Where to start in the gym for beginners. Beginner workout

the main objective with which most people come in gym, is the desire to become the owner of an impressive and relief muscles. To realize your dream, it is not enough just to exercise on simulators. Only a properly designed training program for beginners can achieve truly impressive results. And if professional athletes already have enough knowledge to build a competent lesson, beginners have much more difficult. Many people have only a superficial idea of ​​what a basic training program should look like.

Professional athletes also often face a similar choice, but their program is much more complex and intense. In addition, they can always turn to their personal trainer for help or, using the accumulated knowledge, optimize existing techniques for their own needs and needs. They know their weaknesses and strengths They know how to listen to their own body. Experienced bodybuilders can either have a scheduled training plan for several months in advance, or improvise to diversify their training.

Unfortunately, this approach is not suitable for beginners. When entering the gym, many are simply lost and do not know where to start training. It is best, of course, to seek help from a trainer and follow the recommendations that he gives. You can also ask the advice of pumped-up guys from among those visiting the same gym. But, as practice shows, not all coaches are able to give really worthwhile advice or draw up a training program. There are those who received their "title" by completing paid courses. Not all big guys have extensive coaching knowledge and skills. And here already someone is lucky, but someone is not.

In order not to waste your precious time and a subscription to a gym, you should have an idea yourself about what kind of program to follow.

Weekly training for a beginner is based on:

  • Necessarily- and ;
  • Desirable-, an exercise for the broadest (or pulling up behind the head with weight), or for triceps, tilts with a barbell;
  • A little bit later- you can turn on the deadlift.

There is one here important point, which must be taken into account. When it is not possible to do these exercises in the gym, then you should look for another fitness center. It is impossible to load yourself from the first days to the maximum.

Represents the most important step in preparing the novice athlete for more complex exercises and mastering correct technique performing basic movements.

An example plan might look like this:

  • - 3 sets of 8 reps (further 3x8)
  • - 3x8
  • - 3x8
  • - 3x10
  • - 3х15-20

  • - 3x8
  • - 3x10
  • - 3x10
  • - 3x8
  • - 3x10
  • - 3х15-20

Should be done three times a week. The first and second workouts alternate through one. You should build a schedule in such a way that there is a day of rest between visits to the gym. The first four workouts should be performed in two sets, and only then increase the number to three. The fourth and eighth sessions are recommended to be made light, that is, with reduced weight.

Important! You should not immediately lift large weights, since the main priority is on the correct execution technique.

It is recommended to add a load only when the number of given repetitions begins to be given easily and it is necessary to increase the load. Each workout must begin with a warm-up for 10 minutes, complete with stretching and hanging on the bar for 5 minutes.

When the introductory course is fully mastered, subsequent classes are devoted to increased mass gain, increased endurance and strength indicators. Here, many try to perform a large number of repetitions with low weight, which is wrong. Such a training rhythm gives an overall high load, but practically does not have any strong effect on muscle mass gain. The only benefit will be some improvement in stamina. High reps and light weights are the middle ground between aerobic and strength training.

After the introductory course, a more solid load will be the right step. The training program itself might look like this:


  • - 4x8
  • - 4x6-8
  • - 3x10
  • - 3x10
  • Press


  • - 4x8
  • - 4x8
  • pull-ups for the head - 3x8
  • - 3x12
  • - 3x12 press


  • - 4x8
  • - 3x10
  • - 3x10
  • - 3x10
  • Press

You can train according to the above program for the first two months. If the muscles grow well, then it is ideal and can be used further. There is no point in looking for another method.

Making the program more diverse is, of course, desirable. To this end, some exercises are simply changed. Instead of a deadlift, in some classes you can perform deadlift with straight legs. Usually this alternation is carried out in a week. Pullover wiring and pull-ups for the head can be replaced with traction in an incline, bench press from a standing position - bench press, which is best done at the end of the session. You can change the number of repetitions in the bench press to 6, instead of 8, and increase the working weights. It should be borne in mind that the exercises begin with a couple of warm-up approaches, followed by workers.

Beginners have a large adaptive margin and working weights are much easier to lift. This often provokes a desire to try your hand and lift the maximum possible weight for yourself at once. Such penetrations only hinder progress and can cause injury or impair technique.

When there is a choice between improving technique and raising heavy gravity, some, unfortunately, prefer the latter. Thus, many simply focus on lifting more weight. This phenomenon is called cheating, which professionals can afford, but not beginners who need to learn how to feel. own body.

If beginners to train cheat regularly, this leads to the fact that in the future they have to re-master the execution technique. In addition, incorrect execution can lead to injury, and, consequently, the need for rehabilitation and rollback. To master the technique, learn to feel your own body and determine your priority goals, you need to practice according to the proposed and similar programs for at least six months. In the future, the athlete will already decide whether he wants to become a professional, taking part in competitions, or to practice for himself.

The decision to go in for sports was taken seriously and for a long time, a subscription to a fitness club was prepared, ironed new form… It seems that you have everything to make life really healthy, filled with the triumph of victories and joy sports achievements! But before you start active training, learn all about the mistakes that beginners make! And then all efforts on the sports field will give not just an excellent result, but an example worthy of imitation!

Going to a fitness club or gym on your own is not the best idea for beginners. Effective training requires clear goals and instructions. Therefore, at first it is better to engage in the company of like-minded people or a personal trainer. So you will know exactly how to build a workout correctly, which muscle groups to work out, what to give priority to, and which exercises to leave for later.

Under the guidance of an experienced trainer, even a short workout will give a better result than a novice's 3-hour attempts to "get in shape quickly." Know that going to the gym without a clear program is the prerogative of "advanced" athletes, while beginners need motivation and a plan - what to do and in what sequence.

Mistake 2: "Tested" program

If each workout exactly repeats the previous session and this continues for a long time, every day you are less likely to get good fitness results. Firstly, because strictly defined muscle groups work. If the workout is not designed correctly, part of the muscles is constantly left without work. Secondly, sooner or later the muscles get used to the load, and then there is no progress in training.

To achieve greater performance in the gym, you need to experiment - increase the intensity or pace, switch to other exercises, set new peaks and conquer them.

Mistake 3: Unhealthy ambition

Many beginners, wanting to quickly get perfect body, strive to do as much as possible in one workout. They load themselves to the fullest, leave the fitness club in a state of exhaustion. Meanwhile, all this is fraught with muscle strain and injuries. Severe pain after a workout is not an indicator of effectiveness, but evidence that something went wrong!

Intensive training should always be combined with moderate activity, alternating complex and simple complexes. During training, the body also needs rest, so slowing down is justified.

Long breaks between training complexes, exercises and sets significantly reduce the effectiveness of classes in general. Optimal quantity the time that you can allow the body to rest is 1-1.5 minutes. If necessary, the coach can extend it, while reducing the number of such breaks. When going to training, you must understand that you are going to work. And you will rest after, but with a sense of accomplishment.

Mistake 5: Inability to work with simulators

Modern simulators, presented in most gyms, as a rule, are equipped with a small reminder of how to exercise on them. But this simple scheme is often not enough. To exercise on the simulator correctly, you need to know how much weight you are allowed to lift, how many times you can do it, what the angle of inclination should be and how many approaches you can perform. A fitness instructor can provide all the necessary information, it is important to contact him for advice in a timely manner. Otherwise, unknowingly, serious injury may result. And remember: the problem is not always visible immediately, sometimes it makes itself felt after a while, when more harm has already been done to health.

Mistake 6: Without sports nutrition - nowhere!

Many athletes who train daily unreasonably believe that without sports nutrition they would not be able to achieve good results which means it needs to be consumed every day. Newbies are of the same opinion. As soon as they touch the dumbbells with their hands or lift the minimum weight on the simulator, they ask the "enlightened ones" what supplements they should include in their diet.

There really is no need to get a massive dose of vitamins, protein, creatine, and other supplements in a beginner's diet. Moreover, even professional athletes sports nutrition not always necessary. It was created mostly in order to help a professional cope with a serious load, therefore, they are relevant during preparation for marathons, competitions and other events of a similar nature.

Mistake 7: Fitness is not for age

Fitness is useful at any age, but in each case it must be selected individually. So, it is better for mature women to give up exhausting jumping exercises, since there is a very high risk of injury. And for young girls, before the completion of the puberty process, some elements of Belly Dance are contraindicated, due to the fact that they can cause disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs. There are programs that are suitable for everyone and those that can only be practiced in excellent health. But in any case, you can find "your niche", and it is best to look for it in the company of a professional.

The effectiveness of training in the gym largely depends on how knowledgeable a person is in the area he is engaged in. Very often, beginners neglect the theory, while this is where they should start. To tighten the body, lose weight, gain flexibility and grace, as well as increase endurance and strength, you need elementary knowledge of anatomy (location and names of muscles), the basics of proper nutrition, the ability to perform basic exercises technically accurate. Specialized literature and coaching will help you get the necessary minimum information.

Mistake 9: No progress

The main goal of any workout is to improve the body. You need to work constantly, maintaining the achieved result. If you do not complicate your training program, do not include additional items and new complexes in it, soon the effectiveness of the classes will decrease and the plateau effect will come.

To prevent this from happening, you need to increase the number of approaches, the number of repetitions of exercises, or take more weight. The training program should be reviewed at least once a month.

Mistake 10: Not enjoying the activity

An important condition for maintaining healthy lifestyle life - practice it with pleasure, otherwise it will not become part of your life. If the atmosphere of the gym seems heavy and stuffy to you, it blows cold in the pool, and monotonous movements annoy you at dances, that's okay! Experiment and find a sport to your liking.

Find an activity that you will enjoy doing not only now, but also in a year and all your life. But keep in mind that the attitude towards the same sport practiced by different coaches can be very different. Do not judge superficially! And try to find "your" instructor! And then a little later you will share with him the joy of your victories.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body,” people say. And this is perhaps the most correct setting for every day! Taking confident steps towards youth, health and longevity, pay full attention to the word of professionals! So that you do not feel constrained in the gym and you are not overcome by boredom, we reveal the nuances of interesting and effective workouts!

Elena Appba, functional diagnostics expert, obstetrician-gynecologist

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the pro-Western orientation of society has led to the development of the fitness industry around the world, including in Russian Federation. The health benefits of visiting fitness clubs are beyond doubt in the minds of people, however, the vast majority do not have an accurate understanding of where to start, how to properly build a training process and minimize health risks. Often, novice athletes do not think about which exercises can be performed, and which ones can cause irreparable harm to health and even lead to disability.

It is necessary to take into account a number of factors - this is both age and level of preparedness, the presence of bad habits, somatic status, the duration of the period of physical inactivity (that is, lack of physical activity), body composition (the ratio of fat and lean mass in the body). I'll show you how to build effective workout! Do not repeat other people's mistakes:

Mistake 11: Not having a clear understanding of training goals

Among the goals are the following: recovery, maintaining muscle tone, losing weight, gaining muscle mass, increasing endurance, correcting posture, developing flexibility, a surge of emotions and good mood, development of various directions (dances, martial arts, swimming), preparation for participation in competitions.

Depending on the chosen goals, a training plan is drawn up. It is important to understand what will be the top priority. The desire to achieve everything at once leads to distraction of attention, delaying the achievement of results.

A consultation with a fitness club doctor will allow you to determine your somatic status (including the presence of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, nuances of the musculoskeletal system, history of injuries and operations), direct the training process, give a basic idea of ​​the training itself, minimize risks, give useful medical advice to coaches about the state of human health.

Mistake 13: Ignoring the passage of annual medical examinations

The consultation of a functional diagnostics specialist is certainly important, but without the availability of special equipment and skills, as well as laboratory diagnostics, it is not possible to form a complete understanding of the state of health.

The benefits of screening methods are proven to be effective. Thanks to screenings, it is possible to detect diseases at the earliest stages, when they can still be corrected without the development of complications. Knowing your body and yourself is the key to minimizing the risks of possible complications. This should be remembered!

Mistake 14: Refusal to determine body composition

Bioimpedance analysis of the body, developed in the middle of the twentieth century and used in professional sports, allows you to determine the composition of the body (the amount of muscles, fat, water in the body, the presence of edema, metabolism, basal metabolic rate), as well as to understand whether a person eats properly.

The method is based on conducting a safe electric current weak tension in the body, and, due to the fact that different tissues have different resistance, it is possible to determine the composition of the body. This information is necessary for the coach to draw up a training program and improve its effectiveness in the future. It is recommended to repeat the study every 2-3 months of regular classes.

Mistake 15: Overestimating your fitness level

"I can! I myself! What’s so difficult about it!?”, - this is how the words of people who overestimate their capabilities, who do not have a correct understanding sports culture. The construction of the initial stage is the basis for further training. Mistakes in the early stages can have irreversible consequences for health. Maximum heart rate during cardio training should not exceed the maximum value, which is calculated from the results of the load test in the hall.

Nature arranged man so that the body should receive the necessary amount of nutrients. In the event that this is not the case, there is a violation of the functioning of organs and systems.

Nutrition must be balanced. Protein is a structural component of cells, and if it is insufficiently supplied to the body, no new cells are built, which leads to the fact that the body begins to “eat itself” during training and muscle tissue does not build up. Long and short carbohydrates are a valuable source of energy for both physical and mental activity. Insufficient intake of fat leads to a violation of the hormonal status and absorption of vitamins from the intestinal tract.

The "gold standard" for weight loss is a balance between nutritional deficiencies and intense training. In case of detection of metabolic disorders (diseases endocrine system), it is necessary to pass tests and consult with an endocrinologist.

Mistake 17: jet lag

Biological rhythms affect all processes occurring in the body. Proper alternation of sleep and wakefulness allows you to restore strength for further functioning and spending resources. The most useful sleep is from 22:00 to 02:00 at night, this is due to the production of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the usefulness of sleep and body adaptation. In this case, the duration of sleep should be 8 hours.

The modern pace of life, large metropolitan areas dictate their terms. Irregular working hours, constant stress lead to lack of sleep at the most useful time, insomnia. Violation of the production of hormones occurs primarily in women, hence many problems with conception arise.

It also happens that a person has the opportunity to train only at night. When choosing between such training and their complete absence, one should make a choice in favor of physical activity. According to WHO standards, the minimum number of steps per day is 8000. Movement is life!

Mistake 18: Dosing physical activity

Competent construction of the training process is fundamental in achieving the goals. There are a number of nuances, ranging from the choice of simulators, the technique of performing exercises and the weight used, ending with the distance at which to put arms and legs, how many sets and repetitions to perform. In this case, the key point will be the ability, knowledge of physiology and physical education, the design of the training process, the experience of the coach, continuous improvement, as well as your individual compatibility.

Mistake 19: Improper breathing

Breathing is just as natural a process inseparable from life as the beating of the heart, which is why not every person thinks about how to correctly alternate inhalation and exhalation.

Competent breathing during physical activity not only makes it easier to perform exercises, but also reduces the load on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and increases the effectiveness of training. Involuntary breath holding leads to oxygen starvation of tissues, the launch of anaerobic oxidation processes, dizziness and even loss of consciousness due to brain hypoxia, and increased blood pressure.

Currently, running has gained particular popularity, running has become fashionable. Regularly held charity run and sports marathons. Now no one can be surprised by runners in parks, on the streets, embankments of the city. The benefits of running do not always outweigh the harm they cause.

Before introducing running into your training program and making it part of your lifestyle, consult with a specialist. In the event that there are no contraindications to running, it is necessary to start by setting up a running technique. The contact of the foot with the surface should be smooth to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system. Under no circumstances should you land on your heels.

Running is contraindicated for overweight people - all this gives a “shock” load on spinal column and joints, which leads to tissue wear. For weight loss, the most effective is walking in the zone of the most effective pulse with a regular change in the slope of the surface to reduce the load on the ligaments and joints.

Mistake 21: Choosing the wrong clothes and shoes for sports

Clothing should be comfortable, not hindering the performance of certain exercises. Modern breathable fabrics allow you to regulate heat transfer, as a result of which the body does not overheat.

The most important and because of this difficult is the choice of the right shoes with foot fixation and cushioning. Sneakers should only be chosen with an experienced specialist, and this is something that cannot be skimped on. When choosing, you should be guided by how the training process will be built - whether it will be strength training, cardio or group programs. There are shoes for every purpose.

Mistake 22: Chaotic Class Attendance

In any field of activity, consistency is necessary. Chaotic attendance at classes, long breaks lead to the fact that each workout is perceived by the body as stress, which leads to psychological discomfort, fatigue, bad mood. Physical exercise speed up the metabolism for 48 hours, which is why training 3-4 times a week is considered optimal.

Mistake 23: Exercising "by force"

The stereotypical opinion that without pain there will be no result is firmly rooted in the mind. This idea is rooted in professional sports, where the achievement of results is really associated with continuous overcoming of oneself, exhausting workouts, achieving beyond the results. A person who is just starting to play sports or doing it for himself (“keepfit”), the load should be carefully dosed. The occurrence of physical discomfort during exercise can lead to damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints - their tear, tear, tear, which will require a complex of medical interventions, up to surgical treatment.

Society has split into two camps - opponents and supporters of sports nutrition.

What is sports nutrition? This food products, designed specifically for people involved in sports, which increases the resource intensity of the body, makes it more resilient and allows short time ramp up muscle mass.

It should be remembered that before starting to use it, it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications, including individual allergic reactions to the components, carefully calculate the dosage based on the diet and the nature of the training, consult with the trainer.

Summing up, it should be said that the approach to training should be reasonable and comprehensive, without overestimating one's strengths and capabilities. I wish you successful training!

Expert comment

Exercising once a week or from time to time, a person not only does not allow the body to progress, but also increases the likelihood of injury. Especially vulnerable in this regard are the ligamentous apparatus and joints, which adapt to the load more slowly than muscles.

I will tell you how to exercise and recover after training, plan new classes:

Mistake 25: Lifting a lot of weight without warming up

Beginners, seeing a large number of different shells, begin to randomly engage in strength exercises. Our ligaments are arranged in much the same way as very dense rubber bands, only the rubber has a constant elasticity, and the ligaments in calm state compressed and susceptible to sudden loads.

In order to warm up the ligaments, you need to do at least one approach with a minimum weight. Also, before exercising specific group muscles (for example, hands), you can do warm-up exercises with small dumbbells. If a person is engaged without warming up for the first time, then this may not lead to any consequences, but with regular hard training this can lead to premature wear of the ligaments, injuries and even tissue ruptures.

Mistake 26: Not Stretching After a Hard Workout

Stretching is less important than warming up before training, but neglecting it, beginners inhibit muscle development. The fact is that after intense loads, a number of specific chemical elements accumulate in the muscle, one of which is lactate, or in the common people “lactic acid”. It is because of him that the next day after training, the muscles begin to hurt. Stretching helps to distribute lactate throughout the body and, in addition to partially eliminating pain, helps to evenly distribute the healing elements secreted by the body throughout the muscle tissue. Stretching also helps strengthen the ligaments and restore their elasticity after hard training.

Mistake 27: Fasting before workouts

Many beginners, regardless of the goals set before the training process, do not pay due attention to proper nutrition. Very often people who set a goal to lose excess weight, starving and exercising intensely. Firstly, this approach will not be effective, since the body will quickly work out its resource, and the person will not be able to train further, and, accordingly, will not achieve the goal - to lose weight. Secondly, it will simply harm the cardiovascular and other body systems.

Good sleep is just as important as proper nutrition. In a dream, an intensive renewal of the body occurs, and not only muscles, but also nervous system, cardiovascular, a number of substances and hormones are produced that have an adaptive function and promote the growth of muscle tissue (for example, melatonin and somatotropin). When exercising, striving to expand the capabilities of your body, do not forget that the observance of circadian rhythms, corresponding to the change of day and night, is the most important tool for recovery.

Mistake 29: Neglecting technique for the sake of trying to master more weight

The most common mistake in strength training. Dreaming of a quick “buildup”, young people do not care about the correct performance of strength exercises. This not only significantly reduces the effectiveness of exercises, since non-target muscle groups work, but also leads to injuries and premature wear of the joints and ligaments. The most common technical error is the wrong barbell squat. It is very important to first learn how to perform regular squats technically correctly, and only then take the weight.

Mistake 30: Not following your breath while doing strength exercises

The first rule of any power jerk, whether it be a machine or free weight- exhale on the jerk, inhale on the lowering. Many girls who previously engaged in aerobic exercise (running, group lessons), sooner or later decide to go to the gym to strengthen the muscles. It is they who are at risk when performing strength exercises, as they train in the absence of an instructor and do not have a complete understanding of the breathing technique during exercise.

Mistake 31: In pursuit of the result, do not allow the body to recover properly

At its core, strength training is nothing more than a deliberate injury to the muscles in order to further strengthen and grow them in the recovery process. Beginners, setting themselves the goal of quickly gaining physical shape, begin to exercise regularly. But the regularity of training is not a daily visit to the gym! The normal recovery period for the muscles of the legs is 5-7 days, the arms recover faster, from 3 days, depending on the load.

The fat layer is unevenly distributed throughout our body, as there are areas where the deposits will be more pronounced: the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, so there is a common misconception that you need to perform exercises on problem area, and "fat will go away." But working out a separate zone, a person is engaged in strengthening and developing muscles, and body fat remain in place. Why?

Fat accumulation is an ancient adaptation mechanism. The body is preparing for the fact that at one moment “difficult times” will come, there will be no opportunity to receive nutrients from the outside, which means that we need our own “reserves”. And the biochemical cascade of reactions aimed at the use of these "reserves" occurs only under certain conditions of lack of energy and the absence of its other sources. Favorable conditions for the inclusion of fats in the active process of energy supply of the body creates a moderate aerobic load and a balanced diet.

Mistake 33: Not drinking water while exercising

Usually people drink water when they are already thirsty. But thirst is already a sign that the body does not have enough water. And in conditions of increased energy consumption, the likelihood of dehydration increases significantly. It is also worth considering the fact that regular moderate drinking will help to avoid dehydration rather than a large amount of fluid before or after training. Experienced athletes recommend that regular drinking breaks be part of the training program, and take 200-300 ml of water every 20 minutes, even if at first it will seem unusual.

Mistake 34: Do strength exercises on an empty stomach

If you are just discovering the world of sports and strength training, then in no case train on an empty stomach. Many people feel the desire to lose weight as soon as possible, so they believe that by not eating before a workout, they will be able to achieve their goal sooner. On an empty stomach in the morning, you can do a small cardio workout, the hormonal background of a person who has just woken up also has this, but for a full-fledged building of muscles and their correct operation we need "building materials" and the energy that we get from food. Not providing the body with energy for the upcoming strength training, a beginner increases the likelihood of injury to muscle tissue and contributes to its unhealthy fatigue.

Mistake 35: Consuming Coffee and Energy Drinks Before and During Your Workout

It is generally accepted that coffee gives energy to a person, while often people do not understand that this drink does not give energy, but only allows you to use your body's own reserves more intensively. The same applies to "energy". The feeling of a surge of strength after consuming such a product is just the body's own resources, artificially neglected. After a period of activation thus launched, the opposite state of exhaustion may set in, with the undesirable effect of overwork, lethargy, inability to recover. It is not necessary at the beginning of the path to “squeeze” the maximum out of the capabilities of your body, resorting to special means, a person should enter the training process gradually and consistently.

Many girls believe that classes with weighting agents will immediately make bodybuilders out of them, not feminine muscles will grow, but the figure will become masculine. This is not so, because the mechanisms of muscle tissue growth are hormonal processes as well. The entire biochemistry of the body is controlled by the ratio of hormones circulating in our blood.

Intensive muscle growth in men is due to the fact that the androgenic hormone testosterone, in male body present in much higher concentrations than in the female. A woman is an “estrogen” being, estrogen “protects” a woman from male muscle volumes and unfeminine proportions, and the competitive form of professional female bodybuilders is achieved artificially with the help of pharmacological preparations.

Mistake 37: Not understanding the difference between sports nutrition and real doping

Sports nutrition is often called "chemistry" by unknowing people, and sincerely believe that it is used only by professional athletes in pursuit of unhealthy achievements. While sports nutrition hardly lives up to such a reputation. In the field professional sports there are artificially created hormones, and stimulants, and adaptogens, but sports nutrition is just nutrients in an unusual form for us, something that complements the main diet, makes it more balanced, and helps to recover more efficiently after intense exercise.

Mistake 38: Not taking into account the individual characteristics of the body

No matter how much you want quick results, and to be like your idol athlete, you always need to understand the characteristics of your body and listen to your condition. Training process should be different even for people of different body types: someone needs to do cardio as often as possible, and someone, on the contrary, should use it only as a warm-up before the upcoming power load. And it is all the more important to take into account the state of the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the features of the musculoskeletal system, otherwise sport will not only not bring desired results but it will be harmful to health.

The desire to have a slender, athletic figure often encounters complete confusion and a lack of understanding of how to start training if you have never done it before. A properly designed initial program will save the beginner from frustration and waste of time.

Choose a training goal

First of all, it is necessary to clearly articulate and define the purpose of the training program. This will allow you to approach load planning with right side and get the desired result.

The most common mistake of beginners is the desire to become both strong and huge at once, and to get the coveted embossed cubes on the stomach. It's three perfect different tasks and it is best to work on each of them separately.

For example, in order to gain muscle mass, an athlete needs to receive more calories than the body is able to use - this is the only way the muscles will grow. Moreover, different types physiques with different metabolic rates will need correspondingly different amounts of kilocalories. But in any case, they will still need more than the daily allowance.

Work on the relief involves a radically opposite approach. When choosing this particular goal, the athlete must spend much more energy than enters his body.

The relief volume of muscles is undeniably beautiful, however, drying has a negative effect on strength indicators. So, work for strength and relief is the same Sisyphean labor as simultaneous work for relief and mass.

Strength indicators are based on effective work nervous system, and not on the beauty of the muscles. It is not for nothing that weightlifters and powerlifters, as soon as they gain weight, increase their results and also decently lose in efficiency, as soon as the athlete's weight loss begins to occur.

Any pledge successful workout is a warm-up. After only 5 minutes on the treadmill and stretching the joints a little simple exercises, you will warm up and prepare the body for further, already more serious, loads.

Training for beginners should not take place more than 2-3 times a week. In the case of daily training, the athlete's body will undergo serious overwork and will not be able to find the strength for a normal recovery.

On the initial stage it is best to do the exercise 3 times (set), and the weight is selected so that the performer is able to master 12 to 15 repetitions in one set.

You should not get hung up on only one training scheme - due to the body's ability to quickly get used to monotonous exercises, the effectiveness of classes can be significantly reduced.

Do not try to load yourself with training to the maximum from the very first lesson. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. A gradual increase in intensity will allow the body to adapt to stress and improve health.

Do not forget also that in the formation of a sporty and taut silhouette important role playing food and time to rest.

Always remember the technique of performing exercises. Doing it wrong, at best, training will be fruitless, at worst, you can seriously harm yourself.

Learn technique and never hesitate to ask the trainer at your gym for advice. It's a shame not to "not know", it's a shame not to want to know.

Training frequency

Daily, frequent workouts are just as undesirable extremes as infrequent, or their complete absence.

The high frequency of training does not allow the muscles to recover even to their original level, not to mention the growth of performance. The result of such training is the aggravation of the condition muscle groups with each subsequent workout and overtraining.

There are, of course, special training programs in which classes are held every day. However, it's best to leave them to the professionals.

The low frequency of training, in turn, reduces the effectiveness of training, as the opportunity to play sports in the onset phase of supercompensation is lost.

Based on the fact that it takes 2 to 4 days to restore muscle tissue, the most optimal schedule for strength training is to exercise 2-3 times a week.

Training duration

Depending on the goals of the athlete, the duration of training may vary.

Mass-gaining workouts can last from 1.5 to 2 hours, as the athlete needs time to rest between sets. And workouts aimed at losing weight are effective only if they last from 30 to 60 minutes.

Excessively prolonged training forces the body to produce cortisol, a hormone that destroys muscle tissue and contributes to overtraining.

Where to start training?

Beginner training is divided into two main approaches and a lot of intermediate ones in between. Muscles in human body a great variety and they can be trained both all at once, and in batches or splits.

In the first case, the approach is gentle and consists of circuit "full body" workouts. To strengthen the ligaments, get used to the loads and start the processes associated with training in the body, novice athletes need to train from 1 to 3 months practically without free weights.

The second approach, free weight and core splits, is considered quite severe. With this approach, trainers recommend dividing muscles into three groups and loading each of them on a specific day of the week.

Training for beginners is recommended to start with aerobic exercise. running, swimming, fast walk, aerobics will allow you to develop an addiction to stress in the body and prepare it for high-intensity training. This stage of training lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

Training program for beginners

Day one - back muscles and biceps:

  • (5 sets of 5 reps)
  • (3 sets with the maximum number repetitions)
  • Military bench press (3 sets of 8 reps)
  • Incline dumbbell side raise (2 sets of 12 reps)
  • Hitch

Style Outcome

Regular training, proper nutrition and the necessary rest for muscle recovery will allow any novice athlete to find the desired fit athletic silhouette without irritable fatigue and labor blisters. The rule of three "P" - plan, gradualness, proper nutrition.

Want to get your body in shape, increase strength and increase endurance, but don't know where to start exercising? We tried to collect only useful and verified information about the gym especially for beginners.

Today you will learn:

  • what is a modern gym;
  • how much does a subscription cost and do I need to buy it;
  • how to properly prepare for training;
  • Why is it important to have a personal trainer?

You will receive answers to these and other questions from our new article.

How the gym works

A fitness center or workout room is a specially organized space in which everything is subordinated to a single goal: to provide visitors with a comfortable and safe environment for sports activities.

But not all existing centers are equally useful. There are halls limited in area, located in the basement, poorly ventilated or not comfortable enough. The mood, the desire to practice and, ultimately, the result depend on the successful choice of the hall.

The hall is conventionally divided into several functional areas:

  1. Cardio zone - here are simulators for development and strengthening of cardio-vascular system, increase endurance and weight correction.
  2. Free weights area - classes with barbells and dumbbells are held in it.
  3. Power zone - here passes strength training on the trainers.

In the modern halls there is a reception where friendly and pleasant girls sit who will answer all your questions and orient you on the spot, as well as a locker room, a shower, a fitness bar with drinks and special meals for recuperation. And of course, there is a staff of personal trainers who are ready to help at the first call.

How to get started in the gym

You should not immediately start with intense training on strength or cardio machines. First, you don't know the technique. Secondly, without preparation and warm-up there is a high risk of injury.

Tip: Start by talking to your trainer. Let the expert create an individual program for you, depending on your current form and preparation. And remember that a healthy body is not only daily exercise. This is also proper nutrition, good sleep and competent recovery.

The foundation effective training- a reasonable approach. This applies to all parameters: the intensity of classes, weight gain, adherence to the daily routine. It is important to correctly and clearly formulate the main goal of training for yourself personally. What exactly do you want: to gain muscle mass, lose weight, carry out body shaping, become stronger and more resilient?

Even if you decide to practice on your own, professional advice and control at the initial stage will definitely be needed. Without the participation of an experienced "specialist" you will make a lot of mistakes and waste a lot of time.

Basic training rules for beginners

  • never skip a warm-up - without it, you expose your muscles, ligaments and bones to the risk of injury and damage;
  • clothing should be as simple and functional as possible;
  • the time of the first workouts should not exceed 40-45 minutes;
  • the first few months do not train more than 2 times a week;
  • professional consultations in the first week are required;
  • eat no later than 1.5-2 hours for training - protein and carbohydrate foods are preferable;
  • after training (after about 30-45 minutes), it is also better to eat to restore calorie consumption;
  • take water with you (at least 1-1.5 liters) - it is necessary to drink in class to prevent dehydration.

And a few words about class time. It is determined strictly individually, depending on the characteristics of the organism. For some, the peak of physical activity occurs in the morning, while others are more comfortable doing it in the evening.

Do I need to buy a subscription

It is in the interest of any gym to get a client on a long-term basis. Therefore, administrators, managers and owners will definitely persuade you to purchase a subscription for long periods - 6 months, a year.

But such a purchase is not always advisable. Tomorrow you will find a gym with more suitable conditions, and then what? Not all companies are ready to return your money on demand.

Experienced Tip: Look for an institution with flexible terms. To get started, buy 4-5 one-time visits to test the equipment, get to know the staff and evaluate the level of comfort. Perhaps your desire to practice here will disappear after the first workout.

If you liked everything unconditionally, it makes sense to purchase a long-term subscription. Its presence is a kind of motivator and stimulus: the money is paid in advance, which means that you need to work it out in full force.

The cost of a one-time lesson and subscription depends on the level of the hall and the city in which it is located. The price range is from 150 to 500 rubles per lesson, and from 800 to 3500 rubles. for a month "unlimited".

Training program for absolute beginners

If this is your first time in the gym, start with complex and heavy exercise not worth it. Even if you have watched 100500 tutorial videos on YouTube and are sure that you are in an amazing physical form, forcing loads is an unreasonable risk.

Girls and boys usually different goals classes. Women want to lose weight, and men want to build muscle and become stronger. Therefore, their programs will be different.

Sample plan for men:

  1. Warm-up (10-15 minutes). The ideal option is classes on a treadmill, exercise bike, jumping rope.
  2. Leg press (3 sets of 15 reps).
  3. Leg curl (2x15).
  4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (3x5).
  5. Press on the simulator for pectoral muscles(3x15).
  6. Shoulder exercise (3x15).
  7. Lifting dumbbells for biceps (3x10).
  8. Lifting the block for triceps (3x10).
  9. Twisting on the press (3 × 20).

This basic complex exercises for beginners in the gym. In the future, you yourself or your coach will supplement it, depending on the sensations and the first results.

Program for girls:

  1. Warm-up (with stretching).
  2. Hanging leg raises (3 sets of 5-10 reps).
  3. Pull-ups - as much as possible.
  4. Bending the legs from a lying position (3x15).
  5. Squats with a neck (2x10).
  6. thrust upper block(shoulders) (2x15).
  7. Dumbbell bench press (3x15).
  8. Twisting on the press (3x15).

Rest time between sets is 3 to 5 minutes. That's how much you need to restore strength and reduce the level of lactic acid.

A preliminary plan disciplines, makes the process more meaningful and efficient.

Programs for beginners are designed in such a way that they work out all muscle groups at once, loading them evenly. After 2-3 months, it will be possible to move on to split workouts, when the program is divided into parts, each of which is performed on different days. We will write about this in detail in our next articles.

What to bring

Come to the gym prepared - this will eliminate the inconvenience and facilitate the training process.

If you don't have a roomy gym bag, buy one. The more experienced the athlete, the more impressive his equipment.

The best clothes for neophytes are shorts and a T-shirt, and shoes are sneakers or sneakers. Some athletes recommend wearing special gloves - they will protect the palms from slipping and blisters when lifting weights.

Be sure to bring a towel to wipe sweat off your body and face. If you are going to shower after your workout, bring flip flops.

Music helps a lot to keep the mood and maintain the rhythm. In this case, you will need a player.

Useful nuances

If you are serious about the result, start keeping a training diary from the first workout. The numbers never lie: with them you will know for sure whether there is progress, whether it is worth increasing the load, how many sets you do and how much time you devote to classes.

Full recovery after stress is a whole science. You will need an energy high-calorie food, preferably with a minimum amount of fat. A milk chocolate shake or special bars for athletes are suitable.

During classes, try to disconnect from everyday and professional problems and fully focus on physical sensations. Believe me, the exercises themselves perfectly relieve tension and form the right emotional tone.

It is better to turn off the phone for the duration of the training completely (unless, of course, you are waiting for an important call). And if you are talking with someone, do it outside the hall: nothing knocks the mood like extraneous conversations.

AND last tip: do not use perfume or deodorant with a pungent odor before class. Sweat plus perfume is not the most pleasant combination.

While almost everyone would like to play sports or go to the gym, not everyone is motivated to do it regularly. Establishing a routine and sticking to it can be difficult. However, there are a few tricks to help you not give up. Set simple achievable goals and go for them. In order not to be upset because of the absence quick results, exercise 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes.


How to set clear goals

    Talk to your doctor before you start exercising. If you have not played sports before, you will first need to find out what exercises and what type of exercise are contraindicated for you. This is especially important if you have a chronic illness or disability. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    • If you are a man over 45 or a woman over 55, do not start exercising without talking to your doctor.
    • Your doctor may recommend special exercises that will be safe for you.


    Michelle Dolan is a BCRPA Certified Personal Trainer from British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele Dolan
    Certified personal trainer

    Michelle Dolan, certified personal trainer, recommends:“For starters, it will be good to practice twice a week for 20 minutes. Gradually increase this number up to 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes to reach the required 150 minutes per week.

    Set yourself a goal and a deadline. Everyone has different goals and deadlines. Maybe you want to build muscle, lose weight, or just move more. A clear goal will motivate you to keep exercising even if you feel like quitting. The goal should be specific: run a half marathon in 6 months, learn how to do 30 push-ups per minute in 3 weeks.

    • Think about what you want to develop. You may not be measuring your goal in terms of lost kilograms (for example, you want to run 5 kilometers), and this is normal.
    • Many people exercise to lose weight. Maybe you want your waist to decrease by 4 centimeters by the summer? Or weight - by 15 kilograms in 6 months? Perhaps you want to lose 5% body fat in a year?
    • Set goals that will not threaten your health. Don't try to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. If you are not sure if the exercise or program you choose is safe, ask your doctor.
  1. Make sports a priority. You probably will not be difficult to find other activities and give up sports. To prevent this from happening, give priority to training. If training is the main event of the day, you don't put it off as unimportant.

    • For example, set your alarm an hour earlier and go to the gym before work in the morning. Or tell a friend that you can't have dinner with him because you have a workout after work.
    • But don't get hung up on training and don't give up socializing because of sports. If you want to stay motivated, build workouts into your routine.
  2. Use a fitness tracker. If you have a smartphone or tablet, download and install 1-2 apps to track your progress. The application will motivate you to exercise regularly. You will be able to count calories, steps, hours of sleep and track other parameters related to health and sports. Suitable for the following applications:

    • MyFitnessPal. This program allows you to count calories and steps.
    • Sworkit. This application has exercise videos that can be collected into 200 different workouts.
    • MapMyRun (in English, but the application interface is intuitive) allows you to build routes for running in your area, based on the desired distance and duration of the run.
  3. Play sports with a friend. If you exercise alone, you can get tired of training very quickly. To prevent this from happening, find a friend who also wants to start exercising. Offer to go to workouts or go for a run in the morning together. If you exercise with someone, it will be easier for you to motivate yourself and stick to your training regimen.

    • If your friend is already into sports, ask if you can join him.

Smart workout routine

  1. Choose days and times for training. This will allow you to make sports a habit. To always be in time for training, you need to make them a priority. Set aside time for sports several times a week. For example, run for an hour every day at 7 am or go to the gym on Mondays from 6 to 8.

    • At first it will be difficult to accustom yourself to the regimen. But if you practice haphazardly, sports will not become your habit.
  2. Start with simple exercises. To begin with, it is worth trying to perform more general exercises. When you understand what exactly you like, you can adjust the program. Do both strength and cardio exercises first.

    • Try doing cardio. Start by running or walking down the street or on a treadmill. Do 20 minutes 3-5 times a week.
    • Try strength training (lifting weights or using machines). Give a load on all muscle groups (chest and arms, legs, core muscles) at least twice a week.
  3. Make a workout playlist. You will be more motivated to exercise if you have energetic music with you, and it will be easier to finish the workout. Music during classes will distract you from muscle pain and force you to work.

    • If you don't have time to put together a playlist, grab one from a streaming service (Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer).
  4. Try to move more during the day. Sport is not only hourly workouts in the gym. There are many other short workouts that are suitable for the office or home.
