Pool workout plan training group. Swimming training program

Training programs designed and recommended by American athletes. Designed for average level preparation: those who swim regularly and for a sufficiently long period of time and are in good physical shape. They allow you to improve speed, increase stamina and improve technique.

Programs differ in purpose, total distance (800 to 1200 meters) and thus in time. This allows you to choose the program that is most suitable for you.

Rest means a break between each repetition (for example, at a distance of 4 * 25 m, rest of 1 minute means that you need to take a break of 1 minute between each 25 meters you swam). Use this as a guideline, and if you feel like you need more recovery time, increase your rest time.

The programs are based on a pool length of 25 meters. Please take this into account if you are training in a different pool length.

Program # 1: Increase Speed ​​- Short Distances at High Speed Level: Intermediate
Stage Distance Style Comments (1) Recreation*
1 Warm up 100m freestyle No
2 Swimming 10 x 25m freestyle maximum speed 30 sec.
3 Swimming
on foot
6 x 25m freestyle maximum speed. use fins if possible 30 sec.
4 Swimming
on hands
2 x 75m freestyle low, comfortable speed. breathe every 3rd stroke 1 minute.
5 Swimming 4 x 25m any we swim in any style except free. maximum speed 30 sec.
6 Completion 50m any No
Total distance: 800m
Program number 2: Improvement of technique and physical form Level: Intermediate
Stage Distance Style Comments (1) Recreation
1 Warm up 2 x 100m free
low, comfortable speed. we train the stroke (stroke drills) 45 sec.
2 Swimming 2 x 200m freestyle focus on good execution technique. The first 200m we sail at a low, comfortable speed; second 200m - at high speed 2 minutes.
3 Swimming on feet 6 x 25m any high speed. if possible, use fins 30 sec.
4 Swimming 100m any we train the stroke (stroke drills). it is desirable to use a style other than the free style No
5 Swimming 6 x 25m any swim in the same style as stage 4.high speed 45 sec.
6 Completion 50m any low, comfortable speed No
Total distance: 1050m
Program number 3: Various styles. Level: Intermediate
action distance style comments recreation
1 Warm up 2 x 100m mixed alternating strokes. calm pace. change style after 1st approach 30 seconds
2 Swimming 2 x 200m any style choose two styles and swim one set for each. comfortable pace 1 minute
3 Footwork 6 x 25m mixed high pace. lack of freestyle 30 seconds
4 Rowing paddles 200m freestyle calm pace. inhalation on every 5th stroke continue
5 Swimming 4 x 25m mixed swim or butterfly, or breaststroke. high pace 30 seconds
6 Completion 50m any style continue
Mixed workout combining different styles.
Total distance: 1100m

Program No. 4: More short distance, huge pressure. Level: Intermediate
action distance style comments recreation
1 Warm up 100m freestyle we work out the stroke technique. calm pace continue
2 Swimming 8 x 25m freestyle alternately: one repetition at a calm pace / one repetition at an accelerated pace 30 seconds
3 Footwork 6 x 25m freestyle use a diving board and fins if possible. accelerated pace 30 seconds
4 Rowing paddles 2 x 100m freestyle calm pace. use a buckwheat and inhale on every 3rd stroke 1 minute
5 Swimming 6 x 25m any style (except freestyle) high pace. 30 seconds
6 Completion 50m any style calm relaxing swimming continue
Short anaerobic workout.
Total distance: 850m

Program No. 5: Mixed workout. Level: Intermediate
action distance style comments recreation
1 Warm up 100m any style calm warming up swimming continue
2 Swimming 6 x 50m freestyle increase the pace with each repetition. last rep at maximum pace 45 seconds
3 Footwork 100m freestyle start slowly and increase your pace towards the end of the distance. use a diving board and fins if possible continue
4 Rowing paddles 200m freestyle use a bun. comfortable pace. inhale on every 3rd stroke continue
5 Swimming 8 x 25m mixed change styles with every approach. accelerated pace 30 seconds
6 Completion 100m any style calm relaxing swimming continue
Varying anaerobic training.
Total distance: 1000m

Program number 6: Higher intensity. Level: Intermediate
action distance style

An effective remedy for promoting health and physical development man - swimming. The training methodology was developed so that swimming benefits a person from birth to old age. For the achievements of athletes and beginners, we have developed a swimming training program for correct training and quickly achieve your goals.

For athletes, practice improves skill. A swimming training plan is developed for the swimmers. The athlete pays attention to the theoretical part, so the practical will be more productive. The swimmer is exercising and swims faster... Swimming does not overload, has a positive effect on the human psyche, relieves stress. The pool swim workout program is dedicated to improving the athlete's performance.

Swimming training technique

Swimming preparation. The place of training for the swimmer is water; specific requirements are imposed on health. They are taken into account by the swimming training program. For this, the athlete is examined by a doctor and is approved to start training.

Photo 1. Exercise strength training for swimmers on land with elastic strapand comfortable handles

Doctors prescribe special meals. For each swimmer - individual. In some cases, the program is designated as rehabilitation training in water for the athlete in cases of injury or long periods of absence. Also, sports doctors are interested in the lungs. After all, in a swimmer they should be well developed, the volume of the lungs is important. Inflation hot air balloon- an effective way to develop them.

After medical approval, the swimmer begins training. Allows the athlete to demonstrate effective swimming, swimmers and triathletes training techniques. From a warm-up on land to a productive workout in the pool on the water. For effective training it is important to observe proper nutrition and maintain healthy image life. Swimming decreases the heart rate, which allows the heart to work more economically. The lower the heart rate, the more the heart does not spend efforts on contraction, it rests.

Excessive intensity of training leads to overload and causes exhaustion. The process goes according to the established plan.

Photo 2. When athletes practice swimming movements on land, many muscles are involved

Swimming workout plan

At competitions, a certain category of swimmers performs in special wetsuits, and in order to demonstrate the results, they develop a special swimming training program. The athlete does not cover the distance, but fights against the powerful resistance of the water.

Since ancient times, swimmers have shaved not only their bodies, but even their heads. They rubbed the skin with oil to reduce friction and increase speed.

When planning a swimming workout, a professional program is drawn up by a coach. When planning his training on the water, the swimmer sets a goal for himself: what he wants to achieve, prepare for a swimming or triathlon competition, possibly improving the body, general strengthening health or weight loss. Set a task for yourself and motivate yourself to perform actions, as a result of which you will achieve the desired result.

Photo 3. Winner of two silver and gold medals in the 200 m swimming competition Markus Rogan in a wetsuit

The pool water must meet the drinking water requirements. To check the water in the pool, a special engineer works, who takes a water sample at least twice a day. Monitors a stable water temperature (not lower than 24 and not higher than 27 degrees) so that the swimmer does not waste his energy to warm up and relax in the warmth.

They train every day, without skipping, or the athlete will not receive a result. Once a week, he sets a new goal for himself and strives to fulfill it. The swimming training program for a year allows you to train, on the basis of which a swimming training plan for a week is subsequently drawn up, increasing the load.

Photo 4. Coachis gtraining schedule and points out shortcomings when swimming

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Swimming training program for beginners

The main goal for beginner swimmers, this is to develop endurance to the maximum and work out correct breathing... Swimming training program for beginners is different from professional athletes... Before any physical activity, they develop, knead and warm up the muscles. For this in mandatory before training in water, warm up on land.

Warm-up tasks:

  • Prepare the cardiovascular system for physical activity;
  • Warm up muscles, ligaments and joints, so they work more productively. Warming up the swimmer will increase the flexibility and elasticity of the ligaments and joints. Consequently, movements in the water will also be effective. In addition, the feeling of water will increase;
  • Reduce the likelihood of injury;
  • Psychological preparation swimming - is an important part of the warm-up. In the process of doing exercises on land, the swimmer tunes in for training. Ponders how much to swim, calculating his strength and time, the goals of the upcoming workout.

Photo 5. A set of special exercises before training to warm up the muscles

How do they perform special exercises on the land:

  • Knead the neck, with smooth bends back and forth, left and right;
  • Circular movements of the head, three times;
  • Knead shoulder joints, in a circular motion hands back and forth;
  • Perform a swing exercise with your arms, with your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • Rotation by hands, one and two hands, 15 times each;
  • Rotation with two hands with a jump 10 times forward and backward;
  • Bend to the sides, with hands on the belt, repeat the exercise 10 times;
  • Perform inclinations, touching the floor with your hands: to right leg, to the left, in the middle;
  • To warm knee joints by using circular rotations knees;
  • Perform the exercise "mill" 20 times in fast pace back and forth;
  • Stretch muscle groups.

People who come to the pool after hard day at work or any other occupation, training serves as a kind of switching from one activity to another.

Photo 6. Swimming simulatorVasa Trainer Pro SEto train swimmers uses a loading system using the weight of the trainee

After warming up on land, special exercises in the water begin. For beginner swimmers in shape, average distance will be about 600 meters.

Stages of training in water:

Stage 1. Swim warm-up for 100 meters by crawl, if necessary, rest on the turn;

Stage 2. Perform 4x50 meters crawl, trying to swim at the same pace, resting between 50 meters for no more than 30 seconds;

Stage 3. Perform 4x25 meters crawl with a change in stroke: swim, breathing for 2 strokes, increase and swim for 4 strokes, and so alternate;

Stage 4. Swim 2x50 meters in any convenient way, rest between them for 30 seconds;

Stage 5. Finish the workout: swim 100 meters crawl - to relax muscle groups, to even out breathing.

At the end of the swim, make about 10 exhalations into the water, this will help calm your breathing. After the initial stage of training has been completed, for further development a swimming training program is used with an average level of training.

Execution order




Kroll (freestyle)


1 approach 200 m

Kroll (freestyle)

60% MHR

1 approach 200 m


60% MHR

1 approach 200 m


60% MHR

1 approach 200 m

Kroll (freestyle)

75% MHR

1 set of 150 m


75% MHR

1 set of 150 m


75% MHR

1 set of 150 m

Kroll (freestyle)

85% MHR

1 approach of 100 m


85% MHR

1 approach of 100 m


85% MHR

1 approach of 100 m

On the back


1 approach 200 m

Training example for beginners

Swimming training program for professionals

Swimming training program high level assumes professional swimmers train one to two workouts a day each day. Before going out on the water, athletes come to the gym. Swing, stretching and kneading. After they go into the water.

Swimming workouts for professionals, which are also planned by the coach, assume that the average distance they swim in a session is about 5 km.

Photo 7. Swimming with fins is included in the set of exercises for professional swimmers.

Swimming begins with a warm-up.

  • Warm-up in a complex style 2x400 meters;
  • Distance, swim with acceleration, which is set by the coach (ladder). The athlete swims 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 meters and descending: 300, 200, 100, 50 meters. A minute of rest between acceleration. They swim the entire distance at the same rhythm;
  • After such accelerations, an exercise with a plank is used. Footwork is carried out in the butterfly or crawl style. On my feet 500 meters;
  • After exercise on the legs, the swimmer increases the speed of movement and swims on his hands. A board is taken at the feet, in the everyday life of swimmers it is called a kolobashka. It fits in the legs. The swimmer swims, working with only hands, sometimes they put on shoulder blades. Exercise 600 meters;
  • Swimming in fins without stopping, the athlete swims 1500 meters at the same rhythm;
  • Swimming 400 meters freestyle in one breath, swim on the technique of movements.

Photo 8. Kolobashka is used to prevent the athlete from using footwork

On average, such a training series lasts one and a half to two hours of hard work and is 5 km 500 meters.

Even a brief planning of a year-round swimming training allows you to achieve consistency and progress in the development of the swimmer.

Swimming training program for children

A child should be able to swim in the same way as to walk. As a child was born, they think about how to teach him certain skills of interaction with water and the rules of behavior on the water. The child is individual, a special approach is selected for each. It is important to interest the child so that he wakes up a desire to train and develop in this area further.

Photo 9. It is important for beginner young athletes to have an interest in swimming and enjoy it.

Train children at a depth where they can feel the bottom to avoid panic.

To begin a swimming training program for children, one should give the child a “feel” of the water. It is important for the little swimmer to feel the bottom with his feet for complete confidence. Let the beginner athlete get comfortable in the water. They give a task to the child so that he makes several exhalations into the water with immersion under water.

Swimming training plan for children, in a set of exercises:

  • The swimmer grabs the side with his hands, plunges his head into the water and works his legs in the crawl style. Raising the head and inhaling the air, immersing the head in water - exhales;
  • Give the child the task to move in the water.
  • As the child likes, let him swim in his free time from assignments;
  • Giving the child tasks of the "arrow" type is sliding work. At the same time, breathing is developed;
  • Give the child the task of swimming on his hands and feet.

Photo 10. On initial stage Provide your child with a swim board and support to relieve the fear of water

Do not wear sleeves or other means to make swimming easier on your child. It is important that the child independently learns to feel confident in the water. A cap and glasses are required.

And of course, the child's desire is important. If he is interested in swimming, such will be the reward and the results.

Video: Land Swimming Workout Program

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Talking about the variety of types of fitness, one cannot fail to mention something that fans of sports and an active lifestyle often forget about - Fr. Swimming in the pool is not only interesting and exciting, but also extremely useful, including in cases where other training is contraindicated, for example, for orthopedic problems.

They often have a well-equipped spacious pool. The presence of the latter provides a wide scope for the choice of fitness classes: - all these are programs for water sports lovers. However, the most popular type of pool workout is still swimming.

As we said, aquatic species sports are extremely beneficial for general physical condition and for the figure. Here are just some of the benefits of pool exercise:

  • Strengthening the muscle corset and joints. Water reduces the compressive effect on the joints, and the "resistance" of the water environment during exercise has a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscles. in the pool is unlikely to succeed, but "pump up" the right muscles- easily. During swimming exercises, the muscles of almost all parts of the body are involved: back, forearms and shoulders, hips, calves, neck, etc.
  • Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Swimming and water aerobics help to strengthen the heart muscle, the walls of blood vessels. The lungs and the entire respiratory system are also trained (however, not before the athlete learns to breathe correctly).
  • Massage internal organs... While swimming and water activities the dense medium exerts gentle pressure on the body and thus massages the skin and organs.
  • Relaxation and release of emotional stress. Water procedures always relax and "feed" a person with positive energy. Even if a hard day is behind you, just an hour spent in the pool will act as a SPA procedure (while being also a workout).

Swimming program: exercise

by the way If a person is engaged in weightlifting, a visit to the pool is especially indicated for him as a cardio workout: swimming will strengthen the joints and spine, help normalize blood pressure and blood circulation.

You can go to the pool to spend time there, just swimming from side to side, or you can arrange for yourself a real cardio training with a set of exercises. Of course, it is better to develop a program together with a trainer, as well as to practice (especially at first) is under the supervision of a pool instructor.

Exercises for men and women are slightly different, so we will give exemplary complexes exercises for both the stronger sex and the beautiful half of humanity.

Basic program for men:

  • Warm up (5 minutes). Gently swim from end to end of the lane once or twice to warm up your muscles.
  • Freestyle swimming (5 minutes). Swim 150-200 meters in the style you like best (crawl, breaststroke, butterfly), or alternate styles. Increase your speed gradually.
  • Swimming on legs (10 minutes). Try swimming with your legs only, with your torso resting on the board.
  • Backstroke (5-10 minutes). Without straining, at a calm pace, swim several "circles" around the pool.
  • Swimming with varying speed (10-15 minutes). Swim in any style. Half the track is fast, half is slow.
  • End of workout (10-15 minutes). Swim at a calm pace in any style convenient for you, at the end of the workout (already out of the water) do some stretching exercises.

Basic program for women:

  • Warm up (5-10 minutes). Swim at a low speed, choosing a butterfly or crawl style, watch your breathing.
  • Hand-held swimming (5 minutes). Try to move your legs as little as possible, distributing the main load on your shoulders and arms. This exercise is great for developing the pectoral muscles.
  • Swimming with a change of style (10 minutes). Do several heats along the lane: one end with a crawl, the other with a breaststroke, etc. The pace can also be varied.
  • Swimming on legs (5-10 minutes). Take a board, lean your torso on it and swim, working only with your legs.
  • Exercise with increasing speed (5-10 minutes). Try to maximize (but so that it is comfortable) increase the speed of movement along the path.
  • Cool down (10-15 minutes). Swimming in a free style, at a slower pace, if desired - several exercises from the water aerobics program (for example, steps in the water).

Do not forget about the observance of the drinking regime (yes, you need to drink while exercising in the pool).

Where to sign up for swimming lessons?

For training to be effective and enjoyable at the same time, you need to choose nice pool... They are equipped with modern spacious pools: large, clean and comfortable. Our trainers of water programs give introductory instructions, help to develop a training schedule, adjust the set of exercises for everyone and advise directly during the training.

You can sign up for training in the pool by purchasing a membership card of the club. With Gold`s Gym you will receive desired result- healthy, beautiful body and great mood.

A strict discipline, the study of basic theory, allows an adult to learn to swim without the use of assistive devices. Start self-development practical side swimming is recommended only after familiarization with the safety precautions and rules of conduct in the pool.

Swimming can be mastered at absolutely any age. The only obstacles for an adult to achieve a desired goal may be prejudice and fear. Getting rid of them allows a clear understanding that swimming in the pool and in the open water is not only fun, but also has a beneficial effect on health.

Swimming on a regular basis contributes to:

  • development of the respiratory system;
  • training the heart and blood vessels;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening of muscles, immunity and nervous system.

You should start learning to swim in a shallow pool or open water body. Feet should feel solid support, head and shoulders should be above the water. The presence of a person who can swim well allows you to feel completely safe and gain confidence.

An alternative could be classes with a qualified trainer. Attending special classes is not a prerequisite, you can learn the basics of swimming on your own.

How to breathe correctly?

The most important and hardest moment in teaching swimming. Without proper breathing, it is impossible to master crawl, breaststroke and any other style. Learning to breathe correctly is necessary initially. Take a deep breath through the mouth above the surface of the water, and exhale in the water.

The air drawn in by the lungs allows a person to stay in the desired position. The deeper you inhale, the better the water keeps floating. No need to try to get full lungs of air. This will lead to a feeling of discomfort and become an obstacle to free movement in the water.

Breathing exercise

To get the right breath, you need to exercise. Being aground, you need to breathe in the air deeply without exhaling, completely immerse yourself in the water and exhale fully through your mouth. The exercise is repeated in several approaches. The main thing is not to take breaks between them. Professional swimmers train in a similar way, but the technique is ideal for beginners too.

Breathing while swimming

You need to inhale the air through your mouth. The position of the body when moving in the water must remain unchanged, only the head must be turned. It is not safe to breathe through your nose. Drops of water entering the nasopharynx cause discomfort and can provoke an attack of suffocation. Breathing is coordinated by the movement of the arms and legs, which are determined by the swimming style.

Swimming techniques

An invariable part of the learning process is knowledge of the basic swimming styles, of which there are four:

  1. Breaststroke

It consists in synchronous movements of the limbs parallel to the water.

  1. Chest swivel

The style involves performing synchronous strokes, first with one and then with the other half of the body.

  1. Back crawl

The technique is similar to an inverted chest cuff.

  1. Butterfly

Sophisticated technique swimming. It is not recommended to master it yourself. Those wishing to swim in the butterfly style should comprehend the technique under the strict guidance of a professional trainer or mentor.

How to stay on the water?

To learn how to swim properly in any of the styles, you first need to master how to stay on the water. The exercise "asterisk" allows you to do this.

It is carried out in the following order:

More air is drawn into the lungs;

  1. Immersion

The face is lowered into the water, and the limbs are pushed to the side so that the body forms a semblance of a "star";

  1. Holding

You need to stay in the same position for as long as possible. While in the water, you cannot exhale. Otherwise, the dive will begin immediately.

« Star"- an exercise to overcome the fear of water. It allows you to learn how to properly stay on the surface of the water using the air drawn into the lungs, without resorting to making movements with your legs and arms. A person who has successfully mastered the "asterisk" can safely proceed to the technical development of movements.

How to move your arms and legs correctly?

Full swimming is impossible without practicing arm and leg movements. Hands in the water move reflexively. Much harder to master the movements lower limbs... Without the help of the legs, it will not be possible to keep the body on the water and develop speed. The main thing, starting to hone the movement of the legs, is to remember that the socks should always be extended.

When learning to crawl, the movement of the legs is biting and fast. The more intense the blows, the greater the speed develops. Breaststroke requires a different movement technique, reminiscent of the movement of a frog in water. It's easier to learn how to move your legs, mastering the breaststroke, holding your hands either by the side of the pool, or using a special board that supports the swimmer on the water.

How to learn to swim in crawl and breaststroke style?

The easiest to learn for a beginner swimmer is the crawl. This technique is not very difficult to grasp. They lie down on the water with their faces, begin to touch their legs alternately, lowering and raising them. At the same time, they swing their arms. First, one of the hands is brought forward, lowered into the water, and the palm folded into the bucket is stroked towards the thigh. Move the other hand in the same way.

When swimming in a crawl, air is taken into the lungs for every second stroke. To inhale, the head is first taken out of the water, and then turned towards the moving arm. You should try to take in air with your lungs as much as possible. It is impossible to swim for a long time without a sufficient level of oxygen.

Breaststroke is a little more difficult than crawl, but you can master it quickly enough. The main thing to keep in mind is that breaststroke movements should be synchronous and similar to those performed by a swimming frog. It is more difficult to learn to swim with a butterfly. It is recommended to master this technique with an experienced trainer. The specialist will demonstrate the movements by his own example and control the correctness of their implementation.

Sports swimming requires special training. TO professional career it is almost impossible to prepare an adult swimmer. Appropriate training and stress should start from childhood.

Swimming in the pool

Swimming in the pool is good not only for your health, but also for your figure. Regular classes are considered effective way release of energy from fat accumulations. It is not only the amount of time spent in the pool that matters, but also the effectiveness.

For training to be as effective and safe as possible, you must follow a few simple guidelines:

  1. Exercise on an empty stomach;

The water pressure on the abdomen while swimming is high. If the stomach is full, it is fraught with digestive problems. It should be eaten before training 2.5 hours, and after training - an hour later.

  1. Train between 16.00 and 19.00;

In the morning hours, the body is not yet ready for heavy loads, but in the evening, on the contrary, it needs good rest. If you exercise in the morning or evening, the training will be less effective than the afternoon training.

  1. You need to visit the pool at least three times a week;

Regular exercise is the key to consistent results. Constant training teaches the body to stress, the muscles quickly remember the acquired skills in swimming.

  1. Put on a rubber cap, take off jewelry;

Prolonged exposure of the roots to water will negatively affect the condition of the hair, and jewelry may be lost.

  1. Take a warm shower or warm up;

Warmed up and trained muscles allow you to train more efficiently.

  1. Wear rubber slates.

Walking barefoot on wet tiles can cause injury.

The benefits of swimming for the body are invaluable. The immune system of people who regularly visit the pool is strengthened. They are much less likely to suffer from heart disease, colds and other ailments, are not susceptible to depression, always arrive in an excellent mood, do not suffer from obesity, have good muscles and a proportionally developed body.

Swimming is known to be one of the sports that no muscle in your body overlooks. It allows you to harmoniously develop and maintain the tone of the whole body, as well as overcome the accumulated stress.

Let's talk about the benefits of swimming

Swimming is a way to improve our body, not only for physical level... Let's start with the fact that it will improve your health. of cardio-vascular system and normalize blood pressure. Those. regular swimming reduces the risk of heart-related diseases.

Pool workouts also improve blood circulation in the legs and tone the muscles. The water pressure has a drainage effect on the body and is an excellent massage against Swimming will help keep your weight normal by speeding up your metabolism.

Among other things, if you are very overweight, you will benefit from swimming training. Since this kind physical activity unlike walking or running, it has no effect on the joints.

The connection between endurance and technique

To increase endurance in swimming, it is advised to gradually improve breathing efficiency, gradually increase the distance, pace and duration of the swim.

Fatigue can often be caused by imperfect technique. If your movements are miscalculated and inaccurate, you waste energy, which does not lead to an improvement in endurance.
Ask your instructor to assess and correct the deficiencies in your technique.

Scientific data shows that in swimming, only 15-25% of your performance depends on your fitness. The remaining 75-80% are set with the help of technique and the effectiveness of the movements. Best swimmers The (most effective) are those with the fewest strokes per distance. Those. swimming properly will cut your fatigue level in half!

Training program for advanced

We have already had one. For those who like swimming, we offer a continuation - the next level! These trainings are designed for people with a little prior experience in this form. physical activity, with adequate training for this level and with a well-developed technique.

Unlike basic training, which fell on 750 meters, this program provides 1400 meters for45-60 minutes. And to achieve visible results it is recommended to train 3 times a week, alternating between two programs.

The starting slow rhythm will allow you to independently control the correctness of the exercises while studying them, to avoid mistakes and not over-drive yourself.
Don't skip warming up or stretching. It will help to avoid cramps in the limbs and other discomfort, and improve your efficiency.

Attention: since swimming is a sport that increases the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory system, visit your doctor before starting your pool session to make sure it won't hurt you.

Advanced program, part 1:

  • 4 x 25 m Backstroke - rest 30 seconds
  • 4 x 25 m Crawl - rest 30 seconds
  • 4 x 25 m Crawl - rest 30 seconds
  • 4 x 25 m Backstroke - rest 30 seconds
  • 2 x 25 m Backstroke - 2 x 25 m Breaststroke (frog) - 2 x 25 m Crawl - 30 seconds rest. Perform in slow, measured movements, trying to reduce their number by a distance of 25 meters.
  • 8 х 25 m Plank in hands, legs work as a crawl - rest 30 seconds
  • 4 x 25 m Back crawl, rowing with both hands at the same time

Advanced program, part 2:

  • 8 x 25 m free style warming up
  • 8 x 25 m Crawl - rest 30 seconds
  • 8 x 25 m Backstroke - rest 30 seconds
  • 8 x 25 m Croll with calabash, clamped by the hips. We work exclusively with our hands - rest 30 seconds
  • 4 x 25m Breaststroke - rest 15 seconds
  • 4 x 25m Breaststroke - rest 15 seconds
  • 2 x 25 m Crawl - rest 15 seconds
  • 2 x 25 m Backstroke - rest 15 seconds
  • Cool down 4-6 x 25 m in a free style, trying to constantly change it. You can use a plank or short fins.

Take a break after each exercise, this will help to restore breathing and prepare for next exercise... In total, for such a workout, you will swim 1400-1450 meters. And this is a great result!

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