Cooldown after cardio. Hitch - a necessary protection of the heart from overload during training

The cool down after a workout is the same important element preparation, as well as the training itself. Many people neglect it, which is a big mistake. In this article, you will learn how to properly perform a hitch after a workout, what it is for, and what happens when a person does not do a hitch at all after a hard workout.

What is a pause for?

A hitch is needed so that your muscles and body as a whole recover faster after a workout.

It is quite obvious that the faster and better your body recovers, the more efficiently and effectively you will be able to perform the next workout. And also to prevent overwork of the body.

In the graph below, you can clearly see that the level of lactate (lactic acid) in the muscles disappears 3 times faster with active recovery than with passive recovery. On the graph L is the level of lactate in the muscles. Hence the need for a slow run after a workout - as soon as possible to reduce the level of lactate in the muscles.

How to do a hitch

The cooldown in almost all sports has the same pattern. After training, it is necessary to perform some kind of cyclical type of load at low intensity for 5-10 minutes. For example, slow running or cycling without exertion. This is followed by a series of static stretching exercises.

However, the essence of the implementation is different. Namely, during the warm-up, it is best to perform dynamic stretching, that is, to stretch and weaken each muscle with repeated movements.

During a hitch, it is necessary, on the contrary, to focus on static stretching - that is, when performing exercises, fix in a position in which the muscle stretches. And stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then loosen and repeat 1-2 more times. And so every muscle that was involved during the workout.

What will happen if you do not hitch

The biggest danger of not doing a hitch is injury. If the muscles are not relaxed after a workout, then during the next workout, overstressed muscles have a high chance of getting sprained or other injury. So, overstressed calves can cause inflammation of the periosteum.

A cooldown speeds up the recovery process, so if you train at least 4 times a week, then without a hitch it is more difficult for your body to recover from the next workout. And the muscles and internal organs cannot approach the next lesson in full combat readiness. Sooner or later it will result in overwork.


A hitch, which is a slow run and static exercises for stretching, must be performed after any intense workout to speed up recovery and prevent injury. If your workout was a slow run, which in itself is a hitch, there is no point in doing 5-10 minutes of slow running after such a cross. But doing a few exercises to stretch the muscles does not hurt.

What is a hitch after a workout, is it worth it and does it make sense.

Everyone knows perfectly well that before starting a workout, everyone does light stretching muscles to tone them, warm up the muscles, improve blood circulation and prepare them for more serious stress. However, many people forget to do a hitch after a workout, considering it unnecessary and wasteful, you can not do it, but you will make more progress in training with it than without it.

What is a cool down after strength training

A hitch is a type of light load for the transition of the state of the body from an excited state to a state of rest. It consists of a set of dynamic exercises and, in addition, you can use, even lightly hit the pear, gradually slowing down the pace to a complete stop.

What is a pause for?

A hitch at the end of a workout normalizes blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, restores their original length, since during training under load, muscle fibers gradually thicken and shorten, causing the effect of enslavement.

In addition, regular hitch performance helps to normalize the work of the heart - this is due to the fact that when performing physical activity, the vessels expand and the heart works in an enhanced mode and drives it to the muscles with a powerful stream.

After the end of the workout, the vessels narrow and the blood cannot quickly go back to, internal organs and the brain, so the heart works like a pump in an enhanced mode, pushing blood through the constricted vessels, for this reason, sometimes at the end of a workout, there may be dizziness and a feeling of nausea. In this regard, the hitch for some time continues to maintain the expansion of blood vessels, allowing the blood to return back, while the heart does not receive an excessive load.

That is why a hitch is simply necessary for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system - this effective method remove excess stress on the heart, normalize arterial pressure and calm your breath.

Cooldown benefits

  • reduces the time of occurrence
  • reduces post-workout stress levels
  • sweating promotes the removal of toxins from the body and toxins
  • faster muscle recovery
  • rapid breathing is removed, restoring its normal state
  • prevents stagnation of blood in the vessels
  • lowers body temperature to normal

How to do a hitch

1) Begin to perform it immediately after the end of the main workout, giving Special attention for those muscle groups that were under load, stretching the muscles, linger for 30-40 seconds, the feeling should be slight discomfort, but without sharp pain. It is useless to do a leg hitch if you have trained your arms and shoulders.

2) For a hitch, alternate dynamic exercises(squats, arm swings, lunges, side bends, body turns, forward bends) with static (when stretched muscle stays in position for a certain amount of time).

3) Regardless of which muscles were trained, there should be a hang on the bar for 20-30 seconds, in almost all exercises there is a load on the spine and it needs to be relaxed. Remember no sudden movements, there should be no “twitches”, just hang and relax your whole body under own weight. This is especially important for people with back problems (intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, osteochondrosis).

4) Muscle stretching occurs in any sequence, it doesn’t matter if you start from top to bottom or vice versa, but it’s better to start with large muscles moving to smaller ones so it’s easier.

5) Stretch the muscle with smooth movements, gradually tensing it and relaxing it.

6) Also see and .

You can hitch and not do anything bad will happen, but after spending the extra 10 minutes you will only benefit yourself - speed up the muscles, relieve the load from the heart, reduce the time of pain after a workout.

Regular physical activity is the key to beauty and health. Classes help us control our weight, bring the body into tone, reduce the risks of many diseases, improve work of cardio-vascular system help fight diabetes. Sport should be present in the life of every person. But as in any other business, it is not the quantity that matters, but the quality! You can't go out all day gym, and then complain of pain throughout the body, impotence and apathy for everything. Or you can train according to all the rules and recommendations and leave the gym satisfied, full of vitality and energy.

Cooling down is an important part of any well-executed workout. If it is not performed, then there is a high probability of injury. Yes, and it can have a negative impact on health in general. We all know what a warm-up is. But I was surprised by the fact that few people had heard of the hitch. But both the warm-up and the hitch are equally important, do not neglect them. The main task of the warm-up is to warm up our body, prepare the body for more serious stress. The hitch gradually returns us to normal calm state. It is best to complete the workout with a set of cool-down exercises, so the body will recover faster and renew its strength.

Why is a pause needed?

People who exercise regularly have experienced dizziness, nausea, and even fainting more than once. This is due to a sudden stop. No wonder coaches recommend not to stand still. If you are very tired, then you need to slowly slow down the pace, jog or walk in place. Active movements contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow. When we suddenly interrupt a workout, ignoring the hitch, our heart is not ready for it. Heartbeat also slows down sharply, leading to negative consequences. Fainting is most common in professional athletes, whose loads are many times stronger than those of amateurs. But, you see, nausea and dizziness are not the best workout companions.

Of course, a hitch is not a panacea for muscle pain, and it will not prevent accidental injuries. Perhaps we will not even feel how effective it is. But it will only affect our body in a positive way. After all, it is very important to relax the body, return it to its usual comfort zone.

How to end a workout?

First of all, the essence of the hitch is to let our body cool down, to bring it out of a state of stress. This does not mean that there are any compulsory exercises. All of them are quite easy, familiar and do not take much time. It only takes 10-15 minutes to properly complete the workout. Keep this in mind when building your training plan.

After strength training you can stretch those muscles that you loaded during the main exercises. If time permits, then you can stretch all muscle groups so that they become more elastic and acquire nice shape. Walking in place, light running on a treadmill, jogging are also good. After cardio loads, in no case should you sharply slow down. Do it smoothly and gradually. When the workout is already coming to an end, you can go to a fast step, slowing down more and more to a complete stop. Then it is good to do stretching exercises.

This simple method will allow the body to cool down from heavy physical exertion, bring the pulse back to normal, and improve breathing. Our muscles need a full recovery. Only after this is it possible to have a high-quality and most productive training. A hitch is a kind of preparatory procedure for the next workout, allowing you to give your best in the future and get the desired return on your efforts.

What should be the cooldown after a workout?

All of us in sports pursue certain goals. Some want to increase muscle mass, others reset excess weight. There are also people who train to maintain the body and health in the norm. In any case, everyone wants to get maximum effect from your efforts. Of course, much depends on the exercises that we perform. Warm-up and cool-down must be included in our training complex is an essential part of any workout.

As I said, light cardio is a great way to end your workout. And stretching will relax the muscles, increase blood circulation and help remove toxins from the body. In addition, it will help reduce muscle pain associated with strong physical activity. Recovery must be comprehensive. It includes water balance and proper nutrition. Never get dehydrated! During exercise, drink water slowly, in small sips and little by little. Another important point is food. It should be regular and balanced. Load your body correctly, and it will respond to you with the maximum return.

As you know, any workout should begin with a warm-up and end with a hitch. What is it and how to warm up correctly, I have already described in detail in the corresponding article. And today we will understand what is cool down after workout, why it is needed and how to do a hitch in order to maintain health and accelerate progress.

What is a post-workout cooldown?

Cooldown after workout - lung complex physical exercise stretching or light running, smoothly turning into walking, which is designed to gradually transition the body from training to a normal calm state.

Why do we need a hitch after a workout? The fact is that during training, blood flows intensively to the muscles, and if the training is abruptly interrupted, the blood stagnates in the muscles, which creates an excessive load on the heart. In addition, the hitch accelerates the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, which helps to accelerate muscle recovery. That is why, after each workout, you need to do a hitch.

How to cool down after a workout?

Light running is best for a hitch, smoothly turning into walking or stretching exercises for those muscle groups who worked most intensively during the workout. By the way, stretching after a workout contributes to an increase in progress by about 10%. Therefore, after training, be sure to jog at a slow pace or do exercises to stretch your muscles. You can also hang on the crossbar. The duration of the cool-down after a workout is approximately 5-10 minutes.

Hello friends! On the line Vitaly Okhrimenko. Remember I wrote about? So, every workout should begin with a warm-up. How should it end? you ask. That's right, it should end with a hitch.

After all, the post-workout cooldown, which will be discussed today, is the missing puzzle that will help us get the most out of the workout. And at the same time, it will help get rid of this unpleasant muscle pain the next day after training. Well, I will not get ahead of myself, first things first.

Why you need a hitch

The overwhelming majority of us (visitors to the gym) never do a hitch after a workout. Apparently, we consider this a waste of time: they say why, the main work has already been done. But no, dear readers of the blog and lovers of puffing hall. Here we are deeply mistaken: a hitch should be as much an integral part of a workout as a shower after a workout. Now I will explain why this is so, and a little lower I will describe the exercises for a hitch.

This is all good and right, but from all this there is one side effect: the blood remains in the trained muscles, stagnates. The body is not able to quickly rebuild from a critical pace of life to a normal one. This can be compared to what we will run on fast speed and then stop abruptly. What will happen? By inertia, our body will fly forward, the body will still be in a state of fast speed for some time, with all the consequences.

A sharp transition from the “active” state to the “calm” state is bad for our health!

As a result, we get an inadequately high load on the heart, and other organs do not receive the necessary amount of blood after training for a long time. This is where we need a hitch. It’s kind of like a signal to our body: “STOP! Everything, there will be no more tin, you can relax. The apparatus of the central nervous system (CNS) perfectly responds to this signal.

However, we have considered the benefits of a hitch for our health. But there is also the benefit of a hitch for the muscles.

The hitch must necessarily include stretching the trained muscles (stretching). This allows us to return the muscles to their previous length. Damn, I wanted to be short, but, apparently, it will not work.

Cooldown benefits for muscles

During exercise, our muscles contract. To increase in volume, the muscles have to sacrifice their length (very, very simplified).

As you know, muscle growth begins only after the muscle is restored. It turns out that before our body returns the muscle to its former length, the process of muscle growth will not begin.

And what will happen if we train the muscles faster than they will have time to restore the length? That's right, the muscles will remain in a reduced version. To begin with, this will cause an unusual inconvenience to our motor apparatus, because the joints are designed for one length. muscle fibers, and we will voluntarily shorten this length with workouts without a hitch with stretching. As a result, we become less mobile (such as koalas in a fleshy shell) and create additional load to our joints. Which, by the way, and without that weight training does not bring anything good. This can be compared to dressing a suit a couple of sizes too small.

It is a completely different matter when our muscles undergo a systematic hitch after a workout with stretching elements. Muscles recover much faster, respectively, they begin to grow earlier. The flexibility of both muscle tissues and articular joints increases. We can do an exercise with a greater amplitude, which means it is better to load the muscles, and as a result, get a higher sports result. Besides cooldown improves blood circulation, the trained muscles receive more oxygen through the blood, and this, of course, has a positive effect on muscle growth. Normalization of blood supply supplies our muscles with an increased amount of nutrients.

In addition to all the above pluses, it should be noted that due to the fact that the muscle becomes longer, its growth potential will certainly increase. After all, there is more room for growth! I wrote about all this in more detail.

Well, to all of the above, one should add another excretion with the help of a hitch of lactic acid from the muscles. This same acid makes our muscles sore the day after a workout. After all, you and I are familiar with these sensations: muscle aches, decreased joint mobility. It seems that the muscle is simply squeezing from the inside, and any hint of its stretching brings not the most pleasant feelings. I assure you, if you systematically do a hitch after the training, you will soon forget about this trouble.

From all of the above text, I propose to summarize the goals for which we need to do a hitch after training in the gym.

Cooldown goals

  • Rapid muscle recovery.
  • Removal of lactic acid from the muscles, a decrease in the level of krepatura.
  • CNS unloading.
  • The return of the contracted muscle to its former length.
  • Improving the elasticity of muscles and joints.
  • Acceleration of the process of muscle growth.
  • Improving the body's blood flow.
  • Filling the muscles with oxygen.
  • Reduced workload on the heart.
  • Increasing the potential for muscle growth.

What is a hitch

Maybe I'm wrong and that's where today's article should have started. However, I decided to start with the benefits that a hitch brings, for which you have the right to condemn me)). So, having figured out why we need a hitch after strength training, it's time to understand what a hitch is in general.

The hitch is exercises performed at the end of a workout at a slow and easy pace, which allow the body to move from an excited state to a calm or close to calm (source

The hitch primarily includes stretching exercises and cardio exercises. Stretching returns the muscles to their former length and elasticity, and at the same time shortens the recovery process. Cardio exercises prepare our nervous system and our muscles for rest.

How to properly cool down after a workout

The first 5 minutes of a hitch should be devoted to cardio. For example running or riding a stationary bike. And there is a trick here:

Cardiohammer should be started with more fast paced, and finish slower.

We start, for example, with a run at a moderate pace and in 5 minutes from a leisurely run we move on to a slow step, after which we proceed to stretching. The purpose of restful cardio is to normalize heart contractions, bringing the pulse to a state close to resting. This trick indicates the one mentioned above nervous system that we will no longer mock the body and we can finally relax.

After a restful cardio you need to do. Moreover, you need to stretch only those muscles that have been trained. As an example, follow the link above and see which exercises for which muscle. Doing each exercise 1 time for 30 to 60 seconds in each workout is more than enough for a good cool down stretch.

As a rule, several muscle groups are worked out during training. Accordingly, you need to stretch each.

In general, you should not spend more than 10 minutes on a hitch. The task of a hitch is to calm the body, and not completely exhaust it.

Cooldown Exercises

Well, we got to the most interesting. As I wrote above, we conditionally divide the hitch into two stages.

Cardio hitch

At this stage, you need to choose any cardio exercise and do it according to the principle from faster to slower. Our task, as I wrote above, is to normalize the pulse. By the end of an intense workout, our heart rate tends to double or even more than our resting heart rate. A cardio cooldown allows us to smoothly reduce the rhythm of the heartbeat without causing stress to the body.

Perfect for a cardio workout:

  • Jogging, turning into a slow walk.
  • exercise bike, elliptical trainer, orbitrek.
  • Jumping rope with a decrease in pace.
  • Sparring with a pear - from a fast pace to a slow one.

Stretching for a hitch

Stretching is needed to return contracted muscles to their original length, increase the elasticity of muscles and joints, as well as to remove lactic acid from them and fill them with useful substances necessary for successful metabolism. I have already described in sufficient detail, so today, in order not to repeat myself, I will give only their names and pictures.

Exercise "Dizziness":

We press the elbow to the shoulder:

We pull the elbow behind the back:

Exercise "Sit down":

We put our hands behind our backs:

Bringing the hands behind the back:

Hanging on the horizontal bar:

Retraction of hands behind the back:

Stretches in the doorway:

Stretching near the wall:

Exercise "Camel":

Reclining slopes:

Exercise "Crescent":

Supported slopes:

Exercise "Cobra":

Bow Pose Exercise:

Exercise "Static lunges":

Pulling the leg back:

Exercise "Bow to you":

Exercise "Lotus":

Exercise "Motor Wall":

Huh, well that seems to be it. The hitch after a workout is sorted out from and to. By the way, I noticed a small disadvantage of writing full articles: there is no ground for comments. In this regard, I plan to launch a competition in a couple of weeks, which will encourage visitors to write quality comments.

And today I have everything. Good luck in bodybuilding, health and well-being to you.

Sincerely, Vitaly Okhrimenko!
