Beregini's power. Women's Slavic gymnastics

How to correct your figure while staying in harmony with yourself? It would seem that the question is stupid, but it turned out that inner beauty requires support in order to develop and enchant. Some are already born with such a gift that there is genuine luck. But sometimes Slavic gymnastics, which was successfully practiced by the distant Slavic ancestors, can help. Is it really helpful or is it a real relic of the past? Perhaps, you can figure it out only when you try the exercises on yourself.

Women's beauty and its secrets

Probably, every person at least once wondered, what, in fact, is the secret of female attractiveness ?! Why do men and women have different ideals? Why are beautiful ladies often lonely, and nondescript gray mice do not know the end of the guys? With difficulty, all these moments fit into our head and the option with inner beauty does not immediately come to mind. Most likely, everyone has come across such a gray mouse that cannot boast of luxurious external data, but attracts others. They say about such people that beauty comes from within and thus attracts. Slavic gymnastics has long helped our ancestors in the development of such a skill, and today modern instructors remembered the ancient science and gave new impetus its popularity. Moreover, the spread went not only among the Slavs, but also in other nationalities. True, at the genetic level, Slavic gymnastics is nevertheless closer to the inhabitants of our latitudes.

The essence of the technique

The modern woman is placed in a rigid framework. She must be collected, strong, courageous and ambitious. A woman must work and earn money for the good of the family. It is not uncommon for a woman to get more than her man. But at the same time, a woman must still remain wise and calm. The dynamics of modern life and the desire to use male methods in achieving their goals steals female energy and Slavic gymnastics will help make up for the losses. The complex includes 27 exercises, divided into lower, middle and upper worlds. The exercises of the lower world are designed only for women and it is forbidden for men to perform them, so as not to drown out the male essence. There is no urgent need to do all the exercises. You can choose only a few and improve in them, supplementing from time to time with new exercises.

Benefits of ancient technology

So, what is so good about Slavic gymnastics for women? 27 exercises stimulate improvement general condition health. The technique does not contribute exclusively to weight loss, but it really gives beauty, giving the body soft, rounded lines so attractive to men. The adherents of the technique improve vision and reproductive health. If, before performing the exercise, girls experience pain during menstruation, the technique allows them to be minimized or completely eliminated. Spinal problems will be forgotten, and the body will become light and flexible if exercises are performed systematically. For this technique, you do not need to visit expensive gyms, you can practice right at home. The technique takes into account all the individual characteristics of the female body and many other factors. You need to start exercising under the supervision of a trainer in order to safely master the new technique.

Contraindications and precautions

Remember that Slavic gymnastics for women is not just fitness that benefits the body. First of all, the technique brings harmony. If the achievement of the desired result is quick, this does not mean at all that gymnastics can be abandoned. Its strength lies in constancy. There is an opinion about the poor interaction with hormonal drugs and a decrease in the effect on the body while exercising and taking medication. In such a situation, only the characteristics of a particular organism determine the maximum of the obtained effect. Instructors allow women of all ages to perform exercises without restrictions, but they especially watch young girls whose reproductive system has not yet been fully formed. This is due to the possibility of girls developing too early.

For physical health

Slavic is aimed at maintaining throughout the body. This means that girls will grow up faster, become more physically attractive. Active interest on the part of the opposite sex is possible. But, by the way, this technique is not suitable for men. Even practicing in their presence is not recommended. Better to be alone to focus and be alone with yourself. According to their observations, the instructors sum up the results and say that women are becoming more carefree and gentle. They devote more time to themselves than to work. They love themselves more!

At a basic level

The main gymnastics complex is called Vedason, or tendon gymnastics. Everything here is not as complicated as further Slavic gymnastics for women. The exercises refer to the 1st level of difficulty. The main task at this level is to activate the muscular and tendon apparatus. We are gradually working on the joints and ligaments. All movements are smooth and unhurried, due to which the mental and energy centers are activated. The tension drops. For the most part, the complex consists of twisting exercises that help establish the correct measured breathing and tone the body. A person almost immediately gets a boost of vivacity. By the way, you can take advantage of this effect and do exercises early in the morning so that the day goes well. The level of physical fitness does not play a special role. The first movement is performed while standing. We place our legs shoulder-width apart and bend a little at the knees. The feet should remain parallel. We bend our arms at the elbows and put them behind the back, without closing the hands. Take time to relax shoulder joint... Breathe smoothly and move your arms forward so that the hands are under the chest. Now brushes up to make a "bud". We exhale and return to the starting position. The second exercise resembles a ballet step: we do not change the starting position and raise our legs with the knee abduction. While inhaling, we turn the body towards the raised leg. The third final exercise from the initial cycle begins with a kneeling position. We move them apart, and we put our hands behind our back. We close our feet, and we pull our arms up, while making bends with the body.

Making it a little more complicated

We perform the first exercise of the second cycle, which is offered by Slavic gymnastics. The rituals of this science are distinguished by genuine regularity and degree. We get on our knees and put our hands behind the head. We rest our elbows on the floor. The leg makes a movement towards the chest, and then straightens, making a swing. Mirror exercises for the other leg. We move the body down, touching the surface of the floor with the cheek. There is no definite norm for performing the exercise, but for greater efficiency it is better to do as many approaches as you are comfortable with. You cannot feel fatigue. Slavic gymnastics is not done in spite of anything, but is carried out in harmony with oneself. Female gymnastics actively affects the pelvic organs and It is known that the main cause of female diseases is a pinched stomach and poor blood circulation in the female organs. Slavic gymnastics for women helps to solve these problems.

Reviews of girls

Lovely ladies love the way to relieve muscle tension through stretching. So the muscles are in good shape, and blood circulation improves. Internal muscles the belly becomes stronger, the pelvis and buttocks look more appetizing, and hip joints are being developed. Within a month, most women note the positive influence exerted by the Slavic gymnastics Power Beregini. The girls' reviews agree that there is also a placebo effect. Some dance and strip instructors include Slavic gymnastics exercises in the warm-up program to revive the female energy and make her in full swing. In addition, the intestines are launched and the level of sexual libido rises. Women note that intimate life is reaching a different level of quality. The percentage of women who become pregnant is increasing.

How much do you need per day?

Slavic Beregini is for those people who want to live life to the fullest, without denying themselves healthy pleasures. Now we are not talking about alcohol or promiscuous relationships, but it is being put in the spotlight. family life, healthy eating, travel and a rich intimate life with a loved one. It will take only a quarter of an hour every day to start your "engine" and improve your health. Not so much, but the results will delight and surprise. It is recommended to maintain natural and free breathing, without delay. The state should be calm and contemplative. All attention should be directed inward, to your own feelings, thoughts and emotions. Imagine that you are moving in a dance and do not let go of this state until the very end of the gymnastics. Visualization of yourself under water also helps to tune in. Remember, in the pool you cannot jerk your hands, jump often, or even march with precision. So give the movements an underwater smoothness! For the first three months, it is better to do a maximum of 4 times a week, doing 7 exercises with three repetitions. If you have serious ailments, it is better to start by mastering starting points... In each stance you need to hold yourself for at least a minute.

Nice nuances of Slavic gymnastics

Each person can determine their individual complex, moreover, you can start with a quarter of all exercises. You can make the process more interesting and prepare a personal deck of cards so that you can only do the exercises that you pulled out on a particular day. Do the upper world exercises first. Next is the middle and bottom. The main exercise is done at the end of the first round of gymnastics and is any exercise of your choice. There are two rounds of exercises in total.

Initial provisions

Where does Slavic gymnastics begin? For men, it will also be difficult because all starting positions are the embodiment of softness and tenderness. Keep your knees relaxed and move them smoothly. We put our legs a little wider than the shoulders for exercises in the upper world. Keep your shoulders and hips in line, and put your arms behind your back. Make sure you create parallel lines. There should be tension in the shoulders and arms during the exercise. With regular exercise, the tension will subside. Remember that there are 9 exercises in each world, but you do not need to do them all at one time. We knead the muscles in the upper world. One exercise targets the socks; a man on bent knees sways on toes with a raised chin.

All movements are based on contact with the body, natural deflections and parallel lines.

For whom is the technique not suitable?

We have already said that not everyone is useful and necessary to perform such exercises. For example, Slavic gymnastics is not at all suitable for men. The exercises will seem simple and useless to them. But the danger is that a girl may soon inflame a passion for men if she starts doing such gymnastics. In order to avoid such situations, instructors invite girls to classes with mothers or adult relatives in order to give the same energy that the student's age is. You should not resort to Slavic gymnastics for those ladies who are actively taking hormones or contraceptives. In fact, two elements, since the Slavic technique is aimed at developing and enriching the female source of energy. Will modern medicine be able to resist this? The question is intriguing in advance ...

The task of a woman is to learn to feel the space, events, the energy of her KIND and be able to manage them to create good. With the help of gymnastics, you can develop this ability.

She starts working from the first lesson. And the practitioner Bereginya can get small pleasant results instantly: mood improves, joyful events occur, the degree of luck increases, pacification and calmness come, a state of femininity, a "state of water" is developed, men begin to show signs of attention.

When a woman comes into practice for more global issues - to open the sorcerer in herself, to become the Bereginya - the Keeper of her Family, the Mentor for children and descendants, to correct her life and family scenarios, to attract a life partner, to make a breakthrough in her destiny, she needs to comprehend the practice in detail ...

By working through karmic tasks through the 27 energies of the universe, gymnastics "Power of Beregini" helps to eliminate obstacles that prevent a person from reaching the highest degree of development. They are different for everyone.

Ancestral practice in ancient times hardly looked like simple static exercises, especially since it was performed by women. A more likely option is when the older woman of the Rhoda went out into the field or forest, away from human eyes. I listened to the whisper of the wind, the rustle of foliage, the voice of Mother Earth, listened to the voice of my heart, attuned to the harmonious space and asked for the strength of the worlds Navi, Yavi and Pravi, as well as the female patrons of the Three Beregini for help and support. Including the power of sacred folk symbols, it allowed the body to accept the energy of the Family and space, dissolving in the flow of the sacred dance of power. This dance was based on certain body positions that reinforced physical health women, helped to fulfill her dreams and aspirations.

To learn to feel the energy of the flow of female power, of course, it takes time and perseverance - a woman's daily work on herself. But, however, it does not take much time - only 10 minutes a day. And at the same time it greatly facilitates being and makes a woman happy and joyful.

You can master the practice deeply in a few months: start with the study of the basic elements, then the basic bundles of exercises and then move on to sacred dance or, in other words, to gymnastics in the energy flow of female power.

So, as in any system, the immersion in practice should be gradual. Therefore, I highlight several stages.

FIRST STEP: Mastering the basic elements of gymnastics

At this stage, you need to build your body, learn how to move correctly, work out the technique for performing the elements that exist in practice. We will talk about this in more detail later in the corresponding section. This stage in duration can take from three days to two weeks, depending on the physical fitness and the regularity of the woman's training.

SECOND STAGE: Mastering the individual complex

In fact, this is a Slavic karmic horoscope - the main abilities, skills and tasks of a person, a picture of the generic program. We will talk about this in detail in the corresponding section. This horoscope consists of seven energies, seven Beregin, seven states that a woman needs to activate her abilities and capabilities, initiate in her clan structure, and open the source of energy of her Clan. This complex helps to feel "in your own stream", gives strength and confidence in yourself, your strength, harmonizes, attracts good luck, joyful events and state.

Each energy in the complex is represented by: the circle and the world of the Slavic universe, a folk symbol, exercise, conspiracy and semantic adjustment. At the first stage of mastering the practice, a woman visualizes the necessary symbols, delves into the setting, reads the plot and performs the recommended exercise.

Thus, she gets the opportunity to feel the flow of generic energy in the body, to feel her symbols, their vibration, to track the changes that occur in life against the background of female Slavic gymnastics.

THIRD STAGE: Mastering the system 27 Beregin

At this stage, the woman continues her acquaintance with the system already through the study of the remaining exercises: she works with folk symbols and performs the recommended exercise bundles.

You can work out those energies that you need (For example: harmonizing family relationships, removing obstacles, protection, prosperity. See: the meaning of energies).

Or the second option: offer the system to prompt you on the implementation of the most relevant options for a particular situation. Take a deck * of cards (27 pcs.) And draw out from it an arbitrary complex for a situation in the amount of 1, 3, 7 or 9 pieces. As practice has shown, the system is mudra: it happens that for several days in a row the same energies “accidentally” fall on the same question. Moreover, within the meaning they are ideally suited to the requested situation.

* a deck of cards for gymnastics "Power of Beregini" can be ordered by mail or purchased from the school instructors.

FOURTH STAGE: the sacred dance of power

After you have memorized and mastered the 27 exercises of the Tridevyat Beregin system, which represents the fundamental principle - the Slavic universe, you can proceed to mastering the sacred dance of female power.

The signal that you are ready to move to this stage is the following moments: you have your favorite exercises, favorite symbols, you are tired of moving just like that, you wanted to add something, and it is especially good when you add something that was not in the system, but this fits organically into her style and conducts energy flows through the body.

At this stage, you no longer spy on which exercise, with which symbol, is proposed. You visualize the symbol, concentrate on the leading charm, and with the help of the elements of movements of the arms, legs, body, you move the energy through the body. In the end, it can look like a dance. And this is how your individual work with flow begins.

You can work on this principle with any folk symbol or even an ornament, you can feel what world it belongs to, what questions it answers, what quality power it gives. You can also broadcast a stream without symbols. Thanks to this skill, you manage to influence not only yourself and your life, but also charge the space, the room, the people who are in it.

We learn not just gymnastics - we learn to control our ancestral power, to use it for good. Gymnastics is a tool through which everyone can learn about their generic practice.

Safety engineering


Any practice is effective only if it is done correctly. "Beregini's Power" has two spheres of influence on a person: physical and energy. And accordingly, there are rules that guarantee the preservation of the "do no harm" principle. Let's consider them in detail.

RULE # 1: PURPOSE... Before starting the exercises, create an intention, set a goal, or enter the state you want. Remember: like any energy practice, Slavic gymnastics "Beregin's Power" releases energy, which still needs to be controlled. If you do not set the path, the energy will become uncontrollable. This can be fraught with an increase in the malicious programs of the mind: aggression, greed, pride, ignorance, anger. Chronic diseases can worsen, which often arise in those energy zones that, according to the principle of psychosomatics, are responsible for a particular program of the mind.

Case study: The day after a basic gymnastics workshop, a woman developed a thrush. According to her, the disease did not bother her for a couple of years, although before that it was chronic. They began to find out what happened during this day, it turned out that he called ex-husband, from whom she has two children, and offered to make up. The woman refused, the resentment towards him is too strong. Another question is that these grievances should be worked out. And practice indicated a "sore spot" in working on oneself, on the attitude towards men.

Exercise will magically help you get things done, as long as emotional blocks or conflicting beliefs aren't in the way. If they are present, the "Power of Beregini" will help you see them through not very pleasant situations that relate to the topic of the request.

Whatever happens, it is important that the person understands that practice can exacerbate those situations that require elaboration.
It affects, first of all, the practitioner, changes her psychological attitudes. And then those around them change. Therefore, exacerbations, problems are magic kicks that are designed to change the patterned behavior of the practitioner and direct her to the realization of what she wants. The longer a woman resists, the longer it takes to realize her intentions.

RULE # 2: SENSE OF MEASURE. It is important to enter the practice consistently, slowly, but at the same time practice regularly. Try to listen to your feelings: to do with pleasure, and not from the mind "more-more". Don't try to redo everything right away! Start with one, three, maximum 7 energies. And gradually increase the load, but if it is your body or your soul that wants more, do not limit yourself. This is the art of being a real woman, Bereginya - to feel and feel the space. The mind in this situation is not the best advisor.

RULE # 3: BOOMERANG RULE. When you do energy practice, you release energy. Where to direct this energy, you yourself determine by your intention.

Practice enhances the ability to materialize not only your ideas, intentions, desires, thoughts, but also everything that arises in your head: fears, anger, resentment, and so on. What you think - you will attract.

Therefore, the practitioner Beregina should filter her feelings towards ill-wishers, remember that all people are good, that everything is fair. For in the hearts of the said "so that you" may come true, but then it will return to you tenfold. And then do not be surprised where the series of failures comes from. What we sow, we reap.

And vice versa: working to help others increases the energy channel that you develop, makes your practice more effective, more powerful, helps to work out your own problematic issues that you could not budge before. It attracts good luck and luck into your life!

Track yourself who we love and why? It's easy for us to love people who love and praise us. At the same time, we condemn and criticize those who are aggressive towards us. And this pendulum can continue indefinitely - until someone first begins to transform their emotions into love. Think about what will happen if your opponent suddenly starts to praise you, provide you with assistance and assistance, speak well of you, smile at you when he meets you? You may find him strange ... but over time you yourself will begin to notice that he is not a bad person after all. What prevents us from being the first to take this step towards friendliness? You just need to overcome pride and sow love in the heart. For a person who is tuned in to spiritual development, it is as easy as shelling pears! Isn't it true?

Therefore, I recommend: before the practice, wish love and happiness to everyone around you, and especially to those with whom you are at enmity. And you will see: time will pass, and there will be no enemies left. They transform into friends and associates. Or you will get an invaluable experience ... The experience of unconditional love.

Also, remember that your desires must be sustainable. You cannot interfere in the life of other people, try to influence their will.

You can: "I want my relationship with my ex-husband to be built in a harmonious way."
You can't: "I want my ex-husband to come back to me." Trust the space to send you the perfect scenario. "God knows best what is best for you."

RULE 4: FEEL TECHNIQUE. Only at the first stage during the first month should the exercises be performed accurately, faultlessly. The next step is to move on to feeling the flow. In no case should you force yourself to do the exercises and at the same time you should not give up gymnastics and hope that everything will continue to work.

If an emotional imbalance arises after practice, do the "Cross" exercise: lie on the ground on your stomach, legs together, arms at your sides (hug the Earth).

On the initial stage mastering the practice, you need to ensure that you do not overeat excess energy. With experience, you will be able to manage this automatically.
Therefore, it is necessary to master the method of emission - discharge of excess energy.
After completing the ligament, you need to remove the symbol from the spell as you exhale, and at the same time "exhale" the excess tension.
In general, the topic of the outburst is quite speculative (since it is impossible to check, only to feel it), and different teachers of the system describe the need for its implementation in different ways.
In the Navi world, you can also throw your head down. Then the energy that was activated in the tailbone will flow through the back of the head into the ground. Along with this, there is also a cleansing of negative emotions. This element should also be done when you feel that fatigue has accumulated in the body or that some blocks are causing you discomfort. Also, a ritual movement is considered an ejection - to lie on the ground with a cross.

1. Make sure your lower back is comfortable. Pain is unacceptable and may indicate excessive flexion in this area or in the thoracic spine.
2. Do not make sudden movements. Only smoothly and to a slight stretch.
3. Refrain from "ovary" during pregnancy. And in general, in this position it is better to master gymnastics with an experienced instructor, who will be able to choose a complex based on the characteristics of the body.
4. Do not exercise in moments of exacerbation of spinal diseases or acute back pain.
5. Exercise symmetrically: on one side and on the other side of the body.
6. If the physical fitness of the body is weak or there is overweight, perform movements more dynamically than statically. This technique is easier.


Divine power, make my hands an instrument of peace and labor

And where there is hate, let me bring LOVE
And where there is darkness, let me bring LIGHT
And where there is strife, let me bring UNITY
And where there are doubts, let me bring FAITH
And where there is suffering, let me bring HOPE
And where there is sadness, let me bring JOY

Power divine, help me not so much loved
how much loving
Not so much to be understood as to understand
For whoever gives, he receives
Who dies is born for eternal life
Divine power, make my hands an instrument of peace and labor.


At the initial stage of mastering the practice, you need to ensure that you do not overeat excess energy. With experience, you will be able to manage this automatically.

Therefore, it is necessary to master the method of emission - discharge of excess energy.

After completing the ligament, you need to remove the symbol from the spell as you exhale, and at the same time "exhale" the excess tension.

In general, the topic of the outburst is quite speculative (since it is impossible to check, only to feel it), and different teachers of the system describe the need for its implementation in different ways.

In the Navi world, you can also throw your head down. Then the energy that was activated in the tailbone will flow through the back of the head into the ground. Along with this, there is also a cleansing of negative emotions. This element should also be done when you feel that fatigue has accumulated in the body or that some blocks are causing you discomfort. Also, a ritual movement is considered an ejection - to lie on the ground with a cross.

Book of K. Silaeva "Women's Slavic gymnastics POWER OF BEREGINA"

How to define your complex

Exercise cards

Using folk symbols and settings

Each of the 27 energies of Beregin corresponds to folk Slavic symbols - graphic images that contain information about each archetype.
They are a kind of graph in space that determines the passage, development and extinction of energies. In other words, the value of energy is determined.

Working with symbols, calculated or calculated according to the horoscope, allows you to avoid external harmful influences and replenish your energy. In other words, it is a powerful energy protection and recharge. With regular work with symbols, a state of "inner smile" arises.

Roughly speaking, this is the vector of your spiritual work. But not everything is acceptable for our body, and the symbol is one of the few mechanisms that effectively protects us from the penetration of unnecessary energy, thoughts, emotions.

In order for the symbol to "agree" to help you, you need to activate it. This can be done in the following ways:
Body painting
Embroidery on clothes

Drawing or embroidery makes it possible to get better acquainted with the structure of a folk symbol. This, in turn, simplifies visualization.

The visualization of the symbol in the enchantment activates, attracts the energy of the corresponding Bereginya for help (working out specific situations).

The folk symbol is always "launched" from the lower charm - (lower abdomen). If we work with the symbols of the Navi world, then he remains there. We visualize - we perform a movement and at the end we bring the symbol out of the enchantment into space. If the symbol belongs to the world of Reveal, then from the lower spell we raise it to the middle one (chest). If the symbol is Rule, we raise it to the upper charm (forehead).
Visualization can be difficult at first. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability to visualize. That is, it may mean that a woman is accustomed to living on the "male stream". Over time, everything will work out. The process can be accelerated by doing women's affairs - needlework, for example.
Folk symbols can be divided into two categories: everyday and astrological.
The latter are part of this system. All over
Probably, they contain a graphic representation of constellations, celestial bodies. Old-timers often recommended embroidering symbols from this group after looking at the sky to solve a particular issue. And towels with the image of these symbols were used for fortune telling by the light of the moon. And if everyday symbols are supported in vital issues (for today, for a week, for a year), then astrological ones help to work out karmic questions (why I cannot get married, why there are no children, why there is no prosperity, why there is no harmony in relationships with ancestors).

About energy impact symbols on the human body have been known for a long time. The ancient magical practices of all peoples date back to it.

A symbol, an ornament is a reflection by the consciousness and subconsciousness of people of the harmonious movement of the energy of the information field of the Universe, capable of influencing the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person, correcting his relationship with the world around him. And part of this harmony is the mechanism of movement and changes in the position of the human body in space and the movement of energy flows in the human body. It is through the earth that the rhythms of the movement of planets and stars affect a person. Researcher Marina Kachaeva writes in detail about the influence of the symbol on the human body in the book "Treasures of Russian Ornament".

Best time to complete

Gymnastics has a particularly strong effect on astronomically significant dates, which are the ancient Slavic holidays.

These include:
Solstices and Equinoxes
Fridays of Makoshi
Gromnitsa, Beltan, Kupala, Bagach
Memorial days

Traditional Slavic pagan holidays are associated with nature and the events taking place in it, they contain and conceal a deep sacred essence. The ceremonies that our great ancestors are called to ensure peaceful coexistence and harmony with Mother Nature.
The year among the Slavs is divided into four parts - according to the special astronomical positions of the sun in the sky: 2 solstices in winter and summer (when the Sun is reborn) and 2 equinoxes (in spring and autumn). The sun has long been revered by many peoples as a symbol and source of life on earth.

There are 8 main holidays in the Slavic calendar, which divide the year into 8 equal parts. 8 parts of the soul, 8 cardinal points: Kolyada, Gromnitsa, Magpies, Great Day, Kupala, Spas, Bagach, Autumn Grandfathers.
FRIDAY MACOSHI. This is the most important calendar female rite, the days when a woman receives a power of a special quality. A power that can work miracles. There are only 12 such Fridays in the year. The dates of these Fridays are calculated in a special way.

When the Beregini gather to celebrate Friday, they combine their energies, creating a powerful stream. The general orientation of desires (therefore, each Friday has its own theme, for example, home, parents, children) enhances the fulfillment of the plan. Personal symbols of power applied to certain parts of the body harmonize and stimulate the personal energy of the participants, and are also amulets.
On Friday, a woman comes with the intention of a given topic. During the ritual, she receives answers and tips that will help her get what she wants.

The participants in the ritual become especially attractive, gain a lot of strength and energy to realize their desires and, in general, to harmonize life. Bereginya, who has passed the initiation of all Fridays, receives a full connection to the generic energy!

FUNERAL GRANDFATES. 5 main funeral holidays - Grandfathers - are important. These are the days when, according to East Slavic ideas, the souls of deceased ancestors return to earth. This is the time when descendants can remember them, honor their memory, ask for help and receive the power of their Kin.
“The common ritual feature of these holidays is meals, which are held according to certain rules with an indispensable invitation to the deceased (or leaving them ritual food),” the researchers D.A. Gavrilov, S.E. Ermakov, T. Faminskaya write in the book ““ Russian pagan worldview: the space of meanings ””. - All memorial days fall on the "timeless" or "special time", coinciding with the holidays or immediately preceding the onset of key points of the solar year (Annual Circle).
The oral folk tradition of the Eastern Slavs has preserved many examples when the deceased help their descendants. Such are, for example, the well-known tales of the miracle horse, which belongs only to that of the sons of the deceased father, who observes all his behests for the administration of the funeral feast at his grave; a doll, in which, obviously, the spirit of the deceased mother dwells and which the daughter feeds, and the latter helps her to cope with trials, etc. "
ON THE MOON. Gymnastics also has a special power on the full moon - the time of activation of female power.

Exercise description and video course

Exercise errors

What is the essence of practice

What practice gives

Many women who come to my seminars are looking for a practice that would help them become more feminine. But what is femininity and what does this concept include?

Surely everyone in the environment has a woman who looks like a standard outwardly: an impeccable wardrobe, elegant makeup, perfect styling, chic jewelry and accessories, expensive shoes, etc. And, it seems, she has everything! But external beauty does not always guarantee female happiness. Such a woman is able to easily attract a man, but this does not help create a harmonious relationship. Rather, it serves as a pleasant addition to other, more important qualities.

And there are girls who at first glance are gray mice. But their fate has developed, and a loving husband, and obedient children, and do not feel the need for money, and there are many friends. Because with such girls it is both cozy and warm: for both men and women. And with such it is pleasant even to be silent. They often say about such: well, what did he find in her, and why is she lucky in everything?

What's the secret? Why is that?

Every woman consciously or subconsciously strives to create a family. Strives to love and be loved. These aspirations form the basis of the concept of femininity. To be feminine means to be kind, merciful, loving, forgiving; to be flexible, compliant, humble, loyal, patient, grateful, understanding, to carry a state of grace and peace.

What do most women think? Now I will put on a sexy dress, high-heeled shoes - I will seduce him, demonstrate awesome sex and force myself to achieve. And when he realizes that I am the one and only, then I will begin to swing my rights. They confuse femininity with bitchiness. From such a woman, a man will try to leave or take revenge for what she is trying to curb him: beat, change, scandalize, humiliate, ignore her desires.

And here is another trap. Knowing this, women with an active lifestyle put on the mask of a meek gray mouse, play the role of an ideal wife (humble, patient), but in this case they go against their nature. And from this they feel even more unhappy. In this case, you should remain yourself, but develop the qualities of a good friend.

A man is looking for in a woman a good mistress, a mistress, a mother, and a faithful friend, companion and assistant. If something is missing, there will be problems in the relationship.

Women's happiness directly depends on the state in which a woman is in life. From the state with which she can attune others - the state of femininity. I compare it to water - fluid, smooth, flexible. You can talk about him. But it's better to feel.

We acquire this state during the practice of "Power of Beregini". It is important to feel it at least once. And regular exercises help to make this state a habit in order to live in this state, or at least learn to immerse in it, reproduce it at the right moments of life.

The state of femininity opens up magical abilities in a woman: to anticipate future events, influence them, attract what you want, heal. We all know from fairy tales and epics that Slavic women possessed great power, which was passed down through the family as a genetic memory. They were all-powerful: they could control the elements, provide the family and clan with wealth, protection and prosperity. They were real sorceresses, bereginas.

How did they do it? Unfortunately, only fragments of that knowledge have come down to us. But we can save what is left, so that, adapting to modernity, we can use it to improve our lives.

Today I want to present you with the result of my observations and research - women's Slavic gymnastics "POWER OF BEREGINA". This is the technique that is the synthesis of the most effective technicians female Slavic practices, united by common eternal aspirations: wealth, health, love, harmony, home, security, harmony, children, development, creativity, inspiration.

The practice is based on a set of sacred movements, conspiracies, psychological settings, the power of folk symbols, as well as the principles of working with energy. All this in a complex helps to humble pride and, applying spiritual principles, improve your character, behavior, and as a result, change the attitude of others towards yourself. We get what we deserve. What seeds-actions we sow, such events-results we will receive.

ATTRACTIVENESS. Practice helps to develop, to feel confident, to become attractive. Gait, gaze, gestures change. The energy field of a woman is changing. It becomes inviting, interesting, fulfilling.

RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS. Due to changes in state, in behavior - in response, metamorphoses occur in the surrounding world. Kind and sympathetic people are more and more common, men often give flowers and gifts, teachers are more favorable, the husband spoils rather than scolds, children obey and delight, and so on in many ways: both globally and in small things.

MAGIC WAND. Practice increases the level of luck. She is a wonderful tool for consciously managing your future. Helps to be always at the right time in the right place... Accelerates getting what you want if it is for the benefit of everyone around you. But the only place where the system cannot be used is to influence the feelings of another person. You cannot be forcibly sweet, love can only be earned through work on yourself.

During practice, we release strength and direct it to the realization of our aspirations and intentions. Therefore, it can be used to accomplish what you want.

FAMILY. Practice attunes a woman to a family. Relations with parents and relatives are improved. Relations with spouse and children are harmonized. Practice helps to activate the energy of the family and use it for good. For example, for the conception and birth of children.

PROTECTIVE PROPERTIES. Practice includes in a person a connection with the egregor of his own kind. And a woman can access the information channel of her generic system. This power protects a woman and all members of her family, as well as those whom she keeps in her attention.

It protects from foreign influences, from evil eyes and slander, from an envious eye and black rituals. Protects from accidents and attracts only those events that a person deserves. He acted in a good way - and he will receive good, but if he sowed unkind actions - blame only himself.

MATERIAL GOODS. Ask and get! You just need to consider that there are two ways to improve your well-being: hard work, luck. Or both at the same time.

Material well-being can be earned from higher powers- to beg. But they give it to a person for a specific task: for charity projects, to help loved ones, for the birth of children. If you are motivated by the desire to create, to help others, then prosperity will come by itself. Think about how I can help others, and then others will find how to help you. This law has been in place for many years.

To have prosperity in life, a woman needs to remove the installation: "I have to earn money to feed my family." This attitude is masculine. Give a man the opportunity to be a man, a breadwinner and breadwinner, and you create, inspire and please him, show beautiful emotions, praise him, rejoice and be happy. A grumpy wife oppresses a man; such husbands do not feel successful.

Financial well-being is given to the woman who does not strain her mind and does not put money in the first place. A woman is by nature so arranged that she can create the magic of space only in a state of freedom of creativity.

The practice strengthens the "energy flow of the Earth" in a woman - the energy of materialization. Therefore, her ability to attract material benefits to the family increases. One but: the flow is cut off when a woman starts to worry about money. Read more about the energy laws of financial well-being at the end of the book.

HEALTH. A disease is given to a person when he stubbornly does not want to work on the development of his soul, the realization of his destiny. When a woman, albeit forcedly, chooses a masculine style of behavior, goes against her nature, nature begins to resist and the result is diseases of the reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries), hormonal disruptions. V human body everything is arranged very rationally and thought out: female hormones help to fulfill the female role, male hormones help the male role. The body of a courageous woman begins to produce male hormones, as a result of which hormonal imbalance occurs, followed by illness, and the inability to conceive and bear a child. A man, by nature, cannot give birth. Women's Slavic gymnastics helps to establish hormonal levels by influencing the endocrine glands, as well as the psyche of a woman. Through a change in beliefs, psychological programs and attitudes, the physical body changes, it becomes healthy.

Gymnastics is a means of prevention inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs by improving blood circulation.

Thanks to numerous stretches of the spine, as well as deflections, back illnesses, stoop, appear, a feeling of comfort appears in the spine, and posture is formed. The practice is especially recommended for women who lead a sedentary lifestyle or work while sitting at a computer.

With regular practice, fatigue disappears, vigor and strength appear, the muscles of the legs become stronger.

GENERAL PRACTICE. During the practice, we work with the energy of the ROD, invoke it, accumulate it, direct it to work out our energy and physical body, as well as to implement the processes of life.

The ancestors who left for the Navi world (dead) are interested in being born again, to incarnate in the Explicit world with the help of their descendants. And we, women, as descendants, serve as their direct guides. The ancestors are vitally interested in a woman giving birth to children. And the more the better. The more the ancestors will be able to reincarnate in order to go through their lessons, solve their karmic tasks and fulfill generic programs.

Using the power of the Navi world, the power of materialization, the ancestors can help and attract a man from their ancestral system, and establish relationships, harmonize, and conceive, and endure, and give birth painlessly, get rid of female diseases. They can help in attracting material wealth. But not just for the purpose of enrichment, but so that children have opportunities: where to live, what to eat, what to wear, how to develop, teach, help to realize themselves in society and develop their soul. That is why, probably, there is such an expression among the people: "God will give children, He will also give ON children." The energy of the clan is omnipotent, if a woman is ready to live like a woman and fulfill her role as a woman, then a powerful force will open in her to help herself, her husband, children, parents, her home, people and the world as a whole. Everything depends on her thoughts.

In women's Slavic gymnastics, there are three basic stances that personify the three worlds of the Slavic universe: Mir Navi, Yavi and Pravi. Practice in these worlds makes it possible to receive energy of the appropriate quality, to resolve issues that are within the competence of one or another parallel world.

The three worlds correspond to the solution of the following issues:

World rule- the world of spirituality. Responsible for questions spiritual development, intelligence, wisdom, inspiration, expression of their creativity, the ability to express their thoughts, for beauty, awareness, intuition. In the world of Pravi, according to the Slavic worldview, the souls of our ancestors live who have gone through all their karmic lessons and generic tasks, have reached the highest degree of awareness, wisdom and love. With them, we can tune in to get the knowledge of how to act for us in order to walk our own path, to realize our own karma.

World of Reveal- the world of people. This is the world in which we live, the real world. Responsible for communication with people, life processes, love, business issues.

Navi world- the world of dead ancestors, the world of the energies of the elements, primary elements, cardinal points, the world of animals. In this world live the souls of ancestors who are waiting for incarnation in Reality to implement their tasks. You can contact them and ask them for help. Also, the world of Navi helps to activate the energies of the Earth, Water, Fire, Air, egregors of the cardinal points, tune in with them, get their strength and establish communication with them: ask for rain to water the field, or turn to the wind so that the clouds keep the plants from the scorching sun ... Through the world of Navi, you can communicate with animals, find protectors in the forest. Brownies, Leshies are also inhabitants of the Navny world. They are kind if you come to their territory with kindness.

This generic energy helps to restore an energetic connection with the ancestors of both the Navi world and the Revelation world. It is important to know that by being offended, judging, not accepting our parents, we do not accept ourselves. Whatever our father and mother are, no matter how they behave, they are first of all our parents, and we are their flesh and blood, which means they are made of the same dough. To accept your parents is to accept yourself. Parents are the wings of our future. If family relationships are harmonious, life is easy for a person. And if it's the other way around, everything goes awry. So the opposite is true: if your relationship with the opposite sex is not going well, there is no financial stability, think about your relationship with your dad and mom. Are everything smooth about them? Generic practice helps to build these relationships. Influencing the brain through the body, it forms the RIGHT style of behavior, thoughts and beliefs, attracts the necessary events, and acts harmoniously on family and friends.

With every movement of the body and soul, in a word, the symbol strengthens the primordially feminine, Slavic, generic.

Practice recovery history

Information about generic psychophysical female practice, namely Slavic, and precisely female, and not common for men and women, until recently was a great rarity or secret, passed from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. But family and clan ties of information transmission from generation to generation were disrupted by a long series of tragic historical events. Huge layers of information have been lost or deliberately destroyed. But time has passed, and generic knowledge returns again, they are, and they strive to be open and used. They will always find a way to those who are waiting and looking for them. Every day there are more and more girls and women who want their own, and not, for example, Eastern or African, for their development and recovery, for a feeling of connection with their kind, with their beautiful culture. Once there is a request, there will be teachers. Perhaps, in a few years, women's Slavic gymnastics, and everything connected with it (tribal culture and awareness of the female role), will become as familiar and necessary for women as yoga.

To date, two sources are known that describe the movements of the ancient female Slavic physical practice. Belarusian professor Gennady Adamovich and Russian writer Vladislav Meshalkin, who received information about typical Slavic gymnastics from the bearers of knowledge, that is, from the people. Based on the knowledge gained, both researchers published books in which they described the system of exercises. These systems are different: in one there are 27 exercises ("Standing water" by Adamovich), in the second - 9 ("The Arch of Mokosha" by Meshalkin), but at the same time it is possible to observe the general laws of movements, positions, mechanisms of influence. Therefore, there is every reason to talk about a certain general scheme of movements.

Each master has his own vision and philosophy of gymnastics practice. For the authors, men have one, and women have another. Each teaches based on his own unique individual experience and analysis of observations of the experience of his students. Over time, improving and deeply comprehending their knowledge and actions, learning new aspects and Additional information thus developing and growing in practice as a master.

Vladislav Meshalkin, the re-creator of the Zdrava Makoshi system, offers only 9 Navi exercises for study, although he focuses on the existence of 27 energies - Beregin: “According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, there are 27 planets in our solar system. They are divided into three levels. These are the levels of Pravi, Yavi, Navi (nine planets at each level). Naturally, these planets have their own reflection in the structure of both the subtle bodies of a person and the physical body. These planets were also called planets, Beregini. They were named after the gods and goddesses who ruled the planets. Correct interaction with them provided the family with good health, material prosperity, good offspring and success on the spiritual path ... The ideomotor component of the exercises is aimed at acquiring the Power of Water and Earth. Earlier, during these rituals, they pronounced the names of each of the Beregin, brought them and the goddess Makosha treasures. Now it is quite enough ideomotorically to create images of the elements of Water and Earth, or Mokosha herself, or each of the Beregini. "

Also published was the book of the re-creator of the Slavic psychophysical system "Kvitka" Oksana Sergunova, which describes the foundations of the existence and maintenance of RODA, the main cosmic energy laws and important rules for working with the RODA stream, working out your body and spirit, describes the movements of female Slavic practice.

Maria Guseva (the author of the "Birth of a Star" methodology), based on the original source of G. Adamovich, somewhat simplified the existing system, interpreted it in her own way, introduced some features into it, and teaches successfully.

The instructors of the Adamovich school also often outgrow the framework that limits the "Standing water" system, by practicing, they restore their own ancestral memory of enchantress gymnastics and teach in a unique and unique way.

Women of the Religious communities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are also trying to find carriers and transmit knowledge about the primordially female practices of improving the body and soul.

Noteworthy and very interesting are the practices of "Beregini" transmitted by Arina Nikitina, a healer of the Old Believer Russian family.

It should be so. A woman has always shown creativity in communicating with space, its energies. Based on ancestral knowledge, she created special actions-rituals that would help her family and clan, fixed them in traditional forms and passed them on.

How is the data on the gymnastics of our great-great-grandmothers emerging and structured?

1. Through direct transmission by lineage from the guardians.

2. As a result of long painstaking research by historians and ethnographers.

3. Obtaining knowledge directly from the world of the divine and the world of ancestors, while performing Slavic practices and rituals.

4. Personal experience living this generic practice.

But more often it is a synthesis of all forms of obtaining information.

My acquaintance with gymnastics began with the version of Maria Guseva, then the book by Gennady Adamovich and the search for mentors with their own individual vision. I was interested in absolutely everything related to this system of exercises. I am especially grateful to my mentors Natalya Ermolenko and Maria Tereshchenko for teaching the dance approach in practice, as well as Elena Baranevich for physiological and "female" secrets.

Years of searching and deep study, immersion in the practice of Beregin made it possible not only to feel how the 27 exercises that Gennady Adamovich recreated, but also to discover additional elements of movements, to improve Slavic gymnastics in both the energetic and physical aspects of influencing a woman. This knowledge is based on several components:

- the relationship between the national symbol and the position of the body in space,

- the sacred meaning of movements,

- the ideological basis of gymnastics,

- a diagram of the location of energy centers,

- body psychotherapy,

- activated with the help of the practice "ancestral memory" or "Rod memory".

By the way, the recreator of gymnastics “Standing water” warns about this, by the way, in his works: “… the proposed gymnastics has deep roots, it is even (not excluded!)“ Inscribed ”into our genetic code”. [G. E. Adamovich "Gymnastics of Slavic enchantresses", p. 16-17]

The body and the subconscious are the wisest helpers who will always prompt a person to the only correct answer or path. When mastering the practice, it is extremely important to hear yourself, to try to feel the movement of energies in the spell. Thanks to this subtle feeling, they are born, or rather, they are recalled, their depths of genetic memory, hitherto unknown movements, elements and details are given. Improvement of the system was predicted by Gennady Adamovich: “When a person goes through a certain physical fitness(undergoing some kind of training, practicing some type of gymnastics), certain psychophysical changes occur in it. Each gymnastic system provides the body with specific capabilities, allowing it to influence the path of energy flow. Conversely, it is the demands of the body and the movement of energy in it that stimulate the need for exercise modification. That is, not only a certain gymnastic system controls the body, but the body, when it becomes "smarter", begins to "rebuild" this system for itself, to control it. " [G. E. Adamovich "Gymnastics of Slavic enchantresses", p. 15-16]

Therefore, in the Power of Beregini, the emphasis is not only on exercises, but on the ability to manage energy by knowing the keys and entering the desired state. And this is what makes it fundamentally different from Stagnant Water.

In addition, over the years of teaching gymnastics, I noticed this feature. For some (and I am one of them), the results from the practice occurred instantly: I made a choice - did the exercises - I got what I asked for! Others had to work for months. Why is that? There are two reasons: it all depends on the level of elaboration of the topic of the request for psychological level... Does the woman have conflicting beliefs that prevent her from getting things done? How much love is in her heart and did she sow the seeds of good deeds in order to receive from them the fruits of goodness and good luck? In addition, many did not have enough understanding of how everything works, and they asked a legitimate question: in order for my husband to return to me, I can only do exercises, and that's it ?! Of course not, it is also important to work on yourself, your settings.

The second aspect: working in a flow with energy, my instructors and I began to notice that the energy of Bereginya does not always flow as suggested in “ Standing water". And more often than not, the practicing girls made the same but completely different movement. Therefore, we decided to conduct a study, in which both the most experienced and novice instructors took part, in order to trace the correspondence of the exercises to the energies of Beregin. The results of these studies formed the basis for the "Power of Beregini" system. In addition to statistical data, I took into account the sacred meaning of movements and the psycho-somatic mechanism. Settings and conspiracies were developed that are designed to enhance the effect of energies and, in general, achieve a result - improve the system, bring it to the ideal. To make everything work even faster, better and more efficiently!

As I watched the influence of the system on others, a deeper understanding of the essence of 27 life programs, their interaction with each other and methods of application to correct any relationship was built. And so the book "Slavic Horoscope of the Family" was born, which was published in 2013. It contains the author's interpretation of 27 Beregin and their influence on the character and relationships of people.

Over the course of several years, I have tried various areas of specifically female Slavic gymnastics. It should be noted that the experience of each instructor separately is important here. Since each teacher brings his own into the sacred practice - after all, practice allows you to find the keys to genetic memory. As a result, over time, the body independently aligns itself in the necessary positions inherent in your Family.

This is how the "POWER OF BEREGINA" was born - a synthesis of the most effective techniques of female Slavic practices, united by common eternal aspirations: health, love, harmony, home, security, harmony, children, development, creativity, inspiration, wealth.

The works of the CIS researchers: G. Adamovich, V. Meshalkin, Barantsevich, A. Nikitina, O. Sergunova, etc .;

Analysis and practical research of the existing restored Slavic gymnastics;

Experience of practitioners and instructors of similar directions;

Personal experience of trial and error to isolate really working methods of accumulation of birth force and female magnetism.

The essence of the practice consists in two main aspects.

The first is knowledge of the keys, the basic movements through which the encoding (conversation, communication) with space occurs.

And the second is the ability to use these keys and with their help enter the necessary state, which allows you to connect to the source. Therefore, the specificity of the practice is not only in blind repetition of movements, visualization of symbols, but in the ability to perform them in the desired state of mind - intimate, ritual, magical.

This is a practice about childbirth, about family, about relationships and subtle elusive energy connections in the family system, about the creation of space around oneself. This is a spiritual practice, it is a tool for working with the body, with thoughts, and with psychological attitudes that prevent a woman from being happy. You can call gymnastics a "magic wand", "a unique tool for solving any problem." This has been verified by the experience of the author and his followers.

From the book by K. Silaeva "Women's Slavic gymnastics" The Power of the Bereginia "

About a new (improved) system of movements

I am asked about why gymnastics “Beregini's Power” has undergone changes. Let me explain:

Years of observation helped me to see the possibilities for improving the system. Some women received the results from the practice immediately, while others needed many months before the realization came. Therefore, I have created a system that can speed up the delivery of results.

PHYSICS + PSYCHE. Now in practice you will be able to work out energies not only on physical level(muscle clamps in the body), and at the level of awareness - the psychological level. With the help of settings and specially selected conspiracies that affect each person in a unique way, taking into account his personality.

PSYCHOSOMATICS... The bundles of exercises are selected taking into account the psychosomatic effect on the human body, on the energy centers, as well as the most likely paths for the flow of energy through folk symbols.

STUDY. In the study of the impact of the new system "27" on a woman, 30 instructors of gymnastics "Power of Beregini" took part. The girls, through the visualization of the symbol, did gymnastics "in the flow" in order to reveal which elements more often go to this or that energy.

SACRED VALUE. Each movement in practice carries its own sacred meaning and is an instrument of communication with space. Now the bundles of exercises include the full meaning of the meaning of the energy of each Beregini and are manifested in the corresponding elements. About which I write in detail in the book "Women's Slavic gymnastics POWER OF BEREGINA".

In addition, the system of 27 exercises turned into a system of 27 dance routines, which, in my opinion, corresponds more precisely to the WOMAN's sacred practice.

With love Ksenia Silaeva is a reenactor of women's Slavic gymnastics POWER OF BEREGINA.

Very little information has been preserved about the ancient Russian pitchforks. Basically, these are all kinds of teachings against paganism, some translated literature.
In fact, everything that is known about them "fits" in one quote:

The word of a certain Christ-lover and an adherent of the right faith (XI century):
"<...>believers<...>in the pitchfork of which there are numbered sisters, as the ignorant say, and they think of them as goddesses, and so they put their treasures, and they slaughter the chickens. "

Much more information is provided by indirect data - the context in the "teachings" as well as the folklore and ethnography of the South Slavs, in whom the cult of the Vil has survived to this day:


The pitchfork has a human appearance: as a rule, these are tall, slender, beautiful young girls with long flowing hair, in light clothes or bedspreads. They have wings - the focus of their supernatural power.
They can turn into different animals, most often - a horse, cows, dogs, birds (swan, etc.).
The pitchfork habitat is mountains, rocks, mountain caves and underground holes; mountain lakes and springs, less often the sky, clouds (their connection with water is of particular importance).
They know about all the beneficial properties of plants and are considered their patrons. A special feature of Vil is musicality: they constantly sing, dance, play.
The pitchfork is generally kind to a person: they bring happiness, harvest, give people gold, silver; help in household matters, take care of children, heal, heal wounds.
At the same time, the pitchfork can harm people, punish them for harm or unrighteous behavior; can send disease, maim and even kill people.

Far away

Particularly interesting is the number of pitchforks in ancient Russian sources - distant, 27. Is there an explanation for this?
The most successful solution, in my opinion, was proposed by O.F. Zholobov (Riddles of the Old Russian account: ninety):

"A 27-day month, consisting of three 9-day weeks, corresponds to the period during which the Moon passes through the zodiacal circle."

"Old Slavic contexts with the previously mentioned" distant nine sisters "<...>may well be related to the Vedic tradition, in which the 27 daughters of the god Daksha, personifying the sidereal monthly cycle, were given in marriage to the god Soma, associated with the moon, vegetation and moisture. These attributes are also inherent in Slavic beasts or pitchforks, and the Indo-European parallel clarifies their origin and functionality "

"So, the meaning of this expression in the mythological tradition was as follows: the numeral" 3 x 9 ", or" 27 ", going back to the counting of the days of the sidereal (stellar) month, expressed the idea of ​​a full-counting multitude, which possessed magical power that absorbed magical possibilities each of the 27 "divine" patrons. "

To what extent is this justified and what follows from this?

Pitchfork, Makosh and women in labor in the moonlight

Indeed, as it was said, the South Slavic pitchforks are closely related to water, rivers, springs, rain. The same can be said about the Moon-Month.

In the texts of the teachings, the pitchforks almost always go along with Makosh, which gives reason to think about common functions and even hierarchy: multiple pitchforks act as a "retinue" of the only chronicle Goddess.

The most interesting in terms of evidence is the "Word of our holy father John Chrysostom (XIII century)":
"People<...>they approached the idols and began to worship lightning and thunder, and the sun and the moon. And others - to Perun, Khors, Vilam and Makoshi<...>"
Lightning and thunder here clearly correspond to Perun, the sun - to Khors, and the moon - to the pitchfork and Makoshi.

The connection of pitchforks and celestial bodies is also known in the South Slavic material:
"The time of their (forks) appearance and contact with a person is night, twilight, pre-dawn hours, new moon or full moon"
An interesting Croatian legend tells of the Pleiades constellation as the abode of seven pitchforks.

Makosh herself is also not alien to the sky:
In "The Word about Idols" Makosh is identified with the Greek Hecate, who in the classical period was considered the goddess of the moon - "to smear Ekatia the goddess, to create this maiden, and honor Mokosh ...".
In the old alphabet books, in an article about women in labor, Hecate is represented as one of the seven planets (women), namely the Moon. Astrological "superstitions" are associated with her, as well as with other planets-deities:
By the women in labor, "the star-talkers of the Hellenes will draw seven stars, the verb planites, and who will be born in which planet - and according to that planet, the lover of foreshadowing the temper of a baby or to whom by nature he will be evasive."

This rapprochement of Mokos and pitchfork with women in labor is not accidental. Makosh (like the pitchfork) is directly related to spinning, fortune-telling, predictions - fate.

A word from the Holy Gospel (list of the XIV century):
"<...>mental sins: study astronomy, and believe in throwing ... and in a meeting, and in Mokosh<...>"
In the views of the southern Slavs, women in labor are very close to the pitchfork - they have the same clothes, place of residence, appear in the same subjects, although, of course, differences remain. Afanasyev mentions Khorutan tales in which the pitchfork is identified with women in labor.

All this is directly related to the cult of the moon - the most noticeable (after the Sun) and rapidly changing celestial body. The position of the moon, its color, phase - all this was of great importance for the folk "astrology". The moon determined not only the daily routine, agricultural and other work, but also directly influenced a person, his fate. All this is taken into account by modern astrologers when drawing up horoscopes.

For convenience, you can draw a parallel: the pitchfork and Makosh correlate in about the same way as the Scandinavian Valkyries and Freya; pitchforks with women in labor, respectively, like valkyries with norns.


It is important to note that the "distance" was also applied to other mythical creatures, even more mysterious than the pitchfork - the bereginas.

"Beregini (Old Rus. Beregynya) - mythological characters, known from the original inserts in the ancient Russian texts of the XIV-XV centuries, translated from Greek: in the" Word of St. Gregory "(six times in different lists) and in the" Word of St. . John Chrysostom "(once), dedicated to the theme" what was the first abominations believed in idols. " oupirem, berechyam, they also call three nine sisters... and fire your friends and stone and rivers, and sources, and banks and firewood "(Sophia collection of the XIV century). For the bearers, they were given treasures, for they believed "Stubborn and babies signify the dead and beregenam"(Chudovsky list of the 16th century). "(C)

Researchers have long identified the bereginas with late mermaids. There are reasons for this: connection with water (mentioned together with rivers and springs); Beregini always go in conjunction with ghouls, sometimes with babies and the dead - all these creatures are associated with the cult of "mortgaged dead"; unbaptized babies, children, suicides, etc., became mermaids (among some southern Slavs - pitchforks).
In the Russian North, carved images of mermaids-pharaohs, half-maidens, half-fish were called coastlines.

All this forces some researchers to identify the pitchfork with the shores. However, in ancient Russian sources, bereginas and pitchforks are often located simultaneously in the same text - their proximity does not imply their identity.
It is worth remembering one of the few significant differences between the South Slavic pitchforks and the East Slavic mermaids - their winged nature. In the translation of Georgy Amartola, the pitchforks are identified with the Sirins: "Sirins are denounced, rekshe pitchforks." (they have a similar ornithomorphic appearance, common properties (for example, charming singing), localization near water bodies, etc.)

Sirin. There are known South Slavic tales identifying firebirds and pitchforks. Not for nothing :)

This gives the right to assume that the Sirins, popular in Russia, are partly the heirs of the pitchfork.
The South Slavs, in turn, singled out a special class of pitchforks - "water", half-dead-half-fish - apparently this is the ancient Russian beregin, the heirs of which were wingless mermaids, Mavka. It is unrealistic to distinguish the features of bereinas and pitchforks in mermaids, since already in Ancient Russia they were apparently very close "in spirit" and in image. On this basis, one can conditionally define mythological "priorities": the pitchfork "gravitates" more towards the heavenly waters (rain, etc.), and the bereginas toward the earthly waters (springs, rivers, etc.).

Sun of the dead

As it can be seen, the cult of the forks / berekinas, like the mermaids, is closely connected with the cult of the dead, more precisely with the cult of the hostage deceased. It is worth spending a little time on the specifics of this phenomenon.
A mortgaged deceased is a person who died not by his own death (or associated with evil spirits). It was believed that each person at birth is given a certain supply of vitality: "wrong", not "one's own" death leads to the fact that a part of the unspent vital force remains with the dead man - with its help he can influence what is happening in the world of the living, do how " good "and" evil ". From this point of view, the pitchforks (cf. veles (lit.) - "shadows of the dead"), bereginas and mermaids are the souls of the dead, navias (compare the navka variety of mermaids).

Among the Slavs, like many other peoples, the belief is known that dead souls leave for a month. In this light, the "postscript" of pitchforks and bereinas to the moon seems logical and correct:

"The moon, month is a heavenly body, which is steadily associated in popular beliefs with the afterlife, with the area of ​​death" (c)

Moreover, the Month itself sometimes appears as a mortgaged dead person. One of the Russian etiological legends tells how 12 brothers killed the thirteenth and he became the Month; each of the killer brothers wears it for a month. Remember that a violent death is a sure sign of a mortgaged deceased. The "character" of the month / moon is appropriate:
"Moonlight was considered by all Slavs to be dangerous and harmful, especially for pregnant women and newborns."
"In Belarusians, some childhood illnesses were explained by the fact that" the month lit up the child "(c)
Sometimes the month appears to be a natural ghoul: for example, Serbs and Macedonians believed that the moon "drinks" a person's life.

In the dry residue

First caveat... We did not strive to show the cult of the pitchfork / berekin in its entirety. The aim was to illuminate the connections of these mythological characters with the moon.

Second caveat... We are not inclined to believe that there are only 27 Vil / Beregini. Like any nature spirits, they are numerous and not amenable to precise counting, but apparently only 27 were identified as moon goddesses.

The pitchfork and beregini are very similar creatures, which in this context should be considered at the same time.
Makosh can directly correlate with the moon, while the distant pitchforks / berekinas patronize (and "personify") the 27 days of the sidereal month, 27 positions of the moon in the zodiacal cycle.

The association with the moon largely mediated the appearance of a connection with fate, fortune telling, possibly astrology at the pitchforks / bereinas and Makosha.

An important common property of the moon-month and the pitchfork / beregin (probably also Mokosh) is their relationship with the world of death, the cult of the dead and pledged dead.

Another common property is the bond with liquid, water, milk, and also with vegetation.

In some lists, the number of forks or bereinas is defined as 30. This must be due to the transition from lunar calendar to the solar, which began in the pagan era, but was not completed yet in the Middle Ages. We even now call the solar month - "month", apparently then it was the same, and due to the increase in the number of days in the month from 27 to 30, the number of pitchforks / berekinas was "mechanically" increased.

Mother Lada, M .: Eksmo 2004
A. Afanasyev - Poetic views of the Slavs on nature
B. Rybakov - "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs" (electronic version)
illustrations (most) - Deviantart

ONLINE training!

27 Beregin are sacred symbols that can help you understand the reasons for any life situations, make a choice, make the right decision for your soul. We can use them as a diagnostic tool that clarifies the current situation, and also as a method of harmonization. I invite you to explore this amazing tool and apply it in your daily life.


  • who wants to get a wise counselor
  • who wants to deepen knowledge in the interpretation of folk ornament and application in life
  • who wants to learn how to use a predictive and protective instrument
  • who wants to learn how to influence events with the help of harmonization rituals with the runes of 27 bereginas


  • How to work with cards or runes "27 Beregini"
  • How to charge runes
  • Rules for wording questions
  • Correction using spreads
  • Types of layouts for different situations
  • Interpretation of bereginas in the context of layouts
  • RITUAL: Harmonization of any situation


  1. Choice
  2. Do, do not
  3. Relationship
  4. Health
  5. Diagnostics by spheres of life
  6. Candle harmonization ritual
  7. Ritual to increase cash flow

And other interesting layouts

You will receive a universal tool to clarify any life situation: what choice to make, how to find a purpose, what to expect from relationships, travel, etc. And most importantly, you can direct the energy of harmony in any situation.


We recommend reading a book on the Slavic horoscope of the Ksenia Silaeva clan. You will need runes for the layouts. A set of runes can be purchased separately, it is not included in the cost of training. For course participants, the cost of a set of runes is 1500 rubles. (instead of the usual 2000 rubles!) + shipping. For the purchase of a set of runes, contact [email protected] or

January 16 from 19:00 to 21:00 (Moscow time)
January 17 from 19:00 to 22:00 (Moscow time)
January 22 Supportive lesson at 19:00 (Moscow time)
Working in pairs
Lifetime chat research in contact to share experiences


RUB 12,000

ETC LEADERS: KSENIYA SILAEVA - the first in Russia researcher of 27 archetypes of the Old Slavic Bereginas, a leading specialist in the Slavic horoscope of the genus “27 Bereginas”, a researcher of the method for more than 7 years, the author of the books “Slavic Horoscope of the Genus”, “Women's Slavic Gymnastics” , Organizer international festival female happiness "Power of the BEREGINA".

Founder of the school of instructors in Slavic gymnastics "Power of Beregini" and consultants on the horoscope of the genus "27 Beregini"


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