Outline of a summary of a basketball lesson in a dussh. Summaries of lessons on learning to play basketball for children of the preparatory group

In basketball, as in other sports, to be successful, you need to work hard, develop and hone your skills. In addition to teamwork with a coach, the athlete needs to train independently. You can develop your skills with specific exercises.

For achievement better results it's not enough to have in basketball high growth... It is also necessary to educate and develop various qualities and skills in oneself.

  • Study of theory.

Without knowledge of theory, there will be no successful practice. And therefore, a novice athlete, in addition to performing different exercises, must know the rules of the game, existing methods and means of training, schemes of playing the game, methods of preparing for the game, etc.

  • Physical development.

This important aspect for any athlete. You need to be strong, fast, agile, jumpy and hardy. To do this, you should perform various physical exercises, for example, from athletics.

  • Technique development.

To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with all sorts of techniques and determine what works well and what does not. After that, you need to move on to improving your skills and working out those moments that are not yet very good at it. For this there are also special complexes physical exercise.

  • Familiarization with tactics.

This game has a certain tactic with its own techniques. A beginner player must understand what they are for and learn how to apply them in a given situation.

  • Development of volitional qualities.

The athlete must be able to set goals and achieve them by applying their knowledge, skills and strength.

A beginner basketball player must practice the ability to catch, throw and pass the ball. In addition to team training under the guidance of a coach, you need to set aside time for self-improvement. For this there is special exercises that you can do yourself at home, outdoors, or at the gym.

To catch and pass the ball correctly, you need to learn to feel its every movement. There is a set of exercises for practicing this skill:

  • Throw the ball into the wall at an equal height from different distances and catch it.
  • Throw the ball against the wall, turn around and catch it.
  • Throw the ball into the wall, taking steps one way or the other.
  • Run past a wall, throwing a ball at it some distance in front of you and catch it.
  • Sit down, throw the ball from this position and catch it.
  • Lie on your stomach, throw the ball against the wall and catch it. Then perform this exercise while lying on your back.
  • Sit down and throw the ball to the floor so that it bounces into the wall, and then, hitting the floor, returns to your hands.
  • Get up and throw the ball into the wall with acceleration. Try to complete the maximum number of transmissions in a certain time (for example, in a minute).
  • Stand up and throw the ball into the wall in different ways: with one hand, over the shoulder, from below, between the legs, facing the wall, and then with your back. After that, do the same, only throw the ball so that it bounces off the floor.
  • Stand with your right side and throw the ball into the wall left hand across the back and catching it right hand, pass to the left behind you.
  • Pick up 2 balls. Throw them into the wall in turn, hitting the floor. Try to do it as quickly as possible.

After that, you can do the exercises in pairs, passing the ball to each other in different ways.

Passing the ball allows the team to reach the opponent's basket faster. Therefore, the implementation of this set of exercises should be approached responsibly.

A set of exercises for practicing ball dribbling techniques

A professional basketball player must be able to dribble the ball without focusing on it. He must feel it and at the same time keep it out of the hands of the opponent. To learn this, you should perform the following set of exercises:

  • Get up and hit the ball off the floor, first with one hand, then with the other. At the same time, the fingers are apart. Then repeat the exercise, moving forward and alternating arms.
  • Kick the ball off the floor, first while standing, then sitting and lying down. Do not stop dribbling when changing position.
  • To hit the ball, moving forward, turning left and right, accelerating and decelerating.
  • Draw a line, dribble the ball along it.
  • Bounce the ball forward and pivot 90 or 180 degrees in different directions.
  • Lead the ball by varying stride length.
  • stand opposite each other. One dribbles the ball, and the second repeats exactly his movements;
  • catch up with each other, without stopping the lead;
  • one player dribbles the ball and the other tries to pick up the ball.

The most important skill of a basketball player is to throw the ball into the basket from different distances. It is quite difficult for a beginner to do this. Therefore, it is necessary to practice the following exercises:

  • throwing the ball into the basket from different distances with two hands;
  • throws from the shoulder with different hands while standing and in motion;
  • throws from different angles located at the same distance from the basket;
  • dribbling the ball with a throw;
  • throwing the ball against the backboard.

After practicing the technique, you can set yourself certain goals. For example, the number of accurate hits out of 20 throws must be at least 15. Then you can proceed to the collective competition. For example, who will have more hits, who will hit the target first from a certain distance, etc.

In addition, you should learn how to knock the ball out of the opponent's hands using different techniques, feel and understand the members of your team. It is important to have a strong and flexible body.

Fitness in the preparation of a basketball player

Self-training should include physical exercises such as jogging and jogging. long distances, race walking, squats, jumping, push-ups. Fitness classes will also contribute to the development of endurance.

You need to train regularly, then the result will not be long in coming, and each game will bring victories, increasing the professionalism of the basketball player.

Sections: School sports and children's health


  • learning to catch and pass the ball on the spot and on the move;
  • teaching the technique of dribbling alternately with the right and left hand;
  • development motor qualities by means of relay races, with elements of basketball and basketball games.



  • fostering the ability to perform collective actions.
  • fostering a sense of responsibility for the assigned task.

Inventory: basketballs, stopwatch, whistle, racks.

During the classes


Organizational and methodological guidelines

Preparatory part 12 minutes
1. Construction. Greetings. Reporting lesson objectives The shoulder blades are brought together, look forward, the presence of s / shape, shoes, identification of patients
2. Walking, its varieties with a change in the position of the hands:

- on toes, hands to the sides;
- hands behind the head on the heels;
- rolling from heel to toe

2 minutes. Monitor the position of posture, keep your head straight, do not slouch. Monitor your breathing.

Switching to normal walking. Team: " Normal walking- MARSH! "

3. Running at an average pace.

- side steps forward;
- side steps forward;
- regular running with the transition to walking

2 minutes. Column alignment, keep your distance.

Monitor the correctness of the side step, the leg is put off toe, hands on the belt, monitor the position of the body while running

4. Construction for carrying out the outdoor switchgear.
Starting position - feet shoulder width apart;
1-2-3 - rise on toes, hands upward;
4 – initial position
4-6 times Breathe in.
Starting position - main stance;
1-2 - arms arcs forward upward, right leg back to toe;
3-4 - starting position
6-8 times Rise on your toes - higher.
Starting position - basic stance, arms to shoulders;
1–4 – circular rotation hands forward;
5–8 - the same thing back
6-8 times The circle is performed at full amplitude
Starting position - basic stance, right hand above, left below;
1-2 - right abduction;
3-4 - the same with the left
6-8 times Arms straight

1-2 - tilt of the body to the right;
3-4 - the same to the left
6-8 times The shoulder blades are brought together, the elbows are exactly to the sides, the back is kept straight.
Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt;
1 - tilt to the left;
2 - forward tilt;
3 - tilt to the right;
4 - starting position
6-8 times Do not bend your legs
Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. Jumping on toes;
1–4 - on the left;
5–8 - on the right
4-5 times Jumping softly on toes
Main part 30 minutes.
1. Learning to catch and pass the ball on the spot 8 minutes Formation in two lines. The teacher demonstrates several ways to pass the ball on the spot, combined with a short but accessible explanation
- imitation of catching and passing the ball; Put your legs correctly (the toes of the feet are directed forward), the knees are bent.

The arms are bent, the hands are directed forward to the sides.

- transfer with two hands from the chest - catching with two hands; When catching hands, stretch out, catch the ball with your fingers, bend your elbows, the ball to your chest.
- passing the ball with two hands with a rebound from the floor - catching with both hands. Catching after a rebound: bend your legs more, hands are directed downward - forward, hands form a "funnel" to receive the ball
2. Teaching the ball dribbling technique 8 minutes Dribbling - advancing a player with the ball by hitting the ball on the floor with one or alternately two hands (dribbling).

Adapt the look and speed of the ball to the situation

The teacher demonstrates correct dribbling, ball touching position and ball control. Combined with a concise and accessible explanation
- right and left hand;
- with a change in direction;
- with a change in the height of the rebound;
- with a change in speed.
Significant mistakes when dribbling the ball: the hand is applied to the ball with a blow (slap); improper coordination of the work of arms and legs, inability to control the ball without constant visual control
3. Development of motor qualities. Relays:
- students are built in two columns. At the signal, they dribble the ball with their right hand with side steps with their left side forward, reaching the rack, change their hand and continue dribbling with their left right side forward, the next participant receives the ball and repeats the same.
10 min. Pay attention to the position of the hand when dribbling the ball with the left hand
- teams are formed in a column one by one in opposite sides of the hall. There are four players in front of each column in the distance

1–1.5 m apart. At the signal, the first member of each column dribbles the ball, circling each player. Returns so. back and pass the ball

The ball can be dribbled with the right or left hand, covering the ball from a passively or actively standing player
Game options:

- after dribbling the players, make three passes from the wall;
- after dribbling the players, perform a throw on the ring;
- after dribbling the players, make three passes from the wall and throw around the ring

The ball can be dribbled with the right or left hand, with or without visual control
Final part 3 min.
Formation in one line. Summing up the lesson. Announce and grade the lesson. Homework... Organized departure from the gym Celebrate the best, active students.

Sections: School sports and children's health


  • learning to catch and pass the ball on the spot and on the move;
  • teaching the technique of dribbling alternately with the right and left hand;
  • development of motor skills through relay races, with elements of basketball and basketball.


  • formation of correct posture;
  • teaching correct breathing when doing exercises while running, open control gear.


  • fostering the ability to perform collective actions.
  • fostering a sense of responsibility for the assigned task.

Inventory: basketballs, stopwatch, whistle, racks.

During the classes


Organizational and methodological guidelines

Preparatory part 12 minutes
1. Construction. Greetings. Reporting lesson objectives The shoulder blades are brought together, look forward, the presence of s / shape, shoes, identification of patients
2. Walking, its varieties with a change in the position of the hands:

- on toes, hands to the sides;
- hands behind the head on the heels;
- rolling from heel to toe

2 minutes. Monitor the position of posture, keep your head straight, do not slouch. Monitor your breathing.

Switching to normal walking. Command: "Normal walking - MARCH!"

3. Running at an average pace.

- side steps forward;
- side steps forward;
- regular running with the transition to walking

2 minutes. Column alignment, keep your distance.

Monitor the correctness of the side step, the leg is put off toe, hands on the belt, monitor the position of the body while running

4. Construction for carrying out the outdoor switchgear.
Starting position - feet shoulder width apart;
1-2-3 - rise on toes, hands upward;
4 - starting position
4-6 times Breathe in.
Starting position - main stance;
1-2 - arms arcs forward upward, right leg backward on toe;
3-4 - starting position
6-8 times Rise on your toes - higher.
Starting position - basic stance, arms to shoulders;
1–4 - circular rotations with hands forward;
5–8 - the same thing back
6-8 times The circle is performed at full amplitude
Starting position - basic stance, right hand above, left below;
1-2 - right abduction;
3-4 - the same with the left
6-8 times Arms straight

1-2 - tilt of the body to the right;
3-4 - the same to the left
6-8 times The shoulder blades are brought together, the elbows are exactly to the sides, the back is kept straight.
Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt;
1 - tilt to the left;
2 - forward tilt;
3 - tilt to the right;
4 - starting position
6-8 times Do not bend your legs
Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. Jumping on toes;
1–4 - on the left;
5–8 - on the right
4-5 times Jumping softly on toes
Main part 30 minutes.
1. Learning to catch and pass the ball on the spot 8 minutes Formation in two lines. The teacher demonstrates several ways to pass the ball on the spot, combined with a short but accessible explanation
- imitation of catching and passing the ball; Put your legs correctly (the toes of the feet are directed forward), the knees are bent.

The arms are bent, the hands are directed forward to the sides.

- transfer with two hands from the chest - catching with two hands; When catching hands, stretch out, catch the ball with your fingers, bend your elbows, the ball to your chest.
- passing the ball with two hands with a rebound from the floor - catching with both hands. Catching after a rebound: bend your legs more, hands are directed downward - forward, hands form a "funnel" to receive the ball
2. Teaching the ball dribbling technique 8 minutes Dribbling - advancing a player with the ball by hitting the ball on the floor with one or alternately two hands (dribbling).

Adapt the look and speed of the ball to the situation

The teacher demonstrates correct dribbling, ball touching position and ball control. Combined with a concise and accessible explanation
- right and left hand;
- with a change in direction;
- with a change in the height of the rebound;
- with a change in speed.
Significant mistakes when dribbling the ball: the hand is applied to the ball with a blow (slap); improper coordination of the work of arms and legs, inability to control the ball without constant visual control
3. Development of motor qualities. Relays:
- students are built in two columns. At the signal, they dribble the ball with their right hand with side steps with their left side forward, reaching the rack, change their hand and continue dribbling with their left right side forward, the next participant receives the ball and repeats the same.
10 min. Pay attention to the position of the hand when dribbling the ball with the left hand
- teams are formed in a column one by one in opposite sides of the hall. There are four players in front of each column in the distance

1–1.5 m apart. At the signal, the first member of each column dribbles the ball, circling each player. Returns so. back and pass the ball

The ball can be dribbled with the right or left hand, covering the ball from a passively or actively standing player
Game options:

- after dribbling the players, make three passes from the wall;
- after dribbling the players, perform a throw on the ring;
- after dribbling the players, make three passes from the wall and throw around the ring

The ball can be dribbled with the right or left hand, with or without visual control
Final part 3 min.
Formation in one line. Summing up the lesson. Announce and grade the lesson. Homework. Organized departure from the gym Celebrate the best, active students.

Summary of physical training lessons for basketball players 10-12 years old (boys).

Skutina Anna Borisovna, teacher physical culture.
Place of work: MOU "School No. 13" Vorkuta, Vorkuta, Komi Republic.
Material description: the material will be useful for teachers of physical education, teachers additional education, schoolchildren (boys 10-12 years old). The work uses exercises to develop a general physical fitness... Some of the presented ones can be used by schoolchildren at home. As well as teachers of additional education in other game types sports.
Inventory and equipment: basketballs, racks, skipping ropes, medicine balls, mats.
1. Teach the basics of basketball, improve individual elements.
2. Develop coordination of movements, quickness, jumping ability, endurance and strength.
3. To cultivate mutual understanding, courage, determination, attention, team spirit, the ability to quickly assess the situation.
Preparatory part:
1. Construction. Statement of tasks for the lesson. Safety briefing - 2 minutes. (Tracking attendance, checking sports uniform and shoes)
2. Walking and its varieties - 2 minutes. (Perform in a column one at a time, keep a distance. Watch your posture):
- on toes, holding the ball in front of you;
- on the heels, the ball in the hands above the head;
- back forward, ball behind
3. Jogging with special running exercises - 7 minutes. (Perform without acceleration, monitor breathing)
- an added step in a defender's pose (right, left side);
- with a high rise of the thigh;
- with overlapping of the lower leg;
- back forward (look over any shoulder)
4. Walking - 30 seconds (Get your breath back)
5. OSU - 8 minutes.
1. I. p. - wide stand legs apart. Dribbling the ball with the "eight" - 8 times. (4 times in each direction)
2. I. p. - leg stand apart, shoulder-width apart, the ball in front of you on outstretched arms. Release him, clap his hands behind his back and catch - 6-8 times
3. I. p. - stand feet apart shoulder-width apart, the ball behind the back. Release it, slap your hands in front of you, turn to face the ball and catch it - 6-8 times
4. I. p. - leg stand apart shoulder-width apart, the ball in front of you at knee level. Release him, clap his hands behind his back and catch - 6-8 times
5. Dribbling two balls simultaneously - 1 minute. (Standing still)
6. Each player has a ball. On signal, player A dribbles forward and player B moves backward. The signal changes the direction of movement - 1 minute. (Perform in pairs)
7. Execution of previously learned transmissions - 1 minute. (Perform in pairs, make sure it is done correctly)
8. I. p. - standing with their backs to each other. One player passes the ball back over his head and the other passes between his legs 8 times. (Perform in pairs. 4 times in each direction)
Main part:
1. Jumping on one leg - 3 minutes. (Perform with maximum amplitude. On the left, right leg)
2. Jumping "frog" - 2 minutes.
3. Walking "goose" step - 2 minutes. (Monitor your posture)
4. Moving by leaps forward - 2 minutes. (With a push of two feet)
5. Jumping rope - 3 minutes. (3 sets of 60 reps)
6. Jumping medicine ball - 3 minutes. (Ball in hand)
7. Shuttle run dribbling - 3-4 minutes. (Start from different i.p.)
8. Exercise "Wheelbarrow" - 3-4 minutes. (Perform in pairs. One holds the other's legs in weight, under the knees or by the feet)
9. Cross-country relay races with and without a ball - 5 minutes. (Make sure the rules are followed)
10. Dribbling the ball at different speeds - 5 minutes. (Execute on signal)
11. Gears at speed in pairs - 5 minutes. (Count the number of gears)
12. Rotation medicine ball around the legs "figure eight" - 1 minute. (Execute locally)
13. Medicine ball pass in pairs, sideways - 2-3 minutes. (From a position, standing with backs to each other, 15 times in each direction)
14. Push-ups from the floor - 2 minutes. (Multiple approaches)
15. Raising the body - 2 minutes. (Perform on mats)
16. Execution maximum number passing the ball into the wall for a certain time - 3 minutes. (At the maximum pace)
17. Dribbling the ball while sitting on the floor - with one finger, two, three, four, five - 3-4 minutes. (Lead change on signal)
Final part:
1. Educational game 2 * 2, 3 * 3 - 15 minutes. (Follow the correct organization of the game)
2. I. p. - sitting on the floor, legs apart, hands in support from behind. Inhale for one count and exhale for two counts - 2-3 minutes. (Get your breath back)
3. I. p. - stand feet apart, shoulder-width apart, ball at the top - 2-3 minutes. (Hands straight, do not bend your knees)
1 - tilt, touch the left leg with the ball.
2 - I. p.
3-4 - also to the right.
4. Summing up - 1 minute. (Note what turned out better, what needs to be paid attention)


Training lessons in basketball for GNP-1 (girls)

(coach-teacher of MODOD "DYUSSH" Alexey Anatolyevich Golendukhin)


Tasks: 1. Teaching the technique of movement, the technique of combining techniques: dribbling, throwing, picking up the ball. 2. Development of coordination, speed, speed- strength qualities.3. Education of activity, independence, collectivism.

Occupation type: Educational. Quality control, consolidation and generalization of the studied, conclusions. Consecutive study of educational material according to the planned plan.

Lesson number:№70.Class date: 02/09/2011 Lesson time: 16.05-17.35 h. Method of carrying out:

Location: Gym MOU "Secondary School No. 23", Glinskoye village

Inventory: Basketball balls, racks.

Time spending: 90 minutes




basketball training session

for a group of 8th grade students of Lyceum No. 180 "Polyforum", Yekaterinburg city

competitor: trainer-teacher MODOD "DYUSSH", Reg Sverdlovsk region

Alexey A. Golendukhin

Target: Teaching the skills of mastering the elements of distance throws technique in basketball.


1. Teaching the technique of movements, the technique of combining techniques: dribbling, passing, throwing, picking up the ball, group interactions before throwing. Improving the technique of throws from the field.

2. Development of coordination, quickness, speed-strength qualities, strength qualities.

3. Education of activity, independence, collectivism.

Occupation type: Combined. The lesson of generalization, systematization, checking and correcting knowledge and skills. Study of educational material according to the planned plan.

Lesson number:№1.

Class date: 04/25/2011 Lesson time: 09.10-09.50 h.

Method of carrying out: Frontal, group, streaming, individual, game.

Location: Sports hall of lyceum №180 "Polyforum", Yekaterinburg

Inventory: Basketballs, ball posts, basketball backboards.

Time spending: 40 minutes



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