame.

    Ultimately, the structure is installed on wheels. The children's velomobile is ready! It boasts good cross-country ability, and the ability to freely overcome obstacles, the height of which is equal to half a wheel! Due to its high strength, it will not need repairs.

    Its small dimensions in the dismantled state, as well as its low weight (about 12 kg), can solve all the problems that are usually associated with transportation of a car, as well as its long-term storage in a small-sized vehicle.

    You can also design a children's electric car with your own hands. Of course, the assembly process will be much more complicated and difficult to describe in words, but there are many videos on the net with step by step instructions assembling an electric vehicle.

    Like a velomobile, it is better to assemble an electric car for a child not from scratch, but to use parts of a ready-made children's car. It is important to have a steering wheel, wheels, and an attractive body. If you have the main parts, you can make an electric car with your own hands in a day!

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