How to work out in a fitness club. Fitness is an easy way to get in shape

Fitness is a health-improving system aimed at maintaining and improving physical performance, body shaping, weight normalization. In order for fitness classes to bring the desired effect to beginners, you should familiarize yourself with a number of recommendations and tips. This will allow you to avoid common mistakes, to achieve an improvement in physical fitness without any harm to health.

It is not enough just to regularly exercise in the gym, you also need to pay increased attention to proper nutrition, that is, to follow a fitness diet. Most begin to practice fitness in order to lose weight and shape their figure. You can get this result only if you completely change both the daily routine and the menu, excluding them from it, replacing them with healthy food.

You can do it in the gym or at home. The main thing is that training, regardless of the venue, will help solve not only the problem of excess weight, but also prevent the risk of developing or cure many systemic disorders and diseases.

Through fitness you can achieve:

  • significant improvement in the condition of blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • getting rid of joint pain;
  • cure spondylosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, scoliosis and other pathologies of the spine;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • stimulation of the body's healing processes.

Fitness can help you cope with depression and certain other mental disorders without resorting to medication. This effect on the body is due to the production of serotonin, which occurs during exercise. This special connection causes joy and satisfaction with life in the human brain. It is found in most antidepressants.

Fitness and health have the same meaning. Systematically performed exercises are aimed not only at maintaining muscle tone, but also preventing apoptosis - premature genetically determined cell death. This phenomenon is one of the main causes of aging. In other words, a person practicing fitness gets the opportunity to prolong youth.

Types of fitness

This type of physical activity has several varieties, each of which is intended for certain categories of people, solves specific sports or health-improving goals. There are strength and gentle systems, male and female types of fitness.

Along with the above, there are the following varieties:

A popular fitness area that includes dance, kick, slide and water aerobics. Exercises performed to music correct the figure, develop a sense of harmony and rhythm, and have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

A set of exercises based on calm, smooth, slow movements. It does not involve high loads. Its main advantages are the absence of any contraindications to exercise, low injury risk. Pilates helps to strengthen muscles without pumping, increases flexibility, makes joints more mobile.

This system is based on the principle of correct breathing when performing all exercises of the complex. Bodyflex is ideal for people who want to get rid of extra pounds, it helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

It consists in performing a variety of exercises with a special ball. Ideal for those wishing to correct posture, improve coordination, tighten the buttocks, strengthen the back muscles.

A relatively new form of fitness, whose style was borrowed from boxing and Asian martial arts. Classes are held under energetic and invigorating music, requiring a huge amount of energy, strength, endurance from a person. An hour's tibo training is comparable to a ten-kilometer race.

What is the right way to get started with fitness activities?

Fitness should not be viewed as incredibly hard and exhausting work that needs to be done in order to achieve the cherished goal of a perfect body. You don't need to perceive training as a tool for achieving high results in sports. An exceptionally positive mood, getting positive emotions from the process, should be paramount. This is possible only if the training program fully meets the set goals and corresponds to the physical capabilities of the person.

Many modern health clubs offer a fitness test. It takes place under the strict guidance of a specialist - a sports doctor, who is required to provide all information about the injuries suffered, diseases, including chronic ones, and the general state of health.

A sports doctor, based on the information received, selects a suitable training program for the client, gives advice on which activities are completely contraindicated, and which, on the contrary, contribute to a speedy recovery.

The specialist measures the indicators of pulse and pressure, such physical parameters as weight, height, chest circumference, hips, waist. Some clubs offer a stress test, that is, taking a cardiogram during rest and under conditions of increased stress.

Choosing the right fitness program for beginners is choosing a system that is not capable of harming your health. You need to start doing that kind of fitness that will fully correspond to all physical capabilities. When classes are held with a personal trainer, they are not only more productive, but almost completely eliminate mistakes and excessive overtraining.

The club in which the classes will be held is also important. Before buying a subscription, first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the reviews about the institution, paying special attention to how good the professionals work in the fitness and health club.

They are quite simple and consist of seven points:

  1. You can't treat fitness as a hobby. This is a complete workout. You should not give slack, skip classes because of a bad mood or because of laziness. If you indulge your own weaknesses and attend workouts irregularly, it will slow down your progress.
  2. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes. After all, they learn from them.
  3. A schedule should be planned. Training should take place at least three to four hours a week.
  4. Excessive zeal during classes will only lead to overtraining muscles and will not allow the body to recover on days of rest, will reduce the effectiveness and productivity of subsequent trainings.
  5. Failure to comply with special diets will minimize all efforts and efforts. Not only nutrition requires attention, but also the observance of the correct drinking regime, which replenishes the spent fluid.
  6. Necessarily need to encourage yourself for each stage passed in the training process.
  7. It is necessary to be in constant contact with your coach, keep a diary, writing down the advice and recommendations of the instructor.

A set of exercises for beginners

Experts recommend three exercises to be the basis of classes at the initial stage:

  1. Aerobic... Aimed at training blood vessels and the heart - walking and running in place.
  2. Power... Designed for the development of a specific muscle group, including lifting a small weight.
  3. Flexibility. It should be static, slow, flowing exercises. If you overdo it, you can damage your ligaments.

Your workout should start with a good warm-up. This allows you to warm up the body, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of injury.

Fitness classes at home

You can train not only in the club, but also at home. The main thing is to correctly and competently approach planning. Experts advise purchasing sports equipment such as a treadmill, dumbbells, fitball, and a mat for home workouts. At home, you can do exercises that involve your own weight, such as lunges and squats. The only drawback of such classes is the lack of a coach.

Who is contraindicated in fitness classes?

Moderate exercise tends to work for everyone. However, when starting training, it is best to consult with a specialist. There are a number of medical indications in which you can do fitness in a sparing mode, or completely abandon training:

  • infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • the presence of endoprostheses;
  • epilepsy;
  • psychological pathologies;
  • diabetes.

Pregnant women should only use specially formulated types of fitness.

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The mistakes of novice bodybuilders

Exercising without warming up greatly increases the risk of injury and decreases the effectiveness of the exercise. It also helps you form bad habits.

Warm-up is an essential part of your workout. You can easily get your muscles up and running by following a simple procedure:

  1. Use a massage roller... These rollers help warm up the muscles of the whole body. Here Lifehacker told in detail what these tools are and how to use them.
  2. Do cardio for five minutes: Take a brisk climb uphill, exercise on an elliptical trainer or stationary bike. If you are overweight, don't jog - take care of your knees.
  3. Be sure to do joint warm-up and dynamic stretching.... you will find a video of a good warm-up.

After that, you will be warmed up enough to begin your activity.

How to create a training program

When you come to the gym, you should already have a clear plan of action: what exercises you will do, what muscle groups to work out.

There are a huge number of training programs, but beginners without a coach should not try difficult options. For a start, it is better to limit yourself to the sequential study of all muscles.

Let's conditionally divide the body into several muscle groups: biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back, buttocks, hips and abs. If you are going to train twice a week, divide the muscle groups equally. For example, work your biceps, back, hips and abs in the first workout, and work your triceps, chest, shoulders and buttocks in the second.

Here are some exercises with machines and free weights for different muscle groups.

Exercises for legs and buttocks

With this simulator, you can shift the focus to different muscle groups by simply changing the position of your legs on the platform:

  1. Legs at the top of the platform - focus on the gluteal muscles and hamstrings.
  2. Legs at the bottom of the platform - focus on the quads.
  3. Narrow stance - focus on the outer thigh.
  4. Wide leg stance - accentuates the inner thigh.

Abduction of the legs in the simulator

This exercise works great for the buttocks. Take your leg back until the lower leg is parallel to the floor, but do not fully extend the knees. To work your muscles better, lower your leg to the starting position slowly.


This is a basic exercise with a huge number of variations: wide or single-legged, barbell or dumbbells, elevated or jump. The life hacker goes into detail about the technique of doing squats, and there are several options for squats and other exercises for the hips.

Another exercise with a lot of variation. Lunges can be done with your own weight, with a barbell or with dumbbells, moving around the hall or on the spot.

During the lunge, make sure that the knee in front of the standing leg is exactly above the heel. By tilting the body forward a little, you will shift the focus to the buttocks.

This basic exercise works not only for the muscles of the hips and buttocks, but also the extensor muscles of the back and trapezius. Start with the classic deadlift, but don't carry a lot of weight.

Here is a video of the exercise technique:

To diversify your workouts, explore others and the buttocks.

Back exercises

This exercise strengthens the back extensor muscles. It warms up and prepares you for an important basic exercise - the deadlift.

If you want to pump specifically the muscles of the back, and not the legs, start performing the exercise from a position where the body is in a straight line with the simulator. Then lift your back by bringing your shoulder blades together and bringing your arms back. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds.

The key point in this exercise: you need to pull the block not with your hands, but with your back. While pulling, fix your back and bring your shoulder blades. The video shows the technique and features of the exercise:

This exercise also helps build your back muscles effectively. The video below explains the execution technique and the main mistakes:

Exercises for the chest

Bench press

This basic exercise uses your pecs, triceps, and deltoids. The emphasis can be shifted by changing the grip: the bench press with a narrow grip loads the triceps more, and the wide one - the chest. Also, the emphasis on the chest shifts if you take the bar with a reverse grip, that is, with your palms facing you.

The video explains the technique of performing the exercise:

This machine allows you to do exercises that only work on the pectoral muscles. Do not bend your arms completely at the extreme points, do the exercise smoothly.

Dips on the uneven bars with a forward bend

If you cannot yet do push-ups on the uneven bars without help, use an expander or a special machine for support. Tilt your torso forward to focus on your chest.

The technique for performing the exercise can be seen in the video:

In this you can find breast exercises in pictures.

Triceps Exercises

Try not to spread your elbows to the sides. If shoulder mobility allows, lower yourself until the elbow angle is 90 degrees.

Extension of arms on the block

This exercise can be performed with a normal or rope handle. The back is straight, the elbows are close to the body and do not move.

Exercises for biceps

Standing barbell curl

This is a basic exercise that helps you work your biceps well. Here is a video of the exercise technique:

Unlike the previous exercise, when lifting the dumbbells, you must rotate the hands, as this puts additional stress on the biceps. At the bottom, the hands should look at each other, and during the rise, turn to the body.

Shoulder exercises

Bench press from the chest while standing

Before this exercise, it is worth doing a dynamic shoulder stretch: pick up a stick or expander and move your straight arms behind your back several times, and then forward again. Do not bend your elbows while stretching. The closer you place your arms, the more effective the stretch will be.

During the press, take the barbell behind your head. If she stays in front, it will put a lot of stress on the lower back.

When performing the exercise, the elbows should be slightly bent. Do not raise your arms above your shoulders - this can cause impingement (an inflammation of the rotator cuff).

Sitting dumbbell breeding

The body is tilted forward, the back is straight. Hand movements are similar to the previous exercise.

In this you will find an analysis of the technique for performing other exercises on the shoulders.

Exercises for the press

Crunches with legs on a hill

Exercise on the press with legs on a dais

By placing your feet on a raised platform, you eliminate unnecessary stress on the iliopsoas muscles and harm to the lower back. If you want to make the exercise more difficult, pick up a medicine ball.

The bar works out all the muscles of the core perfectly. To complicate it, you can place your feet on an unstable support: in the loops or on, as shown in the photo.

Hanging leg raises

In a simpler version, you only need to pull your knees to your chest.

If this is easy, try raising your straight legs to the bar.

How to choose the right weight and number of repetitions

Take such a weight that you can do the exercise 5-8 times. The last repetitions should be done with effort. If you can easily do all eight times, then the selected weight is too small for you.

Do three sets of 5-10 reps. Rest between sets should be 1-2 minutes, between exercises - 2-3 minutes.

If you are doing exercises without weight, you need to do more reps to properly load the muscles. For these exercises, do three sets of 20 reps.

After training

After training, be sure to stretch: you need to relax the muscles that worked. In you can find exercises for stretching different muscle groups, and exercises with resistance bands.

From the very first workouts, you need to pay attention to your nutrition. From you will learn what to eat before and after training to speed up your progress and not harm the body.

Do not hesitate, listen to your body and have fun.

With this article, we want to give you a little acceleration. Fitness can and should be practiced at any age. Because not only is it pleasant, it is terribly useful. The main thing is to enter the training regime competently and accurately, so as not to discourage yourself from exercising and not ruin your health. We asked a personal trainer, an instructor of the gym of the club "PALESTRA sport" Zoya Kostyleva talk about what newbies can expect from their first fitness trip.

When you first come to a fitness club, you should not rush to all the simulators at once. Moreover, it is generally not worth starting training without consulting a specialist. If you have not had any special health troubles all your life and have only a history of colds, it will be enough for you to talk to a fitness instructor before starting workouts. He will conduct a series of tests to help determine how your cardiovascular system is responding to stress and show you safe exercise.


The first workouts should be short, infrequent, but regular. The best option is 2-3 times a week. If you exercise more often, the body will not have time to recover, and if you go to the gym anyhow, you can forget about the result. The duration of the workout is about an hour. This is an approximate time limit. It's okay if you work out for 50 or 70 minutes sometimes. But if you do less, you may not have time to complete the necessary exercises and load the body properly, and too long exercise will only make the body worse. At first, such a duration of training will suit everyone: both those who have come to lose weight and those who simply decided to get their bodies in shape.

If health is actively naughty and the body regularly reminds of itself with various pains, before visiting it is necessary to undergo a full examination at the clinic and go to the fitness center with a medical card. Well, if you belong to the average human model who, on average, feels tolerant, then fitness testing is provided for you.

Fitness testing includes both the heart rate before and after exercise, a doctor's examination for features of posture, such as addition and flat feet. In some clubs, bioimpedance analysis is carried out: a special apparatus measures the resistance of body tissues and reports the percentage of fat, fluid and muscle tissue in the body.

Perhaps you will undergo a plantoscopy, that is, examine the condition of the arches of the feet for flat feet. After all, if, for example, with flat feet, you start to run intensively, this will lead to disruption of the spine.

All the data obtained is analyzed by a doctor or fitness instructor and draws up a training plan and develops a proper diet.

Lose weight or get fat?

It is impossible to get rid of body fat and gain muscle mass at the same time. There is a misconception that first you need to "swing" and then "dry" - that is, burn fat. This program is suitable for professionals. In fact, a middle-aged woman comes into the gym more often than not with excess weight, and the layer of fat that hides the natural beauty must first get rid of. The surest way to burn fat is with resistance training (strength training) combined with cardiovascular exercise.

Cardio workouts include running, walking, exercise bikes, step trainers. In general, all possible fast and energetic movements performed without interruption for at least a few minutes.

The fact is that at a certain heart rate. In strength training, the heart beats at a frantic rate, the rhythm is inconsistent. In addition, if you are not used to power, you can get an "overdose" - the heart rate also has a limit, which is calculated by the formula of 220 strokes minus age. All that is higher is already tachycardia. The average optimal heart rate for training is 120 beats per minute. Very often, for beginners, such a pulse is set not even when running, but when walking quickly. Don't worry and don't try to outrun your neighbor. If your heart rate while walking briskly is about 100-120 beats per minute, just walk. You will be better off walking for 20 minutes than running for 2 minutes.

Download iron!

During fat burning, you should not give up weight training equipment. Resistance training is for strengthening the muscles so they don't disappear with or instead of fat. Usually, light weight and high repetitions are used to strengthen the muscles. The weight is selected in such a way that the person begins to feel fatigue by the 15th repetition of the exercise. At first, it is recommended to do three sets of 15 reps per muscle group. Rest time between sets is one and a half to two minutes.

4 misconceptions about healthy food

If you want to lose weight, do not eat carbohydrates, only proteins.

With such a diet, it will not be long to play in the box. We need protein to build muscle, but without carbohydrates, it will not be absorbed. Plus, we won't have the energy to train. Complex carbohydrates are important in the morning - they provide energy and are absorbed by the body for a long time, providing a feeling of fullness for a long time. So for breakfast, do not be lazy to cook yourself oatmeal or multi-grain porridge.

The more protein, the more muscle.

Indeed, proteins help in building muscle tissue, but eating three packs of cottage cheese in one sitting, you will lose more than you gain. A certain amount of protein is absorbed in the body at a time (in the region of 30 g). If you overdo it, then the remaining protein that has not been absorbed can poison the body. To help the body build muscle mass, it is better to eat small meals or drink protein - a purified protein that is absorbed faster and easier.

You need to drink as much as possible.

Yes, liquid is important to us. But not all of them. First of all, losing weight ladies need to give up sugary drinks, and not only soda, but also juices. After all, juice is food, not drink, a liter of packaged orange juice contains about 500 kcal, which is almost a quarter of the daily value.

All sports supplements are dangerous.

Steroids and other "chemistry" qualitatively discredited all sports nutrition. Still, there are safe and even useful drugs. For example, protein is a powder that is mixed with water or low-fat milk to increase muscle mass. Or the fat burner L ‑ carnitine. He, perhaps, is considered, although very weak, but the only harmless fat burner. This substance accelerates the transport of fats into a working cell. The key word here is working. If you sit on the couch and drink L-carnitine, you will not turn into a Thumbelina. But if you use it immediately before training, fat burning will be somewhat more effective.

When the period of active fat burning is over, it's time to switch to strength training equipment.

If you can run and pedal yourself, then the scheme of strength training should be developed with a trainer. The required minimum is at least one personal training session. Typically, the training program includes exercises evenly for all muscle groups: back, chest, arms, legs and abdominal muscles. To build muscle mass, the weight lifted (shifted or pushed off by the legs) should be much more, and the repetitions should be less, and all muscles are not worked out in one day, but in turn during the week. We warn you right away: after the first strength training, the muscles will hurt mercilessly.

The first results will appear after about a month of regular training - you will realize that you have become stronger, your well-being has noticeably improved. If you have been working hard for several months, and there is no result, then you are doing something wrong, and you need to consult a specialist. But usually after six months or a year of regular training and a healthy lifestyle, a person changes noticeably.

Heart math

There is an approximate table of the ratio of heart rate and training duration, adhering to which classes become most effective. The formula is taken as the initial figure: 220 beats per minute minus age. Let's say you are 40 years old. We subtract 40 from 220, and we get 180 beats per minute - the maximum heart rate limit that can be reached in training. If the pulse goes over this mark, there is a health hazard.

At (from 1 to 2 hours) the optimal rhythm is 50-60% of the maximum heart rate. Thus, the heart rate for a long workout should vary between 90-110 beats per minute.

The most optimal time for exercise is from 40 minutes to 1 hour with a heart rate of 60-70% of the maximum. For 40 years - 110-125 strokes. If you keep the pulse at this level, training will be effective, and there will be no harm to health.

More intense workouts with a heart rate of 70-80% should last 20-40 minutes. And in a forty-year-old person, the pulse should not exceed 125-145 beats per minute.

With a heart rate close to the maximum - 80-90%, it is recommended to exercise no more than 10-20 minutes. In case a person is 40, you need to make sure that the pulse does not exceed 165 beats per minute.

Now almost all cardiovascular machines are equipped with built-in heart rate monitors. I got on the treadmill, pressed the start button and ran, looking at the parameters on the monitor. True, such heart rate monitors are not the most accurate. For reliability, you can use personal heart rate monitors - usually they are an elastic strap that surrounds the chest, complete with a wristwatch, to which a signal with heart rate is transmitted.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

13 Mar 2017 Nov.


General strengthening physical exercises have a lot of advantages: they have a beneficial effect on the general state of human health, accelerating metabolic processes, as a result of which healthy foods are absorbed faster, and excess calories are burned. You can do fitness at home or in sports clubs - everyone chooses the best option for themselves.

What is fitness

A specially developed technique helps to lose weight, strengthen and heal the body. At the same time, regular training will be most effective in the process of fat burning, if you choose the right set of exercises and combine it with proper nutrition. The diet and the level of sports activities are selected for each person individually, based on his physical fitness, health status, body structure, existing contraindications. There are several types (directions):

  1. Strength training... Workouts take place at a fast pace with a load on the main or on all muscle groups. Often during the session, weights such as bars or dumbbells are used. Such training is among the most difficult and exhausting.
  2. Aerobic... Cardio is designed to develop stamina and help you lose weight quickly. In addition, this type of fitness has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Aerobic workouts are intense and lasting.
  3. Dance... Classes include elements of choreography and are dynamic. Trainees gradually learn different movements and dance patterns.
  4. In the water (aqua aerobics)... Virtually no restrictions / contraindications, has a good effect on joints, heart, blood vessels, ideal for those who want to lose weight.
  5. Soft... Ideal for beginners, while training is aimed at developing the respiratory system, stretching, and correcting posture.

What gives

This sport is a program with which you can strengthen the muscle corset, lose weight and consolidate the result. The benefits of training are to correct the effects of physical inactivity, accelerate metabolism, prevent various diseases of the bones, cardiovascular system. Classes not only form a beautiful figure, but also improve well-being. However, it is important to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet to maintain your results.

How to train properly

The optimal training program will be made by an experienced trainer who will take into account the physical capabilities and wishes of the client. If you decide to do it yourself at home, you should adhere to some rules and take into account the tips:

  • start each workout with a warm-up, while doing it slowly at first, then faster (it takes about 10 minutes to warm up the basic muscles);
  • to lose weight, include cardio complexes in your classes (exercises on a treadmill, brisk walking, rope buckles, etc.);
  • conduct classes systematically, optimally - 4 times a week;
  • for home exercises, it is advisable to purchase dumbbells (2-3 kg shells are enough for girls, men need heavier dumbbells);
  • end the workout with stretching, while it must necessarily include those muscle groups on which the load fell.


The main exercise for girls or men looking to lose weight is aerobic exercise. So they are called, because when they are performed, a large amount of air enters the body due to rapid breathing. More preferable for girls who want to lose weight, jogging on the track, orbit track, exercise bike. When exercising on such simulators, the muscles are not pumped up, but warmed up and strengthened, in addition, an accelerated metabolism occurs in the tissues.

To lose weight more effectively, women and men should exercise at a high pace - pedaling quickly or running. At the same time, the load must be gradually increased: in the first six months it is better to work with the body in moderation in order to strengthen the muscles, and then start to increase the speed or duration of the run. Aerobic workouts are good because after them a person continues to lose weight for another day. It is recommended to practice every other day and continue training for at least one and a half hours.


Exercising at home can save you money and time on your trip to the gym. In addition, you can train in this case at any time, when it is convenient for you. Fitness at home will be effective if you adhere to some rules:

  • you need to do at least three or four times a week, while training for weight loss should last 40-90 minutes, otherwise you will not achieve success;
  • you should always start the lesson with warming up the muscles and stretching, while more intense and prolonged training requires the most thorough body preparation;
  • when exercising, try to work out all the basic muscles, and pay special attention to problem areas;
  • during physical activity, you need to drink water (a lot, but in small sips).

Training programs

The complex, scheduled by the number of repetitions and days, is called a program. Depending on what goals a person pursues, his own training method is selected for him. As a rule, a trainer selects a set of exercises for a trainee, but after studying the necessary literature, you can cope with this task yourself.

For beginners

The program described below is great for beginners, while women can reduce the class time by 2 times, while halving the number of approaches. The load should be gradually increased in order to achieve the desired result. Fitness for beginners at home necessarily starts with a warm-up, which reduces the risk of injury, improves muscle performance and increases performance. A warm-up can be jumping rope, quick squats, running in place, swinging your arms, etc.

  1. Monday... Pull-ups - 5 approaches, each with 5 p. Lifting dumbbells with arms tightly pressed to the body (part of the arm works from elbow to shoulder) - 3 sets, 10 repetitions each. Classic squats with the heel pressed to the floor and a flat back - 5 sets of 20 reps.
  2. Wednesday... Squats - 5 sets, 100 times in total. Push-ups on the uneven bars with weights in the form of a backpack - 3 sets of 10 r. Standing overhead dumbbell reduction - 4 sets, 10 times each. Pull-ups / push-ups from the floor - three times, 5 p.
  3. Friday... Raising on socks, holding dumbbells in hands - 4 times, 15 repetitions. Pull-ups - three times 5 times. Dumbbell Squats - 5 x 20 reps. Push-ups - three times 10 r.

Online lessons at home for weight loss with music

This program is universal and suitable mostly for beginners, therefore, having mastered it, you will need to choose a set of exercises with a greater load. Fitness online at home is designed for classes for three months, it allows you to lose weight and tone the main muscle groups. You can perform the complex at will separately, according to the circular method or supersets (alternating 2 exercises). With the help of various online resources, you can familiarize yourself with the correct technique for performing movements.

Pick up rhythmic music for fitness in advance, warm up and start exercising. At the same time, it is better to combine movements, alternate and do different variations of the sets, because otherwise you will quickly get bored with training and you will not enjoy it. Music lessons:

  1. Jump squats... Put your legs parallel to your shoulders, squat with a straight back, pulling your pelvis back, your hands can be put behind your head. In a sitting position, jump up. You need to repeat 6-8 times, during training, do it at least three times.
  2. Exit to the lying position... Starting position - legs parallel to the shoulders, arms along the body. Lower your pelvis down, crouching down, rest your palms on the floor and jump back, leaving your upper body in place. Once you've taken the prone position as for push-ups, come back. Repeat 8 times.
  3. Book... You need to lie on the floor with your arms outstretched up. Then start lifting them simultaneously with your legs, folding like a book. It is very effective in working out the abdominal muscles. Repeat it at least 8 times, doing 3 sets.
  4. Jumping... You will need a step or a short, solid stool, onto which you need to jump from a distance of about 40 cm. Keep your hands slightly behind, and when moving forward, swing them. Do 3 x 10 reps.
  5. Kicks... Place your legs parallel to your shoulders, bending your knees slightly, bend your arms at the elbows. Keep your fists at jaw level (like kickboxing). Kick back and forth with your heel rhythmically. Do not fully extend the knee, otherwise you may be injured. It is performed in 5 sets of 8-10 times.

With a ball

The presented complex helps to strengthen the muscle corset of a person, improving his posture and working out flexibility. The gym ball is also considered an excellent stress reliever for those who are often stressed. The fitness program includes effective restorative complexes, before performing which you must definitely warm up by jumping rope or vigorously squatting. It is recommended to do:

  1. Raising the pelvis... Lie on the floor with your back, place your ankles on the fitball, straighten your knees. Next, you should raise the pelvis, rolling the ball to the buttocks, linger at the top point for a few seconds, then go down, taking the starting position. Do 10 reps.
  2. Twisting... Take the same position as in the previous exercise, with the ball sandwiched between the ankles. Place your hands behind your head, start lifting your legs together with the fitball up, straining your stomach. Do 12 reps.
  3. Push-ups classic... Put your palms on the floor, place your feet on the ball, pull your back straight. Do 10 push-ups slowly.
  4. Reverse push-ups... Hands should rest on the fitball with a reverse grip (sitting with your back to the ball). Lower your pelvis, almost touching the floor, bending your elbows, while keeping your knees at a right angle and slowly come back up. Repeat 8-10 p.

With ribbon

With the help of an elastic band, you can provide the muscles with an additional load, and if you fold it several times, the severity of the performance can be increased. The subject is used to work out different muscle groups. The lesson may include:

  1. Steps... Tie the ends of the tape together, put the resulting ring on your legs (at knee level). Place your legs parallel to your shoulders, squat down slightly and in this position begin to take wide steps forward. Repeat for 1-2 minutes, alternating.
  2. Raising the hips... The fitness band should be around your ankles. Lie down on your stomach, place your hands under your chin and begin to alternately raise your legs up, while pulling the shock absorber. Repeat the movements 20 p.
  3. Squats... Move the ring to the level of your knees, spread your legs slightly and, without bending your back, start slowly going down, and on exhalation return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times.
  4. Press pumping... You need to get up and straighten your legs. Take the tape in your hands, pull it and lift it up. Bring the right back first, turning the body in the opposite direction. Then change to the left one and do the same. Do 20-30 reps.
  5. Leg raises... Lie on your side with a band of tape around your ankles. Start lifting your upper leg, pulling the shock as much as possible. Roll over and repeat the movements. Do 20 times on each side.

Strength training

The program is aimed at increasing endurance and developing strength, in addition, strength training in fitness has a positive effect on overall well-being and corrects the figure. Such training involves the use of sports equipment - barbells, dumbbells, exercise equipment and various weights. The program is divided into 3 sessions, between which there should be a day of rest for muscle recovery.

  1. First day... The muscles of the chest, triceps and shoulders are being worked out. You can do a bench press with dumbbells, a horizontal press, an overhead crossover, an army press, raising hands with dumbbells on an incline bench, lifting dumbbells to the sides, extending the arms from behind the head, push-ups on the uneven bars.
  2. Second day... Squats, deadlifts, lunges, crossover leg abductions are ideal for strength training. It is better to perform with weights.
  3. The third day... The back muscles and biceps work. Suitable exercises in fitness would be shrugs, different pulls (to the chest, bent over, etc.), hyperextension, forward bends, dumbbell / bar curls.

How to do it at home

Before starting your workout, warm up well by performing rotational movements with your shoulders, neck, legs, arms. The weight loss complex should be performed at least 3-4 times a week, while each lesson should last at least 40-50 minutes. Listed below are fitness sets that can be combined with each workout. Work hard to achieve the expected results.

  1. Push-ups for beginners... Put your palms and knees on the floor, place your hands at chest level and parallel to your shoulders. Begin to go down, bending your elbows, then squeeze yourself up with your hands, returning up. Repeat three times 10 times.
  2. "Bridge"... You should lie on your back, rest your hands and feet on the floor, while your knees should be at an angle of 90 degrees. Push your pelvis up, reaching a peak, hold for 1-2 seconds, then slowly return to the floor. Repeat 40 times.
  3. "Plank"... Rest your elbows and toes on the floor, keep your forearms parallel to each other, strain your back as much as possible and keep it straight. Keep idle for 40 seconds (it is optimal to withstand 1.5 minutes, but only physically prepared people can do this)
  4. "Dog"... Get on all fours, bend one leg and begin to take it back up, contracting your hip and buttocks. Do 15 reps for each leg.
  5. "Bicycle"... Lying on your back, begin to alternately bend your legs and move your body towards them - this will help to work out the front of the thigh and abs. Do it for 1 minute.
  6. "Cobra"... Lie on your stomach, the body should be extended forward as much as possible, arching the back (the face "looks" at the ceiling). This will stretch the abs well after the "bike".
  7. "Side lunges"... Stand straight, take one leg to the side, squat down deeply, keeping the body in the middle. Stand up while exhaling. Repeat 15 times on each leg.

For the back

Beginners should perform 12-15 approaches, taking light weight in order to work out the correct technique and accustom the body to the load. You can increase the intensity of your fitness workout afterwards. With each subsequent lesson, increase the number of repetitions, then start taking large weights. Effective fitness exercises for the back muscles:

  • regular grip pull-ups(the rhomboid, latissimus dorsi muscles are trained);
  • bottom grip pull-ups(the load goes to the large round and broadest muscles, biceps, shoulders);
  • pull of the block to the chest(helps to expand the back muscles, trains the trapezius muscle);
  • pull of the block for the neck(uses the lower and upper bundles of the back muscles);
  • narrow grip block pull(develops the rhomboid, trapezius, deltoid muscle).

For the press

You can even get rid of excess fat in the waist area and pump up abs cubes at home, the main thing is that fitness training for the abdomen takes place systematically 3-4 times a week. It is recommended to do:

  1. Straight leg raises... Lying on your back, press your hands to the floor and begin to raise your legs, reaching an angle of 90 degrees. When lowering, do not touch the floor with them, staying a couple of centimeters from it. 10-15 p. for the approach.
  2. Bent knee crunches... Lying down, lift your knees, keeping your shins parallel to the floor with your feet in contact with each other. Put your hands behind the back of your head, and take your elbows in opposite directions. To tighten your stomach, you should raise your head and shoulders, then return to your starting position. Repeat 8-15 times.
  3. "Side bar"... Lie on your side with your elbow and feet on the floor. Lift your pelvis, stretching your body in a straight line, as shown in the photo, and hold this position for 40-60 minutes. Repeat on the other side.

For the buttocks

Before doing a workout, be sure to warm up your muscles, then move on to the serious part. After completing classes, you cannot immediately sit down or go to bed - walk for a couple of minutes, catch your breath, do self-massage. Fitness at home for the buttocks can include:

  1. Mahi... Place your palms on the wall and do side kicks 20 times on each side. In addition, you can jerk your foot forward or backward.
  2. Squats... The legs should be parallel to the shoulders. Lower your pelvis to knee level, then straighten. During the exercise, keep your back straight, and take your pelvis as far back as possible.
  3. Plie... With your feet wide and toes turned out, squat as low as possible. 10 times per set.
  4. Lunges... Stepping forward, squat down to a 90 degree formation between your thigh and knee (as shown in the picture). Do 10-15 reps each.

For all muscle groups

This complex is suitable for general body strengthening, body shaping, restoration of weakened muscles. A fitness workout for all muscle groups can include:

  1. For arms, chest... Push-ups, pull-ups, arm swings are ideal to tone the biceps, triceps, and pectoral muscles.
  2. For the back... You can quickly strengthen the back muscles by performing a plank, hyperextension, pulling the block to the back and chest. At home, you can perform bends with weights.
  3. For belly... Various options for twisting - with straight legs, oblique muscles, exercise "bike" and others - will help you quickly build abs.
  4. For the buttocks and thighs... The most effective for strengthening and giving relief to the muscles of the priests and legs are swings, lunges and squats. Workouts can be selected, combined and alternated at will. In addition, it is best to use weights during fitness activities.


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Fitness Exercises - Beginner Workouts

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