Endurance exercise for running. Secrets to help increase endurance and speed while running

Endurance running training is popular with professional athletes and simple adherents of a sports lifestyle. And all because sports achivments are impossible without the body's ability to withstand stress and fatigue. Height muscle mass, to which all athletes strive so much, goes through overcoming the load. So that the muscles can adapt to the constant stress arising from increased physical activity, they need endurance training. Cardio workouts, in particular long-distance running, do this very well.

Why endurance running is popular

The main goals of people involved in sports (do not take into account those for whom Athletics is a profession) is the reduction of body weight by reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass to create attractive and relief shapes.

This can be achieved only if two conditions are met simultaneously:

  1. proper nutrition;
  2. high physical activity.

If one of them is excluded, then desired result not to be achieved, or it will come after a very long period of time. Moreover, the human body is so arranged that the process of fat burning and simultaneous muscle growth cannot proceed in parallel. Either one or the other prevails, because a calorie deficit is necessary for losing weight, and for muscle growth, an increased stress load on them and good nutrition. Workouts, which include jogging, are at the same time a kind of separate. Firstly, prolonged cardio within 30-50 minutes triggers lipolysis in the body and burns enough calories, increasing endurance. Secondly, such a load does not allow the muscles to rest and allows, if not to increase their volume, then at least not to lose the existing one.
Find out also in our next article.

Endurance running training program

This is a wonderful sport available to almost everyone. It is not at all necessary for him to go to training in an elite fitness club. You can and even need to do it in nature and on fresh air... Special equipment will allow you to train in any weather.

Look, we have, it will suddenly come in handy for a good assessment and growth of endurance.

Each increase in physical activity must be coordinated with the attending physician and listen to the body's reaction! In order not to harm yourself and not earn heart problems instead of increasing endurance, it is necessary to start a lesson at short distances, gradually increasing the duration of cardio training. In an amicable way, it is better to replace the first few runs with walking in fast pace... Let the body get used to such loads first.

Remember! The success of an entire enterprise depends on how you approach it. That is why it is so important! Then you will not only not give up this lesson the next day, but also increase your own endurance, improve your physical and mental condition.

As such, there is no correct speed for running, because everyone will have their own. Here you need to focus on the heart rate. The recommended heart rate range is 120 to 145 beats per minute. If the heart beats more often, then it is necessary to reduce the speed, if less often, then increase it.

As an everywhere great importance has a regular training. If you are doing extra strength training v gym, then jogging should be set at the very end of the workout as a prolonged cool down. It is even better to set aside a separate day for her, but not everyone can afford such a luxury due to high employment. The fact is that running for a long time consumes the reserves of glycogen in the body. If you spend it at the beginning of a workout, then there will simply be no strength left for the rest. And where after the race you will find out by clicking on the link.

With more adaptation of the body, new endurance exercises in running can be introduced. Fashionable enough in recent times became interval cardio. It is a cycle with a constant alternation of classes at different rates. In terms of total duration, the workout takes less time than a regular one. And the load is the same, if not more. Its essence lies in the interval change of the pace of running and heart rate, which increases endurance and drowns excess fat. You can find many examples with calculations on the Internet, but we will give a general formula:

Warm up (5 minutes) - vigorous run (1 minute) - average running pace (2 minutes) - vigorous run - cool down (5 minutes)

The speed of intensive running also depends on the heart rate and should be within 60-80% of the maximum heart rate.

The maximum heart rate is calculated as "220 - age"

The average running pace should be within 40-60% of the maximum heart rate.
The number of cycles of intensive and medium running, as well as their duration, can be changed and selected individually. But the total workout time, including warm-up and cool-down, is 20-30 minutes.

Note that all cardio loads train endurance: jogging, swimming, cycling, ice skating and skiing, ellipse training. Choose what is closer to you and have fun. By developing endurance organisms, you will be able to cope not only with physical but also mental stress.

The best option is running. This will help you reset faster. overweight and improve health. But if you want to exercise normally, and not fall off your feet after the first hundred meters, learn how to increase your endurance.

In the beginning, you always feel a ton of strength and think that you can run around the entire planet. But after the first kilometer, the inexperienced begin to ask God for mercy in the form of a second wind, and the weaklings simply stop. If you want to keep your distance longer - run measured and do not tear from the very start. Craig Beasley, one of the seasoned Canadian marathon runners, advises:

"I started according to the following system: 30 seconds of running at maximum speed, then 4.5 seconds of calm walking. In one cycle, I repeated eight times, three workouts a week."

Within a month you will feel how the body is getting stronger. You will be able to increase the peak time, the length of the distance or the number of cycles. And next to beginners, you will generally feel like a professional.

Stamina Development: The Bart Yasso Method

Bart Yasso is the Runner's World Race Manager, whose name all runners know. Yasso developed a method that can be used to finish 800 meters in four minutes. His technique has been followed by many marathoners. And one of them even shared his impressions. Doug Underwood says :

"Run 4-5 intervals of 800 meters once a week at the speed that you set yourself for the goal. Then add another interval every week until you become the storm of all the runners on the planet."

Stamina Development: No Exhaustion

Warren Finke, a renowned trainer from Portland, has developed a simple technique that helps to increase endurance while running. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to overcome the distance not at the end of your strength. Give 80% instead of 100%. Better measured running throughout the entire distance than jerking, which closer to the finish line will be weaker and shorter.

Source: globalfit.com

Stamina Development: Pierce Wear

Bill Pearce, chairman of the Department of Health at Furman University, has developed a special program, according to which he trains three days a week for wear, the other four - plays ping-pong, is engaged strength exercises or just resting. Thanks to this, the scientist-athlete at 53 still takes part in competitions and runs a marathon (42 km) in 3 hours 10 minutes.

One day Pierce runs a long distance at a slow pace. On the second day, he breaks it down into segments, and on the third, he arranges a tempo workout. At the same time, Bill works with great intensity. Thanks to this, the risk of injury or muscle strain is halved.

Endurance Development: Plyometrics

Plyometrics is a sports technique designed to improve speed, agility and power. It uses explosive fast movements. They help the muscles develop the most effort in the least amount of time possible.

The technique shared with us by Dina Drossin, one of the best female runners in the United States:

"Include jumps in your workouts. For example, jogging with short and quick strides of 15-20 meters. Perform 6-8 sets 1-2 times a week. Gradually improve your jumps and add new ones (on one or two legs, etc.)" ...

Let's add: it's better to train on a dirt road or in special running shoes... This will save your knee joints from premature wear.

If we understand running as a mass sport, then it is dominated by medium and long types of distances. This is due to the fact that distances of 3000-5000 meters are more comfortable for regular runs than sprints. In addition, long distances have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as on the development of endurance.

Most of those who have been running for six months or more show a desire to participate in mass starts, but such starts involve running on the highway from 10 kilometers. At the same time, there is a competitive moment and the person himself, without knowing it, runs faster than his capabilities, from which the chances of successfully finishing becomes less.

If the desire to participate in road races is great, and the performance so far leaves much to be desired, then endurance running good way correct the situation.

Why running endurance?

When an athlete trains with the awareness of what and how he trains, the result will not be long in coming. Therefore, we will leave the catch phrase “there is strength - no mind is needed” and we will develop endurance with knowledge and understanding. practical application quality and training processes.

The value of endurance when jogging is great, since this physical quality determines the success not only in competitive, but also in training activities. As a rule, the total volume of loads performed during a workout is greater than the distance itself. That is, an athlete specializing in 1000 meters per training session can run 5000-10000 m. The effect obtained depends on how well the load is performed.

If the endurance reserve is low, then after several stretches the athlete will feel severe fatigue, as a result of which the running technique will be disrupted. This will lead to a decrease in the quality of performance and a loss in the effectiveness of the exercise as a whole. Therefore, training is one of the main qualities that need to be developed during the entire sports life person.

Running Endurance Exercises

There are various reasons that drive endurance development: wanting to run longer, to run the first marathon, or to improve performance for getting into the leaders. Regardless of the reasons, training will have common features, and differ only in the amount of loads performed.

It should be remembered that exercises for the development of this quality are interconnected with cardiovascular and respiratory systems... Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of training, I recommend performing additional exercises to improve the functions of these systems outside the main running program.

To increase the stock of running endurance, I recommend using the following variations of running exercises:

  • Interval running
  • Running with weights
  • Nonspecific exercises

Interval running actively uses the respiratory and circulatory systems, so it is worth paying great attention I run at variable speed. The bottom line is the alternation of the intensity of running throughout the entire distance, which is similar to the wave-like nature of training, but in this case the load does not change during the week, but in one lesson.

There are various variations of interval running, among which they are distinguished: running with the transition to walking, time differences between kilometers and step segments.

Running with the transition to walking often used by beginner runners who are not yet able to run long distances. The problem is to divide the intervals when to run and when to walk. It is usually suggested to use time intervals that indicate that you need to run for 2 minutes, and then switch to walking for 30 seconds. This option has proven itself well and is actively used.

Temporary drops refer to the classic version of interval running and consist in changing the running speed for each kilometer. That is, having run 1000 meters in 4 minutes 51 seconds, the next kilometer should be faster, for example, 4 minutes. 30 s.

Stepped segments imply a change in the duration of acceleration and rest time. For example, the jog started with 50 seconds acceleration, 20 seconds slow pace. After 2-3 repetitions, the conditions change - acceleration for 80 seconds, rest for 30 seconds. Before completing such a run, it is recommended to run 1-2 repetitions with the initial conditions.

Running with weights Suitable for trained runners who can easily cover 10 kilometers. Using weights, you can run integral distances or try interval jogging. The extra weight contributes to the development of strength capabilities. But it should be remembered that weighting leads to an increase impact force on the ankle and knee joints, therefore, this method is not recommended for frequent use.

Nonspecific exercises imply the performance of actions that only indirectly affect the result in running and are able to develop endurance. These activities include swimming, skiing, cycling, and working out in the gym. Exercises for recovery, fitness, stretching (improving flexibility and stretching) or crossfit for general physical fitness will also be useful.

  1. Run 3 times a week. More is possible, less is not recommended.
  2. Alternate the suggested exercises. At the same time, pay more attention to interval running and minimal weights.
  3. Measure your heart rate in the morning and evening. If the indicator begins to decrease by 1-2 beats during the month, then the training will bring results. Although a drop in heart rate is not a direct indicator of good endurance.

The result of the classes will depend on the efforts made. You can notice an improvement in performance by paying attention to the sensations during jogging. Each workout will be easier on the previous one. If on one of the days it was unusually difficult to run, it follows that the muscles were in the process of recovery and were not ready for the load. Try to run at the same time so that your muscles have time to rest.

Endurance is the body's ability to withstand intense stress over a period of time. It is necessary to develop quality professional athletes and representatives of law enforcement agencies. But in life there are situations where a good physical training: work on a personal plot, moving, long walks, even shopping.

Therefore, knowing how to develop endurance is important for any person.

A trained person even looks differently outwardly: dignified, fit, without excess weight... But appearance the differences are not limited: the composition of the blood changes, in which the number of red blood cells that provide oxygen increases internal organs, the respiratory muscles are improved and the heart muscle is strengthened.

Jogging helps to develop endurance. Anthropologists have proven that the best runners on the planet are ancient people who run considerable distances at great speed ( Olympic champions would look like juniors against them). They were helped to develop endurance by the fact that the ancients had motivation: hunger and the teeth of predators behind their backs. This is how the lazy argue. Running helps to develop this quality. This means that regular training helps you learn to run fast and for a long time, i.e. develop an important quality for a person.

There are other known ways to help develop this indicator. The main thing is to properly motivate the person. Without motivation, even those who know how to develop this trait cannot achieve results. In order to develop it, you have to get out of the familiar and comfortable state. To develop endurance, you need movement, thanks to which a person becomes more attractive, healthier, feels how positive is added. If the decision on self-improvement is made, the information below on increasing endurance will be helpful.

Types of endurance

This concept is capacious, long ago identified by specialists in species.

Aerobic- movement due to oxygen supply. In order to develop it, exercises are performed for a long time.

Anaerobic- execution of movement without the participation of oxygen, i.e. at the expense of internal resources organism. Repetition of high-intensity training with limited recovery time helps develop this trait.

This classification is used for athletes, and in life it is divided into special and general. The first is inherent in people engaged in specific professional activities. Depending on the type of work performed, the components differ: someone stands in one position for a long time, the other works in conditions of a lack of oxygen. How to develop endurance by running? Even for those who do not plan to participate in marathon competitions, it is important to answer this question.

Running helps to maintain normal weight, in good shape - the body and on a positive wave - mood. But, besides this, he is able to develop endurance.

After reading the tips presented, beginners will understand how to develop this quality.

  • Acceptable load, i.e. comfortable, individually selected.
  • Systematic training, i.e. you need to attend training regularly.
  • Gradual: Increase in distance and pace of running gradually.

Ragged Beats (Craig Beasley Method)

A system that develops an indicator important for an athlete was recommended by Cray Beasley - Canadian marathon runner. According to the athlete's recommendations, you need to start running with 30-second sessions, during which you need to run with maximum speed... Then 5 seconds of calm walking. With three workouts per week, the number of these repetitions is 8 times. You will feel how the body has strengthened and your endurance has grown in a month. Now start gradually increasing the load - the number of repetitions.

Using the Bart Yasso method (interval running)

The method consists in the fact that the target distance is divided into intervals with a length of 800 meters, and the time to cover the distance is divided by the number of intervals. Run a weekly run, running a number of intervals in the allotted time. In each subsequent week, add one interval until they cover the entire distance.

How to develop endurance, and why you need it in life

By working on the functional capabilities of the body, you can increase the endurance, which is used in Everyday life... To develop it, run, cycle, roller-skate, ski, and go for walks. Playing football or other team games also contributes to its development. In addition, they will give a lot of emotions.

Performance basic exercises will help develop the main muscle groups if you train regularly, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. Simultaneously will improve general state because playing sports always improves your well-being.

Home workouts as a way to build endurance

Run- the simplest and most democratic tool to help improve physical activity indicators. And while the weather is warm outside, people who want to know are looking at running people with envy. healthy image life (but so far only those who wish). True, envy is replaced by sympathy and misunderstanding, when they see the same picture with the onset of cold weather: they do not want to run, falling into the snowdrifts. it real workout fighters of special forces, and not training that develops endurance.

Even if you are still on the side of the observers, do not be discouraged - you can develop an important quality on a treadmill installed in a warm apartment, or an exercise bike. Even without special equipment, you can develop endurance: push-ups, pull-ups, jumping out - everything will help to achieve the goal.

Important: It is important not to stop if a decision is made to increase your stamina and you have started to implement the solution.

Even a few weeks of inactivity will negate the effort spent - functionality will be lost, and simple exercises become unbearably difficult again.

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Video: Endurance Training Program

Are you a runner looking to build endurance and run marathons? Or maybe you are a beginner and would like to run a couple of kilometers more. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned runner, here's how you can take you to the next level.


Part 1

develop running endurance with interval training

    Use interval training. Their benefits will help you get more out of running and build endurance.

    • Develop cardiovascular system... Endurance running can be very exhausting. With interval training, you will develop anaerobic capacity (by decreasing oxygen). And when you combine this with aerobic capacity (increasing oxygen content through light jogging and cross-country runs), you will become faster.
    • Burning calories. The bursts of energy (the high-intensity part of the workout) will increase the amount of calories you burn. This is the case even with relatively short accelerations.
    • This makes your running exercises more fun. It may seem like a small thing, but if the usual routine gets boring, it will be much more difficult to stay motivated.
  1. Do your workouts at regular intervals. This is the easiest way to get used to interval training. Just alternate between high and low intensity running periods.

    • Start with a fifteen minute warm-up. Start by going fast and jogging, picking up speed and by the end of the warm-up run as fast as you can. This ensures proper warm-up before you start intensive work at speed.
    • If this is your first time doing interval training, then you need to train your body to withstand heavy intervals. Speed ​​up for a minute, then jog or walk for two minutes. Repeat these intervals 6-8 times. Continue for a few weeks and everything else will get easier. Then reduce your recovery / rest time by 30 seconds until you run 50/50 (one minute of acceleration and one minute of rest). Before shortening your recovery / rest time, make sure you are prepared to increase the intensity of the rapid phase and shorten the recovery / rest time.
    • Finish your workout with a 15-25 minute cool down. Move from jogging to light jogging, then, towards the end of the hitch, step.
  2. Use pyramid interval training. Start with short, high-intensity accelerations and build up the load so that your longest high-intensity workout occurs in the middle of your workout. Then gradually return to shorter accelerations and finish the workout with a cool down. This is more difficult than constant intervals, and you may want to use a stopwatch to keep accurate timing.

    • Warm up for ten fifteen minutes. As described above, start by walking at a brisk pace, go for a light run, and build up your speed towards the end of the workout so that you run at the highest intensity at the end of the warm-up.
    • Run vigorously for 30 seconds. Then calmly for one minute. Continue as follows:
    • 90 seconds is intense, two minutes calm.
    • 60 seconds intensively, one minute and thirty seconds calm.
    • 45 seconds intense, one minute and fifteen seconds calm.
    • 30 seconds intense, one minute calm.
    • Finish your workout with a twenty to thirty minute cool down, ending with a calm step.
    • NOTE -> When embarking on any interval training program, make sure that your body is adequate and ready for it. Overloading it too quickly could result in injury. Just like building mileage, you don't just build up, you do it gradually. If you are preparing for a run, do longer intervals and rest for longer several months before the run. As you get closer to your run, increase your intensity and reduce your rest and recovery time.
  3. Do varying intervals. If, in addition to running, you also play sports like tennis, then you know that the requirements for speed and endurance change according to the conditions of the game. Variable spacing helps you alternate between short and long high-intensity intervals in an unpredictable manner, which more closely matches the ragged accelerations typical of gaming conditions.

    • Warm up with a light jog for ten to fifteen minutes.
    • Change the intervals. High-intensity jogging for two minutes, then jogging for two minutes and thirty seconds. Acceleration for 30 seconds, jogging - 45 seconds. Change the intervals randomly. Most importantly, make sure that after long periods high intensity resting longer than after short accelerations. Rest a little longer when you start this type of workout, let your body get used to the exercise, and then shorten the rest intervals.
    • Cool down for 15-25 minutes.
  4. Use the treadmill interval settings. When you run at intervals on the track, the car changes speed and incline by itself, and you are faced with new and unexpected challenges. The main thing is not to forget to warm up and cool down, if this is not provided by the program of the machine.

Part 3

Some More Ideas How You Can Build Endurance

    Increase your mileage by 10% every week. For example, if you run 2 km a day, increase your daily run by 2/10 km. To develop endurance, continue to increase your run by 10%. But be sure to alternate your workouts. For example, if you run 20 km a week, then the next you will run 22 km. But after another week, return the total mileage to the previous level, this is necessary for your body to get used to it (run, maybe 18-20 km). After another week, run 25 km in a week, and then run 21-23 km within a week. Gradually build up your running load. The maximum load depends on which race you want to participate in.

    Run cross-country runs on weekends. If you are used to running 2 km a day on weekdays, run 4 km on weekends.

    Run slower and longer. For example, run at 60% strength on long distance... Running is designed to build endurance and is not a race. Make sure not to overwork your body in the days before and after these crossovers.

    Try plyometry. Exercises such as jumping rope and jumping rope, reducing the time your feet are on the ground will help develop your running motor skills.

    At the end of your run, speed up. Run the last quarter of the distance as soon as possible, then cool down. This exercise will help you resist fatigue at the end of the race.

    Run in changing terrain. Whether you are running on a treadmill or outdoors, changing your incline frequently will help your cardio workout.

    Change your diet. Cut out refined carbs and eat more lean proteins and vegetables. Eat less, but more often.

Part 4

Create a workout schedule
  1. Make a schedule. After creating a schedule, stick to a specific routine. This will allow you to achieve your endurance goal, as well as provide an opportunity to collect metrics: Are you on a rhythm? Can you run longer and / or faster, has progress stalled? Here's a sample schedule to help you build endurance and speed:

    • Day 1- Equal intervals. Warm up for 15-20 minutes, then run quickly for a minute, then jog or walk at 1 minute and 15 seconds steps. Repeat intervals 6-8 times. Keep track of the time with a stopwatch, cool down for 20-30 minutes, gradually slowing down and moving to a step.
    • Day 2- Easy jogging (only 3-6 km, depending on your form and experience).
    • Day 3- Pyramidal intervals. Warm up for 10-15 minutes, doing pyramidal intervals as described above.
      • Run for 15 minutes at a normal pace, then exercise at varying intervals.
      • Finish your workout with a 20-25 minute cool-down, at the end of the cool-down move to a calm step.
    • Day 4- Easy jogging (3-6 km, depending on your form and experience).
    • Day 5- Easy jogging (3-6 km, depending on your form and experience).
      • It may seem that you will often rest here, but on the third day you did a good job. And given that on day 6 you will have to run cross-country, it is better to keep your strength.
    • Day 6- Cross. Start at a slow pace and run at a leisurely pace for 40 to 90 minutes. It will be great if one of your friends or family members runs with you, or rides nearby on a bike.
    • Day 7- Rest day (3-6 km, depending on your form and experience. Every 8th week, take a day off).
  2. Change your routine a little. Do a good job once every three weeks using this technique:

    • To run, find a 400 meter long stadium near your home. Avoid the streets - they are too uneven: the foot closer to the road will be much higher.
    • Do dynamic stretches (not static) and warm up a little (for example, do 25 push-ups or jog for a bit).
    • Run 400 meters at speed, then another 400 - jog. Repeat at least 4 times.
    • Push the boundaries. When you reach the limit, write down the time and place of the race. Let it be the minimum distance or duration, try to improve the result. Increase the minimum as you improve.
    • Cool down. After every running workout, you can't just stop and that's it. Walk around and wait for your heartbeat to calm down. Then stretch.


    • Listen to your body and avoid injury. Be sure to stretch, warm up, and cool down. Be sure to make sure your shoes fit you.
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