Oxysize for slimming the abdomen and sides. Respiratory gymnastics "oxysize" - reviews of doctors and practitioners

Every woman dreams of slimming, watching how the body transforms day by day. Modern weight loss courses offer numerous techniques as well as balanced diets to keep the results obtained. Today we will analyze in detail Oksysize breathing exercises, through which thousands of representatives of the beautiful half of humanity were able to get rid of cellulite, model clear silhouette outlines and noticeably lose weight without leaving home.

Breathing principles

Gymnastics called "Oxisize" is a basic course of exercises, which is a combination of a special technique of diaphragmatic breathing, key asanas from meditative yoga and classes to strengthen the entire muscular system of the body. In simple words- This is oxygen gymnastics, which allows you to increase the productivity of burning calories by 140% and remove a bulging belly in a couple of days.

Marina Korpan (respiratory gymnastics specialist, fitness instructor) suggests just breathing, improving your body for at least 15 minutes a day and making your figure perfect. You can do the exercises while sitting, standing, in the morning or in the evening - the effect will be noticeable after the first workout. The main principles of the OxySize system are:

  • Correct breathing for several counts, allowing you to increase the flow of oxygen during training to problem areas. This activates metabolic processes and promotes the breakdown of molecular bonds in the fat layer, which gradually comes out through the sweat secretion glands.
  • Complex gymnastic exercises, the implementation of which leads to the restoration of muscle tone, a decrease in body volume and modeling of the relief of the legs, arms, waist and torso.
Exercises on the "Oxysize" technique can be performed by pregnant women, adolescents and the elderly. Everyone can learn them if they watch the video tutorial at least once and adhere to the breathing instructions.

Basic basics: breathe and lose weight

The respiratory complex suitable for men and women who are overweight. It aims to burn the excess subcutaneous fat as well as significantly reduce the original proportions of the body. If a person is not complete, but athletic, then the technique will not be able to bring the desired results. In this case, you should turn to heavy physical activity in the gym.

Mastering the technique of effective breathing consists of five stages:

  1. The lesson begins while standing. Try to straighten your back and raise your groin a little so that the pelvic bones are slightly forward. The knees should be slightly bent, and the shoulder blades should be brought as far as possible to the line of the spinal column.
  2. In this position, we begin the breathing exercise. Do one deep breath nose, while not the chest, but the belly should be inflated! You need to inhale as much as possible - and inflate belly.
  3. We make three short pre-inspiration nose, now try at the same time pull up belly closer to the back with each breath.
  4. Then we do exhale through the mouth and in parallel we strain gluteal muscles and abdominal muscles to feel a noticeable burning sensation, while pull in the stomach as much as possible to the back. The lips need to be folded as if we are going to play the musical flute.
  5. After that, we perform another three short pre-exhales to completely free the body from oxygen, and with each pre-exhalation we continue pull in-pull in-in the stomach to the back. All this time, we keep the hips in tension, which can be removed only after the completion of the exercise.
At runtime breathing exercises it is recommended to smile broadly. Then the skin on the face will be maximally enriched with oxygen, smoothed out and acquire the pristine glow of youth. If your goal is to remove the stomach or express weight loss, then throughout the exercise, make sure that the lower part of the press is on the same level with chest.

A set of basic exercises

To significantly strengthen the muscles of the whole body, get rid of overweight and normalize the level of blood pressure, experienced trainers recommend performing the following types of exercises daily:
In the process of practicing all the exercises, you should look in front of you - this is the only way you can concentrate. Try to accurately perform breathing exercises and abstract from what is happening.

Strengthening and Strengthening Major Muscle Groups

Despite the fact that the Oxysize program is based on correct breathing, the main emphasis should be on physical exercise. All movements are performed statically, which leads to a minimum consumption of oxygen by the body, and therefore promotes muscle growth. In addition, exercise normalizes the body's natural metabolic rate and metabolic processes, which leads to an increase in calorie expenditure and a decrease in problem areas.

For correct execution of all lessons, watch the video, and for clarity - place the pictures in front of you. A set of non-stop exercises with Marina Korpan:

Who is this weight loss method for?
Doctors agree that Oksysize breathing exercises are suitable for people who want to tighten their figure and lose minus 5-20 kilograms. Its implementation is allowed even during pregnancy, if the expectant mother feels well and does not have cardiovascular diseases.

The Oksiziz system, in addition to ease of use and efficiency, has a number of limitations. Due to the fact that when performing the exercises, top part body (stomach, back, arms), then the complex is suitable for those people who are trying to reduce the volume in these areas. As for the cons, the technique should not be used:
  • People who have undergone abdominal surgery in the recent past. If a woman has gone through a procedure caesarean section, then she can practice breathing exercises in conjunction with exercises no earlier than 6 months after surgery.
  • Those who suffer from epilepsy, increased intracranial pressure, from diseases of the kidneys, respiratory organs and in the presence of cystic formations of a malignant nature - the use of exercises is contraindicated.
  • Contraindicated in the presence of diseases of stones in gallbladder, diabetes mellitus (type I), asthma.
When using the Oxysize slimming technique, you will have to eat right and get rid of bad habits. If you eat a lot of fat and fast-digesting carbohydrates, you shouldn't expect any effect. To ensure you get the most out of Oxysize, you should:
  1. Make up detailed diagram meals and a daily menu rich in fortified and mineral components, organic protein and cellulose. This will strengthen muscular system as well as minimize the stress on the heart.
  2. Drink liquid in sufficient volumes, not neglecting natural juices and fermented milk products. Make it a rule to consume kefir 2.5-3 hours before bed to feel light in the morning.
  3. Diversify your meals with teas containing dietary supplements. You can purchase a vitamin complex, which is necessary in the mid-season and in the process of active weight loss.
Only in this way will the technique allow you to effectively deal with overweight... In combination with breathing exercises, you can, and even need to, regularly walk in the air, as well as use other adequate types of physiological stress, provided that your health condition allows you to do this.

Elastic and strong muscles are the basis for stable functioning of cardio-vascular system and prevention of the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Physical health benefits

The physiological basis of the Oksiziz complex is based on the practical participation of oxygen in the processes of cell metabolism. Due to the fact that living cell structures include carbon, when using effective exercise breathing exercises an oxidation process can occur, which leads to a reduction in body volume in the places you need. This method takes about 20 minutes, and does not involve the use of any equipment and does not require special skills.

The practical use of this system is the consistent observance of certain stages of diaphragmatic breathing. Teaching the technique, in addition to the basic points (exhalation - inhalation), includes the principles of pre-exhalation and pre-inhalation. This technique is the most productive and useful, since it does not include a period of holding the breath.

The benefits of using the complex are to improve the general physiological state of the body. It also allows you to quickly remove excess weight. During the implementation of the Oxisize program, which is called "Breathe and Lose Weight", the body is intensively saturated with molecular oxygen, which is perfect for those people who experience health problems from diabetes or chronic hypertension. It helps to minimize painful sensations in the musculoskeletal system, its effectiveness has been proven in other diseases. Gymnastics allows you to normalize blood pressure, improve the flow of blood circulation processes, and also helps to regenerate damaged tissues in the body.

To achieve the desired final result, one should not neglect the systematic training and regularly perform all exercises. The minimum workout duration is 20 minutes daily. If you exercise "on occasion" several times a month, you will not get results.

Experienced trainers advise to properly organize the daily diet: to exclude the use of food with artificial ingredients and dishes that contain flavors, thickeners, synthetic dyes, stabilizers and other chemical additives. The menu should include fruits, vegetables, cereals and dairy products. To improve the course of metabolic processes, drink enough liquid.

Respiratory gymnastics Oxysize

Oxysize allows you to reduce the volume and weight of the body through the burning of fatty deposits, and not through the loss of water and muscle. This allows you to speed up the metabolism and abandon a strict diet.

Respiratory gymnastics Oxysize.

Sections of the article:
- The history of the creation of Oxisize for weight loss.

The history of the creation of Oxisize gymnastics

Founder of Oxisize breathing exercises Jill Johnson

Oxysize Slimming Respiratory Gymnastics was founded by American teacher Jill Johnson.

As a young American teacher, Jill Johnson constantly tried to achieve a good slim figure... For a long time she went in for sports, exhausted herself with all sorts of different diets, but the result was not durable and the weight returned again. And then Jill realized that in order to lose weight, you need to burn fat and you can do this without exhausting training, you just need to increase the flow of oxygen to the muscles during training. So, in the minds of Jill Johnson, the Oxysize method of losing weight was born, which in the near future she carefully developed and tested first on herself, and then on her friends, relatives, etc. Oxysize was rapidly gaining popularity, first in America, and then around the world.

Jill Johnson has specially transformed the technique of deep diaphragmatic breathing in order to maximize the saturation of the body with oxygen. At the same time, her breathing technique does not require any special skills. You just exercise, breathe and lose up to 3-5 centimeters in body volume in just two or three weeks.

What does Oxysize gymnastics give for weight loss?

1.This gymnastics, popular all over the world, makes the impossible in achieving an excellent figure. Due to the burning of fat by means of a large accumulation of oxygen and at the same time the tension of different muscle zones, this technique allows as soon as possible and effortlessly reduce the volume of various problem areas and, accordingly, reduce body weight in general. Oxysize speeds up metabolism, allows you to refuse strict diets, improve health and cheer up the whole day.
2. The technique of such diaphragmatic breathing improves blood circulation, in addition, Oxysize breathing also improves the nutrition of muscle tissues, which in turn allows you to quickly and effectively recover after sports.

3. The Oxisize technique also involves classes for professional athletes, specially for them a program was created, which was developed by the American trainer Jill Johnson, called Oxysize Level 3 and the Oksysize Legs training program.
4. Due to the fact that the Oxisize technique itself is simple, and the implementation of a set of exercises is easy to do, Oxysize easily helps to get used to physical activity as an active and useful way of life.
5. What is a feature and the main difference between two breathing exercises oxysize from bodyflex is the ability to do it during pregnancy. For women in position, a special modified Oxysize complex has been developed, which allows not to get better during pregnancy, and also develops a habit of exercising and after childbirth, you will easily return to training and getting in shape. By the way, it’s no longer news to anyone that oxysize breathing saturates the body with oxygen, which also has a beneficial effect on the expectant mother and baby.
6. As you know, Oxisize breathing exercises include two types of training: isotonic training (exercises during which groups of muscles work and active movement in the joints occurs - these exercises increase the bag mass and increase the physical strength of a person) and stretching techniques (exercises similar to technique of stretching or yoga), respectively, when doing oxisize, you do not need any additional workouts with dumbbells, trainers, kettlebells, you also don’t need to do yoga or try to sit on a twine by means of Stretching (stretching) classes. At correct setting exercise program and its systematic implementation, you can achieve both weight loss and muscle building and even stretch your muscles and sit on a twine.
7. Talking and worrying about muscle soreness, you can not be afraid of this with oxysize, since the load on the muscles of the body is evenly distributed. Oxysize is an intense, but at the same time "soft" gymnastics, and when practicing it, it is simply not possible to pump any muscles of the body.
8. At first, after Oksysize classes, very dull pains in the muscles are felt, which allows you not to interrupt classes the next day, in contrast to strength ( gym, dumbbells, shaping, etc.) or aerobic workouts.
9. And, of course, it is worth mentioning one more important advantage of Oxisize breathing exercises - its so-called "omnipresence". It is possible to do Oxisize absolutely everywhere: on business trips, in the air, at home, on travel and even at work or when watching a movie, since these activities only require a wall, a rug and a chair. And, by the way, even on the bed, while watching the next movie masterpiece, you can also do some oxysize exercises, the main thing is to learn how to do them correctly and breathe correctly.

What other benefits can be derived from Oxysize breathing exercises?

As mentioned above, the Oxisize technique, in addition to performing physical exercise includes a phased execution of diaphragmatic breathing: inhalation, exhalation, DO inhalation, DO exhale, absolutely excluding the period of holding the breath. Therefore, it is the Oxysize technique that is actually more useful than similar breathing techniques.

An unparalleled advantage of Oxysize breathing exercises is the ability to quickly and easily get rid of body fat in problem areas and qualitatively improve health. This method allows you to actively saturate the body with oxygen, which in turn improves blood circulation, accelerates the body's metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure and helps to gradually restore damaged tissues of the entire body. It is these indicators that make it possible to engage in this gymnastics for people suffering from hypertension, diabetes mellitus, people with severe problems of the musculoskeletal system and many other diseases. In addition, strengthened muscles with the help of Oxisize gymnastics become the key to a well-functioning cardiovascular system, and of course, the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Oxisize breathing exercises contraindications and precautions.

Above we said that the Oxysize technique is one of the most useful, and therefore harmless breathing exercises in the world, but with all this, one must take into account the fact that in sports, as in life, nothing is perfect, and in turn this technique has its own contraindications and warnings, namely:
Oxisize gymnastics is contraindicated for those who:
1. Recently underwent any operations.
2. Suffers from such diseases as epilepsy, cyst, tumors of various types, increased intracranial pressure, kidney disease and even respiratory tract.
3.transfers infectious and viral diseases.
4. Pregnant women can engage in Oxisize, but only with a certain set of exercises for pregnant women and taking into account information about when you can start doing Oxisize after childbirth (Maria Korpan's recommendations).
It should also be borne in mind that Oxisize gymnastics is mainly aimed at using the upper body, therefore it will be most effective for those who want to get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen, back and arms.

Nutrition for gymnastics for weight loss Oxysize.

It is no secret that with an imbalanced and not rational abundant diet, no sport will help to cope with excess weight, cellulite and body fat. And in Oxysize, of course, without this rule, nowhere. Only a rational, balanced and, what is important, dietary nutrition will help you achieve really significant results. When choosing the Oxisize method for improving the figure, in combination with Oxisize training, it is necessary to strictly adhere to diet food or just choose a diet. The main thing is that this diet is not strict, but is balanced, while it is necessary to completely exclude alcohol, flour, fatty and fried foods, significantly reduce or eliminate sweet things altogether.
The daily menu should be varied with fruits, raw and cooked vegetables, cereals (in moderation) and dairy products. A large amount of water consumption significantly speeds up metabolism, which in turn will additionally help remove excess fat from problem areas.

If you abuse the above prohibited foods, then the result from Oxisize gymnastics can also not be expected, as well as from any kind of sport and physical activity.

With proper nutrition (drinking enough water, saturating the body nutrients and vitamins) in combination with daily Oxisize workouts, this technique will become an excellent and reliable "tool" for building a sharpened, beautiful figure.
The main rule of Oxysize to achieve desired result- Classes should be regular, that is, daily. Each workout should be at least 20 minutes long. For example, you can see below the complex of Marina Korpan Non-stop, which is designed for just 20 minutes. Not regular classes "from time to time", "a day after two", etc. will not bring any results - this is a fact and the practice of thousands of people who have already experienced Oxysize gymnastics.

Breath Oxysize.

An important point in Oxisize gymnastics is Oxysize Breathing, which is fundamentally different, for example, from the Bodyflex breathing technique. And as mentioned above, it is more beneficial for the human body. Accordingly, before starting Oxisize classes, it is necessary to train the breathing technique to automatism, since it is the correct formulation of breathing that allows you to abundantly saturate the body with oxygen, and consequently burn fat, get rid of excess weight and become slimmer.

Breathing technique Oxysize. rules .

You can watch a video that shows in detail how to breathe correctly when doing Oxisize, or read the rules of breathing technique below. For high-quality performance of the Oxisize breathing technique, it is better to do both - and read and watch.
Video - Oxysize breathing.

Oksysize breathing technique rules.

Stages required to master the Oxysize breathing technique.
Stage 1 - Stand up straight, take your shoulders (shoulder blades) back and bend your knees slightly.
Stage 2 - do not pull in the stomach too much and push the pelvis forward.
Stage 3 - take a deep breath through the nose, immediately tighten the abdominal muscles and inhale even more air with three quick breaths.
Stage 4 - make a deep exhalation through the mouth, relax the muscles.
Stage 5 - immediately make three quick Exhales, completely ridding the lungs of air.
It is this sequence of breathing that is the most important principle of the entire Oksysize method.

Slimming exercises Oxysize

Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss is an effective way to part with body fat in unnecessary places, with a minimum of effort. A technique that gives excellent results is Oxysize - classes with the participation of breathing, conducted in static poses... Enough exhausting workouts in gyms and hard diets - relax and let air through your body in the right way, excess calories will melt away without a trace.

Developed by given gymnastics American teacher Jill Johnson. She herself suffered from excess weight and was looking for a way to give the figure the desired shape, without resorting to physical activity or restrictive diets. This is how Oxisize exercises appeared - a revolutionary method of losing weight, a simple and physiological way to lose kilograms without straining.

Johnson does not have a medical background, so the program has been thoroughly researched by renowned physiologists who have confirmed that it actually helps to tighten muscles and get rid of excess fat deposits.

What processes are activated by breathing exercises:

  • relaxes nervous system;
  • gives muscle tone;
  • accelerates the breakdown of fat cells;
  • invigorates and reveals energy potential;
  • dulls the feeling of the head;
  • participates in digestion, helping food to be digested faster.

How it works

The Oxysize program is based on certain exercises, thanks to which oxygen enters the body faster and in large volumes and burns excess fat by speeding up the metabolism. Breathing should be abdominal - during inhalation and exhalation, all abdominal muscles are involved. The diaphragm contracts and strains more actively, stimulating increased blood circulation in all organs.

To start losing weight with Oxysize, it is enough to learn the correct breathing technique and control muscle tension during exercise.

Workout regimen

The only way to get things done with OxySize technique- regularity of breathing exercises. Skipping even one or two sessions, you take a step back, because the muscle tone increases gradually and only under the condition of constant exposure. Do 20 minutes of daily exercise and you will achieve the success you want!

It is recommended to do breathing exercises for weight loss Oxysize in the morning before breakfast or after drinking a glass mineral water... If there is not enough time in the morning - do the right exercises it is possible at lunchtime or in the evening, the main thing is that the last meal is 2 hours before class.

After training, you can eat after 10 minutes.

There are some nutritional requirements that must be met:

  • do not drink sugary carbonated drinks;
  • give up fast food and food with dyes and preservatives;
  • follow the diet, eat small, balanced portions;
  • do not disturb the water-salt balance, drink a sufficient amount of liquid.

After about 10 days of breathing exercises, the first gains will be noticeable. You will feel a surge of energy and vivacity, and the body will begin to improve.

Why breathing exercises are effective

  1. Has a calming effect on the nervous system. This is a great way to get rid of the stress-eating habit. The amount of food eaten will decrease, which will certainly affect the figure.
  2. Once in the body, oxygen oxidizes fat cells. The more it comes in, the faster the process of their destruction goes.
  3. Fat cells serve as accumulators for harmful toxins, trying to protect them from their vital effects. important organs... By doing Oxisize exercises, 60% of toxins are converted into gases that are expelled from the body during exhalation.
  4. Deep breathing oxygen serves as a positive factor for the development of an alkaline environment and maintenance of pH. In this environment, adenosine triphosphate molecules become most active and convert incoming food into vital energy... All of it is spent without being stored in problem areas of the body.

Respiratory gymnastics Oxysize - video

How to breathe and lose weight using the Oxysize technique? With the help of a virtual instructor, you can learn basic breathing techniques that will be useful to you in the fight against extra pounds.

Oxisize gymnastics with Marina Korpan

Fitness trainer Marina Korpan has adapted the Oxisize method for weight loss for Russian women.

It is based on carrying oxygen to the places on which work is needed. The girl recommends starting a set of breathing exercises with a gentle warm-up in a relaxed position. In total, 4 warm-up approaches are done.

Once mastered basic exercises breathing exercises, combine them with exercises for strengthening muscles and stretching.

Oxisize breathing exercises for weight loss

Exercise 1 - Basic Breathing Exercise

  • stretch your lips in a smile and inhale as much air as possible with your nose, trying to completely fill the lungs;
  • take three short breaths in a row, lifting the lower abdomen and straining the gluteal muscles as much as possible;
  • without opening your lips, exhale, while pulling your stomach in as far as you can;
  • take 3 breaths to empty your lungs.

Exercise 2 - Rocket

  • lie on your back on the floor and stretch your body as much as possible;
  • pulling your pelvis up, tighten your buttocks and repeat sighs - 1 deep, 3 short.

Exercise 3 - Cobra

  • lying on your stomach, place your hands in front of you and stretch back;
  • without lifting your hips off the floor, slightly raise the body, performing basic breathing exercises.

To see more more exercise according to the Oxisize method, the video with Marina Korpan is offered for viewing.

Every woman wants to look slim and graceful, unfortunately, every year the lack of time for herself leads to the deposition of fat on the abdomen with the formation of unpleasant sides. To remove them, you need to do special exercises for the abdomen and waist.

If you motivate yourself well, you can achieve the result of the "aspen" waist in just a few weeks. You need to have desire and stability, and fat on the sides can no longer bother you.

Before doing workouts to reduce the sides, it is important to follow the general guidelines that will help you lose fat faster. To have a wasp waist, you need to follow the right diet.

It includes sufficient consumption of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, lean meats and fish, cereals. In addition, meals should be divided into 5-6 meals a day in small portions.

Also, you need to drink a sufficient amount of fluids per day. Healthy eating regulates metabolism and helps the gastrointestinal tract to work properly.

It is necessary to give up bakery products, give up everything that is called " fast carbohydrates". After all, each sweet is extra calories that are not easy to remove in the form of fat from the sides.

Regarding training, you cannot exhaust the body as much as possible on the first day. You must start with simple exercises and move on to more complex ones.

Before starting the exercises, you should not eat 3 hours in advance, and after that it is not recommended. Better to wait an hour or two and eat.

Basic exercises

In order to remove fat from the sides, you need to do a set of exercises for the waist and abdomen every day.

In order to get rid of extra pounds and remove in COUNTED DAYS body fat on the stomach and sides, Elena Malysheva recommends a real gift to everyone who is losing weight. A unique SAFE method, which is based on B vitamins, which promote the breakdown of fats, 100% NATURAL components, no chemicals and hormones!

Basic exercises:

Advanced workouts

Advanced exercises for thin waist and flat belly will help to achieve greater results than standard methods.

Several effective exercises:

Oxisize and other methods of breathing exercises for weight loss

Respiratory gymnastics is a technique of abdominal breathing along with the performance of certain exercises. Popular methods of breathing exercises are oxysize and body flex.

Bodyflex is a five-stage diaphragmatic breathing that is combined with training. Oxisize is a method of continuous diaphragmatic breathing throughout a workout.

Oxysize combines inhalation, three pre-inhales, exhalation and three pre-exhales.

Oxysize is much easier and more pleasant than body flex, since there is no need to hold your breath, exercises are carried out together with inhalation and exhalation.

In addition, oxysize does not require a sharp turn of the abdomen under the ribs.

Breathing oxysize is best done with a trainer, but you can also learn this type of breathing exercises yourself. What exercises for the waist and abdomen can be done using the oxysize method?

Before starting, it is necessary that the stomach was completely empty, that is, the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before training.

Oxysize consists of five stages:

  • starting position: standing, feet about a width of reach, slightly bent at the knees, shoulders directed down and back. The pelvis needs to be slightly raised up, the buttocks are tightened;
  • then you need to take a breath, inflating your stomach;
  • then you need to take three short breaths through the nose. Further, it is necessary to make three more pre-breaths, on which it is important to continue to inflate the stomach;
  • then you need to exhale strongly through the mouth, draw in the stomach, tighten the muscles;
  • through the mouth, you need to make three pre-exhalation.

You will need to do 30 cycles per day, this will take about 20 minutes.

What results should you expect?

A regular workout will allow you to remove fat from the sides in a few weeks of hard work. Also to reduce the sides will help proper nutrition, diet.

To make the results more pleasing, you can not skip workouts, do it every day.

If you use the oxysize technique, you can achieve a reduction in the sides in a few weeks, if you exercise for 20 minutes daily.

Everyone can choose the most effective technique to shrink your belly, whether it's breathing exercises or regular lateral fat loss exercises.

To have a slim belly and wasp waist, you need to do the exercises diligently and every day.

Important! It will take several weeks to reduce the folds of fat, but the result will delight the woman. It is important to start training with a small load, gradually increasing it, relative to the reserve capacity of the body.

You should not overload yourself with massive workouts, you should remember about rest, it will be more rational. You should alternate between training and rest, so renewal and growth muscle mass will happen faster.

Do you still think that losing weight without dieting and sports is impossible?

Have you ever tried to lose weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, the victory was not on your side.

And how much time and effort have you already "poured" on ineffective diets and many hours of training? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new methodology of Elena Malysheva, who found an easy way to Lose weight without doing anything.

At the moment there are many training programs that aim to help you shed unnecessary pounds. Also, every year there are more and more new systems that really work with diligent execution. These programs include oxysize lessons, and they are gaining popularity among those who want to get rid of those extra pounds.

What is this technique

The main principle of the program is special It is aimed at improving the processes of metabolism, digestion and blood circulation. The training itself is quite simple and accessible even for an unprepared person who has not been involved in sports before. For those who train using this technique, in addition to the fact that the joints and muscle corset begin to strengthen. Thanks to the enrichment of tissues with oxygen, the skin acquires a healthy appearance.

Someone may not believe, but the oxysize technique is really effective, and the first changes in the figure become noticeable already at the seventh workout, while it is enough to devote up to 20 minutes to the technique per day. The effect appears even faster than from exercise on simulators. Some people compare this technique with the bodyflex complex, but oxysize differs in that breathing and exercises are combined here, and due to this, less time is spent on all exercises. Also, with these exercises, more muscles are involved in the workout. It is interesting that a person independently chooses which area of ​​the body to place a special emphasis on in order to correct it.

Technique tightens the press

Fitness trainers claim that abdominal oxysize is excellent option to work the weakened muscles in that area. Even just already plays a huge role and has a positive effect on a sluggish body. When performed correctly, oblique and straight lines are strained at the same time. This reduces the training time, because you do not have to spend efforts first on one area, then on another. Having mastered this technique, during each inhalation and exhalation, a person feels the tension of the abdominal muscles.

Before you start

Before starting to perform "oxysize" for the abdomen, it is worth doing a small test to see if you need to dress so that things do not interfere with movements. Get into a comfortable chair position (sitting). One palm rests on the chest, and the other on the stomach. Try to exhale all the air, followed by a very deep breath. Now exhalations are made. If, after exhaling, the palm has become closer to the spine, and when you take in air it has moved away again, you have diaphragmatic breathing. It is considered correct. But most people usually breathe "with their chest", and often because of this, there are problems associated with health and weight gain. This happens because the breaths are not deep and a minimum of air enters the lungs. Having learned diaphragmatic breathing, or at least mastering its basics, you can significantly improve your condition. To do this, you need to master special complex offered by the oxysize technique.

Learning to breathe

Do not start exercising without learning correct breathing... Only after this process is almost automatic and the brain is not busy thinking about how not to go astray from this rhythm, you can begin to perform oxysize for the abdomen. So, the whole scheme is performed in four stages:

By repeating all these steps four times, you will make one cycle. When performing this set of breathing exercises, it is important not to tilt your head. A smile should be maintained when inhaling. After this gymnastics has been worked out, you can start training.

Breathing nuances

While repeating each cycle, it is important not to forget the following points:

  • During inhalation, you should not raise your shoulders and chest.
  • The back is always straight.
  • While taking additional breaths, control the already drawn air so that it does not come out.

Instructor Marina Korpan

Marina Korpan is a qualified fitness instructor. In addition, she is an expert in body shaping and hosts a television program. Also under her authorship was the breathing exercises of Marina Korpan, which instantly gained fans. She tried this technique on herself after giving birth, which added several kilograms to her. Thanks to oxysize, she got rid of deposits on the sides, while she did not go on special diets. In her arsenal there is a whole program for getting rid of excess weight. It includes lessons "oxysize" for the abdomen, thighs and arms.

Side stretch

To do this, you need to bend your knees, while trying to keep your pelvis in one position. Respiratory gymnastics begins, and at the same time right hand stretches over the head to make a lateral tilt to the left with the body. In this position, four breathing cycles are done. Four of the same exercises are carried out on each side.

When doing this kind of stretching, mistakes are often made. For example, do not pull the body forward, otherwise the waist will not receive the necessary load. You also don't need to wiggle to make the exercise harder. It is important here that the muscles of the waist are reduced as much as possible, and for this it is not necessary to strain upper arm and pull it.

Exercise "Sphinx"

To train the rectus abdominis muscle, you need to roll over on your stomach and rest your forearms on the floor. We try to stretch, starting from the muscles of the pubococcygeal part to the very chin. This stretch must be sustained while the four cycles of the oxysize technique are performed. this kind of need to be controlled, since many gradually begin to "throw" the load on the trapezoid, and our goal is not to build up the shoulders, but to tighten the abs.

Exercise "Rocket"

Lying on your back, you need to pull your fingers behind your head and stretch your socks. At the same time, Marina Korpan's breathing exercises are performed in four cycles. Only 4 repetitions. When doing it, do not focus on the socks. The main thing is to feel how the rectus muscle is straining on the stomach from the fact that the arms and legs stretch into the distance.

Back bends

This exercise allows you to work out not only the back and abdomen, but also the surface of the thigh. To do this, we kneel down without placing them. By tightening the buttocks, the pelvis lends itself up. The back is straight and in line with the crown and knees. The arms are brought out in front of the chest, and the movement of the hips makes a slight tilt back. The back is not rounded. Breathing exercises are done.

A few clarifications

Since this technique is an innovation, many losing weight have some questions, therefore, before starting to perform the oxysize complex for weight loss, it will be useful to find out a few details:

If there is a hernia of the spine, classes are not contraindicated, but you will have to avoid training where you need to "twist" the body. For other diseases, you should consult a doctor.

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