Diet minus 60 system of ekaterina mirimanova. If there was a breakdown

The current variety of ways to lose weight does not always allow women to achieve desired result... Someone can not resist the restrictions of sweet food, it is difficult for someone to go through months of fasting, and some simply do not follow the rules and recommendations of this or that technology for losing weight. But this does not mean that the excess weight that has been gained will remain your burden for the rest of your life. Reset effectively excess weight without visiting gyms, you can use the sensational diet from Ekaterina Mirimanova. Her method of losing weight has the name: "Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet minus 60". We will analyze all the details and principles of the diet from Katya Mirimanova.

Basics of the Minus 60 system

Who is Ekaterina Mirimanova? This is not a doctor or a nutritionist, but a simple woman who also loves sweets, like all the fair sex. Such an addiction to sweets led to the fact that Catherine imperceptibly recovered, which forced her to resort to effective weight loss... Of the existing methods, she did not find a decent method, so she found an independent way for herself to lose weight. She shared this method with others to help women regain their former forms.

Katya Mirimanova is a simple woman who coped with emerging problems and stresses by eating sweets. This eventually led to the problem of the appearance overweight, and not just excessive, but excessive. With a height of 175 cm, her weight was 120 kg, which is why most modern techniques not suitable for weight loss.

Diet Mirimanova "Minus 60" is not a diet at all, as this term means short-term dietary restrictions. The Mirimanova weight loss system is not at all short-term and allows you to get instant results. By by and large the method of losing weight according to Mirimanova is a woman's lifestyle, according to which weight loss occurs. The number of pounds shed depends on many factors, so every woman loses weight in individually... Reviews of women who have experienced the technique on themselves indicate that it is possible to bring your weight back to normal no earlier than in 2-2.5 years, if you need to lose weight by 40-50 kg. If the question is in getting rid of a few kilograms, then you can lose weight in a few months.

An important positive factor in the method for losing weight according to Mirimanova is the absence of contraindications. This is due to the fact that the range of products for consumption is quite wide, and each woman can make up an individual diet for herself. On what principles the Mirimanova diet is based, we will find out in more detail.

The principles of nutrition on the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova

Before starting a diet, you need to familiarize yourself with its basic principles. These are three principles that we will learn more about.

From these fundamental principles of the Mirimanova method of losing weight, the following recommendations follow:

  • Be sure to start the morning with breakfast from 7 to 8 hours. You can include absolutely any food in breakfast, which is a significant advantage. If you eat in the morning, then the body, thus, is supplied with full energy, which is spent on awakening and a full start of a new day.
  • There is no need to give up sweets, because their absence leads to a decrease in the hormones of joy. The amount of sweets just needs to be minimized, which will allow you to get joy without harming your health.
  • If you like milk chocolate, then it is recommended to replace it with black. Dark chocolate is healthy and brings more benefit than dairy.
  • Eating foods such as potatoes and pasta is allowed, but only in the morning.
  • You can't skip dinner, but you can make it easier. To do this, you can include stewed vegetables in the diet, as well as fermented milk products. These ingredients will be the best dinner for those looking to lose weight.
  • Salt is a white death, but at the same time it is simply unrealistic to exclude it completely from the diet. Its use should be minimized to the maximum.
  • It is recommended to eat in any quantity of porridge and vegetables. These types of side dishes can be used with fish and meat dishes.
  • Be sure to include snacks between main meals, which are based on vegetables, fruits, juices.
  • It is allowed to include red in the diet dry wine, which has a positive effect on the metabolic processes of the body.
  • Together with the diet, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle in the form of physical activity... There is no need to rush to gym, but you can do exercises every morning.
  • It is important to pay attention to the condition of the skin during weight loss. After all, weight loss over 10 kg leads to such unpleasant processes as sagging skin. You can get rid of folds and sagging of the skin by visiting massage parlors, wraps and revitalizing masks.

Psychological attitude

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova minus 60 does not provide for compliance with the recommendations at all, but first of all it is getting the right attitude. Change yourself or something in yourself without psychological attitude extremely difficult. Any work should be done with love and desire, which is also acceptable for the process of losing weight.

Weight loss should be started directly with a psychological attitude, which is the basis of the basics. The desire to lose weight should come from the inside, and not from the husband, who makes comments to his wife about her curvaceous forms. Motivation is also an important aspect of the psychological state of mind. First you need to decide what goals you are pursuing for losing weight, and only after that you set yourself and achieve them in all ways. There should always be motivation, and if it disappears, then, in fact, the desire to achieve the goal also goes away.

Menu for the week

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova minus 60 allows you to achieve positive results, as evidenced by the first reviews of women who have already used this technique. What is sample menu for a week, as well as what foods should be preferred, we will find out further. Every day must in mandatory start with breakfast, the menu of which can be whatever the woman wishes. For breakfast, you can eat everything except milk chocolate, which should be replaced with black. For dinner and lunch, there are corresponding rules for separate nutrition, so we will find out the details of the weekly menu according to the considered "diet minus 60".


For breakfast, you should make yourself an egg omelet with fresh tomatoes, as well as buns with honey and tea without sugar. For lunch, prepare a salad of fresh vegetables, as well as pasta and cheese. For dinner, entertain yourself with seafood, such as boiled shrimp with red wine.


For breakfast, make a sandwich with cheese and ham, and wash it down with orange juice. For lunch, prepare a vegetable stew with fish meat. To diversify dinner with cottage cheese casserole, as well as eat a fresh apple and drink a glass of water.


For breakfast, make a casserole of potatoes, and you can drink everything with freshly brewed aromatic coffee. For lunch, prepare yourself a fresh soup with potatoes and mushrooms. For dinner, treat yourself to baked apples with yogurt.


Breakfast is varied with oatmeal with sugar and dark chocolate. For lunch, make a fresh lentil salad with beans. For dinner, cook cabbage rolls without meat, but filled with rice.


Prepare fresh meat soup for breakfast. For lunch, make a roll with chicken or turkey meat, and for dinner, baked eggplant with a glass cold water... Whenever possible, it is recommended to eat poultry, veal, rabbit and turkey meat, that is, diet types.


On weekend mornings, you can indulge yourself with semolina pudding, cookies and green tea. For lunch, make baked potatoes with vegetables. For dinner - meat cutlets with fish soup.


On the seventh day of the week, you can unload and amuse yourself for breakfast with boiled rice with compote. For lunch, cook steamed fish with cabbage soup, and for dinner - boiled chicken fillet with yogurt and fruits.

It is worth noting that such a nutritional system allows you to achieve positive results even without visiting gyms and fitness. You can pay attention to gymnastics during the day and in the evening, which will definitely benefit not only the burning of fat, but also the removal of folds on the body. Drink throughout the day mineral water without gases, which helps to accelerate metabolism. The dietary power system "minus 60" has one main advantage - it is the earliest adaptation of the body to such a diet.

Fitness and weight loss care

Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet provides physical exercises, for which there are some requirements. Exercise should be done daily without interruption. You can exercise both at home and visit fitness centers. The basis gymnastic exercises includes press, jump rope, push-ups and running. If you run every day, you can lose weight twice as fast. If you do not have time to visit gyms and fitness clubs, then you can schedule exercises for yourself at home. The load should be on parts of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back and arms.

These exercises are more necessary for proper skin care than weight loss, so be sure to take a few minutes of your time daily to do gymnastics. Massages or body wraps can also be done daily. You should not do gymnastics after the weight starts to decrease, but immediately after you get acquainted with the basics of the minus 60 system and psychologically tune in to losing weight.

Mirimanova's system "minus 60" has spread all over the world and has received positive reviews, which are based on the achievement of the set goals. You should also pay attention to skin care on the part of cosmetics. To keep the skin always young and beautiful, it is necessary to take care of it. In addition to exercise and massage, you should also use scrubs, both cosmetic and homemade.

The simplest yet most effective scrub can be made with these ingredients.:

  • ground coffee;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • shower gel.

It is most convenient to apply the scrub on the body in a thick form, so you should not make it too liquid. You can carry out procedures for applying a scrub to the body no more than 2 times a week. Positive results in the form of skin rejuvenation will be achieved only if the methods described above are used regularly: exercise, massage, wraps, scrubbing.

Exiting the diet

Below in the photo is a table of products, which was developed by Ekaterina Mirimanova.

This table describes in detail what foods can be consumed for lunch, dinner and breakfast. Such a table will help you create your own individual diet menu for the week and use it. Above, the diet of Mirimanova's menu for every day was described in detail, according to which you can create your own menu. From the table of products, it can be concluded that the Mirimanova diet is still different from the current methods for losing weight, where it is necessary to exhaust yourself with hunger strikes in order to lose weight.

The unique weight loss system minus sixty according to Mirimanova after its start must be maintained throughout life. After a few years, you will be able to return to your natural size and body weight, then after that it is strictly forbidden to abandon this system and start the old way of life. The diet must be maintained throughout life, which will allow you not to return to curvaceous forms and feel in your body.

The real results of losing weight on a diet minus 60

On initial stages losing weight according to the Mirimanova system, you can find a weight loss of 2 kg per week. This is normal and will not last as long as you would like. After a month, this activity will begin to decline, and after 2 months, the weight will begin to decrease to 0.5 kg per week. But this does not mean that the results obtained are all that the diet is capable of.

This method of losing weight is absolutely normal and correct, especially in such cases when you need to get rid of 30-60 kg of excess weight. Fat cells break down for a very long time, and the process of their dissolution will begin no earlier than 2 months after the start of the diet. At the initial stages, weight will be reduced due to the removal of water, toxins and toxins. In about one year, a woman loses up to 20 kg of excess weight on the Mirimanova diet, which is not just a figure, but a confirmed value.

Contraindications for losing weight according to the Mirimanova system

The advantage of the Mirimanova diet is the absence of contraindications. This option for losing weight does not harm your health, even in the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. The only important note is an effective way to lose weight, which will be achieved depending on how much you need to lose those extra pounds.

The creation of Ekaterina Mirimanova is a modern useful brainchild, through which women and men with excess pounds of weight can restore their previous forms without harm to their health. In conclusion, confirmation that the "minus 60" diet works will be the reviews of women who such a system helped in the fight against overweight.

Do you want to lose weight? More than 90% of women around the world will give an affirmative answer to this question, because, whatever the weight of a lady or the size of her clothes, she always considers herself too obese. Almost everyone thinks that one or two kilograms would be nice to lose. This thought becomes especially intrusive after visiting a women's clothing store, when the outfit you liked did not fit, and the huge mirror in the fitting room showed all the disadvantages of your own figure.

Can I or I Can't

Few people believe that kilograms that have long taken root in the body will be able to leave it irrevocably. And indeed, when you wear clothes for many years big size, it's hard to believe that there is a chance to change. Many women are convinced that being slim is a congenital feature, but they were simply not lucky, because mother and grandmother were "in the body", where did they get it? Yes, and stories about broad bones and an unsuccessful body constitution in our country is not uncommon. System 60 is excellent proof that these beliefs are nothing more than a myth. Ekaterina Mirimanova, its author, was able to lose half of her weight in just a year and a half. At the same time, she did not introduce severe restrictions into her diet, did not exhaust herself with physical exertion and did not abandon her usual way of life. She gladly shares her successful experience with all women.

A little about the author of the technique

As mentioned above, the Minus 60 power system owes its appearance to Ekaterina Mirimanova. The author of the method is not a sports professional, doctor or nutritionist. She is a woman not unlike the millions of our compatriots.

And she, like many, was unlucky - all the foods she ate did not leave the body without leaving a trace, but left an indelible mark on the figure. Catherine says that, as long as she can remember, she has always been plump. After the birth of a child, due to hormonal changes in the body and a changed lifestyle, kilograms began to arrive at a doubled rate. As a result, the scale arrow stopped at around 120 kg. At that moment, Mirimanova realized that the edge of the abyss was already close and that something urgently needed to be changed in herself and her life. She began tirelessly trying one weight loss technique after another and after 18 months of experimentation, she achieved the expected result - she lost 60 kilograms. Losing half your own weight is much more than a decisive act, isn't it? She combined all her positive experience into a set of recommendations, which is now called "System 60". Feedback from followers speaks of Mirimanova's method as easy, simple and, most importantly, effective way to change yourself.

Favorite system

The Minus 60 power system has become a favorite way to get rid of excess own body for many women. What is the secret of success? The main thing is that System 60 differs from many diets in the absence of strict rules, strict restrictions and radical prohibitions. Surprisingly, according to Mirimanova's recommendation, absolutely everything is allowed. Moreover, Catherine does not advise excluding favorite foods from the diet, even if they are completely non-dietary. The only thing is milk chocolate is not allowed.

Grateful followers of the system leave a lot of reviews on Ekaterina's website, as well as on specialized blogs and forums. All, without exception, talk about their positive experience of losing weight and attach the corresponding photos (before and after). Each review is filled with joy from the metamorphosis that happened to the figure.

Followers of the method often write and talk about the wonderful psychological support provided by Mirimanova's books and publications. She helped many not only lose weight, but also get rid of bad habits, even arrange a personal life.

No sudden movements

"System 60" is based on the understanding that a sharp rejection of the usual way of life, dietary restrictions and large physical exercise invariably lead to a breakdown. And he, in turn, will nullify all the earlier efforts. You need to lose weight smoothly and carefully.

Mirimanova's System 60 is very loyal to everyone. Everything is allowed! Many will ask: why then does the weight go away? The secret of the diet is to observe the following points:

  • Correct psychological preparation: no need to postpone the beginning of a new life until later. If you love yourself and want a change in better side, you need to start decisive action now.
  • No radical changes needed - System 60 is designed to rebuild all habits aside healthy way life and proper nutrition... You need to learn new things gradually: reduce the amount of food eaten at one time, replace very high-calorie foods with lighter ones, but no less tasty from this.
  • Each meal has its own time. Of course, you can eat everything, but only at strictly defined hours.

Everything is quite simple, but each point requires detailed discussion.

Food: rules of admission

The main thing in the technique is not what you eat, but when exactly you do it. System 60 allows you to eat any food until noon. But as soon as 12.00 has struck, the following restrictions come into force:

  • From lunchtime, it is forbidden to eat any food fried in oil. But you can eat grilled food.
  • Sour cream and mayonnaise can be added to dishes consumed before 2 pm.
  • Combine products with caution. For example, salad is ideal for meat, poultry or fish as a side dish, and “heavy” potatoes and pasta are best eaten with vegetables.
  • The last meal should be at six in the evening, this rule must be very strictly observed. Skip dinner or reschedule it for more early time Not recommended. At this time, you can eat either only meat, or porridge with vegetables, or dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt). For dinner, potatoes, peas, mushrooms, eggplants, pumpkin are strictly prohibited.

That's all the rules. As you can see, there are no terrible prohibitions. And if in the evening you really want a cake, you just need to be patient until morning.

What you don't need to eat

Of course, according to Mirimanova's system, you can eat everything except milk chocolate. That is, sweet and fried and smoked meats. And if you need to lose a lot, you should still limit yourself to a more meager diet. It is recommended to follow the principles of separate meals and not combine proteins with carbohydrates. The number of the latter should generally be minimized. However, all restrictions must be done very carefully. The main thing is not to bring yourself to psychological starvation and breakdown.

Ekaterina Mirimanova has written more than 20 books, in which the Minus 60 system is described in detail (menu for correct diet nutrition, advice is given to followers).

  1. The breakfast is very important. It kicks off the metabolism of the body, provides energy and allows you to reduce the amount of servings in the afternoon.
  2. Any drinks can be consumed. Sweet teas and coffees are allowed, but you should still gradually reduce the amount of sugar, replacing it with fructose or the healthier brown sugar. It is best to choose dry wine as an alcoholic beverage.
  3. For those with a sweet tooth, breakfast remains a pleasure. The Minus 60 system allows you to give yourself up almost nothing until 12.00. There is only one ban: milk chocolate. It definitely needs to be replaced with black, but in this case, you should be careful.
  4. White bread, potatoes and pasta are allowed only in the morning. Ideally, they should never be combined with protein foods.
  5. "System 60" recommends to schedule dinner at 6 pm and not a minute later. Of course, for those who go to bed at 2-3 a.m. and wake up at 11 a.m., the schedule can be shifted.
  6. Drink as needed. System 60 does not impose a specific amount of water to be absorbed during the day.
  7. Dinner should be made as low-calorie and easily digestible as possible.

Sport is the basis of a healthy lifestyle

Mirimanova's technique speaks of the need for daily physical activity. And you need to do it every day, then useful exercises will become a good habit, will give vigor to the whole body and energy to the muscles.

Ekaterina Mirimanova even developed her own small set of exercises. They are all very simple and will suit even overweight people. They include swinging legs, the well-known "Kitty", lifting the body and legs, jumping. The complex is designed so that for a short time was given a load on all muscle groups. According to Ekaterina, it is worth starting to practice at least a little, and the result will appear. In two weeks, the hips and stomach will tighten, and in a month the reflection in the mirror will bring a lot of joy. The author of the method recommends taking your own full-length photo at the very beginning of the "slimming" path. It will serve as the constant and most reliable motivation.

Weight loss and skin

Anyone who has lost more than one kilogram at least once knows perfectly well that stretched skin does not go anywhere. Although the body becomes slender, its surface is completely devoid of elasticity. Now imagine what happens to the skin of those who get rid of 20-30 kilograms (this is the weight that System 60 allows you to lose). Reviews on this topic are very disappointing.

  • Daily massage is very important for skin tone.
  • Smoothes the surface of the skin and reduces body fat regular scrubbing with natural ground coffee. Moreover, tablets for coffee machines or brewed grounds will not bring the desired effect.
  • Mix just one tablet of mummy with any lotion, and the resulting effect will surprise you. The product accelerates skin regeneration and promotes the almost complete disappearance of stretch marks.
  • For those who want to significantly reduce weight, it is important to carefully monitor the skin of the face and neck, it is recommended to buy a high-quality nourishing cream for an older age group.
  • Exercise will help tone your muscles and tighten your skin.

Moral aspects

System 60 is not just a diet. This is a call to action, an opportunity to start a healthy lifestyle and leave your mistakes in the past. The main thing that Ekaterina Mirimanova calls for is to start today, not to blame yourself for the weight gained, not to demand the impossible and not to rush anywhere. Of course, motivation will not harm anyone, but you do not need to look for external stimuli, you need to change solely for your own sake.

For those who are afraid of changes, do not have reliable support in the immediate environment, the author of the method will always help personally. For greater efficiency even a whole system of online training was created. Indeed, for the sake of such communication with other women, Ekaterina Mirimanova began her social activities.

Menu recipes and diet rules minus 60 from Ekaterina Mirimanova

The popular diet, better known as “ Minus 60”, Was developed by the writer Ekaterina Mirimanova on her own experience. What is its peculiarity?

The results are excellent: Ekaterina Mirimanova managed to lose weight by sixty kilograms without the help of chemicals and doctors, despite the fact that before she weighed as much as 120!

Diet "Minus 60"- this is, first of all, the nutritional system, because the author has developed such a formula for weight loss, which includes not only diet, but also physical exercise and even the psychology of losing weight. It helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but always feel vigorous and healthy.

Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova. fundamental rules

Diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova recognized all over the world as one of the best and most effective. She preaches not so much about dietary changes as changes in food intake.

Eight Diet Rules:

Drink as much as you like. Do not force yourself to become dehydrated or by pouring liters of non-carbonated mineral water.

You can and should eat, the main thing is until 12:00. The daily diet should consist of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Do not go to shallow dishes, but it is also not worth it on dishes that are too deep.

Sugar. Do not give up on it, do not switch to sweeteners. But, at the same time, give up cakes, pastries and waffles. You will soon get used to it and find them too sweet.

When cooking, don't try. This is a very difficult rule for a woman who is passionate about farming. Since any representative of the fair sex, standing behind the stove, must definitely scoop up the contents of a saucepan / cauldron / frying pan with a spoon or a ladle and try her creation in order to determine the missing ingredients.

Salt - where is it without it. The main thing is not to oversalue. Salt dishes, and also pepper, season with various spices. Be in moderation!

Take a multivitamin. Apart from the healthy eating, nourish the body with essential vitamins. Unfortunately, it is sometimes impossible to obtain useful trace elements from the consumed products in the required dosage, and then pharmaceutical preparations come to the rescue.

If you missed dinner, give it up altogether. If you do not have time for dinner, breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea, then you skip it. After 2-3 such refusals, your stomach itself will begin to remind you to eat.

No unloading and mono days. With such a diet, they are simply prohibited. As well as continuous feeding with one type of product. It slows down metabolic processes, and the dropped kilograms return to their original places. That is, you personally wean the body from the fight against excess weight.

By the way, breastfeeding is allowed. During lactation, this diet will only be beneficial, because it provides a complete and balanced diet that does not reduce the quantity and quality of breast milk.

But, nevertheless, Mirimanova herself advises to consult a doctor during pregnancy.

Diet "Minus 60". How to live on?

I must say that the Minus 60 diet is also a way of life, which must be adhered to for many years. Proponents argue that this is not so difficult, due to the fact that it develops an addiction to the new regime, and refusing the same dinner does not bring any discomfort at all.

Diet "Minus 60" has a very gentle regimen and is great for weak-willed people who find it very difficult to refuse to eat. The diet menu is structured so that it is desirable to eat at certain times.

Lose Weight Like Hollywood Stars:

Correct psychological preparation before starting Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet is not a limitation, but new image life. And this is important to clearly understand. Tune in psychologically to the absence of a narrow framework of codes and rules, but just start new life, which has a positive future!

If you overlooked somewhere and overeat or ate something wrong, you should not reproach and punish yourself. Don't try to fix your personal mistakes by fasting. Just think about why the diet plan was disrupted, and try to avoid such mistakes in your diet in the future.

Diet menu "Minus 60"

Until noon, you can eat absolutely everything and not look at the portion size, especially counting calories. Drink water as much as you want, you do not need to cut yourself.

It is better to eat three times a day and occasionally snack on permitted vegetables or fruits. Switching to dark chocolate can help you get used to enjoying the low-sugar meal.

Nutritionists have nothing against the minus 60 diet, as it does not contradict the basic rules of healthy weight loss.

Breakfast: Be sure to have breakfast to wake up and activate metabolic processes. It is not necessary to eat something dense, just a cup of tea or coffee, a glass of juice with a couple of rye croutons and cheese.

Dinner: We eat boiled or stewed. Sour cream, mayonnaise, soy sauce or use vegetable oil before 14:00, but just a little, no more than one teaspoon. Sushi, dairy products, fruits (apples, citrus fruits, plums, pineapple, a couple of pieces of watermelon) are allowed. Eat any vegetables, but potatoes and beans without meat and fish. It is worth giving up canned green peas in favor of frozen ones.

Vegetables can be baked, stewed, boiled, or eaten raw. Do not get carried away with marinades. It is useful to eat meat, but only baked, boiled and stewed or, in extreme cases, fried, but only in a dry frying pan. Perfect for lunch and cereals (buckwheat, rice, pasta) without meat and fish. We drink tea, coffee, dry red wine, fresh juice or any fermented milk drinks.

Dinner: Only stew, never fried! Seasonings or soy sauce can be added. Salt is allowed, sugar is not.

What drink?

  • Ordinary black tea - until 18:00, after - green tea without milk and sugar.
  • Ground black coffee - after six.
  • Water - after 18:00, if the water is gas, then it is better to limit yourself to one glass a day, as soda whets the appetite.
  • Citrus juices must be freshly squeezed - at any time; red wine (dry), but only in reasonable quantities and after 18:00.
  • Salt is not limited, but swelling may occur if you make your food too salty.
  • Sugar and honey - only until 12:00.

Physical activity with the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova

Diet also involves playing sports, since, as your body decreases in volume, it can become ugly and flabby. It is better to work out with a trainer, he will help to develop an individual set of exercises, focused specifically on your level of physical fitness.

It is advisable to carry out any loads with this method of losing weight daily. Do not be too zealous, the main thing is that the body should feel that you are moving, but at the same time not feel overwork. Choose your workouts purely individually, and best of all, only you yourself can do it.

On a note: And so that the skin does not sag during rapid weight loss, it is necessary to rub problem areas(belly, thighs and buttocks) coffee scrub with two mumiyo tablets. If you carry out this procedure every evening, the skin will remain firm and taut.

It's good if you combine home gymnastics with swimming and outdoor activities - cycling, skiing, rollerblading, etc. Choose what you like. In old age, physical activity should be replaced with ordinary walks, but if you feel that you can do more, then do not give in to your laziness.

If you have already tried to lose weight on the Mirimanova diet "Minus 60", readers of the site will be very useful to know your personal opinion about the diet. Share your successes and leave your feedback. It is not so important whether it is positive or negative, the main thing is truthful!

V recent times diet "Minus 60" is gaining great popularity, as it is a very flexible and effective weight loss system, without strict restrictions and burdensome calorie counting.

The essence of the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova minus 60

Ekaterina Mirimanova developed the method of losing weight exclusively for herself, therefore she bears her name. For a year and a half, she managed to create a nutrition system that gives an amazing effect.

"Minus 60" is not just the name of the diet, but the result achieved by its creator, who has lost exactly 60 kg. Ekaterina Mirimanova, having achieved the desired goal, decided to help other people.

She shared her method with everyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds on her page on the Internet. Released her books in several languages, which describe simple rules this nutritional system, recipes, the psychology of losing weight, physical activity and answers to many questions faced by losing weight people.

The Mirimanova diet is suitable for those who do not accept strict food restrictions and for whom any strict diet leads to a breakdown and additional weight gain. This technique is not accompanied by bouts of hunger. Eating bland, tasteless food or depriving yourself of your favorite foods also does not have to. There are some strict rules, nevertheless, but the “sacrifice”, in comparison with the result, is negligible.

The biggest difficulty in Mirimanova's technique, with which losing weight will have to come to terms, is refusal to eat after 6 pm. Dinner is strictly at 18.00. You cannot skip it, if you do not have time, then you will have to spend a hungry evening. The difficulties and disadvantages are exhausted on this, only the pros remain. And the minus will be pleasant, because the scales will start to show it.

The principles of the diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova minus 60

1. Meals are best divided into 3 times. Snacks are not prohibited. The main thing is that the portions are small and include light foods such as fruits or vegetables. On the minus 60 system, it is allowed to consume tea, coffee and alcohol. Replace regular refined sugar with fructose or brown sugar, as these are better absorbed by the body and have more vitamins than regular sugar. Mirimanova's food system allows the use of "dry" wine.

2. It is forbidden to skip breakfast. You can cut it down to a small serving of rye bread or cheese though. You can eat sweets, but only until noon. Eating according to Mirimanova's system, you need to forget about milk chocolate and gradually accustom yourself to bitter. You can also eat white bread only until noon. It is allowed to eat rye bread, but it is advisable to do without it.

3. Cooking a side dish according to the Mirimanova system may include cereals such as rice, buckwheat or barley. The consumption of pasta and potatoes should be gradually reduced to a minimum. The garnish is allowed to be processed in different ways: boil, stew, sauté, but the use of fried food should be avoided if possible. If this cannot be observed, then sour cream and mayonnaise cannot be added to the dishes. Mirimanova's food system minus 60 prohibits combining potatoes with meat, these products must be consumed separately.

4. The last meal in Mirimanova's system must be before 18.00. This is not a hard requirement, but rather advice. If necessary, dinner is allowed at 8 pm, but then you should eat something not heavy, for example, yogurt or fruit. Over time, the body will begin to get used to such dinners, and hunger will cease to bother you in the evenings.

5. The minus 60 system does not require large amounts of water if your body does not need it. Its amount in the diet will not particularly affect the procedure for losing weight, so there is no need to force yourself and consume several liters of liquid every day. This also applies to salt - fanaticism is not welcomed in Mirimanova's system. You should not starve or expose your body to fasting days, because this can contribute to stress and a violation of proper dieting.

Benefits of Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet minus 60

  • No age restrictions, both lactating and pregnant women can adhere to it.
  • People with serious illnesses can see a doctor who will make individual adjustments, but this is unlikely to be necessary.
  • It does not require strict calorie counting and exclusion of any foods. And until 12 o'clock there are no bans and restrictions at all, you can eat anything.
  • It does not harm health, the body receives all the nutrients in abundance.
  • The diet does not cause weakness, apathy and nervous overstrain.
  • The diet offered by this technique does not contradict medical canons; refusal of an evening meal is promoted by many doctors and nutritionists.
  • You can adhere to the Mirimanova diet for an unlimited time.
  • You need to drink fluids only as much as the body requires, and not forcibly.

Disadvantages of Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet minus 60

Considering all the advantages, the system of Ekaterina Mirimanova minus 60 also has some disadvantages. As a rule, they are insignificant. Using this system diet food, many people note that the effect is very slow. For those who want to lose weight in a short time, this diet is not suitable. After achieving the necessary results, the lost pounds will not return only if you adhere to the same nutritional system and follow the correct lifestyle.

List of allowed foods for breakfast

Ekaterina Mirimanova pays the morning meal in her system Special attention... It is necessary to eat on time (before 12.00). You cannot skip breakfast. If you don't feel like eating in the morning, keep the amount of food to a minimum during this time by eating toast, yogurt, or a slice of rye bread with cheese. According to the rules of the system, everything is allowed for breakfast, here it is not necessary to eat in small portions, but you should not overeat either. The amount of salt and sugar is also not limited. However, you can substitute fructose for sugar.

You must start lunch before 14.00. At this meal you can eat soups, borscht cooked both in water and in broth. In Mirimanova's system, it is allowed to grill, stew or bake food, as well as use mayonnaise, sour cream or sauces. Cook the first courses without adding potatoes - the only exceptions are lean vegetable soups. In addition to lunch, eat fruits: citrus fruits, pineapples, kiwi, apples, plums, watermelon.

For dinner

Dinner no later than 18.00. If time is lost, you will have to sleep on an empty stomach. After 18.00, those wishing to lose weight according to the system of proper nutrition minus 60 are not allowed to eat. If there was absolutely no opportunity to eat before this time, include light foods (kefir, fruits, vegetables) in dinner. But you should eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Prohibited foods

And so the first thing to do is to forget about sugar for a while, despite the fact that you will not have to completely abandon sweets. To get started, simply reduce the amount of sugar consumed, add one tablespoon to tea or coffee. As for sweet and semi-sweet wine, these drinks should be replaced with dry or semi-dry wine. The only product that you should completely refuse is milk chocolate, if you absolutely cannot live without chocolate, then you can eat dark chocolate in a small amount.

What to do in the evening? The most important thing is to exclude juices, since they, on the contrary, increase the appetite, therefore, do not drink them in the evening. Also, do not snack on fruits, it is better to eat them while eating the main course. For dinner, never cook potatoes, pasta, corn, berries such as pumpkin and avocado. Also, give up mushrooms and do not eat them even in small quantities.

Menu "Minus 60" for 7 days

There simply cannot be an exact menu, and it pleases. It is important to adhere to the regimen and remember that some foods cannot be eaten in the afternoon, but allowed to be used in the right combination.


Breakfast can quickly become a favorite meal as it is unlimited. However, Mirimanova's "Minus 60" method warns that portions should still be adhered to reasonable. You can choose any breakfast option or come up with your own. Here are some tasty and healthy options:

  • Milk porridge: oatmeal, pumpkin, rice, semolina or other, with butter, with honey or sugar. Cheese sandwich, tea or coffee.
  • A serving of fried potatoes. Sweet coffee.
  • Meat or fish casserole with potatoes or pasta. Tea.
  • Pancakes with cottage cheese or meat filling or bun with sausage, fruit and tea with cookies or sweets.
  • Cottage cheese with sour cream and a slice of cake. Tea coffee.
  • Lavash roll with any filling, a sandwich with cheese, ham or caviar. Compote, or tea.
  • Cottage cheese casserole or dumplings, a bun with butter, a glass of kefir, yogurt or tea.


The main rule is not to use potatoes and pasta in combination with meat.
Fruits for lunch: apples, avocados, kiwi, citrus fruits, plums and pineapple.
Drinks: non-carbonated water, coffee, tea, fermented milk drinks, dry red wine and natural juices.

For example, you can take the following lunch option:

  • Vegetable borscht in meat broth (without potatoes), buckwheat with stewed liver or meat, rye croutons.
  • Vegetable stew with potatoes, but no meat, tomatoes stuffed with cheese, a slice of rye bread.
  • Baked fish, stewed vegetables, boiled beet salad, seasoned with sour cream.
  • Bell pepper stuffed with meat and fresh vegetable salad.
  • Macaroni with cheese and vegetable salad and an egg.
  • Oven baked chicken and salad with vegetables and cheese.
  • Lean borscht with potatoes, rolls with eggplant cheese, or vegetarian pilaf, rye bread.


Dinner should be monocomponent. If meat, then without a side dish. Vegetables are also separate. It is preferable to eat a protein dish for dinner, which gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. On the other hand, vegetables or soups can cause an evening hunger.

Dinner options:

  • Boiled beef, chicken or lamb.
  • Jellied meat, shrimp or fish.
  • Oven-baked chicken or fish.
  • Vegetable stew with potatoes or rice with vegetables.
  • Fish or meat cutlets.
  • Fish kebab.
  • Any cottage cheese dishes and dairy products.

Mirimanova's diet recipes

The minus 60 diet system by Ekaterina Mirimanova attracts many people who want to lose weight, because includes detailed recipes. Here is some of them:

Ukha Rostov

To prepare the dish you will need: pike perch - 200 grams, onion- 1 piece, salmon - 200 grams, red tomato - 1 piece, bell pepper - 1 piece, parsley, salt, pepper.

  • Pour cold water over the fish, add spices to taste and simmer for 20-30 minutes over low heat.
  • Then you prepare the vegetables: the onion should be cut into rings, the tomato and pepper should be diced. Put all this on the fish.
  • You still need to cook the fish soup for 5-10 minutes.
  • Pour pepper tincture into a saucepan, remove it from the ear from the heat, cover and let it brew for 30 minutes.

Pilaf "Fragrant"

Products required for cooking: rice - 500 grams, onions -1 piece, carrots - 2 pieces, sunflower or olive oil - 100 ml, quince - 1 piece, salt, cardamom, pepper and herbs.

  • Cut vegetables: carrots - into strips, onions - into half rings.
  • Fry them in a cauldron or brazier.
  • Add chopped plums, seasonings, rice and garlic.
  • Fill everything with water so that it covers the rice by 2 fingers.
  • It is necessary to cook pilaf under a lid over medium heat for 40 minutes without stirring.
  • You can also use a multicooker for these purposes by setting the "Pilaf" program.
  • Use finely chopped herbs to decorate the dish.

Pepper "Venetian style"

Products for cooking: Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces, eggs - 2 pieces, vegetable oil, hard cheese -200 grams, dried basil, garlic - a few cloves, salt.

  • Eggs need to be boiled, grated with cheese.
  • Using a garlic press, grind the garlic, mix everything and add salt.
  • Pepper the seeds and stuff with the prepared mixture.
  • Put the peppers in a preheated oven for 20 minutes, and sprinkle with seasoning on top.

Weight loss results

The results of Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet "Minus 60" are simply amazing, you can lose up to 60 extra pounds on it. It will be possible to achieve a weight that is comparable to height, gender, age and physique gradually, but everyone will take a different time. In addition, Mirimanova's diet "minus 60" is by no means considered an emergency remedy - it is the principle of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

People who are uncomfortable with their excess weight try to lose weight by all possible means. Some of them contribute to the loss of several kilograms, others only lure money and do not give desired effect... Ekaterina Mirimanova's minus 60 system allows you to reset overweight and do not prejudice yourself in taking food. Such a food system involves the use of all products in any combination up to 12 days.

Basic principles of power supply for the minus 60 system

  1. Meals are best divided into 3 times. Snacks are not prohibited. The main thing is that the portions are small and include light foods such as fruits or vegetables. On the minus 60 system, it is allowed to consume tea, coffee and alcohol. Replace regular refined sugar or brown sugar as these are better absorbed by the body and have more vitamins than regular sugar. Mirimanova's food system allows the use of "dry" wine.
  2. It is forbidden to skip breakfast. You can cut it down to a small serving of rye bread or cheese though. You can eat sweets, but only until noon. Eating according to Mirimanova's system, you need to forget about milk chocolate and gradually accustom yourself to bitter. You can also eat white bread only until noon. It is allowed to eat rye bread, but it is advisable to do without it.
  3. Cooking a side dish according to the Mirimanova system may include cereals such as rice, buckwheat or barley. The consumption of pasta and potatoes should be gradually reduced to a minimum. The garnish is allowed to be processed in different ways: boil, stew, sauté, but the use of fried food should be avoided if possible. If this cannot be observed, then sour cream and mayonnaise cannot be added to the dishes. Mirimanova's food system minus 60 prohibits combining potatoes with meat, these products must be consumed separately.
  4. The last meal in Mirimanova's system should be before 18.00. This is not a hard requirement, but rather advice. If necessary, dinner is allowed at 8 pm, but then you should eat something not heavy, for example, yogurt or fruit. Over time, the body will begin to get used to such dinners, and hunger will cease to bother you in the evenings.
  5. The minus 60 system does not require large amounts of water if your body does not need it. Its amount in the diet will not particularly affect the procedure for losing weight, so there is no need to force yourself and consume several liters of liquid every day. This also applies to salt - fanaticism is not welcomed in Mirimanova's system. Do not starve or expose your body, because this can contribute to stress and disruption of proper diet.

What can you eat according to Ekaterina Mirimanova's diet?

The menu on the system of proper nutrition minus 60 is drawn up taking into account the list of permitted products. When determining the diet, do not forget about the restrictions on. For example, any meat is allowed to be consumed, however, sausages, sausages, and other similar semi-finished products should be removed from the diet or very rarely eaten. When eating on this system, follow these recommendations:

  1. If you are going to eat chicken for breakfast or dinner, remove the oily parts and skin from it. Fish and seafood in Mirimanova's system are allowed for consumption, but crab sticks should be excluded or rarely eaten. You can eat all vegetables, mushrooms and legumes. Potatoes are best kept to a minimum, just like pasta. If you like pasta, buy pasta made from durum wheat.
  2. Mirimanova's food system menu minus 60 contains any nuts, fruits, dried fruits and berries: plums, citrus fruits, apples, watermelon, prunes (no more than 6 pieces during the day), avocado and pineapple. Bananas, due to their sweetness and a large amount of starch, can only be eaten in small quantities until 12:00. Milk is allowed, provided that you consume products with a low percentage of fat. Whole milk, having any percentage of fat, when fed according to this system, it is preferable to drink before 12.00. Eat cheese of any fat content, but not more than 50 g per day.
  3. Season with sour cream, mayonnaise, olive or vegetable oil only those dishes that you eat before 2 pm, but in an amount of up to 5 ml (1 small spoon). Eating according to Mirimanova's system, a variety of ready-made sauces (mustard, ketchup, horseradish, balsamic and soy sauce) should be consumed in the morning. All available spices, garlic and herbs can be added to dishes without restrictions.

List of allowed foods for breakfast

Ekaterina Mirimanova pays special attention to the morning meal in her system. It is necessary to eat on time (before 12.00). You cannot skip breakfast. If you don't feel like eating in the morning, keep the amount of food to a minimum during this time by eating toast, yogurt, or a slice of rye bread with cheese. According to the rules of the system, everything is allowed for breakfast, here it is not necessary to eat in small portions, but you should not overeat either. The amount of salt and sugar is also not limited. However, you can substitute fructose for sugar.

You must start lunch before 14.00. At this meal you can eat soups, borscht cooked both in water and in broth. In Mirimanova's system, it is allowed to grill, stew or bake food, as well as use mayonnaise, sour cream or sauces. Cook the first courses without adding potatoes - the only exceptions are lean vegetable soups. In addition to lunch, eat fruits: citrus fruits, pineapples, kiwi, apples, plums, watermelon.

For dinner

Dinner no later than 18.00. If time is lost, you will have to sleep on an empty stomach. After 18.00, those wishing to lose weight according to the minus 60 system are prohibited from eating. If there was absolutely no opportunity to eat before this time, include light foods (kefir, fruits, vegetables) in dinner. But you should eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Sample menu for a week

Meals on a minus 60 diet can be very diverse. By consuming, you will also lose extra pounds. The system has already developed an approximate menu for a week, thanks to which each person can prepare the necessary products and prepare meals. According to the rules of the diet, the menu includes a variety of dishes for every day.


  • Breakfast - eat porridge and 2 sandwiches;
  • Lunch - soup and vegetable salad;
  • Dinner - porridge and vegetables in the form of a salad;
  • Breakfast - bread, fried eggs with tomatoes, sweetness.
  • Lunch: soup, salad.
  • Dinner: milk porridge, fruit.
  • Breakfast - any porridge, 2 sandwiches.
  • Lunch - meat soup, vegetables.
  • Dinner is meat.
  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 1 sandwich, sweetness.
  • Lunch: soup, salad.
  • Dinner - Fish.
  • Breakfast - porridge, 2 sandwiches.
  • Lunch - soup, salad.
  • Dinner - porridge, vegetable salad.
  • Breakfast - soft-boiled eggs, pastries.
  • Lunch: meat soup, vegetables.
  • Dinner - milk porridge, fruit.


  • Breakfast - porridge, 2 sandwiches.
  • Lunch soup, salad.
  • Dinner is meat.

Mirimanova's diet recipes

The minus 60 diet system by Ekaterina Mirimanova attracts many people who want to lose weight, because includes detailed recipes. Here is some of them:

Ukha Rostov

To prepare the dish, you will need: pike perch - 200 grams, onions - 1 piece, salmon - 200 grams, red tomato - 1 piece, bell pepper - 1 piece, parsley, salt, pepper.

  1. Pour cold water over the fish, add spices to taste and simmer for 20-30 minutes over low heat.
  2. Then you prepare the vegetables: the onion should be cut into rings, the tomato and pepper should be diced. Put all this on the fish.
  3. You still need to cook the fish soup for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Pour pepper tincture into a saucepan, remove it from the ear from the heat, cover and let it brew for 30 minutes.

Pilaf "Fragrant"

Products required for cooking: rice - 500 grams, onions -1 piece, carrots - 2 pieces, sunflower or olive oil - 100 ml, quince - 1 piece, salt, cardamom, pepper and herbs.

  1. Cut vegetables: carrots - into strips, onions - into half rings.
  2. Fry them in a cauldron or brazier.
  3. Add chopped plums, seasonings, rice and garlic.
  4. Fill everything with water so that it covers the rice by 2 fingers.
  5. It is necessary to cook pilaf under a lid over medium heat for 40 minutes without stirring.
  6. You can also use a multicooker for these purposes by setting the "Pilaf" program.
  7. Use finely chopped herbs to decorate the dish.

Pepper "Venetian style"

Products for cooking: Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces, eggs - 2 pieces, vegetable oil, hard cheese -200 grams, dried basil, garlic - a few cloves, salt.

  1. Eggs need to be boiled, grated with cheese.
  2. Using a garlic press, grind the garlic, mix everything and add salt.
  3. Pepper the seeds and stuff with the prepared mixture.
  4. Put the peppers in a preheated oven for 20 minutes, and sprinkle with seasoning on top.

Disadvantages of the power system minus 60

Considering all the advantages, the system of Ekaterina Mirimanova minus 60 also has some disadvantages. As a rule, they are insignificant. Taking advantage of this dietary system, many people note that the effect comes very slowly. This diet is not suitable for those who wish. After achieving the necessary results, the lost pounds will not return only if you adhere to the same nutritional system and follow the correct lifestyle.

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