Which pool is better: frame or inflatable? What is healthier than a pool or gym? How to choose a frame or inflatable pool.

Good afternoon) I have never been friends with sports before, but I pulled myself together. For 3 months I do aerobics 2 times a week and for 2 months I go to the pool also 2 times a week. The last meal is from 14 to 15 hours (I rarely break it), in the evening fruit tea or nothing at all. There are problems with food on weekends (guests and all that). The weight has hardly changed, but the body has tightened a little. I would like to speed up the process at least a little.
I think to start working out in the gym once a week, instead of once in the pool. Or eliminate the pool and replace it with exercise equipment? What do you advise?

Reply from site

We recommend choosing gym instead of a pool for the following reasons:
1. Only a few people know how to swim normally, even "like a dog", not to mention sports styles.
2. Being in the water does not set you up for a workout. You will swim 10-20 meters and you will relax, especially if the water is warm enough.

And yet, if you choose the pool as your physical activity, make a promise to yourself to swim 100, 200 or 500 meters. Swim 1 more lane for each workout and strictly follow this plan. Good load sailing is far from entertainment and relaxation, but serious work!

The general rule is simple: if you want beautiful figure, then it makes no difference where plow, in the gym or pool.

- the dream of the vast majority of owners of summer cottages and country houses. Agree, few people will refuse the opportunity to relax in cool water at any time? But desire alone is not enough here - you also need to choose the right pool, which will not cause hassle in installation and subsequent maintenance, and will also guarantee maximum functionality. At this stage, there is hardest question: which pool is better? Most often, the choice arises between the inflatable and - and we will evaluate them further. To your attention the main characteristics, pros and cons of pools, advice on choosing, as well as reviews of the owners.

Features of frame pools

Frame pools are prefabricated structures based on a frame made of metal pipes of different diameters. It is these pipes that take on the main load from the fluid pressure. Some structures are additionally equipped with special metal struts. The bowl of the structure itself is made of polyvinyl chloride, which is stacked in several layers. The material itself is a high-strength nylon mesh.

Frame pools can be of three types:

  1. Seasonal - lightweight construction with a bowl in the form of a reinforced PVC bag, literally inserted into the frame.
  2. All-season - a pool, the frame of which is reinforced with steel sheet and metal supports.
  3. Stationary - a pool with a standard frame and a bowl, the structure of which is externally closed with plastic or duralumin sections, mounted once on a specific site using bolts or special locks.

Small pool can be cleaned for the winter

As a rule, the maximum depth of frame pools is 2.4 m. Their volume can be different: the stronger the base, the higher the permissible capacity of the structure.

Features of inflatable pools

Inflatable pools are small structures made of high density polyester and vinyl, stacked in one or two layers. An obligatory part of the structure is a side that runs along the perimeter of the upper edge.

Models are classified according to a number of characteristics - from design to the type of materials used in their manufacture. But one of the most important indicators is the height of the structure:

  • from 20 to 70 cm - children's pools: 20 cm - for 1.5 years old, 50 cm - for 3 years old, 70 cm - for younger students;
  • 1 m - for teenagers;
  • over 1.2 m - for adults.

The volume of the structure can be different: the minimum capacity of the inflatable pool is 1 person, the maximum capacity is 8 people. Some manufacturers offer inflatable models with a larger capacity, but you need to understand that such structures are not particularly comfortable and safe.

Pros and cons of frame pools

What are the advantages of frame pools and what are their fundamental disadvantages?

  1. Possibility of installation in any area without prior alignment.
  2. Mobility - seasonal models can be conveniently moved from place to place on the site and transported.
  3. The presence of a filtration system as standard.
  4. Increased safety thanks to the strong structure of the structure.
  5. Longer service life than inflatable pools.

Frame pool

  • The need for regular cleaning of the pool walls due to the frequent appearance of specific plaque.
  • The impossibility of installing additional equipment.
  • Low frost resistance, due to which difficulties arise with the operation of the pool in winter.

Advice. To protect frame pool from frost, before the onset of winter it needs to be "mothballed": fill clean water and cover with a strong, sealed special awning.

  • Susceptibility to deformation as a result of strong mechanical shock.
  • Higher price compared to inflatable models.

Pros and cons of inflatable pools

What are the advantages of inflatable structures and what are their main disadvantages that can influence your decision when choosing a pool?

  1. Simplicity and efficiency of installation.
  2. Maximum safety for children and great opportunities for play.
  3. High mobility, that is, the ability to change the location of the structure at any time without any special difficulties.
  4. Durability - the inflatable pool cannot be damaged by shock loads.
  5. Relatively low cost.
  6. Wide range of sizes.

The inflatable pool is very easy to install

  • The need to pump up the structure from time to time.
  • Difficulty draining large volumes of water.
  • Lack of filtration systems - many models do not provide for the possibility of liquid filtration.
  • Risk of Fading - Not all bowl materials are capable of withstanding high exposure to direct UV rays.
  • Duration of filling the structure with water.
  • Low resistance to sharp objects and pet claws

Installation differences

Another important nuance that should not be forgotten when choosing a pool is the specifics of the installation.

Inflatable structures are mounted as follows:

  • Level the area under the pool - there should not be the slightest hollows or protrusions on it.
  • Cover the cleared area with PVC material or tarp to protect the pool bottom from damage.
  • Provide a place to drain the water.
  • According to the instructions, inflate either the entire structure of the pool, or its individual cavities.

The frame pool for the winter needs to be "preserved"

Installation diagram of the frame structure:

  • Clear the area of ​​stones and debris and cover it with cellophane.
  • Assemble the frame from metal tubes.
  • Fasten the vertical beams to the base and fit the walls.
  • Level the structure and make the final fasteners.
  • Connect the filter pump and equip the water drainage system.

The standard equipment of the frame pool includes all the necessary fasteners.

Advice. It is undesirable to install either an inflatable or a frame pool under the trees - there they will quickly become dirty, so it is better to choose an open area.

As you can see, frame and inflatable pools have both their advantages and fundamental disadvantages. There is no universal answer as to which one is better - it all depends on your personal needs, preferences and capabilities. So before buying, be sure to evaluate all the pros and cons of the options considered and correlate them with your requirements for the pool - this will help you make the right choice.

Which pool for a summer residence to choose: video

Pool for a summer residence: photo

The summer season is approaching and many are beginning to prepare for it. If earlier, when the word "dacha" came to mind, beds, problems of watering, seeds and fertilizers, today often a neatly mowed lawn, a cozy house and a small pond on the site appear before our eyes.

Today, even in the smallest area, people are trying to find a place for a pond or equip a pool.

What is the difference between a pond and a pool?

First of all, you need to decide - you want to swim in your reservoir or a river or lake nearby is enough for you.

If you want to plunge into your property on a hot day, then you should focus your efforts on the pool. If you want to decorate your site with a pond with a fountain, mini-waterfall, beautiful fish, plants, then this should be a pond.

The fundamental difference between a pool and a pond is also that the pool will need technical equipment with which to ensure the purity of the water - this is a filtration system, embedded parts for water exchange (nozzles and skimmer), as well as a ladder. In addition, swimming pools and related equipment also include water heating systems, chemical dispensers, coatings, lamps, sliding sun shading pavilions, and more.

It is necessary to understand that for a full-fledged stationary pool, you will need a lot of space on the site. In addition to the place for the bowl itself, it will be necessary to equip the "beach" area next to it.

If you want to save space, it is possible to install a prefabricated frame pool or an inflatable pool as alternatives.

The prefabricated pool is a steel structure that is installed during the warm season. The depth of such a pool, as a rule, ranges from 90 to 150 cm. The base can be either a flat area of ​​concrete, or just a flat area of ​​soil (depending on the model you choose).

The inflatable version of the pool is also used only during the summer season. The material from which it is made is polyvinyl chloride. This is a fairly durable material and such a pool will be convenient to use. It is assembled and disassembled in 15-20 minutes, it is very safe for children, since it has soft sides and are shallow, it is convenient to drag it along with the movement of the sun along the site and thus keep the water constantly warm. When buying such a pool, take care of the little things that will extend its service life - various mats under the bottom to protect it from scratches, purchase antibacterial water purification products.

If you have not yet decided for yourself what exactly you want more - a pond or a pool, or both together, then try to get creative and consider the option when a small picturesque pond and a seasonal pool are located on the same site. It is only important to correctly think over the sizes and outlines of all elements of the landscape, and compare them with the area of ​​the site.

The only correct answer to the question "pool or pond?" does not exist. Therefore, we advise you to make a decision by consulting with specialists who will evaluate the parameters of the site and draw up an estimate of costs.

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What is healthier than a pool or gym? What is better pool or gym

How to swim in the pool to lose weight?

Lack of physical activity, which is prone to modern man due to a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, makes the issue of weight loss extremely relevant for several decades in a row. This lifestyle leads to recruitment excess weight, which in turn causes many health problems (cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, etc.). There is only one way out - choose the most suitable loads and exercise to lose weight and improve your health.

However, not everyone is losing weight, the state of health allows you to train in the gym, which is also important to consider when choosing a method of losing weight. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as myopia of high and moderate severity, are strictly contraindicated for exercising in the gym. In addition, getting back in shape in the gym can cost the heart muscle, which is also contraindicated in some people for health reasons. But there is always a way out.

The best alternative to weightlifting and cardiovascular equipment is swimming. Exercises for weight loss in the pool give no less effect than exercises in the gym, and there are much fewer contraindications for exercise in the water - only serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system and heart. In addition, excessive exercise in the gym can easily stretch muscles or injure joints, while in the pool the water softens the effect of the load, at the same time being the main "simulator" for weight loss.

The benefits of a slimming pool

The benefits of swimming in the pool affect not only weight loss and getting rid of excess subcutaneous and internal fat, but also at work of cardio-vascular system and musculoskeletal system. This is achieved due to the fact that when carrying out swimming movements, the load is evenly distributed throughout the body, and there are no muscle groups that would be overstrained when working for others. And this - The best way fast and high-quality weight loss.

How to lose weight in the pool? Weight loss when swimming in a pool follows the golden rule of weight loss: when swimming in water, the load goes to all muscle groups. The body spends energy on their restoration, which means that the body burns a huge amount of calories.

It is the load in the form of swimming that is the most physiological for a person, since it allows the simultaneous development of all muscle groups, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, as well as evenly lose weight and enrich the body with oxygen.

How to swim properly?

Beginners often wonder how to properly swim in the pool to lose weight. As with any sport for weight loss, the most important thing in swimming is the regularity of physical activity. It will be enough to spend one hour in the pool three to four times a week (depending on the program that the coach develops for you) to achieve desired result losing weight.

Others, no less important point when losing weight, is the constant load that a person is exposed to in swimming training. You do not need to stand in one place in the pool. Firstly, there will be no result, and secondly, you can easily get hypothermic and get pneumonia. In the pool, you need to constantly move, swim or exercise, and only then the effect of weight loss will appear.

As for the swimming style to choose for weight loss, ideally, every workout should combine all the swimming styles you've learned so far. For example, crawl for 20 minutes, breaststroke for 20 minutes, and butterfly for another 20 minutes. But taking into account the fact that very few people master the last style at all, then usually at the very beginning of the training a person swims with a crawl, and then, when he gets a little tired, he switches to breaststroke.

How long should you swim?

How long do you need to swim in the pool to lose weight? The best option is three to four workouts per week. These workouts will be more than enough to get you started with your weight loss process.

At the same time, lifestyle correction will be of no less importance - refusal to consume high-calorie foods, fatty, fried and sweet, in combination with fractional meals 5-6 times a day (in small portions). This regimen is necessary for losing weight in any sports loads... In addition, in addition to swimming, you will have to perform an additional set of exercises, which will allow you to consolidate the workout and accelerate the effect of weight loss.

Pool or gym?

When choosing a suitable training place, many ask the same question: a pool or a gym, which is better for losing weight? Much more useful kind sport is swimming, and besides, some people for health reasons are allowed only such physical activity.

During swimming, you do not need to use any metabolic accelerators and fat burners, without which going to the gym will have very low effectiveness in losing weight. The benefits of swimming in the pool can be noted within a few weeks after the start of classes, if all the recommendations of the trainer are followed.

The situation is complicated by the fact that a gym membership is much more affordable than a pool membership. In addition, in some sports complexes, the time for visiting the pool is strictly limited to the morning and afternoon hours, and this schedule, as a rule, is not suitable for anyone.

But if losing weight has a desire to lose weight, tone muscles, harden the body and improve health, there is simply no better option than swimming in the pool.

Slimming classes in the pool

Effective program training in the slimming pool provides for the implementation of a whole range of exercises, moreover, exercises in the pool for fast weight loss for women and exercises in the pool for men are not significantly different.

This is not only due to greater endurance. male body, but also by the physiological characteristics of the obesity process: if in men fat is deposited mainly in the abdomen, then in women there is an accumulation of excess weight in the area of ​​the sides, thighs and buttocks. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose exercises for losing weight in the pool for the predominant load of different muscle groups.

The following program is suitable for men to lose weight as soon as possible:

  1. 15-minute warm-up - you will need to swim at a slow pace breaststroke or crawl as far as possible in the specified time. You should not overexert at this stage of the swim.
  2. After that, you will need a static load for 20-30 minutes - swimming lying on your stomach, without using any improvised means ( important condition- chin and nose during swimming should be raised so that water does not enter the respiratory tract). The exercise is very difficult, and not everyone succeeds right away, since it is required to keep balance on the water. It is extremely effective as it creates tension in the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. Perfect abs guaranteed in six months.
  3. The remaining time should be devoted to swimming underwater - these exercises allow you to develop respiratory system, thanks to which the most efficient circulation of oxygen-enriched blood becomes possible. In turn, this will significantly speed up the metabolism.

For women, the specified swimming pattern is suitable, but with a slight adjustment - swimming on the back is shown as exercises for static load. The rest of the exercises are the same.

Exercises for the abdomen and sides

For the most effective result weight loss, swimming should be supplemented by adding exercises to slimming the abdomen and sides in the pool to the exercise program. While swimming, you can actively do exercises on the legs and back, which will also visually change the waist and hips, and, of course, will help in losing weight.

Slimming pool exercises, often called aqua aerobics or aqua fitness, are a set of exercises for different groups muscles that relieve problem areas from cellulite, tone muscles, improve blood circulation, increase endurance. Water resistance helps make swimming exercises more effective, while making it easier for people with excessive overweight or minor problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Here are a few effective exercise in the slimming pool:

  • Water scissors

We lie on our backs in the water, hands are pressed to the body. We make "scissors" with our feet, spreading and bringing them together. We do 20 times in 2 sets. This exercise while swimming perfectly helps to work out all muscle groups, especially in the area of ​​the buttocks, "breeches" and the press.

Standing in water up to the neck, we straighten our arms straight in front of us. We stretch one by one right foot to the left hand, and vice versa. We do 10 reps for each leg. The exercise uses the muscles of the legs, buttocks, and abs. With its help, you can easily remove cellulite.

  • Water crunches

Lying on the water with our backs, we spread our arms to the sides, palms down. Pull your knees to your chest 20 times. Taking a break. We lie on our back again, and pull the right knee to the left shoulder, and vice versa. 10 reps for each leg. This dual pool exercise will strengthen your abdominal and buttock muscles, which will make your figure slimmer.

  • Exercise for two

One person lies on his back and stays on the water. The second swimmer should take the first with one hand under the neck, and with the other hand, row and swim. Distance - 50 meters, do 5-6 reps. This exercise develops the arms and back, but all other muscle groups are also actively working.

Swimming exercises, interspersed with classic pool activities, are a surefire way to lose weight and improve your health. Swimming makes the body stronger, and exercise allows you to work out problem areas. This reliable sport accepts those with no access to the gym and does not disappoint as a result.



What is healthier than a pool or gym? | Aelita magazine

If we consider the option of a pool - all muscles are involved when swimming, swimming has a good effect on cardio vascular system, flexibility. The pool can also be the best helper in the fight against extra pounds... However, you should also not forget that you need to choose an active swimming style (for example, crawl.

This question is often asked not only by young people, but by those whose life experience already, it would seem, could help find the answer on my own. I will answer briefly. both are good. Each in its own way. Just do not consider them as ways to lose weight. Exercise equipment and swimming are, rather, a way to heal the body, pump up muscles, stretch them and strengthen them. Regular training will help you get a beautiful figure and a fit look only if the training schedule is full to the limit and is designed for quite a long time. If you are not ready to devote an hour and a half to exercises and swimming every day, do not hope for a quick result.

But you shouldn't give up either. The main thing is that there is a goal to which you are ready to go. And there is a mood ... still positive, right? Alas, some, after exercising for a couple of months in the fitness room, and not seeing the results, get upset and give up their just cause, plunging into apathy and seizing their troubles with cakes. You and I are not like that.

Sochi Olympics are coming soon, campaigning is going on in the country healthy way life and sports, and you have free time in the evenings - why not throw off a couple of extra pounds, and at the same time kill an hour or two? But what to do? Where to go? We open the newspaper and see two ads - one about a cool fitness club two stops away from you, and the second promises big discounts on a pool pass. Not an easy choice, right? So let's see which is better - a pool or a fitness club?

Swimming can be classified as a sport in which not specific muscle groups are important, but their overall component. When you swim in tension, absolutely all muscle groups are in tension - from the calf to the trapezius, therefore, the development of your muscles will be quite.

Women in the process of losing weight come to the conclusion that it is impossible without physical activity. But then the dilemma arises, what to choose a fitness or a gym? To facilitate the choice, the article discusses the pros and cons of the gym and fitness.

It is known that without playing sports to achieve ideal figure impossible. Exhausting yourself with diets, you can lose extra pounds, but the body will look flabby. Therefore, the ladies have a question, what to choose a fitness or a gym?

To answer this question, a woman needs to understand exactly the purpose of her sports. If a woman wants to lose weight, then one approach is needed, but if a lady just needs to keep her figure in good shape and pump up her muscles a little, remove flabbiness, then there is a different approach. Therefore, below we will consider two specific examples.

As a child, nothing else gave me so much joy as a visit to the pool. But if then I still did not understand anything about the benefits of swimming, and I didn’t really know how to swim, but went mainly to splash with delight in clear water, then, as I got older, I defined the pool as one of the main points in your healthy lifestyle program.

Swimming pool is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to get a good dose of vivacity and tone your body at any time of the year. A visit to the pool is especially relevant for our latitudes, because from September to May we have no opportunity to swim in a lake or river (unless, of course, you are a "walrus"). And in winter, when it is minus 10 outside the window and everything is in the snow, how nice it is to change warm clothes for a swimsuit for an hour and swim for your own pleasure and for the benefit of.

Probably, many women have repeatedly asked the question: "what to choose - fitness or gym?" Of course, no one will tell you exactly which is better. For some, fitness is preferable, and for others, a gym. And besides, your choice in many cases depends on what you want to achieve in the end.

I would like to say right away that both methods have their pros and cons. But fitness or gym should be chosen depending on the situation. This means that if you need to lose weight very quickly and get in shape, then you need to act decisively.

Here I would like to note that a visit to fitness, most likely, should be excluded if you have not done it before. The thing is that fitness is very diverse and has its own stages. It is worth visiting it regularly, not allowing any passes. And even if you had a break, then the program should start where you left off. That is why gym is best for fast weight loss.

Good day! Tell me please, dear experts in their field: I would like to enroll in a fitness center in my city, many advise to visit the gym + pool, i.e. 1 day rocking chair, 2 day swimming pool, 3 day rocking chair, 4 day swimming pool, etc. synchronously In general, the goal is simply to lose weight, not to build up large muscles, to pull up for the summer, so to speak. The guy is 21 years old, my height is 169, weight is 100 ( broad bone and so on)

Please tell me if this system is effective. Exercise machine + pool, can still add some kind of diet to this. I would like to know very much the opinion of knowledgeable people on this matter, the effect will be. And in what time frame the effect will be more or less.

Spring has come, and even though there is still snow somewhere in some places, you can already feel its breath. Very soon, warm down jackets will replace thin jackets and windbreakers. This means that everything that was hiding under the voluminous winter clothes will become visible. Most of the girls have already thought about how to lose the pounds accumulated over the winter and tighten their figure. There are millions of ways, but the most popular are fitness and swimming. But which is better for losing weight: water aerobics or a gym?

Of course, it is optimal to combine training in the pool and fitness in the gym. This gives the fastest possible result. But if this is not possible, then it is better to stop at water aerobics. It is not for nothing that it is believed that water is a good helper in losing weight. When you practice in the pool, you not only train your muscles, but also restore tone and elasticity to the skin. And the effect of light hydromassage has a positive effect on cellulite. Water aerobics for weight loss has many advantages.

Many people think that going to the pool and swimming in athletic styles is enough to build muscle. Yes, it's nice - the water soothes, and after classes we feel a pleasant weakness in the body, as if we were working with heavy weights... Is this really so and is it really possible to get a pumped-up torso while swimming in water?

The main task that exercises in the water perform is to keep the body in good shape. Swimming strengthens muscles, ligaments, develops coordination of movements, relieves stress, but increases muscle mass just practicing in the water is impossible. Of course, if you do not devote all your time to it day and night.

Hello dear readers! Today's article is devoted to swimming, which has always been considered a healthful and restorative discipline in sports. But why? Why is swimming in the pool useful and who should have trod a path to it for a long time?

A sedentary lifestyle has never led anyone to anything good. It is a fact! Therefore, if mother laziness dominates you and prevents you from performing physical exercises in the gym, then at least sometimes visit the pool, unless, of course, it is in your village.

Going to the pool helps to improve physical capabilities, as well as harden our body. Water procedures have no contraindications at any age. So why not think about introducing them into your sedentary life?


What is better fitness, gym or swimming pool to keep fit? | Harmony Magazine

Even a jogging diet in the park is enough to keep fit, such as swimming in the pool, aerobics, or strength training in the simulator - these are generally magical things. But, only in the hands of a person who understands the essence of what is happening. By personal experience coaching, I recommend that you start with a simulator. Better way to strengthen the musculo-ligamentous apparatus and to give it will not succeed. already trains, it is better if you communicate with them, immediately clearly set the goal and objectives of the training. The success of the enterprise will depend on all this. If you miss even one moment - training sessions can do a lot of harm. And the absence of a clearly formed goal is to make you a target for sucking money out of selling unnecessary fitness services. After 1-1.5 months in the gym, you can already connect the aerobics pool. It diversifies training process and will be an additional factor in improving posture, relaxation muscle groups and enhancing self-esteem in a natural way.

Probably, if you think globally, then everything that you have listed is good, but you just need to figure out what exactly you want and choose the appropriate complex))

for a girl, that is, fitness, swimming, dancing, pilates are best for you. if you go to the gym you will become square and broad-shouldered like Carlosson, and the girl should be feminine

Fitness and aerobics and other dynamic loads are very good for losing weight, fat burns very quickly, but do not forget that the chest will deflate first. The pool is very nice. And it is best to combine a gym and a pool.

first, choose what is closer to you. But if you choose from these three and precisely for maintenance, then the pool is a load on all muscle groups, water reduces the sensation of exertion. If you know the technique of swimming with the crawl and back style, then fit and well-being are guaranteed. At least 20 minutes. You can alternately work with your arms and legs with a plank - either under the palms and only the legs work as a crawl, or it is clamped by the hips and only the arms work with the same swings.

I have been going to the gym for two years now. I didn't become square. You just need to properly distribute the load and more aerobic activity, large weights do not pull - what for muscles? Light relief and drying. Twice a week is enough for me. Plus once a week a spa. Sauna, oxygen pool, complete relaxation. The form is beautiful. I am not bony, and at the same time I do not hang fat. Plus, always in good shape))). In general, you need to choose according to your endurance - for a gym you need health to have a strong and hardy body. Swimming and water aerobics help a lot - this is both pleasant and not exhausting.

I have the effect after the exercise machine in 2-3 months (if you do not cheat and the figure is not very neglected). after the pool - in 4-5 months. My personal feelings. I get more pleasure from the pool, I don't sweat, the load is certainly less than in the gym, but it is enough just to maintain a good figure, but not to form it!


What is healthier than a pool or gym? | Glamor Magazine

As for the question, choose a pool or a gym. Any physical activity will be accepted by your body with gratitude. Where you will achieve a quick effect will depend on the very activity in one place or another.

If this is a gym, then for a quick weight loss, you need to turn on cardio training (running, walking, cycling, aerobics, zumba), also when adding resistance exercises, you can make a very beautiful muscle relief... You need to do it four times a week from 45 minutes to an hour.

If we consider the option of a pool, all muscles are involved in swimming, swimming has a good effect on the cardiovascular system, flexibility. The pool can also be the best helper in the fight against extra pounds. However, you should also not forget that you need to choose an active swimming style (for example, a crawl, or swimming on your back at a good pace), because if you just swim for pleasure, then the process of losing weight may slow down. Also for more quick results you can do water aerobics, or aqua zumba - these types of fitness are aimed exactly at extra reserves, and are always very fun with good music.

What to choose specifically for you, it is also up to you to decide, a quick result. You can achieve both in the pool and in the gym, if you do not forget about a serious approach to the goal!

A gym for an untrained girl will be stressful. In order to make the most of your time in the gym, you need to have basic training. To begin with, I advise you to be like fitness for a month or two. During this time, your muscles will strengthen, increase in volume and become more trained. Also, during this period, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight. And if you also go to the pool, then the result can be even better.

Gym classes require physical fitness and excerpts. After exercising on simulators, you need to get enough sleep and eat right. Without these components, there will be no result. If you want to lose weight, then:

In my opinion, the pool is more useful. In addition to the fact that you train your muscles (after all, during swimming, almost all of them are involved), you also unload the spine. In the gym, the load on the spine is much stronger. However, when training in the gym, you can pay increased attention to some muscle groups, and accordingly adjust the change in your figure. And in order to lose weight, choose what you like best. At the right approach to training and their systematic visit, the result is guaranteed in both cases.


Swimming pool with fitness

Sometimes it's hard to know who to trust. The same trainers may have completely different opinions on the same issue. And there are a lot of all sorts of "imaginary experts" who are ready to give advice, even if they do not know how correct the information is. Today, not an imaginary one, but a real expert who can be trusted will tell about how to combine a pool with fitness.

coordinator of group programs of the federal network fitness clubs X-Fit.

Good trainers such questions from club members are often perplexed, because training in the pool and "dry fitness" are inseparable concepts.

First, let's figure out what they are for water training... First of all, this is active recovery after powerful work in group programs or in the gym. Due to the complete absence of any axial loads, relaxation in the water (leisurely swimming) helps to reduce hypertonicity (strong tension) of all muscle groups and reduces the likelihood of accumulation of residual products muscle activity.

Do not splash in the water, but practice

Analyzing the question of how to combine a pool with fitness, first you need to understand what can be achieved in general on land and on water. So, we separately highlight the training effect for solving specific problems. Keep in mind that water training can be very intense. Like training on land, they are able to adjust the figure, reduce weight and the amount of adipose tissue in the body, and form muscle relief. In addition, in the pool we can work on speed, endurance, strength, flexibility and functional qualities - that is, to develop all the qualities of the body. For this there is not only professional swimming training, but also a huge number of aquatic training with all the variety of water equipment, which is in no way inferior, and sometimes even superior to the capabilities of "dry" equipment.

Cycle simulators for serious cardio load, trampolines that bring elements of entertainment to the workout and can improve coordination, as well as step platforms are now appearing on the market. Recently entered the market for pole pole stripping in the water, which is the know-how of the fitness industry, not to mention the well-established maximum performance Aqua Wall Gym, which practically replaces the gym in the water. As you can see, the choice is sufficient even for training only in the pool, and then the training process is based on the same principles as habitual activities in the gym, that is, training 3-4 times a week (aimed at solving problems) or 1-2 times (for active recovery).

I want both

With how to combine a pool with fitness, things are also easy. If the main training process takes place in the halls of group programs or in the gym, then it is better to turn on the pool on the same day after training on land. And then the task will simply be to recover and rest.

If you want to incorporate a variety of water training into your usual training regimen, then it would be better to set aside 1-2 days a week for this, when you will only train in water. The specificity of training in water (no axial loads) allows you to add training days to the regimen, and not replace them. If time does not allow you to train more than 4-5 times a week, then I recommend sacrificing one day of training on land in favor of the pool. Change of load will make your training process as efficient as possible!

And, as I usually do, I recommend training with personal trainer, who will take upon himself not only the selection of effective exercises, but will also follow the calendar of your workouts, select the types of training according to your requests, make your training as safe and comfortable as possible in your understanding. He will also describe in more detail how to combine a pool with fitness. And, of course, I wish you success in the selection of new programs that also make training very interesting, because fitness is not only a science, but also a culture, a culture of developing your body and taking care of it.


What is better pool or gym |

losing weight, even if you do 30-50 minutes every other day, you can lose weight very well. But only the active spending of time in the water is taken into account, the figure acquires a good shape, especially the legs, arms, there is a noticeable load on the chest and the press, positive emotions, after the pool you will always feel a rise in strength and good mood training the cardiovascular system and lungs, you can learn some good tricks that you can use to surprise your friends on the beach Why choose a gym: a huge selection sports directions: dance Sport, fitness, shaping, power training, martial arts, yoga, stretching and more. other health promotion (but if you choose a gym with intense training, then here you can argue about its benefits) rejuvenation.

But you shouldn't give up either. The main thing is that there is a goal to which you are ready to go. And there is a mood ... still positive, right? Alas, some, after exercising for a couple of months in the fitness room, and not seeing the results, get upset and give up their just cause, plunging into apathy and seizing their troubles with cakes. You and I are not like that, are we? And therefore.

Good afternoon) I have never been friends with sports before, but I pulled myself together. For 3 months I do aerobics 2 times a week and for 2 months I go to the pool also 2 times a week. The last meal is from 14 to 15 hours (I rarely break it), in the evening fruit tea or nothing at all. There are problems with food on weekends (guests and all that). The weight has hardly changed, but the body has tightened a little. I would like to speed up the process at least a little.

I think to start working out in the gym once a week, instead of once in the pool. Or eliminate the pool and replace it with exercise equipment? What do you advise?

1. Only a few people know how to swim normally, even "like a dog", not talking about sports styles.

2. Being in the water does not set you up for a workout. You will swim 10-20 meters and you will relax, especially if the water is warm enough.

And yet, if you chose the pool as a physical one.

Why do you need it? If you lose weight, then you will not go to the pool. From frequent exposure to water, the body begins to produce subcutaneous fat, so you will not achieve the desired result there. A gym is needed here.

On the contrary, if you need to correct the muscles of the back, legs, arms - quickly get a subscription to the bass!

Prince of Rhodes-Petrushin Master (1339) Dear Valery! First, if you have decided to start your address with such a respectful word, take the trouble to find out with whom you want to start a discussion. And then you see what an embarrassment came out. I'm a girl. Secondly, about the points - you wrote this curiously. I have been here quite recently (probably not even a month), but I already understand something. And if I write something stupid, I make a note: for a point. I haven’t tried this method yet, because earning points is more pleasant not on stupid advice, but on sharp jokes, but in the near future I would like to. And thirdly. Trust me as the person who lost 25 kilograms, me.

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Swimming is fitness for weight loss, exercises which transform the figure. Swim - and you will not notice how you will lose those extra pounds! So how do you need to swim to lose weight?

Swimming can improve health and improve appearance.

Swimming increases endurance, develops flexibility, and increases efficiency.

It is the most gentle sport because the risk of injury is minimal.

In water, a person's body weight decreases 10 times, and the innate ability to stay on the water avoids impacts.

Even someone who has never played sports can train in the pool.

Swimming in the pool can solve a lot of health problems and make you look more attractive. Why is it so useful?

Medical professionals around the world recognize that swimming.

Attending fitness classes provides for a certain load, after which regular rest and relaxation should follow. Many women ask the question: a gym and a pool - are these concepts compatible, what schedule should they meet?

The issue with the pool must be coordinated with your instructor. Experts say that the correct combination of exercises with a certain intensity and water treatments will help not only to put the figure in order, but also to get elastic healthy skin, improve well-being. You need to visit the pool after the gym, as the water relaxes and does not allow you to focus on correct technique classes.

If the goal of training is weight gain, then after training with "iron" you need to feed the body with carbohydrate foods with a moderate amount of protein, and not go swimming in the pool. Exercising depletes energy reserves, but not going to the pool.

Please tell me, dear experts in their field:

I would like to enroll in a fitness center in my city, many advise to visit the gym + pool, i.e. 1 day rocking chair, 2 day swimming pool, 3 day rocking chair, 4 day swimming pool, etc. synchronously

In general, the goal is simply to lose weight, not to build up large muscles, to pull up for the summer, so to speak. Guy 21 years old, my height is 169, weight 100 (wide bone and all that)

Can you please tell me if this system is effective? Exercise machine + pool, can still add some kind of diet to this. I would like to know very much the opinion of knowledgeable people on this matter, will there be an effect? And in what time frame the effect will be more or less.

By myself, I am an energetic, cheerful person, a girl who will support me if I suddenly start filoning) so I want to take this matter seriously and do not miss it, I work in a free schedule, but mostly I can attend classes in the evening, sometimes during the day.

Thanks in advance for your help and.

Sport is fashionable! It is strange and pleasant that fashion has touched a healthy lifestyle, but the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" adheres to the principle that when choosing a sport that you want to do, you need to rely not on trends, but on your needs. Many girls are considering fitness or gym workouts.

But what is more effective, better and more efficient? Let's figure it out together.

To answer this question, you first need to decide what effect you want to achieve.

Usually they start to go in for sports when there are already obvious problems with the figure, but for someone 5 extra kilos is a tragedy, and for someone, plus 10 is not a hindrance. Sometimes it is not necessary to remove weight at all, it just needs to be properly "formalized".

Suppose you weighed 45 kg, clothes hung on you like on a hanger, and suddenly buns and chocolate were deposited on the sides and bottom, and the fifth point began to acquire the cherished roundness. Here it is necessary.

Swimming in the pool, at sea or in the open water is not only a way to have a good time, but also a sure way to a good figure. Exercise in water is different from exercise on land, because your body is in a state of weightlessness. Is swimming effective for losing weight or is it better to choose another way to get in shape?

Swimming is a very comfortable physical activity, but is it effective?

1. Swimming burns 1.5 times more calories than running.

2. There is no stress on the joints in the water, so the risk of injury is reduced.

3. Absolutely all muscles of the body are involved: shoulders, arms, abs, back, buttocks, legs.

4. Swimming can be done every day with absolutely no harm to your health. For example, it is not recommended to do strength training more than 3-4 times a week, but you can swim regularly.

5. When swimming, blood circulation is activated, acceleration occurs.

Swimming is fitness for weight loss, exercises which transform the figure. Swim - and you will not notice how you will lose those extra pounds! So how do you need to swim to lose weight?

The well-being of swimming in the pool is amazing.

Swimming can improve your health and appearance.

Swimming increases endurance, develops flexibility, and increases efficiency.

It is the most gentle sport because the risk of injury is minimal.

In water, a person's body weight decreases 10 times, and the innate ability to stay on the water avoids impacts.

Even someone who has never played sports can train in the pool.

And also, swimming is the best way out if strength sports are contraindicated, if there are problems with joints, back, overweight, and also during pregnancy.

Swimming is a general strengthening activity, it uses all the main muscle groups, depending on the swimming style.

Maybe he is interested in game types sports, martial arts or moving in a circle. The pool in this case can only offer a game of water polo. And the gym can provide an opportunity to play volleyball, basketball, handball, mini-football. Probably a table for table tennis installed. The bars can stand, the bar can hang, the balls can fly, and so on.

Don't choose until you understand what you need. I would recommend a gym. He.


What Is Better A Pool Or A Sports Hall?

Why choose a pool: A pool is not just an opportunity to swim from side to side, now aquafitness programs are developing very well, the purpose of which is to lose weight, get rid of cellulite and tighten muscles.

  • losing weight, even if you do 30-50 minutes every other day, you can lose weight very well. But only active spending time in the water is taken into account.
  • the figure takes on good shape, especially the legs, arms, there is a noticeable load on the chest and abs
  • positive emotions, after the pool you will always feel a surge of strength and a good mood
  • training of the cardiovascular system and lungs
  • you can learn some good tricks that you can use to surprise your friends on the beach
Why choose a gym:
  • a huge selection of sports areas: sports dancing, fitness, shaping, strength training, martial arts, yoga, stretching and many others. dr.
  • health promotion (but if you choose a gym with intense workouts, then you can argue about its benefits)
  • rejuvenation of the whole body, acceleration of metabolism, strengthening of immunity
  • raising the tone of the body and, as a result, a more active life
  • stress resistance and sound sleep (especially if you go to the gym in evening time)
  • increased self-esteem and it is possible to get almost any figure (of course, it all depends on the person and his dedication)
I would also like to say about personal opportunities for classes. Now, when the fitness boom in Russia, on the Internet you can find any number sports programs, for every taste, time and for any purpose .... and not everyone can get hold of a pool. So I would do that. I took a gym membership for 2-3 months and would be like different classes to find out the base. When you visit the gym, in good club the coach MUST pay attention if you are doing something wrong and will tell you how to do it correctly. And now, after mastering the basic exercises, ligaments, a technician, you can sign up for the pool and walk into it every other day, and on those days when there is no pool - do it at home, because you have already mastered everything you need. But for classes like yoga, oriental martial arts and stretching it is better to go to the club, since these directions always imply progress in the execution program, and therefore require constant monitoring by the coach.

    I would choose the pool. First, it is very helpful. You can just swim and at the same time train all muscle groups. In the gym, it is better to work out with a trainer in order to properly distribute the load.

    Secondly, the pool is much more pleasant and uplifting. And after it you feel refreshed, unlike in the gym

    The main thing is to move away from the refrigerator. In general, everything must be approached in a comprehensive manner, and this is: examination of the body, diet, sports and lifestyle. And as you can see, both the gym and the pool are a certain time in life. Well, if the approach is simple, swim more often - less injuries.

    You need to earn a slender figure with your own labor, and this can only be achieved by systematic trips either to the pool or to the gym. If you actively do the exercises, you will undoubtedly get a beautiful figure as a result.

    Well if you visit sports complex , where, after exercising in the gym, you will swim in the pool. I prefer the pool, it is much nicer, and the water smoothes stretch marks and cellulite well. However, the pool is suitable only for those who know how to swim. After all, only active movements (and not marking time like a dog) will benefit. I am plus for pool and swimming.

    I like to combine several sports, so all muscles are involved, there is no getting used to one thing. The figure turns out to be proportionally developed. Well, this variety is good. Therefore, I go there, and there, and on the third. But the hall is closer to me, I swim a little better than an ax;)

    Firstly, in order to lose weight, you should reconsider your diet, and for this, go to a dietitian, especially if you have some kind of chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, gastritis and others. As for the usefulness, I can say that the pool and, accordingly, swimming has practically no contraindications and it will definitely be useful for you to visit it. At the same time, it is not necessary to swim with a heavy load and for a long time, you can start from 20-30 minutes per visit to the pool. When it comes to the gym, it's best to talk to your healthcare provider. So my colleague, suffering from bile stone disease, got an attack after exercising on the simulator and then only found out that such exercises are contraindicated for her, and she visits the pool without problems.

    I go to the gym and the pool. Now there are sports complexes where everything is available at once, plus a sauna (the price is almost the same as just a swimming pool). If this is not possible, then a pool is more useful for health, and a gym for a figure, choose.

    The most the best option can become water aerobics. Now such workouts are quite popular. Just think, you do almost the same thing as in the gym, only it is much more beneficial for the body, in particular the heart. It is much more pleasant to work in the pool, it has a very positive effect on the skin. Think, maybe this is for the right option for you.

    A gym for an untrained girl will be stressful. In order to make the most of your time in the gym, you need to have basic training. To begin with, I advise you to be like fitness for a month or two. During this time, your muscles will strengthen, increase in volume and become more trained. Also, during this period, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight. And if you also go to the pool, then the result can be even better.

    Exercising in the gym requires physical fitness and endurance. After exercising on simulators, you need to get enough sleep and eat right. Without these components, there will be no result. If you want to lose weight, then:

    1) Go to fitness.

    2) Change your diet.

    3) Go to the pool.

    4) Move more, ride a bike, roller-skate!

    First of all, it is necessary to put in order the diet, since it has been scientifically proven that proper nutrition 80% success in the fight against excess weight.

    As for the question, choose a pool or a gym. Any physical activity will be appreciated by your body. Where you will achieve a quick effect will depend on the very activity in one place or another.

    If this is a gym, then for quick weight loss, you need to turn on cardio training (running, walking, cycling, aerobics, zumba), and when adding resistance exercises, you can make a very beautiful muscle relief. You need to do it four times a week from 45 minutes to an hour.

    If we consider the option of a pool, all muscles are involved in swimming, swimming has a good effect on the cardiovascular system, flexibility. The pool can also be the best helper in the fight against extra pounds. However, you should also not forget that you need to choose an active swimming style (for example, a crawl, or swimming on your back at a good pace), because if you just swim for pleasure, then the process of losing weight may slow down. Also, for a faster result, you can do water aerobics, or aqua zumba - these types of fitness are aimed exactly at extra reserves, and are always very fun with good music.

    What to choose specifically for you, it is also up to you to decide, a quick result. You can achieve both in the pool and in the gym, if you do not forget about a serious approach to the goal!

    In my opinion, the pool is more useful. In addition to the fact that you train your muscles (after all, during swimming, almost all of them are involved), you also unload the spine. In the gym, the load on the spine is much stronger. However, when training in the gym, you can pay increased attention to some muscle groups, and accordingly adjust the change in your figure. And in order to lose weight, choose what you like best. With the right approach to training and their systematic attendance, the result is guaranteed in both cases.

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