Super effective program for slim legs. The set of exercises "Legs of the world standard" - "Legs of the world standard

Do you want perfect legs? You have to sweat for 6 weeks - the result is worth it!
The "KP" correspondent has tested on herself a technique that promises to turn ladies' legs into slender model forms in 6 weeks.

Alexandra KUCHUK. Photo from the archive "KP". (Link to download the book and video at the end of the article)

Strongly amorous classic

A.S. Pushkin was once in a bad mood and offended the girls for 200 years in advance. I took it and for some reason wrote: “You can hardly find a whole in Russia / Two pairs of slender female feet". Also to me - a supermodel from Africa ...
And I fought over the question: "If something is wrong with the whole country with legs, then it is with me too?"
I began to look at the legs of film actresses. Compare. In general, in vain. Childbirth and years of beauty do not add to women's hips ...
What have I not tried! Diets, anti-cellulite massages, wraps and heating creams, squats, moving on the carpet on the "fifth point" (by the way, powerful exercise), swimming in the pool to the point of insanity ...
- Wasting? - once asked a friend, an athlete. - Try to find the book "Legs of the world standard". What are you laughing at? That's what it's called. The exercises are fierce. But ... they work.
Minimum set: world health, chair and ball
I honestly downloaded the complex from the Internet. The entire book is called “Legs of the world standard. An effective six-week program to shape your legs, buttocks, thighs. " Written by Felix Schmitt and Cynthia Tyvers.
In the preface there is a warning: in order to be engaged in this program, one must also have a "world standard" health.
The authors confessed that they tested their method in Los Angeles on fashion models, athletes, as well as business women and housewives. The technique is based on ballet movements. Many years ago, ballerina Lotta Burke suffered a serious spinal injury. In order not to lose shape, she developed a system of exercises that adapted ballet steps to people who were far from dancing. So they offer it to those who wish ...
Personally, the phrase bought me: “If you devote half an hour to these exercises at least three times a week, then your buttocks
will become rounder and stronger than they were in childhood. "
And that of all the inventory you need nothing at all: a support (a chair is suitable), a mirror, a ball and pleasant music with an even rhythm
(like Michael Jackson). I personally practiced to Queen and Frank Sinatra.
You need to eat at least an hour before class. The exercises are organized by "week". Having mastered one, you move on to the next, more complex one.

Three tips on how to make yourself "work!"

No wonder the authors wrote that you can practice even in the bathroom, holding on to the door handle. Inexperienced "losing weight ballerina" is a sight
not for the faint of heart.
All exercises take place with a "pinched pelvis" - that is, tense muscles of the thighs and buttocks.
You must constantly monitor your posture. And stand on tiptoes in a half-squat.
You can imagine what happens to your face ... Plus you sweat.

Council number 1. Study when no one sees you. Personally, I puffed when no one was at home. I'm afraid the relatives still don't know what feat was performed strictly on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Having mastered the exercises of the "first week" (they took 10 calendar days), I lost 1 cm in the hips and waist. Yes, the muscles ached, but I began to feel them! And the unpleasant sensations were removed by baths with sea salt.
The "second week" was much harder. It was no longer possible to complete the entire complex in 40 minutes, it took almost an hour. Exercises became more complicated. More and more often I wanted to gulp down a fat chicken leg and a bar of chocolate - what to do, the authors did not advise. But I was able to master the "second week" in just 7 days.
Council number 2. Give yourself some stimulation: small gifts for overwork. I allowed myself 1 candy.
If the desire to give up everything became completely unbearable, she cut in the song of Mark Bernes "Nothing would stand here if it weren't for me!"
“The third week” seemed to me like taking Everest. Honestly, it's hard. After that I went on vacation.
Council number 3. Don't take a long break. Classes must be logged in. Otherwise, it is very difficult to force yourself to return to the previous pace. I couldn't ...
But the result was still evident! Rather, on the legs.
In volume: 5 cm disappeared from the hips, 2 cm from the waist. And the result has been lasting for almost 4 months.
Outwardly: the buttocks have tightened, rounded, the upper front part of the thigh has changed - no fat hanging over the knees.
The muscles of the pelvis, abs, back became stronger, posture improved.
I also started to be terribly proud of myself. After all, there is, then, willpower!
About classics and national laziness
Centuries after the death of the classic, physiologists nevertheless justified women: their legs are quite slender, their figure as a whole
But there are national characteristics: a tendency to varicose veins, cellulite. And some looseness - we rarely go in for sports. Only every third “losing weight” pumps up muscles at least once a week. Well, we believe in a miracle - that will resolve itself! Does not dissolve. You need to sweat!
Some of the most effective exercises
First, it is imperative to "warm up the muscles" - to do a warm-up (the authors of "Legs ..." also insist on stretching), and then proceed to the main movements.

"Ballerina at the bench"

Feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel. Raise your heels about three centimeters above the floor. Pull in your stomach, pinch your pelvis, bend your knees five centimeters. This is your starting position in this position. Squeeze tight and then release gluteal muscles... Clamp the pelvis again at this level. Lower yourself three centimeters (to the second level) and again squeeze and release the pelvis twice. Lower yourself another three centimeters and squeeze and release the pelvis three times. For the fourth time, hold in the clamped position until a count of ten.
Rise back to the starting level when your knees are bent five centimeters and your pelvis is pinched and pushed forward.
Repeat five times.

"Has your butt dropped? Well, no!"

Sit on the edge of a chair and squeeze the ball between your knees. Hold it with your inner thighs. Sit up straight with your arms at your sides on the seat.
Pinch the ball between your thighs as tightly as possible and hold it in this position for a count of three. Let go of the clamp, but don't let go of the ball! Then squeeze the ball firmly again and hold it there until a count of three.
Repeat squeezing and relaxing thirty times to complete one cycle.
This exercise will "wake up" the inner thigh muscles.

The highly amorous classic A.S. Pushkin was once in a bad mood and offended all the girls in Russia for 200 years in advance. He took it and for some reason wrote: "You can hardly find a whole in Russia / Two pairs of slender female legs." Also to me - a supermodel from Africa ...

And I fought over the question: "If something is wrong with the whole country with legs, then it is with me too?"

I began to look at the legs of film actresses. Compare. In general, in vain. Childbirth and years of beauty do not add to women's hips ...

What have I not tried! Diets, anti-cellulite massages, wraps and warming creams, squats, moving on the carpet on the "fifth point" (by the way, a powerful exercise), swimming in the pool until you are crazy ...

Are you wet? - once asked a friend, an athlete. - Try to find the book "Legs of the world standard". What are you laughing at? That's what it's called. The exercises are fierce. But ... they work.

Minimum set: world health, chair and ball

I honestly downloaded the complex from the Internet. The entire book is called “Legs of the world standard. An effective six-week program to shape your legs, buttocks, thighs. " Written by Felix Schmitt and Cynthia Tyvers.

In the preface there is a warning: in order to be engaged in this program, one must also have a "world standard" health.

The authors confessed that they tested their method in Los Angeles on fashion models, athletes, as well as business women and housewives. The technique is based on ballet movements. Many years ago, ballerina Lotta Burke suffered a serious spinal injury. In order not to lose shape, she developed a system of exercises that adapted ballet steps to people who were far from dancing. So they offer this to those who wish ...

Personally, the phrase bought me: "If you devote half an hour to these exercises at least three times a week, then your buttocks will become rounder and stronger than they were in childhood."

And that of all the inventory you need nothing at all: a support (a chair is suitable), a mirror, a ball and pleasant music with an even rhythm (for example, Michael Jackson). I personally practiced to Queen and Frank Sinatra.

You need to eat at least an hour before class. The exercises are organized by "week". Having mastered one, you move on to the next, more complex one.

Three tips on how to make yourself "work!"

All exercises take place with a "pinched pelvis" - that is, tense muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

You must constantly monitor your posture. And stand on tiptoes in a half-squat.

You can imagine what happens to your face ... Plus you sweat.

Tip # 1. Exercise when no one sees you. Personally, I puffed when no one was at home. I'm afraid the relatives still don't know what feat was performed strictly on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Having mastered the exercises of the "first week" (they took 10 calendar days), I lost 1 cm in the hips and waist. Yes, the muscles ached, but I began to feel them! And the unpleasant sensations were removed by baths with sea salt.

The "second week" was much harder. It was no longer possible to complete the entire complex in 40 minutes, it took almost an hour. Exercises became more complicated. More and more often I wanted to gulp down a fat chicken leg and a bar of chocolate - what to do, the authors did not advise. But I was able to master the "second week" in just 7 days.

Tip # 2. Give yourself some stimulation: small gifts for overwork. I allowed myself 1 candy.

If the desire to give up everything became completely unbearable, she cut in the song of Mark Bernes "Nothing would stand here if it weren't for me!"

“The third week” seemed to me like taking Everest. Honestly, it's hard. After that I went on vacation.

Tip # 3. Don't take a long break. Classes must be logged in. Otherwise, it is very difficult to force yourself to return to the previous pace. I couldn't ...

But the result was still evident! Rather, on the legs.


"The complex is suitable for mothers on maternity leave"

In "Legs ..." there is nothing particularly new for Russian, fairly educated clients. These are corrective exercises with elements of choreography, - says the fitness director of the Planet Fitness group of companies Victoria TOPOLYAN. - These are used in strength training, in Pilates.

The exercises are suitable for beginners and people with average physical fitness. For example, for mothers who are on maternity leave with small children, or those who do not work regularly.

You should not try this complex if you have varicose veins, back pain, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, weight over 90 kg. It is not suitable for pregnant women either. In any case, before starting classes, you should consult with your doctor. In general, to tidy up the muscles of the thighs and legs, you need to combine two types of exercises.

The first - aerobic - burn fat. This is swimming, aerobics, running, race walking, rowing, biking, hiking. Moreover, the load should be of medium intensity.

The second - strength correction exercises, which give the body "relief". These are squats, lunges, abduction of the hips to the side, raising the legs.

Of course, if it is not possible to go to a fitness center, then it is worth exercising at home, but the effectiveness will be higher if you are under the watchful eye of a professional.


About classics and Russian laziness

Centuries after the death of the classic physiologists Russian women justified: their legs are quite slender, their figure is generally harmonious.

But there are national characteristics: a tendency to varicose veins, cellulite. And some looseness - we rarely go in for sports. Only every third “losing weight” pumps up muscles at least once a week. Well, we believe in a miracle - that will resolve itself! Does not dissolve. You need to sweat!


If in volume: 5 cm disappeared from the hips, 2 cm from the waist. And the result has been lasting for almost 4 months.

Outwardly: the buttocks have tightened, rounded, the upper front part of the thigh has changed - no fat hanging over the knees. The muscles of the pelvis, abs, back became stronger, posture improved.

I also started to be terribly proud of myself. After all, there is, then, willpower!

Some of the most effective exercises

First, it is imperative to "warm up the muscles" - to do a warm-up (the authors of "Legs ..." also insist on stretching), and then proceed to the main movements.

"Ballerina at the bench"

Feet shoulder width apart, feet parallel. Raise your heels about three centimeters above the floor. Pull in your stomach, pinch your pelvis, bend your knees five centimeters. This is your starting position in this position. Squeeze firmly and then release the gluteal muscles. Clamp the pelvis again at this level. Lower yourself three centimeters (to the second level) and again squeeze and release the pelvis twice. Lower yourself another three centimeters and squeeze and release the pelvis three times. For the fourth time, hold in the clamped position until a count of ten.

Rise back to the starting level when your knees are bent five centimeters and your pelvis is pinched and pushed forward. Repeat five times.

Booty sagged? Well, I do not!

Sit on the edge of a chair and squeeze the ball between your knees. Hold it with your inner thighs. Sit up straight with your arms at your sides on the seat.

Pinch the ball between your thighs as tightly as possible and hold it in this position for a count of three. Let go of the clamp, but don't let go of the ball! Then squeeze the ball firmly again and hold it there until a count of three.

Repeat squeezing and relaxing thirty times to complete one cycle.

This exercise will "wake up" the inner thigh muscles.


“This is some kind of horror, not exercise! Is it really true that someone managed to go through all 6 weeks and not kick back their hooves? I'd rather lose weight with the Cindy Crawford video complex. Or I'll do yoga. ”Kisa.

“Without straining, 40 minutes a day, but regularly and persistently, I do“ Legs ... ”. Today it turned out that the pants, bought a month ago, have become very loose in the hips and DANGER from the priests, although they sat like a glove when buying. Conclusion: the complex is working. " Cheburashka.

(You can just look at the photos of the participants)


“Most women hardly feel the lower half of the body. And there is an explanation for this. The fat that is located in the lower half of the body is burned with great difficulty. It is stubborn and lazy fat. It is much more difficult than in other parts of the body to get out of fat cells. And the hips and buttocks are traditionally considered the most difficult to shape. The method we have developed will allow you to feel these problematic parts of the body and, most importantly, give you the opportunity to control them, "- approximately with these words, experts in physical fitness Felix Schmitt and Cynthia Tyvers. They have developed an excellent program physical training, aimed specifically at strengthening the muscles of the lower legs, thighs and buttocks, which means to make the figure slim and restore youth and health.

“Close your eyes for a second. Imagine your body. What do you see? Down, starting from the waist ... - Cynthia usually refers to newcomers. - It is very likely that you will see the buttocks that have sagged. We all started life with buttocks high, round and strong. What about your hips? Have you accumulated inches of fat? Did your muscles begin to sag and turn into something shapeless? And the knees? Rollers of fat swelled over them, which humiliate your legs? ... But nature gave us a pattern for our bodies, and you came here to correct it. We will show you how much and where to cut, pick and sew. Create a mental image of your legs as you want them to be. Work slowly on this image. Think about your legs. Don't you want to lose fat, shape your muscles, make them look that lean and slender look? Feel free to imagine your legs in their most perfect and beautiful form. We want this image to be firmly imprinted on your mind. Remember it. Carry it with you everywhere. Use it as a motive for practicing - especially on those days when everything is tired and you don't want anything ... "

So, American experts promise, in six weeks you will see the immediate results of working on yourself. The volume of the hips will decrease by five to ten centimeters, the buttocks will rise and become rounder and stronger. The belly will become flat and the waist will lose about five centimeters. In general, the figure will become much slimmer. “We've seen amazing results hundreds of times with our clients. We believe that you will achieve the same and will not pass up! " - these are the words of Cynthia and Felix.

The exercise system that will be offered to you does not apply to the aerobics system. Aerobic exercise improves the functioning of the heart, lungs, and circulatory organs. But the authors of the set of exercises for the hips and buttocks strongly advise combining this set with any aerobics systems. For what? - you ask. By saturating the tissues of the body with oxygen, we achieve a quick and efficient combustion fat cells. And plus still not less effective training of cardio-vascular system... And without this it will be very difficult to achieve the result that we have programmed for ourselves: the creation of world-standard legs.

The main difference between the Schmitt-Tai-vers training system is that these exercises are as close as possible to the exercises for ballerinas. As much as possible for people who have never done ballet. Who has the most beautiful legs? Quite right. Those who are professionally engaged in dance.

Well, shall we try? Below is a description of the complex in a slightly abbreviated version, but the most convenient for independent learning.

If you are young and do not have special problems with health, then your recipe will be as follows: at least thirty minutes of aerobics three times a week and forty minutes of a set of leg exercises three times a week. These two complexes must be alternated.

If you want to achieve maximum results, then supplement thirty minutes of aerobics with this complex five times a week.

But if your body is not adapted to such, frankly, very serious loads, then instead of aerobics you need to perform a complex warm-up exercises... It is designed for at least five to ten minutes. Never load muscles if you haven't warmed them up. Otherwise, injuries and painful conditions cannot be avoided.

And one more warning. Don't start a rigorous exercise regimen without talking to your doctor. Better result you will achieve if you start at a slow pace, and then gradually increase the load. There is a possibility that the effect of exercise will be negative with excessive stress. How to individually select the load? Pretty simple. Monitor your pulse. The heart should work hard, but without overstrain! The number of contractions of the heart muscle per unit of time will tell you the optimal pace of exercise. Pulse count by following formula: 220 minus your age multiplied by 0.75. Let's say you are 40 years old. 220 - 40 = 180.75% of 180 = 135 beats per minute. This is what your heart rate should be after exercise. You need to measure your heart rate every five minutes after you start exercising. If at some point you notice that your heart is beating faster than it should be, slow down the intensity and speed of the exercise (see table 1).

But don't stop. Let your legs move while you measure your heart rate.

Table 1

Optimal heart rate

Thirty minutes of aerobics can be reduced to a five-minute warm-up to get into your optimal heart rate range. Then you will work with about the same load and intensity for twenty-two minutes, then a three-minute cooling down should follow. If you want to achieve the effect of "burning fat", then to thirty minutes of exercise, you can add fifteen more, but they should be performed with much less stress.

As you exercise, your body will tell you if you are doing the right thing. Muscles Got Today good load will hurt a little. But this is “good pain,” the kind of pain that tells you, “It's great that we started all this. It's okay that we are tired. This is a pleasant weariness! "

But if you do something wrong, the body will ache in a different way. It will be exhausted by pain, which will not go away immediately, but will remind of itself for a long time. This is "bad pain." Over time, you will learn to distinguish one type of pain from another and not to confuse them. After your body has worked properly, your muscles will be warm. You will understand that they really worked for the good of the whole body, and did not idle today and did not overexert themselves. And that muscle group that you worked with today will feel "separate" from other groups. And it is right. And don't use “good pain” as an excuse to skip classes!

Preparation for classes

You should eat at least an hour before exercise. This enables the body to digest food in order to use it as energy source. Based on this, the meal should be composed of complex carbohydrates and a small amount of easily digestible protein. For example, a slice of toasted wholemeal bread plus half a cup of grapefruit juice and half a cup of low-fat yogurt, or one egg white. Avoid sugars and fats, because they are low in energy, but these calories are difficult to burn.

It is unwise to exercise on an empty stomach. The body needs a certain amount of energy to be given. And don't forget to replenish your stock later. water, which you will lose during the course.

Now let's think about equipment. It is best to practice in special gymnastic leotards and leggings or leggings. It's comfortable. And besides, such clothes will allow you to observe the work of your muscles. You can start the exercise by tying a T-shirt or other clothing over your thighs; then, when you have thoroughly warmed up your muscles, the "loincloth" will need to be removed.

Work best before mirror. We'll need something like this ballet machine. It is hard to imagine that there is one in a typical apartment. But it can be successfully replaced by any suitable support: the back of a sofa, chair, or even a doorknob. It is only important that its height is just below your chest. Do not lean on the machine. It is by balancing at the bar that you can focus on your posture. The complex is built in such a way that it is impossible to maintain balance without correct posture, and this will greatly help us in working on our body.

We will also need rug or soft bedding

for floor exercises.

Music… Well, what kind of work on yourself without music? Exercise turns into pleasure, because music gives us strength, invigorates, prompts us to move. Of course, the melodies are at your discretion, you just need the rhythm to be even and equal to about 120 beats per minute.

The only equipment you need for classes is ball. You can use any balls that are comfortable for you to work with - from children to sports - football or volleyball. The ball must be strong and resilient enough.

Warm up

This part of the exercise will remain unchanged throughout the six weeks. Then we just add push-ups to them and gradually increase the number and pace.

Monitor your posture at all times!

And - turn on the music!

Hands in front of you shoulder-width apart. The back is straight, the shoulders are extended and lowered. Raise your legs. First, the right one - slightly bent the knee, and raise it as close as possible to the right hand. We omit. Raise your left leg. We count to ourselves so as not to lose the pace.

And so - sixty times, with each leg in turn.

Let's continue. Only now we spread the raised arms to the sides and raise them above our head, and then lower them again to shoulder level. We continue to raise our legs at this time. We coordinate movements: right leg - arms above, left leg - arms shoulder-width apart. We count. And so - sixty times!

Legs - shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The elbows are wide apart, the hands are pressed to the shoulders. Squeeze your buttocks and push your pelvis forward slightly. In this position, bend to the right so that your right elbow is facing the floor. Return to starting position and lean to the left. We count each cycle of movements "to the right - to the left" at a time. And so - twenty times!

Now - stretching. Bend over, trying to rest your hands on the floor, or, if this is not yet available to you, bring your palms as close to the floor as possible. At the same time, we transfer the weight of the body to the front of the feet. Straighten your knees only if it doesn't bother you. If your back hurts, stay with bent knees... Do not wiggle or spring with your body. Do not change the position of your knees. Flexibility increases as the time spent in this position increases. To begin with, hold the rack to a count of thirty.

Now try, without moving your hips and keeping your weight on the front of the foot, with your right hand reaching your left knee. The left arm is extended upward behind the back. Bring your face to the left lower leg, then to the knee and stay in this position until the count is "thirty". Count slowly!

Also, only to the left.

Bend your knees slowly and sit on the floor for a twine stretch. Spread your legs as wide as possible. Knees are straight and toes pointed straight up. Now tilt your torso between your legs and stretch your arms out as far forward as you can. Hold this until you count to thirty, remembering that your stretch will increase as the duration of the exercise increases.

Now slowly "crawl" across the floor to your left leg and gently lay your torso over it. Hold on until the count is thirty. And crawl to your right leg.

After such a warm-up, you are completely ready to start the main set of exercises for the legs of the world standard.

Exercise: week after week

Week one

These exercises consist of very specific movements. Many of them are very subtle and precise, such as in ballet, and balance is an integral part of them.

First, we will provide correct posture... We look at ourselves in the mirror. The shoulders are extended. The head is held up proudly. The muscles are not tense. Not tense yet. Happened?

We turned on the music! Smiled!

We do circular motion shoulders: up, back, down.

Place your hand on the machine. Heels together, touching slightly against each other. Socks apart, but no more than fifteen centimeters. We tear off the heels from the floor by two to three centimeters. Now pull in your stomach, squeeze your buttocks. Push your pelvis down and forward and hold that way. The knees should be exactly over the toes. This will be our first position. Remember it.

Relax the pelvic clamp and tense the gluteus muscles again. Make sure you don't hunch over or bend your shoulders. Smile at yourself in the mirror.

Now bend your knees another two to three centimeters and pinch! - relax! - pinch the pelvis. Do not protrude your pelvis. Pick it up for yourself!

And bend your knees another two to three centimeters. At this level, squeeze and relax your pelvis three more times. After holding it for the fourth time, hold it there until you count to ten.

Go up to the first level again. We remember that at the first level, the knees are bent by five centimeters. Repeat the two clamps on the first level - and bend the knees another three centimeters. Two clamps at this level. Four clamps on the third level, and on the fourth clamp hold up to a ten count.

This exercise will give you strength and a good load on the gluteus muscles. Each repetition of the exercise consists of two clamps at the first, second and third levels. And you need to do five such complex movements.

Now you need to increase the stretch of the working muscles of the legs and buttocks. Please, to the machine!

Grasp the machine with your right hand. Bend the right knee slightly - the knee of the supporting leg, then bend the left knee and at the same time stretch back left hand to grab your left foot behind your back. At the same time, try to squeeze the buttocks as tight as possible, and push the pelvis slightly forward. Keep your heel about seven to eight centimeters from the buttocks, do not try to pull it up to the buttocks. This overstretches the knee ligaments.

Stay in a position that stretches the muscles until a count of twenty.

Now switch legs. And again count to twenty.

Grab the machine again. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. Raise your heels about three centimeters above the floor. Pull in your stomach, pinch your pelvis, bend your knees five centimeters. This will be your starting position for this exercise.

Now squeeze tightly, and then release the gluteal muscles. We remember this level. We go down three centimeters lower - we squeeze and relax the pelvis twice. And the third level: bend the knees another three centimeters and squeeze and release the muscles three times. For the fourth time we will try to hold out in this, frankly, not quite comfortable position until the count is “ten”.

We rise again to the starting level when the knees are bent by five centimeters, and the pelvis is clamped and pushed forward. We repeat the exercise five times. This will be one cycle.

A little later, your muscles will feel more relaxed, and this will be your (and ours!) First small victory. Then you can hold the stretch for each leg until a count of twenty. Don't forget to look at yourself in the mirror. Check your posture. Is your back straight? Are your shoulders not tilted forward? We breathe deeply and smile.

We will repeat this cycle of exercises five times.

Sit on the edge of a sturdy, hard chair. Upholstered furniture can work well if you make sure you don't sink into the seat. Clamp the ball between your knees. Feet apart, and hold the ball with the pressure of the inner thighs. The back is straight, the arms are at the sides.

Hold the ball as tight as possible and hold it in that position for a count of three. Relax your muscles without releasing the ball. Repeat squeezing and relaxing the muscles thirty times to complete one cycle.

Relax and repeat this cycle again, counting out loud. This exercise should wake up the inner thigh muscles.

This exercise is performed on the floor against the wall, so that you press your feet against the wall. Be sure to spread out a rug to protect your back.

So, you are lying on the floor with your knees bent and your feet resting on the wall shoulder-width apart. We pinch the pelvis, squeezing the buttocks tightly. Do not lift your lower back off the floor. The pelvis should rise slightly from the floor. This is not a very noticeable movement.

The exercise itself is as follows. Push the pelvis up in two steps, lower it down in two steps. Keep this rhythm: up-up-down-down.

You have to do this slowly thirty times to complete one cycle. Then pull your knees up to your chest, wrap your arms around them to stretch your gluteus maximus.

Repeat the cycle - and again bring your knees up to your chest.

Don't underestimate these very simple movements. Thanks to this exercise, we can really "burn" fat on the buttocks. And at the same time we train the lumbosacral spine.

Now is the time for extremely important exercise to "cool" the muscles. Each lesson should begin with warming up the muscles and end with their cooling. This is an ironclad rule.

Your muscles are warmed up so they are ready to stretch. Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lift up right leg and reach out to her with both hands. If you understand that your lower back in this position still does not feel very well, then reach at least to the knee. If you have more flexibility, then you can reach your ankle or calf. In general, bring your leg to your body, as close as you can. Bend your foot and straighten your knee. The abdomen should be pulled in.

You will feel the muscle stretch from the hamstring fossa along the entire length of the hamstring until it connects to the buttock.

If you feel pain, release your leg. Don't torture her. In stretching, never get to the point where you feel uncomfortable pain. We only need tension, not pain!

Hold your right leg in this position until a count of thirty. Change legs and repeat the stretch.

As you will - strictly periodically! - perform this set of exercises, you will memorize the sequence of movements. It won't get any easier. But already at the end of the first week, as you get used to the exercise, you will feel the gratitude and appreciation that your legs will express.

But if you understand that the set of exercises of the first week has not yet been fully mastered by you, stay with it for another week.

And remember: the results will not be slow to show!

Week two

When you are exercising, do your best and don't get distracted. Don't stop between exercises or take breaks to chat on the phone with a friend, focus only on what you are doing at that moment. But if your body asks for water during exercise, do not deny it. Therefore, keep water nearby. But don't be cunning! Do not use this excuse to relax and play for time ...

The second week of exercise begins with the same warm-up as the first. Remember - sixty leg raises - right, left, right, left; so as to raise the right leg thirty times and the left thirty times. At the same time, the arms are extended forward at shoulder level.

Sixty more leg lifts, in turn right and left, now spreading his arms to the sides and raising them up, and then lowering them down.

With your hands on your shoulders and your pelvis, bend your knees slightly. Tilt your torso to the right, lowering your left elbow, then straighten again. Then bend to the left, lowering your left elbow so that it looks down. Repeat the cycle of movements "sideways - to the starting position - sideways" twenty times.

Now the good news this week is push-ups. This exercise will help you maintain correct work hearts.

Get on all fours with your knees together and palms shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your buttocks, pinch your pelvis and push it forward slightly. Pull in your abdominal muscles to protect your back from stretching. Shift your weight into your arms. The fingers should be facing forward. Bend your elbows slightly.

Go down five centimeters, pause briefly, and then go down another five centimeters. Come up. The rhythm of the exercise is as follows: down and down - one. Up-up-down-down - two. Up-up-down-down - three. Do ten of these push-ups. Does not work? Do as much as you can. But then still try to bring the number of push-ups to ten. And if it turned out easy the first time, then the body needs additional stress.

Repeat the two stretches from the previous week's workout.

First, the first one.

Place your hands on the floor in a standing position and pause for a count of thirty. Without moving your hips, reach with your right hand to your left knee. This week, if you can, grab your calf instead of your knee and pull your face up to your left knee. The left arm should be raised and extended upward behind your back. The weight should remain on the front of the foot. Hold this position until a count of thirty. Do the same with your left hand on your right knee or calf. The right arm is extended and extended upward.

If you have even minor problems with your lower back, do the exercise with both knees slightly bent.

This week, as you continue to exercise, you should feel a lot of lightness, so you can already safely withstand the stretching of the muscles until the count of "thirty". Try to gradually stretch the muscles while relaxing in this position.

The same goes for the cross twine stretch. Last week it was very difficult for you, your legs did not want to part. Now you can be on the twine for much longer. Continue stretching until a count of thirty, gradually relaxing into the maximum stretch position.

Let's remember this position: the heels are together, raised three centimeters above the floor, the stomach is pulled in, the knees are bent five centimeters.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Posture - "excellent"? That's good. So we can continue. Move your shoulders up, back and down.

This week we will add one more to the pelvic clamps at each level. Squeeze your glutes and do three pelvic clamps at each level. The rhythm will be like this: buttocks-pelvis-pelvis-pelvis.

Lower yourself three centimeters and again - pelvis-pelvis-pelvis. Third level: pelvis-pelvis-pelvis. Squeeze the pelvis a fourth time and hold that way until a count of ten.

And this week, you are adding a sixth repetition of the cycle of movements to do the exercise once. (Clamp the pelvis three times at each level, hold this clamp at the third level for the fourth time, and all this six times.)

For a second cycle of six reps, raise right hand above the head so that the hand is above the back of the head. This will help maintain your posture and balance.

Legs - shoulder width apart. The heels are raised three centimeters above the floor. The abdomen is pulled in, the knees are bent, the pelvis is pinched. Just like we did in the previous exercise, we're going to add another pelvic clamp, a third at each level, and do six repetitions of each cycle. The rhythm is as follows: pelvis-pelvis-pelvis (down three centimeters), pelvis-pelvis-pelvis (down three centimeters), pelvis-pelvis-pelvis. V last time linger in this position until a count of "ten" and return to the starting position when the knees are bent only five centimeters.

One cycle - six times.

Imagine that there is a string taut inside you that makes you hold yourself straight and hold your head high.

After the second cycle of this exercise, stretch your muscles by spreading your legs and placing your hands on the floor. Hold this position until a count of thirty. While holding this stretch, make sure the muscles are tense as much as possible, and not loosely dangling all the time.

Now bring your face to your left leg, trying to bring it closer to your left knee. The right hand holds the left ankle. Your left arm is raised and extended upward. Tighten your knees. Hold this position until a count of thirty and switch legs.

When you get out of this position, remember to bend your knees slightly before unbending your torso. Thus, you take the load off the lower back.

New exercise. Spread your feet hip-width apart with your toes facing outward. The knees and toes should be facing out to the sides, with the knees in alignment with the feet. Bend your knees five centimeters. Raise your left heel as high as possible above the floor, then your right. Keep your back straight - keep this in mind all the time!

This exercise works the hamstrings and glutes.

In this position, squeeze the pelvis three times at three levels. The rhythm is as follows: pelvis-pelvis-pelvis (down to the level), pelvis-pelvis-pelvis (down to the level), pelvis-pelvis-pelvis. This will be one exercise cycle. You need to do six repetitions of the cycle.

After this, the legs may begin to tremble. A feeling of warmth will appear in the legs. Fine! So you did everything right.

Now stretch from a standing position.

Standing on a slightly bent supporting leg, bend the other knee and grab the foot of the other leg behind your back. Squeeze your buttocks firmly and push your pelvis forward. Do not pull your leg up close to the buttock, stop about seven to ten centimeters from the gluteus muscle.

Hold this position until a count of twenty and switch legs. Repeat the stretch.

Again we lie down against the wall. With your knees bent, place your feet on the wall. We grip the ball with our hips so that it does not fall. Keep your knees perpendicular to the wall. Squeeze the pelvis: first squeeze the buttocks, then push the pelvis up. Hold this position.

Squeeze the pelvis, holding the ball firmly, and stay in this position until a count of three. Release the clamp just enough to relax the muscles as much as possible without dropping the ball. Contract your muscles again. Do this thirty times to complete one cycle of the exercise. Repeat the cycle.

Release the ball and bring your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. Bring your soles together with your soles and unfold your knees. Pull your feet as close to your body as possible while stretching your muscles. Up to a count of twenty.

We put our feet on the wall again. This time we squeeze the buttocks without the ball. Slowly lift the pelvis up, clamping it in two movements: up and up. Then lower it in two movements: down and down. The exercise should be done slowly and methodically.

Keep your back on the floor. Cycle thirty times.

Repeat the cycle.

Now stretch the muscles again.

Now is the time to stretch and cool the muscles a little.

Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Raise your left leg and grasp it with both hands. You have become more flexible this week, so try to grab your calf or ankle and bend and straighten your foot several times. Straighten your knee and lift your head so that you look at the knee. Pull your leg closer to your body. Hold this position until a count of thirty.

By the end of this week, you will begin muscle pain... This is the result of hard work. Don't worry about this. Enjoy this sensation. And also this week you will want to give up everything. You will get tired. It is natural. But here you need all the willpower to say "huh!" your body and make it work further.

You can do it!

Week three

One of, so to speak, side effects These exercises are that with the help of pelvic clamps and stretching we make our spine more flexible and stronger. Research has shown that exercise, done right, significantly increases the ability of muscles to absorb insulin and metabolize sugar. We strengthen ligaments and tendons, make joints healthier.

But the main thing we want to achieve is beautiful and healthy legs. Therefore, we continue.

This week's warm-up is the same as last. But now we are adding push-ups here - to also strengthen the arms.

Let's start! Sixty leg lifts, alternately to the arms, which we extend in front of us at shoulder level.

We continue to raise our legs, spreading our arms to the sides, up, down.

Put your hands on your shoulders, your pelvis is clamped, your knees bent. We tilt the body to the sides, alternately lowering our elbows down. We do this cycle twenty times.

Well, now - the first series of push-ups. Get on our knees, stomach pulled in, palms forward with fingers. Try to increase the number of push-ups by at least five by the end of the week. But don't be upset if you fail, listen to your body. But don't let yourself be lazy!

Now we will add a new stretch for the shoulder muscles. Raise your right hand above your head. Bend your elbow and try to touch with your brush bent arm to the shoulder blade. It is as if you were trying to pat yourself on the back. Now raise your left hand and grasp the elbow of your bent right hand with it. Press gently on your right elbow so that it tilts back and down. Count to ten.

Place your right hand over your chest. With your left hand, grasp the elbow with your right and pull it to the left. Hold this position until a count of ten.

Change hands.

Now do the two basic stretches we learned last week. Only, lingering in the "stretched" position, count to thirty, and every day try to achieve great results.

The right hand rests on the machine. The heels are closed and raised three centimeters above the floor. Bend your knees five centimeters and raise your left arm above your head for balance. Pull your shoulders back. Pinch your pelvis and release. At this stage, we add one clip at each level to make it four.

After you have performed the clamp four times, lower yourself three centimeters and clamp the pelvis again four times. For the fourth time, squeeze the muscles and remain in this position until a count of ten. One cycle is a set of movements for lowering and clamping the pelvis, repeated six times.

Stretch the leg muscles. Standing on the right leg, we bend the knee, take the left foot with our left hand, squeeze the pelvis and stretch the muscle. If you feel a cramping in your hamstring, then you are loosely pinching your pelvis. We hold the stretching until the count is "twenty". We change legs.

And again we return to the starting position to the machine. Let's perform a cycle of six repetitions of this exercise, lingering in the clamping of the pelvis at the third level until the count is "ten".

We repeat the stretch.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, heels are raised three centimeters from the floor, stomach is pulled in, buttocks are compressed. Raise your right hand over your head while holding the machine with your left hand.

This time, you need to clamp the pelvis four times at each level. The last time we clamp the pelvis and hold in this position until the count is "ten". Completed the first cycle of this exercise.

And you need to do six such cycles.

Relax - and six more cycles.

Nothing that the muscles feel tired. It should be so.

Stand at the bar with your legs spread wide. The knees are bent, turned to the sides. Raise your heels while keeping your weight on your toes. This exercise will help develop your knee tendons.

Clamp the pelvis four times, drop five centimeters lower, and clamp the pelvis four times at this level. Another three centimeters lower, and four pelvic clamps at this level. This is one exercise cycle.

Six such cycles need to be done.

Now we stretch while standing. Bend your right knee. Bend your left leg and grasp the foot of your left leg from the back with your left hand. Squeeze your glutes and pinch your pelvis. Do you remember? Hold this position until the count is "twenty".

If you feel strong, repeat the entire exercise. But don't forget to stretch after it.

To the wall! Place your feet on the wall, knees bent, buttocks exactly under the knees. Clamp the ball between your knees. Now pinch your pelvis and squeeze your hips to crush the ball. Don't raise your back! The rhythm of the exercise is as follows: hips-hips-pelvis. We consider: time. Then again: hips-hips-pelvis. Do all this thirty times.

This exercise perfectly shapes the buttocks, inner and outer surface thighs.

Relax a bit and repeat the cycle two more times. Yes, yes - two more times thirty!

We remain in the same position against the wall, but we no longer need the ball. Legs remain shoulder-width apart. We squeeze the pelvis and push it as far forward as possible. We consider: time. In two steps we lower the pelvis to the floor without relaxing the muscles. Do not take your back off the floor. Movement: up-up-down-down thirty times. And the same amount.

Now bring your knees to your chest. It helps to stretch the gluteus muscles. And we stretch internal muscles hips, closing the soles of the feet and opening the knees. Keep your feet as close to your buttocks as you can. Stay in each stretch for at least a count of twenty.

Lie on your right side and stretch your body. The left leg lies strictly on the right. Your head rests on your right hand, and your left elbow should be pressed firmly against the floor in front of you. We'll swing our legs. Make sure that at this time neither the hand nor the back move.

Now squeeze your buttocks. Do not relax these muscles throughout the entire exercise. Keeping your left leg completely straight with your knee facing forward, raise it five centimeters and lower it to its original position. Do not lower your leg at all.

Raise and lower your leg fifty times. But don't lose your pelvic clamp!

Now, in the supine position, stretch the left leg, placing the ankle of the bent left leg over the knee of the right. To do this, keep your right leg suspended as you lay your leg down. Hold the stretch for a count of twenty.

Swap your legs. Repeat the exercise. Don't forget to stretch.

But that is not all. This week, you need to do another set of leg raises. The starting position is the same, only the legs are bent in hip joint at right angles to the body. The legs are the same. Rhythm: up-up - one. Down-down-up-up - two. And so - fifty times.

Stretching. Stretch your left leg by placing your ankle over your right bent knee.

Swap your legs.

Repeat the stretch.

Let’s cool down. Stay on the floor while lying on your back. Both legs are bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Raise your left leg and grab it with both hands. You are now so flexible that you can grip your leg at calf level or even ankle level. Bring your leg to your torso as close as possible.

Pull in your stomach. Bend and straighten your foot several times. Hold the stretch for a count of thirty. Change your legs.


Week four

Well, if you have not forgotten about aerobics - training of the cardiovascular system is simply necessary for you now. And watch your pulse!

This week's warm-up should be the same as last. Just try to double the number of push-ups by the end of the week. Well, if the body, which should already enter the training regime, requires more load, do not deny it.

Stretching the muscles of the arms (recalling the exercise cycle for the last week). Stretch your muscles slowly to avoid damaging them.

Now we stretch the muscles of the legs. Feet shoulder-width apart, bend over, put our hands on the floor. Hold this stretch for a count of thirty.

Let's try to stretch out on a twine. Lean forward slowly, trying to put your torso on the floor and stretch your arms as far as possible on the floor. Transfer the weight of your body to your right leg, then to your left. We hold this position until the count is "thirty".

We start work at the machine. We do the pelvic clamps in the same way as last week. But now we will add to this exercise a ballet step called plie. The legs are slightly bent, the back is straight, you rise and fall three centimeters, no more. The muscles of the lower leg and thigh work. Do not spring, try to move smoothly. Ten plie - and repeat this exercise six more times.

Legs may start to shake because this is a really heavy load.

Stretch your thigh muscles. You will need a mat to protect your knees. Standing on the floor, place your weight on your left knee and extend your right leg forward. Bend it at the knee and pull the toe out in front of you. Lie with your chest on your right knee and slide your left knee back. Try to move your left thigh forward and downward. Raise your left foot and reach it with your right hand. Grab it and hold it for a count of ten. Swap your legs.

Feet shoulder width apart. Heels are raised three centimeters above the floor. Check your posture. Pull in your stomach ... Now we squeeze the pelvis. Four times on the first level, four times on the second level, the same number of times on the third. At the third, lowest, level, rotate your hips five times to the right and five times to the left. And again - to the first level. Repeat the exercise six more times. Finally, repeat the hip stretch.

Stand at the bench with your legs apart. Feet parallel. Hold the ball between your knees to keep it from falling. Bend your knees five centimeters and pinch your pelvis four times. Lower yourself another three centimeters while continuing to squeeze the ball. One cycle is four pelvic clamps per different levels... Do two of these loops. Now - a new element. Remain in the starting position with the ball between your knees. When the knees are bent five centimeters, lower another five and push the pelvis forward sharply. Keep your pelvis pinched and lift up a little, then bend your knees again and push your pelvis forward. Movements should be smooth, even and slow. Do this eight times to complete one cycle of the exercise.

Transfer your weight to your left knee and move your right leg forward, bending it at the knee. The socks look forward. Try to move your left thigh forward and down, and then reach behind your back to the left foot with your right hand and pull it closer to the buttock. Hold the stretch until a count of ten. Repeat with the other leg.

Lowering your left leg to the floor, stretch it behind your back as far as possible, and extend your right leg forward until it lies on the floor in front of you. The arms are bent at the elbows on both sides of the outstretched right leg. Try to bring your face to your knee and stay that way until you count to ten. This will really stretch the knee tendons. Make sure that you never spring in this stretch, do everything smoothly and slowly. The flexibility will increase and you will still be able to do the splits.

Swap your legs. Repeat the stretch.

With the ball between your knees, lie on the floor with your feet on the wall. Bend your knees so that the buttocks are exactly under the knees. Curl your glutes and squeeze the ball. Hold this position until a count of three. Release the ball slightly and squeeze it again. Do this fifteen times. The gluteal muscles should be strongly tense.

Now we squeeze the ball rhythmically, in two steps. This shrink-shrink-up cycle counts in one go. Do this movement fifteen times. When doing the exercise for the last time, squeeze your buttocks and hold them there until a count of ten.

Do two more such loops.

Putting the ball aside, place your feet on the wall so that they are shoulder-width apart, and squeeze the pelvis: up-up, down-down, so that the lower back bends during the exercise, but never rises, and does not take off the floor.

Do twenty of these movements.

And when you're done, bring your knees to your chest to stretch the muscles.

Lie on your right side. The right arm is extended under the head. The left hand is pressed to the floor. Pinch your pelvis. Raise your leg in two steps, no higher than hip level, lower it. But don't touch the other leg, keep it suspended. We repeat this movement fifty times. In no case do not lean back when moving back: this will strain the lower back and destroy the result of your work.

Now let's stretch outside thighs and buttocks. With your left ankle on your right knee, pull your right leg as close to you as possible. Hold this position until ten, change the position of the legs.

And repeat the same exercise with the other leg. Let's not forget about stretching.

We lie on the right side. The legs are extended at right angles to the body. Pinch your pelvis and squeeze your buttocks together. Now raise your leg three centimeters and lower it without touching the floor. Perform this movement ten times. Pause. Now move your left foot three centimeters back and forth. Do this movement ten times and pause. Now connect the two movements together. It's like tracing an upside-down G with your foot. One cycle is ten such movements, and we have to do two such cycles for each leg.

Let's cool down. Lie on the floor with both legs bent at the knees and feet on the floor. Raise your left leg and grasp it with both hands. Try to get your hands to reach your ankles or even your feet. Don't let your stomach fall out. Raise your head. You will feel a stretch from the back of your leg to the very base of your buttocks.

Hold this position until a count of thirty. Lower your leg and reward yourself with thunderous applause. You deserve it!

Week five

Well? You have come to the line, crossing which you have changed irrevocably. You understood how pleasant it is to control your body, how much more pleasure you get from movement than from a chocolate!

Let's start with our usual warm-up. Try to warm up your muscles well and do more bends and kicks than you did last week.

Now push-ups. Add four push-ups every day to gradually increase the load.

After you have done two rounds of regular push-ups, turn your palms so that they are facing each other. Check if your abdominal muscles are pulled in. Lower yourself five centimeters, then another five. Down-down - one. Up-up-down-down - two. Make at least twelve of these movements.

Let's repeat the exercises for stretching the muscles. The complex, you guessed it, is built in such a way that exercises for building muscle strength are followed by exercises for stretching the muscles.

Stretch the muscles of the arms. First, we will repeat the exercises of the previous weeks. Now place your hand on your chest, trying to reach your left shoulder. With your left hand, help to do this by grasping your right elbow and pressing it to your chest. Hold this position until the count is "twenty". Let's swap hands.

Let's repeat the slopes. If you can, place your hands close to your feet. You will feel the muscles in your neck, back, and even your hamstrings stretch. Move your hands across the floor to your right leg and grab the ankle with your left hand. Straighten your right hand and lift it up. Stay until the count is thirty. Change position and repeat this stretch with the other leg.

Stretch the muscles in a transverse twine. Hold in a position where your legs are spread out to the sides as much as possible, and your body is almost on the floor, until the count is "thirty".

Two cycles of pelvic clamp exercises plus plie - ballet step. Do you remember? This week alone, we are doing three such cycles. Keep in mind that plie is a small, almost imperceptible and precise movement. You should go up and down no more than three centimeters. Move smoothly.

Then repeat the stretch for the thigh muscles. Bend your knees and pinch your pelvis. The right leg is supporting, with the left hand we hold on to the machine. Bend your left knee, lift your leg and catch your foot with your left hand. Gently lift it up to the buttock. Don't touch your buttocks! Strengthen the pelvic clamp, push the pelvis forward. The deeper the pelvic clamp, the better stretching... Keep your shoulders straight and your posture great!

Swap your legs.

With your feet hip-width apart, raise your heels three centimeters from the floor. Bend your knees five centimeters. Let's start! The movements should be familiar to you. Make four pelvic clamps on the first level, the same amount on the second and third levels. At this point, we're going to add a pelvic thrust to our exercise. Relax the pelvis slightly, squeeze the buttocks, push the pelvis sharply forward and again tighten it. Now go up to the third level again. Repeat the entire cycle and rise again. This cycle must be repeated six times: four pelvic clamps at each level, at the lower level six more descents, pushing the pelvis and returning to the previous level.

Stretching for the thigh muscles.

We perform the very first exercise with a ball. With your legs apart, stand on your toes and squeeze the ball between your knees, knees bent five centimeters. Make four clamps at three levels. At the third level, add one more movement: squeeze the pelvis twice, lower another three centimeters, squeeze the pelvis two more times and rise again three centimeters. At the third level, you tense the muscles especially hard. Perform this movement three times and return to the first level. Do twelve cycles of these movements.

And again the stretching exercise. Extend your right leg forward while standing on your left knee. Press forward and down with your left hip, then lift your left foot and hold it until a ten count. Lower your leg to the floor and extend it as far back as possible. Move your right leg forward as far as possible until it is in front of you. Place your arms bent at the elbows on both sides of your right leg. Place your head on your knee, nose touching it, and stay in this position for a count of ten. Do not spring! Change your legs.

We lie on the floor with our feet on the wall. Bend your knees so that the buttocks are exactly under them. Pinch the ball between your knees. Pinch your glutes and lift yourself up in this position. Relax slightly and squeeze the ball again. This time we add five more such movements. One cycle - twenty times. You need to do two such cycles.

Moving on to next exercise: squeeze the ball, then the gluteal muscles in two steps. Twenty such movements make up one cycle. At the end of the cycle, squeeze the pelvis and hold it until the count is "ten", then repeat the cycle.

The situation is the same, but without the ball. Squeeze the buttocks and squeeze the muscles even more in two steps and lower them in two steps. Do this movement twenty times and at the end squeeze the muscles and stay in this position until a count of ten. Do it all over again.

Now connect your knees and feet while staying against the wall. The buttocks tuck in and rise three centimeters. We can do two sets of such movements - twenty times. And let's add one more movement. Gently slap your buttocks on the floor twice, then contract the muscles, lifting your buttocks off the floor. These movements - slap-slap-up - must be repeated forty times.

Hug your knees and pull them up to your chest. Cool down in this position.

Now we raise our legs. The movements are the same as last week, only you need to do three sets of fifty kicks.

Stretching. Place your left leg (the one you just worked with) with the ankle on the knee of your right leg, lifting it off the floor. Grasp your right leg and pull it towards you. Pull harder! Hold this position until the count is "twenty".

Change your legs.

Let's relax the muscles. The legs are bent at the knees, the feet rest on the floor. Raise your left leg and grasp it with both hands. Try to catch your ankle or foot. Succeeded? Fine. Pull your leg as close to your body as possible. Bend and straighten your foot. Straighten your knee. Look at the knee with your head lifted. Count to thirty.

Now do the same with the other leg.

Week six

We are gaining momentum as much as possible. This week the exercises are going to be pretty hard. But you've already learned to experience the joy of work, haven't you? That's fine.

Warm up. Raise your legs - thirty times each - so that your toes reach your arms outstretched in front of you at shoulder level.

Raise your hands up, continuing to raise your legs. Lower it again to shoulder level. Let's do sixty of these movements.

Put your hands on your shoulders - and bend your torso to the sides. Right-straight-left - you need to do twenty such cycles.

Two sets of regular push-ups, standing on all fours on the floor. The hands are pointing straight ahead. Now two sets of push-ups, when the hands with the fingers are directed towards each other, and the weight of the body rests on the hands.

Stretching for the arms.

Stretching for the shoulder girdle.

Now we bend forward and put our hands on the floor. We tighten the thigh muscles and draw in the stomach. We stretch our hands as close to the feet as possible. We stand like this until the count is "thirty". Then we crawl, touching the floor with our hands, to our left leg. We count to thirty. We crawl to the right leg. Stretching in a twine.

With one hand on the machine, place your heels together and lift them three centimeters off the floor. Bend your knees and check your posture. Contract your glutes and pinch your pelvis. Gradually move on to the third level, working intensively with the muscles. You must descend from the first level to the third six times and repeat this cycle three times.

Clamp the ball between your knees. The knees are bent by five centimeters. Squeeze the pelvis four times, then squeeze the ball four times. We go down to the third level and repeat all over again six more times.

Stretch your thigh muscles.

Keep the ball between your knees, put your left hand on the machine. Raise your right hand up. Slowly lower yourself, push your pelvis forward and rise. In this exercise, you need to squeeze the buttocks and the ball at the same time. And the stronger the better. The rhythm is this: down-push the pelvis-up. So eight times. Hold the bottom position for a count of ten. Then repeat the cycle eight times again.

Feet shoulder width apart. The heels are raised. Pull in your stomach, pinch your pelvis, and bend your knees five centimeters. Move your shoulders up, back, down. Raise your chin and raise your right hand above your head. Clamp the pelvis four times at four levels. Ten plie. Do not spring! Repeat the cycle.

Stretching the thigh muscles while sitting.

Feet shoulder width apart, with the ball sandwiched between the knees. Bend your knees five centimeters; lift your right heel, then your left. Make four pelvic clamps at three levels. At the lower level, squeeze the ball firmly twice, then relax the muscles, but so that the ball does not fall out. Repeat this cycle. And now let's add another one here important element... In a given rhythm, we descend to the third level and try to descend even lower. From the fourth level, we rise to the third, pinching the ball. It turns out like this: ball-ball-down, ball-ball-up. Let's do the whole cycle at least six times.

Stretch the thigh muscles the same way as last week. We count to ten.

Twine to the sides. We stretch to the left leg, counting to thirty. Then - to the right. Have you already realized how much more flexible your muscles have become?

We lie down on the floor and put our feet on the wall. Keep your hips and knees in line, knee-joint bent at an angle of ninety degrees. Pinch the ball between your knees. Squeeze the pelvis twice. Now fasten the clip. This is the starting point. The waist should be on the floor, only the buttocks are lifted. Curl your glutes and squeeze the ball. Count to three. Release slightly and repeat clamping. Do this twenty times.

Now let's do this exercise in a slightly different rhythm. Ball-ball-pelvis - twenty times. On the last clamp, hold until a count of ten.

Now let's repeat the whole combination.

We'll have a little rest - and again all over again.

Now we put the ball aside and keep our feet parallel to the wall, shoulder width apart. Squeeze your buttocks and lift your pelvis three centimeters. Then three more. Lower the pelvis in two steps. Don't relax. On the last climb, we will linger until ten.

Connect your knees and feet. Slap your buttocks on the floor twice, then tuck your pelvis up. This is at the expense of "time". And so rhythmically we count to ten.

Repeat the exercise one more time.

Keeping your knees and feet together, push your pelvis up three centimeters and then three centimeters down. Do not let go of the pinched buttocks. Do this exercise twenty times.

And repeat the cycle again.

Bring your knees to your chest and hug them.

Bring the soles of your feet together with your knees wide apart. Pull your feet as close to your body as possible. Hold this position for a count of twenty.

Lie on your left side and press your left hand firmly to the floor in front of your chest. The legs should be extended and at an angle of ninety degrees with the body. Pinch and release your pelvis. Now fasten the clip. Raise your legs against the resistance of this clamp. Raise your left leg three centimeters, then another three centimeters. Lower it in the same way in two steps. Do not stop. Do fifty of these movements. Roll onto your back and stretch both legs. Place your left ankle on your right knee and pull your right leg as close to your torso as possible. Count to twenty.

Change your legs. Repeat the entire exercise.

The starting position is the same. Push the pinched pelvis forward slightly. Raise your left leg to hip level. Lift it up three centimeters and lower it three centimeters down. Do this movement smoothly and evenly. Ten times. Pause. Now move your foot back and forth three centimeters. Ten times.

Combine these movements and draw an inverted L in the air. Also ten times. Repeat the cycle.

Stretch your muscles by placing your left ankle on your right knee.

Work the other leg in the same way.

Lying on your back, bending your knees and placing your feet firmly on the floor, lift your left leg and reach it with your hands. Try to grab your ankle or, even better, your foot. Draw your leg closer to your body. Bend and straighten your foot several times. Straighten your knee. Raise your head. Hold on until the count is thirty.

You have just completed the entire World Standard Legs exercise cycle!

You deserve the most flattering praises, honestly. Look carefully - the legs have become stronger, the shape of the buttocks and thighs has changed. Now you are not afraid of any pedestrian crossing, no load! And that's just great.

But don't stop. Continue to love yourself and your body - continue the complex. Now you can increase the load yourself. And remember: as soon as you quit exercising, cellulite will again be waiting for you in ambush. But we don't want that, do we?

The time you spend on exercise is a very profitable time invested. It is invested in health. And you will be able to live to a ripe old age on interest from this deposit!

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