The Russians won bronze in the mixed biathlon relay at the war games. Russians won bronze in the mixed biathlon relay at the war games War games biathlon mixed relay


The name of the sporting discipline comes from two Latin words "twice" and "wrestling", so initially biathlon was called modern winter biathlon. Includes cross-country skiing and rifle shooting at multiple firing lines.

The first race, vaguely reminiscent of biathlon, was organized by border guards on the Swedish-Norwegian border back in 1767. In the 19th century in Norway, biathlon took shape as a sport for soldiers. The progenitor of modern biathlon, the military patrol competition, was presented at Olympic Games in 1924, 1928, 1936 and 1948.

Within the framework of III winter The World War Games will host competitions in the following types: sprint (7.5 km - for women, 10 km - for men), mixed relay (6 km - for women and 7.5 km - for men) and a patrol race (15 km - for women, 20 km for men).

Patrol racemodern look military patrol competition (race, which is the ancestor of biathlon). This is a race with a distance of 20 km for men and 15 km for women, with three firing lines. Each participating country can enter two patrols (male and female).

The team consists of four athletes - biathletes and skiers. One of the team members is the leader of the patrol, three are members of the patrol, each of whom fires from a prone position and fires one shot at the center of their installation. In case of misses - penalty loops based on the number of misses by the team according to IBU rules.

Sprint- a type of biathlon race for 10 km for men and 7.5 km for women with two firing lines. Biathletes start at intervals of 30 seconds. After the first circle, shooting is performed from a prone position, after the second - standing. Biathletes choose their own firing positions on the shooting range for shooting. For each miss, a penalty loop of 150 m is provided.

Mixed relayteam competition in biathlon. The team consists of four athletes (two women and two men). Each biathlete goes through one stage, 6 km for women and 7.5 km for men, with two firing lines.

One representative from each country will start at the same time and, having run their stage, pass the baton to the next biathlete from their team. First, women cover their distances, then men. There are two shooting sessions at each stage: the first is prone, the second is standing. The athlete has three spare rounds for each shooting. If the biathlete uses up spare cartridges, then for each subsequent miss, a penalty loop of 150 m is provided.

The Russian national biathlon team consisting of Ulyana Kaisheva, Galina Nechkasova, Matvey Eliseev and Maxim Tsvetkov won bronze medals in the mixed relay at the Winter World War Games in Sochi. The victory was won by the Austrian national team, and the representatives of France finished second. The opening of the World War Games took place yesterday, February 24.

World War Games. Sochi, Russia
Biathlon. Mixed relay

1. Austria - 1: 19: 51.7
2. France - +3.2
3. Russia - +2: 59.4

Yurievna, for Matvey, it was probably still useful to run, or even a month without starts. True, the track is not his at all, he is large for such soft tracks.
Maxim was not needed there, he has just the opposite situation. Before Korea in Sochi, he had no reason to run.
According to Nechkasov's experience, she is also not a girl, tea is not a World Cup and not even a KM stage. It's just that the readiness of those who speak at the CD is extremely low.

Yes, the sight was depressing. Nechkasova showed her complete unpreparedness ... Although I would not completely blame her. The coaches are so unbalanced that only one question arises: what were you thinking about? Did you think that Tsvetkov would break everyone? But he is not a magician. Indeed, Zagoruiko would have been in place here. She has at least more experience in performing in the staff.
They threw Matvey, who had no starts for a month ... In general, how stupid everything is

Bronze, but not fun at all, 5 laps, how to shoot like that, yes ...

It was a terrifying sight ... And why was it necessary to put Matvey and Maxim on this baton? For example, Edik Latypov and Kornev would be perfect. Well, or Klyachin.

Analitik, quite rightly noticed about Kaisheva's technique. Moving on "wooden" legs, perhaps only a blind person will not notice this. What I have been "churning" about since the times of the same Zaitseva, comparing her running technique with that of Domracheva. And it would be fine if the length of the rolling was with her growth (due to the strength of the hands) and this is not the case. I'm just tired of writing about it. And in order to teach, and even more so to retrain (which is much more difficult), you need to start with the coaches so that they keep up with the advanced views and methods. Take the same Sergei Ustyugov, that he himself learned to accelerate uphill? I am sure this is the merit of his coach, who instilled in him a similar style of attack uphill and developed speed qualities in him in time.

Analitik, even with this problem she performed excellently in Antholz last year. As I understand it, after reaching a certain limit (not in a specific race, but in total for the season), the rate of return from anaerobic to aerobic regime is inhibited. If you do not reach this limit ahead of time, maybe everything will be fine, although this is a palliative, of course, you need to look for and eliminate the cause.

Ivan Pokhmelev, it's not about summing up, but about some kind of medical problem that everyone can't figure out. And the matter is in the mood of Olga, who believes that she is taking someone's place, does not speak directly, but implies. (

And who says that it is necessary to retrain talent, especially when there is a result?

Analitik, it is clear that according to Kaisheva two years ago it was decided not to force it.
But somehow the years pass, and we are still waiting and waiting.

Although, if we compare Ulyana with our other girls at the age of 23, then she is second only to Svetik.
Maybe you don't need to rush too much. Olga Zaitseva, at the age of 23, only two times at the European Championship was noted. And even then it is not very successful.
I would like to believe that TS knows what they are doing.

msmk-76, you can still remember Michael Johnson, the record holder and champion, who ran in a completely paradoxical style. And if they began to retrain him?

Analitik, Podchufarova is not going to miss the next season. If, finally, she is correctly brought to the HS, then she will be very useful, especially in the relay.

The most shameful relay race, there is nothing more to say! It is not clear what they were thinking, they wanted to “throw hats” or came to Sochi to have a rest? Unclear! All participants one at a time out of turn, and G. Nechkasov's outfit for the kitchen, peeling potatoes, although now in the army it is completely different: a buffet, 1 year of service, purely a sanatorium!

Khinskiy, if you put the question this way, then you need to tighten up Vasnetsov with her friends (if with a perspective of 22 years), my opinion.

The question is delicate, but if at the age of 24 Kaisheva has no equipment, where is the probability that it will appear by the age of 28? (

Khinsky, sorry for the provocative questions, they are more likely for the fans who go around here with stupidly zombified slogans. All our girls have a lot of flaws. (

The Russian Armed Forces biathlon team won a bronze medal in the mixed relay at the III Winter World War Games in Sochi (February 22-28). Our team, which included Galina Nechkasova, Ulyana Kaisheva, Matvey Eliseev and Maxim Tsvetkov, has five penalties - this result was the worst in the race. What happened to Russian biathletes on the shooting range, said the senior coach of CSKA in winter species sports and coach of the Russian Armed Forces team Nikolai Pankratov.

- Nikolai Vladimirovich, our team ran five penalties, two of them were on the account of the world champion ensign Maxim Tsvetkov, three were earned by Galina Nechkasova. What happened?

- Yesterday, in the individual race, the guys gave their best and, apparently, did not have time to recover for the mixed relay. In addition, the strong wind made its own adjustments: only one athlete from the French army team, Colin Varchin, did not make a single mistake. Unfortunately, our team became the worst in this component - we used 14 additional rounds.

- Why didn't the bronze medalist of the 2017 World Cup Junior Sergeant Tatyana Akimova perform as part of the team?

- She felt bad the day before. But now, looking at the final result of the mixed relay, I think she still needed to run. I am sure that in the case of Akimova's participation, everything could have been different.
(According to the press center of the Sochi World War Games)

Analitik, you can, of course, rely on the experienced Yurlova, Glazyrina, Starykh, Service, Sleptsova at the OI. And Zagoruiko has not said everything yet.
But in any case, these girls will leave in a year and what will we be left with?
With Kaisheva, Mironova and Slivko, who will not have enough KM races for three or a dozen races.

And not 30-year-olds need to look in the passport, namely the young. They are already 23 years old, and no one takes them seriously.

People, so what to do, it's a year before the Olympics. Podchufarova seems to miss the next season, what will happen to Glazyrina is not clear. Are we at a broken trough?

Yurlova will return (it is not clear which one), plus Starykh, Akimova and who else?

Something I can't believe that Kaisheva will have time to increase shoulder girdle, Mironova has progress in shooting, but how will she behave at international competitions? Feels like we sailed.

Analitik, it’s just the season that leaves to change the technique. But why didn't they think of this before.
With Kaisheva over the past two seasons, we have done very Good work over the passage of the line and the rate of fire. According to these indicators, she was among the best and only here won at 4 lines up to 30 seconds.

But the miracle worker Medvedtsev came, promising everyone speed, and the approach to shooting deteriorated, and the shooting itself, too. And the speed only got worse.

Analyst, here Khinskiy correctly noted about Kaisheva's technique.
I noticed from the interviews of the athletes: "getting" into the national team, they are "put" on technique. Oh well.
Athletes were invited to the national team ALREADY having the appropriate results; with "own" technique.
I have spoken earlier: develop “strengths” and level them, if it is SO it seems to the coaches of the national team, “flaws”, BUT, do not break what is ALREADY “sitting in the head” at a subconscious level.
Whatever "technique they put on," when they "get drunk", they will unconsciously "run as they ran before."
In short, according to interviews with athletes, it is noticeable that “everyone wants to show that he had a hand in the result,” and athletes are “disfigured”.
"Buried" is what the athlete was invited to the national team.
The national team coach MUST be a CONSULTANT working closely with the athlete's personal coach.
About 3 years ago I wrote a lot about this; to be honest, I don’t want to repeat myself.

As an example of the technique:
S.S.Shakhin, - world record holder in the 3000m steeplechase (steeplechase); the first person to run a distance of "8 minutes".
He, in the conventional sense, does not run. While running, he "sits on a chair."
How is it possible ?!
And he runs "out of 8 minutes"!
His ANYBODY "BROKEN"; he was simply HELPED to improve HIS STRENGTHS.

In order to change the technique, it is necessary to determine exactly whether the "stretching" and specific groups muscles to ensure the performance of the planned work / load for a sufficiently long time and with increasing "acidification" of the muscles.
Drive 200-500m from " new technology"On the" camera "- a garbage question, but whether an athlete with the same frequency and repulsion force will be able to" drive "the ENTIRE competitive distance is a BIG question. This preparation will take more than one year.

But, we love to create difficulties for themselves and courageously / heroically overcome them!

PS. According to Kaisheva, about 2 years ago he also spoke out: the girl “matured” faster than her peers and, naturally, she had no equal in adolescence.
Peers-rivals "matured" more "smoothly" and are already "moving on", and OUR athlete's "natural afterburner" has dried up (or, most likely, "has already fulfilled its negative role").
Wrote not to "walk" on OUR athlete, but expressed his opinion about the girls "early champions".

Tasha, Kravtsov says what the short term you can’t do anything, because they don’t do it. The girls were abandoned altogether.

Mironova is a skier like Akimova. How many times did Tatiana fall this year? We are waiting for how long Mironova will be killed. (Some kind of hopelessness.

Khinsky, God forbid that she has already turned on her head! Practice shows that self-trained people survive in our country.

Analitik, the problem is that every newly arrived temporary worker does not continue the work done by his colleagues before him, but begins to redo everything in his own way.
If personal trainer sufficient weight, then he can somehow adjust all this. And Kaisheva is forced to believe in another miracle worker.
True, there are some changes. Usually Ulyana said after mistakes "we will deal with the coach."
In Sochi, for the first time I heard from her "I will understand this."))

Analyst, if the technique was changed for Shipulin, then one can imagine what kind of girl she is. Although Mironova is awesome.

Khinskiy, I'm not a pro, if it catches my eye, where do the coaches look? And about the passage of the slopes by our girls, you can add a separate song.

Coaches change every year, it is clear that nothing can be done in a year, but if each of them made efforts to eliminate the shortcomings, the result would be? One thing is clear, all these comrades are temporary workers under the roof of the SBR. (

Analitik, Yes, this has been discussed for a long time. Most say that Medvedtsev converted Kaisheva's technique to a more costly one, and the shoulder girdle, as it was weak, remained so weak.
The long ride has disappeared and all the power goes into unnecessary fuss. With this technique, she almost does not relax on the track and does not have enough strength for the entire distance.

It is strange to imagine, but today's Kaisheva technique is 5 years of work with the best Russian coaches under the leadership of Kasperovich.

People, I wanted to ask, how do you like Kaisheva's skiing technique? In other places on the KM, KIBU, she was not particularly visible. And here they fled ... once or twice and missed out. The girl walks straight like a stick, without bending, pushes badly with her hands, I did not see the load on her arms, she moves out only at the expense of her legs. It seemed to me that Nechkasova was rolling more harmoniously. I would like to hear the skiers, did nothing cut you?

I watch the finals of the team sprints, I turned off the sound, turned on Status Quo - In The Army Now, it helps ...)

Hmm ... The rest lived only exclusively in the mountains and purposefully prepared for the war games, exclusively in order to make our semi-reserve squad - not just war games, but some kind of OI ...

Jura, in Sochi, an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level. Let me remind you that Hochfilzen is below. Is adaptation to height possible? Of course. Hence the glitches in physics and shooting. Is it a secret for you that our guys and girls do not run very well at such a height? Remember how Kaisheva felt in Anterselva, the same Eliseev? Nechkasova has been running on the plain for a long time and only before the Games did she train in the mountains. Tsvetkov without rest was immediately sent to Sochi from an altitude of 900 m to 1600 m, and now he will fly to Korea. These high-rise swings can cut any champion. For some reason, for Tsvetkov GS is the World Cup, and Sochi, and Korea. Not too much on the guy? Latypov, Klyachin, Kornev also rose sharply into the mountains from the plain. What result did you all expect? The lyrics will be forgotten, but the bronze will remain.

Alexey Alekseevich, here I agree with you.
For the collections, no matter how they talked about the importance of these starts, it was just a stage of preparation for other, more important competitions.
But for the athletes of the second echelon, the race in Sochi could become a chance for a breakthrough and their mood would be different.
The eyes of our guys and girls did not burn.

Nastya was just the same, so I don't think that the result would be very different from what happened - as for the mediocre performance - I think you shouldn't write off the fact that the collections on by and large were serving their labor service here and it was not ruled out that they simply took their strength ahead of more important competitions without considering these war games seriously. I must say right away that links to their interviews where they say how important this medal is for them - there is no need to bring it - try they say something else - but those for whom these games really had a chance to show themselves and show, prove their superiority in that number and over unmotivated collections, which, by and large, at a distance, at least should be irritants for them - since whoever and what would not say - they are in relation to the second line-up direct and more successful competitors for a place at the base - alas, once again this chance was ruined.

Leonid Alexandrovich, I also think that Nastya would have done better.

fresher_galina, not necessary for Akimov. I think so, if you put the same Zagoruiko instead of Nechkasova, the result would be different. And men would have twitched less so as not to be disgraced. In general, the reason for such a performance is that no one seriously prepared for these starts (even the same collections). We'll come, put everyone on the left and hello. In short, a devil-may-care attitude. In addition, the height made itself felt, with which they are not joking, and the inability to properly lubricate the skis under positive weather. I think the next KM stage in Korea will not be better either.

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HORROR! And are to blame for this coaching staff... Why it was impossible to put Akimova in the first stage, nothing would have happened if she had missed, if necessary, one race at the World Cup. After all, this is the protection of the honor of our Army. It was impossible to look at this SHAME. Don't blame Maxim - World Champion and Matvey. Did they have to win back such a gap? Yes, these are fairy tales. Shoigu needs to fire Nechkasova from the ranks of the RA, why do we need such defenders who can neither shoot nor run? Everyone was waiting for biathlon, but it turned out that it would have been better not. It was necessary to take another 6th place out of 6 teams - and they would be in flowers.

I just can't understand why such a result. The collections were running! And the world champion, after all. Or maybe the rivals had a strong line-up, otherwise I'm not catching up with something. And they poured it off with their feet. I just watched the race briefly, but who knows the composition of the rivals?

“Conquered” is not appropriate for this case. It was a sad sight: (I would not like to see an army team like that.

And this ... medals and stars should be washed after the competition flag is lowered. Otherwise, we'll start to doubt our army.

worchun, “... And what was so terrible about Kaisheva? Is it 30 seconds behind the leader? " When Podchufarova was half a minute behind at the World Cup, then she was accused of the team's failure, and when Ulyana was behind by the same amount in competitions, approximately equal in terms of the level of participants to the Russian championship, is everything okay?

Irina, if Tatiana was put in, it would immediately be: "Have you decided to drive Akimov?"

It is not clear why Eliseev was kept in Khokh, and not sent to adapt to Sochi, now he will only begin to acclimatize - and to the plain in Kontiolahti

zakol, you may be right. I saw only two stages of Eliseev. I did not go into circles, and saw that I played a minute. I did not see any circles of rivals. I watched the recording without sound at the same time showing Ustyugov. So I must have missed something. Are you saying that Eliseev walked on foot?
Well, then Kaisheva is really the best)).
If the French and the Austrian went into circles - then just a guard)).

LES, if the technology works on paper and in the rest of the military industry, no one will think about it, just skis will perk up (you already), that's why the greens go over the hill

Elen, are you sure you watched the race?

got a gap of +3: 14.6
almost the same in front of the counter +3: 07.9 (the Frenchman has a circle on the prone)
after standing +1: 55.3 (here the Austrian leader left for two laps)
gear +2: 04.7

All that Eliseev, Horror and Brunner “won back” lost, fighting with each other. Eliseev was not even close. Austrian and French, both with KE. From the second or third ten. What did you see normal here?

It gives to the army! So disgrace on holidays. And then the members of the national team of the country ran, even the world champion ran.

Once my granddaughter pleased me with a beautiful letter, which indicated that she took second place in freestyle swimming at a distance of 50 meters. I burst into tears of joy and asked: how many rivals did you beat? The answer amused me: 2 people took part in the competition. And here there are as many as 6 teams (after all, the World War Games), and no one is offended: everything is in flowers. :))

like respected Rusbiathlons, but they don't try to analyze why all of ours have such a move in two days, in my opinion Dddurkin should not be allowed to grease skis. I agree with Napoleon, what pritenzii to Ulyana, she coped best of all. and let him say thank you for not giving up the old fool

Vladimir Eremeevich Sokolov, Where Eliseev screwed up? It seems to have run decently. Of the remaining three participants, Kaisheva was the best.

It is not clear what kind of claims against Kaisheva?

I have not seen such a disgrace in our performance for a long time ... Horror! Each of our biathletes contributed to this relay, where only six teams started. I understand that the War Games are not a highly rated competition, but not to the same extent to be lowered ...
The main "contribution" of course Nechkasova - three penalty loops and a snail's speed. The guys rushed to fix it and also screwed up.
I'd rather forget ...
Shoigu will hit them.

Bronze for which you do not need to fight, you need to make the rest run worse. And what was so terrible about Kaisheva? Is it 30 seconds behind the leader? But on the face of Nechkasova it was straightforward to read: I did not impose myself, they put it on their own - here you will get it!

Are they servicemen of the Russian army? Not to believe

Vladimir, what kind of shooting? In the Russian language, it was clear that they were running for all the money. There was no time left for the shooting. And the money was not enough.

It feels like the whole team yesterday firmly marked someone's gold ... and silver-bronze ... Hence the tremor, hence the circles
Obviously - they reacted to the race, to put it mildly, cool ...

World military games- a multisport competition organized for military athletes. Organizer - International Military Sports Council.

The World War Games have been held since 1995. III Winter Games in 2017 will be held in Russia in the city of Sochi. Prior to this, the World War Games were held in cities such as Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Zagreb, etc.

The sports program of the III Winter World Military Games 2017 consists of 7 sports:

  • Biathlon
  • Ski race
  • Skiing
  • Ski mountaineering

Competition schedule

Sport / Disciplines Wednesday
Sports facility / Venue
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Arrival / Departure Arrival Departure
Ceremony 20.00 - 00.00
The opening ceremony
20.00 - 00.00
Closing ceremony of the games
Multifunctional arena "Ice Cube"
Ski mountaineering 08.00 - 12.00
Individual race husband., wives.
08.00 - 12.30
Team Race (male, female)
Rock climbing 11.00 - 18.00
Difficulty climbing (qualification)
11.00 - 14.00
Difficulty climbing (semi-finals)
20.00 - 22.00
Climbing the difficulty (final, duel)
10.00 - 15.00
Bouldering (qualification)
20.00 - 22.00
Bouldering (final)
9.30 - 11.00
Climbing speed (classic format, qualification)
11.00 - 12.00
Climbing speed (classic format, final)
14.00 - 16.00
Climbing speed (record format, qualification)
16.00 - 17.00
Climbing speed (record format, final)
Sports Palace "Bolshoi"
Ski race 11.00 - 14.00
Official training
09.30 - 12.30
Individual race (free style) 10 km. female, 15 km. husband.
17.00 - 18.30
Official training
10.00 - 12.30
Team Sprint (Free Style)
Skiing 09.00 - 14.00
Official training
09.30 - 13.00
Slalom husband.
09.30 - 13.00
Slalom wives.
Ski center "Rosa Khutor"
Biathlon 15.00 - 19.00
Official training
13.30 - 14.45
Sprint 10 km. husband.
16.00 - 17.00
Sprint 7.5 km. wives
15.00 - 16.30
Mixed relay
15.30 - 17.00
Official training male, female
13.00 - 14.30
Patrol race 15 km. wives
15.30 - 17.15
Patrol race 20 km. husband.
Ski and Biathlon Complex "Laura"
Short track 10.00 - 14.00
Official training
16.00 - 18.00
Race 500m. husband., wives.
18.30 - 21.00
Race 1000m. husband., wives.
18.30 - 20.30
Mixed relay 3000m. husband., wives.
Ice Palace"Iceberg"
Ski orienteering 11.00 - 14.00
Official training
09.00 - 12.00
Average distance husband., wives.
13.00 - 15.00
Sprint husband., Wives.
09.00 - 11.00
Relay (male, female)
Ski and Biathlon Complex "Laura"

More than 1000 army men from 20 countries have confirmed their participation in the competition. 36 sets of medals will compete in individual and team competitions.

The sports program will consist of seven sports: biathlon, ski race, skiing, orienteering skiing, ski mountaineering, indoor sport climbing, short track.

The event will take place at sports facilities in Sochi.

On the square near the town hall of the resort "Rosa Khutor" will be held daily free concerts, flash mobs, interactive sports with spectators.

On the opening day, the fire of the III Winter World War Games will arrive at the resort, with which CSKA athletes will light a special bowl at the Bolshoi Ice Arena.

More than 500 volunteers will be involved in the games, the press service of the Sochi administration reports.

Entry to all games will be free!

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