How Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones trains. Jason Momoa's real barbaric workout If you want to gain weight, starve

Sometimes, in order to understand what real men dream about, I read the glossy magazine for boys, Men 's Health. Strength in any of its manifestations has always interested the representatives of the stronger sex: a car with a large number of Horse power, biographies the mighty of the world this and ... strength training.

I don’t know how to quickly buy a Ferrari for three million dollars or quickly create a business for a billion, but I know exactly how to quickly build muscle, because I have been specializing in this for over a quarter of a century ...

After analyzing the article about the training of my favorite actor Jason Momoa, I suggest that you do the same with me in order to better understand how to gain 11 kg in 6 weeks.

The main secret

Most of all in the article I was inspired by the phrase "train 2 times a week and you are provided with powerful hands and chest. "Jason gained 11 kg in 6 weeks after doing only 12 workouts. The actor grew 1 kg after one workout - it's just like in a movie! The author of the article writes that this is possible if you know main secret Jason - high reps and little rest time, besides ...

There are two new concepts in the training of an actor: active and passive rest. Passive is a traditional rest, when the muscles rest without a projectile in the hands. Active rest is rest with a barbell in hand. For instance...

According to Jason's method, you need to shake the bar while lying down 5 times and, without putting it on the racks, "actively" rest for 5 seconds. This is what he calls a round. Five such rounds make up one streak. But...

In my understanding, this is simply a long set of 25 lifts. For a quarter of a century, I have had the experience of such training. I had to raise 60% of the maximum 25 times. Why 60%? Because the article says that Jason works at 60% of his maximum. But...

The set of exercises for the actor consists of 4 exercises; in fact, only 4 long sets. One exercise (a long set in my understanding) lasts about two minutes, then Jason rests for 2 minutes. Total: to perform one exercise, it takes him 4 minutes, and the whole workout takes only 16 minutes. Let's round up to twenty. Attention, question: do you believe that a 20 minute workout will increase 1 kg of muscle? This is the main secret that can be solved by someone who tests Jason's technique on himself, having spent 6 weeks of his life on it, but ...

For a quarter of a century I have been reading magazines with training methods for the mighty of this world, and then I try these methods on myself. I also saw people who try the methods of the stars on themselves. I've seen a lot, but I don't
saw miracles. If Jason's technique is not a miracle, but a trick, then what is his secret?

I do not believe that you can gain 11 kg in 6 weeks, but I believe that you can RESTORE it. Jason's shape is not constant: it depends on filming and course. This can be seen from the photographs. Of course, Jason has been training for many years and he owes his shape not to twelve workouts, but ...

The photo shows how the screen form quickly disappears in everyday life ...

The life of an actor is full of emotions and stresses that eat away at muscles, so the muscle mass of a star often disappears unexpectedly, but quickly at the right moment. is reborn. To be able to restore 11 kg of muscle in 6 weeks, you first need to build up your peak shape, and for this you need to know and be able to do more than they write in magazines for boys.

At high growth and the bulk of the muscle mass, Momoa is pretty quick and nimble. This allowed him to play Conan, the nomad chieftain Khal Drogo (Game of Thrones), the main antagonist in The Unstoppable. Such a stunning shape is the result of serious effort and an almost scientific approach.

Jason Momoa follows 6 rules - they relate to training and nutrition.

Training - maximum functionality

Gym training is not for Momoa. According to him, he likes natural stress - fixing something in the house, lifting weights.

If you take training in the gym, then Aquaman gives preference functional training: boxing, kettlebells and medball.


Meals - flexible

In preparation for his role as Conan the Barbarian, Jason ate one chicken breast every two hours, sometimes adding some sweet potatoes.

Eating at regular times is less strict - a lot of lean meats and vegetables. Sometimes the actor allows himself a glass of beer.

Little time for training? Work with your feet

If you don't have enough time, Momoa advises squatting with a barbell, this exercise raises testosterone levels and strengthens the core muscles. Always warm up before doing any strength training.


Do you want to gain weight - starve

On the one hand, the absence of carbohydrates strengthens character, and on the other hand, scientists have found that fasting for a day increases growth hormone by 2000%.

And even after hunger, you feel satisfied with yourself - after all, you deserve a hearty dinner.

Thoughts and muscles

During training, do not think about work or relationships, because then you will not give your best. To avoid repeating his mistake, Momoa says, imagine how your muscles work during your workout.

Khal Drogo is one of the most colorful characters in Game of Thrones. True, we did not have to enjoy his inflated torso for long - he was killed at the end of the first season. However, in Season 7, Khal is likely to return to the series! Actor Jason Momoa has already hinted at this several times in his social networks - this is the name of Drogo in real life. In this regard, we tell all fans of "Game of Thrones" and not only how to find the same body as the leader of the Detracians.

Jason Momoa is famous not only as Khal Drogo, but also as the heir to Arnold Schwarzenegger himself in the remake of Conan the Barbarian. At the box office, the film flopped, but Momoa's adorable form and his resemblance to young Arnold were noted by everyone. With a height of 193 cm, Momoa weighed about 100 kg, a whole centner of well-dried muscles - you can only dream of such a body!

But few people know that the actor was not always such a thug. Before being approved for the role of Konon the Barbarian, he was an ordinary slender guy weighing about 85 kg. Momoa loved surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing and others. extreme views sports, so he was quite fit, but never trained with "iron". He managed to create the form in which he shone in "Konon" and "Game of Thrones" in just a month and a half of hard training. So don't think that it will take you years to build a muscular body from scratch - it all depends on genetics and perseverance.

Training program

In preparation for filming, Jason Momoa trained 6 days a week, but only two days were allotted for strength exercises, the rest of the time was occupied by cardio, which is necessary in order not to gain kilograms of fat along with the pounds of muscle. We will focus on the strength training of the actor, which was distinguished by incredible intensity.

The main rule that guided Momoa was to gain 11 kg in a month and a half - as many repetitions as possible in as little time as possible. Yes, Khal Drogo did not focus on heavy weight rods. In each exercise, the working weight did not exceed 60% of the maximum possible. At the same time, he preferred to perform the exercise not with classical approaches, but with whole sets, each of which combined several approaches at once with a short rest of 7-10 seconds between them. With each exercise, the actor did three such sets, after which he switched to next exercise... Moreover, there were only three exercises per workout.

This intense workout took only 30-40 minutes. However, this type of load is not suitable for everyone - in order to perform such a volume of work, and even practically without rest, very good endurance is required, as well as an absolutely healthy heart and breath.

Workout number 1

Squats: 3 Sets - Each set consists of 5 sets of 5 reps with 7-10 seconds rest between sets.

Deadlift: 3 sets (5 to 5)

Leg press: 3 sets (5 to 5)

Workout number 2

Bench press: 3 sets (5 to 5)

Pull-ups: 3 sets (5 to 5)

Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 sets (5 to 5)

As you can see, the actor split all muscle groups into two days - the bottom day and the top day. In the first workout, the largest muscle group was pumped - the legs, and in the second, all the rest - the chest, back, shoulders. Momoa did not use arm exercises, since the biceps are already getting enough load during the back work, and the triceps are used in the chest exercises.

The most effective exercise for recruitment muscle mass Jason Momoa calls the barbell squat. They strengthen not only the legs, as many beginners believe, but the entire body, and also increase the secretion of testosterone, and it is the level of this hormone that affects muscle growth.

In 2017, a large-scale film is being prepared for release, based on many issues of DC comics. For the first time, iconic heroes will appear on the same screen, including Superman, Batman and Aquaman. The latter was played by Hawaiian Jason Momoa, who surprised everyone not only with his acting, but also with his figure. With a height of 196 cm, he showed impressive muscle mass. Unlike many modern actors, Jason boasts abs cubes with a bicep volume of 46 cm, which is comparable to many experienced bodybuilders. StyleFitnes examines the nutrition and training of the future aquaman.

Jason Momoa: training

The actor has been familiar with strength training all his life. As a young man, he tried to win fitness competitions. Jason approached his role as Conan the Barbarian thoroughly - he worked on returning the former muscle mass and at the same time reduced the percentage of body fat.

Training 3 times a week is ideal for a seasoned athlete in the past. Jason personally made his own training scheme and diet. It is based on the classic bodybuilding and fitness system - from 10 to 12 repetitions without pronounced muscle failure... The total training volume was great, and in addition to power load was diluted with a ton of non-training load, among which snowboarding and rock climbing can be distinguished.

Jason Momoa: aquaman training

After the role of Conan the Barbarian and a small participation in the TV series "Game of Thrones", Jason noticeably gained fat, but at the same time retained all the gained muscle mass. Before filming for Aquaman, he needed to get himself in shape. The main requirement of the director was the brutality of the character, which cannot be achieved with a low body weight. Jason was forbidden to lose much weight. That is, it was necessary to stay with the same large silhouette, but at the same time acquire muscle relief.

The actor's experience suggested that more activity should be added. He has lost weight in this way before, without using the usual cardio runs, which give him discomfort.

Day 1

  • Pull-ups with own weight bodies 4x10
  • Barbell pull to the belt, in an incline 3x10
  • Bench press on an incline or horizontal bench 4x12
  • Reduction of hands in a crossover, standing in an inclination of 3x12
  • · Army press 4x10

Day 2

  • Squats with a barbell 4x20 (working weight is small)
  • Deadlift 3x10
  • · French press with dumbbells, standing 3x10
  • Concentrated flexion of the arms (alternately, first all repetitions of one, then the other) 3x10
  • Swing dumbbells to the sides 4x10

Division muscle groups looks strange. The chest and back are antagonists, but they train on the same day. According to numerous interviews, such a scheme pleases Jason. The author of such a technique is not he, but Arnold Schwarzenegger, who back in the 80s of the last century began to combine large muscle antagonists for one workout.

Day 1 and day 2 alternate. That is:

  • Mon - day 1
  • Wed - day 2
  • Fri - day 1
  • Mon - day 2

Thus, you manage to complete one type of training twice a week. The total number of trainings per week is 3. Days cannot be swapped. Rest between training sessions - 1 day.

Jason Momoa: food

Jason personally monitors his diet, both during the offseason and in preparation for roles. He does not use the services of nutritionists, as he is personally familiar with this issue thanks to fitness performances in his youth.

The actor's diet does not change. Even with his goal of lowering body fat, Jason Momoa did not significantly change his diet. The actor is used to eating mostly lean meats, preferring beef fillets, chicken fillet and low-fat fish. He does not consume dairy products, and the amount of carbohydrates per day rarely exceeds 125g. This is due to the actor's dislike for such a group of nutrients.

The peculiarity of Jason Momoa's nutrition is the daily presence of beer in the diet. To fit it into the calorie deficit, the actor counts all the calories eaten. To many, this process seems complicated and boring, and the future Aquaman fills out the food diary almost blindly. Calorie sources don't change from day to day, so keeping a diary is very easy.

The actor admits that when preparing for the role of aquaman, it was difficult not to break down. Often there was a desire to drink 1-2 bottles of your favorite "Guinness" more than it was supposed to.

“I knew that if I drink one more beer now, then tomorrow I will have to cut myself even more than today. Therefore, I gathered my will into a fist and tried to distract myself. Painting and creativity helped me a lot in this. But training and other activities on the contrary - caused a strong desire to pamper yourself, ”says Jason.

Style summary

Jason Momoa, weighing 109 kg, does not look complete. On the contrary, he boasts an athletic physique, excellent strength performance and a moderate percentage of body fat. Unlike many movie stars, he followed his figure from childhood, and therefore preparation for any role is not significant for him. Its eating and training regimens are more suitable for experienced athletes than for beginners looking to gain muscle mass quickly.

Important note

We must not forget about the various doping that is used under the supervision of doctors. As a rule, illegal drugs are used by male actors to get a pronounced relief. Preservation of muscle mass, vascularity, its separation against the background of a calorie deficit - difficult complex process which is time consuming. In most cases, actors are given tight deadlines, so they have no other choice. In the case of Jason Momoa, the fact of doping is unknown, but huge muscle volumes with a low percentage of fat and weight are available only to geneticists.

All this again demonstrates that one cannot completely copy the training and nutrition schemes of the stars. These are individual schemes that take into account the individual characteristics of a person 100%. Just because it worked for the hero from the screen doesn't mean it will work for you. Look for similarities with an actor or actress, study them training plan with a diet, and most importantly - analyze. You will probably learn a lot of useful things for yourself, but we do not recommend mindlessly copying such schemes. These are excellent visual aids ideally designed training and nutrition scheme, but not instructions for action.

Last time he skillfully brandished a $ 10,000 blade. In 2011, the legendary Arnold was replaced by a new Cimmerian barbarian from Hawaii - Jason Namakeaha Momoa, who is best known as Ronon Dex from Stargate Atlantis and Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones. With a height of 193 cm and a weight of almost 100 kg, Jason perfectly suited the role of a barbarian, presenting himself in front of the audience with an amazing physique.

“If a Cimmerian feels thirsty, it’s a thirst for blood. If it feels cold, then it is the coldness of the steel of the blade. "

“I've never pumped iron before. - says Jason Momoa. - But the most difficult thing, perhaps, was to gain 11 kg of muscle mass by the time filming began. I only had 6 weeks left to build the muscular physique of an ancient rogue warrior. After all, Conan's muscles are the main focus of the film, or at least because that is how it was in the previous Conan film. "

Ask anyone how they imagine the mythological barbarian, and their answer is likely to be: a tall, laconic warrior with huge biceps who relies more on brute force to defeat his enemies and get the girl. Since Jason Momoa was far from the once huge and ideal proportions of Schwarzenegger, he hoped to create a slightly different image of the Cimmerian hero.

“Conan is like a big cat - a lion or a tiger. A truly massive physique would only slow him down. He is quick and agile, always ready for action, ”says Jason.

Jason always led active image life and he still enjoys surfing, rock climbing and skateboarding. But even this athletic training and athletic figure was not enough for filming in the upcoming film. Jason Momoa had to gain as much as 11 kg of muscle in a month and a half. Many believed that he would not cope with the test. Even Jason himself had doubts. Jason Momoa's training began at 5 a.m. with sword training. He then spent 1 to 2 hours on strength training before plunging into a 2-hour cardio load. And so every day, six days a week.

“It was merciless and exhausting, but I did my best to relax a little at the end of the day. “Oddly enough, this 'chill out' was nothing more than the Saison Dupont beer that Jason prefers - When you're covered in sweat, blood and dirt after a hard and long day of filming, a cold can of beer is the most wonderful thing in the world!”

By the time Jason Momoa arrived in Bulgaria to begin filming, he was down to single digits. He transformed himself from a slender surfer into a giant 100-pound warrior - agile and agile.

“It was difficult, but I completely changed. I began to feel very differently. I have become much stronger - physically and spiritually! "

Jason Momoa Workout Program

Years of surfing and climbing strengthened Jason's body, but to transform himself into a giant barbarian, the 33-year-old actor had to befriend the barbell. But Jason Momoa's training was not entirely traditional. In order to gain such a huge amount of muscle mass in such a small amount of time, it was necessary to come up with something completely new. Jason Momoa tried out the Accelerated Results 7 training method, which aims to do more sets with fewer exercises and minimal rest to get more work done in less time.

Within 30 minutes, Jason Momoa performed 3 exercises, which consisted of 330 repetitions, which is 2-3 times more than in strength training old school... But, since these exercises are grouped into sets of no more than seven repetitions, the program is still aimed at. Jason did 2 of these workouts per day to pump his entire body.

Follow Jason Momoa's example if you decide to try these incredible intense workouts... The idea is to choose a weight that will allow you to handle this incredible load in every exercise.

First, do seven sets of barbell squats, seven reps, with seven seconds rest between sets. Then rest for one minute and do six sets of the same squat, each with six reps and six seconds of rest between sets. We rest for one minute again. The final set of squats will consist of five sets, five reps, and five seconds of rest. Once you finish the 7-6-5 series with one exercise, rest one minute and repeat the same with the other two exercises.

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