Gymnastics center for Olympic champion Yulia Barsukova. Areas of activity of the Federation Men's rhythmic gymnastics

Men will now also be the star in rhythmic gymnastics. Honored trainer Irina Viner suggested ending the female hegemony in this sport. Vladimir Seroukhov, correspondent of the MIR 24 TV channel, gives details.

Clubs, rings, walking sticks and a jump rope are all that men need to practice. Students of the special department of the sports school in Petrozavodsk can be called the pioneers of this sport in Russia.

“Those who have seen this sport do not consider it to be female, they consider it to be male,” said gymnast Gleb Galkovsky.

Mom brought Gleb to men's gymnastics. She is an honored trainer, before there were only girls in her section, now there are also boys.

“I work with girls, I know very well what this sport gives to a child. I wanted my son to be involved in a sport that develops both body and spirit ”, - said the honored trainer in rhythmic gymnastics Natalia Galkovskaya.

The sport originated in Tokyo in 1984. Today he has thousands of followers all over the world. The Japanese have diluted the women's program with all kinds of somersaults, screws and pirouettes. We took a lot from oriental martial arts... There are both singles and group performances of six people.

But in Spain they went the other way. The program of performances was not changed, the competitions are held according to the rules of women's competitions. Men perform on a par with girls, dressed in rhinestones and swimwear, exercise with a ribbon and a hoop.

“Girls cannot jump like boys jump high. And boys cannot do what girls do with their bodies. Therefore, it is already unnatural, it is no longer equality. This is a big mistake. I ask myself not to associate myself with Spanish performance rhythmic gymnastics, because for me it is alien, I am far from it, "- said the world champion in men's rhythmic gymnastics Alexander Buklov.

Alexander Buklov became world champion in 2005. In Tokyo, his performance made a splash. He came to rhythmic gymnastics from sports and became one of the curators. According to the champion, this sport will develop in Russia, contrary to all stereotypes.

“We will work on popularization. I think that after all, we will be able to turn the majority of them to face this sport, ”shared Alexander Buklov.

The most powerful impetus for this still unconventional sport was given by Irina Viner. It was on her behalf that men's departments began to open in all schools of rhythmic gymnastics. With her submission, some of the best in their field took up development: coaches of Olympic champions and prize-winners international competitions... Among them is the choreographer of the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team Ekaterina Sirotina.

“I think this is a prejudice. Now, it seems that it will be somewhat effeminate, etc. This is fundamentally wrong. It is a symbiosis of artistic gymnastics, acrobatics and circus arts. What they do in men's rhythmic gymnastics is on the verge of fantasy. These are really tricks, - commented Ekaterina Sirotina.

Is there a male rhythmic gymnastics. The sports world does not stand still and is constantly evolving. One of the innovations is the introduction of men into primordially female sports. Men's rhythmic gymnastics is a fairly new direction, and although it has not yet been recognized by the International Gymnastics Federation, many experts believe that it will soon take its rightful place and become one of the popular types sports.

One of the innovations is the introduction of men into primordially female sports.

When did men's rhythmic gymnastics appear?

The history of the emergence of rhythmic gymnastics for men goes back to Japan. The true traditions of the Japanese people are considered the basis of this sport. Elements of ancient dances, lingual but beautiful, are included in the numbers. Actions with various objects that improve the body and spirit of men are still popular. In the country, there are groups where even young children learn to transcend personal capabilities, develop feelings inherent in a person. A famous clan that has left its mark on history is called Shinobi.

For the first time, men's rhythmic gymnastics designated itself as a sport about thirty years ago, at the World Cup held in the capital, Tokyo. Viewers who attended this performance reacted in different ways. Some viewers (Europeans) considered this species feminine and unusual to the eye, for which the owners themselves were delighted with what was happening. At the time, no one believed in positive result the beginning of the experiment. It was too difficult to break the stereotypes that had developed over time. But since the Japanese are distinguished by their persistence and pragmatism, negative experience did not discourage the desire to improve.

From now on, Asian sports schools recruiting male applicants to create groups, intense workouts, in accordance with the compiled programs, which include elements of dance and acrobatics. Small championships of the municipal level began to be organized between schools, involving more and more applicants, until they reached the federation stage. Rhythmic gymnastics for boys began to develop. Affiliate programs have attracted Korea and China. So in small steps, the network of men's rhythmic gymnastics has embraced the whole world. Over time, many Europeans changed their views on this sports genre, and began to take part in championships.

Irina Viner is an active supporter of the Japanese trend. She believes that if women are free rivals in male species sports, then why boys - gymnasts cannot be athletes in women's competitions. Moreover, the promotion of early rhythmic gymnastics classes for boys with three years... Wiener says that the sooner you engage in the sport, the better the result will be.

In modern sports world Rhythmic gymnastics for men distinguishes between two directions: Rhythmic gymnastics (Japanese), and Rhythmic gymnastics for men (Spanish). Next, we will look at these two areas in more detail.

Rhythmic gymnastics (Japanese version).

The Japanese direction is very different from its prototype. For the performance, complex choreographic complexes of exercises, pretentious elements of sports acrobatics, costumes that characterize the Japanese style are used. The objects used for the dance are modified: instead of a hoop - a special ring, clubs with increased weight, meter sticks. The only item that came from the female gymnast is the jump rope. But against the background of the heavy Japanese style, it no longer looks light and plastic. Leotards are not used here, only trousers.

The idea of ​​male choreography in Japan is to show the beauty and endurance of the body, masculine strength and the ability to coordinate. What is the constructive difference from the Spanish, which is characterized by grace and grace. Competitions are held without the participation of girls. Sports disciplines: group - up to 6 youths, without attributes and single, with different kind objects.

Where is developed

Actively developing, this sport is considered in sports organizations countries:

Australia; Canada; Malaysia; Russia; USA; Korea; Japan; Mexico;

Since the competition for men rhythmic gymnast not approved by the international federation - uniform rules for holding meetings and evaluating athletes have not been drawn up. Although the capital of this sport has its own championship.

In Russia, a new sports trend has not been ignored. Samara medalists of the 2005 Tokyo championship, Alexander Buklov and Yuri Denisov, are considered the founders of the tradition of Japanese gymnastics. At this sporting meeting, they won nine awards. After some time, Buklov became the curator of the development of gymnastics for men in our country. He is a master in Japanese style. By his example, he proves that no one is going to turn boys into girls.

Sometimes the performance of boys - gymnasts can be found at the status events of the world level. For example, at the international youth festival held in Helsinki in 2009.

In the same year, Irina Viner, with great efforts, achieved the inclusion of an item on the development of this sport in the charter of the All-Russian Organization. Now this subject is being introduced into physical education lessons for boys.

Rhythmic gymnastics (Spanish direction).

Spanish gymnasts try not to give in, and also show themselves as excellent athletes. If the Japanese direction is based on traditional culture, then Spanish looks like women's sports acrobatics, using similar attributes, only performed by men. In this case, a special technique is not compiled, the elements are developed on the basis of familiar choreography for girls. Even the tight-fitting gymnasts' leotards are decorated with sequins and ribbons. The Spanish movement is romantic, feminine. The same criteria are used to evaluate the numbers.

In Spain, men's rhythmic gymnastics has been developing since the 2000s. It was a cool start. At this time, the boys were allowed to participate equally with girls of this type of competition, which is not prohibited by the regulations. Each community could submit several girls for the compulsory program and include the boys in the open category. However, in 2009, the federation announced gymnastics primordially feminine sports, thereby provoking outrage from male gymnasts.

The first organizer of the protests was Ruben Orihuel - the national champion in rhythmic gymnastics. His initiatory qualities helped to break through this direction. Local journalists draw a parallel between the hero of the film of the same name, who changed boxing to a ballet school, where he achieved great success, and a famous gymnast. Sports experts believed that Spanish men had practically no chance to take their rightful place in edilgia. It was noticed that the more negative things were encountered by the federation, the more Spaniards who wanted to play this sport became. After much controversy, the sports committee sided with the protesters by nominating the first championship.

Gymnastics center Olympic champion Yulia Barsukova was founded in 2010. At the moment, 11 branches have been opened in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Sochi and Ufa.

A team of professionals works with children: coaches with the title of Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics, artistic gymnastics, acrobatics, as well as choreographers, a teacher of acting and a sports psychologist. The Center has created fascinating methodological programs, competitions of various levels are organized annually: children's festival Olympico Baby Cup, show programs, sports camps and master classes with Olympic champions and eminent athletes.

The best pupils have the opportunity to study at the school in the future Olympic reserve№1 of the city of Moscow, where Yulia Barsukova heads the department of rhythmic gymnastics.

Our task is to educate a new generation of young, healthy and successful children, and to ensure that the best of the best get into the national teams of the city, republic and country.

The Yulia Barsukova Gymnastics Center has opened the following directions:

  • Developmental gymnastics (girls and boys from 3 to 4 years old)
  • Rhythmic gymnastics (girls from 4 to 7 years old)
  • Gymnastics(girls and boys from 5 to 10 years old)
  • Sports acrobatics(girls and boys from 5 to 10 years old)
  • Jumping on a trampoline (girls and boys from 5 to 8 years old)
  • Mens Rhythmic gymnastics(boys from 4 years old)

Developing gymnastics for girls and boys (from 3 years old)

Developmental gymnastics is the basis of any sport. Dynamic exercises in developing gymnastics for children from 2 to 4 years old develop in children:

    general and strength endurance;


  • flexibility;


    all major muscle groups.

    has a positive effect on the formation of correct posture;

Rhythmic gymnastics (for girls from 4 years old)

Rhythmic gymnastics - performing various gymnastic and dance exercises without an object, as well as with an object (rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon).

This sport originated in Russia, in St. Petersburg. Since the victory of Yulia Barsukova at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, all the gold in individual and group programs have been won by Russians, which has made this sport very popular among girls in our country.

Rhythmic gymnastics makes it possible to develop plasticity, gracefulness, agility, rhythm, emotionality and expressiveness in girls, stretching, posture and instill healthy image life.

Artistic gymnastics for children (for boys and girls from 4 years old)

Artistic gymnastics is one of oldest species sports, in the program Olympic Games from the very first Olympics of our time - 1896 in Athens.

It is the basis for many other sports disciplines, including competitions in various gymnastic apparatus, as well as in floor exercises and vaults.

Sports acrobatics(girls and boys from 5 to 10 years old)

Sports acrobatics - a kind of sport, competition in performance acrobatic exercises associated with maintaining balance (balancing) and rotation of the body with and without support. The competition includes: acrobatic jumping women and men, exercises for women, mixed and mens pairs, group exercises women (three) and men (four).

Jumping on a trampoline (girls and boys from 5 to 8 years old)

Trampoline jumping is a sport that includes the following sports disciplines: individual jumping, tumbling track, synchronized jumping, double mini-tramp.

For a growing body, a trampoline is simply irreplaceable. And if in an adult the vestibular apparatus is just training, then in a child it develops and forms, motor skills and coordination improve.

Men's rhythmic gymnastics (boys from 4 years old)

Men's rhythmic gymnastics is presented in two disciplines - group and individual. The groups consist of six people and do the exercises without objects. Individual gymnasts perform with apparatus, but not the same as in rhythmic gymnastics. These are rings, a cane, clubs (heavier and larger than those of girls) and a rope. In men's rhythmic gymnastics, the emphasis is on speed, strength, and coordination. In the individual program, all this looks like “courageous”, “harsh” rhythmic gymnastics with elements of acrobatics - without a hint of elegance, grace, without beautiful rolling of the object and elements for flexibility, but with a demonstration of incredible body possession. Performances in the group program make a strong impression - gymnasts do something that takes your breath away and becomes scary for their health. For example, for 30 seconds, athletes neatly line up in a pyramid, and then in a second they fall from it onto the carpet at an angle of 90 degrees.

Fast news today

So far, it looks just like women in weightlifting.

What is men's rhythmic gymnastics?

A sport not yet recognized by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), but already well developed around the world.

Male gymnastics has two conventional directions, which are fundamentally different from each other:

1) Spanish... Familiar to us female gymnastics, only performed by guys: leggings, sequined suits, the same ribbons, clubs, hoops and balls, the same principles of scoring. Here men adjust to the female format.

2) Japanese with elements of acrobatics- it has long been promoted by Irina Viner. There are completely different rules, different (as it is considered, more brutal) costumes and a different level of difficulty - the girls simply will not be able to compete according to the Japanese tradition.

Items, by the way, are also different: rings instead of hoops, weighted clubs, jump ropes, 90-centimeter canes. The main thing in the Japanese direction is masterly control of the body, strength, coordination, endurance. Grace, grace, flexibility does not really matter. Competitions are held in two disciplines: group exercises (six people, without objects) and individual (with objects).

To free itself from stereotypes and prejudices, the Japanese format is called "rhythmic gymnastics" (although English translation the name does not differ from the classical art - rhythmic gymnastics).

How and when did it start?

Again, we are talking about two directions.

Japanese is older. There is a theory that japanese gymnastics grew out of national martial arts, including - from exercises that help a young man to improve his body and spirit. Hence the choice of objects: a cane imitates a pole, a ring imitates a shield, and a mace imitates a sword. And only the jump rope refers to the canonical gymnastics.

For the first time, male gymnasts took to the carpet in Tokyo during the World Cup 30 years ago. The audience reacted ambiguously: Europeans, spoiled by female plastic, demonstration performances did not like it, the Japanese themselves were delighted. Since then, a wonderful view has conquered Asia - schools are opening, male groups are being recruited, methods are being developed that combine acrobatics and choreography.

The Spanish version took off in the middle of the 2000s, when the guys got the right to participate in the national championships along with the girls. In 2009, the FIG officially declared the sport to be women's - and Spanish gymnasts protested. The local leadership heard them and for the first time held the national championship in rhythmic gymnastics among men.

Where is it developed?

Leaders - Japan, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Russia, USA, Korea, Mexico. General rules no, the competition is not held under the auspices of the IFG, but Japan has its own world championship.

Sometimes the performances of the guys can be seen at high-profile international events. For example, in 2009 they were allowed to participate in the Olympic Youth Festival in Helsinki.

Why is Wiener so necessary for men's rhythmic gymnastics?

The head of the All-Russian Federation sees great prospects for the male direction. 7 years ago, it was thanks to Wiener's efforts that a clause on the development of men's gymnastics was introduced into the organization's charter.

A couple of Wiener's policy statements over the past year.

"In order for rhythmic gymnastics to advance, it is imperative to involve the boys."

“If women appear in sports such as boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, football and hockey, why can't a man appear in synchronized swimming or rhythmic gymnastics? Unfortunately, in order to break through the wall of misunderstanding, we have to do a lot, because in international federation they don't want to accept men's gymnastics even at the level of a non-Olympic sport. "

By the way, Wiener sent her two grandchildren to rhythmic gymnastics. One has already gone to karate, the other continues to train.

How is Russia doing with this?

Back in 2005, Alexander Buklov and Yuri Denisov from Samara won five medals (3 gold, silver and bronze) at the World Cup in Tokyo. A Japanese specialist Kei Ishida was brought in to work especially for them.

Later, Buklov, the first Russian world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, was entrusted with overseeing the development of the sport. Here are his main points

“In Russia, there is already a clearly established stereotype: men's rhythmic gymnastics is something criminal and abnormal, not typical for men. And what is posted on the Internet misinforms people even more. I saw these videos: the Spanish guys performed, did female exercise with female objects. To be honest, I did not understand this, for a man to do it is ugly.

We do not want to be confused with rhythmic gymnastics, so that there are some "buts" and prejudiced or dismissive attitude.

It's no secret that men's rhythmic gymnastics originated in Japan. Therefore, in our sport there are elements of martial arts, in general, everything is in the oriental style. So we're not going to make girls out of boys. "

Recreational and developmental gymnastics for boys and girls from 3 to 4 years old

This direction is the basis of any sport. In the classroom in a playful way, children develop the following qualities:

general and strength endurance;





develops the work of all major muscle groups.

Has a positive effect on overall physical development child, strengthening the immune system, is formed correct posture, allows you to correct flat feet and other problems.

Rhythmic gymnastics for girls from 4 to 11 years old

This sport allows girls to develop comprehensively, rhythmic gymnastics makes it possible to develop plasticity, dexterity, rhythm, emotionality and expressiveness in girls, improve overall physical state body, stretching, posture, plastic, organize her leisure time, instill a healthy lifestyle and cultivate positive character traits: responsibility, willpower, the ability to adapt in society. As a result, girls will have a foundation that will allow them to move in any direction (gymnastics is the basis of any sport)

Men's rhythmic gymnastics for boys from 4 to 7 years old

Uzhskaya rhythmic gymnastics actually has little in common with rhythmic gymnastics, but more resembles acrobatics with an apparatus.

“Items in men's rhythmic gymnastics are different from women's. These are two men's heavy clubs, two rings, a 90 cm wooden cane and a rope. But, naturally, we have a different ideology. It's no secret that men's rhythmic gymnastics originated in Japan. Therefore, in our sport there are elements of martial arts, in general, everything is in the oriental style.

Classical choreography for girls from 4 to 9 years old

From an early age, the correct posture is developed, if necessary, various curvatures of the spine are gradually corrected.

Children receive a very good school for the development of personal qualities such as work capacity, perseverance, endurance, psychological stability.

Children doing ballet differ from others in their extraordinary expressiveness and nobility. And even if the child does not choose the ballet art as his professional activity, in ballet school he will develop those qualities that will help him achieve great results in everything.

Our school places great emphasis on the professional training of students. This is only possible with highly qualified teachers. Each of our teachers deserves this honorary title and is one of the best specialists in this field.

Aesthetic gymnastics for girls from 4 to 9 years old

Aesthetic gymnastics is a team sport, a synthesis of rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming... This sport received its development not so long ago, but has already become very popular, so to speak, a simplified version of rhythmic gymnastics.

Includes from elements of rhythmic gymnastics without a subject, choreography, acrobatics.

Develops a sense of rhythm, develops an ear for music, improves coordination, grace and plasticity of movements, fosters a team spirit in girls.

Gymnastics for adults from 14 to 50 years old

Gymnastics for adults includes directions:

Stretching (stretching);

Basics of rhythmic gymnastics (work with apparatus);

The basics of classical choreography (ballet).

All this allows trainees not only to correct their shape and posture, but also to maintain their health in excellent condition, improve metabolism and immunity. Girls develop their flexibility, plasticity, sense of rhythm, vestibular apparatus. Stretching exercises allow you to master the basics of rhythmic gymnastics and dance techniques at any age. Every athlete knows how important it is to stretch properly and properly. It supports the flexibility of the body, the balance of development of all muscle groups, relieves back and lower back pain, and also minimizes the likelihood of injury. These exercises are in demand in all sports, including rhythmic gymnastics.

Stretching classes have another important positive side- psychological. Regular exercise can help you relieve stress and acquire such an important quality as endurance.

Our main advantages:

Ø Experienced coaching staff

Ø Classes at a convenient time

Ø Comfortable training conditions

Ø Workshops with world stars of rhythmic gymnastics

Ø Participation in All-Russian and international tournaments

Ø A team with history and traditions

Ø Weekend group

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