Radiculitis. Yoga for sciatica of the sciatic nerve: recommendations for performing asanas Is it possible to do yoga with exacerbation of sciatica

Sciatica with nerve damage spinal cord called lumbosacral radiculitis.

The sacrum plays an active role in human body primarily supports the rest of the human spine. The sacrum is located at the end of the spine and is connected to the tailbone. The sacral vertebrae occupy a C-shape in the lower back, their main function is to connect the lumbar vertebrae to the pelvis and support the spinal column.

  • Lumbar spine
  • Description of the sacrum
  • Causes of lumbosacral sciatica
  • Signs
  • Types of sciatica
  • Symptoms
  • Medication for lumbosacral radiculitis
  • Alternative treatments
  • Home treatment
  • Treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis with folk remedies
  • Massage
  • Exercise and gymnastics
  • Prevention

In addition to providing support, the sacrum works in coordination with the rest of the human spine, which provides movement and flexibility. The main role of the sacrum is in the connection of the pelvic bones, or the iliac crest, with the rest of the spine. The sacrum forms a long, triangular shape that consists of five connecting vertebrae. These vertebrae connect to the ilium at the sides to form the pelvic girdle.

Just above the sacrum lumbar the spine, the so-called lower spine. This section of the spinal cord forms one of five discs named (L1, L2, L3, L4, L5). These discs, although small, support the weight of virtually the entire human body. Just above the lumbar spine is the thoracic spine. This part of the spine surrounds and protects the heart and lungs. It also forms chest, and provides little movement and flexibility.

The sacrum is a large wedge-shaped vertebra at the lower end of the spine. It forms the solid base of the spine, where it intersects with the bones of the pelvis to form the pelvis. The sacrum is a very strong bone that supports the weight of the upper body and also connects the pelvis to the legs. The sacrum develops well in late adolescence and adolescence to form into one bone, around the age of thirty.

Lumbar spine

This area has five vertebrae. However, sometimes people are born with a sixth vertebrae in the lumbar region. The base of the spine (sacrum) is a junction of bones, and when one of them forms a vertebra and not part of the sacrum, it is called the transitional (or sixth) vertebra. This phenomenon is not dangerous and does not contain any serious side effects.

The shape of the lumbar spine forms a lordotic curve. The lordotic shape is curved back "C". If the type of the spine has an "S" - like shape, lumbar region will be at the bottom of the "S". The vertebrae in the lumbar region are the largest among the entire spine, therefore the lumbar vertebral trunk is larger than in the cervical or thoracic spine.

Because of its size, the lumbar spine has more room for the nerves to move (lean forward and backward, turn right and left).

Low back pain is a very common complaint for one simple reason. Since the lumbar spine is connected to the pelvis, this is the most mobile part of the body. Very often people do not take care of their spine, they tend to put too much pressure on the intervertebral discs, such actions as: lifting weights, turning when lifting weights, moving a heavy load, or when carrying heavy objects.

Such repetitive injuries can damage the lumbosacral spine.

Description of the sacrum

Along the posterior surface of the sacrum, the tubercles are spinous processes of fused bones. At the wide upper end, the sacrum (S1), the lumbosacral joint is formed, which belongs to the fibrous cartilage tissue of the fifth lumbar vertebra above it (L5). The sacrum tapers to a point at the lower end (S5) where it forms the sacrococcygeal joint, connecting fibrous cartilage to the tiny coccyx.

On the left and right lateral sides of the sacrum, the sacroiliac joints are formed with the ilium hip joint to form a hard pelvis. Ligaments link the sacroiliac joints to reduce movement and strengthen the pelvis.

The anterior sacrum is concave to provide more space in the pelvic cavity. In women, the sacrum is shorter, wider, and more curved towards the posterior than the male sacrum to provide more room for the fetus to pass through the birth canal during labor.

Many of the cauda equina nerves at the lower end of the spinal cord pass through the sacrum. These nerves enter the sacrum from the foramen of the lumbar vertebrae through the tunnel of the sacral canal. From the sacral canal, these nerves branch out and exit the sacrum through four pairs of holes, called the sacral holes on the sides of the canal, or through the sacral gap at the lower end of the canal.

The sacrum has several important functions in the skeletal, muscular, nervous, and female reproductive systems. Acting as the cornerstone of the pelvis, the sacrum locks the hip bones together on back side and supports the base of the spine as it intersects with the pelvis. Several key muscles of the hip joint, including the gluteus, iliac, and piriformis muscles, are connected to the sacrum and are used to move the leg.

The sacrum also surrounds and protects the spinal nerves in the lower back as they terminate their way down to the end of the trunk and into the legs. The sacrum contributes to the formation of the pelvic cavity, which supports and protects the sensitive organs located in the pelvis.

The lower vertebra (L5) connects the sacrum and coccyx bones. The large, triangular shape of the sacrum consists of five vertebrae (S1 - S5) that persist during early adulthood (18 to 30 years).

The coccyx is connected to S5 and consists of three to five vertebrae (Co1 - Co5), which are also usually fused.

The lateral processes of the sacrum and coccyx form the motor system of the pelvis and femur. Together, the sacrum and coccyx form a bone-shaped basin ring called the bony pelvis. The bony pelvis protects the bladder, lower colon, rectum and genitals.

It also supports the weight of the trunk and is an attachment point for several muscles that move the torso and hips. The sacrum is concave, and each vertebra contains a large central foramen. A condensed passage is formed, a canal called the sacral canal, which runs along the length of the bone.

The spinal nerves start at the end of the spinal cord at L1 and pass through the canal. The base of the sacrum is the widest point of the sacrum.

The spinal cord is a column of millions of nerve fibers that run through the spinal canal. It extends from the brain to the area between the end of the first and lumbar vertebrae and the very top of the second lumbar vertebra. At the second lumbar vertebra, the spinal cord is divided into several diverse groups of fibers that form the nerves that travel to the lower half of the body.

For a short distance, the nerves actually travel through the spinal canal. This collection of nerves is called the cauda equina, while it is still in the spinal canal.

The protective membrane is the dura mater that covers the spinal cord. The dura forms a waterproof sac around the spinal cord and spinal nerves. Inside this sac, the spinal cord is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid.

Nerve fibers in the spinal cord branch off to form a pair of nerve roots that travel through small openings between the vertebrae. Nerves in each area of ​​the spinal cord connect to specific parts of the body. This is why damage to the spinal cord can cause paralysis in some areas. It depends on which spinal nerves are affected. The nerves in the cervical spine go to the very top of the chest and arms.

The nerves in the thoracic region near the spine go to the chest and abdomen. Nerves from the lumbar spine reach the legs, intestines and organ- Bladder... These nerves coordinate and monitor organs and parts of the entire body, and give the ability to control their muscles.

Nerves also carry electrical signals back to the brain, which allows you to feel your sensations (pain). If a person's body is damaged in some way, the nerves send a signal to the brain that you are hurt. Damage to the nerves themselves can also cause pain, tingling or numbness in the area where the nerve travels.

Radiculitis is most commonly caused by pressure and, consequently, compression of the root in the lower and lumbar spine. Often such as the term "sciatica" is confused with a whole group of back pain. However, sciatica does not at all restrict only to the back. Sciatica is pain caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve. The pain can be mild to severe.

The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the human body. It runs from the lower back, through the buttocks, and down the leg, ending just below the knee along the front of the leg or the back of the leg into the heel. This nerve also controls several muscles in the lower legs.

Sciatica is a symptom of another problem involving the sciatic nerve. Some experts estimate that up to 40 percent of people will experience sciatica, at least once in their lives.

Causes of lumbosacral sciatica

The spine has three parts:

  1. Vertebrae (individual bones in the spine that protect the underlying nerves)
  2. Nerves
  3. Disks

The discs are made of cartilage, which is a strong and resilient material, the cartilage acts as a cushion between each vertebra and allows the spine to be flexible.

A herniated disc occurs when the disc temporarily displaces space by putting pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Causes of sciatica include:

  • Injury to the inside of the spine.
  • Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which the disc itself slides forward, above the vertebra below it, while, as it were, pinching the sciatic nerve.
  • Tumors in that part of the spine can compress the root of the so-called sciatic nerve.
  • Infection inside the spine.
  • Lumbar and spinal stenosis is, bluntly, narrowing of the spinal cord in the lower back that can compress the sciatic nerve.
  • Cauda equina syndrome, a rare but serious condition that affects the nerves in the lower part of the spinal cord, requires immediate medical attention. Cauda equina syndrome can permanently damage the nervous system and even lead to paralysis.
  • Additional risk of sciatica in smokers and obese people. In many cases, sciatica has no obvious cause. Anything that irritates the sciatic nerve can produce sciatic pain. However, it is believed that a combination of muscles, joints and bone deformities can lead to sciatica, which is why it is more common in people over 40.

Risk factors for sciatica

  • Common risk factors for sciatica include:
  • Age - due to the deterioration of the condition of the discs, people between the ages of 30 and 40 have a high risk of developing sciatica.
  • Specialty - jobs that require lifting heavy loads During a long time.
  • Sedentary lifestyle - people who sit for a long time and are physically inactive are more likely to develop sciatica than physically active people.
  • Although sciatica-like pain can be a problem during pregnancy, sciatica due to a herniated disc is not more likely to occur during pregnancy.
  • Sciatica is just one of the reasons that can be caused by a herniated disc. It can be caused by spinal stenosis.
  • It can be caused by spondylolisthesis, which is the sliding of one vertebra onto another.
  • Or pretty much anything that puts pressure on a nerve that causes pain down the leg.
  • Other diseases: swelling, growth, infection, cancer, and so on.


Internal organs and parts of the body that are connected to the spine Symptoms and pathologies arising from the displacement of the spine
L1 Colon Abdominal bowel cancer, constipation, diarrhea, appendicitis, dermatitis, neurasthenia, hypochondria, hemorrhoids, prostatitis
L2 Appendix, abdomen, upper legs.
L3 Diseases of the genitals Ovarian pathology, cystoma, uterine inflammation, uterine disease, testicular disease,
L4 Prostate gland, lumbar muscles, sciatic nerve. Inguinal hernia, cystitis, bladder stone, prostatomegaly, enuresis, back pain.
L5 Lower legs, ankles, feet. Pinching of the sciatic nerve, rheumatism, bladder disease, gout, abasia, violation of ODA (disease lower limbs, spurs, convulsions), anemia, sciatica.
S1-S5 Ilium, buttocks, thighs.
Co Rectum, anus.


Sciatica can be distinguished by the following features:

  • pain appears suddenly, severe pain;
  • increased pain when raising and straightening the leg;
  • the leg bends reflexively when getting out of bed;
  • sharp pain when coughing and sneezing;
  • when bending forward, increased pain;
  • it is difficult to be in one position for a long time;
  • in a motionless state, the pain subsides;
  • after 24 hours of bed rest, the pain worsens;
  • pallor of the face;
  • sweating

Sciatica can be confused with manifestations of other diseases: flat feet, varicose veins, diseases internal organs, injuries that also have similar pain.

A few key points:

  • The sciatic nerve is the most long nerve in the human body. The sciatic nerve is a branch from the lower back, through the buttocks, and down the leg.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy can help some people manage pain and sciatica.
  • The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc.
  • Sciatica is not a condition, it is a symptom.

Types of sciatica

Radiculitis is divided into two categories:

Acute sciatica (short-term)

Acute sciatica usually does not require professional treatment. Over-the-counter pain relievers combined with hot and cold compresses and exercise can significantly reduce symptoms. Acute sciatica usually lasts 4-8 weeks.

Chronic sciatica in Latin (Causes of sciatica)

Chronic sciatica, on the other hand, may require physical therapy, which may include exercise, heat, cold, and other methods. In rare cases, surgery may be required. Chronic sciatica persists for 8 weeks or more.

Sciatica (Causes of sciatica) is a common symptom of various diseases; However, an estimated 90 percent of cases are associated with a herniated disc.


The main symptom of sciatica is shooting pain anywhere along the sciatic nerve; from the lower back, through the buttock, and down the back of each leg (usually only one leg is affected).

This pain can range from mild soreness to acute pain or severe discomfort, and can be aggravated by sitting for extended periods of time.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back may include:

  • Bending weakness / ft.
  • Pathological reflexes (weak or absent ankle reflex).
  • The pain is reproduced by lifting the leg straight up while sitting.
  • Sharp, pain on one side, making it difficult to stand or walk.

Pressure on the nerve can also come from improper posture, sitting, standing; or from a muscle injury in the gluteal region. Athletes cyclists are very often susceptible to developing lower back pain due to the muscles used in these sports.

15% of people have a predisposition for the development of sciatica due to the sciatic nerve, directly through the piriformis muscle. However pain is provoked, the most important thing to do is to relieve pain. The good news is that, in most cases, lumbosacral sciatica repair does not require surgery, expensive medication.

Other common symptoms of sciatica include:

  • Tingling (pins and needles) in the feet and toes.
  • Numbness in the leg along the nerve, sometimes numbness in one part of the leg may be accompanied by pain in the other part of the leg.

If the symptoms of sciatica are mild and do not last longer than 4-8 weeks, it is probably acute sciatica, and health care usually not required as it will usually resolve itself.

A complete medical history may well help speed up the diagnosis. Doctors will also force individualized exercises (reversing Special attention on the legs), where the sciatic nerve extends.

Pain that spreads down the leg while doing these exercises usually indicates sciatica. If pain persists for more than 4 to 8 weeks, imaging tests, such as x-rays or MRIs, will be needed to help determine what is compressing the sciatic nerve and causing symptoms.

Medication for lumbosacral radiculitis

Let's consider the methods of treatment of acute and chronic radiculitis individually:

Acute sciatica

Most cases of acute sciatica respond well to self-help measures, which may include:

Over-the-counter pain relievers - Relieve pain symptoms. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen are recommended. Acetaminophen (Tylenol, paracetamol) is recommended for long-term use. Not all pain relievers are suitable for every patient. Be sure to consult with a professional:

  • The initial, if not dangerous problem is an epidural steroid injection.
  • Exercise such as walking or light stretching.
  • Alternating hot or cold packs help relieve pain.

Chronic sciatica

Treatment for chronic sciatica usually involves a combination of self-care measures and medical care.

  • Prescription: Pain relievers - amitriptyline, gabapentin, codeine (mild pain relievers), which is often given in combination with paracetamol, and diazepam if sciatica is severe.
  • Physical therapy - exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, and improve flexibility, and prevent stress on the back.
  • Chiropractic treatment - can maneuver the spine to relieve pressure on the nerves as a result of pain relief.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - helps manage chronic pain by teaching people to respond differently to their pain.
  • If symptoms persist with other treatments and continue to worsen, surgery may be an option.

Surgical options include:

  • Lumbar laminectomy is an extension of the spinal cord in the lower back to relieve pressure on the nerves.
  • Discectomy - a herniated disc is partially or completely removed.

Depending on the cause of complete sciatica, the surgeon will suggest a suitable surgical option.

Pains of nerve origin can range from sharp, radiating pain from the lumbosacral junction to the thigh and lower leg, to infrequent pain from the back to the lower extremities. Depending on where the pain is, you can determine where the nerve is pinched. Most often, pain in the lower back is the result of pressure on the nerve from muscle imbalance or a compressed nerve (herniated disc).

Alternative treatments

Alternative treatments commonly used for low back pain include

1. Acupuncture. In acupuncture, the practitioner inserts fine needles into the skin at specific points on the body. Some studies have shown that acupuncture can help back pain, while others have found no benefit. If you do decide to try acupuncture, find a licensed practitioner with assurance that he or she has extensive training.

2. Manual therapy. Is a form of chiropractic therapy that is used for treatment. The goal is to restore movement and improve spinal function, resulting in less pain. Spinal manipulation of the therapist's hands on the patient's body can be as effective and safe as standard methods low back pain treatment, but may not be suitable for severe pain. Whether your sciatic pain is new or you've been experiencing years of experience, massage can help you find quick relief.

Home treatment

You can treat the initial form of sciatica conservatively, with such simple things as ice in the first twenty-four to forty-eight hours, after that it is warm for the next forty-eight hours.

  • Heat increases blood circulation in this area by eliminating some of the metabolites.
  • Cold helps prevent pain.
  • Bed rest twenty-four hours, maximum forty-eight hours.
  • You need to do a certain amount of exercise. Physical exercise should not be a heavy load on the joints and the affected area.
  • Cycling and swimming are recommended.
  • Rosenthal's paste - applied in the form of a mesh in the lumbar region, the procedure is repeated many times, analgesics are not taken, do not wet.

Treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis with folk remedies

  • Cold garlic compress - soak a towel with cold garlic infusion, squeeze lemon juice and apply to the lumbosacral junction, hold until completely warmed for 20 minutes.
  • Fir oil - after taking a bath, rub into the area of ​​sore spots, the course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.
  • Pepper tincture - 30 grams of red hot pepper per 200 ml of vodka, leave for 2 weeks, strain, use for rubbing for all pain in the lumbar region.
  • Horse chestnut - ground into powder, combined with internal fat or camphor oil, applied to a sore spot.
  • Amanita muscaria - rubbed with tincture.
  • Adam's root - rubbed with tincture.
  • Horseradish leaves - applied to the sore spot.
  • Burdock leaves - applied to the sore spot with the soft side.
  • Nettle - sting the sore spot.


The sciatic nerve aches when the nerve roots in the lower back are pinched or irritated Massage therapy can help relieve sciatic nerve pain in 2 ways:

Tight muscles in the lower back can put stress on the nerve roots. Massage relaxes these muscles and helps prevent pinching or irritation. Massage stimulates the release of pain endorphins - this can provide temporary relief from symptoms like throbbing pain in your leg or burning sensation in your leg. Endorphins are brain cells associated with the central nervous system.

How to choose the right massage therapists?

Check with your doctor. See a massage therapist who is legally licensed to practice. Choose licensed massage therapists.

What if you are unable to visit a massage therapist?

Nothing can replace a good therapeutic massage, but there are several great alternatives for treating your sciatic nerve:

  • Massage chairs. High quality massage chairs are expensive, but they mimic a professional massage and can provide relief from sciatic nerve pain.
  • Applicator Kuznetsov - put under the lumbar region to lie down for 5-10 minutes.
  • Work an infrared lamp with a vibrator for the lumbar region for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Tape two tennis balls together, place in the lumbosacral junction if sedentary work at home or in the office. Pinch tennis ball between the stool and the lower back to loosen tight muscles.
  • If you do not have enough time for this, do not forget that many masseurs can welcome to your home or office. The benefits of a massage chair.

Massage therapy cannot permanently eliminate sciatic pain, but as an option, it can help relieve symptoms and provide relaxation to the lumbosacral junction.

Exercise and gymnastics

Exercise increases flexibility and muscle tone and increases blood flow to injured vertebrae. Strong muscles provide protection for bones and joints. The physiotherapist provides a set of exercises aimed at the rehabilitation of lumbosacral radiculitis:

  1. Pain relief
  2. Individual exercise programs
  3. Exercise aims to increase muscle tone to protect bones and joints.

Physical therapy includes an assessment of the patient's movement, his physical abilities, taking into account the body type and level of activity in order to prescribe exercises and others physical means aimed at improving the functions of the spine protection.

For specific diagnoses, a well-trained physical therapist will develop the most effective individualized exercise program. When implementing a physiotherapy program, specific exercises will vary depending on the condition and needs of the patient.

Development of correct exercise for the patient it sometimes requires trial and error, analyzing the person's response to exercise, and adjusting the exercise accordingly.

The correct exercise technique allows the patient to target the desired muscle group, which increases the effectiveness of the exercise.

Physiotherapists will instruct the patient about correct technique for each exercise in an individual exercise program. Physical therapists strive to constantly improve their training methods, as well as learning a new set of exercises. Most people know what low back pain is. To relieve the pressure on your back, you need to take the time and do a few simple exercises... You can also relieve tension by keeping your back correct.

The reason why these types of exercise are important. The spine is like a mast on a ship.

The mast cannot support its own weight without ropes. So is the human spine. If you take a human spine and put it on a table, it can support about thirty-five pounds of pressure.

We all weigh more than thirty-five pounds, so the stress is put on certain muscles that attach to the spine to relieve tension in the spine. When these muscles are weak or unbalanced, the vertebrae, discs and joints are put under pressure.

This leads to a lot of wear and tear inside the spine. By pumping up the muscles correctly, we take the pressure off the spine and make it stronger. Train yourself to do the following exercises for 10-15 minutes every day:

Differences between sacroiliac dysfunction and sciatica

Inflammation of the sacroiliac joints causes disruption of normal joint movement, although the sacroiliac joint (also called SI suture) has a very limited range of motion. If the sacroiliac joint becomes inflamed, the part of the sciatic nerve that runs all the way in front of the joint may become irritated.

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction affects the sciatic nerve and has symptoms similar to sciatica. However, pain along the full course of the sciatic nerve, caused by sacral joint dysfunction, is not caused by compression of the root that extends from the spine, as is the case with sciatica.

Stretching exercise for sacroiliac joint dysfunction:

Range of motion exercises aimed at the SI junction. Exercising often can restore normal movement and relieve sciatic nerve irritation. Three helpful exercises are described below:

  1. Pull one knee toward your chest with gentle pumping motions three to four times at the top of your range of motion. Do 10 reps for each leg.
  2. SI Press Up - Good for relieving sciatica pain caused by a variety of conditions. From a prone position, press full upper part hands, while the pelvis remains in contact with the floor. Keep your lower back and buttocks relaxed. Raise the press - up, hold the position for five seconds, and gradually bringing up to 30 seconds. Do 10 reps.


In exceptional and certain cases, sciatica cannot be prevented. However, there are several lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of developing it, including:

  • Regular and frequent physical training- an emphasis on the complete strengthening of the main muscles (in the abdomen and lower back), which are necessary for correct posture.
  • The correct posture is standing and sitting in an upright position, lifting objects correctly, and choosing a mattress and pillow that support your spine.
  • Weight normalization.
  • Compliance with a healthy lifestyle.
  • An active way of life (movement).

Useful articles:

The best ointment for sciatica - reviews of doctors and patients

Radiculitis is a lesion in which the sensitivity of the nerve roots is disturbed, which causes pain.

Several roots may be involved in the process. Pain may appear in the back or neck, and muscle weakness and numbness in the limbs may also occur. According to statistics, this disorder occurs in every eighth person on the planet.

Previously, manifestations of sciatica were observed in people after 40 years, but today the age of patients has become significantly lower. This disease often occurs in athletes and people of mental work and spending a lot of time sitting.

The use of ointments in the treatment of sciatica

Radiculitis is treated in a comprehensive manner. Ointment for radiculitis is the main treatment. They work almost immediately after application.

This is due to the fact that there are many pores and small blood vessels on the skin, through which drugs for a short time penetrate to the diseased area.

All local drugs for treating disorders are divided into two groups:

  • ointments produced by pharmaceutical companies;
  • traditional medicine ointments.

What types of ointments are used and for what purpose

Ointment can perform several different functions, let's study them. And also we will choose ointments that have shown good result in the treatment of the disease.

Warming ointments

Their action is based on the heat affecting the skin and the part that is connected to the sensory nerve, which carries information about the heat to the spinal cord, which tells the muscles to relax.

As a result, the pinched muscle relaxes, releasing the pinched root. The blood flowing to it favors the neutralization of inflammation. Local irritation helps relieve pain.

The composition in this case contains warming substances, which helps to numb the affected area; increase the outflow of lymph from it; have an anti-inflammatory effect; normalize microcirculation in tissues and nerves:

Pain relievers

These are the most common medicines used for the disorder. Their action is complex: anesthetic; decongestant; reducing vascular permeability; anti-inflammatory:

  1. Voltaren. An anesthetic composition that does not apply to damaged skin. It is not used in people with stomach ulcers and children under 6 years of age.
  2. Diclofenac. Everything that concerns Voltaren applies completely to this composition.
  3. Deep Relief. The ointment is effective, but not used in children under 10 years of age. Contraindications are associated with gastrointestinal disorders.

Locally irritating ointments

These are compounds with warming properties. They increase blood flow at the site of application, while the patient feels warm and tingling. It contains natural ingredients - the venom of snakes and bees.

The most popular products in this group:

  1. Viprosal. Includes gyurza poison, which has a resorbing, analgesic and irritating effect. Does not apply to affected skin.
  2. Apizartron includes bee venom. Relaxes muscles, increases the elasticity of the ligaments, relieves pain. It is applied 3 g at a time, after a few minutes, the composition must be rubbed in.
  3. Virapine contains bee venom. Apply 5 g to the affected area, rub this place for 10 minutes.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments

Used to eliminate sciatica and other back pain:

"Fastum Gel" and "Fastum Gel" (analogue of Fastum Gel) relieve back pain due to myalgia, inflammation of the spine, to neutralize pain after injuries and in the treatment of lumbago, osteochondrosis and lumbar sciatica.

This group also includes "Ketonal" and "Finalgel".

Combined formulations

The combined agents have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, improve tissue regeneration and have absorbing properties.

The best radiculitis ointment in this segment is "Dolobene" gel. An anti-inflammatory and anesthetic agent containing dimexide, which promotes deep penetration of other components of the composition.

Homeopathic ointments

They are used for pain in osteochondrosis ("Goal T") and pain associated with injuries and inflammations - lumbago, myalgia and radiculitis ("Traumeel S"). Today, there are many treatment methods that make it possible to significantly neutralize inflammation and pain in a short time, and which are aimed at comprehensive treatment.


With the correct use of local formulations, made independently, according to folk recipes, recovery can be accelerated.

  1. Grind 4 medium chestnuts into powder, add 2 tbsp. badger fat and mix well. Apply the composition twice a day to the affected area. The duration of treatment is up to 1 month.
  2. Making alcoholic infusion. Add 1 stick of propolis to 500 ml of vodka and place in a closed container in a dark place for 10 days. After 10 drops, mix with 1 tbsp. honey and with 1 tbsp. melted butter. Store in refrigerator, slightly melt before use. It is necessary to apply a thin layer on the affected part twice a day. The duration of treatment is 2 months.

The best ointments according to the reviews of patients and doctors

If you choose an ointment for sciatica, study the opinion of specialists and patients.


Ointments neutralize pain and normalize the condition of the spine with sciatica. Strengthen and accelerate the therapeutic effect in combination with tablets. Allow reduce the amount of drugs for internal use.

If it is impossible to take such medications, they can be replaced.

Thus, ointments are an excellent alternative to systemic remedies for acute disorders, as well as a wonderful addition to tablets and injections for persistent attacks.

Radiculitis is an infringement of the nerve roots. This is not an independent disease, but a peripheral pathology. nervous system, which is characterized by severe pain syndrome, limited mobility of the spine in the place of infringement and temporary disability.

Charging with sciatica

Exercise for this pathology is an integral part of the treatment of sciatica, which, in addition, includes the use of pain relievers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, B vitamins and all kinds of ointments that have a local effect on the inflammation zone.


This part of the spine is the most fragile. It consists of the smallest vertebrae, and nerve root entrapment occurs here quite often. Exercises for radiculitis of the cervical spine are aimed at ensuring the flexibility of the spine, strengthening the muscular corset, relieving tension:

  1. Sit or stand with your hand on some support. Slowly turn your head 90 degrees to the right, then to the left. The number of repetitions in acute radiculitis is how much the condition is allowed, in chronic sciatica - from 5 times. Increase the number of repetitions by 1 each day until you get to 15.
  2. Sit or stand with your hand on some support. Lower your head forward, raise it, pull it back, trying to touch the back of your head with your shoulder blades. Movements are slow, smooth, painful sensations are excluded. In the acute period, repeat no more than 5 times.
  3. Make rotational movements with your head: slowly lower it, then roll to the right, trying to touch the shoulder with the ear, then back, with the back of the head along the shoulder blades, then touch the left shoulder with your ear and return to starting position.

Thoracic department

In this part of the back, the vertebrae are larger, they are surrounded by a rather strong corset of muscles. Therefore, radiculitis of the thoracic region is rare. However, if such misfortune still overtakes, exercise will help to cope with pain and stiffness:

  1. Exercise to stretch the thoracic spine. It is performed only while lying down. Bring your arms back and place them on the floor. Start reaching with your fingers to one side and your toes to the other. Feel the spine stretch. The number of such stretching is 5 times.
  2. Stretching exercise. It is performed lying down. Bend your legs at the knees, wrap your arms around them and bring your face as close as possible to your knees. Relax in a horizontal position. Repeat at least 5 times.
  3. Exercise to strengthen the pectoral corset. Starting position - face down on the floor, hands at the seams. Raise your front head and shoulders, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Relax while lying down. Repeat at least 5 times.


This part of the spine is constantly under maximum stress. The vertebrae are large here, but this does not relieve the lumbar spine from pinching the nerves. Usually "lumbago", as this pathology is called among the people, comes unexpectedly - a person can neither straighten up nor move, turning out to be seemingly not paralyzed, but at the same time completely incapacitated.

Some exercises can help stretch the spine in the lumbar spine and ease some pain:

  1. Get on all fours. Imitate the movements of a cat that has just woken up: stretch with one hand, then with the other, putting your pelvis up. Then gently bend your back in the lower back, linger in this position for a couple of seconds. Then bend in the opposite direction, feel the spine stretch. The exercise is done 1 time, in the morning, almost immediately after sleep.
  2. Lie on your back, arms at the seams, legs bent at the knees. Lift your pelvis off the floor trying to arch it. Ideally, if you can bend at least a little in the lower back. Hold this position for a few seconds and lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 5 or more times, depending on the condition.
  3. Lying on your stomach, arms outstretched in front of you, legs straight. Lift your arms and legs off the floor, hold in the position for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5 or more times.

Exercise therapy for radiculitis

Remedial gymnastics always complements medical and physiotherapy treatment for most diseases of the spine. The difference with conventional exercises performed without a doctor's prescription is significant:

  • Therapeutic exercises for radiculitis are prescribed by a specialist after a detailed examination.
  • All movements are worked out under the supervision of a doctor-trainer.
  • The load is given on an increasing basis - from simple exercises to complex ones.
  • The patient's condition is monitored.
  • After the course, a second examination is carried out, the dynamics is recorded and adjustments are made in accordance with the results.

Some exercises from physiotherapy exercises after a course supervised by a trainer, you can do it at home.


There are few bans on physical activity. These are acute infectious diseases, severe pain syndrome (period of acute inflammation), the general serious condition of the patient, problems with cardiovascular system(heart decompensation).

In other cases, feasible physical activity will benefit a patient with sciatica of any part of the spine, including the lumbar.

Lesson rules

It is allowed to engage in therapeutic physical exercises only during the period of remission. This is the main condition for gymnastics with sciatica. The rest of the requirements are equally important:

  1. It is forbidden to engage in pain syndrome. If during the next exercise you feel pain, stop. Better to tell your doctor about it.
  2. Do not exercise on the "bare" floor. Lay yourself either a special rug or a warm blanket, folding it in several layers. The latter option is preferable, as it will save your back from a draft.
  3. For home activities, dress in cotton, comfortable clothing. To work in the exercise therapy office, purchase comfortable shoes.
  4. Don't drink while exercising. If you need rest, prefer breathing exercises and relaxation.
  5. Do muscle relaxation exercises first. Only after that start pumping them.
  6. The minimum course duration is 2 months. Gymnastics for back problems has a cumulative effect. The first improvements will be noticeable not earlier than in a month.
  7. Eliminate all sudden movements, jolts and twists. The main task is to relax the tight muscles and strengthen the corset that supports the spine.

Pilates exercises for sciatica

The basis of such exercises is the development of muscle groups, which, even with exercise therapy, are never used. All Pilates exercises are performed slowly, smoothly. It is necessary to get pleasure from them, feeling every muscle of your body. There are no absolute contraindications to such activities.

All Pilates exercises for the spine are divided into 3 groups: performed on the floor, performed with various objects, and training loads. You can learn the following few exercises on your own:

  1. Relaxation back muscles... Starting position - kneeling. Sit on your heels, bend forward and reach the floor with your palms (lay it flat). At the same time, try not to tear off the fifth point from the heels, otherwise the whole point of the exercise will be lost. Stretch your fingers forward, feeling the muscles of the entire back relax and the spine stretches. Watch your breath, it should be free. The number of repetitions - from 5 times, depending on the physical form.
  2. Spine stretching. Sit on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, pull your toes towards you, straighten your back. Stretch your arms forward and imagine that there is a large inflatable ball in front of you. Start wrapping your body around him, rounding the spine. Return to starting position. Then bend over to one foot, wrapping your arms around it, then to the other. The number of repetitions is at least 5.
  3. Strengthening the back muscles. This exercise is quite difficult for a beginner with weak physical fitness however, its benefits for strengthening the abdominal muscles are invaluable. Lie on your back, arms locked under your head, legs extended, together. Lift your upper body, at the same time bend one leg at the knee, and lift the other off the floor. Imagine riding a bike. Legs can be bent at any angle up to 90 degrees. Minimum load- 10 "cycling" movements.

Radiculitis is not so terrible for an active person. Therefore, try to force yourself to do something useful every day - morning exercises, warm-up in between the seats at the computer, walk on fresh air... Exercise is the foundation of human health. Without them, he becomes disabled.

According to statistics, about 40% of the world's population experience pain in the lumbosacral region or become victims of sciatica. BUT The best way preventing disease is prevention.

Through special exercises you can strengthen the lumbar spine and prevent (or completely stop) sciatic nerve inflammation. Exercise daily - and back pain won't bother you!

Exercise 1

Stand facing the seat of a chair. Bend your right knee and place it on the seat so that your thigh is parallel to the floor and your knee is directly above your ankle. Place your left palm on outside right knee and, without shifting the right leg, turn the body to the right. Take a few deep breaths and hold this pose for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise for the left leg.

Exercise 2

Lying on your back, bring one knee to your chest and keep the other leg straight. Take a few deep breaths. Keep your shoulders on the floor. Repeat for 30 seconds for each leg.

Exercise # 3

The starting position is the same. Extend your arms to the sides, as if forming the letter T. Without lifting your shoulders from the floor, turn both knees first into right side, then to the left. Breathe deeply and freely. Repeat the exercise for one minute on each side.

Exercise 4

Lie on your back and form a T with your body (legs together, arms out to the sides). Keeping one leg straight, bend the other knee at a 90 ° angle, place the opposite hand on the knee. Face your outstretched arm. Both shoulders should be flat on the floor. Breathe deeply and freely, taking one minute on each side.

Exercise # 5

Stand straight and step forward with your right leg, bending it at the knee. The left leg is straight. Turning the body to the side bent leg, put your palms together and place your hands so that the elbow is on the outside bent knee... Try to stay in this position for 30 seconds.

Exercise # 6

Sit on the floor. Bend your right knee and throw it over your left thigh. Place your right hand on the floor behind you and your left elbow on the outside of your bent knee. Rotate the body towards a straight arm, trying to keep your legs in their original position. If you succeed, try to stand in this position for 30 to 60 seconds and do not forget to change your legs.

Exercise 7

Get on your knees with your palms on the floor. Arch your back and lift your chest. Feel how they stretch shoulder muscles... Breathe calmly and evenly for about 10 seconds. Then arch your back in an arc, pressing your chin against your ribcage. Pause again for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Do the exercise for one to two minutes.

Exercise 8

The easiest pose on this list. Sit on your heels with your knees slightly apart. Lower your forehead to the floor, stretch your arms straight out in front of you and relax, trying to breathe deeply and calmly. You can stay in this position as long as you want. The main thing is not to fall asleep. Otherwise, your legs will not forgive you.

If you work in an office, lead a sedentary lifestyle, or start to notice that your back gets numb or hurts from time to time, these exercises will not only be an excellent prevention, but will also help get rid of existing problems.

So, I have long wanted to describe the sets of exercises that I personally used to recover from an attack of sciatica and which I took up again. This, clearly, is not an instruction or an author's system: I just had to reflect on what I feel after each movement - and all this became an important experience. Yes, it does not follow from this text that it is not necessary to take medications, nothing about medications will follow from this text.
There is nothing good, probably, in provoking a crunch, but I am happy to provoke it. In general, the appearance of a crunch last summer was a signal of improvement for me - the edema does not crunch. My favorite exercise:
lie on your back, hands behind your head, stretch one leg, and bend the other at the knee and with this knee reach the floor from the opposite side, trying not to lift your elbows off the floor (it won't work anyway, but you have to try). Then, respectively, bend the other leg and do the same. Oddly enough, it did not hurt to do it even in the acute phase, although it seemed to me acrobatic then. After 1-3 movements, a magical crunch is obtained, which, as it were, cannot be provoked, but lets go for a while. I do it all the time, including on the bed, especially when I come home tired.
Three exercises close to this, relaxing the lower back and relatively painless, even when things are very bad:

  • lying on your back, bend both legs at the knees and put your knees on the floor in one direction or the other;

  • lying on your stomach, bend both knees and put them on the floor in one direction or the other;

  • lying on your side, pull the knee of the upper leg to the stomach.

Now there are three exercises that have become markers for me: in the most acute phase it hurt to do them (but I did them anyway), and when it didn't hurt, it was already clear that it was better.
The first is classic. Standing on all fours, bend your back up, relaxing your stomach; bend inward, drawing in the stomach.
The second and third are not even really exercises, but just relaxing positions. Sitting on your knees, lie forward with your arms outstretched. Lying on your back, pull both knees to your stomach (before starting this, I first pulled up one knee).
It really hurt, but I reasoned that there could be no harm from such accurate movements with a scanty amplitude.
Pulling is currently only allowed in a straight line. There is a horizontal bar and the strength to raise your arms up - super. There is no horizontal bar, but there is strength to raise my arms up - I just stretch out like an arrow. By the way, it's pretty stressful.
And a few more lungs warm-up exercises on the shoulders, neck - they suffer terribly from trying to work lying down.
My big mistake was to treat this five-minute complex, which does not imply any muscle tension, how to full charge and do it only once a day (not every day). It is better to do it 3-4 times a day, and then, from 3-5-10 times, gradually add more decent exercises that strengthen the muscle corset.
I'll tell you about them next time.


Exercise 1. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

First option. "Right triangle".

Starting position. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, as wide as possible (no more than 90 cm), raise your hands to the sides at shoulder level, palms down, fingers together. Look straight ahead (fig).

Execution technique. First, breathe in calmly and slowly through your nose. Simultaneously with a calm, slow exhalation, also through the nose, without bending your knees, gently and slowly bend strictly to the left, your arms remain raised to the sides. Use the fingers of your left hand to reach the mat near the little toe of your left foot. In this case, the right hand will take an upright position, and the exhalation will end. On a pause after exhalation, turn your head up to the right and look at the palm of your raised right hand. Stay in this position until there is a pause after exhalation, relaxing the whole body. Focus your attention on the lumbar spine. After that, simultaneously with a calm, shallow breath through the nose, smoothly return the body to its original position. Repeat the same to the right, touching right hand little finger rug right leg... Count tilt left and right at one time. In the first decade, do the exercise once, in the second - 2 times, in the third - 3 times.

Second option. Crossed Triangle.

Starting position. The same as in the first version.

Execution technique. First, breathe in calmly and slowly through your nose. Simultaneously with a calm exhalation through the nose, without bending your knees, tilt your torso forward and to the left, trying to reach the mat with the fingers of your right hand on the outside of the little toe of your left foot. At the same time, the left hand rises vertically upward, and the exhalation ends. On a pause after exhalation, turn your head up to the left and look at the palm of your raised left hand. Stay in this position until there is a pause after exhalation, relaxing the whole body. Focus your attention on the lumbar spine. Then, simultaneously with a calm, shallow, slow breath through the nose, smoothly return the torso to its original position.

Repeat the same on the other side, touching the mat with your left hand on the outside of your right foot. The tilt to the left and right is counted in one go. The number of repetitions is the same as in the first option.

Both versions of the "Poses of the triangle" are performed after the "Exercise for the lower back" (Exercise 29. "Katy Shaktivardhak") or instead (with appropriate contraindications, until the lumbosacral sciatica is healed).

Therapeutic effects. This asana tones the nerves of the spine and abdominal organs; strengthens the muscles of the lateral surface of the trunk, back, lower back; eliminates the deposition of salts in the spine, thoracic and lumbosacral sciatica; improves intestinal peristalsis, the functioning of the lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys; promotes the disappearance of acne and boils; develops the flexibility of the body, creates a feeling of lightness; promotes growth in children under 18 years of age. This posture is useful for those suffering from constipation, poor appetite and shortening of the legs after fractures.

Note. If an inclination to any side causes an aggravation of pain, then in this direction the "Pose of the triangle" should not be performed until the pain sensations disappear.

Exercise 2. "Chakrasana" ("Wheel Pose") and "Ardha-Chakrasana" ("Half Wheel Pose")

Chakrasana. Starting position. Stand up straight, arms down, feet shoulder-width apart. Look straight ahead.

Execution technique. Take a calm, shallow breath through your nose, while simultaneously raising your straight, outstretched arms up, palms forward. Holding your breath, on a pause after inhaling, slowly and smoothly tilt your torso back with outstretched arms. Move the center of gravity of the pelvis forward a little. Continue the bend, bending your knees and elbows slightly until your palms touch the mat. Then bend properly in the lower back and other parts of the spine, straightening your arms and legs and pulling your head back. Gently move your hands towards your feet so that your toes touch your heels. Stay in this position while there is a pause after inhalation, relaxing the whole body and face; look straight ahead, and focus on the lumbar spine. When you can no longer hold your breath, simultaneously with a calm, shallow exhalation, lift your torso vertically up to its original position, shifting the center of gravity of the pelvis forward. Then put your hands down. In the first decade, the exercise is performed once, in the second - 2 times, in the third - 3 times (this is the maximum). It should be done after Trikonasana, before the 30 daily morning exercise.

For beginners, this pose is difficult to perform from the starting position, therefore, to prepare for it, it is necessary to learn "Ardha-Chakrasana" from the starting position lying down, gradually moving to "Chakrasana", and only after a few months you can start performing the last one from the standing position.

Ardha-Chakrasana. Starting position. Lying on your back, bend your knees and bring them closer to your torso so that your heels touch your buttocks. Bend your arms at the elbows with your palms next to your head, point your fingers towards the body. Look straight up.

Execution technique. Breathe in a shallow, calm breath through your nose. Hold your breath. Leaning on your palms and feet, lift your torso up, bend properly in the spine. The body will take the shape of a half-wheel. Stay in this position until there is a pause after inhalation, relaxing your entire body and face. Look straight ahead, and focus on the spine. After several weeks of mastering the "Ardha-Chakrasana" try to bring your hands closer to the heels until you get a complete "Chakrasana". Then, simultaneously with a calm, shallow exhalation through the nose, lower the torso to its original position. The number of repetitions is the same as in the above "Chakrasana". "Ardha-Chakrasana" is performed daily morning complex after (or instead of) exercise 48, Pashchimottanasana.

Therapeutic effects. "Chakrasana", like "Ardha-Chakrasana", helps to restore flexibility and mobility of the ribs, spine, cure thoracic and lumbosacral radiculitis; tones the nerves and muscles of the back, chest, abdomen and legs; improves vision, timbre and clarity of voice, complexion; has a beneficial effect on all organs of the chest, abdomen and pelvis; helps in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, nausea, constipation, lack of appetite, indigestion; contributes to the development and preservation of the shape of the bust in women. If "Chakrasana" is practiced from an early age, it provides proportional development of the whole body, improves thinking. Such a wide range of influence of the asana on the body of yoga is explained by the involvement of almost all the "chakras" of the body in the work, which even helps to prevent premature aging.

Exercise 3. "Ardha-Urdhvasana" ("Semi-Raised Pose")

Starting position. Main rack.

Execution technique. Bend left leg at the knee and grab the toe of the left foot with your left hand, lift your right hand up so that the palm is facing forward. Take a calm shallow breath and hold your breath, and bend after inhaling left hand in elbow joint trying to raise your left leg higher. Make sure that the knee does not deviate to the sides. Try to raise your left leg as high as possible. Stay in this position as long as there is a pause after inhalation. Look straight ahead at one point. Focus your attention on the lower back or shoulder. After that, relax your left arm and leg and, returning them to their original position, breathe out calmly through your nose, do the same with your right hand and right leg. The exercise is performed once, counting the lift of the left and right legs a once.

Ardha-Urdhvasana is performed in the morning complex after exercise 32, Kundalini Shaktivardhak.

Therapeutic effects. This asana develops flexibility and mobility of the spine, strengthens the muscles of the legs, abdomen, back and lower back. Helps in the treatment of thoracic and lumbosacral radiculitis, diseases of the organs - the abdomen and pelvis. This exercise enjoys success with ballet dancers and figure skaters, as it allows them to develop lightness, flexibility and gracefulness of movements.

Contraindications If pain occurs when lifting one of the legs, lifting this leg is contraindicated.

Exercise 4. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Here are 4 variations of this pose in order of increasing difficulty. Follow the option that is available to you. It is better to start with an easier one and, having mastered it, move on to a more complex one, excluding the studied option.

First option. It is performed in the morning complex before exercise 53, "Sarvangasana". Starting position. Lying on your back, legs together, arms along the body, palms pressed to the thighs.

Execution technique. Take a calm, shallow breath through your nose. Hold your breath. Leaning on your elbows, bend your torso and try to move your head back to touch the mat with the crown One point. Focus either on the space behind the sternum, or on the spine. Then again lean on your elbows and return the torso and head to their original position. In the first decade, the exercise is performed once, in the second - 2 times, from the third decade - 3 times ( this is the limit).

Second option. It is performed in the daily morning complex after exercise 40, "Bhastrika" (instead of the first option).

Starting position. Take the pose "Vajrasana", that is, "Firm pose" (see the description of this asana in Exercise 41 of the daily morning complex). Lean behind you with the palms of your hands and, resting on your elbows, lie on your back. The face is facing up. Put your hands along the body, palms down (Fig. 125).

Execution technique. Take a calm, shallow breath through your nose. Hold your breath. Grasp the shins or thighs with your fingers and pull them towards you, trying to bend in the spine, and put your head on the crown. Stay in this position for as long as there is a pause after inhalation, relaxing the whole body. Look straight ahead. Focus your attention, as in the first option. Then, resting on your elbows, return your head and torso to their original position. The number of repetitions is the same as in the first option.

The third option. It is performed in the daily morning complex after exercise 40, "Bhastrika" (instead of the first and second versions of "Matsyasana").

Starting position. Take the "Lotus" pose (the second option is "Overlay"). Resting on the palms of your hands and elbows, lie on your back. Grab your hips with your hands.

Execution technique. Take a calm, shallow breath through your nose. Hold your breath. Pull on your hips, bending your elbows. Bend your torso and try to bring your head closer to your buttocks so that the crown touches the mat. Stay in this position, grasping your toes, as long as there is a pause after inhalation, relaxing all the muscles in the body. Look straight ahead at one point. Then grab your hips again, lean on your elbows and return your torso and head to their original position. The attention and number of exercises performed are the same as in the first version.

Orthopedic traumatologist, surgeon of the first category, Research Institute, 2009

Radiculitis or, as it is scientifically called, radiculopathy is a manifestation of osteochondrosis of the spine, a disease that affects most people, regardless of gender and age. Symptoms appear quickly and sharply, restricting movement, as the pain covers the back and shoots in the limbs.

Having manifested for the first time, then sciatica passes into a chronic phase and worsens from time to time. Without drug treatment it will not be possible to get rid of the problem quickly, but exercise for sciatica relieves suffering and accelerates recovery.

About localization

Sharp pains in the spine cover the spine from the first to the last vertebra or affect one of the sections.

Depending on the localization, the types of radiculitis differ:

Localization and names Areas of irritation or lesion The main symptoms
Cervical (cervical radiculopathy)

More often seen in people 25-40 years old

The nerve roots of the cervical spinal cord within the C1 – C7 vertebrae pain in the neck, shoulders, head

numbness of hands

Thoracic (thoracic sciatica) The nerve roots of the spinal cord of the thoracic region within the vertebrae T1 – T12 back and rib pain

weakening of sensitivity in the area

muscle weakness

Lumbosacral (sciatica, dorsalgia) Pinching of the sciatic nerve, nerve roots of the spinal cord in the lumbar region L1-L5, as well as 7 fused sacral vertebrae and 4 coccyx acute back pain, especially when moving

the path along which the pain spreads indicates the localization of the infringement

Symptoms that occur with radiculitis are similar to those of ischemia, pulmonary disease, or other diseases of the internal organs, so it is important to consult an experienced specialist to determine an accurate diagnosis before proceeding with treatment.

In acute ischemic disease, exercises for radiculitis are contraindicated.

Variants of names that are found:

  1. Thoracic sciatica is called intercostal neuralgia, but this concept includes all pains caused by compression of the intercostal nerves;
  2. The lumbosacral is commonly called lumbago. However, this concept is somewhat broader and covers acute lower back pain, regardless of the cause.

About the nature of pain

When choosing a complex, factors of localization and nature of the disease are taken into account:

View Characteristic Localization and symptoms
Spicy Sudden onset of pain for various reasons: sudden movements, hypothermia, lifting heavy objects It can be localized in any part of the spine
Chronic Periodic exacerbation More often in the lumbosacral region

Aching pain, aggravated by movement, especially bending, is given to the thigh, but not below the knee

Discogenic Arises in consequence physical activity in case of damage to the intervertebral discs and further formation of hernias The sudden onset of aching, but severe pain, sometimes it gradually subsides, sometimes it increases. Swelling is observed.
Post-traumatic Occurs when the spinal canal is damaged when the vertebrae are squeezed More often it occurs in the lower part of the thoracic or lumbar spine.

It is accompanied by acute pain in the back, legs and arms, numbness and weakness of the limbs.

Gymnastics with radiculitis is contraindicated in post-traumatic and discogenic types, as well as in the first phase of acute sciatica.

Cervical sciatica is an exception to this rule.

Exercise therapy for radiculitis can alleviate the condition and accelerate recovery, however, after the first acute symptoms have been removed. It is advisable that the set of exercises be selected by a specialist, based on the diagnosis and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Exercise complexes for radiculitis

Exercise therapy for radiculitis belongs to the category of non-drug treatment. A correctly selected complex solves the following problems:

  • Correction of defects in posture;
  • Strengthening the muscle corset;
  • Decreased compression of nerve roots;
  • Working out the correct stereotypes of body movement;
  • Prevention of further exacerbations.

By charging with sciatica of the back:

  • Improves blood supply to the spine and pelvic organs;
  • Metabolic processes are normalized in intervertebral discs and their nutrition;
  • The distance between the vertebrae increases, allowing the discs to stay in place;
  • The load on the spine is reduced due to the redistribution to the strengthened muscles.

When diagnosed with sciatica, exercises:

  1. Appointed based on the variety and selected individually;
  2. Performed by patients from 2 to 4 times a day;
  3. Exercises are performed smoothly with a gradual increase in the number of repetitions and load;
  4. When performing, the border between aching or pulling and sharp or sharp pain is determined;
  5. You need constant and persistent training.

The fulfillment of these six conditions is the key to success in treatment and complete recovery. However, treatment must be approached in a comprehensive manner, including the necessary drugs, physiotherapy, manual therapy and massage, swimming and other types of therapeutic and preventive measures.

Destinations medical complexes with sciatica:

  1. Stretching the spine;
  2. Stretching the muscles;
  3. Strengthening muscles and tendons.

There are many systems wellness gymnastics, allowing to solve the listed tasks, including:

Simple exercise therapy have been developed by doctors since the time Soviet Union and have been tested for decades of use in exercise therapy rooms in clinics and hospitals.

Yoga and Qi Gong have been tested for centuries, their advantage is that the problem is solved in a comprehensive manner, including relaxing the body with the help of relaxing music, special meditations. However, you can use it after preliminary training with an experienced instructor.

After applying the complexes of exercise therapy, in the future it is recommended to use therapeutic exercises for prevention, including therapeutic complexes of Yoga or Qi Gong. However, after a doctor's approval.

There are many tips on the net on how to quickly relieve sciatica pain. Care must be taken with this information until a definitive diagnosis is made. Given the multiplicity of options, a situation is possible from which it will be difficult to get out without losses.

Exercises for sciatica of the lumbosacral spine

The initial complex of physiotherapy exercises for radiculitis of the lumbar spine


  1. Starting position: body detuning. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows just below the waist. Draw in the stomach and pull the sacrum to the navel. Keep your back straight, mentally pulling up. Gradually translate mental stretching into real one to a state of intense comfort;
  2. Side bends. Take the starting position, start alternating tilts of the body to the sides, leaving the hips motionless from a feeling of pulling or aching pain to the point of transition into acute pain, return to the extreme point of mild and fix for 5 - 12 seconds. Try to feel the stretch of the lateral muscles. During the exercise, do not hold your breath, breathe evenly. Harmonize breathing with movement - inhale in a straight position, exhale when tilted, or vice versa. Return to original position. Take 3 deep breaths and exhalations. To relax;
  3. Tilts back and forth. Rebuild the body again. Begin tilting forward and backward, determining their depth (amplitude) using the pain described in the first exercise. Observe the rules of delays at the end point of the deflection, continuous breathing and relaxation;
  4. Twisting. Build up. Rotate the body to the right and left around the axis of the spine, observing all the above rules. Make sure that the hips do not rotate with the body. You can push the thigh slightly in the opposite direction, increasing the twist, but only if it does not cause severe pain. Returning to the starting position, relax;
  5. Rotation. Build up. Alternately make small bends forward - left - backward - right - forward. Then in the opposite direction. First, fix at each point, gradually transferring the movements into a smooth continuous rotation. To relax;
  6. Leaning forward. No tuning is required for this exercise. The body flows down relaxed. The desire is to reach the floor with your hands. The goal is to get to the transition point as described in the first exercise. After that, just as smoothly rise, rounding the back, unwinding the vertebra behind the vertebra slowly and without tension.

Perform exercises from 2 to 10 times, gradually increasing the number. After the pains have gone away completely, a complex of remedial gymnastics is prescribed, possibly yoga or Qi Gong.

The initial complex of exercise therapy for the thoracic region

Exercise should be started only with full confidence in the diagnosis.

Complex in the prone position:

  1. Starting position: Lie on your back. Stretch your legs and arms and relax;
  2. Place one palm on your chest, the other on your stomach. Inhale deeply, holding your breath a little, exhale;
  3. From the starting position, while inhaling, stretch out and stretch your arms up, putting them behind your head. On exhalation, return to the starting position;
  4. Bend your legs, wrapping your arms around. Pull your knees to your stomach, while trying to reach your knees with your forehead. Follow all the rules described for the second exercise for radiculitis of the lumbar spine. Return to starting position;
  5. Twisting. Spread your arms to the sides and press your palms to the floor. Bend your legs and, together with the body, turn alternately from side to side, while keeping your shoulders, shoulder blades and arms from the floor. Follow the rules;
  6. Lie on your stomach. Place your hands along the body. Leaning on the sternum, abdomen and hips, make smooth ups and downs of the shoulders and head. Keep your head straight, slightly lowering your chin to the jugular cavity, without throwing it back.

Complex sitting on a chair:

  • Sit on a chair, build your back. Put your hands on the seat. Straighten your legs at the knees and stretch out, pulling your feet towards you and at the same time stretch your chest in it, arching your back. Return to starting position and relax;
  • In the starting position, put your hands behind your head. Bend as you inhale, tilting, but not throwing your head back, pulling out to the starting position, exhale and hold your breath for 5 seconds.
  • The last exercise is performed while standing. Holding on to the back of the chair, as you inhale, rise on your toes, while pushing the chest up. Lower to the starting position, exhale, hold your breath for five seconds.

Each exercise is performed from 2 to 10 times over several days (about ten), until the acute pain disappears.

After that, a complex of therapeutic gymnastics is selected.

The initial complex of exercise therapy for the cervical spine

In this case, the initial course of remedial gymnastics is available in the first phase of the disease, after the first pains have been relieved. At the beginning of training, use a neck brace to help the muscles.


  1. Starting position: body detuning. It is done in the same way as in the description for a similar exercise for radiculitis of the lumbar spine. Either sitting on a chair with a straight back, if that is more comfortable;
  2. Head turns. Close eyes. Smoothly turn your head to the sides, striving for the angle of rotation to be 90%, however, observing the rule of acute pain;
  3. Side bends. Stretch your neck up a little, then with your left ear to the left two or three centimeters, then slowly lower your head to your right shoulder, imagining that your left ear is reaching towards the ceiling. You can help yourself with your hand by placing your right palm on your left ear. But don't put pressure on him. Return to the starting position and do the exercise in the other direction;
  4. Tilts back and forth. Stretch your neck up, start lifting your chin, and then gently tilt your head back without wringing your neck. Slowly return to the starting position, smoothly moving the head into a forward tilt. But not due to the tilt of the neck, but due to the desire to lower the chin to the jugular cavity. After that, return to the starting position and relax;
  5. Rotation. Lower your head forward, then tilt to the right shoulder, take it back, tilt it to the left shoulder, tilt it forward again. Repeat these movements, transforming them into a smooth, continuous rotational movement. Do the exercise in the opposite direction. Inhale, exhale and relax.

Pulls parallel to the floor:

  • Stretch your chin forward, then smoothly return to its original position and, without stopping the movement, take the back of the head back;
  • Stretch your left ear to the left wall, then return to the starting position and, without stopping the movement, stretch your right ear to the right wall;
  • Stretch your chin forward, your left ear to the left, the back of your head back, your right ear to the right, looping the movement to smoothly rotate your neck, leaving your chin parallel to the floor;
  • Do everything in the opposite direction.

After each exercise, take three breaths and then relax.

Repeat these exercises 4 to 8 times in each direction for several days until the acute pain is relieved, after which you can proceed to remedial gymnastics.

Usually complexes of therapeutic exercises for chest and cervical are combined.

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