Cardio 2 hours. Inhale-exhale: everything you need to know about cardio workouts for quick weight loss

Cardio load is an excellent prevention of heart and lung diseases, a guarantee of health and longevity. of cardio-vascular system and all organs. It can be a daily run around your block, or a regular exercise bike in the corner of the bedroom. So, let's find out how you can keep your heart and lungs in good shape all your life!

The importance of cardio for our health

Blood delivers oxygen molecules throughout the body, to every cell. Without oxygen, the human cell quickly dies. For example, a cerebral stroke is the result of a lack of oxygen for gray matter cells, and myocardial infarction is the result of its absence in the heart muscle.

The main reason for the lack of oxygen in any cells is problems with blood transportation. This problem is created by an inactive lifestyle, sedentary work, obesity and many other factors.

Cardio is the acceleration of the heart and, as a result, more frequent and deeper breathing. Your blood is oxygenated faster as you begin to inhale more frequently and breathe deeper. It moves faster through the body heartbeat noticeably accelerates. The conclusion is that our body is much better washed by blood. Partly because of this, we experience a certain euphoria after training.

So you figured out why cardio is so good for the body. Now let's find out how to do cardio at home.

Despite the fact that the title of the article implies cardio for every day, you can do 2-5 times a week, it all depends on your capabilities and desires. Remember, if you do this at least twice a week, even at home, you are already healthier and stronger than those who do not do this at all!

Preparing the room for cardio

Since we decided to work out at home, we will talk specifically about room workouts. The main condition for any cardio is a good indoor climate. If you work out on the street, then everything is easier. And if at home, you need to prepare.

First, do a wet cleaning, clean all the carpets, wipe the dust from the surfaces. It is necessary that the room be clean, so that during training, dust and dirt that have risen from long-forgotten places of their accumulation do not enter your lungs.

Then ventilate the room well, it is best to use an air conditioner and a humidifier. On the one hand, you can open the window, but here the risk of getting sick noticeably increases. If you are a sufficiently hardened person, or it is warm outside, open the window: let access for fresh air will be opened. If not, ventilate the room well before training.

All these preparations in themselves will be a good load, right?

Preparing the body for cardio training

The main points are as follows:

  • clothes;
  • nutrition;
  • well-being.

Let's take them in order.


Since you are in solitude, you can wear whatever is comfortable. The main thing is that they "breathe". You can practice in your underwear if no one really sees you. And be prepared that your clothes will get wet after a workout, and you will need to go to the shower.


With nutrition, everything is simple - you need to do at least an hour after eating. And the more abundant the meal, the more time is needed. Sometimes an hour will not be enough - be guided by the sensations.

If nothing gurgles in the stomach when jumping, you can start training. Eating heartily, as much as you want, before training is not the best thing to do. It is better to have a snack, and the rest can be eaten half an hour after the load.


If you feel in perfect order - start training. But if your head hurts, something aches, severe shortness of breath, and so on, you should wait. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, before training, measure it. Do you have a blood pressure monitor at home? If not, you need to buy.

If there are any problems with the heart, you need to practice carefully and try not to overload your "perpetual motion machine". That is, you need to focus on your feelings. If everything is going well, go for it. If you feel discomfort, you need to reduce the load.

Cardio options at home

Doing cardio at home is very easy. There are many options, and some of them do not require financial investments.

jump rope

We think that each of you is able to buy a jump rope. Yes, this is also cardio, and good. This is how boxers and “Thais” warm up before training. Usually they have a warm-up of 3 rounds of jumps with a break of one minute. You just need to start with one minute. Record the time!

Choose the pace of jumps yourself. If you don’t know how to jump and have never tried it, jump without a rope first. Simulate working with her. Jump on your toes without dropping your heels to the floor.

You can jump rope every day. The first workout will take 1 minute. The next day, you can gradually increase the time to 2 minutes. For example: the second day is 70 seconds. The third - 80 and so on up to 120 seconds. Between two-minute jumps there should be a break of 30-60 seconds.

For trained people - you can immediately jump for 2 or more minutes without stopping.

3 times for 2 minutes, together with breaks, will total 9 minutes, this is enough for cardio. You will sweat well, and your heart will beat at a rhythm of 120 beats per minute. It's minimum.

Prepared people can jump as much as they want.

Running in place

“Running in place is generally reconciling,” as Vysotsky sang, is not the best option for cardio, but it’s better than nothing. It comes down to alternately raising the knees without shifting the body relative to the floor. As well as, for the neighbors from below, running in place is accompanied by an incredible stomp.

At home, running in place can be continued for 5-10 minutes daily or 4-5 times a week. In general, do it as much as you need to.

When running, you need to hold your hands as if you were really running. This will help increase the effect of the exercise. Hand movements help to breathe deeper, contribute to at least some work of the muscles of the upper body.

This is a harmless exercise, so you can do it for as long as you like. And in terms of the frequency of classes per week - at least every day. Focus on your well-being, but do not be lazy.

Exercise complexes

Good thing - power complex, during which several exercises are done without stopping. After that, a short break is arranged and everything repeats again. This is great option stress on muscles and heart.

For example:

  1. Push-ups from the floor - 10 times.
  2. Squats with jumping - 10 times.
  3. Fold on the press - 10 times.
  4. Plank - 30 seconds.
  5. Rest 30 seconds.

You need to repeat 3 times. The number of repetitions here is small, so this load option is suitable for people with an initial level of training.

If a person is heavy, suffers from excess weight, you can limit yourself to ordinary squats. You don't need to jump out.

This variation of the load for the heart can be done 3-4 times a week or daily. Gradually increase the number of repetitions. How many times is an individual matter. Focus on the principle of "do no harm." That is, it is necessary to disperse the heart, but also so that it does not become bad.

Dance and aerobics

Search on YouTube good program for aerobics. Display the image on the big screen, stand in front of it. Just do whatever they say. Repeat after the instructor.

Aerobics - great way spend 30-45 minutes of your free time to good use. You will receive a charge of vivacity, energy, mood. And how many good emotions you get! Everything is done to the music, a positive charge is provided.

Cardio equipment at home

You can put any of these simulators in the corner of the room and exercise several times a week or every day:

How many lessons you need - decide for yourself. Minimum - 2 times a week.

How good are these trainers? They imply different complex modes of operation. That is, you can set a variable load, you can leave it constant. Modern simulators have a system for tracking your heart rate, which is very good. You will always know how many times per minute your heart beats and control its speed.

The main thing is your desire to study and understanding how important it is for you. Get your priorities right. The quality of your life depends on your choice today. What do you choose: a can of beer or 10 minutes on a treadmill? You decide.

Cardio training is the "one-stop-shop" when it comes to improving health. This type of exercise allows you to strengthen the cardiovascular, respiratory system, improve oxygen metabolism, and effectively deal with overweight.

Today we will pay attention to weight loss, in particular the big role in this process of cardio training. Let's stop at different types cardio. And we will give answers to the question: when and how should these types be used in order to lose weight as efficiently as possible, without damaging the integrity of muscle tissue?


The action of cardio training is aimed at burning calories. It is very good if the place of concentration of these calories is excess fat. Combining in a complex aerobic loads and balanced diet, it will be possible to reduce the balance of calories, and as a result, burn fat without affecting muscle.

Many sloths believe that getting beautiful body can be due to one hunger strike. Yes, you can! But you do not need to do this, without the appropriate knowledge and prior consultation with a nutritionist. Otherwise, you will only make things worse for yourself. If you want a really spectacular result, while you don’t have a fast metabolism, then you can’t run away from grueling workouts.

Types of cardio loads

There is no need to attribute cardio to only two types of loads: running and walking. In addition to them, there is also swimming, an exercise bike, roller skates, aerobics, etc. different types cardio differ from each other in dynamics and intensity.


Running is not advisable for people who have over 20 kg. excess weight. The shock loads that accompany running lead to wear of the leg joints and cartilage tissue. Also, experts say that running with the direct goal of getting rid of fat is pointless, since the process of burning fat cells starts with medium-intensity movements. It is difficult to include running among them, which cannot be said about walking at a fast pace.

There are three levels of cardio intensity:

  • short;
  • average;
  • tall.

The division into groups mainly occurs according to the pulse values. To find out the maximum heart rate, you need to use a simple formula:

"MP" \u003d 220 - "V"; where MP is the maximum heart rate, B is the age of the person.

For example, for a 25 year old guy, the maximum heart rate would be 195 beats (220-25). The desired value is repelled in further calculations. Consider the features of all intensity levels separately.

Medium level intensity

The average intensity is kept in the range of 65-70% of the MP values. Please note that from now on, all data is given for a person aged 25 years. The lower and upper thresholds of the pulse are very easy to calculate, these are 127 (195x0.65) and 137 (195x0.7) beats / min. This means that while exercising on a bicycle, a treadmill, you need to make sure that the pulse does not go beyond 127-137 beats / min. For healthy people such a pulse is maintained during a leisurely run, when the ability to speak with those who run nearby is still preserved.

Moderate-intensity cardio does not start the fat burning process immediately, only after glycogen stores are depleted. If you ate well on the day of training, and before physical exertion you have not yet begun to feel hungry, then glycogen will last for about 20 minutes. After this time, fat cells will become a source of energy and will gradually "melt".

Our energy. What is glucose and glycogen

Low level intensity

Such loads are less than 65% of MP. That is, the pulse medium load should not go beyond the mark of 127 bpm. This way of training is appropriate for the elderly, beginners, people with poor health.

High Level Intensity

The optimal pulse in this case should border around the 70-85% mark. This load is widely used in professional sports during interval training of athletes. In turn, they are characterized by a sharp alternation of high and low intensity. Anyone who has experienced interval training at least once on himself must have felt what it is like when the heart starts to work at its limit.

If you want to experiment with high intensity mode, try the following plan:

  • 3-minute run-warm-up of medium intensity;
  • short sprint at maximum capacity for 15 seconds;
  • slow run for 45 sec. as a holiday;
  • such alternations of sprint / slow running should be repeated 10-20 times.

Interval training for weight loss at home

Choosing the Right Load

In this matter, you need to pay great attention to the features of nutrition. The fact is that the intensity of cardio directly depends on the carbohydrate resource of the body. If its level is high, then without problems you can expose yourself to high-intensity loads, 3-4 times a week. Break day between training will go for recuperation.

If for you a day without physical activity is like wasted time, and you want to train more often, then on the rest of the days you can switch to medium and low-intensity cardio. If the level of carbohydrates is below normal, then you should not exhaust yourself with high-intensity cardio.

Cardio training - instructions for use !!!

Glycogen is the main conductor of energy for muscles. With a small amount of carbohydrates, it becomes impossible to supply the body with the necessary amount of glycogen. The body itself begins to look for solutions and starts the process of synthesizing this element from muscle tissue. In other words, by training according to a high-intensity technique, without having the appropriate resource, you begin to “use” the muscles.

When to do cardio?

One part of the experts believe that cardio should be done early in the morning and on an empty stomach. The second part argues that the time of training does not play a role at all: when you want, then do it. Personally, we are more inclined to the first opinion, because morning cardio, in addition to its main function, will energize the whole day. If it is impossible to allocate time in the morning, you can transfer the workout to both lunch and evening.

Morning cardio. pros

  • after a night when the processes of digestion in the body are completed, the level of glycogen is at a low level. This is only a plus for physical activity, since fat will be the only source of energy in this case. At any other time, after several meals a day, you will need to spend about 20 minutes in order to “get” to the cherished fat after glycogen;
  • like any other intense physical activity, cardio perfectly wakes you up in the morning, promotes the production of “happiness hormones” that energize good mood for all day;
  • morning classes save time.

Skipping rope - weight loss, endurance, coordination! Rope cardio workout technique

Despite the lack of opportunity to exercise in the morning, believe me, a day or evening cardio load will also be very useful. The main thing is not to be lazy, and under any circumstances, to train in accordance with the schedule. This is the only way to get the desired effect. Those who train in the evening often complain about not having a bad dream. If such a problem has befallen you, do everything to adjust the schedule properly.

Experienced athletes practice cardio after strength training. This makes a lot of sense, because after working on power shells there will be no glycogen left, the energy for cardio will be supplied exclusively from fat. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the average intensity.

Workout duration

The first cardio session should not exceed 30-40 minutes in duration. You need to start at a low or medium pace, depending on your capabilities. At the end of each week (3-4 workouts), you need to record weight and volume data in your diary. Such statistics will allow you to monitor your progress and, if necessary, make some adjustments. You may need to revise your diet, increase your cardio time, etc.

The best cardio workout for women in 15 minutes

Over time, they switch to 4-5 one-time workouts for 30 minutes, and then generally to a daily regimen. When you get to this high level no need to stop, gradually increase the duration of classes in increments of 5 minutes. 60-90 minutes a day is the benchmark you should aim for. If even with such titanic efforts, fat does not go anywhere, the whole problem is probably in nutrition. Proper nutrition provides 70% of success.


Cardio training is a great opportunity to strengthen your health and get rid of excess weight. The specificity of cardio for each is selected individually. This question depends on the nutrition of a person, the state of his cardiovascular system, the goals that he has set for himself. By following the principles outlined above, you will be able to achieve the desired results. Good luck in this difficult task!

Cardio training is a multifunctional “tool”. They improve health, improve the oxygen metabolism of the body, help to recover from strength training, and also burn excess fat.

In this article, we will go into more detail about the last benefit of cardio i.e. about the possibility of getting rid of excess fat. Let's try to consider different kinds cardio workouts, and when and how to use them to burn maximum fat and preserve muscle mass.


Cardio classes burn calories (preferably from excess fat). In combination with proper diet such workouts create a negative calorie balance in the body and help burn fat while preserving muscle.

No matter what the "couch" theorists say, you will not be able to achieve beautiful figure just starving yourself! And is it simple?

Of course, by correcting your diet, you can get rid of some fat, but if you want to have a truly beautiful body and your metabolism is not as fast as that of a hummingbird, then you still have to sweat!

Types of cardio

You need to understand that cardio is not necessarily running or walking. You can choose a workout according to your taste: treadmill, swimming, rollerblading, stepper, exercise bike, etc. The main thing to understand what distinguishes one type of cardio from another is the intensity of the loads.


  • Running is contraindicated for people who are overweight (more than 20 kg), because. due to shock loads, cartilage tissue in the joints of the legs wears out quickly
  • Running to get rid of fat is pointless, because. the fat burning process starts with a load of medium intensity, and this is walking at a fast pace

There are 3 levels of intensity: low, medium and high. They are most often divided by pulse (the number of heartbeats per minute).

The simplest formula: 220 - "your age in years" = "your maximum heart rate" .

For example, if you are 25, then your maximum heart rate would be 195 (220-25=195).

Average intensity loads is in the area 65-70% from maximum heart rate. The maximum (195) is multiplied by 0.65 and we get approximately 127 heart beats per minute. For 70% the intensity of the pulse should be around 137 (195x0.70). So, in order to achieve an average intensity, regardless of the type of activity (track, bike, elliptical trainer), it is necessary that the pulse reaches 127-137 beats per minute. Do not forget that this is an example for 25 years. For most people, this will be the equivalent of a leisurely run when you're already sweaty, but still able to carry on a conversation with someone running next to you.

Moderate-intensity cardio allows the body to use stored fat as a source of calories, but only if glycogen stores are depleted. If you've eaten well throughout the day and don't feel hungry before your workout, you'll have enough glycogen stores for the first 20 minutes of cardio. These 20 minutes will not burn fat under any circumstances.

low intensity are loads below 65% from the maximum. For example, for 25 years old, these are loads below 127 beats per minute (195x0.65=127). Low intensity is suitable for people with disabilities, as well as many beginners in the first 2-3 weeks of training.

high intensity is the pulse in the area 70-85% from the maximum. High intensity is often used in interval training, which is recommended for experienced fitness athletes. During "intervals" periods of high intensity are replaced by periods of low intensity (for sure even at this moment you will still feel like your heart is ready to jump out of your chest).
We recommend trying the following. First, a warm-up run of medium intensity for 3 minutes. Then short sprints: Run as hard as you can for 15 seconds, then 45 seconds as slow as possible. Do 10-20 repetitions without interruption.

There are the most various options interval cardio. Watch the video to understand clearly:

Notice how as you improve your physical form it will become increasingly difficult to achieve the desired intensity of training. If you haven't exercised much in recent months, then even walking with a slight incline will make your heart beat at a crazy pace. However, after a couple of months proper nutrition and training, you will have to increase the speed or incline to give the heart the same load. That's how it should be!

What load to choose?

It's simple: the intensity of cardio should match the amount of carbohydrates consumed. If you have a lot of carbohydrates, the best option There will be high-intensity loads up to 3-4 times a week. More frequent training will not give the body enough time to recover.

If you want to train more often, just reduce the intensity to medium or low. It can be 2-3 days a week high intensity and 1-2 days from the average.

In the case of a low-carbohydrate diet, high-intensity cardio training is contraindicated. Therefore, you should train at medium or low intensity.

Glycogen is the main source of energy for muscles. We can't get enough of it on a low carb diet. With a lack of this substance, the body will begin to synthesize its own glycogen from muscle tissue. In other words, at high intensity workouts you will "burn" your own muscles!

When to do cardio?

Here opinions differ. There are two camps: supporters of morning cardio on an empty stomach, and those who argue that the time of training does not matter.

Some people worry that it's possible to lose muscle mass from fasted cardio. If the human body were so fragile that it would have to digest its own muscles just because physical exercise performed on an empty stomach, we would never have survived as a species.

Pros of morning cardio:
Immediately after sleep, glycogen and insulin levels are low, so only fat will remain the main source of energy for the body (at least this is true for low-to-moderate intensity exercise). At other times, you will need approx. 20 minutes to burn all the glycogen and only then will fat be used as fuel.
Cardio is a great way to cheer up. During exercise, endorphins will be produced that improve both physical and mental well-being.
Well, as they say: "Did the job - walk boldly!"

If your biorhythm or work schedule does not allow you to train in the morning, in any case, cardio done at a different time will give you a huge boost of energy. The main condition - just do not be lazy, no matter what part of the day you choose to train.

Another one good idea- do cardio after strength training. Your muscles will not burn glycogen, which will no longer be left after strength training, but fat! Again, intensity is medium.

It may be that after the evening cardio you will not fall asleep well. In this case, it is better to reschedule the workout for another time.

How much to train?

Do not overdo it! It is always worth starting in moderation, say 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes. Record your weight and measurements each week. If progress slows down, you should either revise your diet or slightly increase the duration of cardio. By "a little" we mean increasing your workouts to 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes, and not 2 hours 7 times a week. If you immediately load yourself with many hours of cardio, then you will not have “aces up your sleeve” when stagnation sets in.

When you reach your daily workouts of 30 minutes, start increasing the duration of cardio by 5 minutes. You should aim for 60-90 minutes of cardio per day. If, in this case, the fat does not want to leave, then you are messing with nutrition. Diet is 70% success. You can run until you're blue in the face and not get results.


Like diet, cardio is not a panacea. They should be tailored to the individual and their situation, and progress should be strictly monitored and regulated through nutrition. Following themes simple principles, which we have described in this article, you are sure to achieve high results on the path to excellence.

We wish you good luck!

Anaerobic (power) loads are needed to form a beautiful muscle mass, they are considered to be the prerogative of men, while aerobic (cardio) are mainly carried away by women for weight loss in problem parts body. But what to do with those exercises that are borderline between them? And what to do if a girl needs to pump up her muscles a little, and a guy needs to dry out a little?

You just need to properly combine strength training and cardio so that they enhance the effect of each other. There are several options for how to do this, and only you, together with your trainer, will be able to choose one of the possible programs based on your goals.

Debunking the Myths

Myth 1. All exercises are clearly divided into cardio and strength.

This is not true. Any exercise can only conditionally be called cardio or strength. They do not exist in their pure form. And that's why:

  • For aerobic exercise, the only source of energy is oxygen, but at the very beginning of its implementation, you have to use muscle fuel, and this is already a power load.
  • For anaerobic, at first, oxygen is not needed, because muscle energy is consumed, but it lasts no more than 12 seconds, and then the body begins to burn ... oxygen, and this is already cardio.

So in its purest form, strength and cardio training does not happen. Their division is based on which of the described ways of obtaining energy prevails. And here other parameters come into play - the duration and intensity of the loads. For example, a regular morning run without stops and at a constant pace is aero. But sprinting will be anaerobic.

Myth 2. Cardio is for weight loss, strength is for muscles

And it's not. Yes, strength training does not burn as many calories as cardio. But they contribute to the growth of muscle mass, and for this the body requires a huge amount of energy. That is, with aerobic exercise, you lose weight while you do it. Anaerobic, on the other hand, allow you to spend fat reserves 24 hours a day, since muscles are formed even between classes.

If you constantly perform only cardio, you can lose some weight only in the first month of training. Further, weight loss will stop, and even the breakdown of muscle mass will begin, if they are not combined with power loads in time.

Myth 3. Cardio - female exercises, power - male

This is nothing more than a public prejudice. Both men and women must be able to properly combine cardio and strength training in order to achieve a beautiful, sculpted body, lose weight and improve health. Without aerial exercise, men will not be able to work on endurance, and the heart may not withstand such enormous loads. In the same way, even without anaerobic activities, girls would turn into anorexics without muscle mass, with sunken breasts and skinny limbs.

The conclusion suggests itself: you need to be able to combine them correctly. This will allow both men and women to get a beautiful, embossed figure against the backdrop of good health.

Classification of exercises

Despite the fact that, as we found out, there are no pure exercises, there is a conditional division between them. These distinctions should be known for correct compilation training program in which they will be combined, depending on the ultimate goal.

  • (fitness, dancing, etc.);
  • bike rides;
  • yoga;
  • crossfit;
  • jumping rope;
  • tennis;
  • moderate long-distance running;
  • walking at a fast pace.
  • lunges;
  • hyperextension;
  • presses;
  • planks;
  • pull-ups;
  • lifting weights (barbells, dumbbells);
  • sprint run;
  • deadlifts.

Complex (combine both types):

  • kickboxing;
  • alternating light and sprint runs.

Especially often the combination of running and strength training causes controversy: can they be combined on the same day? If yes, where is the best place to start? If not, how do you alternate? For such cases, programs are provided in which everything is clearly signed.

Training programs

Before choosing something, you need to get acquainted with all the programs and see what results they lead to, what they allow you to achieve, evaluate their pros and cons. After that, you can try out several options, how to “try on” them for yourself, to find out if your physical training will fit into this training system, if you can master it. And, of course, it is advisable to make the final choice only after consulting with a professional trainer.

Program 1. With an emphasis on aerobic

Effect: general healing effect, weight loss, slight pumping of some muscle groups (does not spoil the figure).

Advantages: this combination of loads is suitable for long-term use, allows you to diversify your activities.

Option 1

Do cardio for half an hour, and then proceed to a 20-minute power complex. This is the most common combination of aero and anaerobic exercises. But it should not be taken seriously, since the muscles after the first part of the workout have already managed to get tired and are not ready for big weights. As a result, this leads to severe pain and overtraining.

So 30 minutes of running before strength training, as many practice, is not a good idea.

Option 2

After warming up, do a 15-minute strength complex, and then move on to a 40-minute cardio load. Cons: 15 minutes for a full anaerobic workout is not enough. After all, for each muscle group it is necessary to perform exercises in several approaches. And again, the problem of overtraining does not go anywhere, as in the first option.

Option 3

It involves separating cardio and strength training by day of the week or time of day. For example, we perform a half-hour complex of aerial exercises on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (3 times a week) or in the morning. BUT power loads to maintain muscle tone, leave on Tuesday and Thursday (twice a week) or in the evening.

Quite an acceptable option, but you need to keep track of which muscles you are working on. If yesterday at cardio training you mostly jumped rope and twirled an exercise bike, and today you are doing a row, your legs may not be able to withstand such a load.

If you combine training according to this scheme, then from the point of view of anatomy, the “correct” processes will occur in the body:

  • muscles have time to recover;
  • anabolic and catabolic processes are separated in time, which allows you to accelerate lipolysis and accelerate metabolism.

Option 4

We reduce the cardio complex to 2 times a week, and give 1 day a week to interval training. It is a combination of both aerobic and strength exercises. These are 3-5 minute cycles with minor rest breaks in between. Duration - 40 min. The pace is the highest. Undeniable benefits: allows you to burn fat for another 24 hours after class. A huge minus: a big load on the body, in particular - on the cardiovascular system.

An example of interval sets: a lunge or hamstring curl superset + jump rope for 1 minute. Or: 15 dumbbell squats + 15 step climbs.

Advice from the pros: the most effective and safe option is the third one.

Program 2. Focusing on anaerobic

Effect: increase endurance, accelerate the process of losing weight and drying the body.

Targeting: such activities are preferred by men. Variants of this program are most commonly used in bodybuilding.

Benefits: Reduces stress on the cardiovascular system.

Option 1

First, perform a full-fledged complex of the usual anaerobic exercises. They will successfully use up all the glycogen in the muscles. If you immediately go to cardio after strength training, the body will begin to intensively burn fat from the very first minute without any warm-up. 10 minutes of running or jumping rope will be enough.

The only disadvantage of such a program is that muscle building will slow down due to accelerated weight loss.

Option 2

This option is used by many: a 15-minute cardio is performed before strength training. But here aerobic exercises will act solely as a warm-up, to warm up the muscles. So there will be no special effect from such a combination.

Option 3

We do anaerobic training three times a week, cardio - twice. The risks of such a combination were described above: overtraining and the danger of loading the same muscle groups. The rest of the version remains the same flawless.

Option 4

We conduct anaerobic training twice a week, 1 day goes to the interval load (described above).

Advice from the pros: in this complex, the most successful are options 1 and 3.

Program 3. Equivalent combination

Effect: losing weight while maintaining muscle mass, improving the body.

Advantages: universal program, suitable for everyone: both men and women, both professionals and beginners.

Option 1

From the previous program, you already understood how to properly rotate the load. For 20 minutes at a slow pace, exercises with weights to build muscle mass are performed. And then - just 20 minutes of running, and the body will expend a huge amount of energy without any warm-up. And the muscles are intact, and the fat is burned. Running can be replaced with any aerobic exercise

Option 2

You can combine cardio and strength training in a different way: four times a week in the morning (from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on physical fitness) at a moderate pace, and on the other remaining days (3 times a week) perform a full set of anaerobic exercises in the gym .

Option 3

Twice a week, you can equally combine loads as part of an interval workout. Here is the indicative program:

All options are very good, but require sufficient physical training, so beginners should limit the duration of the lesson and the number of repetitions.

We draw a general conclusion: the most successful option is an equivalent combination or interval classes.

When combining cardio and strength training, do not forget about correct technique their implementation. Without this, there will be no benefit from training.

Aerobic exercise must meet the following characteristics:

  • the maximum number of repetitions;
  • minimum weight;
  • the break between sets is small, and it should be gradually reduced;
  • acceleration of the pulse by about 90% of the limit (calculated by the formula: 220 minus your age);
  • increased sweating;
  • rapid breathing, which, however, should not interfere with speaking.

The duration of classes is calculated as follows. Low-intensity cardio with a heart rate of no more than 70% should last about 50 minutes. High-intensity at a heart rate of 90% - no more than half an hour. The first option is not suitable for combining with anaerobic loads, as the muscles will hurt due to overtraining.

With anaerobic exercises, the opposite is true:

  • maximum load weight;
  • the minimum number of repetitions;
  • rest in between sets;
  • correct, measured breathing.

When choosing a training program, consider the following points:

  • if you run a lot, you can achieve weight loss, but muscle mass will also be spent;
  • before anaerobic exercise for half an hour you need to drink a glass;
  • if the pain syndrome does not go away within a week, it is necessary to reduce the number of repetitions (sets) or the duration of classes;
  • during elevated temperature, it is forbidden to practice any of the proposed programs;
  • if your primary goal is to lose weight, sit on a dairy license from time to time;
  • if the goal is to build muscle mass, a protein food system would be an ideal option;
  • if you are not sure that you are doing everything correctly, seek advice from a trainer.

The main thing is to decide which alternation is right for you. To do this, you need to know exactly what result you are striving for, and consult with a trainer who will clarify doubtful points and help you draw up a training program correctly.

Cardio (aerobic exercise) traditionally associated with weight loss, but this is one of the biggest misconceptions in fitness. Without knowing it, people spend hours walking on the treadmill to get rid of excess fat, but that's not how it works. Opinions about cardio for weight loss the most controversial, however, I stumbled across Stephen Shaw's wonderful material and couldn't resist translating some of it. In his article, Steve answers all the questions regarding aerobic exercise.

How Much Cardio Do You Need to Lose Fat?

Many of you would probably say a lot. Most would be fairly specific, eg 25-30 minutes, 3-5 times/week. There is no right answer here since you don't need cardio to burn fat. Let's look at why.

What is cardio?

Aerobic exercise through the eyes of losing weight looks like a set of light or moderate exercises that can be performed non-stop for a long time. The goal is simple: by continuing to move, you will burn as many calories as possible.

Usually aerobic training is done to strengthen the cardiovascular system, but since the article is about weight loss, you will have to stick to this topic.

There are two main forms of cardio training:

  • HIIT is high-intensity interval training that consists of alternating short periods of intense movement, such as 15 seconds of running, and longer periods of low-intensity aerobic activity, such as walking.
  • NIT (LIT) low-intensity training. This is a typical form of cardio in the gym - long, boring sessions on machines like the treadmill, etc.

HIIT is considered the most effective form aerobic training, because it allows you to burn more calories in a short period of time. It's more attractive, and even fun, but despite all the benefits, this type of aerobics is more difficult than BAT. HIIT is short but explosive sessions that put a lot of stress on the joints and can be quite difficult to complete, especially for older or overweight people.

With this in mind, consider the example of calorie consumption during a low-intensity cardio session.

What is the calorie expenditure per LIT?

On the example of a 100 kg person, the calorie consumption during 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio is:

  • Hiking - 325 kcal;
  • Steyrmaster (simulator "steps") - 325 kcal;
  • Swimming - 325 kcal;
  • Walking - 151 kcal.

Let's say you decide to do 4 workouts a week on the treadmill for 30 minutes each. The consumption will be only 600 kcal per week (despite the fact that for the loss of one kg you need to spend 7000 kcal approx. ed.). If you exercise for a year, then you will burn 30,000 kcal (including a few missed workouts), and in the end you will lose only 8.5 kg of fat. This is the result of spending 100 hours on the treadmill.

The conclusion is this: cardio is good for maintaining health, but not effective for losing weight. Thus, to lose fat you need to deal with nutrition.

Aerobics, nutrition and weight loss

A good meal plan will melt the fat in your body. The only requirement is to accurately control calorie intake and adjust the diet if necessary.

Most people coming to gym to lose weight, cardio machines attack first, but the main thing they have to think about is diet.

Cardio workouts without a sensible eating plan are a ticking time bomb. If you are not in control of your diet, then aerobics will probably increase your appetite. It may even result in you not losing fat at all. If not controlled daily calorie content, then you can easily exceed 200-400 kcal.

The meal plan should meet your needs. It will help you lose 2 to 10 kg/month. Even if you run a few miles on a treadmill, 80-95% of weight loss depends on the nutrition plan. That's why you don't need cardio for weight loss, but you can use it for general health.

How can aerobics help you lose weight?

If a nutrition plan is created with the goal of changing body composition - losing fat and maintaining muscle mass, then this will lead to a loss of 30-45 kg per year, while weight loss through cardio is negligible compared to these figures, aerobic training can still be used for weight loss. For example, when the fat loss process slows down.

Don't focus on cardio for weight loss. Think about how this training can improve your health.

For the first 4-6 weeks, focus on the nutrition program, but you can gradually add aerobic activity, but most importantly, do not overdo it. Let your body get used to additional loads and then change them.

Steve suggests trying the six-week treadmill plan:

  • 1st week - 2 times / week. 10-15 min.
  • 2nd week - 2-3 times / week. 15-20 min.
  • 3rd week - 3 times / week. 15-20 min.
  • 4th week - 3 times / week. 20-25 min.
  • 5th week - 3-4 times / week. 20-25 min.
  • 6th week - 3-4 times / week. 20-30 min.

You don't need more cardio for weight loss. However, in view of the above, slowing down weight loss can occur with a long period of being in a calorie deficit.

When you reach a plateau, try increasing your cardio time a bit by running 10 minutes longer once a week. See how this will help get the ball rolling. If you do not do this, then you will have to reduce the calorie content of the diet. Don't panic by cutting calories and increasing your aerobics, but if your weight hasn't changed in two weeks, then make minor changes.

My 5 kopecks: I believe that cardio for weight loss is effective only in combination with strength training. It can be carried out both on the day of rest, and immediately after the power one. However, one should take into account such a point, in the study of Wilson et al. states that there is a range of evidence that the combination of aerobic and strength training (in the same workout) has a negative effect on the increase in muscle strength and size due to the catabolic processes that aerobics triggers.

The timing of cardio and its nature depends on the goal and body composition of the trainee. Lyle McDonald argues that for lean people (22% female body fat and 15% male body fat) seeking to become even leaner, it is advisable to do aerobics in the morning on an empty stomach, while the timing of cardio for people with an average% body fat does not matter.

And as for the type of training, HIIT is more effective because it allows you to burn more calories, preserve muscles, increase metabolism, but it is better to do it on a non-training day. If you need to do cardio on the day of strength training, then it is better to give preference to NIT.

There is also an opinion that with low-intensity work on a rest day, it is recommended that the duration of the session be not shorter than 20 minutes, but not longer than 60 minutes, because glycogen stores are depleted in 20 minutes and the body begins to use fatty acid. But I am a supporter of the fact that the key is still in nutrition and power loads, and aerobics only provides a little help. Moreover, after the end of the training, calorie consumption stops, while power loads have a longer effect.

