Beachbody P90X3 Program - Tony Horton's Super Intense & Effective Half Hour Workout: P90X3. Three stages of nutrition

Want to lose weight or achieve sports uniform in just 30 minutes a day? Then try super-intense complex from Tony Horton- P90X3. After a controversial second release, Tony created a truly quality full body program.

Tony Horton's P90X3 Program Description

The P90X3 is a 30 Minute Workout Complex designed by Tony Horton for efficient combustion fat and build muscle body... The third part of the famous P90X program is intended for maximum results in a short time ... Forget about hours of training! You will achieve even greater results in just 30 minutes a day. It does this by combining dynamic, high-intensity exercise to help you get the body of your dreams.

The third issue is rightfully considered the most optimized and efficient... This is not only the opinion of fitness experts, but also those who have tried and compared all three P90X programs. True, there are also critics who claim that the Tony Horton complex has lost its identity and has become similar to other similar programs, for example, Insanity and Asylum. However, most of the students are unlikely to consider such comparisons to be a lack.

Tony Horton uses the widest range of exercises in P90X3 workouts to help you comprehensively work on body quality. You will do strength and cardio workouts, plyometrics, mixed martial arts, isometric exercises, yoga and even Pilates. The aim of the program is to combine several most effective forms physical exercise that will help transform your body quickly, efficiently and easily.

The P90X3 is absolutely independent program. You can start practicing it even if you haven't tried the P90X and P90X2 before. However, you have to be physically fit to train with Tony Horton, intense shock is not for everyone. During classes, try to move at your own pace, if necessary, make short stops.

Composition of the P90X3 complex

The P90X3 program includes 16 basic workouts and 4 bonus workouts: all of them ( with the exception ofCold Start and Ab Ripper) lasts 30 minutes. The equipment that you will need to complete the exercise is indicated in parentheses to the description. Attention: both dumbbells and a horizontal bar can always be replaced with an expander.

So, all P90X3 videos can be roughly divided into several groups:

Strength training for various muscle groups:

  • TotalSynergistic: 16 special exercises for the muscles of the whole body, which will help you find great shape ( dumbbells and horizontal bar).
  • TheChallenge: development of upper body strength - mainly includes push-ups and pull-ups ( horizontal bar).
  • Incinerator: intensive workout for all muscle groups of the upper body ( dumbbells, horizontal bar).
  • EccentricUpper: workouts aimed at the growth and development of the muscles of the upper body ( dumbbells, horizontal bar).
  • EccentricLower: workouts aimed at the growth and development of the muscles of the lower body ( dumbbells, chair).
  • TheWarrior: aerobic-strength training with weight own body (without inventory).

Strength cardio workouts:

  • AgilityX: to increase your speed and explosive power ( without inventory).
  • Triometrics: to improve balance, strength, flexibility and muscle strength ( without inventory).
  • Decelerator: development of stabilization muscles, coordination and balance ( horizontal bar).

Fat Burning Cardio Workouts:

  • CVX: intense cardio using extra weight ( dumbbell or medicine ball).
  • MMX: burning fat using martial arts elements ( without inventory).
  • Accelerator: plyometric and aerobic exercise, which are combined with static and dynamic bars ( without inventory).

Workouts to develop balance, flexibility and core strength:

  • X3Yoga: power yoga to improve the work of the musculoskeletal system, the development of general strength and balance ( without inventory).
  • PilatesX: pilates for development muscle strength, joint flexibility and stretching ( without inventory).
  • Isometrix: isometric exercises to build strong lean muscles ( without inventory).
  • Dynamix: dynamic workout to improve stretching and increase range of motion ( without inventory).

Bonus workouts:

  • Cold start(12 minutes): warm up warm-up ( without inventory).
  • Ab ripper(18 minutes): Core training using both static and dynamic exercises (without inventory).
  • Complex Lower: strength training of the lower body (dumbbells).
  • Complex Upper: strength training of the upper body (dumbbells, horizontal bar).

As you can see, for classes you will need minimum set of inventory: only dumbbells and horizontal bar. Moreover, both can be practically equivalently replaced with an expander. If you are using dumbbells, then it is advisable to have several pairs of different weights or use the collapsible dumbbell option. For women, a weight of 2.5 kg and above is suitable, for men - from 5 kg above.

Like the two previous releases P90X3 is designed for 90 days of classes... You will progress for 12 weeks from day to day after each workout. The complex includes a calendar of classes, depending on your goals, you can choose one of four ready-made training schedules:

1)CalendarClassic. Suitable for people who prefer a classic program with an even distribution of cardio and strength loads. You will strengthen muscles, lose fat, and work on stabilizing muscles for good posture and balance.

2) Calendar Lean. Suitable for those who want to get a slender toned body and are not interested in muscle growth. In this case, the program will focus on cardio and training to develop flexibility and mobility.

3) Calendar Mass. Designed for thin people(asthenics) who want to work on growth muscle mass... In addition to exercising with the P90X3, you will need to keep a close eye on your diet. It must be abundant and protein-rich in order to provoke muscle growth.

4) Calendar Doubles. Complicated calendar P90X3, suitable for real extremists. It is best to move to the Double chart only if you have already completed the P90X3 at least once.

What you need to know about the P90X3:

  • The program consists of 16 half-hour workouts + 4 bonus videos.
  • P90X3 is a standalone program, not a continuation of the two previous releases. So you can practice it even if you haven't tried the P90X and P90X2 before.
  • For training, you will need a horizontal bar and dumbbells. Both the horizontal bar and the dumbbells can be replaced with a tubular expander.
  • The program is designed for 90 days, there are 4 different training schedules depending on your goals.
  • The complex includes a variety of training in all fitness areas. You can choose separate classes and practice outside the plan.
  • The workouts are more intense than in previous editions so you can achieve maximum results in 30 minutes a day.

Are you still in doubt if it is worth trying new program Tony Horton? It is unlikely that you will find a complex that can compare with the P90X3 by the variety, effectiveness and intensity of workouts... The third edition of the famous program exceeded all expectations and became one of the best modern fitness courses.

29.10.2015 | [email protected] | No comments yet

P90X - Change Your Body in 90 Days

About the program

Do you want to get rid of the hated fat on the sides and look like a star from the cover of a magazine? Tired of non-working weight loss methods? Do not love group lessons fitness?

Then the P90X is exactly what you need. Extreme 90 Day Workout Program that will make you "mister / miss perfect". A throw-march six days a week for 60-90 minutes for three months will make your body lean and resilient, and your spirit persistent. 12 sets of exercises on the Confusion system (confusion) ensure that you will not be bored, and the body will not be able to adapt to the load and pass the "plateau". Growth, growth and more muscle growth await you in these three months.

Don't think it will be easy. A hell of a job and the results achieved afterwards (but without blood) await you.

P90X Creator

Tony Horton created the P90X system in order to prove to himself and to people that any person has a chance to transform his body beyond recognition. The renowned fitness trainer has developed an exercise technique that leaves no choice to the muscles. He believes that this program is suitable for anyone who desperately wants to change themselves. His motto is BRING IT (take it out).


P90X is fitness program that allows you to create the perfect body, without leaving home. The dynamic combination of strength and cardio training forces the muscles to work "to failure." It is this “wear and tear” approach that guarantees the result: beautiful relief, healthy posture and high vitality. All you need is dumbbells, a horizontal bar and the will to win.

Before starting a training course, you need to make sure that you can complete all of its elements. To do this, perform a fitness test designed to determine the level physical fitness... If you have not achieved the minimum result, choose a more gentle Horton technique, for example, P90.

Contraindications: diseases of the heart, joints, spine.

What does the P90X do?

  1. Understanding the principles of the body. Each workout targets specific muscle groups.
  2. Understanding the principle of proper nutrition. In addition to intense exercise, you will need to eat healthy food, follow the recommendations of a nutritionist.
  3. Building the body of your dreams. As a result of the 90-day program, you will see your body become perfect.
  4. General physical preparation. The program will develop physically and mentally: coordination, strength, flexibility, will and endurance.

Why does the program give great results?

The training complex is based on the principle of alternating loads. It is he who allows you to deceive the muscles, prevent them from adapting to exercises. The constant change of emphasis in training makes the body work to its fullest like the first time, preventing it from entering the "plateau" phase.

Fitness test

Before starting your workouts, complete this fitness test and make sure that you are ready for the proposed loads.

  1. Measure your heart rate
  2. Do warm-up exercises
  3. Make maximum amount pull-ups and record the number (minimum 3 for men, 1 for women)
  4. Jump up and mark the achieved height
  5. Perform push-ups (minimum 15 for men and 13 for women)
  6. Reach out while sitting on the floor to outstretched toes
  7. Sit in an invisible chair against the wall, count the minutes
  8. Do a dumbbell biceps exercise
  9. Exercise your abs (at least 25 times)
  10. Measure the pulse after all loads and compare with the initial
Be sure to complete the entire test before starting the P90X program.


As part of the program, we provide a developed meal plan. Remember the main rule when losing weight: you need to burn more, eat less. What does it mean? Must be present calorie deficit: the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates eaten per day must be burned during training, and at the same time manage to go into the negative.

Today it is scientifically proven that only with such a scheme it is possible to achieve desired result per short time... Our formulated daily diet will help you save time and resources. It is based on healthy ingredients; here you will not find "fast" carbohydrates and too unhealthy fats.

Proper nutrition is the key to successful transformation in the training process.

Three stages of nutrition

  1. Burning body fat. Low fat, high protein
  2. Strength indicator development. Reasonable combination of protein and carbohydrates, low fat content
  3. Improving the stamina indicator. Emphasis on complex carbohydrates, low fat, high protein

Workout classification

  1. If you are overweight and fall short of general fitness guidelines, try starting with a course Lean... This gentle complex will help the body get into an athletic mode and also help burn fat. You will gain endurance skills and improve cardiovascular performance. vascular system... The 13 week program is an alternation of three weeks of strength training and a week of cardio training.
  2. Complex Classic suitable for people with excellent physical fitness who have time to exercise at least one and a half hours a day. The emphasis here is on the strength component. Three weeks of strength followed by one week of cardio. Mandatory requirement: proper nutrition and healthy sleep. Not recommended for people with psycho-somatic disorders and those working with heavy physical labor.
  3. Doubles- the highest level of the program, which is suitable only for "advanced": athletes or visitors gym with experience. This complex is a killer of the abs and other muscles. Only a fan of his business who dreams of perfect body... The essence of Doubles is double daily workouts: cardio in the morning, strength in the evening. Necessary condition: proper nutrition and a healthy eight-hour sleep.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Training program

Workout 1. Chest and Back. Torso muscles.

Strength training for the muscles of the upper body: chest and back, which is an alternation of push-ups and pull-ups. To monitor the dynamics of the body, it is necessary to record the work on the exercises in a notebook.

Result: drying of the body, development of the muscular apparatus, abrupt burning fat, increased stamina.

Necessary equipment: horizontal bar, expander (optional), chair.

Training 2. Plyometrics. Jumping.

Cardio training for the whole body, during which there is a shock load on the muscles: they are stretched and quickly contracted. Jumping for an hour is effective for a person of any fitness level, plyometrics was developed for professional athletes.

Result: increased endurance, improved cardio and vascular system performance, rapid fat burning.

Necessary equipment: Sport shoes, chair.

Workout 3. Shoulders and Arms. Upper body (shoulders and arms).

Intensive power load on the muscles of the arm and shoulder includes a group of exercises with dumbbells and pull-ups. Developed muscles upper shoulder girdle are one of the main indicators of general physical development.

Result: beautiful body relief, improved strength performance, fat burning.

Necessary equipment: horizontal bar, dumbbells.

Workout 4. Yoga X. Yoga.

Balance training, which is based on exercises for intermuscular coordination, balance, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus, endurance and body recovery. Strength elements are combined here with relaxation techniques.

Result: Flexibility and mobility of the ligaments, strengthening the muscles of the torso, increasing body endurance.

Equipment Needed: Mat and yoga blocks.

Workout 5. Legs and back. Muscles of the lower body.

Interval strength training for the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back, which includes lunges and squats, as well as pull-ups.

Result: improvement of the relief of the legs and back, burning of fatty deposits.

Necessary equipment: chair, horizontal bar, wall.

Workout 6. KENPO X. General body tone.

Intensive training, consisting of the techniques of oriental martial arts (kung fu and jiu-jitsu). As part of the program quick strikes hands, feet, jumps that contribute to the overall physical development and developing defense skills.

Result: increased vitality, improved performance of cardio-vascular system and body reactions.

Required equipment: Heart rate monitor.

Workout 7. X Stretch. Stretching.

The set of static exercises is aimed at stretching and restoring the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Stretching and relaxation are a must in any person's training program, they allow muscles to reanimate and reach new levels.

Result: Joint mobility, development of the ligamentous apparatus, relaxation of the body and brain.

Equipment needed: yoga mat, yoga block (optional).

Workout 8. Core Synergetics. The muscles of the cortex.

Cardio strength training for the muscles located in the hips, spine and pelvis (HOR). These muscle groups are responsible for beautiful posture, correct location internal organs and spine health. The training program includes alternating high and low intensity exercises and curious elements of military training.

Result: formation of posture, support of the spine, improvement of strength indicators, body relief.

Equipment needed: yoga mat, dumbbells.

Workout 9. Chest, Shoulders and triceps. Upper shoulder girdle.

High-intensity strength training aimed at developing the muscles of the chest, back and shoulders with an emphasis on the triceps and biceps. The program includes push-ups, dumbbell work and pull-ups.

Result: the formation of muscle mass in the upper body, improved strength.

Workout 10. Back and biceps. Back muscles and biceps.

Impact strength training for muscle work with dumbbells. To form a graceful relief of the arms and shoulders, you can stop at a low weight of dumbbells; to create a large muscle volume, you need to work out with large weights.

Result: rapid burning of fatty deposits, formation of the relief of the arms and back.

Necessary equipment: dumbbells, horizontal bar.

Workout 11. Cardio X. Cardio.

Cardio training is aimed at stabilizing the state, does not contain percussion elements. Suitable as an additional workout to the standard program for those who want to lose weight quickly. May be a substitute for strength training if the body is tired.

Result: improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, burning fat.

Workout 12. AB Ripper X. Killer of the press.

Short in time but intense workout should be combined with each power program... Simple and effective exercise on the muscles of the press will allow you to see the long-awaited "cubes" without leaving home.

Result: Creation of a relief of the press, support of internal organs.

Equipment Needed: Yoga Mat.


Greetings to all visiting!


I have been doing home workouts for a long time, I especially like the complexes developed by Beachbody: they are distinguished by very good video design, pleasant trainers and, most importantly, thoughtful and varied workouts with ready-made exercise and nutrition plans.

I looked towards Tony Horton after performing the Core de Force complex, which impressed me greatly. I wanted the workouts to be thoughtful, aimed at both burning fat and increasing muscle strength.

Probably everyone who is more or less interested in home strength training has heard about his P90X. But doing the program for an hour a day is an impermissible luxury for me ... But the P90X3 is just what I need !!! And Tony ... Emotional, charismatic. And HOW does he look at 55!


The duration of the workouts is only 30 minutes each;

Variety - cardio, strength training, Pilates, yoga, dynamic stretching, non-trivial and interesting exercises;

Very competent structure of training, attention is paid to everything! And on the legs, the exercises are worthy and really effective;

The presence of several options for executing the program - as many as 4 calendars are available;

Tony is charismatic, communicates with the group, creating an atmosphere of support, although it takes some getting used to his manner of communication;

There is a ready-made meal plan;

Countdown time for a single exercise and for the entire workout.


Intensive complex for experienced practitioners (but this is a plus on the other hand);

You need a horizontal bar (or fantasy, where to attach the expander when replacing the horizontal bar);

Lots of jumps and jumps and plyometric exercises - it is necessary to carefully monitor the performance so as not to be damaged;

Non-trivial exercises - before the first execution of each workout, you need to familiarize yourself with it and understand what exactly and how you have to do;

Training in English, without Russian voice acting.


You will have to train every day, the complex is designed for 90 days. True, in the middle of the week we will have a yoga class, and on Sunday - a dynamic stretching.

The complex is independent of its predecessors P90X and P90X2, so you can safely tackle it if these programs have not been completed, and you are ready for such loads. The P90X3 is considered the most optimized and efficient of the series.

First, however, you have to choose training calendars. And there are 4 of them, as I wrote above.

The first one is standard, with an even distribution of power and cardio loads throughout the week (Standart calendar).

The second is for those who want to get a lean, toned body without muscle growth, with an emphasis on cardio and flexibility training (Lean calendar).

The third is for those interested in gaining muscle mass, with an emphasis on strength training (Mass calendar). However, in this case, you will have to monitor your diet: an excess of calories with an emphasis on protein in order to promote muscle growth.

The fourth is a complicated calendar for real extremists (Doubles calendar).

The complex included 16 main workouts and 4 bonus workouts. Equipment used: a horizontal bar, a set of dumbbells of different weights, an expander, sometimes a chair. Together with Tony, there are three more people in the group who show different modifications of the exercises, including simplified ones. The atmosphere of the training is very supportive - people communicate with each other, joke, giggle =)

Workouts can be conventionally divided into several types.

Power training: Total Synergisti with (dumbbells, horizontal bar), The Challenge (horizontal bar), Incinerator(dumbbells, horizontal bar), Eccentric upper(dumbbells, horizontal bar), Eccentric lower(dumbbells, chair), The warrior(without inventory).

Strength cardio workouts: Agility X(without inventory), Triometrics(without inventory), Decelerator(horizontal bar).

Fat Burning Cardio Workouts: CVX(dumbbell or medicine ball), MMX(without inventory), Accelerator(without inventory).

Workouts for balance, flexibility, stretching: X3 Yoga(without inventory), Pilates x(without inventory), Isometrix(without inventory), Dynamix(without inventory).

Bonus workouts: Cold start(without inventory), AbRipper(without inventory), ComplexLower(dumbbells), Complex Upper(dumbbells, horizontal bar).


Tony-Tony, what a miracle !!! With nutritional control (calorie intake is less than calorie consumption), the results after passing 21 Day Fix Extreme, Core de Force and P90X3 really impressed me:

  • -2 cm in chest volume (eh),
  • -3 cm in waist volume,
  • -3.5 cm in circumference of each hip.

Considering the constant training and the fact that I eat more or less correctly all the time, this is a fantastic result for me.

I'll show you what I have at the moment.

The core of the workout P90X make up frequent classes in 60-90 minutes... The program is designed for several months and consists of courses of various types. According to the creators of the system - given workout suitable for everyone: and those who seek to lose excess weight and those looking to build muscle.

The secret and peculiarity of training, according to the creators, is in a large number of different approaches to training, which replace each other over time. Thus, the body does not get used to the stress and is forced to constantly respond to new challenges. The total workout lasts 90 days.

Despite the fact that the P90X has a fairly large number of fans around the world - so far not a single serious study has been published that would confirm the effectiveness of this system. But finally the situation has changed. Such a study was recently carried out in America, in University of Wisconsin, La Crosse headed by John Porcari(John Porcari).

In the course of the study, the subjects, who were pre-selected and checked for health reasons, were engaged in this system for 7 weeks... Before the start of the study, the subjects trained according to the usual scheme, in the end, the results that people received during their regular training were compared with the results that were obtained thanks to the P90X, this is what happened:

  • Men have increased their calorie burn with 441 to 699 calories in one workout;
  • Women have increased their calorie burn with 302 to 544 calories in one workout;
  • The man's pulse rate (heart rate) increased from 67 to 83%(HRmax);
  • The pulse rate (heart rate) in women increased from 65 to 88%(HRmax);

What does this data tell us? Based on these results, the researchers concluded that the P90X training system is one of the most effective for those seeking to lose excess weight. In other words, if you regularly train according to this system and follow a diet, then you will definitely get the result.

Of course, as we noted above, there is nothing supernatural in this workout, except for frequent exercises and frequent changes in exercises. You can include data yourself in your regular workout. key points... It's no secret that if you train for a long time according to the same training plan, then, of course, the muscles quickly adapt to the loads and the result will disappear. The heart of the P90X is that exercise changes happen so quickly that the body simply doesn't have time to even think about adapting. This is a big plus of this system, but it is not a secret for those people who have been practicing in the gym for several days.

In addition, frequent change of exercises and the order of their execution not only avoids muscle adaptation, but also keeps you from getting bored during training. If you suddenly think that you are no longer enthusiastic about classes, then maybe it's time for you to change something in them?

If among our members there are those who train or have trained on the P90X, then we would be happy to read your thoughts on this system - leave your feedback in the comments.

Tags: beginners, home workouts

About the author of the program

Tony Horton was born in 1958 in the small town of Westerley, Rhode Island. As a child, Tony has always adored chocolate cakes and sweets. This is what, in his own words, prevented him from achieving an ideal body.

After graduating from college, Tony moves to Los Angeles and tries to try his hand at acting... In order to become more noticeable, he begins to improve his body. The staff at the studio where he got the job became interested in Tony's training methods, and he began teaching them. After realizing that his training methods were successful, Tony had a great idea - you can make money from it!

In addition to preparing fitness programs for "stars" and celebrities, Tony Horton is engaged in training in a modern training center in Santa Monica.

By the way, Tony is one of the most successful fitness gurus and is included in the rating.

Training strategy

The system under the mysterious code name P90X - consists of 12 types of training (3 months). The mode of training is 6-7 days a week, each workout, depending on the type, lasts 60-90 minutes.

P90X consists of 3 complexes, among which any person can choose the most suitable for his goals and physical condition:

LEAN is the best place to start your acquaintance with the P90X. If you have never worked out in the gym, or you are overweight, or a low degree of training, it is better to start with this program. The program is 13 weeks long. It alternates three strength training and one restorative. This program has more cardio exercises than strength exercises.

CLASSIC is a complex based mainly on strength exercises... Suitable for the prepared. If you have 1.5 hours a day, if you eat well and sleep a lot - feel free to start! The program differs from LEAN in that it alternates between 3 strength weeks and the 4th week of recovery. The program also lasts 13 weeks.

DOUBLES is tin. Let's just say - from the 5th week you will be doing cardio in the morning, and this is in addition to the main workout in the evening. If you haven't completed CLASSIC - don't start DOUBLES, it's really hard.


To train with the P90X system, you will need the following equipment:

  • Yoga mat,
  • horizontal bar,
  • dumbbells,
  • push-ups
  • expander with different rubber hardness,
  • heart rate monitor,
  • blocks for yoga,
  • caliper (a device for measuring the percentage of body fat).

As you can see, there is a lot of inventory, but almost all of it is quite affordable and can be found in any sports supermarket such as Decathlon or Sportmaster.

Each program consists of a meal plan, DVD with videos of all human workouts different levels fitness, training calendar and fitness test that will determine which program is right for you.

Officially, the P90X software is sold on the website However, you can easily find it in other sources on the Internet.

Training program

We will show the whole training plan and then in the comments below for details on each so far cryptic English term below.

The LEAN program for beginners is as follows:

Phase 1

Week 1-3


Day 2 - CARDIO X

Day 4 - YOGA X

Day 6 - KENPO X

Day 7 - Rest or X STRETCH

Week 4

Day 1 - YOGA X


Day 3 - KENPO X


Day 5 - CARDIO X

Day 6 - YOGA X

Day 7 - Rest or X STRETCH

Phase 2

Week 5-7


Day 2 - CARDIO X


Day 4 - YOGA X


Day 6 - KENPO X

Day 7 - Rest or X STRETCH

Week 8

Day 1 - YOGA X


Day 3 - KENPO X


Day 5 - CARDIO X

Day 6 - YOGA X

Day 7 - Rest or X STRETCH

Phase 3

Week 9 and 11


Day 2 - CARDIO X


Day 4 - YOGA X


Day 6 - KENPO X

Day 7 - Rest or X STRETCH

Week 10 and 12


Day 2 - CARDIO X


Day 4 - YOGA X


Day 6 - KENPO X

Day 7 - Rest or X STRETCH

Week 13

Day 1 - YOGA X


Day 3 - KENPO X


Day 5 - CARDIO X

Day 6 - YOGA X

Day 7 - Rest or X STRETCH.

Comments on the program

In order for you to understand what these English words mean in the program, we will translate them, and even write what they are.


A set of exercises for the upper part. Includes different kinds push-ups and pull-ups.

Equipment: horizontal bar or expander, perhaps push-up stands, chair, for beginners - a pad under the knees.


Cardio training. Consists of various jumps.

Equipment: chair, sneakers.


The workout consists of a combination of presses, twists, and weight lifts.

Equipment: horizontal bar or expander, collapsible dumbbells, for women - weighing from 3.5 to 10 kg, for men - from 5 to X kg.

  • YOGA X

The workout consists of exercises for strength, balance, flexibility and stretching.

Equipment: yoga mat, yoga block brick.


The core of the squat and lunges workout and pull-ups.

Equipment: horizontal bar, chair, free wall.


Consists of several types of punches and kicks, blocks, jumps in various combinations.

Equipment: bandana (during training, sweat floods the eyes), preferably a heart rate monitor.


Various exercises for stretching the muscles and ligaments of the whole body, which are included in this training, are borrowed from karate, hatha yoga.

Equipment: yoga mat and brick block.


The main load falls on lumbar, back muscles, abs and chest.

Equipment: yoga mat, push-up stands, bandana, dumbbells.


Strength half-hour complex of push-ups, pull-ups and other strength elements.

Equipment: dumbbells, push-up racks, horizontal bar.


Strength training with dumbbells and pull-ups.

Equipment: dumbbells or expander, horizontal bar.


Low-intensity cardio workout.


15 minute intense workout paired with each strength training session.

Equipment: yoga mat.

All types of exercises, options for their performance and the recommended load can be found on the DVD or video file from this disc.

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