What is the best way to break down workouts into muscle groups. Proper training program

Even not the most attentive beginner can easily notice that any bodybuilding training program is not a simple sequence of exercises in gym. Each exercise has its place and is designed to train a specific muscle or muscle group. In turn, the muscles are either divided into groups and trained on different days, or the whole body is worked out in one workout. And here many people have questions about which muscles to train together in order to achieve maximum results.

What muscles to train together?

Before answering this question, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what the main muscle groups are. Conventionally, 5 main muscle groups can be distinguished:

  • legs;
  • back;
  • breast;
  • arms;
  • shoulders.

Where is the press, you ask? The muscles of the abdomen, forearms and lower leg are secondary or auxiliary muscle groups. We first need to focus on the biggest muscle groups ah, such as legs, back as well as chest. The muscles of the arms and shoulders, although not large, by default also belong to the main muscle groups, since it is not possible to build a harmonious and proportional figure according to all the canons of bodybuilding without training all muscle groups.

Now let's figure out which muscles to train together. If you are following a training program that involves working out all the major muscle groups of the body in one session, then this question is not for you. You just need to follow the right one in the gym.

What muscles to train together are most often of interest to those who use as well. In this case, there can be many options for combining muscle groups.

As a rule, the classic scheme for building a bodybuilding split involves splitting all muscle groups into 3 training days. At the same time, one large and one small muscle group is worked out at each workout.

For example, in the first workout we have back and biceps, in the second workout we have chest, triceps and abs, and in the third workout we have legs and shoulders. This is a classic, but far from the only option for which muscles to train together. Many people like this scheme for building a training program 3 times a week:

  • chest-biceps;
  • back-triceps;
  • legs-shoulders.

Pros often prefer to train antagonistic muscles together, working the chest and back together in the first workout, the quads, hamstrings and calves in the second, and the delts, biceps and triceps in the third. The abdominal muscles can be trained on any suitable day, but not more than once a week.

Now in bodybuilding, the main thing is the split. Its purpose is that in one lesson the load goes on several muscles at once. But how do you combine them? Empirically, it turned out that it is better to combine large muscle groups with small ones that help them in 1 approach.

For example, chest and triceps. The main load in this case should fall on large ones. If you start the exercise with a helping muscle, then it will soon get tired, and this will negatively affect all muscles.

It is advised to simultaneously load the dorsal and pectoral muscles, which form two groups. After training, it turned out that the chest and back can be loaded together if the chest is trained first.

When training biceps and triceps, the order of loading does not matter, since their functions in combinations are preserved. But deltas do not combine with pectoral muscles, as they behave similarly.

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How to work out

A large number of anabolic hormones are released in classes with an average weight of 10-12 repetitions and pauses for a minute and a half. Large muscle groups in the classroom give a more powerful hormonal release compared to training small ones. But what if they are also combined with large groups?

Conducted a study: took two groups of men without training. The first loaded the biceps, and the second trained the legs, but along with the biceps. This second group had more powerful levels of anabolic hormones.

There is another effect and the statement that under load right side body is stimulated by the left, and vice versa. That is, the strength and weight of the muscles on the other hand increases due to the excitation of the nerves.

An effective method of training for bodybuilders is the traction-press system. In one session, first the back is trained, and then the triceps. And on the other - the chest, and then the biceps. In each case, the large muscle groups are loaded first.

It is believed that they require a large expenditure of energy. But with their loads, there is a maximum release of hormones. Trainings are divided by days. But all classes still supplement loads on secondary muscles.

First lesson- chest exercises, and additionally load the triceps muscle, and then triceps training. Triceps loads well, and then she is given a long rest period, since on other days she and her breasts do not train. This is important for building mass.

Second- first the legs, then the muscles of the shoulders.

Unified systems have not been created, everything still depends on the constitution of the athlete, and for what period he will be able to recover. But a competent approach takes into account - 2 muscle groups are loaded in one session, and 3-4 days the number of workouts is 2-3 times a month. This will ensure effective study of all muscle groups.

What happens if you don't train for 2 weeks

Skipping classes is fraught with loss of muscles gained strength and volume. If an athlete has a need to sleep well, then this will not affect his strength even if he skips classes. Especially if you eat and rest hard at the same time. There will be no damage, as the athletes say.

But changes begin to be felt already on the third day. Even such a slight pause leads to muscle reduction. Calories are burned more slowly and strength is lost.

Looking in the mirror, it is not visible at first. But the fibers of the muscles, which usually contract longer, as well as those trained for endurance, begin to tire soon. But skipping one class doesn't matter much.

Muscle groups that are loaded in everyday life (hamstrings) do not lose strength as quickly as those that are rarely included (abs). Coaches also claim that it will take twice as much time as missed to make up for everything.

So, with a rest of 2 weeks, you will need a month of classes to regain the previous level.

But it is believed that rest is not negative if it is not delayed for a long time. In addition, if you continue to consume a lot of protein, you can become even stronger.

Many people ask the question, why do you want to eat while relaxing? When skipping classes, there are many chances to consume more fats and carbohydrates, rather than healthy foods. This is due to the fact that there is no longer a positive effect of classes on the general mood and energy.

With long pauses, nutritionists advise not to deviate from the usual regimen. This will help, as it turned out, to keep the same level of muscle mass. But this also needs to be kept under control, since metabolic processes are high while maintaining training. More is consumed, but calories are also expended.

And if the nutrition is left the same, the body will not be able to expend excess energy, but most likely will save it as a resource. It can also cause stress during long periods of rest, as activities cause the release of endorphins.

A two-week pass causes a decrease in the usual production of the hormone, and this will lead to stress. In addition, the body begins to experience stress. At sedentary work for example, it will accumulate in the muscles of the shoulders and legs.

And during classes, it usually passes. If during the training period you do not get rid of stress, then both rest and sleep will be incomplete. And the pass will also accumulate nervous energy, which will interfere with deep sleep.

It doesn't take long to start training again. The general atmosphere of the people in the hall, who are intensively engaged, has a good effect. This will get you back on the path of training.

Ability to pay for services personal trainer not everyone has, and training “how it goes” is a sure way to not achieve any result. Therefore, every athlete, both beginner and professional, needs a training program. It includes several basic parameters. You should determine the current goal of training, their frequency, intensity and content. To this must be added properly organized nutrition and good rest between workouts.

The goal of training is most often either building up muscle mass, giving it a relief, or getting rid of excess fat.

  • If you want to build muscle in the first place, you should focus on strength exercises with a small number of repetitions and maximum loads. Greater mass building effect basic exercises: bench and standing presses, weighted squats, deadlift.
  • To give relief to the muscles, isolating exercises on simulators with a large number of repetitions are more suitable. Although there are different opinions about the usefulness of simulators.
  • To get rid of excess weight a combination of cardio and strength exercises with light weights and high reps. The main task is to give the body a uniform and constant load, this causes our body to rebuild and reduce fat reserves.

The frequency of training depends on how much time you can devote to sports and how serious sports goals put in front of you. For weight loss, training should be frequent, up to 5 times a week (minimum 3) and not very intense. It is worth starting every workout with a warm-up and. It can be running, swimming or an exercise bike. Then you should do several strength exercises for different muscle groups.

For speed dial mass and sculpting the muscles approach may be the opposite. Muscle growth occurs fastest during intense exercise, and muscles need time to recover. If you choose to exercise too frequently, it's easy not to add but to lose muscle mass. Therefore, the frequency of training depends on your preparation, from 2 to 5 times a week.

But the best reference is your body, if you feel that you are too tired, reduce the frequency and intensity of training.

An important question is how to fill each of the workouts. There are two main approaches to this issue: training all muscle groups at one time and training separately different muscles .

  • The first approach is ideal for weight loss and beginners who need to accustom their body to stress. Each muscle group is constantly included in the work, so the initial growth of muscle mass and the acceleration of metabolism quickly occur.
  • Separate workouts are designed to work out different muscles in more detail, the load is more intense, so the recovery period should be longer. Most often, the muscles of the upper and lower parts of the body are divided, large and small groups, pulling and pushing. This approach has another advantage: it allows you to more fully concentrate on a single task in each workout.

Basic training program

If you are a beginner, focus on doing them accurately. At the first stage, it is very important to install the equipment, which is almost impossible to do without outside help. Do not hesitate to contact her, rarely in which room there are no people willing to spend a couple of minutes on you.

This is sample program for entry level with separate work on different groups muscles. Designing a whole-body program is easier: it can be based on basic exercises.

First day - chest and triceps exercises

  • bench press;
  • dumbbell bench press;
  • breeding dumbbells lying down;
  • push-ups on bars.

Second day - leg muscles

  • squats;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • leg press;
  • rise on toes.

Third day - cardio

It could be running, swimming or bike ride. If you feel very tired, you can take a break.

Fourth day - back muscles, abs, shoulders, trapezium

  • lifting dumbbells to the sides;
  • lifting dumbbells in front of you;
  • scars;
  • lifting the body on an incline bench.

Fifth day - rest or cardio training

Sixth day - back muscles and biceps

  • pull down on the block wide and narrow grip;
  • tilt bar pull;
  • bending arms with a barbell;
  • flexion of one arm with a dumbbell on the Scott bench.


Weight for resistance exercises should be selected depending on the goal. If this is a set of muscle mass, then you should take the weight at 60-85% of the maximum (weight that you can only lift once), doing 5-10 repetitions in one set. If your goal is relief or weight loss, the number of repetitions should be more, and the weight should be significantly lower.

It is advisable to constantly add variety to the training, and completely change the complex once every three months. Remember that all the exercises you perform should be a load not only for the muscles, but also for the brain. The more interesting training process, the higher the results.

Home conditions impose one significant limitation: lack of equipment. For full-fledged classes, you will need at least a set of dumbbells with adjustable weight, two chairs, two ten-liter buckets and a place near the house where there is a horizontal bar and bars. But it's better for this add a straight barbell and a straight bench. Workouts at home will be less varied, which means that from a certain stage they will be less effective, but you can start with them.

Otherwise, the principle is the same. Basic exercises and daily division of muscle groups. Twice a week you can train at home, once you have to get out to the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

The training program is a very significant component of success. Therefore, its selection should be approached with all care. To control the results, it is ideal to keep a diary in which you need to note all the loads and main indicators. This allows you not to deceive yourself, to objectively look at the result and brings order into the training process.

Performing exercises in fitness and bodybuilding is not easy. When doing exercises at home, there is no spirit of competition, motivating "magic kicks" of the trainer and a brand new shiny iron. Yes, you will have to be especially ruthless towards yourself, because a cozy homely atmosphere does not in any way encourage intensive work. But as soon as you start, you won't be able to stop, and this slight muscle tremor will become a pleasure. Regular physical exercise + proper nutrition= inevitable result, and you will definitely come to it. But there is one important nuance. Only correct technique doing exercises will give you the desired body. Do you want to achieve maximum effect? Stay with us .

Or maybe them, these exercises for training?

No no and one more time no. Of course, if you choose training in the gym, then home workouts may be superfluous: the muscles do not have time to recover. But if the gym in your own living room is the only type of exercise, by no means give up on this idea!

Choosing suitable exercises and fitness at home, you become independent. You do not need to spend money on a subscription, travel time, or wait in line for a simulator. You do not have to be tied to the schedule of the sports club, and training will be possible at any time of the day or night. Make a schedule, increase the intensity, and go to your ideal body!

Doing the exercises: learn all the subtleties from A to Z

In the home workouts section you will find a maximum of useful information for those who are set to work seriously. The most effective exercises, bodybuilding both with and without equipment are presented. Even if only dumbbells are at your disposal from the entire arsenal of iron, you can achieve results. Dumbbell exercises lead to desired effect pretty fast.

Choose an exercise in several ways:

  • difficulty level
  • equipment
  • muscle groups
  • mind (basic and isolating exercises)

Convenient filtering system will allow you to make right choice. And the ranking of the most effective exercises at home (according to the results of the popular vote) will give even more confidence.

Doing exercises at home: take action!

On the page with exercises there is not only a description of the technique for performing the exercise, but also tips from a practicing trainer. Photo and video training will help to avoid possible errors. Learn and act without delay.

Within a couple of weeks after you start exercising, fitness and bodybuilding will become as essential to you as air. The body will get used to the loads, and you will get more and more pleasure from each workout.

“Real strength comes from the mind. She makes you go, even when the body wants to fall. Bear Grylls

With leaving the training program, one of critical aspects necessary to achieve desired result. Very often people have difficulties with drawing up a training program and many questions arise. How to draw up a training program? What exercises to use? How to combine muscle groups? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Why is it important to have the right training program?

Often, coming to the gym, a person sets himself the goal of gaining an athletic physique and developing the functional abilities of his body. To achieve this goal, three components are necessary: ​​training, proper and balanced nutrition, and rest. Training is the most important component, which is the basis, and the final result will depend on how correctly you train, how competently your program is written. That is why it is necessary to understand all the issues and aspects of the training, so that the ultimate goal is getting closer and closer every day.

Basic principles of a proper training program

Coming to the gym, the question arises, how many days to train? Many people think that the more time they spend in the gym, the faster they will get the desired shape. As practice shows, such a statement is incorrect. Exposing the muscles to frequent and long loads, they will not be able to fully recover, and instead of anabolism (building new muscle tissue), the reverse process of catabolism will begin. Therefore, the most efficient three day split.

At the beginning of each training program should be a warm-up. The warm-up should take 5-10 minutes, and warm up all muscle groups, joints and ligaments. It is good at the beginning of a workout to do a cardio load, in the form of running, step, exercise bikes. This will allow the body to move into the training process, preparing the circulatory and respiratory system. After cardio, you need to do a light warm-up. It should be noted that each new exercise, especially the basic one, must be started with a warm-up weight, often an empty neck is enough.

This practice allows the body to remember the mechanics of the exercise, and will prevent the possibility of injury by warming up the muscles and joints that work during the exercise.

Rules for combining muscle groups in one workout

There is no single answer to almost all questions in bodybuilding, and the opinions of professionals differ dramatically. This is due to the fact that the human body is unique, and reacts differently to the same factors. Therefore, which muscle groups to train on one day, it is often necessary to decide for yourself using the “trial and error” method. But, nevertheless, there are certain standards that must be adhered to initial stage and they are, to a greater extent, the most effective.

Based on a three-day split, it is necessary to divide the main muscle groups into three groups, which include: legs, back, chest. And three so-called small groups: biceps, triceps, shoulders. The next step is to combine the large and small muscle groups on the same day. There are two approaches here:

  • On the same day, antagonist muscles are trained (muscles that work opposite to each other, for example, these are biceps-triceps, chest-back, hamstring-quadriceps). Supporters of this approach believe that each muscle needs a point load, and when it plays the role of a stabilizer when performing an exercise on another muscle, it receives a less effective load;
  • On the same day, synergistic muscles are trained (muscles that work simultaneously and in the same direction when performing an exercise, for example, chest triceps, back biceps). Supporters of this approach believe that when receiving an indirect load, the muscle is already pre-fatigued and only the final exercise on it is needed to bring it to failure.

These two approaches are effectively used in training practice, and you can find out which one is right for you only by trying them on yourself. According to these approaches, training can be divided into two types:

  • Training with antagonists. Day 1 back-triceps, day 2 chest-biceps, day 3 legs-shoulders. Based on this, it turns out that the basis must be done on isolating exercises in simulators, because in the basic exercises, one way or another, other muscles are included. This approach is suitable for professionals who can purposefully train for a specific muscle group that requires honing their shape, etc. Beginners from this practice will receive very little, so for them great option is training with synergists.
  • Training with synergists. Day 1 back biceps, day 2 chest-triceps, day 3 legs-shoulders. Between the day of the back and legs, a special break is made, because during the performance of such a basic exercise as a deadlift, the hamstrings work very well, which will not have time to recover in a day and become a hindrance effective training legs. During the exercise on base groups muscles, small ones work, which receive a very good load.

When drawing up a training program, muscle recovery time should be taken into account, especially if you use natural training, without the use of doping. So large muscle groups, such as legs, chest, back, are fully restored in 5-7 days, and small muscles can be restored in 1-3 days. That is why it is not recommended to train the main muscle groups more than once a week. The number of exercises for a large muscle group is 2-3, for a small one 1-2. The abdominal muscles can be added on any of the training days.

The most effective exercises for each muscle group

Each muscle group has a list of exercises that bring maximum effect. I propose to consider a list of the most effective exercises for each muscle group that you can use in your training program:

  1. Back. Deadlift, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, barbell pull to the belt different grips, t-bar row, upper and lower pulley with different handles, hyperextension;
  2. Breast. Barbell bench press at different angles, dumbbell bench press at different angles, wiring with dumbbells at different angles, crossover, butterfly simulator, bench presses in simulators;
  3. Legs. Barbell squats with different leg positions, leg press, leg extensions and leg curls in the simulator, lunges with a barbell or dumbbells, various calf raises;
  4. Shoulders. Bench press from behind the head, bench press from the chest, swings with dumbbells under different angle, rod pull to the chin;
  5. Biceps. Barbell curls for biceps, dumbbell curls not biceps, hammer;
  6. Triceps. Press with a narrow grip, french press, extension of the arms in the block, rope;
  7. Abdominal muscles. Twisting at different angles, leg raises;
  8. Trapeze. Shrugi with a barbell, dumbbells, pancakes.

The most popular exercises for each of the muscle groups are described above, from which you need to choose from 1 to 3, the most effective for you.

Features of building workouts for weight gain and weight loss

Training programs for weight gain and weight loss are fundamentally different from each other. If your goal is to gain mass, then you need to build a training program that will be based on basic exercises with heavy weights. The best exercises for gaining mass are: deadlift, squats and bench press, it is recommended to perform them on different days. The number of approaches and repetitions should be minimal, while the weight of the projectile is maximum. The most effective are the principle using 3 sets of 8 reps, or 5 sets of 5 reps. In this case, the training should last together with a warm-up no more than an hour.

As for training for weight loss, then the opposite is true. First of all, intensity is needed, the use of supersets, dropsets, etc. Muscles must be in work for a long time, so a lot of repetition training from 15 to 30 repetitions is used. In addition, you need to add cardio in the form of running, steps, exercise bikes, which can be used as before strength training, and after. The training time increases and is approximately one and a half hours.

Changing the training program in the process of training

Having compiled a program for yourself, taking into account everything written above, one way or another, it will need to be edited and changed. This is due to two factors. Firstly, the body gets used to the load and over a long period of time will no longer adequately respond to a monotonous load. Secondly, often people in the process of training realize that this or that exercise does not suit them. For example, they do not feel the muscle to which the exercise is directed, or performing it causes discomfort and the risk of injury. Therefore, it is necessary to experiment and select the exercises that, in your opinion, are most effective for you.

How to understand that the program is compiled correctly?

First of all, the answer to this question should be progress in the form of an increase in body weight, or an increase in strength indicators. However, it should be noted that important role nutrition and rest play, the absence of which completely eliminates the effect of even the most well-chosen training program.

It should be understood that in order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to observe a sports regimen, which consists of three components: the process of training, nutrition, and rest. Muscles grow during rest, with the help of nutrients received during meals, which become building blocks for muscle tissue destroyed during training.
