Push-ups from the floor elbows along the body. What muscles work with different types of push-ups? Close-grip push-ups

Various types of push-ups and assistive exercises are used to develop the muscles of the upper body and arms. Each method has its own key features that should be considered in more detail.

Exercise features

The first thing to understand is the benefits and harms of such exercises. Different methods are selected for men and women in order to train the desired body parts. It should also be borne in mind that the benefits of push-ups appear only if they are performed correctly.

The video shows all types of push-ups by difficulty levels

CrossFit is a new direction that combines several sports. It is becoming more and more popular. Let's see what it is, what are the pros and cons of such training, and consider three programs: basic, endurance and weight loss.

The benefits of classes

It is important to perform correctly to maximize results. The benefits for men and women are generally the same, but each person's goals are different. With the help of such exercises, you can achieve the following results:

  • improve your figure, tighten your arms, chest, abdomen;
  • increase strength, agility, endurance, impact speed;
  • train the heart muscle, blood vessel, respiratory system;
  • speed up metabolism and lose weight;
  • gain muscle mass;
  • strengthen bones and joints.

Depending on the type of exercise chosen, different muscle groups are affected. Mainly the shoulders, chest and triceps work. Also, the share of the load is received by the press and intercostal muscles, calves, thighs and buttocks, back, forearm.

Important: as a result of training, a person's posture and general condition of the body will improve, and the muscles will acquire strength and attractive relief.

Harm and limitations

It is not enough to disassemble how push-ups are useful. Any sports can harm a person if you do not follow the basic rules:

  • before exercising, it is necessary to stretch the joints and warm up the muscles;
  • you can not overload the body;
  • follow the correct exercise technique.

Push-ups can lead to negative consequences such as sprains or strains. The hands and shoulder joints are particularly affected. People with fragile bones should not exceed the allowable load. In addition, some restrictions apply to women, as well as people with vascular, heart and respiratory problems. In order not to worsen the appearance, do not pump the same muscle group in isolation, supplement training with other exercises, observe a rest regimen.

Varieties of push-ups

There are many types of push-ups for both men and women. It is worth considering their main categories and techniques, as well as why push-ups of a particular type are useful.

The simplest species

The simplest are classic techniques and push-ups using support. The higher the upper body, the less stress is placed on the muscles. This category is great for girls to keep fit and fit, as well as for beginners.

There are such types of exercises:

  • Classic. The support is lying, hands are approximately shoulder-width apart, the body is stretched in a straight line. Flexion-extension of the arms in this position is the standard of sports programs.
  • From the knees. A lighter version, when the emphasis on the legs is on the knees, not the feet. Suitable for girls for preparatory workouts.
  • From the wall. They are also easy to perform, since push-ups are performed with minimal load. This way you can tighten your breasts.
  • Triceps. Hands are placed closer than in the classic version to increase the load on them.
  • On the uneven bars. Lifting your own weight or additional weights on the uneven bars trains your arms and shoulders well.

  • From the support. It is possible to facilitate more standard push-ups if the position of the body is higher than the level of the floor in the upper part of it. You can use sports equipment, a chair or sofa, etc. as a support.

Middle category

To increase the load and work out additional muscle groups, exercises of the medium severity category allow. Let's consider their main options:

  • Inverse. With their help, you can pump triceps well. You need to perform the exercise with a support (bench) to place your hands on it. Legs need to be extended in front of you, fixing your position and bending your elbows at right angles.

  • Slow. In statics, the muscles are under great stress, endurance is being trained, this is what slow push-ups are needed for. The benefits of such exercises are especially noticeable when using additional weighting materials, the main technique is often chosen classical, but this is not limited to this.
  • Wide. The emphasis is on the pectoral muscles, since the arms are placed as wide as possible.
  • Circular. An advanced program must include them. Push-ups are done on one hand with the transition to the second in the lower position.
  • Opposite. One hand extends forward, the other is pulled back a little, serving only as support for the main area being worked out.
  • With a step. The narrow and wide stance of the arms alternates during the execution of the approaches of their flexion-extension.
  • Narrow grip. A more isolated study of the triceps, when the arms are placed as close as possible. For convenience, you can use additional stops.

Tip: Standard methods can also be complicated by using weights and varying the position of the body.

The triangles of the trapezius muscles are located on both sides of the spine. The tops are directed to the acromion of the scapula, the bases are directed to the spine. The muscle on both sides is generally trapezoidal. They develop the trapezoid with exercises for its top, bottom and middle, together with training the muscular system of the back and delta of the shoulders.

Complicated variations

For sports professionals and physically fit people, regular activities may not be of sufficient benefit. It is necessary to introduce more advanced push-ups into the training program. In a complicated category, it is worth highlighting the following types of them:

  • Plyometric with support. They are able to increase the speed of impact and agility, train explosive muscle strength. When pushing up, you need to throw up your upper body in order to change the position of your hands and place them between the supports. On the next set, the push should be strong enough to return to the starting position.

  • With cotton. Another plyometric exercise, after extending the arms, a clap is performed.
  • From the chairs. The amplitude increases, which allows for better pumping of the chest.
  • On the fists. To complicate the basic workouts, push-ups on the fists are used. The benefit is training the hands and emphasizing the efforts on the triceps.
  • On fingers. Without preliminary preparation, the exercise is traumatic, since the load falls on the hands and fingers. These push-ups train grip tenacity and finger strength.

  • On one hand. There is a great load on the muscles of the working side; in addition, balance needs to be trained.
  • Head down. It also increases the load by transferring weight to the front. The legs are placed on a support.
  • In a headstand. Trains traps, deltas for powerful shoulders, develops balance.

Important: Complicated options are not suitable for beginners and people with health problems.

Each type of push-up has its own characteristics and advantages, but in order to achieve good results, they must be combined and selected depending on the level of physical fitness.

Many novice athletes underestimate the importance of push-ups for building their pectoral muscles. Although many types of push-ups help to build different muscle groups.

Beginner bodybuilders find push-ups ineffective and most often completely remove it from their training program.

Are they doing the right thing? It is very difficult to answer this question clearly. Agree, ordinary pushups very boring: up and down, up and down, and so on. Although all push-ups are some of the most effective and simple bodyweight exercises.

Push-ups from the floor to the ground can be done anywhere, anytime. By pushing up from the floor, you can develop triceps, shoulder, pectoral, deltoid muscle groups. In addition, the muscles of the press, back and legs are trained.

Types of push-ups from the floor

Most people only know about military and school push-up styles. But it turns out that there are a huge number of types of execution of this exercise. There are many types of push-ups from the floor to the mass. This is a big plus, since you can work out different muscle groups with different push-ups.

Good luck in your endeavors. Believe in yourself and you will definitely succeed!

    Push-ups are perhaps one of the most effective and common functional exercises among athletes. It has gained well-deserved popularity in fitness, bodybuilding, martial arts and, of course, CrossFit. But what can I say - absolutely in every sports discipline there is more than one effective push-up program from the floor, thanks to which you can quickly and without prohibitive efforts achieve serious progress in the development of your own body. Considering which muscles work when pushing up from the floor, it is fair to say that this exercise not only strengthens the elbow ligaments, tendons, loads the chest and triceps, but also has a positive effect on the development of strength and speed of the punch and elbow.

    Push-up program for a month

    Once you have mastered the correct push-up technique, you should start gradually trying to increase your result. No athlete in the world is capable of performing a hundred push-ups in one set on the very first workout. The program below is designed for 30 days, with one rest day between workouts. This training method will help novice athletes quickly achieve a decent result.

    You can also download this program by.

    TRP standards for push-ups

    Push-ups from the floor are a mandatory part of the state TRP program. For men and women, the number of push-ups is, of course, different. The difference in the number of repetitions also varies depending on the age group of the athlete. There are different standards for each icon. The lower table contains the current TRP standards for push-ups from the floor.



    AgeReps per:
    Bronze badgeSilver badgeGold badge
    6-8 4 5 11
    9-10 5 7 12
    11-12 7 8 14
    13-15 7 9 15
    16-17 9 10 16
    18-24 10 12 14
    25-29 10 12 14
    30-34 6 8 12
    35-39 6 8 12
    For women over 40 years old, there is a single standard, there is no differentiation by levels of training.
    40-44 12
    45-49 10
    50-54 8
    55-59 6
    60-69 6 (with emphasis on the gymnastic bench)
    70+ 5 (with emphasis on the chair seat)

    Crossfit complexes with push-ups

    Push-ups from the floor are the basis of many functional complexes aimed at developing the speed-strength qualities of the muscles of the shoulder girdle. CrossFit was originally closely related to push-ups, since many of the basic ligaments and elements, such as burpees, are built on the basis of this exercise.

    The table below lists 4 functional push-up workout programs that will help you work out large muscle groups in your body and improve skills such as endurance and explosive strength.

    If you liked working in a similar mode, you can independently develop several more similar programs for yourself. For example, you can combine floor push-ups with, and other exercises. Such a complex load will help to work out all muscle groups at once in a short time, which makes the training program extremely intense and effective.

The main feature of push-ups is fantastic efficiency. Improving endurance and strength is not so difficult if you know about all types of push-ups.

Push-ups with arms shoulder-width apart

These are classic, well-known push-ups. In this case, the middle pectoral muscles, triceps and delta work.

Execution technique: take an emphasis while lying, place your hands strictly shoulder-width apart. The body should be parallel to the floor, feet together. The head does not bend, it is kept straight, like an extension of the spine. Then we bend our arms, smoothly, without jerking, and return to the starting position. At the lowest point, you need to linger for a few seconds. When bending, inhale, unbending - exhale.

Push-ups with wide arms

When doing push-ups with arms wide apart, the main load is on the chest muscles. Triceps and deltas receive only additional load.

Execution technique: take an emphasis while lying on the floor. Spread your arms one and a half times the width of your shoulders and bend to the bottom point, after a pause, return to the starting position. When done correctly, an increased tension of the pectoral muscles is felt.

Push-ups with narrow arms

The exercise is aimed at working out the triceps. To a lesser extent, it affects the development of the pectoral muscles and shoulders.

Execution technique: lying emphasis. The hands should be brought closer so that the thumb and forefinger of both hands touch. After smoothly lowering to the lower point, you need to push yourself to the upper position.

One-handed push-ups

One-arm push-ups are physically challenging exercises that require special training. You should not immediately include it in the training complex. During work, the load is transferred to the triceps and chest muscles.

Execution technique: lying emphasis. Legs wide apart for additional support. One leg is extended to the side - provides balance to the body. Support on one hand, the other behind the back. The push-up is performed smoothly, without delay in the lower position.

Push-ups at your fingertips

This method helps to strengthen the phalanges of the fingers. This type of load is especially useful for strengthening tendons and ligaments. Popular with rock climbers. Particular stress falls on the chest, hands and forearms.


Execution technique: The emphasis is lying. The arms are slightly wider than the shoulders. Rest on the fingers - the palms do not touch the floor. Bend your arms to an angle of 90 degrees, linger a little, and unbend. Repeat a few times.

Knee push-ups

Ideal for beginners. Fully correspond to the classic push-ups. Only you need to rely not on your feet, but on your knees. The upper pectoral muscles, triceps and deltas work.

Execution technique: Stand at close range with support on your knees. The feet should be crossed. Do push-ups smoothly and linger in the lower position. A softening material should be placed under the knees - to avoid overstrain and microtraumas.

Plyometric push-ups

Push-ups with a lift from the surface. Promotes the development of explosive muscle strength, quick response and performance. The load is on the muscles of the shoulders and chest.


Execution technique: lying emphasis. The classic arrangement of the hands at shoulder width. After a few regular push-ups, quickly go down and with a sharp jolt tear your hands off the surface. Land carefully and continue the exercise.

Diamond push ups

A push-up method that is extremely close to push-ups with a narrow arrangement of arms. There is a load of the internal muscles of the chest and, to a greater extent, of the triceps.

Execution technique: take an emphasis on the prone position. Attention is paid to the position of the hands: they should be close and the index and thumbs touching. It turns out a figure that looks like a diamond (hence the name). Watch your breath! On a deep breath, bend your arms so that your chest touches your hands. As you exhale, smoothly return to the starting position.

Push-ups on fists

A popular push-up technique that avoids sprains in the wrist. Place a soft cloth under your fists for comfort and to prevent injury. This exercise works the muscles of the chest and triceps. Small load on deltas.


Execution technique: lying emphasis. Legs together, arms shoulder-width apart. Stand on fists, which are placed vertically and parallel to each other. Bend your arms to a right angle at the elbow joint, hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

Push-ups with support on one leg

Performing this type of push-up can increase the load on the legs. The muscles of the chest, triceps and deltas work.


Execution technique: to stand at close range lying. Hands shoulder-width apart, one leg raised. For comfort in the first stages, you can put your foot on the supporting one. When doing push-ups, keep balance and avoid falls.

Head up push-ups

A simplified push-up method. Available for beginners and experienced athletes. Choose a reliable support - determine the height yourself, depending on your own feelings. During work, the lower pectoral muscles develop.

Slightly different depending on the chosen support.

Fitball: all muscle groups of the upper and middle part of the body are involved in the work. When performing the exercise, the arms are far enough from each other and the task of maintaining balance is simplified.

Medball: in addition to power load, it allows you to improve control over the body and muscle stability. When working, it is recommended to spread to the side of the foot to maintain balance.

BOSU: when working, the hands should be placed on opposite sides of the bosu. Promotes the development of balance.

Bench: Pay attention to the flexion of the wrist when doing the exercise so as not to provoke injury and sprains.

Chair: allows you to increase the angle of inclination and regulate the degree of load on the muscles. The muscles of the upper chest work.

: push-ups are popular due to the practicality of the simulator. When performing the exercise, the maximum load on the arms occurs, which contributes to the development of the triceps.

Execution technique: Lean on emphasis. Legs together. Push-ups are performed as standard, with a delay in the lower position.

Push-ups head down (with legs resting on fitball, medball, BOSU, bench, chair, TPX loops)

When doing push-ups, in which the head is directed downward and the legs are on a support, the upper part of the pectoral muscles is worked out. Fitball, medball, bench and other items that provide solid support are used as support.

Fitball: the load allows you to develop the muscles of the chest, back and triceps. The abdominal muscles are also loaded. After bending your arms to an angle of 90 degrees at the elbow, you should linger for 2-3 seconds and go to the starting position.

Medball: putting the feet on the medball requires a lot of muscle tension in the middle and lower body. When working, you should carefully monitor the balance.

BOSU: put your feet on the canopy and do push-ups. It is not difficult to keep the balance, but the load is transferred to the upper body.

Bench: allows you to intensively train the arms and upper chest muscles.

Chair: the tilt height is large, so the hands are heavily loaded.

: it is convenient to adjust the height, so when performing the exercise, you can set the optimal slope. Balance should be carefully monitored.

Execution technique: fully corresponds to the standard, with the difference that the legs are above the head.

Circular push-ups

The technique of push-ups in a circle allows you to shift the load to the triceps. deltoid muscles and abdominal muscles. It also develops balance and body control.

Execution technique: lying emphasis. Go down and transfer your body weight to one hand. After that, without rising, move to the other hand and return to the starting position.

T-push-ups from the floor

A challenging exercise that works the entire body. The muscles of the press, chest, arms are involved in the work. With constant exercise, it significantly strengthens all the muscles of the core.

Execution technique: take a standard lying position. Hands shoulder-width apart, feet together. Bend your arms into a right angle and return to the starting position. After that, stretch one hand forward, then straighten it up and turn the body towards this hand. Thus, you will create a semblance of the letter T.

Push-ups "folding knife"

Exercise develops flexibility and lateral abdominal muscles. Triceps, deltas and pectoral muscles also work actively. When performed correctly, it develops all the muscles of the core, giving a load to the hips.

Execution technique: take an emphasis while lying, but move your legs closer to the arms, so that the body forms a right angle. After that, bend your arms until your chin touches the floor. Next, raise your head and lower your hips to the floor. Bend over and return to the starting position.

Spiderman push ups

A rewarding and difficult exercise. It combines physical activity and flexibility. During work, the muscles of the deltas, chest and arms, as well as the lateral muscles of the press, develop.

Execution technique: take a lying position. Hands are shoulder width apart. Legs are brought together. Bend your arms to an angle of 90 degrees. In the lower position, linger and bend the leg until the knee touches the elbow. On extension, return the leg to its original position. So do it with the other leg. Perform the exercise with alternating legs.

Dips on the uneven bars

A popular exercise that gives excellent results for the development of the pectoral muscles and triceps. Simple to perform, push-ups develop complex chest muscles. Requires a gradual transition and an increase in the number of approaches.

Execution technique: Stand between the bars, leaning on your hands. Hang on the uneven bars and while inhaling, lower it vertically down. After reaching a position where the elbows are bent into a right angle, linger for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. The depth of the sinking and the speed of execution contribute to the development of various muscles. Therefore, the standard execution of the exercise can be modified for individual purposes.

Handstand push-ups

A challenging exercise for advanced athletes. Requires special training and special attention to the technique of execution. When working, the deltoid muscles and triceps are loaded.

Execution technique: Stand at the wall on your hands. Lean on the wall with your feet and control your balance. Then slowly lower yourself vertically on your hands. The angle of the bend of the arms is determined depending on the physical ability. Closely monitor the state of the body.


Push-ups are part of the training program for all athletes, from bodybuilders to athletes. This type of physical activity attracts attention due to its obvious advantages:

  • Simple technique.
  • The ability to practice in any conditions, without special equipment.
  • Achieve excellent results quickly.
  • A variety of ways to load different muscle groups.

Mastering the correct performance of push-ups guarantees an improvement in the general condition of the body and the physical strength of individual muscle groups. To start classes, you do not need a coach's consultation - you start practicing on your own, in the process of training you adjust the work for your case.

Many people want to look fit, slim and be in excellent physical shape. But, unfortunately, not everyone wants or can, due to certain circumstances, visit a gym or equip a sports corner at home. This is not required if you regularly do push-ups.

Push-ups from the floor do not require the use of any specialized expensive equipment or simulators, the presence of sports equipment. To achieve good results, it is enough to have a desire to be in good shape, not lazy, and also use a suitable push-up system (program).

The advantage of such trainings is that they do not have any restrictions. Absolutely everyone can do push-ups from the floor - children, adults, the elderly, men and women.

This basic exercise uses several muscle groups at the same time. It is considered universal and must be included in any training plan.

During its implementation, the following are actively involved in the work:

  • rib cage;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • hands;
  • abdominal muscles.

Push-ups not only engage different muscles, but also allow you to shift the focus to specific groups. To work out a specific area, it is enough to redistribute the load by changing the control points and the execution technique.

The musculature is involved in the work already when the initial (initial) position is taken. To keep the body in a static position, the intercostal and abdominal muscles, the back, as well as the arms and legs are activated.

Thanks to this basic, affordable, and, most importantly, effective exercise, muscle mass is built up. In addition, a person who regularly does push-ups from the floor becomes stronger and more enduring. The impact speed also increases.

The following muscle groups receive the greatest load:

  • Pectoral... Provide abduction and adduction, as well as rotation of the humerus. They are best worked out in a wide grip position.
  • Triceps. Thanks to the triceps muscles, the arms are straightened, and they develop as well as possible in a narrow grip position.
  • Biceps Get a powerful charge that increases the strength of the biceps muscles.
  • Deltoid. They acquire a beautiful relief, and, therefore, the shoulders look visually larger.
  • Serrated front. The side chest is worked out with a limited type of exercise, and push-ups are considered the best among them.
  • Pyramidal. The elbow muscles, which are a continuation of the triceps, provide easier extension of the forearms.

A correctly designed program and performance technique allows you to benefit not only for the muscles. Push-ups strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, bones, joints, and ligaments, and have a positive effect on the course of metabolism. Human health and well-being are noticeably improved.

For a person who does not play sports and does not go to the gym, this exercise allows you to quickly tone the weakened muscles. Thanks to this, it becomes much easier to perform routine work that involves certain physical activity.

Having set a goal for yourself - to start push-ups, you need to understand that it will be difficult both psychologically and physically. At this stage, it is important not to overdo it, but to do everything right, so that in the future it will be much easier to make the transition from simple to complex.

It is not recommended to bring yourself to exhaustion in the first lesson. The result obtained is due not only to the number of approaches, but to the technicality of the performance, which is much more important. And if you just press with number, and not quality, there will be no effect. Beginners should start the classic push-up option after completing this exercise, first from the vertical plane, and then from the knees.

There is no need to rush. Each stage takes from seven days to several weeks. You need to focus solely on your training, as well as physical fitness. The readiness to move to the next stage is evidenced by the absence of difficulties with the implementation of the current level.

Particular attention is paid to mastering the starting position, which depends on the type of push-ups, the correctness of breathing, the direction of each movement. The torso descends on inhalation and rises on exhalation. It is necessary to control that the body is constantly straight, and the lowering and raising of the body is carried out exclusively by bending and straightening the arms.

  • You should start pushing up by performing 10 repetitions. It is recommended to build up the pace gradually. The main thing is to listen to your own feelings about how the body reacts to the current and increasing load. After class, the feeling of fatigue should be light. No overvoltage. This is especially true for the first workouts.
  • Before starting classes, you always need to do a ten-minute warm-up, and perform the planned number of repetitions in several approaches with breaks for 2-3 minutes.
  • You need to do push-ups regularly. Training should never be adjusted to a regimen.
  • Drawing up a training program must necessarily be accompanied by certain goals. If you need to build muscle mass, you will have to train daily. You can do push-ups to keep yourself in good physical shape and to normalize body weight from two to three times a week.
  • Those who decide to train daily should move to this pace gradually. First, you need to do it every other day to prepare the muscles for stress. Rest and gives the muscles an impulse to gain mass.
  • Before starting the exercise, you should always carefully study not only the description, but also the recommendations.
  • When doing push-ups, you can experiment and allow some liberties, but already when all movements are honed, strength, agility and endurance are well developed, that is, with experience that comes over time.

Newbies are most often interested in the question of how many repetitions to strive for. It is enough for women to bring the number of push-ups to 30-40, and for men - to 50-100 push-ups. These are decent results, but not marginal. People who want to have a pumped up powerful body or are involved in sports should set higher goals for themselves.

In a month and a half, if you practice regularly, women can reach 50, and men 100 repetitions. In this case, you need to train no more than 10-15 minutes. This is quite enough to increase the strength of the hands, as well as the appearance of visually noticeable changes. There is one important point to keep in mind. There is an opinion that more than 15 repetitions per approach will increase endurance, but only at the expense of an increase in volume and physical strength.

To increase power indicators and increase muscles, increased attention should be paid to the technique of execution, to complicate the movements and amplitude performed. You can do push-ups from stops or other difficult options.

A seemingly simple exercise has many options. According to some experts, the number of different variations is more than fifty.

Most famous athletes and bodybuilders are constantly introducing various additions and changes to the performance of push-ups, which allow them to shift the emphasis of loads and open up new opportunities.

Selecting lightweight options or making training even more difficult is everyone's personal business. The choice is due to personal wishes, pursued goals, physical capabilities.

Familiar to everyone since school times, they were performed in physical education lessons. The emphasis is taken while lying, leaning on the toes and palms. Hands are placed slightly wider than shoulder level, palms facing forward. The emphasis falls on the toes of the legs, spread slightly wider than the shoulders. Classic push-up movements include triceps, chest, deltas.

They are a lightweight variation suitable for beginners, elderly people or those with problems with the spine. The initial pose is similar to the classic version, but only with an emphasis on the legs bent at the knee joint, and not on the toes.

At the same time, the feet are kept above the floor, one laying on top of the other. Thanks to this position, the load is removed from the lower back, the effort from various muscle groups is reduced. Studies have shown that the workload in classic push-ups is 64 percent, and with emphasis on the knee joints - 49 percent.

From a horizontal surface and from a wall

The first ones are quite difficult, especially for beginners, and if you start with them, then physical overexertion can become a reason that discourage any desire to continue practicing. It is best to start the first steps with push-ups performed from a vertical plane, that is, from a wall. It is lightweight, but practical enough as it prepares the muscles and joints for much higher loads.

The execution technique is quite simple. You need to stand up straight, stepping back from the wall about one step. The distance between the shoulders should be slightly more than shoulder width apart. It is best to keep the heels off the floor when the weight of the body is transferred to the arms. You need to move towards the wall by bending the arms at the elbow joints until the chest touches the surface, and rise by straightening the elbows. At the same time, the body should be kept straight, only the hands should work.

The distance between the arms spaced to the side is approximately two shoulder widths. The elbow joints look to the sides, and the emphasis can fall on both clenched fists and open palms.

Socks resting on the floor surface, on the contrary, bring the shoulders together. Going down, make sure that the elbow joints remain directed to the side. Touching the floor, they quickly go up.

The effectiveness of the exercise depends on the position of the torso, which must be kept straight from the feet to the head. If you lower your stomach, push your buttocks up, bend in the lumbar region, this will violate the technique of execution.

To transfer the load on the muscles of the chest, the legs are placed on a hill - a sofa or bench, and the palms are left on the floor. Transferring the support to a stand with a height of 60 cm, according to experts, allows you to increase the load up to 75% of its own weight. If you do the reverse transfer, that is, place your hands on a hill, not your legs, then doing the exercise will be much easier. The higher the bench height, the easier it is to perform push-ups.

The load on the chest muscles directly depends on the grip. The wider it is, the higher it is.

Hands are placed in line with the level of the shoulder joint, that is, along the body. The elbows are directed back. They stand either in the palm of your hand or on your fists. The position of the legs should be such that they are narrower than shoulder-width apart. Moving down, the arms are bent, moving them along the body, directing the elbows back. Having touched the floor, keeping the body straight, they immediately go up. This technique of execution allows you to work out the triceps. Placing the legs on a higher ground makes the exercise more difficult and the arms easier.

It is a difficult push-up option, thanks to which the triceps and frontal deltas are worked out.

The emphasis is made exclusively on the palms, which are located next to each other so that the fingers rest against the floor surface and turn slightly inward, if you need to facilitate execution. The toes of the legs are either slightly wider or flush with the shoulder girdle.

To go down, the arms are bent, moving the elbows along the torso. They are directed backward and slightly to the sides. At the end point, touch the back of the hand. Move upward until the arms are completely straight.

Stability is ensured by legs wide apart. The right hand is left on the floor, and the slightly bent left hand is led behind the back. To ensure safety and ensure maximum ease of execution, it is recommended to use special stops.

The supporting (right) hand must not be shifted to the side. It should be in line with the torso. There are only three points of support, instead of four, and legs spread apart allow you to maintain balance. When lowering, the elbow bends and moves to the side.

The downward movement is continued until the chest touches the floor, and then push-ups are performed, rising until the arm is straightened. The shoulders should be parallel to the floor. After doing a certain number of times, they change hands.

In order not to experience difficulties in performing this exercise, it is necessary to have a sufficiently well-developed abdominal muscles.

Complicated variations

This training loads the muscles perfectly, helps to develop good indicators of strength, speed and agility. To make cotton, you need to take a position in which the toes are at the same width or narrower than the shoulder girdle, and the arms are spread 1.5 or 2 times wider.

The body is pushed upward with a powerful push, lifting the palms off the floor, and quickly clap their hands. The return should be a soft and graceful landing in the palm of your hand. You can't flop on the floor.

After lightly touching the floor, you need to repeat the entire chain of the movement "powerful push-clap-soft landing". Hands should move rhythmically, harmoniously, strongly, quickly. Such push-ups include boxers in their training programs. They are useful for sprinters and those involved in various types of martial arts.

Focusing on the fingers helps to strengthen the bones and increase the strength of the hands. The grip can be either narrow or wide. The main thing is that the emphasis falls exclusively on the fingers.

It is necessary to do push-ups of this type only when you are in good physical shape and when your fingers are able to hold the body as securely as possible. In preparation for this to strengthen the hands, you should work a little with an expander.

Designed for athletes involved in strength disciplines, and those who want to build bulk muscles, have a beautiful and clearly traced relief. The use of special weights allows you to increase the load, due to which muscle tissues are worked out as deeply and efficiently as possible.

As a weight, vests equipped with weights are most often worn. This equipment is also used by those who pull themselves up on the crossbar, push up on the uneven bars. Instead of a vest, you can use a regular barbell pancake. This load should be used with caution and only when there is someone nearby for safety. The partner must ensure that the pancake is positioned correctly on the back and does not fall. Push-ups themselves also require caution.

It is necessary to start push-ups with weights with a small weight. It is increased gradually. It is recommended to add no more than one or two kilos per week.

An increase in the range of motion allows you to work out the muscles as efficiently as possible. To achieve this, it is necessary to remove the bottom constraint, that is, the floor.

This can be achieved by using three support points, which are three strong chairs. One becomes a support under the feet, and the other two - under the arms. Instead of chairs, it is allowed to use a variety of stands with a height of 10 to 15 centimeters.

Items used as support must be reliable. It is better to buy special handles designed for push-ups. Without the use of additional devices, it is impossible to do deep push-ups, allowing you to drop below the level of your hands.

At the first stage, you need to determine for yourself three to four days a week for classes. Even if you plan to do push-ups daily, at first they train only every other day. It is imperative to give the muscles time to recover and rest, do not overstrain during the first workouts. The first step is usually a monthly plan, which changes every week.

A training plan might look like this:

First week:

  • warm-up
  • first approach - up to 8 push-ups
  • break - 1 minute
  • second approach - two push-ups less than in the first
  • break - 1 minute
  • third set -5 reps
  • break - 5 minutes
  • fourth approach - 5 push-ups
  • next two sets of five reps with 1 minute rest

Second week:

  • warm-up
  • four sets of 8 reps, pauses of 1 minute

Third week:

  • warm-up
  • four approaches, the number of repetitions to the maximum (without undue stress and with high quality)
  • rest between sets - 1 minute

The final (fourth) week is devoted to increasing the number of push-ups. The next training month is planned independently and a program is drawn up for each training day.

Those who have completed initial training, are ready for full-fledged classes, who want to engage in the formation of a strong and beautiful body, need a more advanced approach. You need to develop and change plans every five to seven weeks, aiming at increasing repetitions.

1st day:

  • warm-up
  • push-ups with weights - 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • push-ups hands together - 4, 10-12
  • press exercise - 1, 40-50
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