EMS training - what is it? Does the electrostimulation technique work? Body myostimulation: what it is, effectiveness and contraindications Electro-stimulating simulators.

In this article, we will tell you everything about an electrostimulator for building muscle mass, an electromassager and electrophoresis in one device.

In 1990-1995, a great wave of bodybuilding swept in our country. "Rocking chairs" became widespread, which were usually located in the basements of houses. Those wishing to increase their muscle mass were first copied and redrawn, and then, with the spread of "bourgeois" copying techniques, they copied notes and drawings describing the methods of building muscle mass by the then famous bodybuilder teacher, Joe Weider. This wave did not pass by me either. In one of the cooperatives in Kiev, I wrote out a cash on delivery scheme and a description of the "Electrostimulator for building muscle". I assembled this device and used it for a while instead of heavy sports equipment.

A wonderful property of this device is that with its help you can not only "pump up" muscles, but also do electromassage... This is achieved by setting the operating mode with short pulses. A person relaxes his body, while enjoying it - the muscles "themselves" involuntarily twitch. When using an electrostimulator, bruises, sprains and dislocations heal faster due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in skin cells and muscle tissues.

The electrostimulator allows burn subcutaneous fat .

Another property of the electrostimulator is that it can be used in a physiotherapy room - to work in a mode that allows you to do a medical procedure - electrophoresis.

In sports practice, the use of electrical stimulation is recommended for:

  • increase muscle strength (40-50%);
  • an increase in muscle volume (5-10%);
  • improvement of speed qualities / up to 29%);
  • reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer (10-15%);
  • increasing muscle performance;
  • increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

Numerical data are given for a three-week course of electrical stimulation. It is advisable to use electrical stimulation to improve the above qualities, both for beginners and experienced athletes. The most pronounced positive effect of electrical stimulation in bodybuilding, weightlifting, gymnastics, various types of martial arts, etc.

The main purpose of the device

A single-channel stimulator of the human neuromuscular system is intended for physiotherapeutic action by pulse-modulated currents in health-improving and sports practice, as a means of increasing functional physical sports indicators, and for the prevention and removal of pain syndromes.

The output stimulating pulses (SI) of the apparatus are modulated by an exponential envelope rectangular current oscillations of an adjustable frequency (1-10 kHz). The envelope repetition rate is 7-300 Hz. The indicated SI are formed in bursts of pulses, adjustable in duration: 0.5-10 sec or 0.05-1 Hz.


  • In the continuous generation mode (toggle switches "AM", "FM" - position "0"), a continuous series of SI is formed, the amplitude of which is regulated by the resistor R2 "Output level", and the repetition rate by the resistor R1 "Pulse frequency".
  • In the amplitude modulation mode (the "AM" toggle switch is on) automatic alternation of SI series and pauses. The duration of the series is regulated by R3 "Modulation frequency".
  • In the frequency modulation mode ("FM" is on), a continuous series of SI is generated, automatically changing in frequency from the value set by the "Pulse frequency" regulator to the minimum repetition rate of the SI.
  • The SI amplitude regulation is smooth, from (0-3) V to (33- +3) V (at a power supply voltage (9- + 0.25V).
  • SI repetition rate control is smooth from (5.8) Hz to (355- + 89) Hz.
  • Regulation of the modulating signal frequency in the range from (0.05- + 0.01) Hz to (0.9- + 0.22) Hz (or, respectively, from 3 to 120 modulations / min).
  • The ratio of the modulation pulse duration to the pause is no more than 1.5: 1.
  • The pulse duration (tp) is (0.5- + 0.08) ms.
  • Average power consumption (at power supply voltage (9- + 0.25) V, SI amplitude (33- + 3) V and connected load equivalent (1- + 0.1) kOhm) does not exceed (1.2- + 0 , 12) W

The schematic diagram of the electrostimulator is shown in the figure below.

The stimulant consists of:

A stimulating pulse generator based on elements DD1.1, DD1.2, VD1, VD2, VT3, C1, R1 ... R7 and a resistor R1 "Pulse frequency";

Modulation generator on elements DD1.3, DD1.4, VT12, СЗ, С4, R14… R16, R18… R21, R24 and resistor R3 "Modulation frequency";

Filling frequency generator on elements DD2.1, DD2.2, VD13, VD14, VT15 ... VT17, C5, R22, R23, R25 ... R30, VT19, VT20 and resistor R4 "Filling frequency";

Power amplifier on the elements VT18, VT21, VT22, R31 ... R35, C6, C7, transformer TV1, VD23;

Stabilizer on VT24, VT25, R36… R38 elements and LED H3;

Attenuator and pulse shaper on the elements VT5, VT6, VD7 ... VD11, R10 ... R13, C2, R39 and resistor R2 "Output level";

Display units on elements DD2.3, R8 and LED H1; VT4, R9 and RA1 dial gauge (output signal setting level);

DD2.4, R17 and LED H2 (modulation frequency), LED NC (power supply voltage control).

Signal generators are assembled according to traditional schemes and do not require a separate description.

Electrostimulator Parts List

DD1, DD2 - K561LA7

VT3, VT4, VT17, VT18, VT24, VT25 - KT315G

VT5, VT21 - KT361G

VT19, VT20 - KT972A

VT22 - KT827A VD1, VD2, VD7, VD8 ... VD14, VD23 - D223B

Н1, Н2, Н3 - AL307BM Device RA1 - М4248 - 100mkA

C1 - 0.068 μF

C2 - 4.7 nF

SZ - 50.0 μF x 10 V

C4 - 10.0 x 10 V

C5 - 6.8 nF

C6 - 30 pF

C7 - 200.0 μF

Transformer: Armor core with a diameter of 28 mm (external), 12 mm (internal), height - 24 mm. Windings I, II - 27 turns of PEL-0.3, III - 447 turns of PEL-0.2 The beginning, end of the windings are shown in the diagram.


R1, R33 - 1 kOhm

R2, R9, R14, R22, R23, R24 - 24 kOhm

R3 - 5.6 kOhm

R4 - 56 kOhm

R5, R10 - 100 kOhm

R6 - 68 kOhm

R11, R16, R18, R34 - 10kOhm

R13 - 75 kOhm

R15 - 4.3 kOhm

R20 - 6.8 kOhm

R19 - 51 kOhm

R21 - 20 kOhm

R25, R26, R28, R35 - 3.3 kOhm

R27, R30 - 6.2 kOhm

R29 - 1.8 kOhm

R31, R37 - 4.7 kOhm

R32 - 100 0m

R36 - 910 Ohm

R38 - 510 Ohm

R39 - 1 kOhm

Variable resistors:

R1 SPZ-4A - 10 kOhm

R2 SPZ-4A - 4.7 kOhm

R3, R4 SPZ-4A - 100 kOhm.

The stimulator is assembled in a body the size of a regular school notebook and approximately 5 centimeters high. The body was soldered from foil-coated PCB and painted with quick-drying enamel. For better adhesion of the enamel to copper foil, the body was prepared before painting: it was lightly processed with coarse-grained emery paper, then it was placed in a solution of ferric chloride for 1 minute, after which it was washed and dried. To reduce the size, as a PA1 device, I used a recording indicator from a cassette tape recorder. Battery powered makes the instrument safe from injury electric shock(in an unforeseen situation during the procedures, a person will not be able to tear off the electrodes attached to the body). For two square batteries of 4.5 volts, a compartment was made, but I did not put batteries in it (you can’t fill them enough), but a 9 volt step-down transformer with a diode bridge and a 470 uF capacitor. This does not meet safety requirements, but fulfilling certain requirements, you can secure yourself by other measures - to be "isolated" from heating systems, grounding, large metal objects in the room.

Printed circuit board

  • deltoid muscles 1;
  • biceps 2;
  • triceps 15;
  • brachioradialis muscle 3;
  • radial extensor 14;
  • trapezius muscle of the back 8;
  • subscapularis muscle and latissimus dorsi 9;
  • large round muscle 10;
  • external oblique muscle of the abdomen 6;
  • serratus anterior and rectus abdominis muscle 5;
  • average gluteus muscle, muscle-tensioner of the wide fascia, gluteus maximus muscle 11;
  • sartorius and rectus femoris 7;
  • biceps thigh 13;
  • semitendinosus muscle;
  • semi-membranous muscle;
  • calf muscle 12.

ATTENTION! Electrostimulate pectoral muscles Not recommended. To avoid the flow of electric current through the heart area, the electrodes should always be placed only on the left or right, upper or lower parts of the body, but never on either side.

To eliminate unpleasant sensations during electrical stimulation, it is necessary to ensure reliable contact between the electrode area and the skin. For this, 6-8-layer gauze pads soaked in 5-10% sodium chloride solution are placed under the electrodes. The best results are obtained with powdered graphite with spindle oil (sour cream consistency).

1. Increase in muscle strength and muscle volume

For development strength qualities electrical muscle stimulation is carried out with the greatest possible current (voltage), the value of which is individual and is determined by personal feelings. A sensation should be achieved that the muscle is torn, as it were. This effect is achieved in addition to increasing the signal amplitude, as well as the duration of exposure. The muscle is brought to a state of complete fatigue by a series of messages: stimulation-relaxation. The duration of stimulation and relaxation is selected individually, observing the main criterion - the rapid achievement of fatigue. Before starting the session, warm up all muscle groups. It is recommended to train 1-2 times a day, with a limited time, the most important muscle groups are stimulated. The time of electrical stimulation of one muscle is up to 5 minutes.

ATTENTION: In the first days of classes, avoid overwork. The achieved results are saved without continuing training for 3-4 months.

2. Reduction of subcutaneous fat layer

Electrical stimulation allows you to reduce the thickness of the fat layer, activating metabolic processes throughout the body. For this purpose, stimulation of large muscle groups (gluteal, abdominal etc.). The amplitude of the output signal is set to painless and maximally tolerable muscle contraction. Course - 20 daily sessions, observing a fasting diet. A session up to 10 minutes per muscle group. Electrical stimulation is also effective for enhancing muscle definition.

3. Flexibility training

The use of electrical stimulation allows effective stretching muscles and ligaments, which significantly reduces the time for mastering exercises that require flexibility (for example, "twine"). This area of ​​application of ES can be recommended to representatives different types martial arts. To increase flexibility, electrodes are applied to those muscles, the "tension" of which does not allow performing this or that exercise (for example, the muscles of the back and front of the thigh when doing the twine). The signal amplitude is gradually increased from zero, the relaxation time should be equal to the stimulation time. You need to perform exercises that "stretch" the muscles and ligaments from stretching which depends on the successful implementation of, for example, the same twine. The combination of exercise and electrical stimulation is very effective in developing flexibility. Affect each muscle for up to 5-10 minutes.

Rules for switching on and controlling the electrostimulator

The "Output level" knob should be brought to the extreme left position. Then, without connecting the electrodes, set the "Output level" to the maximum, the AM switches to "1", the FM switches to "0". In this case, the battery voltage indicator HL3 should light up; the HL2 modulation indicator will light up rhythmically; synchronously to him - to deviate to the right arrow indicator. The indicator of the presence of pulses HL1 should shine from a weak to a moderate level (depends on the "Pulse frequency" knob).

Before starting the session, moisten the electrodes in saline, securely attach the electrodes to the muscle to be stimulated, connect the wires from the electrodes to the X1 and X2 connectors of the electrostimulator. Turn on the electrostimulator, adjust the amplitude regulator smoothly from zero, based on the training methodology and personal feelings, the required SI amplitude. In case of tingling, burning sensation, press the electrodes harder to the muscles.

When electrostimulation according to claim 1, AM, FM switch on, the pulse repetition rate is 30-100 Hz, the modulation frequency is 0.2-0.25 Hz (12-15 messages per minute), the filling frequency is 2-8 kHz. The optimal position of the adjustments is set according to personal feelings, achieving the least discomfort. The rest is according to n.1 of the Methodology.

When electrostimulation according to clause 2 of the Methodology: turn on AM, turn off FM, repetition frequency 100-200 Hz, filling frequency 4-8 kHz, modulation frequency 0.5 Hz (30 messages per minute).

When electrostimulation according to claim 3, set the parameters in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Methodology.


Electrical stimulation for the purpose of increasing muscle volume does not relieve the athlete's usual nutritional requirements for bodybuilding. Correct and balanced nutrition in combination with electrical stimulation is a guarantee rapid growth muscles. The use of electrical stimulation in order to reduce the fat layer requires some dietary restrictions. Nutritional recommendations are beyond the scope of this manual; this issue is well covered in sports and popular science literature.

Security measures


- moving the electrodes during electrical stimulation without turning off the power of the device;

- break the electrostimulator-electrodes circuit during the session;

- start a session of electrical stimulation without removing the signal amplitude to zero;

- to engage in a state of extreme fatigue.

According to the method of protecting the patient from voltage by electric current, the stimulator corresponds to class III and type BF in accordance with GOST 12.2.025 - 76g.

There are no absolute contraindications to the appointment of electrical stimulation.

Electrostimulation is relatively contraindicated in the following diseases: hemophilia, hereditary family diseases of the nervous system (progressive muscular dystrophy, myotonia, myasthenia gravis, amitrophic lateral sclerosis, epilepsy, sirigomyelia, multiple sclerosis (in the acute phase), syphilitic dry fever, all infectious and infectious chore non-infectious diseases in the acute stage, fever, disorders of cerebral circulation, severe forms of hypertension, skin diseases, rupture of muscles and ligaments, bone fractures. vocal cords as airway closure may occur. Do not electrostimulate the abdomen and lower back in pregnant women.

It should be borne in mind that electrical stimulation can suppress chronic pain, which is a symptom of a pathological process of unexplained causes.

In all cases, the question of the advisability of electrical stimulation should be discussed with a specialist doctor.

Muscle stimulator manufacturers claim that it can be used to remove overweight without grueling dieting and exercise. The device, simulating signals from the central nervous system, has a beneficial effect on muscles in certain parts of the body where the sensors are located, as a result of which they begin to work. Let us consider in more detail what benefits the use of the device brings and whether there is any harm from it.

What is a myostimulator, types and purpose of the device

This is a medical device with which you can carry out myostimulation. It is expressed in the fact that a person is affected by current pulses with different frequencies. Other procedures can be performed using this device.

It all depends on the frequency and strength of the current acting on the person. From this, the effect rendered by the device is determined.

Miostimulants are:

  1. Wireless. You can wear them on yourself throughout the day. They run on batteries, and therefore cannot have a strong effect on tissues and break down fat. The effect of using them is negligible.
  2. Stationary. They consist of a power supply unit, a control center and sensors. Can be professional or semi-professional. Effectively affect fat cells and break them down. With the help of such devices, you can quite successfully correct the figure.

The benefits of myostimulator and myostimulation for the body

At correct use the device can be effectively treated:

  • lesions of the central nervous system;
  • enuresis;
  • joint pathology;
  • vascular disease;
  • bedsores;
  • scoliosis.

A muscle stimulator is often used to prevent the appearance of edema, with fractures, sprains and bruises. With myostimulation, the rehabilitation period is shortened, pain disappears. The device has been proven to be effective in treating the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing blood flow and muscle tone.

The device will help muscles quickly recover after stress on the body. Maximum effect will be in the case when a professional device is used and portable devices are accurately distributed on the body. The procedure should be performed by an experienced doctor, physiotherapist.

It is not worth using myostimulants on your own, as negative reactions may occur, for example, irritation and burns of the skin at the place of installation of the electrodes, discomfort during the use of the device or after the procedure.

Body shaping

With this procedure, the myostimulator improves muscle tone. A special program is used for this. The device emits waves in a specific sequence and combination. First, a relaxation program is carried out, in which the cells are warmed up, and then lymphatic drainage.

Often, after such procedures, the skin at the site of the electrode placement does not look its best. Here you will need to carry out her tightening. This manipulation is also performed with the help of a myostimulator.

Fat removal

This procedure, unfortunately, cannot completely remove subcutaneous fat and make an athletic figure. The device only stimulates the muscles and does not allow them to atrophy.


The device is able to tighten the skin on the face and chin. It also reduces the depth of wrinkles. The pulses emitted by the device warm the tissues and stimulate their contraction.

When using a muscle stimulator, a person needs to make a minimum of effort. The procedures are easily performed using professional devices.

Harm and side effects

If the portable devices are used incorrectly and for a long time, they can cause harm. Stationary devices can then become killers. When the heart is in the path of current flow, this can lead to its arrest.

It is worth abandoning the use of cheap models of myostimulants. Low-quality materials of manufacture lead to damage to the skin at the place of installation of the electrodes. Incorrect programs emit harmful impulses that will negatively affect the functioning of organs and cause an exacerbation of chronic pathologies or the formation of tumors.

Usually, problems arise when used by those who have purchased a muscle stimulator for private use on the free sale without a certificate. Portable devices can be ineffective or cause complications if used incorrectly. Therefore, for those who have no experience with such a device, it is better to refuse to use it.


These devices have their own contraindications. Therefore, before using them, you should consult your doctor. The most common contraindications are:

  • myocardial diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • mental disorders;
  • oncology;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • endocrine system pathology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to the impulses of the apparatus;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • hernia;
  • epilepsy.

It is worth abandoning the use of a myostimulator if there is a pacemaker in the body.

Do not place electrodes in the groin area. The device can increase blood flow to the pelvic organs. The manifestation of severe consequences is possible.

It is also worth consulting your doctor before using the device during lactation. After a stroke, to restore the functions of the limbs, it is recommended to use myostimulation only as directed by a specialist.

When using the device yourself, you need to know simple rules:

  1. Skin contact with the electrodes should be tight.
  2. The duration of the session is no more than 30 minutes.
  3. There should be no contraindications.
  4. You do not need to eat 1 hour before the procedure.

What are the benefits of using a muscle stimulator, and what is the danger? We find out the whole truth about myostimulants from the video from Vladimir Molodov:

It should be noted that this device can have a positive effect on the body when used correctly with the participation of a specialist. Otherwise, the myostimulator will become dangerous for a person and can lead to his death. The first sessions should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

In contact with

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system occur in people of different ages. Muscle dysfunctions associated with neurological and other diseases are quite common. In the treatment of such pathologies great importance have physiotherapy procedures, the effect of which increases muscle tone and improves the condition of muscle tissue. Electrical stimulation of the muscles of the back, legs, and other parts of the body allows you to cope with hypotension and restore their functionality, which returns the patient's quality of life to the previous level and improves the long-term results of the therapy.

About the method

The use of electrical muscle stimulation in neurology is based on the ability of electric current to pass through muscle fibers, causing a physiological response in them in the form of contractile activity or relaxation. This is especially important when own nerve impulses from the central nervous system cannot reach the muscles for some reason. The method of electrical stimulation protects muscle tissue from atrophy, improves its nutrition and metabolism due to the constant stimulating effect of electric current. There is scientific evidence that muscle damage increases muscle regeneration with external stimulation.

A large number of clinical studies in neurology show another important mechanism of this physiotherapy. Against the background of a stroke and other organic brain lesions, muscle dysfunctions in the form of paresis and paralysis are observed. Performing myostimulation in this case not only improves work muscle fibers, but also has a positive effect on the nerve structures, increasing the level of their regeneration and plasticity, allows to accelerate the restoration of the motor activity of the affected limb.

Electric current has a complex effect on muscle tissue: it improves microcirculation, accelerates metabolic processes, maintains muscle tone and their regenerative capabilities.

Physiotherapists also note the local positive effects of using electrical stimulation both at home and on an outpatient basis. The action of an electric current leads to an improvement in microcirculation, saturation of muscle tissue with oxygen and nutrients, which is associated with the effect of galvanization. The electric field improves the outflow of blood and lymph from organs by improving the tone of the walls of blood and lymph vessels.

A large number of positive effects from electrical muscle stimulation determines the widespread use of the technique in adults and children of different ages. It is important to note that if myostimulation is performed for babies, then it should be carried out only in a medical institution.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Electrical stimulation of the thigh, lower leg and other parts of the body is widely used in medicine. However, it should be understood that the method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which determine the possibility of carrying out myostimulation. The main advantages of the procedure are as follows:

  • a pronounced effect of restoring the contractility of muscle fibers;
  • in most patients, there is a decrease in pain syndrome associated with damage to the nerve trunks, spine, etc.;
  • devices for myostimulation are quite cheap, which leads to a low cost of the procedure itself;
  • after consultation with the attending physician, electrical stimulation can also be performed at home after purchasing the necessary device.

Despite the pronounced advantages, physiotherapists note a number of disadvantages that do not allow the use of electrical stimulation as the only method of therapy:

  • severe neurological disorders are difficult to correct with the use of physiotherapeutic procedures or are not at all treated with them;
  • electrical exposure does not affect the primary disease, but only reduces the severity of its consequences.

In this regard, electrical muscle stimulation is used as part of a complex treatment in conjunction with medications, other types of physiotherapy.

Indications and contraindications

The positive effect of electrical stimulation on neuromuscular impulse transmission and the condition of muscle fibers provides a wide range of indications for this procedure:

  • violations of the motor activity of muscles against the background of neuritis, plexitis and radiculitis;
  • paralysis or paresis as a result of damage to the central nervous system: strokes, trauma, etc.;
  • hypotension or muscle atrophy after a long period of inactivity, for example, against the background of a fracture of bone formations;
  • atonic conditions of muscle tissue during internal organs(small and large intestine, gall bladder) as a result of illness or surgery;
  • disruption of the intestinal sphincters;
  • inflammatory processes in the nerves of the face, lower back, etc.;
  • violations of vascular tone;
  • the need to lose weight in case of obesity, since electrical stimulation leads to a decrease in the fat content in the tissues;
  • a long period of rehabilitation in people who are professionally involved in sports.

It is important to note that, depending on the available indications, an individual treatment regimen is selected for each patient, which may differ in exposure time, electrode localization, and the total number of physiotherapy sessions.

The use of electrical muscle tissue stimulation is indicated for a large number of diseases, ranging from paresis against the background of neuritis or stroke, and ending with intestinal hypotension with pathology of internal organs.

There are conditions when electrostimulation is contraindicated:

  • the growth of malignant neoplasms;
  • history of epileptic seizures;
  • the presence of a pacemaker or other implanted devices;
  • severe types of arrhythmias.

In the presence of these conditions, you should abandon the use of electrical muscle stimulation and choose other methods of treatment. However, with some diseases, the procedure may simply be postponed until recovery. Such diseases include:

  • acute or exacerbation of a chronic infectious disease;
  • decompensated state of internal organs;
  • thrombophlebitis in the acute phase;
  • pregnancy;
  • fractures of bones before their complete fusion;
  • carrying out surgical operations on muscles, nerves and blood vessels in the last 3-4 weeks.

Only the attending physician should determine whether a patient has indications and contraindications on the basis of his examination and subsequent laboratory or instrumental examinations.

Preparing for the procedure

The safety and effectiveness of electrostimulation is possible when the patient has received preliminary training. As a rule, it includes the following stages:

  • The doctor carefully examines all the patient's complaints, prescribes and analyzes the results of additional instrumental and laboratory examination methods. This allows you to make an accurate diagnosis, as well as identify possible contraindications, for example, the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Electrodiagnostics is carried out, aimed at determining the thresholds of excitability of muscle and nervous tissue, which makes it possible to select the optimal indicators of the current strength and its type for the patient.
  • The attending physician talks with the patient or the child's parents, explaining to them the essence of the upcoming treatment, as well as the need to complete the entire course of electrical stimulation to obtain the best results.

Electrical stimulation

Before using the method of electrical stimulation in a child or an adult, the doctor should select the required exposure mode (direct or alternating current). Also, the levels of the threshold of excitability of nerve and muscle formations are determined, which is necessary to select the current strength to be used. A similar procedure is carried out using electrodiagnostics, which is carried out with the same device as the stimulation itself.

Depending on the severity of changes in muscle tissue and the underlying disease, the physiotherapist selects the type of device used. In case of severe hypotension or atony, it is recommended to use such devices as "AFM", "Neuron-1", which allow creating a strong electric current with high amplitude and frequency. These devices are large and are used on an outpatient basis. There are also compact devices, for example "Omron", "Nevoton", which are mainly used at home by the patients themselves.

The algorithm for electrical muscle stimulation is quite simple and is carried out as follows:

  1. The doctor or the patient himself selects the required stimulation electrodes. They can be disposable or reusable. There are various forms of them: square, rounded, with bends, which is determined by the localization of the damaged muscles. For example, large square electrodes are used to act on the quadriceps muscle for paresis and paralysis of the legs, since given muscle is very large. If necessary, babies use special children's electrodes.
  2. Once the electrodes have been selected, they must be correctly positioned. As a rule, the target muscle should be located between them, that is, the electrodes should be placed on two poles of a particular muscle.
  3. When stimulating the organs of the abdomen and abdominal cavity, back in case of scoliosis or osteochondrosis, electrodes are installed on the lower back and in the umbilical zone.
  4. After fixing the electrodes on the surface of the body, the device is turned on and the minimum current values ​​are set. As a rule, the stimulation time for one point should not exceed five minutes, and the whole procedure, in general, should be half an hour. The total number of sessions during the course of treatment is 15-20, which is determined by the severity of the existing movement disorders and the nature of the underlying disease. If necessary, the method of electrical stimulation can be repeated after 1.5-2 weeks of rest.

Simple technique for performing the procedure and high level safety for the patient allow the use of electrical muscle stimulation at home. However, before carrying out such treatment, you should consult with your doctor, who will determine the available indications and contraindications, as well as select the necessary stimulation parameters: type and strength of current, session time and total number of procedures.

Application in children

Electrical stimulation of muscle tissue is widely used in children of different ages. It is important to note that such a procedure for young children, for example, infants, is recommended to be carried out only on an outpatient basis to prevent the development of negative consequences.

Electrical stimulation is used to treat infantile cerebral palsy, flat feet, dysplasia of the joints (for example, hip), scoliosis, hypotension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, intestinal atony, etc. Pediatricians identify a wide range of indications for which the effectiveness of using electric currents has been proven.

Electrostimulation in children does not differ significantly from the use of the procedure in adulthood. The only restrictions relate to the current strength - it should be two to three times less than that of adults. Also, doctors recommend reducing the time of a physiotherapy session to 10-15 minutes to provide a "mild" effect on the nervous and muscular system child. Separately, it should be said that you should not use electrodes intended for adult patients, since they are poorly suited for a child and do not provide good contact with the skin, which negatively affects the effectiveness of electrical stimulation.

Possible complications in children and adults

Muscle electrical stimulation is safe for patients, however, in some cases, undesirable effects of physiotherapy may occur:

  • unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling and burning, as well as redness of the skin at the places where the electrode is applied, are most common in patients and are associated with the very physiological effect of electric current on biological tissues, there are no serious health consequences;
  • burns of varying degrees in the area of ​​application of electrodes, as well as electrical injury;
  • the occurrence or intensification of existing pain sensations;
  • muscle hypertonia, which is associated with overexcitation of nerve and muscle formations.

The last three complications are extremely rare and only in cases where the procedure was performed incorrectly. This is most often noted when trying to self-medicate at home or using faulty devices for electrical muscle stimulation.

Correct use of the technique in accordance with the doctor's instructions and instructions for the use of the device allows you to avoid the development of complications and increase the efficiency of electrical stimulation.

Electrical muscle stimulation is an important physiotherapy procedure widely used to treat paralysis, paresis and other diseases of skeletal muscles, as well as hypotonia of smooth muscle tissue in internal organs. Exposure to electric current improves the condition of muscles, their nutrition and neuromuscular transmission, which helps to eliminate hypo- and atony. The physiotherapy procedure has a number of limitations, and therefore should be used only after consultation with the attending physician, who carefully examines the patient and determines his indications and contraindications for electrostimulation. In no case should you self-medicate, as this is fraught with development side effects or the progression of the underlying disease.

One of the most effective and popular physiotherapy methods is muscle electrical stimulation. The course of such procedures allows you to quickly restore damaged nerve endings, tissues and muscles. What is the peculiarity of this technique? Who can use an electrostimulator, and who is better off to refuse such a procedure? You will find answers to all these questions in this article. For the treatment of some pathologies, doctors prescribe a course of electrical stimulation. This procedure is carried out using special equipment that directs impulse currents directly to tissues, organs and systems.
Electrical stimulation of muscles, as a rule, is part of a complex therapy for diseases of the nervous system, which limit the patient's motor activity, lead to muscle tissue depletion and loss of strength. The electrical stimulator directs an impulse to the diseased organ, which causes an immediate muscle contraction and motor excitement appears. At the same time, some brain cells also begin to work more actively. This method of treatment prevents atrophy and sclerotic changes in muscle tissue, increases blood and lymph circulation, and improves the permeability of the walls of blood vessels.


Home electrostimulator

Most often, an electrostimulator is used to treat diseases of the nervous system. The procedure will be useful to all patients who have a significant decrease in the speed of nerve impulse conduction. Also, such therapy is indispensable for patients with paresis, paralysis, traumatic damage to nerve endings.
The main indications for conducting a course of electrical muscle stimulation can be considered:
  • Multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, polyneuropathy and other ailments accompanied by spastic paralysis.
  • Reduced sensitivity of the limbs after a serious injury.
  • Cerebral circulation pathologies leading to central paralysis.
  • Long-term treatment of complex fractures, in which the patient's physical activity is limited. Typically, with such an injury, the patient's muscles are depleted. To prevent this from happening, doctors recommend using an electrostimulator.

Muscle electrical stimulation will only be effective if combined with other treatments.


The procedure for electrical muscle stimulation is not without reason that it is so popular. This technique has many advantages, namely:

  • Effectively restores muscle performance.
  • Not only heals the ailment, but also has an analgesic effect.
  • You can use the electrostimulator without special training and medical education. Modern medical device manufacturers offer a wide range of compact, inexpensive devices that can be used for home therapy.

Despite the fact that the electrostimulator can be used at home, before the course of such procedures, you should definitely consult a doctor.


Each patient should be aware that in addition to the advantages, electrical muscle stimulation also has obvious disadvantages. The disadvantages of the technique include:

  • If the damage to the nervous system is very strong, such therapy will be ineffective and will not give the desired result.
  • Physiotherapy using an electrostimulator allows you to get rid of the consequences of the disease only, but not from the cause of the development of unpleasant symptoms.

Some people use special equipment that sends electrical impulses to train muscles and to combat cellulite. However, professionals say that it will be quite difficult to achieve the desired goal in this way. If you want to lose weight or build beautiful muscles, it is better to sign up for a gym and start eating right. Classes, of course, will require a lot of effort from you, but the figure will become slim.


The electrostimulation technique also has some contraindications. It is not recommended to perform such procedures when:

  • Rheumatism;
  • Frequent heavy bleeding;
  • Atrial fibrillation;
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • Oncology.

If you have recently undergone surgery on a tendon or muscle, electrostimulation is only possible after 1 month. The use of electrical impulses can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, therefore, pregnant women should also avoid such a procedure.


Back diseases such as osteochondrosis can cause a lot of pain and discomfort to the patient. Medicines help to reduce painful sensations, but do not eliminate the main cause of the development of pathology. To quickly and effectively get rid of back pain, doctors recommend undergoing full course special interstitial electrical stimulation. This technique was developed by the famous scientist A. Gerasimov.
A needle with an electrode is inserted into the affected area of ​​the body under the skin. Electrical impulses are directed directly to muscle tissue. This leads to the normalization of blood circulation and the expansion of small vessels. Such treatment stops the process of destruction of cartilage tissue, removes salts from the body, and improves the functioning of nerve endings.
The advantages of back treatment using the Gerasimov method include:
  • Quick relief from pain and other unpleasant symptoms.
  • The procedure is completely painless.
  • You do not need to additionally take medications that can cause allergic reactions and harm the body.
  • Fast recovery.

Intramuscular electrical stimulation also has contraindications. It is not recommended to perform such a procedure if you have any inflammatory disease, pathology of cardio-vascular system, oncology or pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition, the use of a pacemaker is prohibited during pregnancy and for people with an artificial pacemaker. In any case, it is imperative to consult a doctor before the procedure.


In modern ophthalmology, the method of electrical stimulation is also used to treat visual impairments in adults and children. Doctors recommend using this physiotherapy for:
  • Myopia or hyperopia;
  • Asthenopias;
  • Strabismus;
  • Optic nerve atrophy.

A ray of light is directed to the retina of the eye, and the eye instantly reacts to it. If vision is impaired, information from the outside world can enter the brain distorted. The electrical stimulator has a direct effect on the neuromuscular system of the eye, the muscles contract, and the nerve conduction is normalized. The procedure is simple and painless, it is carried out in almost every clinic. The only contraindication to the use of an electrostimulator for the treatment of eye diseases is the presence of inflammatory disease or hemorrhage.


Some neuropsychiatric diseases of the brain can be effectively treated with a course of electrical stimulation. A special device sends out nerve impulses that activate the basic functions of the brain. The main advantages of such procedures are the absence of the need for additional medication and the exclusion of the possibility of side effects.
The main indications for conducting a course of electrical stimulation of the brain can be considered:

  • Head trauma;
  • CNS pathology;
  • Neuroses;
  • Hearing and vision impairment;
  • The consequences of improper blood circulation in the brain.

Before starting the procedure, be sure to consult with your doctor. The thing is that this technique has contraindications. It is not recommended to use the electrostimulator for hypertension, atherosclerosis, high temperature, infectious or colds, oncology.

Electrical stimulation (video)

Hello my friends! Today's article will focus on electrical muscle stimulation as part of the rehabilitation process. Let's analyze what is body myostimulation (electrical stimulation) and I will give you tips and advice from my personal experience... It will be fun and hopefully helpful.

To begin with, after joint surgery or injury, the leg muscles instantly lose their volume and tone. When we get injured, we naturally begin to spare the injured limb, we begin to use it less.

After the operation and, accordingly, other injuries, for some time we cannot stand on our feet, we load it inadequately. In addition, muscles and nerve endings are injured during the operation. Muscle wasting occurs with a redistribution of their tone. Even on an unconscious level, there is a redistribution of the load. Therefore, even after recovering, we walk, loading the injured leg a little less. An experienced rehabilitation therapist will notice this immediately. Well, or pretending to see everything, who knows.

How does this happen. As the disease progresses and there is insufficient exercise, trauma may cause .

Contractures- limitation of movement, in which the limb cannot be fully bent or unbent.

Incorrect load on the joint entails a change in the position of the pelvis and spine, appears compensatory scoliosis(). These changes disrupt the biomechanics of walking, increase the load on the spine, causing secondary pathological changes in it. Redistribution muscle tone leads to the formation and consolidation of a pathological incorrect motor stereotype. Like waves from a stone thrown into water, one disturbance in the body entails other disturbances. One disease leads to a change not only in the organ that worries, but also in nearby organs and tissues.

In any case, after the operation on the joint, rehabilitation is prescribed. Already a day after the operation, it is advisable to move and move the leg, bend, as far as possible, in the ankle and knee joint... After you are already able to walk, you need to visit a rehabilitation doctor at least a couple of times, who will prescribe a set of exercises that are suitable for your particular case, taking into account the injury, the method of the operation performed, etc.

Rehabilitation- a complex of medical, pedagogical, psychological, professional measures aimed at restoring health and returning to full-fledged professional activity of patients after severe illnesses and injuries.

More often it happens like this: your operating surgeon gives the coordinates of the rehabilitologist with whom he works and says that you need to go to him, since only he knows the methods of carrying out a specific operation. You go and pay money. The rehabilitologist develops a program only for you and makes an appointment in a month. Then money again new program, slightly supplemented, and again in a circle. Where are you going to go? This is probably the right approach, and any work costs money. It's just that in my case the therapist was constantly jerking his leg, checking something, but he didn't even notice that the ligament was gone (). Naturally, I lost faith in all this.

Of course, by no means think that rehabilitation is unnecessary. It is required! Only physical, correct loads can you return the damaged limb to its original state. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a rehabilitation therapist after surgery once or twice.

As you understand, the rehabilitation process for me stretched out for several years, each time starting anew and still continuing. But let's not talk about sad things. I want to tell you about something else.

What is rehabilitation, we figured it out, let's go further, so to speak, along the waves of history.

After my last operation, the surgeon did not talk about where to go to rehab. He just sent me an email general program rehabilitation and video.

Devices for body myostimulation

But in this video I was not interested in the exercises, but in the mentioned casually electrical stimulation or myostimulation muscles and various parts of the body. Such hidden advertising. Although why hidden? Explicit. But this is nothing like that. The main thing is to help. At 3.46 minutes, they talk about the device.

Myostimulation of the body and muscles during rehabilitation after knee surgery is not so important. In my experience, doctors don't even talk about her. But myostimulation is part of it.

I often remember Igor Akinfeev in my articles - I feel a kindred spirit in him. He, if you know, already had two operations to restore the anterior cruciate ligament. True, his operations were carried out for other reasons than mine. I mean, in his case, of course, doctors are watching him, his recovery program has everything: exercises, modern simulators, massage therapists and myostimulation.

Of course, this cannot but interest. You lie down, do nothing, but the muscles themselves work, twitch and recover - a fairy tale. Laziness is immortal. After all, how annoying (I know from myself) every day, several times to do various exercises. Well, I was distracted.

The video advertises a specific portable electrostimulator. He's probably good, high quality, strong and effective. But the price of this device !!! I think you can easily find information on it. And if money is not a problem and you can buy it and try it, then share your feelings with all of us. I'm not the only one who will be grateful.

But the desire to try something like that was strong. I began to search for information on electrical stimulation and myostimulation on the Internet and did not find anything that would be useful to me. General Articles with a medical bias and advertising articles for medical and cosmetic centers with myostimulation services for weight loss and muscle tone. I had to collect information bit by bit. Not to mention the fact that, typing "electrical stimulation" in a search engine, you get to sites of a specific orientation, it will not be said in front of children.

I will not load you with scientific knowledge and work with evidence of the benefits and effects of electrical stimulation on various muscles, tissues, neurons, etc. But I will give some basic information.

Muscle electrical stimulation- strengthening the activity of body systems and organs by irritation with electric current. Electrical muscle stimulation is used as a method of exposure to electric current that causes muscle contraction.

Muscle electrical stimulation improves blood circulation in muscles, stimulates and activates plastic processes in muscles, increases metabolic and trophic processes in muscles. With atrophy, muscles increase fiber mass and strength. Current impulses cause muscle contraction, which increases the activity of regulatory systems and increases the activity of cells in the cerebral cortex.

Various studies have noted that muscle contractions and subsequent relaxation caused by electrical impulses increase blood and lymph circulation in them, promote the delivery of nutrients to the muscle, ensure the release of under-oxidized products, and promote the accumulation of calcium, sodium and iron ions in the muscle.

For this procedure, pulses of various durations are used, ranging from 0.5 ms to 300 ms with a current strength that is reached up to 50 mA, which alternates with pauses. The current pulse when passing through the tissues excites the cells and stimulates the motor activity in the muscles; during the stops (pauses), the muscles relax and rest. No irritating effect on the skin is observed under the electrodes, even with prolonged myostimulation, tissue damage does not occur. In other words, myostimulation does not cause any unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​application.

It was not possible for me to buy the above-described and shown device, and I went the other way. I wonder what I did? Then read on.

Body myostimulation devices on Aliexpress

I climbed to the Chinese site Aliexpress and found that a pocket-sized portable device for myostimulation of all parts of the body can be bought from the Chinese very cheaply. I decided that to try what electrical stimulation is, that's enough. And I ordered this miracle device for myself. Here link to the seller's store. You can buy something cooler and more powerful there, but don't get carried away. Remember that this is not the most important thing in the process of rehabilitation, recovery and muscle training. Alas, alas.

As you can see, the whole structure consists of the device itself, which runs on batteries, from USB or from the network (the seller must indicate the adapter you need), wiring (each is divided into two and two more) and sticky pads that are connected to the electrode and superimposed on the body. Logically, I immediately ordered 100 pieces of spare adhesive pads from the same seller. I was right, after a while the sticky surface gets dirty, the pads do not adhere well and this leads to pain. So a small amount for spare pads was added to the cost of the device.

What can I say? Oddly enough, this device works well. It has 15 intensity levels and 8 stimulation modes. The modes differ in their effect (acupuncture, shiatsu massage, cupping massage, etc.). Of course, this is a cheap Chinese appliance. After a while, the socket where the electric wire was inserted was dispersed and the device stopped turning on. I had to open it, arm myself with a soldering iron and slightly solder a place on the board, which began to move away. It still works. All perfectly.

I also want to say that I saw several videos on Youtube, where people share their impressions of this device. Everyone likes. So if you want to try it - buy it, you won't regret it.

For some, it shocks quite tangibly at power level 3. I have already reached the last 15 and nothing is tolerable. Here it is necessary to take into account the threshold of sensitivity - it is different for everyone. Well, muscle tone. As you can imagine, I have it lowered on the operated leg.

The most a big problem when using the device, it is the installation of electrodes. Where to glue the sticky pads? If you stick it in the wrong place, there will be no muscle reaction.

Muscle motor points (myostimulation points)

In order for the muscles to contract under the action of the current, two electrodes must be installed on the so-called. One (+) to the conditional beginning of the muscle and the other (-) to its end. I show it on my good leg. Firstly, in order not to frighten with their postoperative scars and, secondly, on a healthy leg, even with a sharp decrease in loads and a decrease in muscle volume, the main bundles are visible.

Each wire coming from the device is divided into two, each of them is also divided into two (one +, the other -). Naturally, this is not indicated anywhere, but it is easy to figure it out. One pad is glued to one motor point, the other to the opposite one.

Muscle motor points are the areas where the motor nerve penetrates the muscle sheath (the most excitable site). The Erb table is used to locate the motor points.

For each specific person, these points may vary, but approximately the place can be guessed. As you can see, the beginning and end of the muscle can be clearly traced on the leg, the required points are also there.

Motor points of the anterior (I) and posterior (II) surface of the leg: I - anterior surface: 1 - sartorius muscle; 2 - muscle straining the broad fascia of the thigh; 3 - quadriceps hips; 4 - the external broad muscle of the thigh; 5 - peroneal nerve; 6 - long peroneal muscle; 7 - anterior tibial muscle; 8 - the common extensor of the fingers; 9 - short peroneal muscle; 10 - extensor thumb; 11 - femoral nerve; 12 - iliopsoas muscle; 13 - scallop muscle; 14 - long adductor muscle; 15 - a large adductor muscle; 16 - internal broad muscle of the thigh. II - posterior surface: 1 - gluteus maximus muscle; 2 - long adductor muscle; 3 - a large adductor muscle; 4 - semitendinosus muscle; 5 - semi-membranous muscle; 6 - tailor muscle; 7 - gastrocnemius muscle (inner head); eight - soleus muscle; 9 - common flexor of the fingers; 10 - posterior tibial muscle; 11 - gluteus maximus muscle; 12 - sciatic nerve; 13 - external broad muscle; 14 - biceps femoris; 15 - tibial nerve; 16 - gastrocnemius muscle; 17 - soleus muscle; 18 - long peroneal muscle; 19 - short peroneal muscle; 20 - flexor of the thumb; 21 - muscle abducting the V finger.

Or, quite simply, the points we need can be specified as follows:

That's all. The device can be set for 5, 10 and 15 minutes.

Do not peel off the electrodes while the device is in operation. Probably, it will be an unpleasant shock. I haven't tried it. Disconnect, change position and turn on again.

The procedure should be started with the lowest amperage (minimum intensity) and gradually increase the intensity of exposure, while soreness and discomfort should not occur. Doesn't shock him either. With the correct placement of the electrodes, an independent muscle tension is felt. The muscles must get used to the effects of the current: if you immediately give the maximum load, then the muscles will overextend, and there will be negative result... Muscle habituation without pain and discomfort is formed gradually. Even if you can, do not increase the power too much. Do everything gradually.

As the muscles get used to the load, you can increase the current strength, change the pulse mode.

You should not carry out the procedure for a long time. A couple of times a day for 15 minutes is enough.

The pads should fit well to the skin. When they get dirty and do not adhere well, you can feel a very painful burning sensation.

It is impossible to simultaneously stimulate antagonist muscles (for example, flexor and extension of the joint, external and internal muscles thighs, abdominal muscles and buttocks).

Muscle antagonists represent muscle groups or muscles performing opposite anatomical functions that create an opposite action in relation to each other, that is, in other words, these are flexor and extensor muscles of the joints.

Muscles, with the correct placement of the electrodes, contract and not bad. Sometimes pain may even appear with intense contraction.

Over time, the electrodes become dirty and need to be replaced, but they last for a long time. Wipe with water, alcohol, etc. Does not help. I tried.

Conclusion and conclusions

That, in fact, is all.

Of course, this device, like any other, is not an alternative to physical activity. Only competent rehabilitation, real physical exercises and correct loads on the muscles will bring them to their original state. This is more of such an interesting supplement that you can try when you come from the gym after intense exercise and sit down to relax on the sofa.

Also, myostimulation, by contracting muscles, increases the flow of blood and nutrients to this place, promotes faster healing and restoration of damaged muscle tissues and nerve endings.

You can buy something cooler and more impressive, and for myostimulation of all parts of the body. Such a device will allow you to try electrical stimulation on various parts of the body. What can I say, try this in medical center will cost much more. You can buy here .

But if you are seriously interested in the issue of muscle myostimulation, then you need to consult a rehabilitation doctor. There are cases when electrical stimulation is the only means of restoring physical activity and is prescribed by a doctor. To achieve really tangible results and impact, it is necessary that the specialist selects the current strength, correctly installs the electrodes, and monitors the condition of the muscles. Myostimulation refers to and in order to achieve results it is necessary to carry it out on special powerful devices under the supervision of a doctor.

In short, myostimulation is a good addition to the usual physical activity, but only complements. And here the same cannot be done without difficulty. Unfortunately, nothing is done by itself.

Until a person could invent such a device or pill that would work, and we did nothing. On the other hand, is it necessary? Sitting on the couch in front of the TV is not the best pastime.

Have you tried something similar, or maybe you have gone through such procedures?

Write, comment. It will be interesting for all of us.

All the best, do not get sick!

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