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A hole in a tooth is what is called caries in the professional language of dentists.

Caries begins with softening of the tooth enamel and the penetration of a bacterial infection into the tooth. The waste products of bacteria contain acids that corrode the surface of the enamel and, as a result, microscopic cavities are formed in it.

If pathogens are not removed from such cavities in a timely manner and carefully, then a carious process develops.

In our article, you will find out what causes tooth decay, as well as the methods of its treatment.

Why does tooth decay occur?

Millions of bacteria naturally live in the human mouth, which in the course of their life process carbohydrates into lactic, formic, butyric, propionic and other organic acids. Food debris, colonies of microorganisms and acids produced by them mix and form a porous plaque on the surface of the teeth.

Caries is usually a consequence malnutrition and poor oral hygiene.

Lack of the habit of regularly brushing teeth provides acids with long-term contact with enamel and leads to the appearance of primary carious foci of shallow depth on it.

Inflammation of the pulp is accompanied by severe pain due to the presence of a large number of nerve endings in it. In general, the process of caries development can be lengthy and take up to 2 years.

Caries usually affects molars with a large chewing surface. Due to the specific shape and position in the dentition, it is quite difficult to remove plaque and food fibers from them, therefore acids have a long-term destructive effect on the enamel.

Factors that increase the risk of caries

Diet and diet

In the diet modern man there is an excess fast carbohydrates... By eating large quantities of foods containing starch and sugar, we supply bacteria with material to convert it into acids that destroy tooth enamel.

The risk of developing tooth decay increases if you have a habit of constantly snacking between meals.

Chocolate, bread, dried fruit, chips, soda, and other typical snack foods all contribute to the intense plaque buildup that lays on your teeth for at least a few hours before the next brushing.

Then the first microscopic damage occurs on the enamel surface.

Poor oral hygiene

Irregular and ineffective mechanical cleaning of teeth, internal surfaces not treated with a toothbrush, peri-gingival, interdental spaces and the tongue create a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Dry mouth

Since saliva helps keep the surface of the teeth free of plaque, neutralizes some acids and promotes the remineralization of enamel, any disturbances in salivation increase the risk of caries.

A decrease in the amount of saliva produced may be the result of smoking, taking a number of medicines(antihistamines, beta blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs) or radiation therapy to the head and throat area.

Gum pathologies

One of the common problems with gums is their natural subsidence and exposure of the necks of teeth that do not have an enamel coating. In places where enamel is absent, the teeth are even more susceptible to the aggressive effects of acids and the occurrence of the so-called cervical caries.

Bottled water

Ordinary tap water contains essential minerals and fluoride, which protect teeth from decay. Purchased drinking water does not contain fluoride, depriving us of this protective factor.

Unsatisfactory condition of fillings

Over time, fillings can wear out, sag, crack, and their fixation weakens. Such defects create ideal conditions for the accumulation of microorganisms and often lead to a recurrence of caries.


At the initial stage, signs of caries may be mild, but with the development of the pathological process, the following symptoms are often observed:

  • pain when eating sweet, sour, or salty foods;
  • hypersensitivity to the temperature factor: painful reaction to cold air, very hot or cold food;
  • discoloration of the enamel, the presence of black, brown or gray spots on it;
  • holes and other visible violations of the integrity of the tooth enamel;
  • bad breath;
  • an unpleasant or tart taste in the mouth;
  • biting pain;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • throbbing or aching pain;

Treatment methods

Treatment methodis chosen by the doctor based on the stage and nature of the course of the carious process:

Before and after filling caries

  1. Remineralizing therapy. It is carried out to treat the disease in its initial stage. The affected areas of the enamel are treated with fluoride, calcium and phosphorus preparations to saturate it with minerals lost under the influence of organic acids.
  2. Filling. If the carious process has reached deeper layers of the tooth, lying under the enamel, then the destroyed areas are removed with a drill and replaced with strong ones.
  3. . In case of significant caries damage, the doctor may recommend the installation of a crown instead of a conventional filling. This is done in cases where the filling is not able to sufficiently restore the strength of the tooth. To install the crown, the destroyed part of the tooth is removed, the rest is cleaned and slightly reduced in size. A specially made individual crown covers the entire tooth, restoring its original shape.
  4. . The method is optimal for the treatment of caries in the inner part of the tooth - the pulp, where the vessels and nerve endings are concentrated. After removal of the inflamed pulp, root canals are treated and sealed.
  5. Removal. This method of treatment is used if the carious destruction of the tooth is so great that it cannot be cured and restored based on its own root. Since removal can change the configuration of the dentition and affect chewing function, in the future, the patient is advised to resort to implantation and prosthetics.


There are professional measures of protection against caries offered by dental clinics: a procedure for professional cleaning of teeth, procedures for mineralization and fluoridation to strengthen the enamel, sealing of depressions (fissures) on the chewing surface of teeth, correction of malocclusion.

The simplest and most affordable measures will also help reduce the risk of developing the disease and its complications:

  1. Visit your dentist twice a year to find out possible problems at an early stage.
  2. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for 2-3 minutes, and preferably after each meal.
  3. Remember to also remove plaque from your tongue when brushing your teeth.
  4. Use not only a regular toothbrush, but also other auxiliary means: dental floss, toothpicks, interdental brushes.
  5. Use a fluoride mouthwash after brushing your teeth.
  6. Change your toothbrush at least once every three months.
  7. Drink clean water (or rinse your mouth) after meals and sugary drinks to remove excess sugar from your mouth.
  8. Include solid foods (such as raw vegetables and nuts) in your diet for natural mechanical cleaning of your teeth.
  9. Avoid food with a contrasting temperature, this leads to cracking of the enamel and the penetration of infection.

Science has not yet identified clear and unequivocal causes of caries. Modern medicine associates this often diagnosed pathological process with a number of internal and external factors.

The direct mechanics of pathology is carried out due to a local change in the acid-base environment on the surfaces of the dentition, most often under plaque - microorganisms living in the oral cavity carry out accelerated glycolysis of carbohydrates, which results in the active production of organic acids. Most often, the process itself is triggered by acid-forming streptococci and some of the lactobacilli. Their direct activity is associated with the presence of predisposing factors and the strength of local immunity.

The most important feature that affects the rate and intensity of caries formation is the presence of a favorable environment. Increase the risk of illness:

  1. Insufficient oral hygiene, especially inadequate or lack of cleaning of teeth, gums and tongue.
  2. An unbalanced diet with an abundance of food based on simple carbohydrates and a lack of vegetables.
  3. Hypovitaminosis - both univariate and complex;
  4. The absence of a number of important minerals in the fluids used - in particular, calcium and phosphorus;
  5. A general decrease in immunity, provoking a decrease in local protection in the oral cavity;
  6. Physiological and pathological disorders of the formation of the dentition, both congenital and acquired;
  7. Various diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  8. Low saturation of tooth enamel with fluoride ions due to insufficient concentration in the zones of localization of pathology;
  9. Lack of salivation - natural cleaning of the oral cavity from contamination;
  10. Genetic predisposition. As statistics show, the chances of development, whose parents suffered from serious complications of this disease;
  11. Age criterion. In the period between 2 and 40 years, the activity of destructive processes in caries increases significantly, slowing down only after 41 years;
  12. Professional censor. Work in hazardous industries with industrial waste, alkalis, acids, the confectionery industry increases the chances of developing pathology;
  13. Sexual sign. Representatives of the fair sex suffer from caries more often than men - a significant contribution to this trend is made by pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, which deprive a woman of a number of useful minerals and trace elements. In the absence of the proper level of prevention and replacement of losses, the risk of the formation of a carious process is rapidly increasing.

Pathology is conventionally divided into several main stages.

  1. Carious spot. The initial stage of the development of the disease. Whitish spots form on the enamel in one or more areas of the tooth. The textured surface is still smooth. This stage is most suitable for effective treatment, since the procedure for removing the above stain is not particularly difficult for the practicing dentist.
  2. Destruction of the outer enamel. The carious spot increases in size and acquires a rough structure - demineralization of the enamel begins. Deeper dentinal connections have not yet been affected, however, the nerve endings are already responding to common external stimuli - cold or hot food / water, too sweet or sour foods. It becomes more difficult to remove this pathology.
  3. Destruction of the middle layers. The middle and deep layers of the tooth begin to be affected, and a regular pain syndrome often occurs, regardless of the intake of food and liquids.
  4. Damage to the deep layers, near-pulp dentin, the formation of pulpitis and periodontitis. The final stage of the development of caries, in most cases requiring tooth extraction and complex therapy of the formed complications.

The most common types of dental caries are presented below:

Superficial caries

Disease of the stage of transition of a classic chalky carious spot into a more extensive form. With superficial caries, a person may feel the primary symptoms of the problem - the dentition reacts to too cold or hot food or liquids with pain, and he is also sensitive to sour and sweet environments. Outwardly, the enamel in the affected area becomes rough, it may gradually darken.

The process of treating this type of caries consists in gentle remineralizing therapy (if it is not localized on the contact surfaces or in fissures) or standard preparation of the affected area and its filling.

Deep caries

This type of disease is one of the last stages in the development of pathology. Destructive processes penetrate deep into the tooth, enamel and dentinal joints are massively affected, large holes are formed in it. The patient is accompanied by frequent pain syndromes of smeared localization throughout the entire dentition, their duration and intensity no longer depend on stimuli, but arises regularly and spontaneously.

The final stage of deep caries is pulp damage and periodontitis. In some cases, classical therapy with the removal of the damaged part of the tooth, treatment of the zone with complex medications, remineralization and the installation of a filling does not help to solve the problem - all that remains is the complete extraction of the diseased element of mechanical processing of food.

Cervical caries

The main place of localization of this type of caries is in the root areas of the dentition. The main difficulty in treating this type of disease is the high probability of tooth loss, even in the middle stages of the disease. Most often, the problem is diagnosed in children and people under 30 years old, while the overwhelming majority of cases are due to a circular lesion that covers the entire hilar neck.

Treatment is complicated by the localization of the cervical caries, since the hollows are very inconvenient for the dentist. If spots and superficial lesions are amenable to classical therapy, then at deeper stages, complete tooth extraction becomes rational.

Tooth root caries

The most difficult type of caries from the point of view of diagnosis of treatment, in which tissues and enamel under the gum are often affected - because of this, the disease is not visible externally for a long period, and the pain syndrome is relatively weak and smeared.

As dental statistics show, people with tooth root caries come in the late stages of the disease, when the deep dentinal layers and even the pulp are affected. In the overwhelming majority of cases, in addition to conservative standard treatment, restorative therapy is required, which allows not only to get rid of caries, but also to return the tooth to its previous shape.

Caries on the front teeth

Caries on the front teeth has two main features in comparison with other types of the disease - a very rapid development and aesthetic inconvenience.

On the front teeth, the thinnest layer of enamel and dentin is, therefore, destructive processes develop here many times faster - in some cases, only a few months may pass from the appearance of a carious spot to a deep lesion. Also, the anterior dentition is always in sight - it can be seen when talking with a person, eating food, etc., which in turn manifests the aesthetic problem of such a disease, which requires the use of quick and effective dental measures.

Treatment of caries in front teeth is classical, the main therapy consists in standard preparation, removal of damaged areas, treatment with medications and filling.

Caries between teeth

More rare view caries developing in the interdental space. It is often diagnosed with a delay, after the formation of large dark spots and holes due to localization partially hidden from the external view. An effective confirmation of the diagnosis in the early stages is possible only with the help of an X-ray machine.

Standard measures for the treatment of this type of caries are complemented by special plates that isolate a healthy tooth from the treated one due to the fact that the affected area is usually located on the edges of individual elements and the filling is closely adjacent to the "neighbors".

The basic diagnosis of caries in the later stages of its development is quite simple - using a probe or a mirror, a professional dentist will quickly identify potential carious cavities and possible affected areas. It is more complicated, the situation is with the latent and initial forms of the disease - in particular, we are talking about carious spots, intradental lesions that come to the surface only in the stage of deep caries, as well as special cases of the disease with root or cervical localization, when the problem is often almost invisible visually.

Basic instrumental techniques for detecting caries.

  1. X-ray of the tooth. The classical method, which has been actively used since the 60s of the last century. Clearly and clearly indicates the zones of localization of caries, as well as the degree of damage;
  2. Transluminescence. Transillumination of a tooth with inside using a photopolymerizer to determine the initial and latent forms of caries;
  3. Drying the enamel surface. A simple method for detecting implicit carious spots - in the place of the future lesion, due to demineralization, there will be no shiny surface;
  4. Coloring. It is carried out with the help of fuchsin or methylene blue - the affected areas change color;
  5. Local thermal diagnostics. Local cooling of potentially carious areas is applied. In the case of cavities, the patient feels a pronounced local pain syndrome.

Self-identification of caries

Basicly determine caries if it is located in a hard-to-reach place of the oral cavity on early stages rather difficult - the exception is obvious carious spots of a chalky color and a lack of shine or damage to the front teeth. In the process of the formation of a superficial type of disease, the teeth will react to too cold or hot liquids or dishes, as well as be active in pain for sour and sweet.

Over time, local zones of negative impact begin to turn black, there is a clear regular pain syndrome without reference to the use of liquid or food, after which holes in the enamel and carious cavities can form - this symptomatology is simply impossible not to notice.

Modern dentistry allows you to completely get rid of caries, regardless of the degree of its complexity and localization.

Drug therapy

  1. Local antimicrobial drugs that destroy pathogenic microflora that contribute to tooth decay;
  2. Anesthetics and pain relievers. As a rule, injections or gels are used;
  3. General spectrum antiseptics.

Dental caries treatment methods


It is used in the early stages of the development of the disease, most often for the treatment of carious spots and superficial caries that have exclusively affected the enamel. The method allows you to reverse the process of initial destruction and restore the previous state of the tooth by 100 percent.

Main steps:

  1. Cleaning the dentition from plaque, moisture and pellicle;
  2. Surface treatment with a weak acid solution - usually a 40% lemon substrate. Time - about 2 minutes;
  3. Rinsing the mouth and teeth clean water;
  4. Application to the affected area of ​​a combination of three percent remodeling (a substance based on natural compounds), 2 percent sodium fluoride and ten percent calcium gluconate. If the equipment is available, the classical application can be replaced by electrophoresis with a similar combination composition. The time is about 15–20 minutes, with a change of the working mixture every five minutes.

The course is designed for 10 days, subject to the norms of personal hygiene during and after its use, the prognosis for recovery after the initial stages of caries is very favorable.

Dissection and filling

Modern technique of the classical fight against caries. Suitable for the treatment of all types of disease and is based on the removal of the affected components of the tooth, followed by their replacement with a filling.

The basic steps include:

  1. Determination of the localization of caries and points of contact of the surfaces of the teeth of two jaws;
  2. Local or general anesthesia of the patient;
  3. Cleaning the oral cavity and dentition from plaque and contamination, both mechanically and instrumentally;
  4. Use of an isolating system as needed to protect healthy teeth from dental effects;
  5. The main preparation of carious cavities with a drill - from the removal of interfering edges of enamel and dentin to necrectomy, after which the most convenient cavity is created, allowing you to place a filling;
  6. Treatment of the entire affected area with antiseptics;
  7. In the presence of pulpitis - removal of the nerve;
  8. If necessary - placing on the inner surface of the cavities special gaskets made of glass ionomer materials or therapeutic and healing analogs;
  9. Additional treatment of caries lesions with dental adhesives based on self-etching;
  10. Direct installation of fillings based on ceramics, metal compositions or composite analogs with color matching;
  11. Grinding and polishing the outer surface of the filling.


In case of too serious carious destruction of the tooth and the impossibility of its even partial restoration, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, after which a crown can be placed by the dentist.

Alternative techniques

Developed countries are actively developing methods of treating serious stages of caries without classical preparation and filling. The most promising areas:

  1. Introduction to the affected area of ​​melanocyte-stimulating hormones (active substances of the pituitary gland of vertebrates), which provoke the accelerated growth of all tooth structures and the gradual overgrowth of carious lesions. The average duration of therapy is about 30 days;
  2. Application of fluoride varnish to areas of potential damage with superficial caries. Allows to dispense with classical therapy in the future in half of the patients.

Home treatment

It should be noted right away that caries therapy at home does not give any guarantees of the patient's recovery and getting rid of the problem. The only area where such treatment is theoretically applicable is in the initial stages of the disease. Without visiting the dentist, it is really possible to get rid of a carious spot or try to cure superficial caries if it is not located in hard-to-reach places.

Main steps:

  1. The most thorough hygiene of the oral cavity of the dentition;
  2. Rinsing with fluorinated liquids;
  3. Systemic use of antiseptics and antimicrobial gels of local influence, as well as decoctions of traditional medicine based on chamomile and propolis;
  4. The use of over-the-counter remineralizing varnishes and gels.

If caries affected not only enamel, but also dentin, not to mention deeper layers and pulp, then similar schemes only temporarily mask the problem and the person will have to go to the dentist for qualified therapy. Under any circumstances, coordinate your home treatment with a professional doctor, especially when it comes to the use of traditional medicine, which can significantly worsen the condition of the dentition and provoke the activation of destructive carious processes.

Prevention is the foundation of the health of your dentition - it is an axiom that does not require proof. If a person is predisposed to the formation and development of carious processes, then it is necessary to mandatory take preventive measures and try to prevent the occurrence of a serious problem.

Comprehensive work should go in two main directions - this is the elimination of a potentially dangerous cariogenic situation in the oral cavity and an increase in the resistance to caries of all tooth structures.

Basic methods

  1. The most thorough care of the oral cavity - brushing your teeth with a toothbrush with paste, floss, rinsing;
  2. Reducing the intake of simple carbohydrates, especially sugar;
  3. Dentist check-ups, at least once a year;
  4. The use of xylitol after meals in the form of gum;
  5. Fissure sealing with special polymer solutions;
  6. Fluoridation in direct or indirect form;
  7. Potential use of promising alternative techniques. In the near future - vaccines against bacteria that provoke caries, as well as courses of treatment of the dentition with the light of a helium-neon laser, which activates the protective local properties even in the case of decompensated carious forms.

Caries prophylaxis

  1. Toothpastes. Very effective as a prophylaxis paste containing fluoride;
  2. Antiseptics for rinsing. The pleasantly scented combination fluids are designed to kill potentially harmful bacteria in the mouth. It is advisable to rinse your teeth 10-15 minutes after brushing your teeth with a paste;
  3. Dental floss. Even the most convenient brush and thorough rinsing do not always remove food debris and stubborn plaque from the mouth and teeth. Dental floss will help eliminate both problems;
  4. Sealants. Liquid polymers that seal fissures are natural depressions in the tissues of the dental crown, where food debris often accumulates and colonies of microbes that provoke caries actively multiply;
  5. Chewing gum. Xylitol chewing gum helps prevent tooth decay if used after each meal for no more than 5-10 minutes;
  6. Remineralizing complexes. In the composition of such professional drugs - calcium gluconate, sodium fluoride, remodent. They are applied to problem areas in the form of applications.

Useful video

Causes of caries, prevention and treatment

The latest archaeological research confirms that even our ancestors, who lived more than five thousand years ago, suffered from caries. Information about the destruction of teeth, similar to carious ones, can be found in the works of ancient and ancient Eastern healers, in the Middle Ages, sick teeth were a common problem, and street cheaters became characters of folklore and even got into many literary works of those times.

The word "caries" itself came to us from Latin and literally means "decay", for the sake of justice it is worth noting that initially this name was borne by poliomyelitis, but after that a disease was established under this name, which we all know - an infectious process that destroys, and sometimes even simply "devouring" human teeth... The causes of caries and, as a consequence, the ways to get rid of it occupied the minds of many learned men of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Many assumptions were not expressed - from an excess of "bad juices" entering the body, which was what antiquity operated on (I must say, there is some truth in this, if by bad juices we mean all kinds of food acids), to "tooth worms" in the Middle Ages.

Causes of dental caries

Today, the debate about what caries is and why it happens is long in the past. The cause of caries is known to everyone - it is carious bacteria that feed on carbohydrate residues from food and live in plaque. By the way, we are not born with these bacteria, they are not part of the original composition of our microflora, but once they enter the body, they settle in it forever. As a rule, "infection with caries" occurs in childhood, and we perceive this disease from our own parents - most often through common dishes. However, caries bacteria can, as it were, doze off in our body for a long time, not showing themselves in any way until the first opportunity.

And although caries at the moment is perhaps the most studied dental disease, the question still remains how to stop caries - discoveries in this field are made almost every year.

Risk factors for dental caries

One of the most interesting questions: why some people more often get caries, while others less often, and whether there are those who do not suffer from it at all. Thus, modern theorists and practitioners of dental science distinguish several risk factors for caries. As you might guess, there are among these factors and very "selective", that is, it is known for certain that some people are initially more prone to carious lesions of the teeth. Here are some signs that you should be concerned about tooth decay.

Caries risks

  • Flask-shaped fissures. If there are many places on the surface of your teeth that seem to be created for the accumulation of plaque and the formation of carious cavities, then bacteria will not take long to appear. So, teeth with bulbous fissures (grooves on the chewing surface) are more susceptible to carious lesions.
  • Crowded teeth and bite problems. Among the individual characteristics that make a person more vulnerable to caries, one can single out bite problems, as well as teeth characterized by crowding - a close arrangement relative to each other. On such teeth, which are very difficult, and sometimes impossible to clean with high quality, contact caries often occurs.
  • Geography of residence. People are less likely to develop tooth decay in areas with fluoridated tap water.
  • Professional activity. Citizens who work with alkalis, acids and other harmful substances, on the contrary, are more susceptible to caries.
  • Age. milk teeth in young children are very often victims of carious bacteria, the greatest activity of which, however, occurs between the ages of 11 and 40 years.
  • Gender. Women more often than men suffer from this disease, which is primarily associated with tooth decay during pregnancy.

The risk of caries is influenced by the quality of tooth enamel and pellicle - a thin organic film covering it, the work of the salivary glands and the chemical composition of saliva, diet and even sleep patterns.

Caries symptoms

Caries will not keep itself waiting long in the following cases: if you pay little attention to daily dental hygiene; with reduced immunity, for example, due to a prolonged cold; if you eat a lot of fast carbohydrates.

Carious bacteria and the acid secreted by them are very insidious - in the initial stages, caries is almost asymptomatic. That is why it is so important to regularly attend preventive check-ups, during which dentist has the ability to diagnose caries in the initial stages.

The first signs of caries

  1. Teeth stains. The first signs of caries are stains on the enamel - they can be white, brown or even black. However, even such spots can be difficult to see on your own.
  2. Caries pain. If you feel that a tooth has begun to react to sweet food, to cold and hot foods, then you should contact your dentist.
  3. Hole with caries. If you can feel a hole in a tooth with your tongue, then the caries has already spilled over into a more severe form and requires immediate treatment.
  4. Odor from the mouth with caries. When a person is in no hurry to get to dentistry, experimenting with caries treatment at home, teeth begin to rot and decay. The result is bad breath.

Caries stages - types and intensity

The most popular among modern dentists is the Black classification of caries. According to this system, caries is divided into six classes, depending on the localization of carious cavities and the extent of carious lesions of the teeth.

Tooth enamel caries

Class I caries, or superficial caries, affects, as a rule, the already mentioned fissures - grooves on the chewing teeth. Sometimes such caries is called caries in the spot stage, if you notice it in time and take action, you can even do without drilling with a drill and stop the carious process at the root, preventing it from spreading deeper. If you miss the first signs, then the deterioration will not keep you waiting.

Contact type of caries

The next stage is caries class II - often affects the contacts of the chewing teeth, which is why it is sometimes called contact caries ... At this stage, as at the previous stage, caries does not bother its carrier in any way and can go unnoticed for a long time.

Front teeth

Class III caries, or medium caries, affects the contact surfaces of the anterior teeth. Many experts consider the use of floss the best prevention against it. Also, average caries is a sweet tooth disease.

Dentin caries

When do not conduct caries treatment the anterior teeth of the middle stage flows into next class - IV and already affects dentin.


Caries of the V class, he is radical, or cervical, caries, spreads along the gingival line on both the anterior and chewing teeth. It is manifested by increased sensitivity of the teeth in the area of ​​the necks of the tooth. Usually cervical caries occurs as a result of poor oral hygiene.


Caries of the last Black class - VI - is also called atypical caries. This type of caries destroys the incisal edge and tubercles of the teeth, most of all, shovel-shaped teeth are susceptible to it.

It is also necessary to note three special categories of caries: multiple, recurrent and root caries. Their distinctive features are already clear from the names, but we will consider them in more detail.

Multiple dental caries

Multiple caries, it is generalized, or systemic, immediately affects a large number of teeth - from six to twenty, but this is not enough for him - in each affected tooth, the dentist can find not one, but two or even as many as three carious cavities. As you might guess, such caries develops quickly and can lead to the loss of several teeth or even an entire dentition. The causes of such a carious catastrophe are often immune, infectious and other serious general somatic diseases. Sometimes this happens to adolescents during puberty, when the body goes through a strong hormonal storm, which is why the immune system may also experience stress.

Secondary caries

Recurrent caries, it is also secondary, as the name implies, it occurs in a previously affected, healed and filled tooth. The reasons for its return may be poor-quality treatment, as well as untimely replacement of fillings or other orthopedic structures - after all, fillings and crowns, although they serve for a long time, alas, are not eternal. Over time, they begin to adhere worse to the tooth tissues, saliva, bacteria, plaque, and food debris get into the gaps - these are true friends of caries. You can distinguish secondary caries by the brown outline at the junction of the orthopedic structure and dental tissues.

Root caries

Root caries affects the roots of the teeth that are exposed during gum recession. This type of caries is directly related to periodontal disease, malocclusion and age-related changes.

As the name suggests, root caries affects the exposed root of the tooth. This form is usually seen in the elderly and usually affects the posterior teeth. This is due to the fact that with age, the risk of periodontitis increases, bone atrophy occurs, gums decrease and salivation decreases. First, the visible surface of the tooth root is affected, which becomes dark in color. Then, as it progresses, the carious focus expands and completely captures the root of the tooth. This often leads to a fracture with complete separation of the crown from the root (amputation caries). The disease often recurs if the root surface remains exposed and the teeth are brushed irregularly or incorrectly.

So, as we have already found out, almost no one is insured against caries, and some people from birth or due to the peculiarities of their lifestyle are included in special risk groups. However, regardless of whether you have "aggravating circumstances", the most important thing you need to remember: high-quality hygiene, regular preventive examinations, coupled with professional cleaning and timely treatment of caries in the initial stages - the key to a beautiful and healthy smile for many years ...

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