How to become a fighter without rules. How to get into the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship): rules, weight categories

An MMA fighter is not only a strong and resilient athlete with excellent command of mixed martial arts. This is a strong-willed person who devotes most of her time to training every day. Sport develops such a person physically and spiritually, strengthens his fighting spirit and discipline.

Features of the direction of MMA

Mixed martial arts are gaining more and more popularity every year. They are versatile in that they include the most effective techniques attacks and defense of various types of martial arts: karate, boxing, jiu-jitsu, hand-to-hand combat, Greco-Roman wrestling, kickboxing. Mixed martial arts are striking and defensive techniques performed in a standing position, as well as throws and techniques performed in a prone and reclining position (wrestling on the ground).

How to become an MMA fighter? To do this, it is necessary to identify for yourself a number of goals, towards the implementation of which you need to strive.

1. You need to exercise regularly and a lot.

Only daily training is able to lay new conditioned reflexes in the athlete's subconscious, to support physical fitness and master new skills. Achieving a good professional level requires a lot of training. You need to do it regularly, according to a specially developed system.

2. Develop in several parallel directions.

True MMS masters need to be proficient in fighting in several different styles, this will help on high level maintain the authority of the fighter and develop full set necessary combat skills.

3. A good coach is needed to achieve excellent results.

Good professional masters are able to lay in an athlete the correct knowledge base of one or another direction of martial arts. Also, the trainers will help the athlete to form an individual training plan, taking into account the characteristics of his body and, if necessary, correct it. The coach will also help you find a sparring partner.

4. You shouldn't spare money on quality equipment.

You can purchase it by visiting a special equipment store. To practice percussion techniques, you will need: protective gloves, helmets, protection for the body and legs, paws, pears. Remember that good protection will save you from injuries that can take you out of the usual rhythm of training for a long time.

5. Spar with different opponents of different styles.

Such trainings are good because they help to quickly master the skills of conducting a duel in a new and unfamiliar style.

6. Work on your punches.

When developing punches, train different skills at the same time: impact speed, its strength, reaction and recovery speed. Only a few blows decide the outcome of the fight, so it is important to be able to hit well and correctly.

7. Be individual.

Develop your own individual style of fighting, include in it a few "chips" - techniques that you are particularly good at. Each fighter in the ring has his own individual "handwriting", which makes the athlete unique, not like others.

It will take more than one year to become a pro in any business. But having great strength will, dedication, hard work and firmness of character, you can achieve your goals no matter what. That's when you will become a real fighter!

Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the athlete - the main objective circuit training in wrestling and martial arts MMA.

For this reason, several principles have been formed on which this type of training is based:

  • Circuit training for mixed martial arts representatives is characterized by high intensity, and the sport itself is traumatic, it must start with a warm-up.

At this stage, the most important muscle groups, joints and tendons are prepared for stress, Special attention given to the cervical, lumbar spine, knee and elbow joints. .
Circuit training must be consistent and comprehensive.

This involves the alternation of cardio and strength loads, special exercises for fighters to develop specific skills that are necessary in mixed martial arts. Constant increase in the intensity of the training, its duration.

  • The circuit training program should be consistent and comprehensive. This involves the alternation of cardio and strength loads, special exercises for fighters to develop specific skills that are necessary in mixed martial arts.
  • Constant increase in the intensity of the training, its duration.

Muscle work

The specificity of the development of the main muscle groups in wrestlers and fighters is that the main emphasis is on to increase strength, and not on relief and other external characteristics.

Work is carried out primarily on the upper part of the body ( shoulder girdle, arms, chest muscles, abs) and leg muscles.

This ensures the effective use of military techniques and reduction of injuries during the fight or training process.


Energy consumption during circuit training is very high, therefore, the nutritional principle for MMA wrestlers and fighters is balance. The diet involves the predominance of protein foods, fiber, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats, these components provide the athlete with the necessary amount of calories, prevents the formation of excess weight.

Photo 1. Meat, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts - products that must be included in the diet of wrestlers.

Mixed martial arts have their own weight categories, so athletes have to adjust the diet during preparation for battle... This is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of calories and fluids consumed.

Reference! From the diet of athletes alcohol, fast food is excluded and the amount of simple carbohydrates is minimized.

What to do after class?

Circular training takes a lot of energy, causes overload of muscle, cardiovascular, and sometimes nervous system.

For these reasons, the body must recover after exercise:

  • At the end of the workout stretching must be included which relaxes muscles, develops elasticity of tendons, increases joint mobility.
  • Professional fighters are often resort to the help of masseurs and also incorporate Pilates and yoga into their workout routine. These techniques prevent damage to joints and the musculoskeletal system in general.
  • A good sleep it is necessary not only to restore the body, but also to maintain the nervous system in a normal state, the overload of which will negatively affect the results.

Exercise for training the press

1. Thai bar

Take a prone position, then bend your arms and lower your forearms to the floor (A). Rotate the body to the right, tearing off right hand and right leg off the floor, and then bring your elbow and knee together. Tighten your core muscles vigorously and hold the position for three seconds (B). Repeat for the opposite side. If the exercise seems too difficult, do it on your knees.

2. Side bar

Number of approaches: 3 Number of repetitions: 5-10 (on each side)

Get into a prone position and then twist your torso to the right, raising your right hand above your head (A). Stretch your core muscles vigorously and bring your right knee and right elbow together (B). Hold the position for three seconds and then repeat on the opposite side. If the exercise seems too difficult, do it on your knees.

3. Thai crunches

Sets: 4 Reps: 10 (each side)

Lie on your back, lift your legs off the floor and place your hands behind your head. Pull in your abdomen and lift your torso by touching your right elbow to your right thigh (A). Hold for three seconds and then lower upper part back to the floor. Repeat for the left side (B).

4. Reduction of knees and elbows while standing

Sets: 5 Reps: 10

Stand up straight, put your right palm on the wall, left hand lift over your head, lift your left leg (A). Lift your left knee, touch it with your left elbow and hold the position for three seconds (B). Do the prescribed number of repetitions and then repeat on the opposite side. If you can, do the exercise without leaning against the wall.

5. "Kicks" with the knee

Sets: 5 Reps: 5-10

Stand against the wall so that you can reach it and maintain balance (if necessary). Get into a fighting stance with your arms outstretched in front of you as if you were grabbing your opponent by the neck (A). Slowly bring your hands to your chest, raising your right knee as if you were stabbing them in the head of your opponent (B). Hold the position for three seconds. Do the prescribed number of repetitions and then repeat on the opposite side.

6. Raises arms with dumbbells

Take light dumbbells in each hand, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your arms straight (but not fully extending your elbows), raise the dumbbell to shoulder level (A). Lowering one hand down, raise the other (B). Move in this rhythm for three minutes (use a timer or just keep track of the time), keeping your abdominal muscles tense and keeping your torso stationary. After completing the non-rest exercise, move on to the next one.

7. Turns of the trunk to the sides with a dumbbell

Number of sets: 1. Do reps for 3 minutes

Take light dumbbell with both hands, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate outstretched arms to the left while keeping the head and body stationary (A). Do a similar movement to the right (B). Continue for three minutes, then move on to the next exercise without rest.

8. Lifting a dumbbell overhead

Number of sets: 1. Do reps for 3 minutes

Take a light dumbbell with both hands, spread your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you (A). Raise the dumbbell over your head (you can slightly bend your arms in the upper phase of the movement) (B), and then return to initial position... Continue for three minutes.

Based on materials:

Triple workout

As noted above, Kane's cardio training has become his hallmark. The hardy "breather" was not given to him from birth, it is the result of non-stop cardio workouts. His hard work has made him one of the fastest growing fighters.

Even in heavyweight Kane moves very easily and fights at an incredible pace.

While most athletes find the daily split tiring, Kane trains 3 times a day, 5 days a week. The training is broken down into 3 Phases that develop every aspect of the fighter: Strength and Endurance, Grappling and Punching, and Cardio. And he does it every day, Monday through Friday!

To develop strength and endurance, Kane trains with own weight to increase power and mass. His strength training with weights is very short and simple because he avoids being overly muscular - this can affect cardio - than more muscle the athlete, the more oxygen they need to maintain performance.

Kane lifts weights to constantly increase and maintain the strength needed to improve wrestling, punching and grappling performance.

For the "Big Four" (squat, bench press, deadlift overhead squat), Kane uses a 5/3/1 pattern, 5 reps max in the first set, 3 in the second, 1 in the last.

For all other exercises, 3 sets of 10 repetitions are done. He sometimes uses kettlebells to develop explosive strength and varied workouts.

During training, Kane uses the GymBoss Timer: when training 5/3/1, he spends respectively 10/8/5 seconds on the exercise, then a break of 1-2 minutes between sets. The heavier the set, the longer the rest.

Where is the best place to train for MMA fighters

When choosing a fitness center for your workouts, pay attention to. For 20 years of work in Russia, this brand has established itself as a close-knit team of professionals

Modern sports equipment, the latest training programs, attentive attitude to each visitor - all this can be found in the Gold's Gym clubs. There are regular martial arts classes under the guidance of experienced trainers. You can study both in a group and individually. If you are only interested in training in the gym, then new multifunctional simulators and consultations from qualified instructors are at your service.

By developing their body and athletic skills at Gold’s Gym, fitness enthusiasts and professionals also develop their spirits and become members of a large and friendly family.

Kane Velazquez workout program

  1. Full body workout:


  • Squats. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Leg press. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes


  • Bench press. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Incline press. 3/10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes


  • Deadlift. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Pull-ups. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes


  • Bench press. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Superset: curls of dumbbells in front of you, curls to the side, pulls of the bar to the chin. 3x10 in each exercise, no rest. Rest 1-2 minutes between supersets.


  • Bars. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Triceps on the block. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes.


  • Curls for biceps. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Concentrated flexion. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes

Remember, you are timing, not just sets! You can use a stopwatch on your smartphone, or a regular stopwatch.

Kane's grappling workout consists of wrestling and jiu-jitsu. A natural born wrestler, he improves his punching skills through kickboxing by training with American Kickboxing Academy fighters Josh Koschek, John Fitch and Phil Baroni, among others.

As for cardio, Kane spars with 5 different opponents for 3 minutes - this is done to keep each new opponent fresh, to test his will and push his limits. In a nutshell, this style MMA training helps Kane Velazquez to do what other fighters cannot.

After sparring, Kane runs 10 kilometers a day to improve lung capacity and VO2 Max (a measure of your ability to absorb and metabolize oxygen).

Reasons to do MMA

Many novice athletes often ask questions about why MMA fighters need training at all, because even without it, you can also learn to fight. It is worth noting that martial arts, like any sport, have their own rules and guidelines, which cannot be violated in any way.

The training of MMA fighters provides an opportunity to develop strength and endurance, which is necessary not only for them, but also for people who are fond of any other sport. Apart from this, there are many reasons to start MMA. The main ones are:

  1. Music for MMA workouts energizes and directs you to achieve new goals.
  2. Through regular exercise, self-confidence is gradually developed. When a wrestler knows exactly how to fight, he feels calmer and more relaxed. That is why, when a threat comes suddenly, it will be much easier to get around it.
  3. Discipline is one of the main advantages of MMA. Home workouts, like gym sessions with coaches, teach discipline not only in the body, but also in the mind. Proper nutrition, sleep and exercise schedule are the main points that you will have to accustom yourself to from the very first lesson.
  4. MMA class (workout) is a great opportunity to improve your physical capabilities and become the owner of a gorgeous athletic body.
  5. Exercise allows you to drive out the anger and anger that people absolutely do not need in Everyday life... It is enough just to spend some time in the gym and realize all your aggression there.
  6. Victories and defeats in competitions give drive, which is reflected in other areas of activity.
  7. Visiting the gym and meeting there the same athletes, there is a considerable chance to find real friends who will be close in spirit and interests.

From particular to general

You can consider the training programs of various fighters for a long time, but it will be more useful to understand for yourself some of the basic principles of strength training.

During the battle, you will have to constantly move: jump, wriggle in grips, push, pull, squat, etc. Accordingly, you need to choose those exercises that are similar to movements in a duel. This especially applies to work with your own weight. Perfect for push-ups, squats, burpees, pull-ups, lunges, etc. All these exercises can (and should) be combined into a circuit training and performed without pauses or with a short break, depending on your functional readiness.

It is extremely useful to use medball in your workouts. You can make a complex for 2-3 minutes from several throws. Then spend several rounds, taking a break in between to recover.

You can also try doing barbell complex(20kg Olympic bar):

  1. Deadlift
  2. Taking on the chest
  3. Standing chest press
  4. Front squat
  5. Dash
  6. Bent over row

All exercises are performed in 5-6 rounds with a one-minute break. You can gradually add weight, but 45-50 kg is enough for even the most trained heavyweight fighter, so don't overdo it.

The key point, as you have already noticed, is cyclicality. Circuit training is the choice of a martial arts athlete.
It is clear that MMA fighters cannot afford to spend a lot of time on strength training... The lion's share of training is spent on practicing striking and wrestling techniques. Before serious fights, athletes practically do not leave the hall at all, trying to add something new to the existing arsenal or even further improve their favorite hits and throws.

Since we are talking about preparing for fights, let's see how the masters of the highest level do it today, fighters from the top 10 of the MMA rating in different weight categories.

crossfit program for MMA fighters complex 8. Fight gone bad

  • 1 minute: throws the ball at the target, 9/6 kg - maximum reps
  • Minute 2: Sumo Rows to Chin, 35/24 kg max reps
  • 3 minutes: boxing jumps, 50 cm - maximum reps
  • 4 minutes: shvungs, 35/24 kg - maximum reps
  • 5 minutes: - maximum calories


Acceleration is perhaps one of the most basic components of success in battle, because if a fighter is soot, then there can be no question of any victory. Therefore, for the development of a massive jerk in the initial phase of a blow with both a foot and a hand, a sprint is used.

The training of MMA fighters always anticipates running with the greatest acceleration over a short distance. At the same time, you can run along a flat, straight section of the road, downhill, up the stairs. Shuttle running and harness running have proven themselves very well. Before performing such an exercise, it is fundamentally excellent to stretch your body in order to greatly protect yourself from injury and guarantee a gradual improvement in the result.

MMA workouts at home from scratch.

The fact is that each person has a different bodily sensitivity and a different ability to analyze their own movements. It often happens that a person, practicing any blow, thinks that he is doing everything right, although in fact, he is doing it completely wrong.

In this case, a competent person is needed who can look from the outside and evaluate whether the exercises are being performed correctly, and this role is usually fulfilled. But a friend who is more experienced in martial arts can also do it. If a trainee at home does not have such a person, then mastering MMA skills will be problematic.

In order to successfully master mixed martial arts, you need to check yourself somehow. And if a person who is mastering MMA skills at home does not yet know how to hit correctly, then he will not be able to test himself on his own.

Conclusion. It is impossible to master MMA skills at home from scratch, if there was no training with a trainer before and there is no opportunity to test yourself with the help of a competent person. The only thing that can be done is to carry out the bulk of the workouts at home, but sometimes find an opportunity to work out with a trainer individually or in a group, in order to identify problematic points for yourself that are worth working on. Also important point the test of their skills is participation in sparring. Sparring is main parameter assessments of the skill of MMA athletes. And if there is no partner, then it will be impossible to mate.

Why do you need MMA training for adults

By itself, Mix Fight is a combination of wrestling and boxing - the emphasis is on combining various types of wrestling and power work with the hands, additionally training the fighter's endurance and agility. At the moment, MMA has become very popular all over the world - the reason for this is the high spectacle of the fight and the availability of a huge number of techniques. Often fighters move into the discipline from other sports - boxing or wrestling. Almost all novice adults ask the question - is it possible to practice in adulthood? The definite answer is yes. As a discipline, mixed martial arts can be studied at any age. This carries with it certain positive aspects for health, and contraindications are usually bypassed with more gentle training.

For an adult mixed martial arts: ・ The ability to lose weight; ・ A way to learn how to defend; ・ Prevention of various diseases that develop due to an immobile lifestyle.

All classes begin with a mandatory warm-up and general physical fitness. Most of the exercises are mobile, aimed at different muscle groups, which is a certain prevention of the development of diseases and maintains physical fitness. MMA workouts for beginner adults, if you practice with a certain stability for six months, they change a person beyond recognition in better side both externally and internally. The physical development of the body improves both the appearance and cures most diseases. However, aspiring adults should exercise according to their needs. physical condition... Even serious injuries and chronic illnesses will not become an obstacle with the proper attention of a trainer who will adjust the training program to the characteristics of the body.

Benefits of our MMA section for beginners

Classes are held in groups of eight to twelve participants under the guidance of highly professional, accomplished athletes, whose coaching experience is at least five years. This allows the trainer to fully control the process, noticing student mistakes in time, correcting their actions and ensuring an appropriate level of safety while practicing certain techniques and performing exercises.

At your service:

  • Spacious, modern, well-equipped hall with showers and comfortable changing rooms
  • The ability to use simulators free of charge
  • Free parking located within walking distance of the club.

If you are looking for a place where beginners can be as productive as possible and, most importantly, safely practice, remember that doors sports club"Gigant" is always open for you!

Free equipment for the first trial lesson.

Introductory free training does not oblige you to anything. This is an excursion into the world of spectacular martial arts. And it's free. Take a look around, feel the atmosphere of our club, get to know the coaches and students.

Reasons to go in for MMA

Each beginner, choosing mixed martial arts for training, should understand that this kind of sport has mixed in itself a variety of arts. It uses elements from boxing, karate, judo, taekwondo, muay thai, jujitsu. In the process, the athlete is taught defensive actions, as well as attack, combat on the ground, and the use of grappling skills. Therefore, the special thing is done not so much with striking technique as with wrestling, gripping techniques, reception, and so on. Not everyone understands what advantages they will get from practicing mixed martial arts, but this sport has much more advantages than disadvantages. There are several reasons to do MMA:

  • The athlete quickly gets used to the discipline, which tidies up not only the body, but also the mind.
  • In the process, self-confidence, a sense of calmness and relaxedness are developed.
  • The fear of threats is dulled, there is confidence that you can stand up for yourself in case of danger.
  • In training, you can throw out all the anger and anger, which calms and eliminates aggression in everyday life.

Wins and losses in the classroom are an indescribable drive that gives motivation to go towards goals, to achieve what you want, which is a useful skill in your career as well.

Section Mix Fight MMA for beginners in Moscow

Mix fight in Moscow is gaining more and more popularity, so it can be practiced by both men and women, and adults, and teenagers (from 14 years old), and beginners, and experienced fighters.

There are many clubs in Moscow where in the MMA section for beginners and amateurs you can take your first steps in the world of sports. And our martial arts center is a confirmation of this! Coaching staff the club is made up of ambitious and friendly people. We have gathered under our wing real professionals and enthusiasts in their field - active athletes, professional trainers who know how to easily and understandably teach any contingent, even those who have never been associated with martial arts or other sports, so to speak from scratch.

Ultimate fighting training

MMA training for beginners is the same as training in other types of martial arts: warm-up, work with a rope and medicine ball, crossfit training (in cases of MMAfit fights without rules), self-belay, stretching, improving striking technique with hands, feet and head , work with apparatus, improvement of throwing technique, work on technique on the ground, as well as sparring, where you can apply in practice all the knowledge and skills you have acquired.

Mix fight for children;

Mixed martial arts for girls;

Mix fight - individual training;

Mix fight in Moscow Skhodnenskaya, Planernaya, Tushino, Tushinskaya, SZAO, Severnoye Tushino, Khimki, Kurkino, Mitino.


A set of MMA exercises (training) must necessarily contain positions that require logs, tires, stones, barrels, sledgehammers, etc. The main goal of an athlete is to move a heavy object a certain distance. It can be done by lifting, dragging or throwing this weight somewhere.

Exercises of this type can be performed either separately or in combination with others. When a novice fighter decides to start training, it is best to choose no more than 5-6 exercises in which the entire body will be fully involved.

You can perform exercises by combining them into a series or dividing them into approaches. Training should be made more difficult only when a person feels lightness. But you should not overload yourself too much, so you need to complicate things gradually. The ideal option is to complete the maximum number of repetitions in a set time (about 2-3 minutes). In addition, you should not forget about short recovery breaks, without which you will not be able to gradually increase the load.

MMA training is a professional format.

« Professional training»MMA is the second format. Only those who train in this format performs at tournaments or preparing to perform. Here, the requirements for students are much higher. The goal of this group is to win MMA tournaments, so not everyone can get here. MMA trainings are held 4 times a week, and additional independent work is also encouraged.

For fighters of this format, the coach develops individual mma training program for each fighter, taking into account the goals and objectives, as well as based on the preparation for this or that tournament. Also, other professional fighters from outside are periodically invited to these groups to exchange experience. Admission to this group is only after an interview with the coach.

Fighters who have a confirmed CCM category in any of the types of mixed martial arts, or who have the title of Master of Sports, can count on the preferential cost of season tickets, in the flesh until they are released from payment. But this is decided individually with the head coach of the club and only upon the provision of documents confirming the status of the athlete.

The following techniques are prohibited in the mix fight

  • bite;
  • hitting the groin;
  • along the spine;
  • on the throat and on the back of the head;
  • you cannot poke eyes and manipulate small joints.
  • also categorically it is impossible to use such a technique as "fishhooks" (this is a grip with fingers of such vulnerabilities like nostrils, ears and mouth).

Such martial arts have been known since ancient times - in Ancient Greece at the Olympiads it was possible to apply painful holds in such a single combat as pankration. It was this type of wrestling that became the ancestor of modern mixed martial arts. The Romans and Etruscans had a popular pankratium - even more hard option Greek pankration. In the vastness of the CIS, the predecessor of the mix fight was hand-to-hand combat and combat sambo, which were cultivated in the armed forces of the Airborne Forces, as well as in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. At the moment, mix fight is one of the strongest disciplines and is at its peak of popularity.

What you need to know if you are going to come to MMA training for beginners in Moscow

Choosing the mixed martial arts that our TIGRIS martial arts club offers to its customers, every novice athlete should be ready not only for serious stress, but also for the purchase of suitable equipment. Here's what it includes:

  • Cloth. All classes are held in an equipped gym with a normal microclimate. You do not need a special form for training, so you can take loose shorts for MMA or Valetudo with you. For the first visits to the gym, ordinary shorts are also suitable, which are devoid of sections with zippers or any metal elements.
  • Equipment. Having chosen mixed martial arts, each beginner is instructed in detail on the necessary equipment for regular practice or individual training. For the first time issued necessary protection during classes, and then you should think about purchasing your own. Shin protectors, shell, teeth protection and gloves are usually required.

Forms individual sessions and general training by Mix Fight the trainer himself, based on general training groups. Usually, all training includes practicing fighting techniques, as well as defense. If you plan to go to MMA training for beginners on an ongoing basis, in the future it will be desirable to purchase sports trousers with compression effect and rashguard. They will be a kind of protection from damage and abrasion. It is best to coordinate the entire arsenal of equipment with a trainer before purchasing.

Circuit training example

This type of training is complex load, aimed at the comprehensive development of physical strength and fighting skills.

A set of exercises with their own weight

Bodyweight exercises are an integral part of the training process, which is included in the circuit training program for MMA wrestlers and fighters. This complex contains a series of necessary exercises that provide safety of athletes in a duel, in addition to improving physical fitness.

  • Dips on the uneven bars.
  • Pull-ups on the bar with different grip.
  • Pushups(on palms, fists, back of palms, fingers).
  • Abdominal exercises on an incline board.

Photo 2. A man does push-ups on parallel bars, the exercise helps to improve physical fitness.

  • Strengthening the back from a lying position as well as on an inclined board.
  • Pumping neck muscles special complex ("Wrestling Bridge", "Running on the Bridge" with circular rotations around its axis with support on the forehead, "Headstand against the wall").
  • Jump rope.
  • Jumping onto the curbstone in various ways.
  • Jumping out.

Sled pull

This exercise is done using a special device: a sled. They consist of a base on which the weights are placed and fastening systems and handles.

Exists three kinds this common exercise:

  • behind yourself;
  • pushing in front of you;
  • craving with your back forward.

Photo 3. The man performs the pull of the sled behind him - this exercise is the basis of the training of the fighters.


This device is widely used in abdominals, squats and specialized fighting techniques. Exercises with a medicine ball - an integral part of training fighters.

  • Double pumping of the press with throwing the projectile from a prone position and raising the body.
  • Standing medical ball throws with twisting of the body aimed at the work of the oblique muscles of the abdomen and strengthening the arms.
  • Throwing a projectile with one hand from a combat stance(alternately with each hand) develops explosive strength of the hands.


Barbell exercises in circular training for fighters are aimed at the development of explosive strength of the muscles of the hands, shock power.

And also exercises with this projectile are used to increase strength.

  • Classic bench press on a straight board.
  • Bench press on an incline board.
  • Deadlift.
  • Biceps Curls and Triceps Press.
  • Throwing the barbell from the chest from a standing position.

Important! Throwing out refers to the speed-strength type of training and produces impact force fighter and fighter. ... Sprint


This dynamic exercise, which is often included in the circuit training program for wrestlers and MMA fighters. Weighted sprint develops endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system, which necessary for representatives of mixed martial arts.

Working on striking technique

Striking technique - one of the most important components circuit training for fighters.

MMA unites representatives of various martial arts(judo, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman) and representatives of percussion techniques (boxing, kick-boxing, karate).

Percussion training involves the presence of certain shells: punching bags for punching and kicking, a punching bag (used to improve coordination and speed).

Exercises aimed at strengthening the blow:

  • punctuated punch with weights;
  • imitation of a blow by a hand with an obstacle in the form of a stretch tape;
  • hammer blows on the tire;
  • pushing, throwing the shot.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  • I haven’t done mixed martial arts before, what should I do? Absolutely not a problem. The main thing is to make up your mind, come and start practicing. We will select the optimal loads based on the level of your physical fitness. Under the guidance of a mentor, you will learn the technique from the very basics.
  • MMA is a brutal sport. Can I get hurt? This is definitely a serious contact sport. But our students are not allowed to fight until they master the technique. Any training sparring is conducted only in protective equipment. Moreover, if you decide to practice mixed martial arts for general physical and spiritual development, sparring is not necessary.
  • I'm a beginner and I'm afraid that everyone in the group already knows how to fight well.In our groups, both beginners and experienced athletes train. In a group, there is always someone to study with and someone to ask for advice.
  • What is required to start practicing MMA? sports uniform do not need anything. In our halls, everything you need for classes is always available - helmets, gloves, jump ropes, bandages. Later, the mentor will select the appropriate equipment and help you save money on the purchase.
  • How many students are in each group? The size of one group does not exceed 12 people. This allows the trainer to focus on the process as much as possible, correct technical errors in time and pay enough attention to each student.
  • Will I be able to lose weight? With the proper approach, in one workout, you can get rid of 1 - 2 kilograms of excess weight. This is due to intense combined loads (cardio and strength). In the classroom, all muscle groups are involved and metabolism improves.
  • Is it possible to start MMA classes if you are already over 30? The oldest student of the club is 49 years old. He's an absolute beginner. It is never too late to start promoting health and improving the quality of life. If there are no contraindications, drop all fears and doubts! We have people of all ages.
  • When will the result be seen? 1 - 2 months of regular training is a tangible result. Learn to hit correctly, move around the ring. You will feel a surge of strength and vitality, you will become much more confident.

Abs workout like an MMA fighter

This is why we decided to compile a list of abdominal exercises based on Muay Thai - the same kind of movement can be seen today in fight clubs in Bangkok. By doing them, you will not only strengthen your core, but you will also be able to pump up the same sculpted abs that you usually see on MMA champions, such as, for example, featherweight king Conor McGregor (and avoid bruising!).

Exercise goal

Most of the exercises below mimic wrestling techniques such as hitting the knee or pinching the opponent between the knee and elbow. Their goal is to imbalance the body, forcing you to try to maintain balance and engage your core muscles. You will also be able to work out those deep muscles, which "do not reach" the classic push-ups and squats. Result? Awesome Abs, Lots of Calories Burned & Stamina Boost!

A Brief Description of the Fighting Abs Workout Program

Target muscles:

  • Press

Preparation level:

  • Elementary


  • Up to six workouts per week


  • 45 minutes


  • Do the exercises for the specified number of sets, resting between them as needed, and then move on to the next.

Working on striking technique

A correctly delivered blow is the key to a successful ending of the battle. But in order for it to be performed correctly, it is necessary to regularly develop single options and combinations.

Impact MMA training includes work on the "paws", on the bag, practicing blows with. At the same time, it is advisable to pay attention not only to attack, but to defense and counterattack. ... At home, the most suitable option for practicing strikes will be the so-called "shadow boxing"

This type of training involves striking the air, the main task of which is mastering technical elements attacks and defense without the involvement of a real partner. Working in this way, the fighter thinks over different options technical actions that he will carry out in a real fight. All movements should strive to be performed with maximum speed and explosion, thereby increasing the real speed of strikes in combat, as well as the maneuverability of the athlete himself. At the same time, conducting rounds of such a fight with a virtual opponent, you can use weights - small dumbbells or other weights. Their use allows you to achieve the desired effect a little faster.

At home, the most suitable option for practicing strikes will be the so-called "shadow boxing". This type of training involves striking in the air, the main task of which is to master the technical elements of attack and defense without involving a real partner. Working in this way, a fighter thinks over various options for technical actions that he will carry out in a real fight. All movements should strive to be performed with maximum speed and explosion, thereby increasing the real speed of strikes in combat, as well as the maneuverability of the athlete himself. At the same time, conducting rounds of such a fight with a virtual opponent, you can use weights - small dumbbells or other weights. Their use allows you to achieve the desired effect a little faster.

At the same time, it is quite often important to strike into the air at a slow pace. Due to this, you can quickly identify existing flaws in technology, determine the degree of your stability, understand the reasons for the imbalance, master new techniques

In addition, "shadow boxing" allows you to choose a strategy for the upcoming fight if the athlete plans to compete in an amateur or professional tournament.

It is also important to pay attention correct breathing, because the final result of the fight, his health and well-being depends on how easily and naturally a fighter breathes.

Our advantages

Classes in mini-groups of 8-12 people

We learn to fight, strike, and move correctly. Sparring - after 3 months and only at will.

159 champions prepared

Our athletes regularly participate in competitions. They brought up champions in mix fighting, grappling, boxing, etc.

Unlimited visit to the club

The ability to combine different types of martial arts and the price will not increase from this.

Within walking distance. Free parking!

15 minutes. from metro Alekseevskaya and 4 min. from the railway station Moscow-3.

Stellar coaching staff

All coaches are Masters of Sports of Russia. Winners International tournaments... Champions of Moscow. Coaching experience from 5 years.

Personal nutrition program

Is free! Taking into account the type of martial arts and your taste preferences. We will improve your health, physical fitness.

Sled pulls

Many novice athletes do not like this exercise very much, since it is not easy to perform, but for a real fighter it is a must. Even the most best workouts(MMA) must include sled pulls.

Among the most effective exercises:

  • thrust with advance;
  • pulling heavy sledges when running facing forward;
  • sled presses with advance;
  • deadlift in running backwards.

The most advantageous option would be to combine all these exercises into separate series, which should be completed in about 30 seconds. Thanks to this, you can quickly develop endurance. And to achieve great results in the development of explosive strength, you will need to do luge trainings with approaches of up to 10 seconds, the breaks between which should be at least one and a half minutes. In total, each of the exercises requires 4-12 approaches.

Multifunctional component

The MMA training program in its own base assumes an increase in the high-speed and power characteristics of a fighter, an improvement in endurance, an improvement in the technical abilities of strikes and wrestling. In this regard, realizing that the fight takes place in different styles, the exercises will be focused on so that the fighter can effortlessly pull, push his own opponent, bend, squat, jump, be his, and so on during a given period of time. Do not forget that quite often the enemy should be delayed in static position... In general, now it is worth finding the means and methods of training.

Why would an MMA fighter need aikido

An interesting trend is the desire of top fighters to invite masters as trainers. traditional martial arts- karate, aikido, capoeira and wushu. For example, the aforementioned Daniel Cormier, before the fight with the already great (4 title defenses) and terrible John Jones, invited Steven Segal himself, a famous aikido master, as his mentor. professional level highly appreciated by prominent experts from the world of martial arts.

True, Segal's advice did not help Cormier in the battle with the champion - the defeat turned out to be quite painful. But this does not mean that there is no point in inviting masters of traditional martial arts. In the long run, they can teach a fighter to better control his body, which will ultimately lead to serious progress.

So that explosive power your muscles should be far from last if you want to excel in mixed martial arts.

You can't just kick and kick a heavy bag for a couple of weeks in the gym and think that you will be successful in battle. MMA fighters, by definition, like artists. MMA halls usually teach all schools and techniques of martial arts such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay thai, taekwondo, judo, karate, kickboxing, boxing. In this article, you will not read any "super duper" advice on how to train a fighter, I am explaining everything in simple language.

If there is no MMA hall near your home, but there are halls of other martial arts schools, do not despair. You can choose one of them to start your ascent along the path of the fighter. After all, 80% of famous MMA fighters started with some kind of traditional school, for example Georges Saint-Pierre former dominant UFC champion welterweight and holder of the title " best fighter of the year"(Several times according to different versions of sports publications), he began his career as a fighter in karate-kyokushinkai. Or Ronda Rousey, former UFC dominant champion, number 1 p4p women's, comes from judo school, took part in the Olympics and became the first American to win a bronze medal. Thanks to her judo skills, Rhonda won 12 fights, 11 of which ended for her rivals in the first round.

MMA beginner

MMA fighters must be proficient in both defense and attack, when the fight goes to the ground, they use the skills of grappling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), and if it is necessary to transfer the enemy to the ground, then they use judo or ordinary wrestling. Therefore, if you really want to become an MMA fighter, pay attention not only to striking technique, it often happens that a fighter who knows how to fight in a standing position does not know how to fight, and a fighter who fights well and fights well in a standing position. Nothing personal statistics. Therefore, train wrestling, grabs, tricks, etc., etc.!

Not every boxer knows how to fight, but every fighter knows how to fight.

I often see a question "Is it possible to do mma from scratch." The question itself is slightly incorrect because MMA is mixed martial arts. It should be put like this, "is it possible to start practicing MMA without having any base (karate, boxing, kickboxing)?" - no, you will still learn everything from 0, but in fast mode, you will not hone combinations AS A boxer does it or kicks like a karate player, a throw like a wrestler. You will study this, but you will not focus on anything properly. Over time, of course, you yourself will determine your style and decide for yourself what to pay more attention to, like kicking? Will you perfect your hi-kicks? Do you like to fight? You will develop in this direction. But why not decide early and explore more? It's no secret that MMA fighters who have experience in boxing behind their backs have a huge advantage over many, but why? Because their base is boxing, the same thing about wrestlers they have an advantage over other MMA fighters who have not studied wrestling and have mediocre skills. There are of course nuggets such as John jones but this is rare! You are not John Jones, so calm down and go at least a couple of times to training in karate, boxing, taekwondo, this will be best, work out for half a year in the boxing section, half a year in the karate, wrestling, BJJ sections, and go to the MMA hall and you will be happy!

Do not forget about strength training for the fighter MMA, but again, don't overdo it.


As practice shows, sometimes the guys "hammer" a bolt to work out the technique of strikes, movements, the work of the hands and the body, and their whole program consists of over9999 strength exercises, swinging bituha, etc.! It should not be!

Today I will talk about who are the most dangerous fighters and opponents on the street, I will explain how to become the best fighter and a nightmare for any bully, and even for clarity I will draw up a table of the growth of a fighter's professionalism in martial arts, of course, such as I see her, from which it will be clear at what level of physical and psychological preparation you are at the moment and what you need to pay attention to in order to become a real master and the most dangerous enemy in a fight without rules.

Let's summarize what was previously written in the four previous articles about, and if you have not read them it is better to read them.

So, the most important thing that I was trying to explain is that not always martial arts will immediately teach you how to fight, moreover, usually the first couple of years, on the contrary, there is a deterioration in fighting qualities, even in comparison with an untrained, but self-confident person.

How to become a better fighter

And the real secret of how to become the best street fighter is, firstly, know a minimum of tricks, but the minimum of punches and blocks that you know should be ideal from training. Each blow was strong, fast and at least relatively accurate. So that each of your blows was dangerous, could stop and even injure the enemy.

And your second main task as the best fighter work out these blows and his psychological reaction to an attack during a fight to such automatism, in which your body itself carries out the techniques and blows you need, and you will only have to observe the consequences of your training.

Training levels of fighters

And so, having this information about the advantages that a person can master to win a fight, you can build a table of possible levels of training for an ideal fighter:

0) A complete beginner and a complete zero in a fight. The man, who completely trapped by social stereotypes, became their slave and hides fear and weakness behind a mask good man ... By virtue of his thinking, he is not ready to strike or defend against the attack of other people.

Within the framework of BI and self-defense, this is a clinical case when reason and convictions completely overcame combat reflexes, and a person crushed his courage and desire to fight.

This is a minus, since it is the fear of recognizing one's animal nature, which in this case does not go anywhere anyway, but is debugged as nervousness and complexes, up to nervous breakdowns. Therefore, such people have a complex, he is afraid of conflicts, and from this they quite often occur with him.

1) Martial arts beginner, who, although he has been training for 1-2 years, but on the contrary, he began to fight even worse, since the coach was forbidden to fight with his old reflexes, but he has just begun to study new ones, accordingly the first one no longer knows how or does not want to use, and the second one cannot yet.

2) Experienced and even experienced athlete, I haven’t really hit people yet, but I have fought more than once in sparring and competitions, perhaps even has many medals, knows a lot of punches and tricks, and even how to behave in extreme situations.

But at the same time when extreme situations occur in reality, he still falls into a stupor and begins to think how to act and what to do. What will prevent him from defeating a confident and really aggressive opponent in a real fight. Because the enemy hits without thinking, but he still thinks over what to do at this moment and how to do the right thing.

How to become a street fighter

3) A real street fighter or a mindful athlete with great experience . Even if such a person has not studied anywhere, then he uses his animal reflexes to the fullest.... Often during a battle he does not think because there is simply nothing, and sometimes there is no need, since he has nothing to lose. This various street punks and people who often had to fight on the street, and both beat and be beaten.

Or the second variant of a fighter of this level, is it a representative martial artist or even an athlete, who realized that one should think about how not to start a battle and how to prevent it, and in the battle itself one should not think, but fight.

At the same time, this person was engaged in martial arts for a long time so that his main techniques were well worked out, applied in full automation and could be performed without hesitation.

Both the first and second types of fighters of the third level went their own way of how to become a street fighter, but both of them are already sufficiently prepared for a real fight. It's just that the first street people did not learn anything, they just lived according to the laws of the street and practiced in practice trying to survive, and the latter trained much more in the gym.

On the streets, naturally, the former usually start a fight, since the latter are initially smarter and "more peaceful", but at the same time, due to years of sports training, their chances have leveled off, and now everything depends on chance and the speed of reaction of both.

4) The most dangerous fighters are definitely those who knows how and wants, or at least can cause injury and serious injury to another.

Here, fighters are also made for those who studied martial arts purposefully and those who simply lived or live in such conditions in which it is normal or necessary.

That is, this category includes both very professional fighters who perfectly know physics, medicine, pain points, weak points of the joints, and so on, and at the same time are ready to fight on reflexes in any conditions. And also just people who, due to some life circumstances, have found themselves in a situation where they have nothing to lose, for example, they have already been in prison 3-4 times and do not want to go back.

Moreover, at this level, as well as at the third, not only professional athletes and hardcore martial arts masters, as well as a variety of moderately trained psychos and thugs.

Because in Lately with the increasing effectiveness and availability of weapons, anyone who draws a weapon with a clear purpose to shoot or beat to kill(if you just got to scare it closer to the 1-2 category), already in advance is as dangerous as possible for your health.

After all, human life is very fragile, and such things can destroy it in one moment, regardless of social status, wealth, fitness and the rest.

And, of course, the indisputable fact is that a gun fire or a knife in the back should be feared no less than a super experienced martial artist. And even many craftsmen are not immune from this.

And what to say, if special forces rushes into a room on a combat mission with machine guns and a finger on a hook, then even the most experienced and most dangerous fighter should strategically hide lying on the floor with his hands behind his head.

Naturally, a real martial artist can put a couple of people in such a situation, but this is still not justified from the standpoint of subsequent survival.

V modern world, in general, at least some a sane skill in using a weapon can already increase the danger of a fighter by an order of magnitude. Also, cunning and the ability to hide their emotions also increase the survivability and danger of the fighter., down to level four and a half. Therefore, everyone whom I have listed can, albeit conditionally, be put on the same row in terms of danger.

In fact, in practice, there is not even a big difference in learning to stab or also rip open the opponent's belly, but with bare fingers. The only drawback is that you cannot carry a knife everywhere, you can knock out a knife, or even worse, this time you will forget it at home, which is why even today aggressive, tough and effective martial arts do not completely lose their relevance.

Wise fighters and great masters

5) The last category of the development of fighting skills is now not very related to the conversation, and what can we tell us mere mortals about it, since it includes really real wise masters of martial arts ... The best sages, psychologists, monks, enlightened people and people like them, whom you will not meet by chance on the street, and even more so they will not attack you in the gateway.

These people have not fought with anyone for a long time, they do not compete for medals, they do not prove anything to anyone. Wise fighters work mainly on expanding their consciousness, understanding and awareness., and not on improving the fighting technique, but at the same time the probability that someone decides to fight with them is reduced to almost absolute zero.

To become such a person is destined to be the chosen one, and the absolute majority of martial arts, and even more so sports sections do not teach people to this level and generally do not know anything about such people, so we will talk about these people last.

These are actually all the main options for people who can be met during street fight without rules and in the world of martial arts in general.

I hope this list has raised your understanding of how and what kind of fighter you can or want to become in the future, and what kind of fighter you are at the moment.

And the most interesting thing is that all types of modern and traditional martial arts strive to raise a fighter of exactly the category that they themselves consider ideal. Moreover, almost every martial art does not agree on what this mythical ideal fighter should be and how exactly one can become.

In fact, the money for the Russian (and the world too) world of mixed martial arts is colossal. For comparison, the great fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov, who won 24 victories in 24 battles, for his last fight received significantly less -.

All professional fighters in Russia can be divided into three conditional categories, - the president of Fight Nights Global told Life. Kamil Hajiyev... - It is clear that everyone has irregular earnings, so for the convenience of calculations, we will take their total annual income - and divide by 12.

There are about 5 thousand professional fighters in Russia. The elite includes 30 people. We, in Fight Nights, have 10. Their average monthly income, which includes fees for battles, receipts from sponsors, and advertising in social networks, is about a million rubles. As I said, there are very few such professionals - less than one percent.

Well, the rest are young guys who are just taking their first steps in professional sports. They often combine martial arts classes with studies in universities or colleges. Fight clubs fully provide them with training. Plus, they sometimes receive scholarships of 30-40 rubles each - this is only enough for proper nutrition... The guys are working for the future.

- And how much do fighters get for a particular battle?

Everything is very individual here. For novice fighters, the average "rate" is about one hundred thousand. Well, superstar fees can be in the millions. Rubles, of course. Well, the same Diego Brandao received 70 thousand dollars for the victory in the main battle of Fight Nights 58 in Kaspiysk over Murad Machaev.

Some journalists consider Khabib Nurmagomedov the most popular Russian athlete... But what if we compare the level of popularity of mixed martial arts and other sports in general?

For the layman, it would be most appropriate to compare the MMA industry with the boxing industry. There are really a lot in common. The main difference is age. Mixed martial arts, precisely as a sport with clear rules, originated in America only 20 years ago. And, of course, although the popularity of MMA has grown very much, for many it still remains a mystery. There are many silly stereotypes ...

- What is the most common?

The fact that MMA is fighting without rules. The world of mixed martial arts is actually very well regulated. The leader, of course, is the UFC, originally created simply as a kind of league, whose goal was to find out which martial arts are the coolest. Well, remember the numerous Hollywood action films with a similar plot - when karate fighters, sumo wrestlers and boxers in some monastery at a closed tournament reveal the strongest. So the idea for the UFC was something like this. But gradually it all developed into a very popular sports and social phenomenon, firmly established on American TV.

The last fight of Fedor Emelianenko - with Fabio Maldonado - simply broke the ratings. About 8 million Russians watched the fight directly!

Plus, we showed this fight to 26 more countries. Both our company and everyone who hosted the broadcast earned money on this project. As a result, Fight Nights received about 20 million rubles for the implementation of these rights ... Yes, and our partners from Match TV probably did not go to waste - as well as the UFC Fight Pass channel, which provided an airing in North America. In the United States, the fight was watched by 3 million people.

In general, I want to note that the role of Fedor and the MMA Union headed by him in the development of interest in martial arts in Russia is very great.

Well, the average Fight Nights event - usually interest in it is 20 percent of the figures that I brought in Emelianenko's fight. We hold about 15 "events" a year.

- How many people in Russia are involved in martial arts?

A lot - 5.5 million people. That is, about 3% of the total population of the country. Moreover, not only men, but also women are actively involved in this industry. In general, we can safely say that now MMA in Russia is really fashionable.

- How are these mods and engagement monetized?

Earnings rest on three pillars. Sale of TV rights, tickets and sponsorship packages. All three of these areas are actively developing.

You have to understand: in Russia, the activities of a promotion company are carried out in two global areas - the actual sports and PR. We can say that now there is a period of investment - we need martial arts in the country to become truly recognizable. Well, plus there are some specific regions in which, due to the general income level of the population, it is very difficult to organize a "plus" fighting evening. Take the same Fight Nights 58 recently held in Kaspiysk - we did not have the task of making money there at all.

- And how much did you spend?

20 million rubles. Of course, a significant part of this amount was recaptured, but in fact the event still went negative. Actually, it was known from the beginning.

The cost of standard tickets at the Aliyev Sports Palace was 500 rubles. Well, there were, of course, VIP-seats right next to the cage for 3-5 thousand rubles - but still it was impossible to get a lot from ticket sales. Nevertheless, Dagestan remains one of the priority areas of activity for us. Everyone recognizes that in terms of the number of talented fighters, this is the leader not only in Russia, but also in the world. Martial arts are loved here insanely, the 8-thousandth hall is always jam-packed. Finally, this is my Motherland ... In general, not everything can and should be measured with money. We have a place to make money, and we ended 2016 with a good profit.

- So you said about three directions. If as a percentage, how much does each of them bring?

In Russia, the situation is approximately the following: 20% - TV rights, 20% - tickets and 60% - sponsorship packages. Over the years, this ratio, of course, will change in the direction of increasing the first two components. In America, for example, this distribution looks like this: 60% - TV rights, 20% - tickets and sponsors. That is, the whole concept there is based primarily on TV. Plus, the pay-per-view system of paid broadcasts is successfully operating in the USA. For one single fight evening, the cost of showing only on this system can reach $ 50 million.

The topic of how is already stuck in my teeth. And in Russia, how fast can a fighter who walks without defeat qualify for a champion title? How transparent and comprehensible is this system?

It is clear that the task of any promotion company is, first of all, to make money, and not to reveal "in fairness" the coolest champion. And it’s not surprising that the UFC is trying to “guard” McGregor and other fighters who are showing good ratings.

In Russia, in fact, the story is the same. Professional fights are not the Olympic Games, where in theory anyone can become a champion. At the same time, of course, any high-quality fighter will definitely be noticed and eventually brought to the title fight.

- Well, how many fights does a "third category" kid need to win to fight for the Fight Nights belt?

Usually in his twenties there is a partial transition from amateurs to professionals, that is, for some time the guy continues to combine conditional combat sambo and mixed martial arts. Well, at the age of 25, he is already making the final choice - either to tie up with sports altogether, or to become professionals. By this time, he usually has 3-4 professional fights. Then he fights about once every 3-4 months. And by the age of 30 - that is, the peak age for practicing MMA - he has a serious history of about 20 fights.

Then - with some luck, of course - he has a chance to title fight... Another thing is that if a guy does not lose at all - of course, he will get his chance much earlier.

- In Soviet times, in many sports at 30 they were already sent to "retire". And you say - the peak.

Because they have been playing football or hockey in the USSR since childhood. And months of training took place from a young age. And in that standard story of an MMA fighter that I described, a person becomes a professional not at 17, not at 20, but at 25. And in general, at the legislative level, mixed martial arts in childhood is prohibited. That is, the effect of "iron fatigue" does not affect a person for a long time.

Although, of course, there are nuggets like Nurmagomedov, which are revealed much earlier (he is now 28. - Approx. Life). Well, he started earlier than many. He has a dad - so from childhood Khabib was “doomed” to a career as a combatant.

According to statistics, what kind of sport do people most often come to MMA from? And which of them is usually the most successful - wrestlers, sambists, boxers?

50% come from wrestling - in its various variations, including classical and Greco-Roman, combat sambo, pankration, judo and jiu-jitsu. 30% - from boxing. And 20% of the percent remains for all other sports, including, for example, football. Yes, guys come from there too. There is an opinion that MMA coaches are more willing to take on wrestlers - but in fact, today all boundaries have been erased. And from a good boxer, it is also quite possible to prepare a cool master of mixed martial arts. In many ways, by the way, the "drummers" get their chance due to the fact that the audience loves them much more.

In the 90s, almost all members of gangster groups were engaged in karate and other martial arts. How much is the MMA industry adding to the criminal environment right now?

This is still another stereotype that is gradually eroding. Yes, about 25 years ago in the country people survived as best they could. But now the situation in Russia itself has changed. As such, there are almost no bandit formations left - well, or, in any case, it has become ten times smaller. If in the 90s many really dreamed of becoming racketeers in childhood, now the trends have changed, young people think primarily about good education... And the guys who are now engaged in martial arts - they also, for the most part, try to combine training with study. Now a combatant is not a bandit in Chinese tracksuit and not the hero of the joke "and I also eat there." He is a modern smart guy with the right life values, a role model for his peers. The same Nurmagomedov is now fluent in English ...

- How traumatic is mixed martial arts? If you compare with the same boxing?

Of course, the risk of injury is always present. But there are definitely no more of them than in boxing. And much less than in football! And the cases of fatal tragedies can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And each of them becomes the subject of comprehensive study and analysis.

Now in our industry there is a huge number of preventive medical measures. And the athletes themselves are used to constantly monitoring their own health.

How relevant is the topic of doping in Russian MMA? Indeed, many tournaments do not even have a doping control system.

Sampling is now carried out by foreign laboratories, since RUSADA is not working at the moment. The procedure itself is standard. But you are right that its use is not yet properly regulated. In a year, the system of sanctions and punishments will be clearly spelled out.

In fact, now, in the age of the Internet and the instant distribution of information, the problem of doping is no longer so acute. If earlier many were confident in its omnipotence - now, especially after learning about lethal cases in the past and the year before last, athletes think more about the dangers associated with its use. Everyone has already learned to work with the right diets and the right supportive pharmacology.

MMA has a chance of being included in Olympic program? And in general - is such a turn in the development of this sport interesting for the promotion companies and the athletes themselves?

May the sports functionaries of Russia and the world forgive me, but I assess these prospects as scanty. Still on competitive level not too many countries are involved in this industry yet. Well, negative stereotypes, as I said, are still missing. And in Olympic movement very careful people work.

This fight will be very indicative in the sense that it will show whether Fedor is ready to fight again at a high level. Still, the fight with Maldonado did not answer many questions. And now there is a chance to remove these questions.

- And there are no options in which Fight Nights will organize a fight for Alexander Emelianenko, who has recently been released from prison?

Sasha is a person with organizational problems! Nevertheless, nothing can be ruled out. He is undoubtedly a very talented athlete, but his prospects are constantly being broken about some social sharp corners. And he is no longer 20 years old, it is much more difficult to get together and conduct thorough preparation for battle.

I sincerely wish both Fedor and Alexander good luck. And, of course, I really hope for the victory of Nurmagomedov in the fight with Tony Ferguson. If he wins, his fight with McGregor will be inevitable this year.

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