The composition of the Russian men's national team for the relay in Holmenkollen. The composition of the Russian men's national team for the relay in Holmenkollen The composition of the biathlon team for the relay


The head coach of the Russian national team, Alexander Kasperovich, explained the coaching decision when choosing a squad for the men's relay:

“Based on the results of the athletes' readiness. Tsvetkov shows good, excellent speed everywhere. He is a very reliable relay, we have known this since he was a junior. Volkov kept the speed well in individual race... There is even nothing to discuss about Shipulin. Babikov also shows a confident course in the relay races. Garanichev's candidacy was not considered for this relay, you understand. Zhenya is preparing for a mass start. He had been ill this season, it takes a long time to get out of this state. He reacted with understanding. "


Guys, a low bow to you for this VICTORY! She is so desirable for all of us, so long-awaited! You suffered her with your failures, and ran the race itself, great! URAAA! And athletes, and coaches and all of us - with victory!

Mad bear, how glad I am that what you described in the comment did not come true! With only 3 stages, the last two stages were the first and deservedly won! Hurray!

Tsvetkov and Babikov are clever! VICTORY! Hurray, comrades!

I am ashamed. Beaten by the guys from our first 3 stages. They brought Antokha 1st place and he kept it.
I am ashamed and insanely happy about it.
I don’t write anything about male coaches. You are cool!
Tsvetkov, Babikov and even Volkov each jumped higher than it seemed to me they were ready. You are great!
Forgive me for not believing in you.

Well, Shipa .. I already knew that he was in a crazy shape now, but what not to give EVEN CLOSE Fu having only 4 seconds after the last shooting. EVEN DO NOT GIVE TO GO and finish with the flag!

Antosha is great! ALL good fellows!

Congratulations to our guys with gold and discussing the 2017 World Cup men's relay in a special news, website

God help, we won.

How nice it is to be SO mistaken!


It is necessary to vomit along the way. There is no straight line at the finish line, you have to take risks and break on all the money now.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ...

Well, Anton, come on!

So far, all the rules. For Svendsen OEB should prescribe a butt on the tailbone.

Wah, handsome Babikov, I swear!

The race is on ... Specialists like Elen, shut up, just for a while, please!

Most of the fans, as they should be, are optimistic, but I see no reason to be optimistic. Whatever one may say, but Germany, France, Norway are stronger than us in composition. We are fourth. Of course, if one of the three starts to worry too much and shoots himself, our chances for a medal are good. And so, we are objectively fourth in strength. This is the first thing.

But the worst thing is that the finish does not imply a showdown at the finish itself, where Anton Shipulin is strong. Therefore, his favorite tactic to sit out and then jump out does not work. Then there is none. From the hill, go straight to the finish line, where after turning under 90%, only 20 meters of distance. Whoever left first, stayed first. That is, you need to get out ahead at a distance. But the distance speed of his rivals: M. Fourcade, Shemp and red-haired Byo is by no means worse.

So we will have a medal only with a happy coincidence. Unfortunately. The option when we all shoot to zero, I do not even consider. This is super luck.

Sergei, well praised, honestly)).

Well, at least the weather today for the men is better than yesterday for the ladies. No snowfall and almost calm at the shooting range.

Maybe Loginov will meet, maybe not, but so far we have an unimportant "mental" condition of the athlete and 7 misses in the last race. If it were a personal race, it would be okay, but risking the team result ...
Volkov, on the other hand, in almost any condition (even in his wife's underwear;) is quite reliable in relay races. Tsvetkov also performed well in the staff at the World Cup last season, having failed the sprint before that. Well, Babikov was not bad during this season, they even tried for the finisher - it was unsuccessful, however, it is still too early for him, but for stage 3 he should be "enough" - if in shape, of course. Well, after all, he and Max rested during the IG.

"And there are no guarantees anyway"
I remembered a phrase from one of the films: “I don’t need guarantees! Leave the guarantees to yourself! And give me ... "victory in the relay!))

Elen. Thanks. How nice it is to deal with a competent fan.

And who else - besides Anton - claims to good places at MasStart? They are not running the baton?

Alignment for the relay. just from the world of fantasy, two dark horses (I wonder what their sports uniforms) Volkov with his lagging behind and Shipulin, who also has a masstart to run, pull Anton out of his last strength, and whether these forces will remain for tomorrow, the whole TS does not care deeply, I don’t expect anything good from the relay if I still manage to cling to a place in the top three , I will be sincerely glad. All validol and valerian. Guys do not have a feather.

I still remember how our smart girls Antosha Babikov and Maxim Tsvetkov overtook Fourcade)
Oh, there was a time! I hope this will happen more than once!

Vladimir, Oleg Kiselyov - for sure! What kind of Volkov? It's Sleptsova in pants! Again lagging behind, and the young will continue to twitch! But the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, apparently, knows how to persuade (((.. And what was bad about the intermediate composition of youth with Shipulin? And Eliseev was good in third, - but, no! start, if the lag is hopeless, do not turn inside out!

Olga56, Bravo!

sergey, not yet, today they will give

Olga56, thanks).

Sergey, in SIWI. There are preliminary lists for both women and men.

Olga56, I applaud. I support every word.

I wonder where you can see the list on the MC

Boris, I agree, you can't please everyone. The advantage of this composition is that it is relatively risk-free. But again - relatively)). And there are no guarantees anyway.

My dear fans! Let me turn to you:
Let's keep quiet
No more dirt
Pouring to those guys
That they will go into battle today.
Let us quietly wish
All the boys have courage,
A fight worthy of them
With a cool head.
Let the shots all hit the target
Skis did not fail,
To the finish spurt
Everyone has strength left.

kuzya07, 172 points can be won back, six races ahead. If Ira performs well as well, there are chances to catch up and overtake the Italians.
I looked at the results and it turned out that Ira lost only to Dunkley out of two stages in the relay. They also promised to pull up Mironova, so the chances are very decent

We will root for what line-up we have chosen.
You can't please everyone, some want Loginov, others Garanichev, someone Malyshko, I would like to see Eliseev.
Let's watch the baton, and then we'll either rejoice or swear.

Oleg Kiselev, AAAA, "Shaw, again?"

Sergey, good health, I liked it the most

In Russia, the weak link is the Wolves, in Germany Lesser, in France, Beatrix, in the Czechs Krupchik, but they are all at the first stage. So the Norwegians must win

With such a composition, the fourth-fifth place

Oleg Kiselev, you don't need a different layout. Everything else, you already know what it leads to.
It's a shame your wife doesn't like biathlon. Otherwise you would talk to her more.))

Oleg Kiselev, well, if there is no one but "fools", then this is TSh's fault)).

Just good luck

Elen, you start to unfold in circles when the gap is large and there is nothing to catch in fact. The same Shipulin was accused that he does not fight in all relay races. And this happens exactly when he thinks that there is no chance. When there are chances, then he starts to chase in the same way. And Shipulina in the absence tactical training it is difficult to blame somehow. And in your opinion, it turns out that Byo and Jim have no place in the relay races. However, the Ukrainian women with the "fool" in the relay race had silver, and our "smart" ones had the tenth place.

Lisa, thank you very much, cheer up

angelina, why, some remember and very well).

Vasilich, our fans probably don't remember such a song. But in it lies the whole meaning of victory. It is a pity that the athletes do not know her either.

Oleg Kiselev, what does the GP have to do with it? This is the layout in circles, the layout of the sober and mature athlete. And if the athletes are not tactically ready, they have no place in the staff. There, the "smart" will always beat the "fool".

Elen, so what? Shipulin also behaves when the gap is large. The GP is the same when he did not dare to rush for Beo, considering that the loss was too big. You can't win back a minute with your feet. And you can only hope for the mistakes of your opponents. And when the opponent is near, then you want to catch up more quickly and at least sit behind. And as a result of an error, if you can't catch up quickly. And with the same women's relay... Mirror situation for Jim and Sleptsova. When Sleptsova, in fact, was in Jim's position, in which the latter was at the European Championship. The result was seen in standing shooting. And all this situation is solely due to the loss at the first stage.

1) Eightfold Olympic champion Ole Einar Bjoerndalen said that the coaches of the Norwegian national team asked him for advice when choosing a squad for the relay race at the World Championships in Hochfilzen.
The Norwegian team will start with Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, Emil Hegle Svennsen, Tarjei Boe and Johannes Boe.
- Do you have anything to say about the line-up?
- If I am asked for advice, but I name the composition, which I think is correct.
- Did they ask you?
- Yes.
- What was your answer?
“I don’t think it’s for print.” But I made it clear what I mean.
- Can we say that everything turned out the way you wanted it?
- Uh ... The team is good, but we have a very good reserve. The team wouldn't get any worse with Lars Helge Birkelann. But, as has been said many times, I have nothing to do with the formation of the line-up. They choose the riders, and I clearly said how the team should look.

2) One of those who made the decision was the coach of the physical fitness Egil Christiansen.
“There is no doubt that there are athletes with a wealth of experience that we can benefit from when we need answers. But it is not a fact that we will follow the advice.
- Did you follow Bjoerndalen's advice this time?
"I would not like to talk about it."

3) One of the questions when choosing the relay four was the participation of Emil Hegle Svennsen, who had previously admitted to being in bad shape.

“The uniform is more than good for participating in the relay,” said Svennsen, agreeing that it’s not worth painting everything “in black,” but rather sticking to “gray”.

4) Another participant in the relay, Johannes Boe, said that his brother Tarjei, who missed the entire season due to illness, is very in a fighting mood.
“He is very motivated. Those who will run the stage tomorrow with him will not be able to sleep well. "

Alexander LS, I have not read this interview, but still the relay race is another story, maybe I would have gathered.
However, it is worth noting that before the disqualification, Loginov had a deafening failure in the relay.
Ndya, sadness, sadness.

Alexander LS, as a rule these guys are going to the relay race - and if such a line-up is presented, it means a serious attitude.

and this is how the norgi prepare for the relay

"TSh is odd again, if they have already taken Loginov, they could have shown adherence to principles to the end."
View Kasperovich:
“- Alexander Loginov has seven penalties in general. What is the reason for this?
- We talked a little with him. He made it clear that it was not a matter of external factors. Everything is exclusively in the field of psychology. "
Still, the scandal with a laugh did not pass without a trace for Alexander. Do you think Loginov's "psychology" has improved over the past couple of days? So much so that you can risk putting him on the baton?

"Except for the Norgs, almost all of them are not 100% stable."
And what about the norgs? Johannes - no questions asked (although he failed to laugh). UEB is quite stable, but in IG - 47th with 4 penalties. And he spent a lot of races at the World Cup, but the years are still not the same ... Svensen is clearly not himself at the World Cup (36.27 places). Tarey - it is not clear which one, for him the season has just begun. What kind of team stability are we talking about?

I can't even believe in the best. Everything we have is awkward.
This championship did not add any positive emotions, rather the opposite ...
Something is wrong with the system.
Good luck guys! There is nothing left to lose ...

The coaching staff of the Russian national team constantly emphasizes: the World Cup is passing starts, through which we scatter, digest the load, and when it comes to the Olympics, let's admit it. It is clear that Russian biathlon with most of the rest of the world, he lives in a different dimension. Koreans fly halfway across the world to New Year to perform in mandatory at the national championship, and then they take out the entire Russian team in Oberhof and do not complain about anything. Well, we are preparing for the Olympics.

On Sunday in Oberhof, the program of the 4th stage of the World Cup will end with relay races, in which the coaching staff will have the penultimate chance to skate Olympic squad... It would seem that there is nothing easier than checking all candidates for vacancies under stressful conditions, but the national team's coaches have a different opinion. We suddenly need a momentary result or are we fighting for some place in the Nations Cup? How else to explain such half-hearted decisions?

"Leave Anton Alone"

We have been hearing this phrase addressed to journalists and experts since the beginning of December. And we would be glad to leave, but it does not work. The facts do not allow. Well, how it was necessary to train the recent king of the finish line so that on the last lap he lost on the move Babikov? Therefore, Anton should have been left alone for the relay, but not for us, but for the coaching staff. But Shipulin will run a race that will definitely not add either skill or points to him.

What for? Why?!

Yes, on the one hand, another finisher in the men's or mixed relay we simply do not have it, and even in its imperfect state, Shipulin will be of greater benefit than anyone else. In personal races, he can tremble and engage in self-criticism, but when the honor of the team is at stake, its leader will not let you down. But on the other hand, in the state in which our team is in Oberhof, we will not be able to count on a victory or even on prizes. So why psychologically traumatize the leader and once again put him under attack, forcing him to pull the team out of tenth places, like Munchausen himself out of the swamp? Finally, Anton has not missed a single race since the beginning of the season, and an extra day of rest would definitely not hurt him.

Run away! Who goes where ... How else to write about the Russian national biathlon team?

Well, at least once they missed everything, and ours once - and with a medal. About another blow from South Korea I don’t even want to talk. Ashamed.

Why are there dead souls on the team?

The expediency of being in the national team Alexandra Loginova and Irina Starykh was in question back in Hochfilzen, when the IOC clearly outlined the eligibility criteria Russian athletes in neutral status. They have practically no prospects of getting to the Olympics, because the IOC has insured itself even in case of contacting CAS. He does not prohibit athletes with a doping background from performing at the Games, but issues invitations at his own discretion. If he wants not to invite red or bald ones, he has every right.

However, Starykh, despite her relay value, still went to the IBU Cup and did not shine there, becoming the worst Russian woman in the very first race. The presence of Loginov at the World Cup is still friendly with logic. By sports principle the guy deserves it: he is the best move in the team.

The leadership of his native region set an ambitious task for him - to break into the top ten at the end of the season. It seems that there is something to strive for, but what does the relay have to do with it? Instead of checking out less obvious candidates Matvey Eliseeva or Maxim Tsvetkova, the coaches put in the composition of the one who is definitely not an assistant in Pyeongchang.

Powerlessness in Oberhof. Sprint failure was no coincidence

Shipulin played 16 positions, but did not even make it to the top ten. The Russian national team looked powerless. And Fourcade, without nerves, made a golden double.

"A girl with a speaking surname" or when to check Kaisheva

On the one hand, the decision to keep the IBU Cup leader Ulyana Kaishev before Ruhpolding is understandable. In Oberhof porridge, a tall athlete would hardly have shown anything, but she could undermine her self-confidence. But what prevented you from giving her a lift under the baton and giving her a chance to run fresh? Ulyana is an obvious candidate for the Olympic four for a number of reasons. Firstly, Korea will not have the Old Ones' iron relay. Secondly, Mironov and Virolainen are not friends with standing shooting and are even less friendly with relay races. Finally, the candidacy Cream at the first stage it raises very big doubts.

It is hard to imagine in what other team from the top five of the Nations Cup will stubbornly put on the first stage of the relay an athlete who cannot get into the pursuit twice in a row, loses 30 seconds per lap and looks completely helpless on the harsh track of Oberhof. It comes to the point that the fans in the stands are already starting to complain. “Tomorrow, at the first stage, will we again look at a girl with a speaking surname?” - they are interested. And there is no need to clarify who exactly we are talking about.

Attention, do not miss, watch tomorrow, March 18, live broadcasts of the men's relay and women's pursuit at the 8th stage of the World Cup from Norway. The live broadcast of the women's pursuit will begin at 14:00, and the men will start the relay at 16:45 Moscow time. The composition of the Russian team for the men's relay will be published on our website in the very near future. Detailed start lists for all World Cup and IBU Cup races and all Biathlon World Cup results (protocols), as always in the “Biathlon Results” page. A detailed TV program of live broadcasts, traditionally in "TV broadcast". Detailed Schedule of all races for the 2017-2018 season in the Biathlon Calendar section.

Participate in " Forecast Contest»- make your prediction for the KM race
Watch live broadcasts, read biathlon news, comment on the results of the race in the chat and here right on the way (comments to the news, see below)! Our biathletes have every chance of winning! We cheer for ours!


Marina Alekseevna, and especially questions ... And what is Rёsh! I bow my head. And shame on ours!

Victor H., you hold it there!

Fox, a normal program today, funny even in places))

Zanin with Trifanov is handsome!))))

Iola, you are right - Kravtsov invited Shipulin for a conversation and proposed a project to create a separate group. Of course, Shipulin did not know Kryuchkov with whom she was to work as practice showed for more than one season what love at first sight means.

Marina Alekseevna, well done. Max gave good answers. yes Bes answered interestingly

Marina Alekseevna,

Marish, well, we are with you, wow!
I would at least have a circle to wipe my nose with my household!

Natul, I’m watching), although Iole just said that I wouldn’t watch, since Gu simply can’t listen anymore.

Marina Alekseevna, in Guberniev's program Tsvetochek gives interviews, look - I recommend

Pulka, big please! Contact, if frequently) I can and in an amicable way.

“I have not lost my memory yet, I’ll tell you how it was ... At this meeting, Shipulin proposed a plan of action - to create a separate group, named Kryuchkov as a mentor.”
This means that Kryuchkov's memory was knocked out:
“Anton and Lesha made the decision themselves that they want individual training. BEFORE THIS THEY DIDN'T KNOW ME ... They came to Kravtsov to discuss whether such an approach was possible. Kravtsov called me and said: "People would like to train according to an individual plan, you need to provide them with methodological support."
I am still amazed at Anton's perspicacity: to call Kryuchkov a mentor, even without knowing him ... This is worthy of the battle of psychics!))

Marina Alekseevna, thank you very much. Happiness, good luck, joy in life!

Vladimir, let me disagree with you! At that time, the men's team was like a selection, there was no clear leader, but everyone was expected successful performance! It was not Anton who suggested Kryuchkov, but Kravtsov! At that time, Kryuchkov worked in the Center for Strategic Research, the head of which was Kravtsov

Pulka, I was not going to talk to you at all and I am not going to speak from the word AT ALL. You will cling to Maxim not on the case, you will have an opinion that "goes against the grain."

Vityush)))) rearranged) thanks))))) and yes, I am sick for you, for a long time))

although there is still Earring Cougar and Sashka, my Siberian))
how to break then?
So, it's decided! For you!

Marina Alekseevna, even if you are older than me, I don’t need to poke and talk in that tone. Create your own website and set the rules that come to your mind, and since there are different rules here, you should not pounce on those who go against you.

To our guys - strength, endurance and accuracy at a distance! And we will support them, no matter what place they take!
I think that Shipulin and Yurlova, after being denied admission to the Olympic Games, suffered a severe mental breakdown, from which neither one nor the other never recovered ... maybe that's why there are talks about a possible retirement and more mistakes at a distance, which we are used to seeing (
We will root for the Tyumen stage and wait to see what will happen next with our favorite sport!

"Well, what are the" deceptive feelings "if two races in a row with Anton the same thing happened - he was" cut down "in the final segment of the race?"
There is a difference: in the first race the distance was 10 km, in the second - 12.5 km. This means that the final stage, when Anton was knocked out, was somewhat postponed in time.
And in the relay, the distance is even shorter - 7.5 km, there is a chance that Anton will be enough for the entire stage.))

Boris, "So after all, the top of the SBR Mr. Kravtsov himself offered Shipulin to work with Kryuchkov))"

My memory has not yet lost, I will tell you how it was. From an interview with Shipulin, the initiator of the meeting in the high cabinet of the SBR was Anton - not Kravtsov. What it cost Anton to get a meeting - God only knows. At this meeting, Shipulin proposed an action plan - to create a separate group, named Kryuchkov as a mentor.

It was possible to understand Kravtsov in the situation at that time - he was cornered - except for reliable Anton, there was nobody behind. Losing it meant chopping off the branch on which you yourself hang, plus these showdowns guys with Casper

About approval. Did you know that Kryuchkov's group has a certain plan designed for many moves ahead, which is really agreed, but the plan is not a living organism and *** adjustments based on how the athlete feels at the moment, about which you can read the comments of users above ...

Russian biathlete Anton Shipulin spoke about his performance:
“I have no strength for the relay. Seriously, no strength. I would even gladly give up the relay, let the guys run, twitch. But I feel that I will not have such a chance, ”the athlete said.

Marina Alekseevna, how did you guess?))

Iola, just a little bit left to live, soon the race

Fox, how to live? uhOs))

Iola, how could you forget, shame on you and train your memory (if you can't google like others)
I also went to train my memory with my fingers on the keyboard

Fox, no - Wolves, Cook, Malyshko and Tsvetkov

Julia !, Tsvetkov was the fourth
Iola, in my opinion Makhambetov was on the first

Julia !, that's it, I found it, Volkov was running there!

Elen, Vanechka Tcherezov?))))))) A-ha-ha-ha

Julia !, what year was it?

You don't need a lot of memory to remember who ran the first stage)).

Julia !, there was no such thing! More precisely, I may not remember, but Dima ran stage 3 in America)

The first stage I don't remember who ran there, the second Chef, then Dima and then Max!

Julia !, yaknula well)) I will lift in agreement)

Fox, well, how ... everyone wants to implement their own yakalo on the Internet, where I-want-I-I-spoke, I-warned, nothing depends on them. In real life, not everything works out, but here you can.

the roster has already been approved, and the fans are still arguing

Marina, I agree. It's a shame that TS does not seem to be in control of the situation in what state the athletes are or does everything at random ((
I wish the guys good shooting, then it will be easier in the race. And, then even more will have to tear the veins themselves - to win back the time.

Pulka, calm down already at the expense of Maxim. You don't like the guy, so you endlessly cling to him like a burr.
He will do everything in his power today. He will not be afraid, it is not in his rules. I have proved it more than once.
I can imagine how much bile such bullets will pour on him if it fails ...
Even with this "captaincy" now everyone pesters ...

Irsen, when an official application for the relay is submitted, it is impossible to shuffle athletes between stages, you can only make substitutions, for example, Garanichev can replace anyone.

Marina, from the last races it is clear that the staff for Shipa will be superfluous.

Irsen, TSh has only one option, and it seems that they made this option not even yesterday. (

Kennedy62, two teams once fielded. The truth is in the mixed relay. In Khanty-Mansiysk ours took 1st and 2nd places.

And if so: Babikov, Shipulin, Tsvetkov, Malyshko - as an option? Or replace Shipulin with Garanichev.

Bourguignon, so you still need to fly to Tyumen and undergo acclimatization, there is not so much time to rest.

Bourguignon, well, what are the "deceptive feelings" if two races in a row with Anton the same thing happened - he was "cut down" in the final segment of the race?
Anton very rarely says so openly that he has no strength. He's not a "green" junior, so as not to understand his condition.
There is nothing to recover with - one massage is in service. Will it help?
"Mndalka" in this decisive relay race, according to by and large, you just need TSh-their asses to cover for a complete failure in preparation. After all, so far no one from the base has reached the podium this season, except for Shipulin, but he has practically nothing to do with the TSh of the national team.
And so, in the case of today's hit on the podium and they will get "laurels", the team wins), but in case of failure, only a specific athlete will be to blame - as always, for the team "merit" in this case it is not customary to remember yesterday's maiden relay race and its marks after - as an illustration of this. (

Kennedy62, in addition, there is a suitable candidate for the messenger - and the minibus is on alert))

Marina, it happens that the sensations are deceiving, and even if they correspond to the real state, the result can exceed expectations. It should be borne in mind that only the Germans have a relatively reliable composition. The medal may well be hooked on, and for Anton it will not be superfluous. And in the wake of success, a few days of rest to Tyumen may be enough for recovery.

Boris, read Anton's interview!
He speaks in plain text: no strength, no choice, too, you have to run.
And you are about some kind of "agreement" .. Maybe someone agreed with whom, but obviously not with Anton and his coach. (

Kennedy62, so I designated unconditional priority))

Bourguignon, Democratic! True, collisions are inevitable - they can claim the same athletes :))

Kennedy62, while the composition of one relay four should be determined by the fans, and the other - so be it, coaching staff, but according to the residual principle))
Then it will be immediately clear which of them is more perspicacious!

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