29th World Winter Universiade. Will the vfla be restored?

At the end of 2013, Krasnoyarsk was declared the winner in the competition for the city that will host the Winter Universiade 2019 at a meeting of the International University Sports Federation. FISU holds this competition every 2 years, in which athletes who are graduate students, university students or those who were graduates within 2 years before the Universiade compete. All athletes must be between 17 and 28 years old. Participation in the competition becomes a kind of springboard for young athletes, allowing them to successfully compete in the future. Olympic Games Oh. D 2019, about 1,700 young athletes from all over the world will take part in it, and 171 invited judges will evaluate their work.

On January 29, 2019, the sale of tickets for the show ceremony dedicated to the opening (re) and closing of the Winter Universiade started. Tickets could be purchased until 18:30, while in the first 3 minutes of the start of sales on the event website, about 6,000 people were recorded, and in the first hour - about 10,000. The next batch of tickets will be sold in the second half of February 2019.


For the first time in the history of the Games, the host of the Winter Universiade will be Russia, which has experience in organizing two summer games(Moscow-1973 and Kazan-2013). The date of the competition was announced on March 2-12, 2019.

Krasnoyarsk is the best suited for this kind of event. Firstly, its geographical location provides ideal weather conditions for practicing winter sports, and secondly, it is deservedly considered one of the student enclaves of the country, where the largest university in the eastern part of Russia is located - the Siberian Federal University (SFU), where more than 30,000 people. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin personally supervises the preparations for the event.


Sports competitions and celebrations provided for by the 2019 Universiade plan will be held on the territory of 9 sports facilities in Krasnoyarsk, most of which will be built or reconstructed specifically for organizing these competitions. The sports facilities will have a capacity of about 22,000 people. Also, 3 sports facilities will be used as training grounds and 4 medical institutions to serve the participants. The Universiade Village will be located in the facilities of the SFU campus, which will ensure easy accessibility to most of the sports facilities. The Village will be able to accommodate over 3,700 people.


The schedule of the World Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk provides for competitions in 11 sports, 8 of which are compulsory. During this period, 76 sets of awards will be presented.

Compulsory competitions will be held in such disciplines as:

  • ice hockey (2 tournaments, up to 20 teams in total);
  • snowboard (10 types of races);
  • alpine skiing (9 types of races);
  • curling (2 tournaments, up to 10 teams each);
  • short track (4 distances);
  • figure skating(5 types of competitions);
  • biathlon (9 types of races);
  • cross-country skiing (11 types of races).

Additional disciplines that will be presented at the request of the host country:

  • freestyle (8 types of competitions);
  • hockey with a ball (2 tournaments);
  • orienteering skiing (4 types of races).


The compulsory symbol of the competition is the letter U, as well as the FISU symbol made of stars. The official mascot will be a traditional Siberian dog breed - the Siberian Laika. Residents of Krasnoyarsk voted for the husky as the personification of devotion, friendliness, endurance and disinterestedness.

The main slogan of the 2019 Universiade “Real Winter” emphasizes that the venue for the competition is a place that is the embodiment of the classic idea of ​​a real Russian winter.

In the summer of 2016, 1000 days before the start, a symbolic clock was installed on the banks of the Yenisei River, which counts down the time and shows to the nearest second how much is left before the start of the event.

Interesting facts about the event can be found by viewing official promo video:

Volunteer work

About 5,000 volunteers will be involved in servicing the event in Krasnoyarsk. You can become a volunteer by filling out a form on the official website of the competition, after which the applicant is automatically enrolled in the state.

Applicants are subject to minimum requirements such as stress tolerance, communication skills, teamwork, and following instructions.

On September 1, 2012, an application campaign was launched to obtain the right to host the Winter and Summer World Universiades 2019. On the same day, the Russian Student Sports Union (RCCU) sent a letter of intent to Krasnoyarsk to apply for the Winter Universiade 2019 to the President of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), Mr. Claude-Louis Gallien. From that moment on, the city of Krasnoyarsk officially became the application city. The choice of the city was determined, first of all, by the desire and possibility of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to host student games. The capital of the region is one of the student centers in the country where the Siberian Federal University is located.

The rival of Krasnoyarsk in the fight for the right to host the Winter Universiade 2019 was the Swiss Canton of Valais.

During the year, each candidate prepared an application dossier. On September 14, 2013, Krasnoyarsk submitted its application book to the FISU headquarters and received the status of a candidate city. The only competitor at this stage withdrew his candidacy.

On November 9, 2013, in Brussels, FISU members by closed ballot chose Krasnoyarsk as the capital of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019.

Winter Universiade 2019 symbols

Key ideas

From mandatory elements branding is customary to use the Latin "U" and the obligatory official brand block of FISU stars.

The system of corporate slogans of the Winter Universiade

"Real winter!"

"Welcome to winter!"

"100% Winter"

The slogan “Real Winter” is used as the main verbal constant that reveals the essence of the idea.

The slogan "Welcome to Winter" is optional and is used in the invitation campaign of the Winter Universiade.

The slogan "100% Winter" is optional and is used in conjunction with any of the slogans or on its own as a chevron or patch on clothing.


Talisman Of the Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk is U-like- Siberian husky, a symbol of loyalty, friendliness, joy and indomitable energy, a friend who is always ready to help in difficult times.

Countdown clock

On June 5, 2016 in Krasnoyarsk on the embankment of the Yenisei River, a countdown clock was launched to the start of the Winter Universiade 2019. The clock started counting from 1000 days. The scoreboard gives the exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds before the start of the official opening ceremony of the student games in Krasnoyarsk.

Management structure for the preparation of the Winter Universiade 2019

The Winter Universiade 2019 management system consists of four main levels: Organizing committee, Executive Directorate, Supervisory Board, Coordinating Board.

Organizing committee

The organizing committee for the preparation and holding of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk was created by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 18.02.2014 No. 219-r.

The organizing committee is currently headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation A.V. Dvorkovich

The Organizing Committee includes representatives of public authorities Russian Federation and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Organizing Committee makes important decisions on the organization of preparations for the Universiade: it approves the plan of organizational measures, the list of facilities for the Winter Universiade 2019.

The organizational and technical support for the activities of the Organizing Committee is entrusted to the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.

ANO "Executive Directorate of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk"

The founders of ANO "Executive Directorate of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk" are:

  • For the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation;
  • On behalf of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • On behalf of the municipal entity of the city of Krasnoyarsk - the administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk;
  • All-Russian public organization "Russian Student Sports Union".

The Executive Directorate is entrusted with the functions of interaction with FISU and international sports federations on the preparation and holding of the Winter Universiade 2019. For FISU, the Directorate is the main coordinator of actions for the preparation and holding of the Winter Universiade 2019, such as:

  • Development, coordination and approval of the sports program of the Winter Universiade with FISU and sports federations;
  • Formation of the Master Plan of preparation for the Games, approved by the FISU Executive Committee, and submission of reports on the progress of the implementation to the FISU Executive Committee twice a year;
  • Providing the facilities of the Winter Universiade with the necessary sports, medical, technical and other equipment in accordance with the requirements of FISU and international sports federations;
  • Technical preparation and provision of television broadcasts anywhere in the world and protection of broadcasting rights;
  • Coordination of issues of medical and anti-doping support;
  • Development of an operational budget for the preparation and holding of the Games;
  • Implementation of marketing programs, copyright protection;
  • Search and attraction of sponsors of the Games;
  • Development and implementation of the ticket program;
  • Information support, carrying out promotional and PR-events to popularize the ideas of the Winter Universiade, students and student sports;
  • Participation in the development of the necessary regulatory legal acts of state authorities and local self-government;
  • Organization and equipment of the Universiade Village.

The Supervisory Board is the highest collegial management body of the Executive Directorate and ensures that the Directorate adheres to the goals for which it was created, as well as control over the implementation of financial and economic activities by the Directorate.

The functions of the Supervisory Board include:

  • Changing the Charter of the Directorate;
  • Determination of priority directions of activity of the Directorate;
  • Approval of the financial plan, annual reports on financial and economic activities;
  • Appointment of the General Director, members of the Audit Commission, etc.

The Supervisory Board includes representatives of the founders, as well as the CEO of the Executive Directorate. VL Mutko, Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, was elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

The Coordinating Council for the preparation and holding of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk under the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was established by a decree in February 2015.

The Council was headed by the Governor of the Territory V.A.Tolokonsky. The composition includes representatives of the executive and legislative authorities of the region, sports veterans, heads of regional federations winter species sports, outstanding athletes of the region, leaders of youth programs.

The Council coordinates the interaction of various authorities, departments, organizations and associations involved in the preparation of the Winter Universiade, develops proposals on issues related to the organization of upcoming competitions, etc.

Objects of the Winter Universiade 2019

Universiade village

The Winter Universiade 2019 Village will be located on the campus of the Siberian Federal University, in close proximity to Nikolaevskaya Sopka and most of the ski facilities:

The residential complex "University" will allow placing on the territory of the Village, taking into account the existing housing infrastructure of the university campus, more than 3000 sleeping places for athletes and accredited persons;

The multifunctional center of FGAOU VPO "Siberian Federal University" will consist of an educational and sports block with a food complex, with gymnastic gyms and training game halls, with mobile stands for spectators up to 200 seats in each, with the possibility of transforming one sports hall a dining room with 700 seats. In addition, the facility is supposed to accommodate a sports hall for training and warm-ups for athletes. Estimated completion date - 2018;

The residential complex "Perya" will allow placing more than 1,700 sleeping places in the immediate vicinity of the Universiade Village for volunteers and support staff. The estimated completion date is 2018.

The placement of shops, hairdressing salons, leisure centers is provided.

Sports objects

Regional sports and training complex "Academy of Winter Sports"

Start of construction 2012. The complex assumes:

  1. Multifunctional sports complex"Sopka";
  2. Sports and coaching block "Snezhny";
  3. Halfpipe complex;
  4. Mining complex ski slopes;
  5. Freestyle administrative and coaching block;
  6. Freestyle trails complex;
  7. Multifunctional sports complex "Raduga";
  8. Sports and coaching block "Ski";
  9. Start-up complex with a ski stadium, roller-ski trails with lighting and snowmaking systems;
  10. Sports and coaching block "Gorny".

The estimated completion date for the facilities for the Winter Universiade 2019 is 2017-2018.

Purpose: holding competitions in freestyle, snowboarding, cross-country skiing and orienteering.

All-season park of sports and recreation fanpark "Bobrovy log"

The complex was opened in 2006. 14 trails of varying difficulty have been prepared, with a total length of 10 km and an elevation difference of 350 meters. 8 slopes have been certified in accordance with the standards set by the International Ski Federation (FIS). Throughput in winter period up to 5000 people. By 2019, the construction of an additional sports and coaching block and the device of a video broadcasting system will be required. The block is currently being designed.

Purpose: holding competitions in alpine skiing. It is possible to hold competitions in snowboarding.

Ice Arena "Platinum Arena"

Perspective construction. The planned date of delivery of the object is 2018. Capacity up to 7000 people.

Purpose: holding competitions in hockey among men, holding ceremonies.

Ice arena on the street. Partisan Zheleznyak

Perspective construction. The planned commissioning date is 2017. Capacity up to 3500 people.

Purpose: holding competitions in hockey among women.

Complex "Academy of Biathlon"

The facility was fully opened in 2011. It has a sports complex with a hotel (87 seats), a shooting range with 30 target installations, 12 km of ski slopes. One-time building capacity is 106 people. In 2013, the complex received a category B license from the International Biathlon Union, which gives the right to conduct international competitions level World Universiades... By the time of the competition, reconstruction will be required (equipment of artificial snowmaking systems and track lighting).

Purpose: holding biathlon competitions.

Ice Palace "Arena-North"

Built in 2011. Has ice arena 60 × 30 m (meets the requirements of the International Ice Hockey Federation), game gym and a climbing wall (meets the requirements of the International Federation of Climbing). Capacity up to 3,000 people. Reconstruction is planned.

Purpose: holding competitions in short track and figure skating on skates.

Stadium "Central Stadium"

Started work in 1967. The largest sports complex in Siberia and the Far East. The composition includes: a heated football field, an athletics core, track and field arena, a hotel complex (105 beds). The capacity of the stands is up to 25,000 people. Reconstruction is planned.

Purpose: carrying out cultural events.

Sports Palace named after Ivan Yarygin

Commissioned in 1981. Has repeatedly hosted world championships and international tournaments wrestling, sport dancing and artistic gymnastics... Until 1995 he worked as ice palace... Then it was converted into a palace with a parquet arena. For the Universiade-2019, it is planned to reconstruct and install new ice equipment in order to preserve its versatility. The capacity is 3,500 people.

Purpose: holding curling competitions.

Stadium "Enisey"

Opened in 1971. The capacity of the stands is 7,000 seats. Has a field of 114 × 70 m. Reconstruction is planned.

Purpose: to host ball hockey competitions.

Ice Palace "Falcon"

Major reconstruction completed in 2012. The palace has a full-size ice arena. Capacity up to 200 people.

Ice Palace "Dawn"

Built in 2013. The palace has a full-size ice arena (61x30 m). Capacity up to 300 people.

Purpose: training ground.

Indoor skating rink "Pervomaisky"

Opened in 2011. The skating rink has a full-size ice arena. The capacity of the stands is up to 200 people.

Purpose: training ground.

Health care facilities

KGBUZ "Regional Clinical Hospital"

By the Winter Universiade 2019, a new surgical building will be built in the regional hospital, the capacity of which will be 615 surgical and 108 intensive care beds, 28 operating rooms with 3 shifts and up to 8 surgical procedures in each operating room daily, including 4 for emergency medical care equipped with digital navigation systems, optical visualization, multimedia technologies. The hospital services will include a full range of services, as well as intensive care and trauma care. In addition, a new emergency room will be built. The estimated date of commissioning of the object is 2018.

KGBUZ "Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care named after N. S. Karpovich "

In the interdistrict hospital, it is planned to reconstruct the reception and diagnostic department and build a surgical building. Emergency operating rooms are planned to be equipped with digital navigation systems, optical visualization, and multimedia technologies. Post-reconstruction hospital care - a full range of services, including intensive care and trauma treatment. The estimated date of commissioning of the object is 2018.

Helicopter pads for air ambulance

To provide medical support for the participants of the Winter Universiade 2019, 2 helipads will be built for ambulance air transport at the competition venues (directly on the territory of the Bobrovy Log fan park and the Winter Sports Academy sports training complex). The construction of the sites will make it possible to fulfill the FISU requirement - delivery of the victim to the place of provision of specialized medical care in no more than 10 minutes.

Universiade Village Medical Center

The medical center in the Universiade Village will provide primary health care to participants and guests of the Universiade around the clock with an emergency unit, an infectious unit, a trauma center, radiation and functional diagnostics rooms and a day hospital. The capacity of the center is 400 visits per shift.

Kinds of sports

The Winter Universiade 2019 program includes competitions in 8 compulsory sports and 3 additional ones:

73 sets of awards will be played.

Compulsory sports:

Biathlon: individual race - 20 km (men), 15 km (women), sprint - 10 km (men), 7.5 km (women), pursuit - 12.5 km (men), 10 km (women), mass start - 15 km (men), 12.5 km (women), mixed relay.

Alpine skiing: ski combination (male, female), super giant (male, female), giant slalom (male, female), slalom (male, female), team competition.

Snowboard: halfpipe (male, female), parallel giant slalom (male, female), parallel slalom (male, female), snowboard cross (male, female), slopestyle (male, female) ).

Cross-country skiing: sprint - free style (men, women), individual racing - classic style (men, women), pursuit - free style (men, women), mass start - free style (men. , women), relay races (men, women), mixed team sprint - classic style.

Curling: men's tournament (up to 10 teams), women's tournament (up to 10 teams).

Short track: 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m, 5000 m (relay).

Figure skating: single skating(male, female), pair skating, dance pairs, synchronized figure skating.

Hockey: men's tournament (up to 12 teams), women's tournament (up to 8 teams).

Optional sports (included in the program at the initiative of the host):

Averbukh Ilya - Honored Master of Sports of Russia in figure skating, silver medalist of the Olympic Games (Salt Lake City, 2002). Producer.

Wild Victor - Honored Master of Sports in Snowboard, two-time champion Olympic Games in Sochi.

Zavarzina Alena - Honored Master of Sports in snowboarding, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

Kanaeva Evgeniya - Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, two-time Olympic champion, world and European champion in rhythmic gymnastics.

Kegelev Evgeniy - Honored Master of Sports of Russia, champion of the Paralympic Games in London (2012).

Lomanov Sergey - Honored Master of Sports of Russia, seven-time world champion in bandy.

Maslyakov Alexander is a Russian TV presenter. Leading the Premier League and the First League of KVN

Masterkova Svetlana - Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation, two-time Olympic champion, world champion, two-time world record holder in athletics.

Olga Medvedtseva is an honored master of sports in biathlon, two-time Olympic champion (Salt Lake City, 2002 and Vancouver, 2010) and six-time world champion.

Menkov Alexander - Honored Master of Sports of Russia, world champion, participant of the Olympic Games in London (2012), multiple winner of the "Diamond League".

Olyunin Nikolay - Honored Master of Sports of Russia in snowboarding, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

Petrova Maria - Honored Master of Sports of Russia in figure skating, world champion, 2-time European champion, champion of Russia, 8-time winner of the Grand Prix stages in figure skating.

Ruyga Tatyana - Honored Master of Sports of Russia in sport climbing, famous Krasnoyarsk athlete, multiple world champion in sport climbing

Safina Dinara - Honored Master of Sports of Russia, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Beijing (2008), the first racket of the world in 2009.

Semin Alexander - Honored Master of Sports of Russia in ice hockey, player of the National hockey league, two-time world ice hockey champion (2008, 2012).

Alexey Tikhonov - world champion, 2-time European champion, champion of Russia, 8-time winner of the Grand Prix stages in figure skating.

The Universiade is an international youth-student competition. The 29th World Winter Universiade will be held in Krasnoyarsk from 2 to 12 March 2019.

The sports program includes competitions in 74 disciplines and 11 sports. A total of about 3000 participants from 55 countries, 1000 journalists and 171 judges are expected. 76 sets of awards have been prepared for student games.

How do I become a volunteer?

It is planned to involve 5,000 volunteers in the Universiade. Joining a volunteer movement and gaining new experiences is easy. For this it is enough:

  1. Register on the Volunteer 2019 website https://volunteers.krsk2019.ru/join.
  2. Fill out the form. To do this, you need to go to your personal account.

Each person who has sent a questionnaire automatically becomes a participant in the worldwide Volunteer-2019 program.

Universiade volunteers will work in 44 areas, including accreditation, transport logistics, work with the media, etc. Assistants will be provided with a whole residence for a comfortable and full-fledged rest.


The symbols of the Winter Universiade include:

  • mascot;
  • logo;
  • tagline.

In addition, the countdown clock is considered an unofficial symbol.


The Universiade logo was created on the basis of the letter U, the initial one in the word “Universiade”. The symbol is made in the form of a chiseled ice block-polyhedron in the colors of the Russian flag. Colors unite two principles: the severity of winters in Siberia and the kindness of Siberians.

The emblem also includes the name of the city, the year of the Universiade and its name. An integral part of the logo is 5 stars. Their color matches the colors of the Olympic rings and the 5 continents.


U-Laika became the mascot of the Universiade. The symbol was chosen by popular vote. Voters chose the future mascot from 3 options:

  • like U-Laika;
  • elk Yurok (YOU'r ok!);
  • Ursik the bear.

The image of a husky is associated with energy and friendliness, and is also strongly associated with Siberia. In addition, the name Ulaika (U-Laika) resembles the English word like (like), which is familiar and close to young people around the world.


The slogan of the 2019 Universiade is REAL WINTER. The concept is based on a play on the words win and winter. Thus, the slogan not only invites to winter, but also reminds of the competitive moment.

Also, two additional slogans were developed:

  1. “Welcome to Winter” is a call for the invitation company. The abbreviation "W2W" is used as its variant.
  2. "100% Winter" ("Winter 100%"). The text is used in combination with other slogans or as a patch on uniforms, overalls, etc.

Countdown clock

The unofficial symbol of the Universiade was the watch in Krasnoyarsk. The clock started counting down 1000 days before the start of the games. On the scoreboard at any time you can see the exact amount of time remaining until the opening ceremony.

Objects under construction

To prepare for the games, 100 billion rubles were allocated from the state and individuals. The allocated money will be used to build or reconstruct objects of 4 groups:

  • residential;
  • sports;
  • medical;
  • transport.

Construction and reconstruction covers 28 facilities in Krasnoyarsk. All erected complexes comply with FISU requirements.

Residential sector

The Universiade Village is being built on the SFU campus and includes:

  1. LCD "Perya". The residential complex is planned to accommodate volunteers and staff. The complex includes four 18-storey buildings.
  2. LCD "University". Designed to accommodate athletes and accredited persons.
  3. Multifunctional Center. Includes a dining room and a variety of gyms.

In addition, retail outlets, recreation centers and hairdressing salons will be located in the Village.

Sports sector

Both competitive and training facilities are built for the games. The list includes the following items:

  1. Winter Sports Academy. It includes 10 facilities that have been under construction since 2012: the Sopka and Raduga sports complexes, a snow park, a halfpipe complex, etc.
  2. Park "Bobrovy Log". By 2019, it is only necessary to build a new coaching block and arrange broadcast systems.
  3. Biathlon Academy complex. It is only required to equip the tracks with lighting and snow systems.
  4. 3 Ice arenas... The facilities will be completed by 2018.
  5. Stadiums, palaces of sports (4 complexes). Reconstruction of buildings and replacement of equipment are planned.

Other sectors

Student games require proper maintenance. In this regard, in 2 hospitals in Krasnoyarsk, the re-equipment of departments is being repaired, new buildings are being built. In addition, a Medical Center will be located in the Universiade Village. At the moment it is a facility under construction. Also, 2 sites for ambulance helicopters will be built.

Join the 2019 Universiade in Krasnoyarsk! Keep up to date with world sporting events!

Photo by Vladimir Gerdo / TASS

Before the 2019 Universiade - less than 100 days

On Friday, November 16, at the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, chaired by the head of the department Pavel Kolobkov, a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the non-profit organization"Executive Directorate of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk."

According to the press service of the department, the event was attended by the first deputy governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory - Chairman of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Yuri Lapshin, General Director of ANO "Executive Directorate of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk" Maxim Urazov, Minister of Sports of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Sergey Alekseev, President of the Russian Student Sports Union Sergey Seyranov, Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Natalia Parshikova, Deputy Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Sergey Kosilov, representatives of all-Russian federations for sports included in the Universiade program.

XXIX World Winter Universiade will be held from 2 to 12 March 2019 in Krasnoyarsk. More than 3000 athletes are expected to take part in the competition, who will compete for 76 sets of awards in 11 sports (biathlon, alpine skiing, curling, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, orienteering, figure skating, freestyle, ice hockey, bandy , short track).

“Preparation for the World Student Games is proceeding as planned, it is under the special control of the President of the Russian Federation, - noted Pavel Kolobkov... - We plan that all objects will be commissioned by the end of December 2018. In fact, the World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk is the main sporting event of 2019. Five test competitions have already been held at the facilities of the Universiade, which were highly appreciated International University Sports Federation (FISU). There are six more test events left to conduct. All the lags that we had in the Universiade Village, preparation of the city and infrastructure have been practically eliminated. There is no doubt that the World Student Games will be held at a high organizational level and will be remembered for their benevolent and cheerful atmosphere. "

Maxim Urazov announced that in 2017-2018 test competitions in orienteering (World Championship), alpine skiing (stage of the Russian Cup, Championship and Championship of Russia), ice hockey ( International tournament among students), figure skating (stage of the Russian Cup) and short track speed skating ( All-Russian competitions among students). Competitions in cross-country skiing, freestyle, snowboarding, curling, bandy and biathlon are scheduled for the next three months.

MOSCOW, December 21 - RIA Novosti. Russia's first student winter sports games in Krasnoyarsk, the end of the national football championship, the struggle of Russian figure skaters at the world championship and the return of Daniil Kvyat to Formula 1 - RIA Novosti lists the most important sport events next year.

Race without a favorite, completion of the Russian Football Championship season-2018/2019

The team that won the first round of the Russian championship, and even more so went to the winter break in first place, most often becomes the champion - this rule worked for four last seasons... However, the position of the current leader - St. Petersburg “Zenith” - does not look unshakable at all. Sergei Semak's team clearly suffers from a lack of creative players, and the fate of the spring “blue-white-blue” will largely depend on the success of the winter transfer campaign.

The main pursuer of “Zenith” - “Krasnodar” - is just a couple of points behind and shows the most beautiful football in the Premier League. The southern team is often lost in meetings with direct competitors, and its phenomenal breakthrough is partly due to the fact that the “bulls” have played 5 home games in a row. At the end of the season, they will have to play away more often. Reigning champion“Lokomotiv” seriously lagged behind the leaders and the chances that railroad workers will be able to defend the title now seem illusory.

Moscow's CSKA and Spartak are two clubs that can make the spring part of the season even more interesting. The young army team is rapidly gaining ground, but even Viktor Gancharenko has not yet been able to make it stable. How Oleg Kononov will transform the “red and white” after the winter break, while one can only guess. In any case, we will have an incredibly interesting ending to the season, in which there is no clear favorite.

Krasnoyarsk is ready for the 2019 Universiade

The Winter Universiade will be held in Krasnoyarsk from 2 to 12 March 2019. Previously, Russia has never hosted student Winter Sports Games, but many remember how successfully our country held summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan. Moreover, both in organizational terms and in terms of the performance Russian athletes- they won 155 gold, 75 silver and 62 bronze medals, taking the first place in the overall standings by a huge margin.

In Krasnoyarsk, 76 sets of awards will be played in 11 sports: biathlon, alpine skiing, curling, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, figure skating, ice hockey, short track speed skating, as well as freestyle, orienteering skiing and ball hockey. The last three types are not included in the compulsory program of the Universiade. Freestyle and orienteering, with the consent of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), were included in the competition as additional, and bandy as a demonstration sport.

Of the 34 facilities of the 2019 Universiade, eleven are sports facilities. All of them were either erected in Krasnoyarsk specifically for the student games, or completely restored. The Siberian city has already held a large number of test competitions, and before the start of the Universiade, all facilities that will host the Games in March 2019 will be tested. Tickets for student competitions are in great demand - as of the beginning of December, more than 50 thousand of them have already been sold.

Zagitova and Medvedev should sort things out at the World Cup in Japan

2019 post-olympic world championship in figure skating skating will take place March 20-24 in Saitama, Japan. The current season, to the delight of fans, is not allowed to pass by the reigning Olympic champions in men's and women's single skating Japanese Yuzuru Hanyu and Russian Alina Zagitova, respectively.

It is not easy for Zagitova to start a new Olympic cycle, but she, despite growing up, withstands high level and has already won silver in the Grand Prix Final. In Saitama, the champion is expected, everyone will be curious to see her rivalry with the silver medalist of the Games in Pyeongchang, Evgenia Medvedeva, who is very difficult to enter the season, as well as with the Japanese Rika Kihira, who confidently won the Grand Prix Final and has a stable triple axel.

The Japanese World Championship may mark the return of Russian ice dancing to the world elite after a long break. The country's main hopes are associated with two couples - Victoria Sinitsina / Nikita Katsalapov, who won silver at the Grand Prix Final, and Alexandra Stepanova / Ivan Bukin. V pair skating Russians Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov will fight for the victory, their compatriots Natalia Zabiyako and Alexander Enbert will strive for medals, which will be tough competition from the French Vanessa James and Morgan Sipre, as well as the Chinese Peng Cheng / Jin Yang.

Ice Hockey World Championship

Hockey championship the world will pass in the Slovak cities of Bratislava and Kosice from 10 to 26 May. The Russian national team will play matches group stage in the capital of Slovakia, the rivals of Ilya Vorobyov's team at the first stage will be teams from Sweden, Czech Republic, Norway, Latvia, Switzerland, Italy and Austria. The Russian national team, which in 2018 was left without medals from the World Cup for the first time in five years, will try to return to the podium.

The tournament will start later than in last years therefore, a large number of NHL players are expected to come to Slovakia. Many teams will be able to get reinforcements even from among the participants in the second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Who will play in the finals in Baku and Madrid?

First UEFA European Cup Final 2019 years will pass May 29 at Baku Olympic stadium... It is there that two the best teams The Europa League, in which Russia has two representatives - Zenit and Krasnodar. In the playoffs rivals they have Turkish “Fenerbahce” and German “Bayer”, respectively.

Bayer, by the way, at one time won the UEFA Cup, and even if it was in the 1987/1988 season, but after that there were memorable moments in the team's history - for example, the Champions League final in 2002. In Germany, Bayer is joked about the lack of titles in the Bundesliga with five second places.

“Bayer” himself decided to play a trick on “Krasnodar” by posting a shot from “Game of Thrones” on his Twitter account after the draw for the playoffs. the main character Jon Snow stands against the backdrop of a snowy landscape. The signature is attached - they say, when you have to play in Russia in winter. Fans and Yenisei Krasnoyarsk reminded Bayer that Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk are different cities.

Actually, this does not change the case for Krasnodar. Bayer is a bad joke. He is a combative opponent and it will not be easy either on February 14 or on February 21, when the teams will play the first and second leg of the 1/16 finals. “Zenith”, which left the group from the first place, went to rivals “Fenerbahce”, which in home championship balances on the brink of departure. But at the same time, there is not a single team that does not experience problems on home arena"Fenera" - "Sukru Saracoglu". “Zenith” probably knows this and does not count on an easy walk in the away match.

Jurgen Klopp, perhaps, like no one else knows what the German “Bayern” is capable of in the Champions League. It is with her that Liverpool will play in the 1/8 finals of the most prestigious club tournament in Europe - five Liverpool titles against five Munich titles, although such statistics are unlikely to be of interest to anyone during the matches. well and former team Kloppa, who lost a few years ago in the final of the same “Bavaria”, Dortmund “Borussia”, will meet with London “Tottenham”.

Another German-British pair in the playoffs were Schalke and Manchester City. But “Manchester United” will visit Paris to “PSG”, which may become the first French club in history to knock the British out of the playoffs. “Lyon” is destined to visit “Camp Nou” to “Barcelona”, Portuguese “Porto” will go to Rome, to “Roma”. But all the main plots of the current Champions League, as it happens, revolve around Madrid.

To begin with, already at the stage of the 1/8 finals, Cristiano Ronaldo, who is now in the Italian Juventus, will return to the capital of Spain to remember what it is like to play against Atlético, while his former club Real Madrid will be the favorite to oppose Ajax Amsterdam, who made the playoffs for the first time in 13 years. Ronaldo has a good record against Colchoneros - 22 goals in 31 matches, and it is hardly pleasant to remember that Atlético, which is over-motivated for this Champions League, because the final will take place at their home arena Wanda Metropolitano on June 1st.

Russian biathletes will try not to repeat the 2016 World Cup

For the first time at the 53rd Biathlon World Championships, which will be held from March 7 to 17, 2019 in Ostersund, Sweden, 12 sets of medals will be played. A single mixed relay has been added to the world championship program. The main fight in the men's competition is predicted between five times Olympic champion Frenchman Martin Fourcade (11 wins at the World Cup) and the winner of the 2018 Games in individual race Norwegian Johannes Boe (3 triumphs at the World Cup), who showed good results at the start of the current season.

The main hope of Russians will traditionally be placed on Anton Shipulin. After last season, Shipulin thought about retirement, but in the end decided to continue performing. The main favorites among women are Finnish Kaisa Mäkäräinen and three-time Olympic champion Slovakian Anastasia Kuzmina. Russians are not among the favorites.

At the 2016 World Cup, the Russian national team was left without medals. But in 2017, the national team won men's relay and became the third in mixed relay... And it was that world championship in Hochfilzen that became the reason for the investigation of the Austrian prosecutor's office on economic and corruption crimes. The investigation, which began in December 2018, is ongoing against ten representatives of the Russian national biathlon team, including five athletes. The International Biathlon Union (IBU) has decided not to remove these athletes.

Will athletes perform under the Russian flag in Doha?

All-Russian Federation athletics(ARAF) in November 2015 was removed by the Council of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and has not yet been reinstated. It is already known that at the World Indoor Championships, which will be held in February 2019 in Glasgow, the Russians will come out under neutral flag... All domestic athletes will have to go through the already familiar form of admission to international competitions.

The main tournament of the coming year in athletics will be world championship, which will be held from September 27 to October 6 in Doha (Qatar). The main hope of the Russians will be placed on two-time champion world high jump Maria Lasitskene. In July 2018, the Russian woman interrupted her streak of 45 consecutive victories. Also Special attention will be given to Sergei Shubenkov (110 m hurdles), who was in prizes at the last three world championships, and the silver medalist of the 2017 World Cup in long jump Daria Klishina, who missed the 2018 summer season and was preparing for the 2019 season.

At the last World Championships in London, where the Russians played under a neutral flag, the piggy bank of the national team was also replenished by Sergey Shirobokov (silver, walking 20 km), Valery Pronkin (silver, hammer throw), as well as young Danil Lysenko (silver, high jump) ... The latter was predicted to have great prospects, but in the summer of 2018, the IAAF opened a case against Lysenko for violation of anti-doping rules regarding the availability of an athlete. The 21-year-old Russian has been suspended from August 3 until a final decision is made.

Will ARAF be restored?

In early December 2018, the IAAF Council once again considered that ARAF had not met all the criteria for reinstating membership in the International Association. Despite the full restoration of the activities of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), the IAAF considered necessary condition for the return of ARAF to the organization, access to the data of the Moscow laboratory to identify violators of anti-doping rules, as well as reimbursement of all expenses international federation for work carried out with the Russian side - 2 million 760 thousand dollars.

The next meeting of the IAAF Council, at which ARAF, subject to all conditions road map can still be restored, will be held in early March immediately after the end of the European Championships in the premises in Glasgow, where Russian athletes will again perform in a neutral status and only after receiving individual permits from the IAAF. Theoretically, the decision, which is fateful for Russian athletics, can be made even earlier than March. The head of the IAAF Sebastian Coe said in December that for this, such a proposal should be made working group to restore the ARAF.

Basketball World Cup

The Basketball World Cup will be held in eight Chinese cities from August 31 to September 15. For the first time, the tournament will be held under the name "World Cup", not "World Championship", for the first time it will be held in more than one year with a football world championship. 32 teams will take part in the World Cup, in addition to the host country, these are 12 teams from Europe, 7 from America, 5 from Africa and 7 more from Asia and Oceania.

The Russian national team has two matches left in qualifying tournament World Cup: February 21 away against the Bulgarian team, February 24 - in Perm against the Finnish national team. To enter the World Cup, the Russian national team needs to beat the Finns. In this case, the Russians will play for the second time since 2002 in the world championship (the team missed tournaments in 2006 and 2014).

The 24-year-old athlete has already played in Toro Rosso in 2014 and 2016-2017, and since January 2018 he has been a pilot of the Ferrari development program. In 2015-2016, Kvyat was a combat pilot of the Red Bull. His partner in Toro Rosso in the 2019 season will be Thai-British racer Alexander Albon, who competed in Formula 2 in 2017-18 and during the last season, until the last stage, claimed the championship title.

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