Boxing, kickboxing and Thai boxing for girls. Kickboxing for girls The main thing is to listen to the coach and learn the technique

More than once there is an opinion that hand-to-hand fighting, and even more so kickboxing, is not at all for girls. This opinion is very erroneous and lagging behind fashion.

Doing this sport does not bring bruises or injuries to a person's life. And something else.

Exhausting strength and cardio training, overcoming moral difficulties, working on yourself and striving for excellence. That's what kickboxing is for girls.

Be sure it feminine look sports. But let's be honest, it's not for everyone. The main difficulty in kickboxing for girls is overcoming the psychological barrier. Not every girl is brave enough to attend at least one workout.

Feature of girls training

During training process, it is extremely important to take into account the peculiarity of each girl student. Initial physical skills are very different for everyone. Therefore, the burden and complexity training exercises calculated individually.

In the fighting club "BULAT GOLD" all beginners go through an adaptation period. All loads increase smoothly.

You will go into sparring only when you yourself are confident in yourself and your abilities.

Benefits and effectiveness

Without exaggeration, we can say that kickboxing has only a positive effect on the female body.

First, weight loss. Here calories are burned like in an oven, and body fat disappear before our eyes. Of course, with regular training. This excellent alternative fitness.

Secondly, combat skills and self-defense skills. Nothing gives you more confidence than knowing that you can stand up for yourself. All sorts of things happen in life. Kickboxing is one of the easiest martial arts to learn. Unlike martial arts, it does not require many years of practice.

Thirdly, mental and physical health. Nothing restores like this. nervous system, how good workout on a pear or paws. The accumulated negativity is used here.
In addition, strengthening immunity. Improvement of cardio-vascular system, posture and figure in general. Especially recommended for those with sedentary work. And even more so if you have a sedentary lifestyle.

First results and achievements

The first result is noticed after two to three weeks. Naturally it will be insignificant. However, its presence will speak of progress. In about one and a half to two months, you will be able to master the basics of protective equipment.

The head coach of the fighting club "BULAT GOLD" Aleksey Kharkevich has 17 years of coaching experience. Trainer who raised a lot of guys and girls. The man who raised winners and champions. Your training will be held under the world champion. However, without your desire, nothing can be achieved.

Understand the main thing, it is impossible to change while sitting at home. And if you don't try, you won't know.

Sign up for the first free class on kickboxing for girls, you can through the application form or by phone.

For faster and effective result we suggest to try

Since ancient times, martial arts were predominantly done by men, and while they knocked out all the nonsense from each other with their bare hands, women sat at home and kept the hearth. But there were among the wrestlers and women who were considered a kind of exception to the rule. There were also entire nations in which matriarchy reigned. For example, the Amazons: according to legend, there were no men among them - they did not tolerate them and did all the work themselves. They did not just defend their state themselves, but even raided the surrounding area and were known as courageous and cruel warriors.

Many years have passed since then, however, among us you can find women, descendants of the Amazons, capable of putting any man on the shoulder blades. One of them - Andreeva Svetlana Mikhailovna, world champion in kickboxing - teaches in our sports school women's boxing. She does not seek to make great warriors out of all the girls, but teaches how to resist a man in a difficult situation.


Kickboxing is usually called fisticuffs with kicks included in it. Women's kickboxing is less violent than boxing. Scars, cuts and bruises are unlikely, since the legs of the girls are usually long - they are used in kickboxing for protection. Therefore, kickboxing is an activity for girls of not the smallest stature. In addition, there are restrictions on body shots.

There is only one main difference in boxing for men and women - it consists in the mandatory wearing of special protectors on the chest.

Kickboxing, in addition to the ability to stand up for yourself, teaches concentration, attentiveness, trains the reaction. And these are very useful skills not only within the walls of the gym, but also in the real world.

Girls who are engaged in kickboxing are often more beautiful and feminine in relation to boxers. They have an almost flawless figure and a beautiful face, thanks to constant training and work on themselves.


It was once believed that only desperate girls who have nothing to lose go to boxing: offended, beaten, notorious, dreaming of compensating for their shortcomings where men dominate.

Perhaps it was so before.

But there are no identical types of men and women. Some guys tend to do rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming, and some girls have a predisposition to weightlifting or boxing.

If you exclude bloody blows, you can look at boxing from a completely different perspective. It looks like a dance, a kind of fitness that strengthens the figure, helps to lose weight. excess weight, makes human movements more free, relaxed, coordinated.

In addition, boxing radically changes a woman, and, in better side: she becomes more free, independent, able to fend for herself in unpleasant situations.

Is it bad?

Boxing is ideal for letting off excess steam. After a hard day at work, you can perfectly discharge yourself in training by waving your fists. Would a woman want to “throw plates” at her husband after that?

Thai boxing

Muay Thai or Thai boxing is the toughest of contact martial arts. It allows the maximum possible number of strikes. Elbows, shins, forearms and knees are connected to the traditional fist and foot. If in boxing and kickboxing the clinch is a “peaceful distance” at which athletes feel relatively safe, then in Thai boxing this distance is one of the most dangerous.

Knee and elbow strikes are swift, almost impossible to see and block. Plus, they are amazingly powerful.

Throws and grabs in Muay Thai are also prohibited, but, as the practice of real "fights without rules" shows, this element of martial arts is not required. There is only one opportunity for boxers and kickboxers to resist a fighter who has studied Thai boxing - to keep him out of the close range.

Muay Thai has rightfully earned the title of one of the toughest and most effective martial arts. It is not for nothing that in America it is called "mortal combat".

Thai boxing is classes for girls who are quite self-confident, firm not only in body, but also in spirit. Sometimes in training you have to be tough and strong. However, having reached the end, you will realize that you are able to fight back not only the usual intruder from the gateway, but also real boxers and kickboxers.

If you are in doubt about the choice of martial arts, we advise you to start with kickboxing: not as hard as boxing, not as hard as muay thai. After attending several classes with our professionals, you will understand whether to lower or increase the level of load, and the teachers, having assessed the level of your abilities, will give the best advice on choosing a section.

If you are still thinking whether to record or not, we tell you with confidence - it will never be superfluous to try. If you don't like it or find it too hard, you can always leave. But who knows, perhaps in these types of martial arts you will find yourself.

Our address: Address: Moscow, Open highway, 15 building 21, sports club "KITEK", metro station Rokossovsky Boulevard, Eastern Administrative Okrug(Eastern district of Moscow)

The nearest metro stations to the boxing school "Kitek": Rokossovsky Boulevard /

Kickboxing for girls- not so easy martial arts. This is also great way get rid of extra calories, get beautiful flat tummy, tightened buttocks and, in general, gain self-confidence.

Kickboxing for the fair sex is characterized by minimal trauma with impressive physical exertion. Typically, equipment includes mouth guards, a helmet, shields and many other components.

Why is kickboxing popular among girls?

During kickboxing training, all muscle groups are involved. The combination of technical punches and an impressive cardio load allows you to burn a huge amount of calories. Note that classic workout includes not only kickboxing, but also jumping rope, work with shells and equipment. Together, this develops coordination, flexibility and, of course, reaction speed.

Kickboxing for girls in Moscow- not only a way to keep yourself in excellent physical shape, but also learning the basics of self-defense. If a girl knows kickboxing techniques, she is confident in her abilities, able to show her character in difficult life situations.

Also kickboxing is in a good way get rid of tension after a hard day at work. This type of martial arts helps to throw out negative emotions, accumulated aggression. In addition, after an evening workout, you will sleep better and sounder. The endorphin produced during training is great for fighting stress!

Women's kickboxing: training features

Kickboxing for girls- classes in specially equipped rooms. Our club has everything you need for the most comfortable training. With us, you will certainly achieve success in this type of martial arts. An experienced mentor will tell you how to work on simulators, what equipment is needed to participate in sparring.

If we talk about the fighting technique, then in kickboxing hands and feet are actively used, methods of attacking the enemy, the ability to knock him out are worked out. Regular kickboxing classes allow you to quickly improve the condition of the muscles, strengthen the corset of the back, improve general physical indicators. Do not be afraid that intensive kickboxing will bring masculine features to your appearance. It is a myth. Moreover, similar workouts aimed at emphasizing the dignity of the figure and hiding all the shortcomings.

Kickboxing for girls and women, myths and fears.

1. I can get injured or mutilated, bruised on my face and body, broken nose, and so on.

This is completely inconsistent with the truth and the real state of affairs. Women's kickboxing in Moscow presents various options training from fitness training to preparing for serious competitions, here you can choose the program that suits you. A well-constructed training process, the absence of hard contact with a partner in pair work, and of course the use of high-quality kickboxing equipment almost completely reduces the risk of injury to girls in kickboxing training. In addition, kickboxing differs from many other martial arts and in particular from MUAY THA in a large number of versions. Most girls, like children, start their way into kickboxing with seven contact (limited contact), in which it is forbidden to strike with full force, and the use of protective equipment of the maximum level of protection is mandatory. Only in the future, some come through long training to other, tougher sections of kickboxing.

2. Kickboxing will make my body rough and "masculine".

Often pronouncing the word "kickboxing", a girl draws in her imagination a woman or a man with overly developed muscles, a broken nose more than once and scars from cuts. Women's kickboxing involves the mandatory use of protective equipment and Moscow is a city where there are no problems buying equipment. This statement is partly true only for professionals. high level, the number of fights in the professional ring (in fights with minimal use of protective equipment), the number of which, at times, goes to tens or even hundreds. We are considering only amateur kickboxing, the section where the risk of injury is practically excluded. Kickboxing has an absolutely unique property, it "sculpts" a person's figure to ideal proportions. A kickboxing girl differs from many others in her always excellent posture, dense muscles, almost "flying" gait, ideal abdominals. Kickboxing gives you excellent aerobic and power load, this combination, coupled with proper and balanced nutrition, gives a unique result in quite short term. You can NEVER get excessive muscle mass, kickboxing will only make your figure toned and athletic.

3. Kickboxing is not a women's sport.

In fact, even 10 years ago it was quite difficult to meet in sports clubs and sections of kickboxing girls and women. V Lately the situation has changed radically, many girls and women prefer monotonous and boring work in gym or dynamic kickboxing workouts on the treadmill. The ever-changing pace of classes from a time-consuming explanation of kickboxing technique to a tempo functional training, from the development of movements and ligaments in pairs to individual work with a trainer on the paws. Your body will not have time to adapt to a certain load or a certain exercise, and therefore kickboxing training is the most effective method for girls and women to solve the problem of overweight or gain optimal physical shape.

4. I can't do it, I'm too poorly developed physically (I have a lot of excess weight).

None of us was originally born as an athlete, of course, since birth, each person has his own unique genetic code, each has a different potential, different reaction speed and level of strength and aerobic endurance given by nature. But everyone can come to the gym and start working on themselves, it's never too late to do it. If a girl came to the kickboxing gym with the goal of making herself better, she will always be helped along the way. There is a deep misconception that fighters are callous and aggressive people, mostly kickboxers are very hospitable and attentive people. A girl or a woman will feel very comfortable and calm among these people, and with each kickboxing lesson, yours will become more resilient and faster, you yourself will not notice that after a very a short time You will be able to train at the same pace as the group. With enough perseverance in achieving your goal, you can achieve everything you would like to get from kickboxing.

How are kickboxing training for girls and women.

In this case, there is no difference in the construction of the training process for girls and women, or for boys and men. The whole training is built from four main parts.
1. General warm-up and stretching.
2. Work in pairs and analysis of kickboxing techniques and combinations. Work with a trainer on the paws.
3. Work on boxing bags, apricot pillows. functional training.
4. Independent work on physical form, on simulators or work with free weights and own weight.
The duration of each of the stages may vary, and depends on the task of the coach in each of the specific classes.
Kickboxing for girls and women in our club is carried out exclusively by trainers highly qualified and with the highest possible security requirements. If you have any questions, you can always ask them by contacting us by e-mail or by calling the phone number indicated in the contacts.

Kickboxing for women is not only effective for weight loss physical exercise, borrowed from such popular martial arts, like karate and boxing, but also the opportunity to learn self-defense techniques, with the help of which you can save life and health in extreme cases. In addition, according to kickboxing lovers, these fitness workouts help women become more organized and self-confident, as well as temper character.

Fitness classes for women based on kickboxing can be based on one of the following competitive areas:

  1. Full contact, in which there are no restrictions on the strength of blows to the opponent.
  2. Full-contact with the possibility of using a low-kick - a kick to the opponent's thighs.
  3. Light-contact. During fitness in this technique, when sparring, it is forbidden to hit an opponent with your hands and feet, but you need to work at a high pace, which allows you to burn a large number of calories and strengthen the muscles of the limbs. The winner in such sparring is determined by the following criterion: the winner is the one who has the best technique for performing tricks.
  4. Semi-contact. When conducting fitness training in this direction, kickboxing is prohibited too strong blows, and the main emphasis is on practicing jump kicks.
  5. Solo work. This direction of kickboxing involves performing for practicing strikes without the participation of an opponent. Solo work includes various fragments different types martial arts and can be soft or hard, and it also involves the use of fitness items such as a knife, stick, sword, sickle, nunchaku.

Regardless of the direction of kickboxing, it has such a positive effect on the body:

  • due to the fact that trainings combine in a complex and strength exercises, and cardio loads, the muscles of the whole body are evenly strengthened and the volume of the fat layer is reduced, which naturally leads to the formation of a slender, toned figure;
  • posture improves due to the fact that the muscle corset, when performing basic kickboxing exercises, receives high-quality physical activity and strengthens, reliably fixing the spine in the correct straight position and thereby preventing the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the respiratory apparatus;
  • with regular performance of kickboxing exercises, coordination and dexterity of movements are significantly improved, a sense of balance and speed of reactions develop, endurance and physical capabilities of the body increase;
  • due to the active work of the legs when performing kickboxing techniques and exercises for mastering the technique of strikes, blood circulation in the lower extremities improves, tissue cells receive more nutrients, skin turgor increases, signs of cellulite decrease, stretch marks become less noticeable, edema is prevented and congestion in the pelvic organs.

The effectiveness of kickboxing exercises for weight loss

Fitness workouts in which kickboxing techniques are performed are extremely effective in the process of losing weight. Their effectiveness is achieved due to the following features of these classes:

Provided that a woman eats properly and does not exceed the daily calorie intake, the body has no other choice but to break down its own fat cells in order to maintain the normal functioning of all its systems and compensate for energy costs;

  • an increase in heart rate and an acceleration in the rhythm of breathing during fitness training lead to an increase in the concentration of oxygen in the body.

And since oxygen is one of the main catalysts for metabolic and redox processes, the natural consequence of its increased content in the blood is the acceleration of metabolism. An increase in the rate of metabolic processes allows a woman to spend more calories even after doing exercises, doing normal household physical activity.

In fitness training based on kickboxing, the following basic techniques of this type of martial arts are used:

  • blows lower limbs, which include sweeps, jump kicks, including roundhouse kick and roundhouse kick, as well as overhead kick.
  • Upper limb strikes - uppercut, jab, which involves hitting the opponent with the hand closest to him, punch, which involves striking with the farthest hand from the opponent upper limb, as well as a backfist performed from a turn back side bent upper limb.

Kickboxing techniques prohibited in fitness classes include:

  • punches, elbows and wrists;
  • striking the joints, clavicle and spinal column, kidneys and chest;
  • strikes performed with an open glove or its inside.

Since the performance of kickboxing exercises has an extremely intense load on the human body, and the training itself is highly traumatic, not all girls can go in for kickboxing. It is forbidden to use this type physical activity in order to lose weight and strengthen muscles for the fair sex, who have the following health problems:

  • serious heart diseases, as a result of which the normal functioning of the entire circulatory system is disturbed, for example, heart disease, heart failure, hypertension;
  • asthma and other serious illnesses respiratory system;
  • epilepsy;
  • injuries and diseases of the spine, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • joint problems that adversely affect their functionality;
  • nervous and psycho-emotional disorders;
  • pregnancy.

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