When is figure skating. Russian figure skating championship will determine the composition for the european championship

I am still in school. I have only "fives" and "fours", no "threes". There were some problems with the Russian language, but I solved them. But I deal with algebra and geometry on my own. To keep up with curriculum, I do my homework in between workouts. I rarely appear at school, so my classmates are always very happy when they see me. I can knit, embroider, weave different things. I braid my own pigtails, do my hair.

I also really like to draw. True, I'm not good at it. But if it works, then I'm proud of myself. Well, I like to watch TV shows. House, Sherlock Holmes ... I watched all the seasons of Doctor Who, the first seasons of The Big Bang Theory and Breaking Bad, The Flash. I'm really looking forward to new episodes. I also watch all sorts of cartoons and love licensed toys in the form of their characters. I love Metallica, Green day, even a couple of Marilyn Manson songs. I also listen to many popular artists such as Beyoncé, Snopp Doga, foreign rock. There are several favorite songs that you can play, for example, in the morning, when you don't want to get up for training.

Outside of sports, I dream of getting astronomical education as a second education. I love stars, space. When you imagine these dimensions and distances, compared to which the Earth is just a grain of sand, it is amazing. I also want to learn how to draw really well. Now I prefer the "cartoon" style, manga and anime. I can easily draw a cartoon character. I have no purpose to paint portraits.

From childhood, my coach Eteri Georgievna made it clear to me what style is. She always dresses tastefully and looks amazing. She taught me how to paint and how to behave. Two directions are closest to me: more strict and sporty. I choose according to my mood. I can put on sneakers, jeans, a tank top, put my hair in a bun and go with a gym bag and headphones to workout. Or you can put on a strict pencil skirt, do styling and take a bag on your elbow.

I sit on the Internet enough and walk with my friends. I consider myself a pretty sociable person. In the same social networks, when I see how many followers I have on Instagram, sometimes I think: from where? 10,000 people know me, they are interested in me. If you imagine everyone in one place - this is a crazy number of people. I like to post photos that express positive emotions. My drawings, my dog, which I love very much. After the competition, a lot of congratulations come, and it is impossible to answer everyone. And I want to. So I post a photo and write under it thanks for the support.

Once I took fourth place in a competition and was presented with a chocolate medal. That was insulting! Since then, I realized that I don't want any chocolate medals, I want metal ones.

I got there and I'll write everything now! Yes, yes, yes, I remember that I promised to write by day, but we came back late, I reviewed the video, participated in grandiose disputes at the FSO, wrote briefly my comments and fell asleep in the morning. And so for four days. Therefore, I will not be by day, but I will probably tell you by type.

Czech Republic, men

I'll start with something simple for myself - a male loner. Russian tournament does not shine with a stellar cast, although there were a lot of interesting guys. Maxim Kovtun won.

Maxim Kovtun. Champion of Russia!

I was rooting for Kolyada. But this was the only sport where I had no questions for refereeing. There are none at all. Maybe the whole point is that I'm not very good at a male loner? Or maybe the winner and awardees were convincing. I will believe in the second.

I liked the youth very much: Aliev, Lazukin. I remember Pitkeev from Kapa, ​​I can't say that I am sick personally, but personally I am more impressed by it alive than on TV.

And I am very happy for Petrov, who has earned a medal. In general, a good, strong (by our standards), quite expected (except that Voronov was lower in the short than one might assume), a pleasant pedestal. A separate impression was Tatyana Anatolyevna's pain for Maxim: on the day of PP we sat directly opposite.

And during the rental of Kovtun, they got a lot of emotions.

I even had to distract myself from the ice in order to catch these shots. When else will you see this from such a comfortable position? For Maxim, not only she was happy, but the whole audience: according to tradition, the region was announced, the Urals know and love its own people, and even if someone saw it for the first time (I’m afraid there are many of them), they were still happy to join the general ovation.

Pair skating

The greenhouses were the second to start, I was especially looking forward to this tournament. Unfortunately, right before the trip I found out that Ksenia and Fedor had starred (the main reaction is shock), I hope they will have time to recover for the European Championship! Accordingly, the third ticket, determined by the coaching council, probably goes to them, so for the trip further it was necessary to be the first or second. Well, who knows me, he knows how much I love Tatiana and Maxim and their short program! In Russia, they clearly succeeded, even the audience, which was not very much in the subject, felt that something incredible was happening.

Tatiana Volosozhar - Maxim Trankov. My main love in the history of pair skating

I will not tell you how and why I adore this pair. If you and I discussed FC, you've heard it a thousand times, and if you don't like FC, you hardly want to read thousands of characters on the topic ...

Huge (although they had more) scores very, very pleased! Of all the rest of the second ticket, I wished Evgenia and Vladimir. I love their classic approach, cool elements, speed, scope. In the short break with Yuko and Alexander was minimal, a few hundredths of a point, obviously, we decided to look, whose free one will be stronger.

Well, as you already know, Kawaguchi - Smirnov won (in the sense of taking second place). I really, really respect this pair, they are beautiful and bright, they pulled our pair for so long, I really sympathized with them when there were injuries at the wrong time, but I still root more for Tarasova-Morozov.

Evgenia Tarasova - Vladimir Morozov. Oh, what an insulting little was not enough, but I believe that it will only temper them

To be honest, I did not understand how they lost. Those. I opened, of course, the protocols ... But when the total difference is less than 2 tenths, it is generally difficult to be sure of something ... The presentation is higher ... The interpretation is lower ... And all for some crumbs. It is clear that nothing is clear, but I will believe that everything is as it should be. And yes, I was impressed by the twist!

Of young and new couples, my favorite is Natalia and Alexander. Do you think I'm a fan of the Moser band? You're right! It seems to me that in the group everyone has a suitable program, interesting choreography, corresponding to the music (and not “we have been waving our hands to the same thing for the fifth year”, like some people have, but in Russia this is generally not very accepted, fortunately). Each pair is unique, with its own face. And for some reason, I never worry about the couples of this group, as about dancers: will they put on some kind of nightmare or will they not wear very, very strange costumes? I never remember that. So, Natalia and Alexander seemed to me really stronger than Vera and Andrey. I am aware that my opinion is not the most popular, but I am glad.

Natalia Zabiyako - Alexander Enbert. Very beautiful couple!

And they almost caught up with the slightly more experienced Christina and Alexei. If it goes on like this, then they will overtake - and I will not be upset at all. Kristina and Alexei also showed bright, interesting programs, but I lack something in them. I don’t know whether the gesture was finished or more “Russian” style. Everything is at the level of sensations.

I would also like to note the KP Poluyanova - Korotkov: they never fought for anything serious here, just a very, very cool hit with the program. Biryukov was more impressive in odnoshnits. Gubanova - Sintsov is more impressive on TV, at such a huge skating rink they are still lost for me, but this is all fixable at their age, if everything else is in order.

In general, the doubles tournament, perhaps, left the most pleasant impressions. Yes, there was anything in the PP, it was nervous, but beloved Tatyana and Maxim still won confidently over everyone. But in the command post there was not a single fall. Nobody. Generally. 12 pairs different levels, leaders with top content and kids, none! When are you last time Have you seen such a tournament? It was enchanting and very cool.

It should also be noted that after the free program the first 8 pairs remained exactly in the same places as in the short one. In general, everyone clearly tried to give the maximum. Thank you very much for your emotions!

Dancing on Ice

Oh-oh-oh, dancing! I thought that after Sochi I would have no angry words and emotions. In general, no matter what and never. Nifiga! Our people know how to surprise. I thought that I would look calmly while fans of SKIZH, ICSZH, etc. decide where the best option and who is to blame, I will quietly cheer for Catherine and Dmitry and Alexandra and Ivan. Figs there! No, plus the audience is "not in the subject", of course, in the fact that the people around me are generally in a global dispute recent years did not participate. But imagine my surprise when I saw the results of the short one! Those. Nikita and Vika are the first ?! Here are the first, the first ?! With these twizzles? A couple who didn't score even the World Cup technical minimum that year? Is it 3.5 points higher than the pair, which also did not stand on the ice and left? The only couple of ours who qualified for the finals this year (in my opinion, someone really wanted the same Vika and Nikita to be selected there, but something went wrong - why am I not surprised)? And the components are also higher ?! No, I agree that Catherine's and Dmitry's CT is not a masterpiece. But in what component do we say “is your dance a masterpiece”? Yes, only the lazy didn’t kick the music. It is foolish to argue, the music is cut ... Cut, in general, we have heard everything ourselves. But how could this affect SS ?!

In general, I remembered my many years of experience of being ill, all the words that I have said since 2011, I tried not to say it out loud and went to cut gifs. I won't carry GIFs here, you can enjoy the whole thing! But all is well that ends well, so congratulations!

Ekaterina Bobrova - Dmitry Soloviev. Now five times!

It seems to me that if they sued me at home during normal rentals, trying to equate me with a pair of remakes, that season, even on the GS that did not break through, I would simply leave. But we already know that athletes do not leave because of the marks, so I wish Ekaterina and Dmitry patience, health and sports luck! I'm very, very glad that they won!

And I'm very happy for Alexandra and Ivan! They fought for a medal (and, accordingly, a ticket), they earned it! Hooray!

Alexandra Stepanova - Ivan Bukin. I am very glad that they will go to Europe

In Yekaterinburg, the couple is not very well known (like most others), we shouted to them almost alone, they happily waved to our cries "Well done", I hope that in a couple of years these shouts will be much more friendly, including at international competitions. By the way, only Russians have such a wonderful tradition (and, by the way, we not only support our own people like that, well, in normal places). Good luck to Alexandra and Ivan in Europe. By the way, live they absolutely do not give the impression of "kids", with which some of them are exposed by default. There are normal productions, definitely not the worst in the national team. interesting elements, good suits(yes, yes, I like a bright dress, who said that a waltz is always in a pale one?), and most importantly, they do not get lost in a serious company.

Elena and Ruslan ... I have a calm attitude towards this couple. I was very impressed with their start last year. But this year they make a lot of mistakes, in little things and not so much, so I did not expect a medal. Of course, it's a shame from the first to the fourth, but I hope that they understand that everything is in their hands: it is impossible to be perfect in the second year of skating together, but you can progress very, very much. Good luck!

Tifani Zagorski and Jonathan Gureiro liked (and surprised many by their names). I like their energy, their dances, their "liveliness". Tiffany flew off somewhere terribly into the side, with a roar, we didn't even have time to figure out anything, we got scared (especially after the recent incident with Ksenia Monko), and she already jumped up, drove on, smiled again, performed well - to her level ...

It is a pity that this is how Anna and Sergey have a season. They looked incredible that year - yes, against the background of juniors, but they had two great dances and confidence. This year, it seems to me that something went wrong with the dancing. And the injury took its toll. And the transition to adults. And all together - minus twenty points even from Tiffany and Jonathan. And it seems that it is impossible to say that it is dishonest: unfortunately, they really look weaker, but it's a pity! Hope that in next year dances will be more suitable for them, they will be more comfortable, and everything will be fine with health.

Female single

The girls started later than everyone else and finished later than everyone else. Of course, we have an incredible championship in women's skating, just incredible. Olympic champion! World Champion! World Cup winners - the last and not the last. Titled juniors. OCH in the team. Winners and prize-winners of FGP. And there are only three medals. And there are only three places in Europe ... In general, the intensity of passions is wild, the audience regularly burst into applause, we were worried both for those who are fighting for the highest places, and simply for our favorite skaters who are still solving their problems: Alice, Sima, Masha.

As expected, Zhenya won. While she does not touch me at all, I don’t know what to write about her, except that I like her approach and attitude. Probably, she can become a legendary figure skater - a good time, a good physique, a successful program, a successful group, and most importantly, all the same attitude. Just for now - one solid respect as an athlete and no interest as a figure skater.

I have no questions to the point, everything is quite traditional, the points are also traditional for a home champion. In order not to write about them for a long time, I will simply note that Zhenya's SS is 9.54. Like this! Learn, Kim and Asada. Have you laughed? Let's go further (if anything - I have nothing against Zhenya at all, it is not she who puts her own marks).

Elena Radionova is in second place. I really, really like it both by the skating and by the character. Smiling, emotional, bright. She has grown a lot, but still holds on - and I remember her very little. In fact, not many people keep top content with such changes, I hope Elena will continue in the same spirit. And I look at her skating with great pleasure. But it will be hard (and most likely in the near future it will be completely hopeless, because we remember how the components are now put in place? And it will be difficult to fight with technique).

Suddenly they broke the glorious tradition of putting the junior, who is not allowed at the European Championship, in third place, and gave a well-deserved medal to Anna Pogorila. The juniors, by the way, became the 4th and 5th, they liked both very much, but the difference is still obvious. From Anna you can expect a brilliant rental, and ... not very much. Here, fortunately, everything turned out well, I watched with great pleasure. And she always had great hands!

Yes, in this photo I can't see my hands, I generally take a bad picture, because I'm worried and sick!

But still a couple of shots of those to whom I just wish to be higher next time. And if they ever finish (a strange phrase, of course, someday they will finish), then I will still watch them with great pleasure on the show (I love competitions much more, but these are those who are interesting in themselves, by interpretation, presentation, musicality, so yes, I'll go with pleasure, you can't miss such beauty). And it's not for nothing that in their careers they have already beaten everyone, absolutely everyone who has gathered: Olympic champion and world champion in women's single skating!

Elizaveta Tuktamysheva. Knows how to overcome

Thanks to all the girls for their beauty, struggle, character and gorgeous skates!

About the Championship of Russia itself

Who asked about the organization: I didn't really like it. Everything is tolerated except tickets. First, they were thrown out late, but that's okay. Secondly, there were serious problems with booking: some of them failed, some could not pay with normal cards, some of them “dropped out” of the basket, although the time had not yet passed ... And the main thing is that it is there were sad places. Okay, I scored, Slava and I just went to Yekaterinburg to choose everything for ourselves and friends. And what about those who fly from Moscow ?! Actually, watching competitions from normal places is usually the main thing that a fan wants from an organizer.

Queues ... Well, yes, they were. But not so terrible. You just stand in the cold and wait, but compared to the tickets, this is bullshit. The inconsistency of the inspectors. If you can't bring water, then you can't give everyone? If you can, then let everyone be allowed? Why are they trying to take away even sandwiches from someone, while someone is allowed to have soup by smelling it (a friend suddenly fell from work, so that's it, yes)? The boorish guards - well, that's really nit-picking. Lack of normal sale of souvenirs. Lack of entertainment during breaks. The last two points are about me in general, because I had something to talk about and with whom!

All the difficulties did not spoil my experience absolutely thanks to the gorgeous atmosphere and thanks to you, friends! I am so glad that so many friends and acquaintances from different cities were able to come and fly here! You are very, very cool! And it's great that we managed to introduce some of those living in Yekaterinburg to their favorite hobby. Thanks to everyone, everyone, everyone who got out, talked, came running to see at least 5 minutes or stayed for the whole day. Forgive, who did not reach, we really rushed from the rink to the apartment and back, everything ended by nightfall.

About the hall: well, this is not Capa. But not Sochi either. The hall is friendly to everyone, but those who were announced as Ural athletes and those who chose powerful and recognizable music received a special ovation. Some prize-winners were clapped less, although they skated, of course, incomparably better, just “not their own”. This is sad, but expected, all the more all the same, much depended on the music, and not only on the place of registration. It's not like in Sochi anyway.

Basically, the hall is not in the subject, but I hope that the athletes in general were comfortable. Even Plushenko was not forgotten (I love Plushenko, it was just funny to see the banner).

Someone came to root for Plushenko ... Why not? So what if he's not there ?!

There were beautiful numbers, there was a traditional "Blizzard", three ayputespellonu in a row, a general bow, and our friend from Malta looked at all this final beauty (she flew in to celebrate the Russian New Year).


Thanks to this championship! I hope that we will be proud of our athletes in Europe and the World! Congratulations to all the winners and prize-winners with medals and everyone with bright skates.

Taking this opportunity, I wish all readers of my blog a Happy New Year! Dress up Christmas trees, eat tangerines, because life is wonderful!

P.S. No, no, there will be no comments, because I'm not ready for the 85th round of parsing. Those. ready, but let's continue where we started, and if we didn't start, then we won't. I said that I wanted to, I will not persuade anyone.

The Russian television battle between FIS and ISU is the first to win for a clear advantage. If in ski disciplines on commercial channels, a Russian TV viewer can watch almost all competitions of the World Cup level, then to view the starts on ice arenas fans have to look for high speed internet. Even the rights to broadcast on speed skating- the only winter species in which we consistently win this season, and not only win, but also break records, where there is almost the greatest progress among all winter species sports, our television is not purchased.
But this week the ice disciplines could take revenge. Western bastards left to celebrate Christmas, and in our yard right in three types sports related to ice - skating, short track speed skating and figure skating - tournaments are held, which to one degree or another are qualifiers for the main starts of the season. Taking into account the melted Krasnogorsk ski track, it is the ISU-species that one could hope for wide attention of sports fans. However, the turn to the domestic manufacturer proclaimed by the new sports teleholding, that is, a wide demonstration local championships, in relation to winter species, is limited, as you can see, only by the KHL. Even rifles in Izhevsk are crying about this. So, of all the important domestic tournaments, our candelakovision will show only the Russian championship in figure skating... We will talk about him.
Figure skating belongs to the sports, in which one hundred forty-six percent of the population understands. And it doesn't matter that a person hardly distinguishes Axel from Svindal, he does not know what gender Salchow and Bielmann are. It is enough to loudly declare what a charming Petyalenavasiajulia is, what a wonderful costume the "best" have and a terrible production from their competitors - and you are already among the cool experts. And if you know the abbreviations TAT ​​and FSO and can juggle with the nicknames of the skaters with lazy superiority, then in general you belong to the camp of celestials.
Therefore, it makes no sense to write something about the favorites of the upcoming championship - the programs have been watched for a long time, conclusions have been drawn, and everyone is ready to read about potential domestic Hanyu to the best of his taste. I will leave for the violent fans and all sorts of surpassing factors such as a successful / unsuccessful lot (if you are stronger, what's the difference first or forty-first) or illnesses / injuries that happened the day before (a healthy athlete is a dead athlete). Towards the upcoming wrestling talking about it has as much to do as radishes to mountain peaks.
In reality, the championship should answer several completely pragmatic questions: 1) who will go to the main tournaments of the year ?; 2) who is ready to compete with the strongest athletes of other countries there ?; 3) where is that young punks that after a while will wipe the current leaders off the face of the earth?
From this perspective, I propose to consider all four types of the championship that starts today.

The most ambivalent

The current season in pair skating passes under the sign of the struggle between two directions, which can be conventionally designated "complexity" and "purity". With regard to our Palestinians, the first of them is personified by Kawaguchi / Smirnov, the second - by the leading Moser couples. According to preliminary layouts, it turned out that the world trend is to move along the first path. The leaders of the last season were amazed by the complexity of their programs. It is not surprising that one of our leading couples skimped on participation in the 2015 World Cup precisely for the sake of switching to these rails (at least, the rhetoric was just that). However, the recent Grand Prix final shook the old ideas: the Stolbova / Klimov who won it, having no quadruple throws and twists in their arsenal, took just an amazingly clean rental, ahead of the "difficult" pairs.
Nevertheless, in this confrontation the White ones are those who profess the complexity of their programs. The potential preponderance is on their side, but it is another matter that athletes do not always manage to realize the advantage of white. The adherents of "purity" initially play with the second number, counting (sometimes justifiably) on the mistakes of their competitors.
It is this struggle (in this particular case, the opponents are the Kawaguti / Smirnov and Volosozhar / Trankov pairs) and the curious internal Russian confrontation in Yekaterinburg. The selection at the European Championship does not conceal any intrigue. No matter how hard Kogan tries to darken, few doubt that in the notorious 2 + 1 formula "plus one" will go to Stolbovoy / Klimov who misses the championship. If one of the leading three falls out due to injuries (two duets are very old), they will be replaced at the main tournaments by Tarasova / Morozov, because our other pairs participating in the Grand Prix in the purity of the performance of elements (first of all, jumping) looked, to put it mildly, it is incomprehensible, and the chances that something will change are not visible.
Experience has shown this season, with a certain arrangement of the stars, any of our three leading pairs is able to beat even the strongest opponents. It is another matter that at least two duos, in the foreseeable future "at the gathering", but worthy successors, able to fight for the first place at the world championships, are not yet visible among juniors. The Perm school traditionally suffers from a hopping problem (besides, the most interesting of their pairs, Borisova / Sopot, remained among the substitutes in the Chechen Republic), Pavlovsk pupils do not yet shine with purity of performance. At least at the current stage, our rivals completely score our opponents.

Most minor

"Relax and have fun" - famous formula fits better than ever when we watch international competitions high level among men. We are not in danger of fighting for awards at the World Cup, so we choose a Japanese / Spanish / Chinese / American idol and enjoy his skating. Therefore, instead of calculating the odds in millimeters, I will briefly write what I want from this championship. And I want new faces to go to the main starts of the season. As the Grand Prix shows, the veterans no longer pull, and take big doubts that something is capable of changing. And it seems that even Tatyana Anatolyevna and Elena Sergeevna, who recently actively promoted it, seemed to despair to wait for the result from the smoking, drinking and boorish "hope" of our men's figure skating.
Therefore, I would very much like Mikhail Kolyada to be able to skate his Wolf at the European Championship, I would like the Pitkeevs to feel the experience of major competitions more often. It is interesting how Dmitriev-son, who has blossomed under the Mishin leadership, will perform. It is very interesting to see how Dmitry Aliev will feel in the company of adults.
Well, how will it come out at the main starts to enjoy not only the Japanese with the Chinese ?!

The most predictable

"That's not me telling you, but God." In this part of the review, I will rely on the opinion of T.A. Tarasova, from whose fragmented statements a completely solid puzzle is formed.
Just a few weeks ago, while commenting on the next stage of the GP, our mother firmly stated that the pair Sinitsina / Katsalapov would take the third place in the Russian championship (“I know what I’m talking about”). Shortly before that, she also said that the Stepanova / Bukin duet has ill-wishers in the Russian Figure Skating Federation, whom she knows by name, so this pair is put lower than they deserve. During the next performance of this duo, when Sasha Stepanova, after a cold or poisoning, went out to a performance (by the way, she refused to be very successful) with a very pale face, Tatyana Anatolyevna noticed that in this way she could be in fifth place in the Chechen Republic, and Monko / Khalyavin would take fourth ... True, the successful rental forced her to return to the old hands. From all of the above, there is an unambiguous conclusion that in the absence of force majeure and falls, there will be no struggle for a place under the European sun, the 4th place and rest during the European Championship have been prepared for the pork beetle duo in advance. Monko / Khalyavin, as you know, withdrew from the championship at the last moment, so the fifth place will be played by Yanovskaya / Mozgov and Zagorski / Gureiro.
As for the first two places, the Almighty generals remained silent, it remains to draw our own conclusions. Based on the results of the Grand Prix, Bobrova / Soloviev should be the undisputed winners. Based on the words of Karponosov (now a member of the Federation's coaching council), B / S "are not our leading pair." Then, it turns out, the higher authorities are betting on the Ilinykh / Zhiganshin.
In total, the alignment is as follows:
1. Bobrova / Solovyov (based on the results of the GP)
2.Ilyinykh / Zhiganshin (or changes from the first place - according to the conclusion from the words of Karponosov)
3.Sinitsina / Katsalapov (Tarasova)
4.Stepanova / Bukin (Tarasova)
5-6.Yanovskaya / Mozgov, Zagorski / Gureyro
Unfortunately, the four remaining pairs are so much inferior to those listed above in the class that they are not a very necessary makeweight.
Will the words of T.A. or not, we'll see very soon. However, this is not really that important. There is a feeling that the peak of the ambitions of a number of our duets (and especially of their fans) is the desire to "beat" the ex / ex. All steam from the saucepan escapes in this direction. And it is worth wondering what to do to catch up with the leaders of world ice dancing. Because either in the near future it is worth waiting for a decisive breakthrough from someone, or all of them will receive an honorary pension and memories on the topic “if only if only”.

The most interesting

And this is a flower garden of roses. Although why only roses? Each girl can be compared to some kind of flower, each one can find its own color and association. Because so strong in a sporting respect (you can not even talk about a purely feminine charm), you will not find a girly tournament sometimes even at the World Championship.
Even after the open skates, he expressed confidence that Medvedev and Radionova would reign this season. The Grand Prix only confirmed the confidence that it is they who not only have the most weighty claims for two of the three vacant places, but that some are able to make the weather pleasant for us in March as well. Thus, the contenders for the only remaining ticket are two Olympic champions and a world champion last season... In my opinion, it is Tuktamysheva, based on her content and the quality of skating, who has a more realistic chance of getting a passing grade. Although I would very much like Urmanov to succeed with Lipnitskaya. As for Sotnikova, she is not yet ready to fight for leadership this season. But I really would not like to lose this athlete, her progress in the artistic component cannot but impress.
I will not list other applicants, their circle is already well known. I think the performance of a whole galaxy of our beautiful juniors will also be very interesting. That is, female single skating- the species is very strong, rather unpredictable and extremely interesting.
Must watch. Recommended by the Five Rings.

90 best skaters of Russia have already gathered in Chelyabinsk and are actively training on the ice of the Yunost arena. The venue for the championship will be the Traktor 7,500-seat home palace of the Continental Club of the same name. hockey league... To participate in the main start of the domestic Russian season, 18 men and women each, as well as 12 sports couples and 10 dance duets. In each type of program, spare ones are waiting in their hour.

So, for example, a prompt replacement was needed.

Last Sunday, two-time vice-champion of the country was injured hip joint and lower back from falling on slippery sidewalk.

Until the end of December, the athlete will undergo treatment, and it is not yet clear whether she will appear in front of the public this season.

Our second Olympic champion Sochi-2014, missing this competitive winter entirely, will not take part in the tournament either. But all the other Russian prima are ready to fight for places in the national team.

According to the results of the Czech Republic, a team will be formed for the 2017 European Championship in Ostrava (January 23-29). Participation will be secured by a champion and a silver medalist in men, women, dancers and couples. The fate of the third ticket in each form will be decided by the functionaries of the national figure skating federation.

Then the line-up for the 2017 World Championship in Helsinki (March 29 - April 2) will be determined. At this tournament, Russia has three quotas for girls and couples and two for men and dance duets.

The main favorite here is undoubtedly the 17-year-old Medvedeva. It is no coincidence that she is now considered the strongest loner on the planet, serves as an example in terms of artistry and presentation of programs.

According to the skater, viewers should not wait for technically complex cascades in Chelyabinsk and quadruple jumps... No one will take risks a year before the 2018 Olympics, Medvedev reasonably believes.

Among the skaters, they are not yet considering the option of the possible excommunication of all Russian athletes from the nearest Winter Games, and therefore announced the other day an expanded composition in Pyeongchang. There was no place in it for a double Olympic champion Eugene, who announced his resumption of his career in April 2015, but still has not appeared at the competitions due to injuries and other life difficulties.

The 34-year-old athlete speaks vaguely in the press about his future, not hiding that all his thoughts at the moment are busy with other areas of activity, in particular, a show performance. As Plushenko put it in a conversation with R-Sport, he will return to sports only if there is a corresponding desire.

Among the active skaters, the participants of the last Grand Prix drawing are of interest from the point of view of the struggle for prizes: Kovtun, and the only Russian medalist of one of the stages of the series, Sergei Voronov. According to Plushenko, the oldest single skater in the Chechen Republic is one of the main contenders for gold.

This season is indeed shaping up pretty well for the 29-year-old. In addition to the China Cup bronze, he finished fourth at Skate America and won the representative Ondrej Nepela Memorial in Bratislava.

Kolyada and Kovtun, who are traditionally unstable, will compete with him, according to Plushenko. Moreover, during the preparation process, Maxim tried to solve his problems. individual work with a psychologist. He also suffered food poisoning two weeks before the show. Note that Kovtun is the winner of three previous Russian championships, and Plushenko won twice before him ...

Potential troublemakers include the 17-year-old champion of the junior Grand Prix finals,

however, he has little or no experience of adult rivalry.

The dancers see the positions of the duet as absolutely unshakable /. They have five victories in the last six national championships, and the athletes missed the 2015 tournament. In the Grand Prix finals at the beginning of the month, Bobrova and Soloviev took the most offensive fourth place and now clearly want to improve their mood before the New Year.

As the coach of figure skaters explained, after Marseille they still worked on improving the programs, so now they are finally "ripe".

In Chelyabinsk, other wards of Zhulin will also perform: Tiffany Zagorski /, as well as such famous duets as /, /, /. A stubborn confrontation will unfold for the second direct license at the European Championship, there is no doubt about it.

In the competition of sports couples, the main attention will be focused on the sensational victors of the Grand Prix finals / /. In a word, there are much more job seekers in the national team among couples than there are steps at the awards ceremony.

Russian Championship Schedule

14.00 - 16.30 - men, short program
16.45 - 18.45 - pairs, short program
19.30 - 22.15 - dancing, short dance

14.00 - 16.30 - women, short program
16.45-19.45 - men, free program
20.00 - 21.45 - dancing, free dance

Saturday, December 24

15.00 - 17.15 - pairs, free program
17.30 - 20.30 - women, free program

Other news, materials and statistics can be viewed in figure skating, as well as in groups of the sports department on social networks

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