Chubby legs. Full shins, thighs

If you are not overweight, and your legs suddenly become fuller, you may simply be swollen. It is very simple to find out whether it is puffiness or not. In the evening, pay attention to yours, if you have marks on them from the elastic bands of socks, this is swelling. You can also apply pressure to the bone with your finger. If after that a fossa appeared on the leg, disappearing gradually, swelling takes place. Another sign is that shoes are easy to put on in the morning, and with difficulty in the evening.

With puffiness, the legs really become larger. To eliminate this problem, eliminate salty and fatty foods from your diet.

Diuretics help fight puffiness, but it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

The second and most common cause of leg fullness is excess weight... The thighs and bottom are the area for bearing the fetus, so nature carefully protects these places, covering them with a layer of fat. When a woman gains excess weight, he often concentrates on it.

Diet for slimming legs

A low-fat diet is the most effective way slimming legs. Eliminate animal and vegetable sources of fat from your diet, such as processed meats and sausages, fatty dairy products, fatty meats, and fried foods. Also forget about sweets and pastries.

Don't exclude fish from your menu. Red fatty fish is especially useful, as it contains polyunsaturated fats, vitamins A and D, and omega-3.

If you want beautiful slender legs eat mainly fruits and vegetables - sources of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Vegetables and fruits consist of beneficial macro- and microelements, so they speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines and normalize blood circulation, thereby eliminating cellulite from the legs.

Be sure to keep an eye on water balance... Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. You can drink green tea with lemon, but no sugar. Adequate amount of water will help flush out toxins from the body.

Botvinha soup can be included in the diet for slimming legs.To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

2 carrots;
- 3 tomatoes;
- 2 cucumbers;
- 2 onions;
- 2 potatoes;
- beet root, tops and leaves;
- greens and parsley root;
- black pepper, bay leaves, salt.

To make Botvinho soup, put potatoes, peppercorns and bay leaf into boiling water (2-3 liters). Simmer the rest of the vegetables in a pan. After 5 minutes, throw the tops into the pan, after 10 minutes - the stewed vegetables. Boil and salt for 5 minutes.

This dietary soup has a good, full-bodied flavor. Prepare it for your lunch, give up bad eating habits and your legs will always be slender.

Even in thin people, the legs can look too full and the pelvis is heavy. What can we say about those who are forced to fight most of their lives with overweight.

This topic is especially relevant for women. Nature has taken care that their thighs and butts are protected by a sufficient layer of fat for a successful childbirth. You can't do without physical training, but many are afraid to pump muscles in order not to become masculine, and it is very difficult to find a middle ground. Nevertheless, professionals give clear recommendations on how to lose weight in legs and give them an ideal shape.

Causes of leg fullness

With the arms and stomach, in most cases, everything is very clear - their fullness is due to overeating and a sedentary lifestyle (in 75%), but with the buttocks, hips and calves, everything is much more complicated. Here are the most common factors contributing to excessive rounding.

  • Feminine feature

Mother Nature endowed women with full hips and large pelvis for successful labor and barrier protection of the reproductive organs. If weight gain is observed, then the first body fat the fair sex will go down. In men, the reserves primarily accumulate in the abdominal cavity, forming the famous beer belly.

How to lose weight: You need a comprehensive lower body weight loss program lasting at least 3 months.

  • Puffiness

Many women are complex about their legs, considering them too fat, although the problem may be completely different. After 40, one in three suffers from age-related edema, which are caused by changes in the hormonal background (preparation of the body for menopause), slowed down kidney function, alcohol abuse or other drinks before bedtime.

Signs of puffiness: in the evening, a mark from the elastic of socks remains on the ankles, shoes at the end of the day seem small, tight and can hardly be removed, when pressing with a finger on the skin, a fossa remains, which slowly returns to its original shape.

How to lose weight: it is enough to normalize food, exclude salty and pickled from the diet, do not drink after 18.00, completely abandon alcohol, check kidney function, clean the lymphatic system.

  • Lymphedema

This is the next stage of edema, which is a serious disease and requires consultation with a phlebologist and treatment. Lymphedema is often referred to as elephantiasis.

How to lose weight: get tested and full course treatment.

For reference. Conservative treatment of lymphedema is exercise therapy, physiotherapy, balneology. Pneumatic compression, lymphatic drainage massage, or bandage may be prescribed. In advanced cases, patients are sent for surgery.

  • Heredity

If in the family all women have full legs with relatively slim figure(often with small breasts and very thin waist the volume of the hips spoils all the proportions of the body), this is heredity.

How to lose weight: this deficiency can be partly corrected with the help of training, but you will have to resort to it throughout your life. After the cessation of sports, the fullness will return again.

  • Power training

People who focus on strength training in training may at some point be unhappy with the end result. This is especially true for girls who come to the gym to work out for weight loss and body shaping, and as a result pump up muscles, like in bodybuilders, and then try to reduce the acquired volumes.

How to lose weight: adjust your workout plan - reduce power loads add more cardio. It is better to do this together with a trainer.

And finally, one of the most common causes of full legs among both men and women is an unhealthy lifestyle.

How to lose weight: increase physical activity, normalize nutrition, use additional weight loss techniques.

The problem of full legs concerns mainly women, because it is so predetermined by nature. She rarely touches men. But if they still need to lose weight in the hips or calves, the methods will be almost the same - the differences will only affect training.

The reason was determined, which course to hold in accordance with this, they found out. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Now is the time to start developing the program. It should include the ultimate goal (what you want to achieve), the timing and schedule of activities that you will take to lose weight on your legs. The more competently it will be drawn up, the more accurately it is executed, the more effective the result will be.


Everyone wants to lose weight quickly, because for training and a month-long diet modern man there is neither time nor patience. And here you need to immediately decide for yourself important question... Or you make your legs slim in the shortest possible time, but at the same time:

  • harm your own health: digestion, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system;
  • literally in a week (or even earlier), you gain the lost weight again and, accordingly, return the previous (or even greater) fullness in all parts of the body.

Or, you draw up a weight loss program in advance for several months and patiently follow it, and as a result you get:

  • thinner and slender calves, beautiful and seductive hips moderately pumped up buttocks;
  • significant and sustained weight loss;
  • beautiful shapes in other parts of the body;
  • the acquisition of correct eating habits;
  • good health.

The advantages of the second option are obvious, but most make sacrifices and choose the first, because there is literally a week left before the vacation and weight loss is required oh, how urgent.

How to lose weight in legs in a week

  • Day 3 drink diuretics to get rid of the swelling;
  • go on the toughest diet you can handle: apple, buckwheat, kefir or oatmeal (these are the most effective);
  • run for half an hour every morning;
  • do every day special exercises;
  • to drink a lot of water;
  • do fat-burning wraps every other day;
  • sign up for a lymphatic drainage massage.

As a result, you can lose up to 5-7 kg total weight, and along with all other parts of the body, the legs will safely lose weight. True, then you will have to improve digestion for a long time, restore kidneys and liver, fight vitamin deficiency and exhaustion, soothe muscle pain after daily workouts. But you knew that such a short-term body correction will require sacrifices from the side of health.

If you need to lose weight in 2 weeks

You can minimize the risk to digestion and choose a more gentle diet. For example, or. It is better to defuse your workouts - do it every other day, although the intensity should not be reduced. Jogging in the morning, body wraps, lymphatic drainage massage, leave. Taping or wearing shaping underwear would be a good addition.

But effective weight loss in 1-2 weeks it is unlikely to be achieved. Calculate the program for at least a month, the optimal period is at least six months.

For different parts of the legs

Ways to lose weight in the buttocks:

  • the best exercise is walking on the floor on the bottom;
  • simulator - stepper;
  • in yoga - the locust pose;
  • sport - swimming;
  • slimming shorts;
  • wraps.

How to lose weight in the hips:

  • the exercise - ;
  • simulator - ellipsoid;
  • in yoga - chair posture;
  • sport - running;
  • slimming Bermuda shorts;
  • wraps.

What to do to lose weight on caviar:

  • exercise - standing toes with dumbbells;
  • simulator - power block;
  • in yoga - the pose of a warrior 2;
  • taping.

The most difficult thing will be to lose weight in the calves of the legs, since there are much more ways to improve the beauty of the priests and hips.

Sample program


You need to lose weight a little, a sparing vegetarian diet and regular exercise for a month will be enough. But if your legs are very full and even thick, you will have to pull yourself together and significantly change your lifestyle.

  1. Arrange weekly fasting days to cleanse the body: food - at a minimum, enemas and diuretics - are welcome.
  2. Start your day daily with light gymnastics and running, and end with long walks on foot.
  3. Follow a clear daily routine: eat, exercise, and sleep at strictly allotted hours. This will make it easier for the body to burn calories and not store fat.
  4. You will have to sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  5. Clean water should be your favorite drink while you are losing weight (at least 2 liters per day).
  6. If you can minimize stress loads, improve your results.

Correction of any part of the body (,) requires effort and time. Legs are one of the most problematic because fat leaves here very slowly. Plus, all this is aggravated by cellulite on the buttocks and hips, and you will have to work hard on the calves. Therefore, do not neglect even the smallest details. It is said to drink 2 liters of water - please do it - otherwise the metabolism will not accelerate and lipolysis will not start.


And, finally, the most effective exercise slimming legs, which can be included either in morning exercises, or in the general complex for training. In addition, there will also be presented the best simulators and yoga asanas.


Morning exercises tone the muscles for the whole day. It must be done without fail. Duration - 15-20 minutes. During the period while you are losing weight in your legs, it should be based on exercises that give a load to them. Here is a short list (since everyone knows them, it makes no sense to describe them in detail).

  1. As a warm-up for 5 minutes, you can jump rope.
  2. Running in place.
  3. Squats.
  4. Lunges in different directions, forward and backward.
  5. Bike.
  6. Raising the buttocks from a lying position.
  7. Raising the legs while lying.
  8. As a hitch - 5 minutes of calm, measured walk.

V this complex The most effective leg exercises are included, so feel free to start your morning with them.

Workout for men

The next set of exercises is specifically for men. Despite the fact that they face this problem less often than women, such situations are quite possible against the background of excess weight.

  1. Warm up - walking in place.
  2. Plie squats.
  3. Dumbbell lunges.
  4. Deadlift on straightened legs.
  5. Extension, flexion from different positions.
  6. Weighted cross-over lunges.
  7. Smith Machine Squats.
  8. Cool down - walking in place.

Men definitely need to include strength exercises in their workouts in order to replace fat with muscles.

Workout for women

Without proper exercise, thick legs in women are unlikely to be able to lose weight, even with the strictest diet.

  1. Warm up: Any stretching exercise.
  2. Plank.
  3. Glute bridge.
  4. Weighted squats (dumbbells).
  5. Wide squat.
  6. Swing from a lying position on your side.
  7. Cross lunge in dynamics.
  8. Repeat the weighted squat.
  9. Side swings.
  10. Cool Down: Any stretching exercise.

Women also face the challenge of losing weight in their legs without pumping up muscles. For this you need:

  • do stretching exercises as a warm-up and cool-down;
  • do yoga;
  • alternate exercise machines with cardio workouts.

If the fear of pumping is still present, contact an individual trainer for the development of an appropriate program.

Exercise equipment

Any workout should include at least 20 minutes of work on simulators. The best for slimming legs are:

You don't have to rush to all the machines right away. Each of them gives different load on different parts of the legs. Ask the trainer what specifically it is better for you to work on first, and he will definitely help you with the choice.


If someone had the pleasure of being interested in yoga and knows its basic asanas, they can use the postures that are excellent for losing weight. different parts legs. Among them, the most effective are:

  • locusts;
  • crescent;
  • triangle;
  • flying eagle;
  • wheel;
  • warrior;
  • pyramid;
  • bridge;
  • happy child;
  • swivel chair;
  • pigeon;
  • full boat, etc.

For those who were not previously familiar with yoga, it is better not to try asanas - there is a great risk of injury. Moreover, there are simpler additional ways:

  • running (interval is better);
  • walking;
  • swimming;
  • cycling;
  • roller skating;
  • fitball.

The training program should be designed taking into account the following points:

  • classes - 3 times a week no more than 1 hour;
  • warm-up and cool-down are required;
  • cardio and strength exercises should alternate;
  • daily morning jogging (at least 20 minutes);
  • every day - exercise;
  • daily walks in the evenings at an intensive pace (at least half an hour);
  • additional activities of interest: swimming, cycling, fitness, etc.

Pick up best exercises and do not forget to change the complexes monthly so that there is no addiction.


Many are interested in the question of how to eat in order to lose weight in the legs. It is enough to know only 2 basic rules here. First, there is no specific product that selectively burns fat in lower limbs... Restrictions on food will work to reduce weight in general, and not on any specific part of the body. Secondly, you need to consume much less calories than you spend - only in this case you will be successful. Nutritionists advise the following.

  1. Do not exhaust yourself with strict hunger strikes.
  2. Remove unhealthy fats from the diet - leave only omega-3 acids (olive oil, nuts, fish oil).
  3. Food should be low-carb.
  4. Ideal diet options are vegetarian or protein.
  5. Exclude from the menu everything fried, butter, sweet, salted, smoked, semi-finished and fast foods.
  6. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are prohibited.

Focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. It is useful to eat as much seafood and boiled chicken breast as possible. Eat fractionally, in small portions (no more than 1,500 kcal per day) 5-6 times a day.

Auxiliary methods

Nutrition and exercise should form the core of the program. To speed up the process, you can supplement it with auxiliary procedures. Separately, they are not particularly effective, but they are suitable as catalysts.


Allows you to smooth the surface of the skin and make it elastic. And of course it will contribute to the overall weight loss in the legs. The only question is where you will do it.

For a home procedure, it is better to purchase a portable massager. It can be roller, vacuum, vibration and even electric. It is easy to use and will allow you to work out problem areas without assistance.

You will achieve much more results if you sign up for a salon with a master. Choose either canned or manual anti-cellulite massage followed by a fat-burning wrap.


Any anti-cellulite or fat-burning wrap will speed up weight loss in the hips and calves and improve the condition of the skin. It will be more difficult with the buttocks, since wrap them up in cling film problematic. What pastes are better for this procedure:

  • hot: with, pepper, seaweed, cinnamon, chocolate, Capsicam;
  • cold: with vinegar, camphor, mint, menthol, agar-agar;
  • night: with clay, honey, cosmetic and vegetable oils.

Wraps should be used carefully so that the paste does not drip into the intimate area in any case, otherwise itching, burning and severe irritation cannot be avoided.

Treatment frequency: 1 to 3 times a week.


You can lose weight in your legs if you wear a special one every day for 4-5 hours. The main thing is to choose right size to avoid pinching the blood vessels. For this purpose, you can purchase:

  • bermuda shorts;
  • body (for the buttocks);
  • breeches;
  • leggings;
  • trousers;
  • panties;
  • shorts;
  • pants.

The assortment of shapewear for the legs is the largest of all. For example, you can only find turtlenecks for your hands, and even then with difficulty.

Salon procedures

What procedures can be offered to you in the salon to make your legs slim:

  • algotherapy (algal wraps, scrubs, masks);
  • acupuncture;
  • (liquid nitrogen);
  • ozone therapy (injection of ozone mixture under the skin);
  • myostimulation;
  • (vacuum pressure using special trousers);
  • electrolipolysis;
  • radio frequency lipolysis;
  • ultrasonic cavitation.

In advanced cases, they can offer cardinal methods of plastic surgery - liposuction and lifting of the buttocks, external and inner sides hips.

If you have full legs and you are complex about this, start working right now. Do not wait until they become fat and then completely greasy. The sooner you start working on this part of the body, the faster you will achieve the result. Take a comprehensive approach to the problem, using all the means suggested above to the maximum. Assess the situation soberly, make a program of events and try to follow it steadily. Only willpower and dedication will allow you to achieve desired effect and be proud of your slender legs.

Thick legs: what to do

Everyone has problem areas of the body, but what a shame when this problem is one of the main female prides - legs. Excess weight in the leg area does not allow wearing short shorts, skirts, dresses, and in fact it is these things that make it possible to emphasize the beautiful female figure... But you should never despair: what to do if there is a problem -?


Too bulky and even thick legs can form for several reasons. First, the legs can be voluminous initially - this is their physical norm... In this case, there is no need to worry: the appearance of each of us is unique, and we need to see beauty in each of our features, even if these features do not seem attractive to us ourselves.

It has long been proven that a person who considers himself beautiful looks the same in other people's eyes. In addition, small imperfections are successfully corrected with clothing, for example, special cut of skirts and trousers.

The second reason for too thick legs may be excessive muscle development associated with active physical training and loads. In this case, you should reconsider your attitude to sports.

Finally, the third and most common cause of thick legs is being overweight. Sometimes a genetic predisposition is related to the accumulation of fat on the legs, more often it is an incorrect lifestyle and a violation, but in either case it is possible to correct the shape of the legs.

Loads and sports

An important part of the fight against excess weight on the legs is sports loads, but not any, but preferably cardio. What concerns them? Swimming, running, race walking, bicycle (exercise bike and treadmill in the gym), step, aerobics, etc. All of the above can be supplemented with any aerobic exercise to your taste and alternate them as you wish.

If you want to get rid of thick legs in as soon as possible, pay sports training at least an hour a day, moreover - try to use every opportunity in order to provide your legs additional load... For example, you can climb stairs every time you need to call the elevator, walk during breaks at work, spend active weekends in nature, play with friends sport games etc. If you do all this regularly, thick legs will become slim very quickly!

Nutrition secrets

What to do with your diet if fat legs are the main problem area of ​​the body? First of all, not allowed strict diets- all of them are aimed at short-term weight loss and have a short-term effect.

To lose weight on your legs, the emphasis in nutrition must be made on the quality and freshness of products: remove semi-finished products, fast food, ready meals, fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, chips and other snacks from the diet. The menu should be based on high-quality protein, which is found in lean meat (chicken, rabbit, veal, beef), in fish, as well as in low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese) and legumes (beans, lentils).

Choose complex carbohydrates - vegetables, cereals, bran and whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta - they promote proper digestion and guarantee a long feeling of fullness. But it is better to give up simple carbohydrates, at least for the period of active struggle with excess weight on your legs, so try to stay away from sugar, all kinds of sweets, pastries and pastries.

The "sweet" life is compensated by fruits and dried fruits, as well as a small amount. It is very important to review the quality of fat in your diet. Fatty meat, lard, fatty dairy products (especially creamy desserts, chocolate butter, cheese curds and sweet curd masses), sausages, sausages and small sausages, mayonnaise and other sauces are the main enemies of slender legs!

Friendly fats are vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, corn, grape, etc. But you also need to know how to handle them - it is best to fill fresh salads with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons for a large portion) or add to ready-made dishes - soups , stewed or baked vegetables. Oil frying kills beneficial features and oil, and the product itself. Also healthy fats found in fish, especially in its marine varieties (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel), as well as in avocados and nuts. You can eat 20 grams daily. nuts (unroasted and unsalted) as a snack, and they will be of great benefit to the figure.

Useful Supplements

Thick legs is one of those problem areas, which is quite difficult to influence with conventional methods of losing weight (diet, sports, etc.) This does not mean that it is pointless to fight overweight in this case, but sometimes you should connect to the main methods additional help... The most effective way to date is through the use of a doctor-approved and proven method.

The choice is yours personally, but if safety for you is in the same place as efficiency, you should pay attention to Russian drugs and. Reception of one of them, or, even more efficiently, a joint reception, restores and improves metabolism in the body, acting specifically on problem areas. As a result, those zones that are most difficult to influence are losing weight - the stomach, arms, hips and, of course, legs.

These drugs improve digestion, reduce cravings for unhealthy and high-calorie foods, and block further accumulation of fats in the body. Consisting only of natural ingredients, they gently and naturally promote weight loss and greatly facilitate the struggle for slim legs.

Massage and other pleasures

Various wraps, baths and massages are pleasant and useful procedures for slimming legs. The main thing is not to be lazy and do them regularly, for example, today a bath with salt, tomorrow - a wrap with algae or clay, the day after tomorrow - a massage. When you have time (for example, on weekends), you can pay more attention to your favorite legs and do several procedures in combination - then the result will be even more noticeable.

Do not skimp on wraps and creams - quality products cannot be cheap. Means for slender legs can be prepared on your own. So, for wrapping, you need to mix dry clay with kefir or water to a state of gruel, add a few drops of essential oils of lemon, orange and grapefruit, apply the mixture to problem areas of the legs, wrap it with a film, and after forty minutes rinse with warm water.

To get a homemade slimming cream, it is enough to add a few aromatic oils to a regular body cream - bergamot, rosemary, juniper or citrus. The massage should be done vigorously, rubbing the problem areas of the legs until the skin is slightly reddened. A few weeks of such care will give the legs beauty and relief.

We wish you good luck and do not forget to always love your legs as they are!

The price has been and remains long However, by nature, not everyone gets such data. If you are not very lucky with the length, you can make them visually attractive by working on problem areas. And then you get beautiful chiseled legs, for example - Nicole Wienhoffer, who has devoted herself to fitness and is the best advertisement for her work. But what if today you have fat legs?

Exercises aimed at the formation of chiseled legs will not allow you to see the result due to the layer of fat, so it is useless to mock yourself with strength exercises if there is too much fat in the body. Your hard way to slender legs is through running. But it will take a long time to get to the results. It takes 75 hours of running to burn 5kg of pure fat. Sounds sad? Nothing can be done about this, if the initial weight is about 60 kg, then it will be spent for half an hour workout only 300 kcal. The good news is that if you do jogging, they will get the load, and they will not collapse due to lack of energy.

Of course, you can't do without a special diet. Don't buy into promises that another "thigh diet" will work. You will never guess where the body will take fat from in order to survive in the next "crisis", and this is how it views your diet. Sooner or later it will get to the thighs, but due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body, it will be more late than early. Therefore, prepare yourself mentally for serious and rather long hardships in terms of food. The number 1000-1200 kcal works best, if you eat less, the likelihood of hungry fainting and feeling unwell increases. If you eat more, you will have to wait a long time for the result. In addition, there is also a familiar to all those who are losing weight, the adaptation of the body to cutting spending. As a result, weight loss slows down dramatically or even stops altogether.

What if the weight loss and volume reduction has stopped and is still with you? Surely you have heard about cheating, that is, a day when you are full, the body receives a lot of energy and the slowdown in metabolism stops? Yes, it's real. But there are some limitations.

Firstly, you can eat not anything, but only carbohydrates and proteins. Lots of carbohydrates and lots of proteins. Almost no fat. Therefore, only lean beef and chicken breasts can be made from meat. For desserts - forget about everything with more than 3% fat. That is, ice cream and chocolate are not for those who want to get rid of the problem called "fat legs". You can eat marshmallow, marmalade, lavash. But donuts need to be put aside. Sausages and sausages are also not allowed, ham - very limited.

Secondly, no more than 50 g of carbohydrates should be supplied in 2-3 hours, otherwise the process of fat formation may begin. This is especially true for those who were on a very strict diet.

Thirdly, the total number of calories for those who do not want to have fat legs on the day of cheating should not be twice as much as on a regular diet day. That is, if you usually eat a thousand, you can have two on the day of cheating.

Losing weight with aerobics and diet should be until the weight becomes ideal minus 2 kg. Then you will purposefully gain two kilograms of muscle mass. This will require doing special exercises. Contrary to popular belief, gym it is not necessary for this. For girls who do not want to become bodybuilders, weights own body quite enough.

But you will have to limit the amount of fat to 40 g per day for the rest of your life and drink special. Make some effort - and you will forget about thick legs.

My compliments, gentlemen and especially ladies! Today we are waiting for just a freaky article, and all because it is female. In it we will give an answer to such a question - how to make legs thin . From just one reading, your legs will become much slimmer and more attractive, so we read to the end and absorb every word.

If everything is assembled, then let's start, let's go.

How to make your legs thin: a set of measures

I'll start a little from afar ...

Show me a woman who is happy with her appearance and does not want to improve her even a bit. Beauty is a terrible force and the main weapon of a woman in the fight for a higher-ranking male. I do not know if the young ladies are aware of, but almost all men are led by beauty, and for them (us) attractiveness is the main factor in assessing her as a potential partner. No wonder there is such a saying - a man loves with his eyes, so this is really so. We have enough 8 seconds of contact with the lady in order to understand whether, in fact, the game of candles is worth it, and whether it is necessary to fuss at all :). Although scientists say that men evaluate women from top to bottom, practice shows a little differently. I have noticed more than once that guys first fix their gaze on the woman's legs, then the hips and upward. And this is quite natural if you look at the lady from behind, because there is no face there.

In this regard, the requirements for this part of the body (legs) from the male population are becoming quite unambiguous. They want to see their companion's legs long, slender and in a short skirt). It is also worth saying that the dominance of glossy magazines and catwalk models does their dirty deed - men become very picky about the shape and size of the chosen one. In this situation, the ladies have only one thing to do - to take their feet in their hands and work on themselves, in fact, this is what we will do today.

How to make your legs thin? One of the most painful problems of girls, with her, probably, only such can be compared - and of course,? As you look at all these "how", the meaning of the statement becomes clear - beauty requires sacrifice, and I want to erect a monument to all active workers working in this direction. Well, actually enough of the lyrics, let's get to the point.

How to make your legs thin: debunking the main myths

First of all, I want to say that miraculous remedies have not yet been invented that would help make legs slim. Wraps, creams and other similar tools are all dullness, without your own plowing and work on yourself thin legs cannot be achieved.

Second, the fat does not go away locally, i.e. you cannot make only the left or right buttock lose weight, only the upper or lower body. Fat leaves immediately from everywhere, and from problem areas in the last turn.

Third - the most effective ways to make your legs thin are:

  • adherence to a diet;
  • special aerobic exercise;
  • special exercises.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

How to make your legs thin: everything you need to know to lose weight

Most of the thighs and legs begin to lose weight in a woman when the percentage of her subcutaneous fat approaches 18% ... To find out the current percentage of body fat, I recommend measuring it by referring to the materials of the article. In general, if you do not know if you have problems with being overweight, then the following table will help you figure it out.

In addition, it is worthwhile to understand that two women of the same weight may not feel the urge to lose weight or slender legs, just compare.

How much (and how soon) you are able to lose weight in your legs will depend on, and in relation to young ladies it will be more accurate to say - from.

In general, the problem of losing weight in the legs and hips is associated, first of all, with the natural processes occurring in the body of any productive woman. It consists in the accumulation of fatty deposits in the abdomen, legs and thighs due to the preparation of a woman for pregnancy. Only later, as negative factors of a woman's swelling, there are unhealthy diet, stress and an unbalanced regimen.

Not many women know that the effectiveness of losing weight in the hips depends on the initially correctly chosen strategy. And in order to decide on it, you need to know what type of hips you actually have.

Do you think that you have fatty or muscular hips, or maybe you don't know at all? To determine this and understand whether it is necessary to "lower fat" from the thighs or lose weight in their muscle mass, I propose to pass a simple test. It consists of three steps:

  1. straighten your leg;
  2. tighten your thigh muscles;
  3. pinch the top layer of fat and skin with your fingers.

If the fold of the m / at the fingers turned out to be quite significant (there is something to hold on to) then you have fatty thighs and most likely problems with cellulite. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to adjust the diet and add cardio activity in order to burn fat. If the tuft is small, you have muscular thighs with a little fat. In this case, the strategy for losing weight in the legs should be based on special fitness exercises.

Let's take a little more detail ...

Fat VS Muscle thighs

The first type is when the legs may be thin by themselves, but overweight (layer of adhered fat) does not allow you to see their harmony. Therefore, the main focus should be on aerobic activity and proper dietary nutrition. When the total fat burns, you can start giving your legs harmony.

The second type is large muscle thighs. If you think that only men can have big legs, you are mistaken, sometimes a lady has an impressive hull of a ship :) - wide bones and tight muscles. The muscles themselves consist of bundles muscle fibers that vary in size. Women with muscular thighs have a high proportion of type II large muscle fibers. (commonly found in sprinters or strength athletes), compared to type I fibers (in endurance athletes)... Muscular thighs give big full legs. They (thighs) respond well to special foot loading and are distributed in size.

In this case, you need to understand that if you can get rid of fatty thighs, then you cannot move (shift) muscle fibers. To achieve slender legs, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • you do not have a genetic tendency for large thigh muscles, but you do have a natural tendency to gain muscle through exercise. In other words, your workouts made your legs look big. (you overload them)... This could be on a treadmill, elliptical trainer, ice skating, etc. Similar activities in an attempt to make more thin thighs, backfired. It is necessary to reconsider your training strategy and remove these "thigh-set" exercises;
  • you are genetically programmed to have big muscles (body type mesomorph) but also have a lot of fat around the muscles. Those. you have a lot of muscle and a lot of fat in your leg area. "Removal" of fat from the inside and outer surface thighs will give significant care to the volume of the legs and make them thinner.

To know how to lose weight in the hips, you need to understand what they are "constructed" from, in other words, let's delve a little deeper into their anatomy.

So, there are several “layers” that contribute to the size of the hip.

The first layer, the skin, then comes the fat layer (yellow). This fat surrounds the thigh muscles. As you put on weight, the yellow layer becomes much larger, and it spreads out your thighs in breadth. Muscles are under the layer of fat (red). When a person trains with weight in general and is especially active in working out the hips (squats, lunges, deadlifts), then the red layer becomes larger, which leads to an increase in the legs.

That is why, when solving the problem of how to make legs thin, it is necessary to think about both fat and muscle mass... Both parameters are adjustable both up and down and affect the proportions of the hips.

Well, I think that's enough theory, let's move on to ...

How to make your legs thin: the practical side of the issue

I want to immediately ask the reader for forgiveness that I am again plundered in terms of the number of letters in the article. It was originally planned to write everything quite culturally and tell all the information in one part. Now, when the article has already passed for quite a decent number of characters, and we are still, as they say, in no eye :), I realized that I cannot do without the second part. Well, let's do it, in this we will look at two factors of weight loss - nutrition and aerobic activity, and in the other part - specialized "weight loss" exercises for the legs.

So let's start with the first one.

# 1. We build correct diet nutrition

The fundamental principle of slimming legs and hips is to improve (accelerate) metabolism, metabolism. It is also necessary to improve the functioning of the liver, ridding the body of toxins.

Your basic habits should now be:

  • use at least 1,5 liters of water per day (preferably 2 liters);

In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink 2 a glass of water and then 200-250 ml before each meal.

  • the use of green tea, tea with rosehip decoction.

These drinks will be able to rid you of toxins, remove toxins and improve the rate of enzymatic reactions in the body.

  • the use of vegetables and fruits both in the main meals, and m / in them.

Include some vegetables in your diet: broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin. From fruits, such diuretics (diuretics) are perfect: watermelon, melon, plums, apricots, also lean on grapefruit, bananas, green apples, avocados.

  • Eliminate all fried, fatty, and salty foods from your diet.

In fact, people do not notice how they consume instead of the intended 30-40 grams of healthy fats per day 60-100 gr of unhelpful ones. We get the latter from various work and office snacks and “tried it when I cooked for the family”. The priority cooking method for you should now be boiling in water, a double boiler, a microwave oven (baking).

  • exclusion of various food tastes.

These include mayonnaise, sauces, dressings and other can-and-lid mischief. If the food seems bland, use natural spices - garlic, thyme, coriander, basil, suneli hops.

  • the use of indigestible fiber.

Fiber-rich foods should be part of your diet. It envelops the walls of the stomach, prolonging the feeling of fullness in the body. The main sources of such a drag are ...

In general, the best and cheapest source of dietary fiber is bran from a pharmacy. (e.g. Dr. Dias brands)... They are packaged in small bags (each 200 gr), contains only pure product and cost about 30-50 rubles. They must be washed down with plenty of water and taken for 30 minutes before meals.

  • eating lean protein and seafood.

Substitute various pseudo meat substitutes (sausages, sausages, etc.) to complete sources of protein. These include: eggs, dairy products, cottage cheese, poultry, rabbit, turkey. Give preference to lean meats - lean beef. Also include in your diet fish - tilapia, tuna, mullet, salmon, salmon and seafood - squid, milk.

  • eating long carbohydrates.

Long carbohydrates are not fast ones :), i.e. they gradually energize a person without causing surges in blood glucose. Include in your diet - brown / dark rice, buckwheat, wholemeal bread.

  • eating the right fats.

Many ladies are afraid of fats like fire, thinking that they are getting fat from them. This is not entirely true, the body needs more PUFA (omega 3/6/9) and monounsaturated fatty acid, and trans-isomers and saturated (butter, margarine) fats should be kept to a minimum. Use a variety of healthy fats as a source of healthy fats. (walnuts, almonds) and sunflower seeds (sesame), and olive oil.

  • eating the right sweets.

The girls are big sweet tooth, do not feed them with bread, just let me grind off some yummy. Therefore, the complete exclusion of sweets for them is just a disaster. Therefore, replace your usual sweets (sweets, desserts) on, dark (before 70% cocoa) chocolate, fitness bars.

  • an increase in the number of meals.

Many young ladies think that the fewer times a day I eat, the slimmer I will be. Surely your current meal plan includes 2-3 -x one-time meal and often with a broken schedule (different times). You need to stick to 4-5 one-time regime at the same time. In general, and why, you can read in the corresponding note at the link. The number of calories during the day should be kept from 2000 before 2200 kcal (for women aged from 19 before 30 years) and 1800-2000 (for women from 31 before 50 years)... Most likely, your current calorie needs to be reduced by 250-500 kcal to start losing weight.

They were, so to speak, general advice, now let's take a look at the specific menu on 1 day that you can stick to in order to lose weight (including in the legs).

Now let's move on to ...

No. 2. Aerobic Activity for Slimming Legs

Cardio plays a significant role in removing excess fat. (including in the area of ​​the thighs and legs)... Therefore, if you want to have slender legs, after which men will go even to the ends of the world :), you cannot avoid them. Optimal amount occupations for development of cardio-vascular system3 per week, by 30-45 minutes (moderate intensity)... Excellent Fat Burner High Intensity Interval Training & interval running (short runs with high intensity) although the latter (if used incorrectly) can cause leg muscles to enlarge.

If you have muscular thighs (for example, body type mesomorph) then avoid interval training and focus more on longer duration, moderate intensity cardio. Running on long distances not focused on the development of the size of muscle fibers, i.e. with it, your legs have limited (minimal) opportunities for growth. The result of this running is that you build strong and toned muscles legs without creating large muscles thighs and at the same time burning fat.

For women with fatty thighs, the following types of aerobic activity that directly use the legs are suitable:

  • jogging;
  • skating;
  • walking on a ladder simulator;
  • step, elliptical trainer.

The benefit from them is that, in addition to burning fat, the formation of "correct" leg muscles occurs. When working on simulators, it must be remembered that the load (resistance) should be small, and the incline angle should be low, otherwise you can get large muscle legs instead of thin legs.


At all times, slender legs riveted men's eyes. And if a woman knows how to serve them “deliciously”, then we just demolish the tower :). Therefore, if you set yourself a goal - how to make your legs thin, you can be sure that you will be provided with gentlemen for the rest of your life. Well, how to achieve this goal, we partially sorted out in this article and will continue to do this in the next one.

That's all for this, slender legs, my beauties!

PS. Is the question relevant to you how to make your legs thin? Answers in the comments.

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With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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