Our footballers in monaco at a party. Video: Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev smoked a hookah to the anthem of Russia

“Darling,” Andrey Malakhov wrote (you saw him on TV) to Tina Kandelaki (her too). “They’ve been drinking like a week by the pool at the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel. Only the lazy did not tell about them "...

The nightly tweet from the First came at the moment when in the story with 500 bottles of champagne for 250 thousand dollars, the defendants became victims. The life.ru morning investigation was denied by the owner of the Twiga club, businessman and former head of the Renault Formula 1 team Flavio Briatore.

But Kokorin and Mamaev are actually victims. The performance in Twig is a spontaneous art house, satanic trolling, an exact allusion to modern Russian football.

“In Russia, this story received a lot of publicity,” he justified and justified himself on Instagram. - These two guys, Kokorin and Mamaev, came to the Twiga club with their wives. After dinner they decided to smoke a hookah. At the same time, a private party was held in the club, which was organized by other Russians. They recognized Kokorin and Mamaev and decided to send them several bottles of champagne in recognition, and also asked to play the Russian anthem. Then other clients from Russia also decided to show their respect and started sending bottles of champagne to the players - as a result, they had a whole table with bottles in front of them. The funny thing is, these guys didn't even drink any alcoholic drinks."

But Kokorin and Mamaev are actually victims. The performance in Twig is a spontaneous art house, satanic trolling, an exact allusion to modern Russian football. When for you, the king of the era, precious champagne is poured, fires are lit, firecrackers blow up and the Russian anthem is played, this is not respect, but destructive sarcasm. It’s not those who hate you who will pour in the comments, whom you accuse of envy, whose opinion you are not interested in. And those who can fill you with alcohol from golden bottles in Monaco, those whose behavior model you copied, who, getting out of the hungry 90s from Valuyki, you wanted to be like.

But now you don't understand what's going on. At that moment, when there is no agent, masseur, doctor, security guard, laundress nearby, you are not even able to add one to one. You, who put on a T-shirt with Vladimir Putin on your chest, do not understand that shisha and champagne to the anthem is self-destruction. Dmitry Peskov, by the way, has already said everything about you,. By the way, the president has a useful phrase for Mamaev and Kokorin with a general meaning: always behave as if you are being recorded. Especially when you are being recorded. But…

But (even if you believe that the order is someone else's) they carry champagne past you, and you sit and smoke a hookah. Already empty bottles are lying in front of you, but you still sit and smoke shisha. It is clear that you have a kind of football zen, but it seems that if they throw a couple of packets of white powder on your table, unfold a swastika behind your back and turn on the Nazi march, you will still sit and smoke.

You do not feel that in such a situation neither the FSB nor Alexey Miller will protect you. But five days after Twiggy, you will walk around the base with a sad face, sincerely not knowing why exactly you were transferred to the second team. After all, hookah, champagne, bill, lights - everything is not yours. You hardly understand that no Wenger will ever follow you again, but Mutko has already read that.

But it could have been different. One of you made it to big football among 7 million people on 5 fields in Moscow. Another got out of Valuyki. All due to talent, genetics, work, work. Was it worth it to be in the prime of being in an idiotic position? After all, everything could be fixed in 20 minutes.

1. Even if you don't feel anything, go to the press after the match against Wales and say: “I'm sorry. I will train even more so that everything changes.” People will accept you.

2. Already sitting in a private jet, duplicate these words on the social network and post a photo from the locker room.

3. On vacation, take a couple of photos from the hall, breaking away from a cocktail by the pool for a minute.

4. Being ridiculed in "Twig" - run away. If you want to stay, then call the next morning the journalists or the press service and warn the set-up.

5. Arriving at the training camp, write that you are glad to see at least Dzyuba and are looking forward to starting work with Lucescu with pleasure.

But for now, we are all trying to find at least some information about your visits to Valuiki or support for Torpedo. This is not.

We are waiting for news that a man who hardly played at Dynamo and received under 5 million euros built a stadium for his town, but this is also not the case.

We are not asking you to fight for the future, educate and work with young people, like Alexander Shlemenko, but you cannot look at all these cars and clubs without regret. By the way, nobody dreams about them. Unless the children of deputies, prosecutors and officials, who, most likely, poured champagne on your careers.

Kokorin and Mamaev rested in Monaco: facts and comments

Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev took a break at the Twiga club in Monaco, where a bottle of champagne costs 500 euros. "Match TV" calculated how it was possible to dispose of the money spent on the party.

According to Life, at a party at Twiga, Kokorin and Mamaev “brought champagne to the Russian anthem”, threw out confetti and lit sparklers. In the videos published by the publication, you can also see Pavel Mamaev's wife Alana and Kokorin's girlfriend Daria Valitova dancing on the couch.

“The behavior of many people, including candidates or players of the former national team, will be taken into account when preparing the national team and forming the roster,” the incident with Kokorin and Mamaev, President of the RFU Vitaly Mutko.

Kokorin in an interview with TASS that he was present at Twiga along with Mamaev four to five days ago. At the same time, Kokorin stated that he did not pay the bill and was not the organizer of the party. According to Kokorin, for "the money that is being discussed in the media," you can buy the entire Twiga club.

"Krasnodar" the behavior of the players is “outrageous and unworthy” and announced the transfer of Mamaev to the youth squad, and also promised to fine the midfielder in accordance with the contract.

Member of the Ethics Committee of the RFU Andrey Sozin in an interview with Match TV, the perpetrators of the scandal were parents Mamaev and Kokorin and the "football society". Sozin offered to "kick out" Mamaev and called him "an absolutely spoiled worthless person."

Alexander Kokorin will also be transferred to Zenit-2 and will pay a large fine. "Zenith" such measures are "reputational damage to the entire Russian football". The club is conducting its own investigation into the incident.

“The penalty will be really tangible. It is provided for in the regulation on bonuses and disciplinary sanctions against our club. These fines are calculated in such a way that even highly paid players feel the measure of responsibility, "-" Match TV "Zenith CEO" Maxim Mitrofanov.

But the players found an unexpected defender. Former Team Leader of Formula 1 Renault and Benetton Flavio Briattore on Instagram, that in fact Kokorin and Mamaev did not drink any alcoholic beverages, and the bottles of champagne that ended up on their table are a sign of respect from other club visitors.

Discussed what happened in the Paris studio "Match TV". Our channel commentator Nobel Arustamyan learned the details of what happened in Monte Carlo.

“I talked with one of the partners of Flavio Briatore, and I will voice his version, -. - Both Alexander and Pavel were in a nightclub. They dined and spent time there, but their bill was ten times less than what is now being voiced. They are on vacation, so they might have been drinking, which is hardly a problem. What was going on in another part of the nightclub was already a party of other Russians, which had nothing to do with the players.

“Plus, you know what? The fact that neither Pasha nor Sasha posted it on their Instagram, Arustamyan joked. “I think if they really had such an account, they would probably want to show it to everyone.”

Later it turned out that, and Alexander Kokorin made his profile private.

Channel One host Andrei Malakhov about the rest of Kokorin and Mamaev in Monte Carlo: “Friends who were vacationing at the Monte-Сarlo Bay hotel wrote to me:“ Can you take a picture of how they drink by the pool? Like, they arrange such things here, such “texts are carried”, using profanity. I said that messing with them is ridiculous. What's the point of catching drunk football players by the pool with comments about how cool they are? At the same time, I thought something might happen. The gun that hangs on the wall, like their behavior, demonstrated for more than a day, will shoot sooner or later. Not at the Twiga club, but at the Billionaire club."

It seems that individual representatives of domestic football are not able to live without curses from their compatriots. This is the only way to explain another incident involving the players of the Russian national team.

While the Icelandic fans greeted their players who reached the quarterfinals like heroes, the players of the Russian team, who did not even consider it necessary to explain themselves to their compatriots, went to spend their holidays in the haunts of the world.

The Life.ru portal published a video showing a party hosted in Monte Carlo by two players of the Russian national team - Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin.

The video shows how dozens of bottles of elite champagne are carried out on huge trays decorated with lights. The action takes place to the sounds of the Russian anthem.

Witnesses claim that Kokorin and Mamaev were relaxing at the local Twiga nightclub. During the party, they allegedly purchased about 500 bottles of elite champagne "Armand de Brignac" at a price of 500 euros apiece. Thus, the players spent about 250 thousand euros only on champagne.

Kokorin and Mamaev smoked a hookah, treated everyone, and their life partners danced on sofas. Apparently, the players who failed to capture the imagination of the fans at Euro 2016 managed to surprise the regulars of Monte Carlo clubs.

Boys worth millions of euros

Immediately after the departure from the European Championship, in the group stage of which the Russian team lost two matches and drew one, Pavel Mamaev has already become the protagonist of one scandal.

Internet users quickly found out that a flight of such an aircraft can cost about 70 thousand dollars, while it must be ordered in advance. Judging by how quickly Mamaev left France, he ordered the liner even before the start of Euro 2016 in order to fly away immediately after the group stage. That is, the player did not even count on the participation of the Russian team in the playoffs.

Mamaev's trick caused an uproar. But, as it is now clear, the football player himself does not see anything shameful in his actions and continues in the same spirit.

27-year-old Pavel Mamaev has been playing for FC Krasnodar since 2013. The approximate amount of his contract until 2016 was about 1.4 million euros. In 2016, Mamaev signed a new three-year agreement. According to some reports, his salary has increased significantly.

25-year-old Alexander Kokorin in 2016 moved to the St. Petersburg "Zenith", refusing the invitation of the English "Arsenal". The striker's estimated salary in the St. Petersburg club is 3.5 million euros per year.

“It wasn't champagne. These are their tears that they cried because of the absence of the national team.

The news about the party in Monte Carlo could not but cause a new explosion of emotions among Russian fans.

“Remember the hussars during the war with Napoleon. They did exactly the same. But the hussars then won the war and entered Paris, and these two were celebrating it is not clear.)) "

“The guys are worried about the results of the euro… We decided to restore the reputation and authority of Russia… Two bastards.”

"Life burners. Merchants of the 21st century. From dirt to Kings. It's not good."

“Wretches, how can you not drink here. Although champagne is drunk until the morning either by aristocrats, or ... "

“Now it’s at least clear what they think about when they stand before the game on the field and listen to the anthem ...”

“Even considering their income, it’s an idiotic act. Frankly speaking, beyond their means, the guys roamed.

“It wasn't champagne. These are their tears, which they cried because of the absence of the national team. This is their sweat, which they shed while playing in the national team. This is their blood from broken, wounded, cut bodies.

Mutko promised to take into account the behavior

Of course, only the most correct statements are given here. Most replicas cannot be quoted due to profanity.

Someone remembered a strange incident during the Euro - Pavel Mamaev appeared before journalists with a broken eyebrow.

According to the official version, he hit the simulator in the gym. According to unofficial information, senior teammates punished him for inappropriate behavior and incorrect remarks about the head coach Leonid Slutsky.

President of the RFU and Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko reacted to the news from Monte Carlo. “Believe me, today the behavior of many people, including candidates and players of the previous national team, will be taken into account when forming the composition of the new team. And now you don’t have to react to who photographed whom, where they danced what kind of dance. We will not do all this. Everyone acts according to their upbringing, intellect, education. And I didn’t see it myself, ”the Championship.ru portal quotes Mutko as saying.

Russian football players spent 250 thousand euros on champagne at a party in Monte Carlo (video)

© Photo from sledcom.ru

Football players of the Russian national team Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev had a party in Monte Carlo, during which they spent 250 thousand euros on champagne. The corresponding video has been leaked to the Internet.

At the popular Twiga nightclub, players ordered a drink called Armand de Brignac, which, according to Gazeta.Ru, costs about 500 euros per bottle. The Russians bought 500 of these bottles. At the same time, they smoked a hookah, and the employees of the entertainment establishment brought hundreds of bottles decorated with sparklers to their table. The Russian national anthem played in the background.

In the Krasnodar club, for which Mamaev plays, the football player's behavior was called "outrageous and unacceptable." The general director of the football club brought Mamaev out of the main team to the double.

In turn, the head of the ethics committee of the Russian Football Union, Vladimir Lukin, criticized the behavior of the athletes who organized the party.

“A person with a decent culture, civilized, will not deal with such matters, especially against the backdrop of his unsuccessful professional activities,” Lukin emphasized.

The incident was also commented by the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Vladimir Markin.

“The pouring was entrusted to others. These would definitely not hit the glasses, ”he wrote on Twitter.

Note that the midfielder and forward did not show effective actions during the matches of the European Football Championship.

He was transferred to the youth team of his club after a video from a party in Monte Carlo appeared on the Life portal, where guests of the famous nightclub were served champagne worth 500 euros per bottle to the sounds of the Russian anthem. Presumably, the striker made the order together with Mamaev.


In the video, the players are sitting at a table, where waiters with full baskets of champagne come up in an endless line. Kokorin smokes a hookah and smiles, Mamaev taken from the back, but easily recognizable by his tattoos. The removal of champagne (connoisseurs identify the elite brand Armand de Brignac by labels) is accompanied by the Russian anthem and a pyrotechnic show.

In the afternoon they will write that they paid for the banquet Kokorin with Mamaev, will name the amount of 250 thousand euros. Familiar players will claim that everyone was treated to other people. In the evening, Kokorin himself will make a statement to the TASS agency: "Someone was celebrating a birthday, and we were just there."

However, few people care about the details - football players Russian team disgraced all over the country, even a representative of the Investigative Committee inserts his 5 kopecks, joking about the fact that our players are not able to get into their own glasses. Sports Minister reluctantly speaks out Vitaly Mutko, promises that the rest of the players will not go unnoticed.

Responds faster and more concretely "Krasnodar": through the mouth of the CEO Vladimir Khashiga informs through the official website of the club about the link Mamaeva to the youth team. "Outrageous conduct" (Hashig's quote) will also result in a monetary penalty.

"Zenith" does not hurry with the statement, but in the end repeats the step "Krasnodar"- link in "Zenith-2" and a fine. The piquancy is added by the fact that on the day the video appeared Kokorin just joined the team at the training camp in Austria. Actually, from there the attempts of the football player to justify themselves are heard, drowned in the general indignant choir.

Alexander KOKORIN and Pavel MAMAEV. Photo by Fedor USPENSKY, "SE"

Sanctions met with approval, especially the statement "Krasnodar". Fans on the Internet speak in the spirit that at least someone had the courage to call a spade a spade. The image of the club, already one of the best in Russia, is growing even higher.

There are those who stand up for the players. Suddenly, a deputy from the LDPR stands up for them Igor Lebedev, the theses are simple: this is their honest earnings and official money, no one has violated the law, and from the point of view of behavior, nothing reprehensible.

The country is trying to understand what normal upbringing and defiant behavior are, where the right to privacy ends and the ethics of a public person begins, how the sports results of Russian football correlate with the level of salaries in this very football.

And the main question: what if the results were different? Could hypothetical success somehow make this sort of party normal in the eyes of a society where many don't earn half a bottle of Monte Carlo champagne in a whole month?
